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02x16 - A Fine Mess

Posted: 01/16/24 15:03
by bunniefuu
[theme tune intro playing]

[digital sputtering and beeping]

-[upbeat synthesizers come in]

♪ Here we are ♪

♪ Going far
To save all that we love ♪

♪ If we give all we've got
We will make it through ♪

♪ Here we are, like a star
Shining bright on your world ♪

♪ Today, make evil go away ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, be there when you call ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, stronger after all ♪

[computer blipping]


[air whizzing]

[Ulrich] OK.

Heads, it's Odd first,

and tails, it's Yumi…

Heads! Odd!

[Ulrich] Yumi! I lose…

[groans and sighs]

Hey, Yumi? Are you OK?

[speaking as Yumi]
What am I doing over here, huh?

[speaking as Odd]
I think we've got a little problem here!

[theme music]

[digital whirring]


[speaking as Odd] Well?

I guess it's a little bug in
the rematerialization program!

[speaking as Yumi]
You call this a little bug?

We can't stay this way!

[speaking as Odd] What if we went back
to Lyoko and devirtualized all over again!

Maybe everything would go back to normal?

And what if the program messes up again

and you don't have
any bodies at all this time?

[speaking as Odd] OK. Bad idea.

[stammers] So what do we do, then?

Got to fix the program!

How long will it take you?

A couple of hours at the most?

If I work through the night,
it might be ready tomorrow morning!

[speaking as Yumi] What?

You mean I'm going to have to sleep
in a guy's body?

Well, I'm not getting any sleep at all,
I'll have you know!

And if you haven't noticed,
I have a dynamite body.

Better than yours! There.

For example,
something's itching me in my back!

It's a…
I think it's the strap to your…

[Aelita gasps]

Don't you dare take it off! You hear?

Don't you guys worry about it!
I'll be helping Jeremy tonight!

Everything will be fine
by tomorrow morning…

[Yumi speaking as Odd] I hope so.

[Odd speaking as Yumi]
Not as much as I do.

[upbeat music]

OK, so what's my schedule
for this evening?

Well… try the three "B's":
bacon, bath, bedtime.

What about me?

Same here… but Japanese style.

Just try not to say anything stupid
in front of my parents!

-Can you eat with chopsticks?

As long as they look like forks.

[laughs ironically]
Very funny!

Don't do anything stupid
with my body either.

Mine is still under warranty.

I think you'd better brush your teeth
and go to bed early tonight!

Isn't tonight the night you were supposed
to break up with Magali?

Yeah, that's right. And with Claire too.

You're going steady
with two girls at the same time?

I didn't know that…

Neither do Magali and Claire!

Up to now, that is.

[theme music]

Hey! I've got a great idea!

You are always too shy
to ask Yumi out, right?

Now you can practice on me!

That's not a great idea.
It's a stupid idea!

And anyway, I'm not that crazy about Yumi.

Yeah, right… Tell me about it.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
for you to give it a shot

without really sticking your neck out!

In this way, I can give you pointers, too!

Pointers? You?

Come on!

Ask me out. I'm waiting.

Well, look who is here,
Romeo and Juliette!

Sissi, I can't believe it.
What a lamebrain!

My dear Ulrich.

When will you understand
that I am the girl for you?

What do you see
in this string bean, anyway?

At least I don't have
the mind of a vegetable.

-Give it a rest, Sissi!

Ulrich and I were made for one another!

You got that?


That's… That's…

That's disgusting!

-[camera clicks]
-Oh, wow! The scoop of the year.

I've got it!


Now I see why Sissi is so crazy about you.

Do that one more time and you're dead.


You try to do a friend a favor,
and that's the thanks you get.


No, that's not it.

Cut it out, Kiwi…

There's no reason to growl.
It's me, Yumi!

[Kiwi growling]

This should be it.

Time to go. See you later Kiwi!

[growling and barking]


Be a good dog, now! Good bye, Kiwi.

-[Magali] Odd.


I know all about Claire!
You are so despicable!

-[girl] Odd?

I know about Magali!

You sneaky rat!


-[Sissi] Odd?
-[groans in fear]

You can tell Ulrich he'll have to beg
for a date with a real flower

when his stringy veggie drops him.

[nods in fear]

Hey, Yumi!

What are you doing? Did you find it?

Oh, yes, here it is.

Sissi just told me to tell you
something… Something about veggies.

I didn't get it. What's going on?

Nothing. Are you coming?

[Ulrich] Let's go to the cafeteria.

Ulrich, do you mind answering
a few questions

for our "Academy Gossip Column"?

Yes, I do mind.

-What has gotten into you, now?
-[both gasp]

Ask that imbecile Odd.

Well, did you find it?

I've had it since I was really little.

[theme music]

[Mr. Ishiyama] Why, Yumi!
What's the matter?

[upbeat music]


Only in case of emergency, OK?




Actually, I'm… not very hungry, so…

I'm gonna go to bed…
Mingtian Jiàn!

Why is she speaking to us in Chinese, now?

It's "wuv"!

Oh… Ulrich… I "wuv" you.





[sinister music]


You'll see,
you'll get used to me in no time.

Nice puppy.



Yumi, are you OK?

I thought my hand
was disappearing for a minute.

I must have imagined it…


Don't worry. You can tell Jeremy
about it tomorrow morning!

Yeah, I guess it can wait.

Watch yourself!

Watch what?

[gasps and groans]


[Ulrich] I warned you.

[Ulrich chuckles]
It's more powerful that a laser arrow.

I was right, Aelita! It's definitely
a bug in the rematerialization program.


[theme music]






Oh, please, Kiwi!

[sinister music]



[Yumi groans]

I hope that Jeremy found the bug…

Yumi, are you up?

[Mrs. Ishiyama]
Could you give me a hand with breakfast?


If… If… If I had a hand to give you.

[theme music]

It only lasted a few seconds…
but my hands completely disappeared!

Strange. I'll be a lot happier when
both of you are back in your own bodies.

I fixed the program.

We just need to restart it from Lyoko.

-We'll go to the factory at lunchtime.
-See! Everything's fine.


Everything's very bad.

Ni hao!


-[Ulrich groans]
-First of all, that's Chinese.

And second of all,
what is with that outfit?

Well… They're your clothes! Cool, huh?
Looks really good.

You are so lucky that you're in my body
right now or I would beat you to a pulp!

Go home, you hear, and change before
the entire school sees you!


-Yumi Ishiyama… transformed by love!

Cool headline, huh?

It'll double our circulation.

What are they talking about
with this love thing?

No time to explain!
I don't want to be late for math class.



[upbeat music]

[teacher] Take out your pens, please.
Pop quiz on linear functions.

Oh man… Bad break.

Yumi's gonna k*ll me.

Do you always have conversations
with yourself?

Well… Yes. Call it a split personality.
But nothing to worry about.


Is that why you're dressed like that?

Well… Kind of.

[tense music]


Ma'am, I have a sore throat.
Could I go to the infirmary?

Yes, of course, Yumi.

Go ahead.

-No one noticed anything in class?

They were all concentrating
on the math quiz.

There was a math quiz this morning?

Did you manage?

[Yumi] Well… If you mean sharpening
my pencils and all that… Yeah.

-What do you think the problem is, Jeremy?

Odd and Yumi have been rematerialized
in bodies that aren't their own,

-and so, they aren't stable!

If we don't take care of
the problem immediately,

their atoms might split.

What do you mean our "atoms might split"?

Complete disintegration.


[theme music]

[mechanical whirring]

Head for the scanner room.
I'm sending you down to the Ice Sector.

You'll have to get to a way tower due
north from where you arrive.

Aelita will reboot the program
from that tower

and the nightmare should be over.

[Jeremy through speaker]
Aelita and Ulrich, you go in first.

Transfer Ulrich.

[Jeremy through speaker] Transfer Aelita.


[energy buzzing]

[Ulrich and Aelita grunt]

Transfer Odd!
No… I mean, that is…

Yumi… No, wait…

Oh… Whatever. Transfer! Scanner!

[digital whirring]

[air whizzing]


[both grunt]

And now, let's hear it for cat woman!


-[everyone laughs]

There's the tower!

[Jeremy] Hurry up!
XANA might wanna send a welcome committee.



[both panting]

[Aelita] Be right back.



[sinister music]




[Odd] I hope Aelita makes it fast.
This is turning into an emergency here.

-[laser blasting]
-[all grunt]

[grunts and groans]


-That's all we need…
-Jeez, thanks for the heads-up, Jeremy!

Sorry. But watch it!

Whatever happens, Odd or Yumi
can't be devirtualized!

If they go, it's bye-bye for good!

[Yumi speaking as Odd] Laser arrow!

But… uh…
[gasps and groans]

Oh, no, I forgot!

-[lasers blasting]


[ethereal music]


[lasers blasting]



Odd, how do the arrows work?

Well… You imagine you're firing.

And you concentrate a little,
and bingo it fires.

[action music]

-[laser blasting]


Like this?


Oops, sorry.

[grunts and groans]

Uh! Jeremy? We've got a big problem!
I can't do anything from here!

[through speaker]
The program is being run by inhibitors.

We have to deactivate them.

-[Jeremy] I'll try to find them.
-[alarm beeping]

Oh, no!


-Thank you for caring.
-We're doing all we can, you know?

-[both grunt]
-Hurry, we have to get to Sector five.

[gasps] But, what for?

I'll explain on the way.
And bring up your vehicles.

[theme music]

Are you absolutely sure that we have
to go into Sector Five?

We don't have time for me
to try and crack the millions of codes

to find those inhibitors.

[Jeremy through speaker]
Remember, if you don't get back

into your own bodies quickly,
it means disintegration.

And what's more,
seeing how you handle those arrows

you might accidentally k*ll Odd
before then.

Are you ready?
I'm entering the code "Scipio."

[digital whirring]

[electronic music]

[mechanical whirring]

[Ulrich] A Megatank.

-[Ulrich yells]

[Aelita] Ulrich!


I can't believe I can possibly be so dumb.

[ethereal music]

-[air whizzing]
-[electricity buzzing]

[digital whirring]

[action music]

[Jeremy] Hollister system connected.

[Odd speaking as Yumi] [groans]
I think I'm going to be sick.

Oh, yes, the transporter does make me feel
like throwing up.

Tough break for you!

Watch out! The wall is about to open!

[mechanical whirring]

[all pant]

-The countdown has started so hurry up.

And watch out for the scyphozoa.

[all groaning and panting]

[action music]

[all groaning and panting]



[all panting]

[Aelita gasping]
Problem here!

[Odd speaking as Yumi]
XANA is a pretty lame architect!

-He forgot to put the stairs in!
-[Aelita] There's the key!

[Odd speaking as Yumi]
Great! Anyone know how to fly?

[all gasp]

-[Aelita groans]
-[Odd as Yumi gasps]

Great shot! You missed a Creeper
at ten yards in a hallway.


[groans] Hey!

[Odd as Yumi chuckles and yells]




-[laser blasting]

[groans and screams]



-Wow! Cool!

[Jeremy through speaker]
XANA's modified the gravity in this room!

[groaning and humming]


[both chuckle and gasp]



[panting and grunting]

[computer beeping]

Odd, move it!
We're coming to the end of the countdown.

[groans] Darn!
I didn't get enough momentum.

[Odd speaking as Yumi]
Odd, what are you doing?

Can't you see?

I'm swimming through guacamole!


-[Aelita screams]

How many life points do you have left?

[Yumi speaking as Odd]
Lots! Why?

-[laser blasting]
-[Yumi speaking as Odd groans]

-Great job!

[Odd speaking as Yumi]
Bull's eye!



Look out! Creeper is behind you.

-[laser blasting]
-[Aelita gasps]

-[laser blasting]
-[Odd speaking as Yumi grunts]


-[laser blasting]
-[Odd speaking as Yumi grunts]

Aelita, no!

Aelita, the scyphozoa!

-Oh, no! Not now.


[Aelita groaning]

[groaning and gasping]

[digital whirring]

[Jeremy] Aelita!

[action music]


[laughs and gasps]


-[lasers blasting]


-You OK, Aelita?
-[Aelita] Yeah.

[Odd speaking as Yumi grunts and yells]

-[Aelita chuckles]

[Yumi as Odd grunts and yells]

-[Odd as Yumi grunts]
-[Aelita yells]

Here I go.

[Odd speaking as Yumi]
Jeremy! Every time we dematerialize,

it lasts longer and longer!

[Jeremy] Aelita better find the code,
and fast.

[Odd as Yumi] Careful a Creeper.

[electronic action music]


Aelita, what's going on?

[Aelita through computer]
I'm almost there.

[electronic action music]

[digital whirring]

[Jeremy through speaker] Deactivate
the inhibitors as fast as you can!

And don't hang around there too long.
Things are gonna get messy.


-[laser blasting]
-[Yumi as Odd gasps]


-[laser blasting]

[Jeremy] No!


[Jeremy through speaker]
Aelita, hurry.

[computer blipping]

They're at the final stage
of disintegration.

[digital whirring]

-[laser blasting]
-[Odd as Yumi grunts]

[Jeremy through speaker]
Hurry up, Aelita.

[computer blipping]

[Aelita] That's it! Done, Jeremy.
You can take over again now.

OK, I got it.

I'll transfer back
to the rematerialization program.

[Yumi speaking as Odd] Yumi, no!

-[laser blasting]
-[Yumi as Odd grunts]

[powering down]

[digital whirring]

I sure hope the tweak
on the materialization program worked.

I'm going to the scanner room!


[mechanical whirring]



Is that… Is that you?

Of course. What's the matter with you?

Don't you recognize your own friends?


[Ulrich through speaker]
It's OK, Jeremy, we've got full recovery!


[theme music]

Heads, it's Yumi who shows up first.

-Tails, it's Odd… Tails!
-Tails it is.

Yumi wasn't too mad at me
in the end… I mean, about her parents,

or for the math quiz,
or for the clothes, or for…

taking a couple of slaps.
She is really cool!

You ought to go out with her!

Speaking of… Did you tell her
what happened between us?

No way!
I plan on staying alive, good buddy.

Why? What did happen between you?

[both] Oh, nothing.

Hey, speaking of Yumi…

Look, she's over there
with the school paper.


[upbeat music]

I don't like this!


Ulrich! Help me!

I warned you. Sorry I can't give you
any pointers, good buddy.

[Yumi screams]

[theme music]