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05x02 - The Old Engine Cram

Posted: 01/17/24 09:25
by bunniefuu

ON RADIO: Squad 51.

They weren't kidding, were they?

Sure weren't.

Hey, 51, what are they doing,
sending in the junior varsity?

Must be, if you're up here.

department personnel, over here, please.

I'm going to review some of
the high points one more time.

The liquid in that trench
is sulfur trioxide.

It's used in the manufacture of detergents,
in small amounts.

However, when it's
concentrated like that,

it can be very dangerous.

As you know, we had a minor
spill just a couple of weeks ago.

Take a good look at this.

Pass it along.

Now, one of the men
at 12's was wearing that.

He's still in the hospital.

Don't depend on your
turnout gear to protect you.

If you should come in contact
with that liquid in concentrated form,

get washed down
right away and strip.

Now, we don't know enough
about sulfur trioxide yet

to tell in advance what's
going to happen here today.

Now, with any luck,
we'll find something that's effective.

Any questions?

Okay, 51, we'll use
light water first.

watch your footing out there. Take it easy.

Release the sulfur trioxide.

Tum off the valve.

Anytime you're ready, 51.
Go ahead.

Back off!

Everybody all right?

I don't think we got any on us.

Well, that's one thing that's
not gonna work, for sure.

How many more to go?


CHIEF: 18, let me know when
you're ready with the HYEX.

Hey, Joe...

Hey, Roy. How are you?

Hey, Joe. How is it going?

Fine. Fine. How about yourself?

All right. Looks like that water
doesn't do a darn bit of good, huh?

Sulfur's bad stuff. Yeah.

Hey, Joe, I heard you guys are getting
some phone calls from some strange ladies.

[EXCLAIMS] Hey, I knew that
was a put on right from the beginning.

Who was the girl? My sister.

she should have been an actress.

I mean, she had some of the guys
really fooled. Not me, of course. But...

That was you and Gage,
you figured out the idea yourself, huh?

We'll never tell.


You're not gonna be sore at us now,
are you?

What, me?

Hey, what's life without a
little sense of humor, huh?


CHIEF: Air masks on.

Whenever you're ready, 18.

Release the sulfur trioxide.

Here we go!

FIREMAN: Turn it off!



toxic chemicals are stored
in a tanker.

Use caution.

this is Rampart. Can you send me some EKG?


We're sending you a strip.
Vitals to follow.

Pulse is 160. The victim
is in extreme pain, Rampart.


This patient is in V-fib.

Rampart, we have lost the
victim's pulse. Beginning CPR.


We're defibrillating victim,

Rampart, we've defibrillated
victim. Decent sinus rhythm.

JOE ON RADIO: Administer 2 amps
sodium bicarb and insert an airway.


DIXIE: Squad 51, continue monitoring
Vitals and transport immediately.

We're on our way, Rampart.

CHIEF: Shut the valve.
Let's get his gear off.


I'll go and get the gear.


Oh, that hurts!

[GROANING] That hurts!

Chet, wash him again, pal.

Rampart, this is Squad 51.


This is Rampart.

Unit calling in, repeat.

ROY ON RADIO: Rampart,
this is Squad 51.

We've got a victim here. He's
been exposed to sulfur trioxide.

Stand by
for further information.

You sure you didn't get
any of that stuff on you?

I can't feel anything.
I think I'm okay.

Okay, um...

Got a pulse of about 85.
Respiration's normal.

Rampart, the pulse is 85 on our
victim and the respiration is normal.

He's been exposed to
sulfur trioxide on his left arm.

We're washing
him down right now.

sterile sheets?

Rampart, we're just
about to do that.

All right, 51. Start an IV with Normal
Saline TKO and transport as soon as possible.

IV with Normal Saline TKO.

We're bringing him immediately.

Well, I'm very happy to tell you

your dancing career isn't
going to be interrupted.

All right. You know,
I didn't think I got anything on me.

Well, it never
hurts to make sure.

That's true.
Okay. I'll see you, guys.

All right. Thanks a lot, Doc.

See you later, Doc.

Could have swore
you got some on you.

Nope, not me.

Hi. Hi.

Hey, how's that guy from 18's?

Oh, just some minor burns. You
washed him down fast enough.

Hey, listen, here's an ad I
thought you might be interested in.

Oh, this one here?

I don't believe this.

What is it?

Listen to this,

"Wanted: 1925."

"Paige Fire Truck, $25,000,
if in mint condition."

Let me see that.

There's a phone
number, right there.

You know, I thought since
you guys had that old engine...

It's exactly what
he wants, exactly.

Come on.

I thought you might
be interested.

All the way back here, I had this horrible
feeling that she might just be gone.

Yeah, I know what you mean.



Ah, this is great.

You know, in a way,
it's kind of sad though.

Having to get rid of her
after all this time, all this work.


But $25,000.


You know something,

maybe we should jack up the
price a little bit. You never know.

It's 12,500 apiece.

Or more.

No, no. We better be careful.

Yeah, right. We don't want
to get in the wrong tax bracket.

Uh, look, you better let me
do the talking, all right?

Yeah, sure.

Don't say too much. Just
find out what he wants to know.

All right.

All right. Okay.

What's going on?

not gonna believe this.

Look at that.
Let me see the number.


No, I don't believe it.

It's true.


Hello. Is Mr. Green in?

George, George S. Green.

Oh. Okay, I'm sorry.

Yes, ma'am. Bye-bye.

Uh, it's a wrong number.

What? I can't be. You
must have dialed it wrong.

Here, hold this.

Give me a dime.

Hey, fellows,
come in here a minute.

Hi. Is Mr. Green in?


Sorry. Yeah, sorry.

Wrong number.


motorcycle accident with injuries,

118, 22 North Hillside,
cross street Vernon.

Time out, 1516.

STANLEY: Squad 51, KMG 365.


Where's this accident?

I'll show you.

No, no. It's okay.
Just tell us where it is.

You go down to the third,
and turn right.

Okay. Hey, can you stay here
and watch for an ambulance?


Hurry up. He's hurt bad.

All right. Take it easy. Go
with that man right there.

ARNIE: Give me
something for the pain.

All right. Where are you hurt?

My back. I tried to move
him. He wouldn't let me.

Huh? I tried to move
him. He wouldn't let me.

Give me something for the pain.

Are you hurt in your back?

Just below the belt.

Okay, we've got
a back injury here.

All right,
try moving your fingers.

That's it, that's it.
Now the arm.


Okay, 0 Kay-

Now, can you move that leg?

Come on, come on. Move your leg.

I'm trying, I'm trying.

All right. Can't move the leg.

Give me something for the pain.

We will, we will.
Just take it easy.

make them give me something for the pain.

Everything's gonna be all right.

All right. Are you hurt
any place else?

If I am, I'd never feel it.

Okay, how did this happen?

We were jumping our bikes.

You get a good run
down the road,

hit that bump and
you really take off.

And this time, Arnie
came down awful hard.

Straight up on the bike,

then he went flying,
head over heels.

Okay, we're gonna
have to move you here.

What? No, you gotta
give me a sh*t first.

You just relax.

We'll take care of the pain
a little later, all right?

First of all, we gotta get
this backboard under you.

You will feel a lot better
once we are done.

I want you to hold his head. All right?

Once we start to move him here,
just hold it straight for us.


You ready? Okay.

There's gonna be
some pain. You ready?

[GROANING] All right.


Can you move your hand?

All right.

Wait a minute,
now... Wait a minute. Lift him up again.


Okay, not so far.
All right, good.


All right.

You let us do all the work,

UP. High.


Rampart, this is Squad 51.

KELLY ON RADIO.' Go ahead, 51.

Rampart, we have a victim here
of a motorcycle accident.

He has a pain in the lower
back and can't move his legs.

We've got him
on a backboard right now.

Rampart. IV with D5W.

Rampart, victim's
in considerable pain.

There's no evidence
of head injury.

KELLY ON RADIO: 51, give him
five milligrams MS-IV.

Right, Rampart.

Five milligrams MS-IV coming up.

fracture of the spine.

Be sure that he is
transported very cautiously

and let the ambulance know that.

ROY: 10-4, Rampart.

How are you doing, buddy?

Not so good.

I'll tell you, man,
that was a dynamite jump.

Yeah, dynamite.

You wanna get out
of here? Thank you.

Say, "Ah."

Ah. Ah.


Ah! Ah.

Dix, let's do a throat culture.

Ah! Open wide.

Do you have to do all that?

Yes, ma'am.

Open wide.


Look, I just want
to get a prescription.

An antibiotic,
something like that.

Well, let's find out
what's wrong first.

You still have those headaches?

Uh-huh. Mmm-hmm.

I want you to give
a deep breath, okay?


Here, now.



One more time.



[SIGHING] When did you
begin to notice this?

Well, he wasn't
too active last night,

but this morning, actually.

How is his appetite?

He hasn't been hungry,
and he didn't keep his lunch down.

Are you giving him anything?

A couple aspirin,
children's, around 10:00.

You wanna go home? Mmm-hmm.

Well, that's just
where you belong.

I'm pretty sure he has the flu.

I could have told you that.

Well, just put him to bed.
Keep him warm and quiet.

Give him plenty of fluids.

And in a few days,
he ought to be much better.

Well, aren't you going
to give him something?

Well, you can
continue the aspirin.

I mean an antibiotic.
Knock it right out.

Antibiotics don't really work very
well on viral infections like this.

Well, something else, then.

I don't recommend it.

And if there's anything wrong
with the tests when they come back,

I'll call you right away.

I bring him all the
way down here,

I expect you to do
something for him.

Mrs. Dickens, I believe I have.

And if he isn't better by Tuesday,
I would like to see him again.

Yeah. Uh-huh.


I'll do that.

Sorry we ran out on you earlier,
but we got a little excited.

I'd have been surprised if you hadn't.

You know, one of the other guys showed
me the ad and right away I thought of you.

Oh, yeah?

It must be a typographical
error on that phone number.

Yeah, has to be. Has to be.

Have you called the paper?

[CHUCKLES] Not yet.

What are you going to do
with all that money?

Buy your own fire department?

Well, we really haven't
thought about it much.

You know, this whole thing
is a little overwhelming.



She's got the right idea.

Look, all we have to do is,
buy some old engines,

fix them up,
and we'll be in the money.

Yeah, maybe we should contact
Mr. Green before we make a decision.

We'll get hold of him.
Don't worry about that.

[CHUCKLING] Got to think ahead.

Yeah, George S. Green,

it's an ad about a man
wanting an old fire engine.

Good. Yeah, that's it.

You sure that, that's
the right phone number?

No, I mean, is that
the same phone number

that you printed in the paper?

I see.

All right. Look, if he calls in, is there
any way that you can leave him a...

Yeah. Oh, no, no. I understand.

Okay, thank you.



I'd like the number of Mr. George S. Green,


No, I don't know
what the address is.

No, I don't even know what
part of the county he's in.


How many?

Well, that many, huh?

No, no.

Thanks anyway, operator.

[com CLINKS]


What we'll do is, go to the library
as soon as it opens tomorrow.

[DOORBELL RINGS] I'll get it.

Yeah, we should go through all
the numbers in all the directories.

Hey, listen, we should start
with the city directory first...

I don't want to put a damper on things,

but suppose this
guy isn't listed?

Listen, if George S. Green is in
this county, we're gonna find him.

One way or another,
we're gonna find him.

ROY: Maybe you should
come in for a glass of water.

Oh, no, no,
no. I'll just sit down for a minute.

Yeah. Right here, please.

He says he
doesn't feel too well.

I'm sorry to bother you.

It's no trouble at all.

Maybe I...

Could I use your washroom?

Sure. Come on. I'll
show you where it is.

Listen, how about you?

Would you like a cup of coffee?

No, thanks. I...

Oh, this is
Captain Stanley here.

hi. Why don't you sit down?

ROY: Hey, you guys!
On the double!

L.A. Station 51.
We have a still alarm.

A medical emergency
at the station.

Respond an ambulance.

Station 51. Time out, 1945.

Better bring a defibrillator.


Come on,
let's get out of the way, shall we?

What's wrong? Well,
that's what we're going to find out.

Do you feel any pain at all?

More like pressure.

Chest, here.

Get help. Doctor...

JOHNNY: All right.
You just take it easy.

That's what we're gonna do.

All right. You just relax.
Look straight up. There we go.

What are they doing?

Well, they're paramedics.

I don't know what that means.

That means,
they do this all the time.

Mike, stay with her.
I'll be right back.

Miss, why don't you sit down?

What, is it the heart?

Think so, Cap.

this is Squad 51. How do you read me?

This is Rampart. Go ahead, 51.

JOHNNY ON RADIO: Rampart, we have a male,
approximately 45, probable Ml.

We're beginning
to patch him in now.

We'll send an EKG your way.

Where is Marilyn?


He's fibrillating.



One, two, three, four, hit him.


Nothing. Hit him again.


One, two, three, four...


Can't you get a doctor?

You see that radio?

They've got a doctor right
on the other end of the line.

JOHNNY: Still nothing.



One, two, three, four...


Nothing. One more time.


One, two, three, four.


Do CPR on him.

Rampart, we've counter shocked
four times with no conversion.

We're starting CPR.

push 2 amps sodium bicarb.

JOHNNY: 10-4.
IV, D5W, 2 amps bicarb.

All right, stop CPR.

Start it again.

Rampart, victim
is straight-lined.

Okay, I got it.

Okay, why don't you stop?

All right, we've got him back.

JOHNNY: Rampart,
he's now steady.

Ventricular rhythm
right around 30.

Mom, I told you.

They said he's stabilized.
That's all I know.

Meet me at the hospital, okay?

You all right to drive?


Here you go.

[SIGHS] Thanks.

Daddy wanted to try
and make it home.

I said, "No, let's go
to the fire station."

I don't know why.

Well, next to a hospital,
you couldn't have picked a better place.

Just dumb luck.

Those paramedics?


Something else.

Yeah. Come on.

Good morning, ma'am.

Hello, Mike. Good morning.

Good morning.

You saw a youngster by the name
of Dickens Saturday afternoon?

Eddie Dickens.
About five years old.

Yeah. Had the flu.

Did he present anything unusual?

No. Strictly flu-like symptoms.

Why? Is he back? Mmm-hmm.


No, he has some
neck pain and stiffness.

Some paralysis in the legs.

Kawasaki? The A-7?

That's a possibility. We were
considering paralytic polio.


Do you know
if he's had the vaccine?

I didn't ask.

I'll find out.

You know, Joe, it looks
like I may have blown it.

You ever seen polio before?

No. No.

I haven't in,
I guess, six years.

So, it's really not surprising
the diagnosis didn't occur to you.

He hasn't had the vaccine, Joe.

That's the one.

I asked you on Saturday,
didn't I? Give him something.

Dr. Morton did all
he could, Mrs. Dickens.

You do know about
polio vaccine, don't you?

Of course.

Well, is there any reason why
you didn't want him to have it?

Like religious grounds,
or something like that?

No, ifs just that
it seemed like...

Well, why bother?

There's no more polio around
anymore. They've got that whipped.

Everybody knows that.


All right, I want you to lift this
leg for me, as high as you can.

All right, the other one.


All right, hold it there.

All right, Eddie, I want you to push
against my hands as hard as you can.

Come on, push harder.

Is there any question
in your mind, Kel?

Mrs. Dickens...

Eddie. Eddie.

Mrs. Dickens,
why don't we go outside?

Mom! What's wrong with Mom? Is she sick,

Dr. Early's gonna
take good care of her.

All right, Eddie, you just take it easy,
huh? I'll be back in a minute.

I'll have to notify
County Health.

There'|| be some impairment?

We'll do the best we can,
but there'|| be some impairment.

And all of it 100% unnecessary.


It just never crossed my mind.

I can't tell you
how sorry I feel.

Mike, it wouldn't have
made any difference.

Vaccine is free,
painless, and abundant.

I wonder what she's going to tell him
when he's old enough to understand.


Morning! Morning.


Any luck finding Mr. Green?

No. We tried everything.

We even ran our own ad in the
newspaper asking him to contact us.

No luck at all.

Well, that's too bad, but there was no
way you could have found him anyway.

Huh? What do you mean by that?

Listen, we're all
friends, right?


Well, what I'm trying to say is,

I don't want to make you look like
bigger fools than you already do.

'Cause I like you.

Go on, go on.

Well, what I'm trying to say is,
I worked for 116's yesterday, you know,

making up some hours and...

Say no more.

Bailey's revenge.

Yup, and you guys fell
for it like a ton of bricks.

You should've seen yourselves,
running around this station,

calling everybody
you could. But...

I mean, my heart
really goes out to you.

It was really a shame.

Mmm-hmm. Yeah.


You know, Roy,
we actually learned a very valuable lesson.

What's that?

Our dignity is more
important than money.



Hey, guys, this gentleman wanted
to take a look at your old engine.

Yes, I saw your ad in the paper,

Excuse me,
is your name Mr. Green?

No, my name's Kerner, but I've got a
magnificent collection of antique vehicles

and this would
fit in beautifully.

If it's not already
taken, of course.

Of course.

Well, how much were you
planning on spending?

Well, considering its condition,
I'd be prepared to go top dollar.

Ah. Like 25,000?


Well, actually,
due to inflation, it's $30,000.

That's right. I forgot,
it's Monday. $30,000. Firm.

Hey, listen, pal,
I got a '53 Ford

that I could let go
for, say. $3,000.


Well, I...

I presume that would include
the hose and ladder?

No. No, that's extra.

Lots extra.

I see. Thank you very much.

I'm sorry to have troubled you.

What about my car?

What about it?

Listen, pal,
you don't know what you're passing up.

'53 Fords are real hard
to come by these days.

Listen, let me ask you,
when's the last time you saw...


DISPATCHER: Squad 51, meet the
Coast Guard helicopter at the airport.

Victim down at the cliffs
on Catalina Island.

Time out, 1316.

STANLEY: Squad 51. KMG 365.


PILOT ON RADIO: L.A. Copter Control,
Coast Guard 1442.


4-2. Southside west departure,
south of the beach.

4-2, cleared for takeoff,
as requested.

4-2. Roger.

Los Angeles,
this is 4-2 airborne.

MAN 2:4-2, Los Angeles. Roger.

ROY: What's the story?

L.A. reports victim
at the base of the cliff.

Apparently still alive,
Five miles north of Cherry Cove.

Los Angeles, this is 4-2.
Ops normal.

MAN 2:4-2, Los Angeles. Roger.

Los Angeles, this is 4-2.
Ops normal.

We're at Catalina Island.

MAN 1:4-2, Los Angeles. Roger.

PILOT: L.A., 1442. We're at the scene,
but we can't find the victim.

We'll search south
along the coast.

MAN 2:4-2, Los Angeles. Roger.

Anything yen?

PILOT: Negative, 51.

51, I have the victim
in sight. Get ready.


I see him, but he's not moving.

I'll get you in
as close as I can.

Can't get you in any closer
because of the cliffs.

Have to put you in the water.

JOHNNY: No sweat.

Los Angeles, this is 4-2.
We're on scene at this time.

MAN 2:4-2, Los Angeles. Roger.

I'm ready.


All right, just take
it easy. Take it easy.

Keep your head up.
Keep your head out.

All right. Come on.


Just take it easy.
My partner's coming in.

We're gonna get you outta here.

ROY: It's getting rough.
We better get out of here fast.

All right, here.
Give me your hand.


What we got?

I don't know. I haven't
checked him out yet.

Let's get this collar on him.


Here, let me put
this around you.

Easy, now.

All right,
let's get him up on the rocks.

All right,
you just be still. Let us do the work.

ROY: Okay, you got it?

Just a sec. All right,
turn him around.

Here you go.

JOHNNY: All right, now. Wait a minute,
we gotta get him around the other way.

There we go. You got him?

All right.


I'm gonna contact the copter.

Okay, he's alive!

JOHNNY: Give us a line,
let's go.


I'll check him out.

Roy, I think we got something.

I think we've got
a broken right fibula.

ROY: Hung up on that rock.

be advised. The tide's coming in.

All right, let's get him back. We'll
splint him over to the copter then.

It's too dangerous
to do it here.

Let's load him in the water.

All right, I'll get down
in the water and hold it.

You keep your eye
on the wave for me.


Here, let me give you a hand.

It's getting too rough out here.
We better splint him in the chopper.

All right. I'll carry him down.

Okay, I'll try to keep
this thing steady.

Can you watch his legs?


Okay, bring him down.

Watch it.

Watch it!

I got it.

All right, now, you don't do
anything. You don't do anything.

Let us do all the work.

I've gotta swing
his legs over my head.

Got it.

All right, watch it, watch it!

You Okay?

Okay. All right,
let's pull him back out over here.

Take him up, take him up!

JOHNNY: Watch it,
there's another wave!

HellĀ» Roy, you okay?


PILOT: 51, stand by for pickup.

JOHNNY: Throw me
that flotation collar.

Watch it,
you got another wave coming in.

Watch it!

Okay, bring me up.


PILOT: Los Angeles, 4-2...

Getting a little
rough down there.

"PILOT:" departing to
Rampart General Hospital.

ETA 15 minutes.

MAN: 4-2, Los Angeles. Roger.

Hey, how'd it go?

Oh, he's gonna be fine.

I'm glad something good
happened to you guys today.

Really? Yeah!

Can you imagine that Bailey
sending over that stooge, Kerner?

Yeah, it's a good thing
you tipped us off about that.

Well, actually, he wasn't
part of the gag at all.

[CHUCKLES] Oh, come on, Chet.

No, look, fellows. When you were gone,
I called 116's...

You know, just to tell them about the stooge
they sent over and it didn't work on us.

Well, they didn't send him over.

Well, they're lying.

No, in fact,
they felt as bad as I do.

Are you sure?







That's an unusual name.

That wouldn't be so
hard to track down.

The phone book! The phone book!