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01x04 - Arkham

Posted: 10/13/14 22:07
by bunniefuu
Oswald: There's a w*r coming, a terrible w*r. There will be chaos, rivers of blood in the streets, I know it! I-I can see it coming! It's time. Somebody has to take over, it might as well be me.

(Bruce screaming)

My name is James Gordon. I'm a detective.

My name is Bruce Wayne. I promise I will find the man who did this.

Stop, or I'll sh**t!

Gordon: He was framed to cover up for the real k*ller.

Don't ever come back to Gotham.

Montoya: He's k*lled a man. And he k*lled him on the orders of Carmine Falcone, biggest crime boss in Gotham.

The death of the Waynes would bring troubled times for our family and Gotham.

The Maroni family senses weakness.

Jim, it's for you.


Hello, James, old friend.

Oswald: You must be Barbara.

Yes, please come in.

James, hi.

I'm Peter.

Peter... Humboldt.

(laughs) Lovely to meet you at last.

You're even more beautiful than I imagined.

(laughing): Shush.

Nice to meet you, Peter.

I never get to meet any of Jim's friends,

'cause he never tells me anything.

Mm. Men.

Don't I know.

Would you like a drink?

No, uh... he's a work friend.

It's a work thing.

I'm just recently back in Gotham and I had an idea to pop by out of the blue.

But now is clearly not a good time.

I'll walk you out.

I told you never to come back here!

I know. I know. I-I apologize.

But I-I just wanted to speak with you.


If Falcone finds out you're alive, he'll k*ll us both.

I got no place else to go.

(stammering) Gotham is my home.

I should've k*lled you.

I should put a b*llet in your head right now.

And you would have every right to do so.

But you won't, Jim Gordon, because you're a good man.

You may very well be the last good man in Gotham, and that's why I want to help you.

I don't want your help.

No, no, but you need it.

That vile creature Fish Mooney, Don Falcone, the police... not even your own partner trusts you.

They will always hide the truth from you!

But not me. Never.


You saved my life.

God knows I wish I hadn't.

(anxious panting)

k*ll me now or trust me!

(glass shatters) (gasping)

I told you there's a w*r coming, Jim.

There will be so many deaths. So many.

You want to save Gotham? I can help you.

I can be your secret agent.

Until Falcone finds out you're alive.

Nobody looks for a dead man.

This w*r... what are you talking about? Why will there be a w*r?

Well, as you know, w*r is just politics by other means.

And isn't politics just money, talking?

Talking about what?


Arkham. Of course.

(women whooping)


(door creaks open, then shuts)

Ready for some prime rib tonight?

I am, sir.

Excuse me.

Councilman Jenkins?

Can I help you?

Yes, uh, I'm one of your constituents.

Voted for you every time.

Well, thank you very much, my friend.

I don't want to... take up too much of your valuable time.

I just want to show you something.

Well, I'm always happy to help constituents, but perhaps you can come by my office.

Sir, please, just one second.


I got the idea for this... years ago.

Designed and built it myself.

Here. Take a look.

Go ahead. You... just put your eye in the end there.

That's it.

What is that thing?

You'll see.


No, no, no, no, no, no.

You're next.



(frantically pressing buttons)

(screams weakly)

Honestly, sir, I really did vote for you.

(blade clicks)

Hey, I'm working.

Caught a double homicide. You're up.

Uh, no way. Alvarez hasn't done a case all week. It's his turn.

Essen: Alvarez put in double overtime last week.

Hey, Gordon.


Councilman Ron Jenkins and his aide were found dead in a parking structure this morning. Still waiting on the M.E.'s report, but their wallets and jewelry were missing.

A councilman. Maybe it's a political hit.

Nah, no one hits councilmen. It's cheaper to bribe 'em.

You k*ll 'em and another bum with his hand out just takes his place.

Essen: Sniff around city hall if you want.

Smart money says this was just wrong place, wrong time.

Go work it.

(groans) sl*ve driver.

Don't worry, Jim.

I know just where to start.

♪ All at sea again ♪

♪ And now my hurricanes ♪

♪ Have brought down this ocean rain ♪

You got talent.


She's not bad-looking.

That's plenty.

Come to me so I can take you in.

You sing well.

For this job, I need more than a pair of nice pipes and a pretty face.

I'll do whatever it takes.

I like hearing that. So... you like boys or girls?



Pretend I'm a boy.

Seduce me.

(moans softly)

Least you can sing.

Butch? Put a pin in this one.

We'll call you.

Not bad but keep looking.

Really, boss? That's a good-looking girl.

Look at me.

I ain't looking for no girl.

I'm looking for a w*apon.

Come on, Nicky, don't be modest.

You're the crown prince of parking lot muggers.

No one's got a bigger rep.

I'm on sabbatical.

I didn't k*ll no one. That's not my thing.

Then why'd you have a shank in your backpack?


Bullock: Councilman Jenkins was m*rder*d.

We know it was you.

We got witnesses.

I swear to God I didn't do it!

Hey. Hey!

He's not our guy, Harvey.



What's this?

Evidence from your crime scene.

Couple of unis just dropped it off.


Mayor Aubrey James: 40 acres, 26 city blocks.

The last major undeveloped district in the city of Gotham, Arkham.

Now, before their untimely and tragic deaths, Thomas and Martha Wayne had a plan for their city, a progressive development plan that would raze Arkham's shanty towns and, in its place, build new, affordable housing for Gotham's less fortunate.

What about the old asylum, Mayor?

Torn down. Brick by brick, if need be.

And in its place, a cutting-edge, state-of-the-art mental health facility.

This is a vision for the future of our city.

An opposing plan is gaining support recently.

A plan that would do away with the asylum altogether, use the surrounding land as a waste disposal site.


No, the Wayne plan is best for this city and, more importantly, for the people of this city.

This is why I am endorsing it.

Don Maroni.

(chuckles) Pleasure to see you.

Thank you. How are you?

Please, please, have a seat.

I'll bring wine and bread.

Today is a day of celebration.

A very lucrative deal is coming my way.

Land, my friend.


That's where the big money is, huh?

I need information about the Wayne plan for Arkham.

Well, it's the Wayne... plan in name only now.

When the Waynes died, Falcone stepped in. He's backing the plan now.

And he stands to make quite a chunk of change, if it passes.

But Councilman Jenkins was backing Falcone's plan.

That's right.

Then he was k*lled because...

Because, Detective, there is an opposing plan.


He's the only one strong enough to oppose Falcone.

He's making a play at Arkham.

Bruce: Are they related?

Gordon: Bruce.

How are you?

"A new Arkham Asylum will serve the mentally ill of Gotham in ways the present asylum never can. Those poor, sick souls deserve our help."

My mother wrote that.

She and my father fought for years to get a new asylum built.

They thought that if they can help the city's least fortunate, it would show there was hope for everyone.

I just don't want my parents' dream to die with them.

I understand that, Bruce.

But this isn't just about the asylum.

If there is a fight between Falcone and Maroni, this could be the spark that ignites a citywide g*ng w*r.

Innocents will die, and whatever little faith people have that the police can protect them... it will be crushed.

So you have to stop it.


(phone buzzing)

This is Gordon.

Bullock: Hey, it's me. We got a call.

Councilmen Zeller has been abducted.

Listen, Gordon, Zeller's one of Maroni's guys.

Be right there.

(muffled rattling, knocking)

(shouts, gasps)

Please... don't. I-I'm begging you.

Ah... I... aah...!

(grunting, whimpering)

You know... if it were up to me, this would be over quick, without all the fuss.

My father used to say,

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."

But it's not up to me.

And my customer specifically asked me to... send a message.


And you know what they say: The customer is always right.

(gasping, grunting)

Please... help!

You-you-you-you... you don't have to do this!

Help me, somebody! (groans)

Hey! Hey! No, wait.


Tell Falcone I'll change my vote.

Hey-hey, I'll-I'll back the mayor.

I'll do anything he wants, but please, please!

Please... No! Please!

Please! Please don't! Aah!


Essen: Two councilmen dead in as many days.

Can't be a coincidence.

Got to be politics driving this.

He was right.

I never said he was wrong. I just wanted him to be.

All right, genius, any other insights?

Yeah. This is about the Arkham vote.

How so?

Arkham is more than just a land deal; it's a w*r between Falcone and Maroni.

These councilmen were on opposite sides of that w*r.

So, who did who?

The way I see it, Maroni struck first.

He had Jenkins k*lled to change the vote his way.

Then Falcone retaliated, had Zeller k*lled to change the vote back.

Burning the body was Falcone's way of sending a message.

Essen: I'll have guards put on all the other councilmen and the mayor till this plays out.

So, you want to tell me?

Come on. Falcone, Maroni, Arkham?

How the hell do you know so much all a sudden?

Ed, what you got?

I have a paradox for you.


Well, a paradox, Detective, is when you have...

I know what a paradox is, smartass.

What paradox?

These are the medical examiner's reports on the murders of Councilman Jenkins and his aide.

Both victims sustained fatal puncture wounds to the skull via the eye socket.

The w*apon was some kind of metal spike.

Okay. So?

Councilman Zeller also has wounds from a metal spike.

It's an extremely unlikely coincidence, don't you think?

So you're saying Zeller, Jenkins and the aide were k*lled by the same person?

It would appear so, wouldn't it?

Same k*ller working for both Maroni and Falcone?

That's nuts.


Only in Gotham. Come on.

Where are we going?

Go see a friend of mine.

What the hell you think you're doing?!


You were snooping, you little worm.

I told you the day I gave you this job that, in here, you don't see nothing, you don't hear nothing.

I'm sorry, sir. I... beg your pardon.

You keep that sniveling nose of yours to yourself, understood?

Yes, sir.

Two cartons. Must be important.

We're looking for a hit man.


Which family does he work for?

A few. He's an independent type, like you.

Not too many of them still around.

Who'd he hit?

Two city councilmen and an aide.

Uses some sort of special w*apon to k*ll his victims.

Steel spike?

About so big?

Could be.

You know him?

I heard of him.

His name's Gladwell. A real pro.

You know where we can find him?

Word was he works out of the Lansky building in Midtown.

(elevator bell dings)

You coming or what?

We got 12 more floors to check out.

What's got you so wound up?

Maybe I'm just doing my job.

No, you've been acting weird lately, like you got something to hide.

GCPD, ma'am.

We're looking for someone who may work here.

Last name Gladwell.

Oh, you mean Richard. He works in Human Resources.

Richard's not in any trouble, is he?

Bullock: Which desk is his?

Third one from the back.

Gladwell. Richard Gladwell... has anyone seen him?

You just missed him.

Where'd he go? He was just here.

Maybe he headed out the back?

I'm gonna go check it out.

Stay here in case he comes back?

Bullock: Jim!

I found something!

Look what was in his desk.

Jenkins and Zeller. We got him.

Man, I love the easy ones.

(door closes)



It's-it's just a box of paperclips.

I didn't think anyone would mind.

(woman crying)

Sorry. I'm sorry.

Are you okay?


"C, L, M."

What do you think it means?

I don't know.

(gasps, panting)

You all right?


I'm fine. (sniffles, clears his throat)



I heard screaming.

A bad dream.


Was I in it?

(quiet laugh) Not this time.

Alfred, are there any more files on the Arkham plant?

Oh, yeah.

Absolutely. Untold. Piles of the bloody things.

I'd like to see them, please. All of them.

And may I ask, uh, why?

I'm looking for a connection. Between the councilmen murders and the murders of my parents.

I see.
(tires screeching)

Nobody move! This is a robbery!

(people screaming)

(g*nsh*t, people screaming)

Money's in the back. Go, go!

Come on... you, too! Get over there!

(g*nshots, people screaming)

Move! Move! Move!

(tires squealing)

(people screaming, shouting)

(tires squealing)

Move! Out of the way.

(indistinct chatter, woman groaning)

Out of my way.

Check the back.

They got the money, Frankie.

I got eyes, don't I?

(anxious gasping)

Oh, thank goodness you're here.

They had... they had g*ns, and... and-and Lou... Lou was hit in the stomach.

Is-is... is he...?

Forget about Lou!

Who did this?

Uh... they had masks. I-I couldn't see.

But you got the money.

Oh, yeah.

I managed to hide this bag, but they got the rest.

I'm sorry. I...

Hey, relax, kid.

Save it for the boss.

(panting, groaning)

(door opens)

(door closes)

You're off early for a change.

I missed you.

You all right?

Long hours and late nights, Jim.

They make me worry.

About what?

All kinds of things.

I'm just doing my job.

Are you?

(sighs) What is that supposed to mean?

It means I think you have secrets from me.

And I hate it.

What do you want me to say, Barbara?

Yeah. I have secrets.

It's part of my job.

It's how I make sure...

Who's Oswald Cobblepot?

How do you know that name?

Doesn't matter.

Who is he?

I can't even begin to answer that.

Can't or won't?


She came to see you, didn't she?


Why does she keep coming to you?

What is there between you and her?

Years ago, before I was with you... she and I were in a relationship.


It only lasted a year, and then I-I ended it and moved on.

And what, she didn't?

I don't know.

I don't care, okay? Because you are the one that I want to spend the rest of my life with.

(wry laugh) What, you're angry?

What do you think?

Because she's a woman?

Because... you lied to me!

Okay, I'm sorry.

I should have told you.

Maroni: Falcone thinks he could hit me in my place of business and get away with it?

He's got another thing coming, Frankie.

I want to hit him back.

This time, where it hurts.

I want to hit The Mouth.

Maroni: It's time, son.

Carbone: I'll take care of it.

Then there's the other thing.

Send him over.

(clears throat quietly)

You know I'm a man that shows appreciation when appreciation is due.

Yes, Don Maroni.

What you did for me yesterday did not go unnoticed.

(laughs quietly)

Well, thank you, sir.

I-I only wish I was able to retrieve the... retrieve the other half of your...



How long you been washing dishes?

Not long.

All right, that ends today.

You've been promoted to restaurant manager.

The position recently became available.

Thank you, Don Maroni.

I won't let you down.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You're welcome.


Frankie, get the kid a suit.

(laughs softly)

He's dead.


Richard Gladwell.

At least the real one. Since some units by his apartament found moldy old corpse sealed inside.

Puncture wound through the eye; been dead five years.

And no one found him until now?

Landlord said he paid his rent on time, kept quiet... the ideal tenant.

So our Hit Man k*lled this Gladwell to use his identity as cover.

And it worked, too.

Employee records, payroll, contact information... all fake.

We got nothing but a face.


(sighs) All right...

Well, there's got to be something to this.

"C-L-M." You got any ideas?

It's a complete waste of time.

It's a lead. Our only lead.

Says you.

You can't be this lazy.

Lazy? Maybe I just work smarter than you.

Ever consider that?

Yeah. I considered it.

Look, this Arkham vote is tomorrow... we don't find this guy by then...

What? What happens?

Worst case: a major g*ng w*r.

People will die. Maybe a lot of people.

We find this guy, we can stop it.

And where are you going?

To work the case.

You got your ways, I got mine.

Hey, Harvey... tell her I said hi.

♪ You hear ♪

♪ Laughter ♪

♪ Cracking through the halls ♪

♪ It sends you spinning ♪

♪ You have no choice ♪

♪ Following the footsteps ♪

♪ Of a rag doll dance ♪

♪ We are entranced ♪

♪ Spellbound ♪

♪ Spellbound ♪

♪ Spell... ♪

♪ Bound. ♪

(song ends)

What's your name?


How long have you been singing, Liza?

Not long.

You like boys or girls?


So... you want the job, or what?

Well, you haven't told me what it is yet.

You want to be a woman with power, money and respect, like me?

I guess. Yeah.

Are you willing to do whatever it takes to have it all?


I am.

That's the job.

Seduce me.

(laughing): What...?

You think I'm kidding?

(exhales softly)

(kisses, sighs)


Harvey... you see something you like?

I do now.

I need your help.

City councilmen are dropping like flies.

I heard.

Bad for business.

You're not wrong.

The Button Man's a guy called Gladwell... you know him?

Only by reputation.

Think you can find him?

I can find anyone if I have the time.

The question is, what's in it for me?

(whispers): I'll owe you.

Okay, but I still think it's a waste of time, if you ask me.

Falcone'll just get someone to take his place.

He's not gonna let this bone go.

Why's that?

Falcone cannot afford to lose that vote.

If Moroni gets even a piece of Arkham, it'll only prove what we already know.

And that is: Falcone is old and weak.

You seem kinda pleased about that.

How come?

Falcone goes down, so do you.

Harvey... don't you worry about me.

I always have a Plan B.

(phone rings)

Detective Gordon.

Hello, old friend.

What do you want?

To offer you help.

To prove that you can trust me.

There's gonna be another m*rder.

Maroni has put out the hit.

Who's the target?

Someone backing Falcone's plan.

Who it is, I can't be certain.

All the councilmen are under police protection tonight.


There are many ways around the police.

But the hit will happen tonight... that much I can be certain of.

How do you know this?

I told you, Detective...

Gotham is my home.

I need a list of the officers working police protection tonight.

Campos, Lazenby, Martins.


Voicemail: It's Harvey. (beep)

Bullock, I found out who Gladwell's next target is.

It's the mayor.

Detective Gordon. What's going on?

Sir, I think your life may be in danger.

I need to get you out of here.

What? No, I...

I'm not going anywhere... I got police protection.

They're gone.


I just checked, no one's out there.

Sir, I think someone's coming here to k*ll you.

I got to get some things from my safe.

(safe opens)

Sir, we need to go... now.

I'm moving as fast as I can.

Is there someplace I can take you?

Somewhere you'll be safe?

We're not going to the police station?

I'm not sure you'll be safe there. The police...

What the hell is this town coming to?


All right, all right, I'm...

My sister's house. It's across town.

Let's go.

Go! Go! Go!

Gordon: Is there another way out?


(thumping) He's trying to get in.

sh**t him. Why don't you sh**t him?

He's got my g*n. I can't. Go, go, go!


Drop it!

Drop it or I'll sh**t!

You know why they hire a professional?

'Cause he finishes the job.

How are you?


Jim, I should've told you about Montoya a long time ago.

Then why didn't you?

I don't know.

Because she works with you.

Because she's a woman.

Are you sure there isn't another reason?

No. There's nothing else.

Jim, I don't want there to be any secrets between us.

Neither do I.


So you'll tell me who Oswald Cobblepot is.

Damn it, Barbara. Why can't you drop this?

Why can't you just tell me who he is?

Because... it's work. (sighs)

I know. But you've told me about your work before.

And that was a mistake.

One I am not going to make again.

All right. Well...

I'm not gonna live like this.

I can't live like this.

You're gonna have to make a choice, Jim.

You either let me in or you let me go.


Mooney: All right.

I'm going to cut to the chase.

I like you both, but I only have one opening.

You've got the talent.

And you've got... something else.

I can't decide, so... you two are going to have to do it for me.

You want us to fight for it?



So when do I start?

It's you. (chuckles)

Scared us there for a second.

We do good or what?

Excellent work, my friends.

You were very convincing.

Yeah, I bet that manager sure thought so, huh? Ain't that right, Dickie?

(mimics g*nshots, laughs) (mimics g*nsh*t)

(men laughing)

You got any other joints you want us to rob, let us know.

Good money in this.

Yeah, good money.

What's that?

Oh, I brought cannoli.

Oh, yeah! Ha!

Now, eat up.

You guys deserve this.


Mmm! Check this out.

Mmm! Mmm! Really good.

Oh, real good.

Mmm! Mmm!

TV Reporter: The Arkham development vote has been a topic of controversy for weeks.

Today we have the results.

We go live now to Mayor James's press conference.

Do you mind turning that down? My head's k*lling me.

Aw, shut up.

This is what we worked for.

We did this.

How is today's outcome not simply a failure of the Wayne plan?

This is not a case of either plan failing.

This is a case of compromise for what's best for the people of Gotham.

The Arkham district will be developed into both low-cost housing as well as a much-needed site for waste disposal.

This is the best of both plans... together in one.

(men chuckling)


For years, this city's been giving us nothing but scraps.

But from now on... from now on... we feast.

(men agreeing, chuckling)

Mayor James, what about the asylum?

What's going to happen to it?

Aubrey: Arkham Asylum will be retrofitted to meet today's standards and reopened.

Gotham needs... No,

Gotham deserves a world-class treatment facility for the mentally ill.

Falcone took a shot to the body today.

Maybe a few more will put him on his back.

Looks like I got you just in time.

And I know that the Waynes, were they still alive, would be proud of what we've been able to accomplish today.

The mayor's making this new plan sound like it's good for Gotham.

But-but it's not, is it?

No, it's not.

Then why is he doing it?

He was caught between two very powerful opposing forces.

Falcone and Maroni.

Maroni threatened the mayor's life.

Out of fear, I'm guessing, the mayor made a compromise and gave Maroni a huge piece of Arkham.

What piece?

Maroni gets to build a waste disposal site and he gets the contract to refurbish Arkham.

Falcone gets to build a low-income housing project.



Bruce, I know it's not the outcome you had hoped for, but this compromise may have prevented a lot of bloodshed.

It may have even stopped a w*r.

My parents believed a new asylum would bring hope to Gotham.

Now that's gone.

Everything they worked for is now falling into the hands of criminals.

Not everything.

You're alive.

It's not too late.

Do you really believe that? Do you believe Gotham can be saved?

I believe it's worth trying.