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04x04 - Nagging Suspicion

Posted: 01/17/24 09:12
by bunniefuu
Hey, Roy, you lose something?

No, I'm looking
for today's paper.

Comics section?

Ah. Sports section.

did Hank Aaron hit any home runs yesterday?

I don't know.
Who does he play for?

[SCOFFS] How can a guy read
a sports section every single day

and not know
anything about baseball?

What are you reading?

The racing charts.

Racing chart?


Roy's secret vice
finally emerges.

I don't bet,
I just like to try to pick the winners.

I've never even
been to the track.

Well, it's a good thing you
don't bet. You'd do lousy.

I do okay.

Beautiful, isn't she?

Yeah, she is.

Guess I never will quit being
nuts about these engines.

I know what you mean. It
sort of gets into your blood.


Oh, how did the Dodgers do?

I don't know.



1200 Park Lane.

1-2-0-0 Park Lane.

Cross street, Elm.
Time out, 1035.

KMG 365.


Stay back, folks!

Thank God you're here!
It wasn't our fault!

Okay. What happened?

It just happened just like
this. But it wasn't our fault.

We did the best we could.
Okay, take it easy!

What happened?
Well, you see, this lady,

she climbed over the fence
to take a picture of the lion.

But she fell into the
pit and the lion bit her.

But it wasn't our fault.




toxic chemicals are stored
in a tanker.

Use caution.

this is Rampart. Can you send me some EKG?


We're sending you a strip.
Vitals to follow.

Pulse is 160. The victim
is in extreme pain, Rampart.


This patient is in V-fib.

Rampart, we have lost the
victim's pulse. Beginning CPR.


We're defibrillating victim,

Rampart, we've defibrillated
victim. Decent sinus rhythm.

JOE ON RADIO: Administer 2 amps
sodium bicarb and insert an airway.


DIXIE: Squad 51, continue monitoring
Vitals and transport immediately.

We're on our way, Rampart.

Can't you get that
cat out of there?

I already hit him with
the tranquilizer g*n.

How long does it take to work?

I don't know. I don't know.

All animals are different. Yeah.

Cap, we gotta get her out.


Look, help us out. Move all
these people back, will you?

Sure. Please,
stand back, folks. Marco,

bring lifelines and a Stokes
and pull us an inch and a half.

Give him a chance to work here,
will you?

Please stand back, folks.

Walk that way,
please. Stand back.

There you go. Come on,
move it. Thank you.

Move it!


Rampart base to Squad 51.

Go ahead, 51.

We have a victim of a lion bite.

A female, about 30 years of age.

She has a bite on the
upper left portion of her leg.

She is bleeding.

Also looks like she has minor
abrasions and contusions.

We haven't been able
to reach the victim yet.

Standing by, 51.

Get me Dr. Brackett.


I'm gonna need
a kerlix and a pad.






Stoker, if he starts to charge,
hit him with a stream.

All right,
bring down the Stokes.



Everything's gonna be all right.

Everything's gonna be all right.



ROY: Grab the end
of that Stokes.

More in the middle, Cap.


There we are.

There we are.

[GROANS] Okay.

Marco, you better undo
that belt there.

Rampart, Squad 51.

Go ahead, 51.

The victim is stuporous,
her pupils are sluggish,

the skin is pale,
moist, cold and clammy.

Stand by for vitals.

Pulse is 110.
The BP's 100 over 60.

Respiration's 16.

Sixteen? Yeah.


Vital signs.

BP is 100 over 60.

Pulse is 110 and
respiration is 16.

stopped the bleeding?

Rampart. We've got a compress on it now.

Start an IV
with Ringer's lactate,

and transport
as soon as possible.


Folks, like to move to the
side for us here, please?

Over this way.

Thank you.

Okay. Come on down here.

the squad is not available.

Do you need
any other assistance?

Negative, Division Two.

Got it?


I didn't know you could
climb a rope that fast.

Neither did I.


You guys did a good job.

She'll be up and
around in a few days.

Thanks, Doc. See you later, huh?

All right, talk to you later.

You know, Roy,
I've just been thinking.


Now when I go to the races,
I usually pick a couple of winners.


That's pretty good,
wouldn't you say?

Yeah. Yeah, I suppose so.

But I suppose you're
better at it than I am.

Oh, I don't know. Like I said,
I've never gone.

Well, what's the difference if
you pick them out of the paper

and you pick them at the track?

Maybe none.

Maybe a lot.

All right.

Okay. Say, for example,
how'd you do yesterday?


I picked six and five won.

see the man at First and Cabin

the hazardous situation.

Everybody has a different
system for the track.

You know what I mean?

Yeah, I suppose so.

I mean, you can't win,

say, five out of six races without
having some sort of a system.

Sometimes I only
win three or four.

Now, see, that's exactly
what I mean, Roy.

You've got to have
to have a system.

No, no, I don't have a system.
I keep telling you that.

You have to have a system.


person sick in a bar,

2412 White Oak.

Cross street, Berry.
Time out, 1213.

Station 51, KMG 365.



Hey, where are you going?

Oh, I thought maybe you
needed some help in there.

If we need you,
I'll let you know.

Oh, but, Cap... Tell you what.

Wait with the rig, Chet,
just wait by the rig.

Oh, man.


Tables are all full up.

Standing room only at the bar.

It's the Fire Department!
We got a...

I don't care who you are,
we're full up!

We got a call. You got a
sick woman here. Right?

Stay right here.

Yeah, what do you want?

The sick woman!


All right. Come on, follow me.

Hi. How you feeling?

Not too well at the moment.

What seems to be the trouble?

I've had a cold,

but then I started getting
these chills and a stiff neck

and cramps.

Does this hurt? Mmm.

She's got abdominal cramps,

complaining of
a stiff neck and chills.

this is Squad 51. How do you read?


We read you,
but there's a lot of interference.

Correct, Rampart,
we have a sick lady in a bar.

Stand by
for vital signs, Rampart.

Sounds like one heck of a party.

Okay, BP is 122 over 80.


BP is 122 over 80.

Her pulse is 80,
the respiration's 21.



Down in front!

Oh, sorry.

The skin feels warm.

Have you had anything to drink?

[CHUCKLES] No. Believe it or not,
I don't drink at all.

Victim is too weak to stand.

She also has abdominal pains.

as soon as possible.


Hey, how was it?

How was what?

Oh, come on,
you know. How... How was it?


You know, you're lucky the
captain made you wait out here.

How come?

It would have been
too much for you.

Are you comfortable?
Yes. Thank you.

Good. The doctor
will be right in.

Dr. Brackett,
this is Suzy Clark.

Hi, Suzy Clark. Hi.

So you're a dancer? Yeah.

How long have you
had that swelling?

A few days.

I thought it was
from the sore throat.

Her temperature is 102.


Is the pain severe?

Not really, but I feel it.

Do you dance full-time?

No, just three days a week.

My class load is too
heavy for a full-time job.

Class load?

At the university.

I'm working on
my master's in sociology.

That's quite a combination.

Yeah, I guess
it does sound weird.

But the money pays
for school and besides,

I'm doing my thesis
on the sociological impact

of go-go dancing
on middle-class America.

Well, Suzy,
we're going to run some tests on you.

Hopefully, it won't take too
long to find out what's wrong.

Well, you're the doctor.

Dix, I want a CBC,
an SMA-12, a UA,

and a chest x-ray.

Also, let's get
a heterophile antibody.

Let me know as soon as you
get the reports on that blood count.



you just have to have a system.


I can't explain it,
I just get a feeling.

Well, what causes the feeling?

I don't know. Well, think!

I don't want to think. I
just do it for enjoyment.

That's pretty inconsiderate of you,
if you ask me.

The guys back at the station

could be getting rich if you'd
just tell them how you do it.

I keep telling you,
I don't know exactly how I do it.

All right. Okay. Fine. Fine.

The least you could do is

pick a horse
so we could bet on it.

I don't want
that responsibility.

What if you lost?

Roy, our friendship runs a heck
of a lot deeper than just money.


Then we can
forget the whole idea.


accident victim,

15653 La Mirada.

Cross street, Adams.
Time out, 1450.

Squad 51 responding.

BOY: Watch out!

Okay, we got Yo"-


Hi. Okay, is someone
hurt up there?

Oh, you mean Dad.
He's up by the garage.

All right. Thanks.

Go get your skateboard. Okay.

WOMAN: Thank God you're
here! He won't listen to me.

What's wrong?

Nothing. Please go away.

I told him he needed
medical attention,

but, oh no, he thinks
he knows everything!

I told her not to call.

Yeah. Not call?

And listen to you
moan and groan all day

just because you
wanted to show everybody

how young you think you are?

I beg your pardon?

Martha, will you please shut up?

No. I will not!

Can you imagine this?

A grown man
riding on a skateboard.

Oh, you fell off, huh?

Yeah, but I'm okay.

You are not okay!

It's not that he fell off,
it's what he fell into.

Oh, you mean, he...

That's right.
Right into the cactus.

You fell on your, uh...

Yeah, landed right on it.

Look, I'm not going
to any hospital.

I'll see my own doctor.

Oh, that's fine,
but I would get that looked at.

You might need a tetanus sh*t.



They give you that
in the arm, don't they?


All right, I'll go.

Soon as I can sit in the car.

Well, sir,

I really think
you should go sooner.

I mean, you can lie down on
your stomach in your station wagon.

Which is exactly
what I told him!

Which is exactly
what she told me.

Okay, Martha, I'll go.

Look, fellas,
thanks a million for your trouble.

No problem.

Look. If you could
sign this form here?

It just shows that
you refused treatment.

There you go.

And again,
thanks for your trouble.

Yeah, it's quite all right.

Yeah. You take it easy
next time, okay?

I hope you're feeling better.

Me too.

If you'd spend more time fixing up
the house instead of playing around,

you wouldn't be
in this condition.

Looky here. A skateboard.

Here, hold onto this.

That's not a good idea.

Oh, don't worry about it.

I've been
on these things before.

It's just a thing of getting
the knack of it, that's all.

It's balance. Pure balance.




There. Now,
that didn't hurt, did it?

No, not at all.

Well, I think
we got them all out.

And how did this happen?

[EXCLAIMS] He was riding...

If you want to tell
the story, why don't you

come outside here

and help me write it up
on the report?

Dr. Hoffman, 64, please.

JOE: Johnny.

Hey, Doc. Hello. Roy.

Kel, how's our dancer?

Take a look.


You were right.

Atypical lymphs.

Looks like mononucleosis.

Yeah, it does.

It's a good thing she
collapsed when she did.

It gave us a chance
to diagnose it early.

Hi. Hi.

Well, what's the verdict?
Am I going to live?

Oh, yeah. For a long time.

Suzy, it...

It's not serious, but we did discover
that you have mononucleosis.

The kissing disease?

You're putting me on.

I don't have time
for any social life.

Kissing is only one way
to catch the virus.

Eating and
drinking utensils, crowds,

any one of them
could be the cause.

Crowds I've been in!

Yeah. You've also been
pushing yourself too hard.

Going to school full-time,
dancing at night,

it's just too much exertion,
and it contributes greatly to the disease.

So what's the remedy?

We're going to keep you here for
a few days, run some more tests,

just to make sure that jaundice
or hepatitis doesn't appear.

After that,
lots of sleep and rest.

The end of a promising career!

Oh, well, I've got enough
material to finish my thesis.

You know, the one on the
sociological impact of go-go dancing...

On middle-class America.

Hey, Roy,
reading the old sports section again, huh?

Uh-huh. Who looks good to you?

Well, Bill Buckner's
hitting over 300.

And what about the horses?

I've given that up.

MARCO: How come, Roy?

It stopped being fun,
so I switched to baseball.

Baseball's boring.

Oh, it's a drag.

Hey, now, look, we've all
decided to pitch in 10 bucks apiece

and bet in the
feature race tomorrow,

and we thought, you know,
maybe you could give us an idea.

How could I help?

Come on, Roy. Anybody who
can pick five out of six winners

has got to have found a system.

MARCO: That's right.

It kind of slipped out...

Look. I'll tell you just like
I told my trusted partner.

I do not have a system.

Yeah. But the winners...
That's luck.

That's just plain luck.

We'll take it.

Roy, come on, listen.

For the guys.

Just once isn't gonna hurt.

What if you lose?

Then we all
lose together, right?

That's right.


Over The Rainbow.

Look, Roy?

That's kind of rushing it,
wasn't it?

Okay. Over The Rainbow.

Wasn't that kind of fast?

Yeah, it was a little fast.

That's what I thought.


assist the Police Department.

Possible fire. 335 West Woodman.

3-3-5 West Woodman.

Cross street, Ferntower.
Time out, 1705.


Get down, now.

We've got a sn*per
holed up in that building.

How can we help?

We're getting ready to
sh**t some tear gas inside,

like to have you stand
by in case a fire starts.

Those canisters generate

- Yeah, I know.
- Okay.

Get your air masks out,
have them ready. What's up?

They've got a sn*per holed up
in the building around the corner.

They're gonna sh**t some
tear gas in. Let's pull some lines.

LA, Engine 51.

I want a full first alarm
assignment. Have them stand by

at the intersection of West
Woodman and Ferntower.



DISPATCHER: Engine 12,
Engine 23, assist Engine 51.

Respond to West Woodman
and Ferntower

and stand by for instructions.

Time out, 1712.

Can you lob one in from here?

Too sharp.

Okay. We'll give you
some covering fire.

Right. No problem.

Get ready to fire!

[g*ns COCKING]

Now! Fire!

He's hit!

Hold your fire.

Hold your fire!

He's hurt bad. Can you help?

Okay, you guys
want to give it a try?

I'll get some flak vests.

One of my men will go with you.

I've got an idea
that might help you.

[g*nf*re CONTINUES]

Kelly, let's advance this line. Marco,
come on.

Stoker, charge your line
for us, pal.


You ready?


Okay. Can you take this?


[f*ring CONTINUES]

Okay. Let's go.


this is Squad 51. Do you read?

This is Rampart. Go ahead, 51.

[g*nf*re] Rampart,
we're trapped by sn*per fire behind a car.

We got a victim here
in his 30s, a male.

He has got a b*llet
wound in the chest.

Stand by for vitals.

He's losing blood fast.

Pulse is 118.

Respiration is about 16.
Hang on for BP.


Rampart, the victim
is losing blood fast.

He has a pulse of 115.

Respiration 16.

Stabilizing BP.

[g*nf*re CONTINUES]

BP is 100 over 80.

Is the victim
having trouble breathing?


The victim's having
moderate trouble breathing.

We're starting the IV with


Vince, you want to... Here.

Sucking chest wound.

I can't even hear any
air getting inside the lung.

Rampart, the victim has
a sucking chest wound.

Can't hear any air
in the one lung.

How soon can you transport?

Don't know, Rampart.

We can't seem
to get to an ambulance.

on his vital signs.

[b*llet RICOCHETS]

Sergeant, I can get a sh*t now.

Go ahead. Try for two floors.

Throw your w*apon
down and come out

with your hands in the air!

Throw your w*apon down

and come out with
your hands in the air!

Eighty, systolic, 125.
Respiration's 14.

Rampart, the BP is 80, systolic.

Pulse is 125,
the respiration's down to 14.

in the opposite arm.

coming up, Rampart.

Throw down the r*fle.

Put on your air mask.


Okay, Engine 12, Engine 51.
Here we go.

Come through the alley to the
rear and ladder the second story.

Truck 23,
ladder the building on Woodman.

Engine 23, lay us a supply line.

Use air masks,
we've got smoke and tear gas.




OFFICER: Over here.

All right, cuff him.


Rampart, this is Squad 51.

Victim is now being
transported to your location.

Dix, will you get Room 2 ready?




I really want to thank you.


Here they come.

Mike, get a blood sample
for type and cross match.

Got it.

KELLY: Get him over.

Let's go.

What's the BP?

Eighty, systolic.

Pulse 120.

Watch your back.

Substitute plasma IV.

Call X-Ray,
tell them we need a portable chest x-ray.

It looks like a hemothorax.

Mike, get me a chest tube.

What are the vitals?

Sixty, systolic. Pulse 130.

Respiration's 10.

He's not getting any air.

Endotracheal tube.
We've got to ventilate.

Pull that down,
will you, Mike? Okay.

Let's slide him down
just a little. Good.

Here we go. Pull.

JOE: Replace the second liter
of Ringer's with plasma.

Start hand pumping.

We've got to get
that blood pressure up.

All right, I want this
sent to the lab, stat.

Give me a type to cross match,

and a CBC
and differential, stat.

Blood pressure 60 by palpation.

He's not getting any.
He's bleeding to death.

I think we have
a better chance at surgery.

He'll never make it. We've
got to do a thoracotomy. Now.

Okay, let's go.

get me some gloves and a scalpel.

All I can tell you
is I was scared to death.

You weren't alone.

Sounds like a close call.

Close call? Are you kidding?

I never want to see
another g*n as long as I live.

I'll take landslides
and fires and...


Hey, Doc, how's he doing?

Well, I think
he's going to make it.

I wasn't sure for a while,

but I think
he's going to make it.

All right.

I'm gonna get some coffee. You want some?

Yeah, sure.

I guess we should be going.
See you guys later.

Now, don't get this wrong.

Now, I'm just curious.

Roy, why did you pick
Over The Rainbow

so fast?

The name.

Guess I just like the name.

I've been thinking about it,

and I decided that's
the way I always do it.

Because of the name?

Yeah. Yeah.

Well, that's good, that's good.

That's fast thinking.

There are some other things to consider,

You know, like the breeding.

The bloodline of the horse.
The speed of the track.

The workouts.

Just think about it. That's
all. Just think about it.

I don't want to.

I'm betting on Over The Rainbow.

Cap! It's in!

Hey. Guys, it's in.

All right. How'd we do?

I don't know,
let's find out. Are we rich?


Here we go. Here it is.

We lost.

Whistle Stop came in first.

Over The Rainbow came in fourth.

I didn't bet
on Over The Rainbow.

You didn't?

No. Track's an amazing place.

There's so many things going on,

and I made bets in my mind for
the first six races and I lost them all.

Lot of distractions.

Well, what happened
in the seventh?

Well, I had a feeling
about Whistle Stop.

It's a good name.

It sure is. It's a good name.

And so I'm going to the window,

Whistle Stop
or Over The Rainbow.

It's going through my mind. Whistle Stop,
Over the Rainbow.

And I got to thinking
about what you told me,

you know,
that you have to analyze everything,

you got to find a system.
You have to find a system.

If I told him that once,
I told him a thousand times.

We're walking down
the hallway, and I...

So I looked at all the breeding,
and I looked at the charts

and I made my bet.

Whistle Stop. Pandora's Pride.



Well, she had the best breeding.

She had the best track record.

Well, you know,
being there and betting for real

is a lot tougher than I thought.

I guess I just got carried away.


that sounds exactly

like something I'd do.

Or me.

Or me.

Or me.

Or me.

Don't worry about it.


Pandora's Pride?

Oh, boy.