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05x07 - Pressure 165

Posted: 01/17/24 09:27
by bunniefuu
Oh, man. What a waste
of a day off.

"Not only is the chick

but she's wearing
those big platform shoes.

That's not as bad.

Then at the end of
the night, she says,

"Can I help you on
with your little coat?"


All right, you guys owe me a
buck and a quarter for lunch.

A little expensive for hamburgers,
isn't it, pal?

How'd you know
it was hamburgers?

Lately every time you cook,
it's been hamburgers.

Well, I must have gotten
into a rut without realizing it.

You know,
one thing about your hamburgers...

I mean, they're bad,
but they're not as bad as your other dish.

What's wrong with my hot dogs?

They're boring.

Now, look here!

My cooking isn't
that bad. Right, Cap?

Well, as the captain
of this station,

I try to weigh the strengths and
weaknesses of each man and balance them.

Roy, they're making fun
of my cooking.


Huh! Can tell it's gonna
be one of those days.

Dr. Hunt, 64, please.


Rampart Emergency.

Hold on.

Dr. Early, report
to the base station.

Notify the Chamber,
Baywatch and the Fire Department.

It's the Coast Guard. They've
got a scuba-diving accident

on Catalina Island.

Look, they're waiting
for me in X-ray.

Would you them
I'll be a little while?

Yeah. Thank you.

Yes, this is Dr. Early.

Will you find out if they can locate
either Dr. Scott or Dr. Johnson

from our Chamber team over
there at the Marine Science Seminar?

If not, we'll send one over.

Yeah. Thanks.


Squad 51.

Diving accident
off Catalina Island.

Meet the Coast Guard
helicopter at the airport.

Time out, 11:20.

Squad 51, KMG 365.




toxic chemicals are stored
in a tanker.

Use caution.

this is Rampart. Can you send me some EKG?


We're sending you a strip.
Vitals to follow.

Pulse is 160. The victim
is in extreme pain, Rampart.


This patient is in V-fib.

Rampart, we have lost the
victim's pulse. Beginning CPR.


We're defibrillating victim,

Rampart, we've defibrillated
victim. Decent sinus rhythm.

JOE ON RADIO: Administer 2 amps
sodium bicarb and insert an airway.


DIXIE: Squad 51, continue monitoring
Vitals and transport immediately.

We're on our way, Rampart.

PILOT ON RADIO: L.A. Copter Control,
Coast Guard 1442.


42. Southside west departure,
south of the beach.

42, clearance for
takeoff, as requested.

42, roger.

PILOT: Los Angeles,
this is 42, airborne.

MAN: 42, Los Angeles, roger.

What's the story?

Not much information.

It happened on the
west end of the island.

The victim's diving buddy
radioed us from the boat.

They're having trouble
getting him up.

Vessel Yankee
Whiskey Yankee 313.

This is Coast Guard
helicopter 1442.

What is your exact
location? Over.

MAN: Coast Guard, this is
Yankee Whiskey Yankee 313.

We've got the victim on board and
are proceeding to Chamber at USC.

10-4. We'll meet you there.

This is Yankee
Whiskey Yankee 313, out.

How long will it take us
to reach their location?

Ten minutes.

ROY: Have you patched us
through to Rampart?

Yes. They're standing by.

JOHNNY: Rampart.
This is Squad 51.

Go ahead, 51.

We are now airborne.
ETA at scene in 10 minutes.

Will there be a doctor
at the Chamber?

Marine Lab and is standing by.

When you reach the Chamber,
call me back on the hot phone.


PILOT: Los Angeles, this is 42.

Ops normal.
We're at Catalina Island.

MAN: 42, Los Angeles, roger.

PILOT: Los Angeles,
this is 42. We're on the scene.

MAN: 42, Los Angeles, roger.

Dr. Scott.

And he's Roy.

I'll contact Rampart. Okay.

Right. Exactly what happened?

We were taking pictures
of a wrecked freighter

when suddenly Bill
sh**t to the surface.

No decompression stops
or anything.

How long it was before
you got to the surface?

I was about two minutes behind.

I didn't want to
get the bends myself.

What condition
did you find him in?

He was just floating.

I knew he came up too fast,
so I radioed the Coast Guard right away.

Pulse is 90.

Rampart, this is Squad 51.

We are at the Chamber
right now. Dr. Scott's here.

The victim...
How old's the victim?


Victim is age 43.

Diving history indicates
an air embolism.

What table should we use?

Hold on.

Dr. Scott,
we're to use Table 5A,

and they want you and
Johnny inside the Chamber.

I'll stay out here.

SCOTT: Okay, let's get him in.

ROY: 10-4, Rampart.

Think you can set up
for me, John?

All right.


We'll take you down to 165
feet according to Table 5A.

We'll start an IV after
we get down there.

All right.

Let's head down to 165
as fast as they can take it.

You ready for the dive?

JOHNNY: Okay. Thanks.



Rampart, we're
beginning descent.

How come you've got to
talk to a doctor on the phone

if you've got one in there?

It's called rapture of the deep.

About every 50 feet,
it's like a martini.

They reach about

they're not going to be able
to act on their own judgment.

You'll hear the effect
it has on their voices.

All right, we're at 165
and vetting.

SUPERVISOR: How do you feel?

pretty light-headed.

[CHUCKLES] Yes, indeed.

Pretty light-headed. And hot.

Johnny, let's have
some vital signs.

Okay, vitals coming up.

Patient is still comatose.

Respiration's about 20.

Stand-by for BP.

Dix, you've got to have
them call in another doctor.

I'm going to be tied up here for a while,

Okay, Joe.

BP is 100 by palpation.

Pulse is 82. Respiration is 20.

You copy, Rampart?

Look, will you give me an
update in 15 minutes bottom time?

Update in 15 minutes
bottom time.

You got that?

All right, 15 minutes.

Rampart, 15 minutes.

Johnny, 15 minutes.

Roy, he is still comatose.

Yeah. Tell Dr. Early his neurological
signs appear to be normal.

It doesn't track.


Dr. Early, patient
is still comatose,

but there's no
neurological deficit.

You sure he was unconscious
when you found him?

Pretty much. He just
moaned for a few minutes.

How many minutes?

Three. Does that
make a difference?

It could make a big difference.

Rampart, talking to his diving buddy here,
he now says that

the patient was conscious about
three minutes after he surfaced.

You want EKG?

as soon as possible.

Johnny, gonna have to send EKG.


Hey, what's going on?

Okay, all set.


Rampart, this'|| be lead two.

I read evidence
of acute infarction.

Confirm with Dr. Scott.

Dr. Scott.

This guy's having
a heart attack.

How soon can we start O2?

Sixty feet.

We can have him there
in about four minutes.

But we'll be on Table 6A.

Rampart, we're changing
our pressure to 60 feet,

and we're going to Table 6A.

When you reach that level,
administer 75 milligrams lidocaine IV bolus

over three to five minutes.

Monitor the strip for PVCs.


Johnny, we're changing
our pressure to 60 feet.

We're going to Table 6A.

Once we hit 6O feet,

I'm gonna pass in some lidocaine to you,
and we'll go on 02.


We're going up to 60 feet.

We're going on Table 6A.


Sixty feet.

Okay, we're at 60 feet.

Go to 02,
I'll pass in the lidocaine.

We're at 60 feet. Lidocaine's
in the medication lock.

How's your air embolism doing?

Looks like our air
embolism's also a heart attack.

From the way he turned up, we're probably
dealing with the bends and chokes, too.

So you still have to run
him through the table?


Is that lidocaine bolus in yet?

That's affirmative, Rampart.
Just established.

We'll send you another strip.

Looks good here.

I concur.

Continue oxygen on
Table 6A and monitor EKG.

ROY: We've got sinus rhythm.
Let's have a new set of Vitals.

Coming UP-

Oh... Hey, hey, hey...

Okay, just take it easy.

What's going on?

You had a diving accident,
but you're going to be all right.

You have to lie down, okay?

Pain in my chest. Okay, okay.

But you have to lie down.
It's gonna be all right.

Come on. That's
better. That's it.

Bill's moving around a little.

That's pretty good, huh?

Yeah. Yeah, pretty good.

Rampart, victim
is now conscious.

When you've completed
Table 6A, transport here.

I'll notify the Coast
Guard to stand-by.

Can we extend the periods of O2?

We'll give you an updated
estimate of surface time.

Should be about five hours.

Feel it?

Hmm? Did you feel that, too?

PILOT: Los Angeles, 42.

We have loaded the victim and we're
departing to Rampart General Hospital.

ETA, 15 minutes.

MAN: 42, Los Angeles, roger.

Hi, guys.


How'd it go?

He's gonna be fine.

That's good.

By the way, Gage,
I want to thank you.

For what?

For not making lunch.

Squad 116 came over
and took over for you.

Johnson took that hamburger meat

and made the most
amazing meatloaf.

Yeah. A real gourmet's delight.

A real gourmet's delight.

Since when did
you become a gourmet?

Well, I'm not a gourmet. I'm not
even a good cook. I'll admit to that.

Because I'm a straightforward,
honest person.

But at least I try cooking
something new once in a while.

Yeah, like that lamb
and eggplant casserole.

Specifics are not important.

It's the thought that counts.

Oh, that's very profound, Mike.

Let's not have any profundity around here,
it'll ruin our image.

Besides, I've a job
for you two guys.

I want you to take the squad and
go check out those two new hydrants

they said they had
up here on Olive,

between Jefferson and Maple.

Well, pressure's low.





All right.

JOHNNY: Hold it, hold it.
We got a fire here.

L.A., this is Squad 51,
we have smoke coming out of a structure

at 1123 Maple Road.

Give us a first alarm



DISPATCHER: Engine 51,
Engine 36, Station 41.

Respond with Squad 51 to a structure fire,

Cross street, Olive.
Time out, 16:12..

What seems to be the problem?

The smoke.

Oh, you noticed, huh? Yeah.

I think I've got it under control.

A little fire on the stove. I've
been throwing this soda on it.

Sir, you got a fire in there.

Maybe you better come in.

Yeah, I think so.

Sir, you gotta...
I'll make... The fire...

L.A., this is Squad 51.

We've had a small kitchen
fire. It's extinguished.

Return all units. Out.

Fifteen minutes.

All units responding
with Squad 51 cancel.

I wouldn't really call
this a fire, would you?

I mean, it was so small.

In another five minutes,
this whole place could have gone up.

Oh! But still and all,
that didn't happen.

So there's no reason to make out a report,

Well, I'm gonna have
to make out a report.

How unfortunate.

Chef Michel, right?

JOHNNY: The TV Chef?

Yeah. My fans
might not understand

that a thing like this
could happen to anybody.

Is Michel your first name
or your last name?

Oh, neither, really.
My name's Michael Fern,

but that doesn't seem
terribly appropriate.

Oh, then that's the name
I'll put down on the report.

You would?

Gee, that's wonderful. Thanks.

Say, I'd like to have you fellows
have one of my cookbooks.

Gee, thanks a lot.

I really appreciate
what you're doing.

Incidentally, this recipe
here isn't in there.

And remember,
you won't tell anybody?

Oh, no way. We won't say a word.

My friend here,
he is a regular Harpo Marx.


Well, let's get
the place cleaned up.


Oh, boy. This was just
a terrific stroke of luck.

Huh? A cookbook!

It's a stroke of luck!

From now on, there's gonna be more to
me than just hamburgers and hot dogs.

If you know what I mean.

Well, there's more to cooking
than reading a cookbook.

If you know what I mean.


Squad 51 available.


You know something.

I'm gonna volunteer
to cook next shift.

Uh-huh. Well, look,
you better go slow

because Joanne tells me that this is
a lot more complicated than it looks.

Well, I'm just gonna
take it a step at a time.

Just one step at a time.

"[CHUCKLES]" Veau Pouilly.

"Veau Prince Orloff."

Boy! You know what? I'll make the
announcement when we get back.

Give the guys something
to look forward to.


"Rognons de veau en casserole."

Well, I hope they taste
better than they pronounce.

Squad 209, cancel.

ROY: I don't know
what he is gonna make,

but you wouldn't believe what
we just bought at the supermarket.

That could mean a lot of things.

None of which I want
to think about.

We can only hope for the best.

I need some help.

I'm afraid to drop this.

Okay. What's it gonna be?


It's gonna be Bordure
de soles a La Normande.


All right, man,
that's more like it.

Oh, yeah? Well, what is it?

It's Bordure de soles
a La Normande.

Ask a stupid question...

You'll find out what it is.

Right now, everybody's
gotta get out.

Everybody's gotta get out. The
chef's got to have room to work.

Come on, out.

Roy, you can stick around.

No, thanks.

Well, I'm gonna...
I'm not asking you to...

Okay. I'll do it myself.

Let's see.

Dr. Shapiro, Emergency Area.

Yeah, this will do fine.

Well, tell Mr. Phillips
that I'll look in on him later.

FREDDY: Air, air, air!
COP: Doctor, right here.

FREDDY: Air! What have you got?

g*nsh*t in the neck.
He's 15-years-old.

German. I want to talk German. All right,
put him in 1.

Tell Nurse McCall,
alert Dr. Early.

How'd it happen? We think
it was a street g*ng fight.

But he's been belligerent
since we found him.

Won't answer any questions.

All right. Thanks.
I'll stick around.

FREDDY: Swim here!


Air. Air, please, somebody.

I want a girl!
I want air and a girl!

All right, be quiet!

Open your mouth.

What have we got, Kel?

g*nsh*t wound to the neck,
Joe. No exit.

Looks like the b*llet is lying on
the right side of the neck posteriorly.

I want a piano!

I want to sing!

And I want you to be quiet.

You've got a very serious
injury and I need your help.

I want to talk German!


Where is Wally? Can you feel it?

Somebody. Somebody.

Hey, listen to me.

I want to talk to Wally.

Look, can you feel this?


You feel this?


Move your legs for me.

Then let me up.

Nobody is holding
you. Move your legs.

Leave me alone!
I got things to do!

Air! I want air!

I want you to squeeze my hands.

All right.

Go ahead. Squeeze 'em.

All right.

As hard as you can.

FREDDY: Somebody, listen to me.

Please, listen to me.

[STUTTERING] Somebody.

Excuse me. I'm that boy's
father. Freddy Winslow.

Well, Mr. Winslow,
your son's been shot.

Shot? FREDDY: I want to swim.

I want to dance.
What do you mean shot?

Now wait just a minute.

Witnesses saw a bunch of boys
running away from the scene.

Your son belong to any gangs?

No, he's never
belonged to any g*ng.

He's only had a couple of friends,
in fact.

He's never being in trouble
with the law before?

He's never being
in trouble, period.

FREDDY: Young again!
I want to be young again!

Oh, Dr. Brackett,
this is the boy's father.

How is he?

Sounds like he is
tearing the place up.

I'm afraid not.

Right now,
he can't move his arms or legs.

How long is that going to last?

How long is that going to last?

We're not sure yet.

FREDDY: I wanna dance!

I wanna swim! I wanna dance!

Can I see him?

Sure. Just for a minute.

Wake me up! I want
you to... I'm asking...

I'm asking you to...
I demand you!

I want you... I demand you...

Go away!




I'm cold.

I'm scared.

Oh, God, I'm scared.

WOMAN ON PA: Miss Jones, reception,
please. Miss Jones, reception, please.

Looks like the b*llet's
at the level of C-4.

Looks like it may have gotten the
transverse process on the right of C-4.

Yeah. But the question is,
did it disrupt the nerve roots

or did it just cause
edema in that area?

We've got to
get him up to the OR.

Kel, I've got surgery myself
in about 15 minutes.

The neurosurgeon
from the Red team

can scrub in with you
and the vascular surgeon

in case there's
any blood vessel damage.

Thanks, Joe.

You guys were talking
about me, right, Doc?

Yeah. That's right.

How you feeling?

Well, like my whole body's dead.

And if it's not gonna get any better,
I'd just as soon...

I'd just as soon, you know...

We don't know anything yet.

We'll know a lot more
after the operation.

How did I get shot, doc?

I don't know.
Thought maybe you did.

All I know is,

this friend of mine got some LSD

and we took it.

After a while I...

I started to feel like Superman.

The next thing,

I was laying here.

My father was looking at me,

and I couldn't move.

Is he still outside?


Look, don't tell him
about the LSD, okay?

He wouldn't understand.

It was just a mistake,
but he'd be awful disappointed.

All right. Don't worry
about that now.

I'm worried about
everything right now, Doc.

My whole life's all messed up.

I can't even pinch myself to
see if it's just a bad dream.

We're going to do everything
possible to help you.

Now your attitude can have a
tremendous effect on your recovery.

Yeah. Yeah, that's what
they say, isn't it, Doc?

Will to live and all that stuff.

It's true.

Doc, I'm telling you.

I don't want to spend
the rest of my life like this.

I'd just rather call it quits.

That's not your choice to make.

Well, maybe not.

But it's yours.

No, it isn't.

You're a tough guy, Doc.

You're the one who's gonna
have to be tough, Freddy.

Let's get him upstairs
right away.

KELLY: Vein retractor.

There's the bifurcation.

Looks like the internal
carotid's intact.

Confirms the angiograms,
which were all normal.

Looks like it missed both the
carotid and the vertebral arteries.

Let's get to work here.

Can you get this light so it's coming
straight down into the wound, please?




Hemostat, please.


You ought to keep that in...
Where you can get right at it.



There we are.

Pickup forceps.

Tip for the transverse process.

No more major structures

Doesn't seem to be any direct
damage to the nerve roots.

You think there'|| be a deficit?

Well, it looks
pretty good so far.

Let's go ahead with our
decompression laminectomy at C-45.


And ronjour, if you please.



Hey, Roy!

ROY: Yeah?

You think you can come
in here for a second?

I don't wanna.

Oh, come on, man.
I need your help.


Things are getting away
from me here a little bit.

Oh, really?

Yeah, I was just...

I was wondering if maybe
you could give me a hand.

I wouldn't know where to start.

Well, I'll tell you
where you can start.

You can... Right here
with these oysters.

If you can go out and get a
hammer and a screwdriver,

you could help
open up these oysters.

What are these?

I haven't the slightest idea.

I haven't got to that part yet.

[POT HISSING] What would
you think? Do you think...


You think maybe
you can get a mop, too?


Hammer, screwdriver, mop.

Do you think maybe you can
hurry? Because the timing is...


WOMAN ON PA: Mrs. Smith, 65,
please. Mrs. Smith, 65, please.


We got the b*llet out.

It appears the damage
to his spine is minimal.

Do you think he's gonna be okay?

Well, with something of this nature,
it could take a week or two

before we know for sure.
But I feel optimistic.

Ah, that's good.

Dr. Brackett, the policeman said that
Freddy was on LSD when this happened.


He made a bad mistake,
and he knows it.

He sure did.

I cannot believe that this
boy would be that stupid.

Mr. Winslow, Freddy was very
concerned that you'd have that reaction.

I was hoping you wouldn't.

Freddy is gonna need all the help
he can get just to stay even for a while.

I wish I could
give him today back.

I wish he could start
all over again.

Listen, you...

You give me a little warning,
and tell me when I can see him?

Sure, as soon as
he gets into recovery.

Thanks. I need some time
to get my head together.

Yeah. Well, believe me,
it'll be time well spent.

Dr. Brackett, thank you.


Hey, you need any help, Johnny?

No, we're okay.

You sure?

I'm positive. We're fine,
we're fine.


You know, Roy, I think I've
pretty much got it together now.

I sure know why chefs makes
as much money as they do.

This is hard work.

Oh, looking good.

Chef Michel will be proud of me.

Yeah, you've been a great
assistant. You really have.

Well, without...

Oh, no.

What happened?


It's green.

Yeah, is that bad?

It was white a half an hour ago.




DISPATCHER: Station 51,
Engine 36, Engine 116, Truck 127,

structure fire, Acme Flour Company,

1145 Central Boulevard. Cross street,
Webley. Time out, 11:15.

STANLEY: Station 51, KMG 365.


What've you got?

we were spot welding number three bin

and a piece of slag
fell into the flour.

It's just a smoldering fire now,
but I figured I ought to call you anyway.

Yeah, okay. Kelly,
why don't you pull a reel line.

Marco, grab an inch and a half.

John, pull in that line
with Marco, okay?

Listen, you have an alley on the west side,
as I recall. Is it clear?

Yeah. We had a pickup this morning,
but the truck's gone now.

Engine 36, Engine 51.

Stand by the hydrant at the
alley at Twelfth and Central.

Engine 116, stand by the hydrant
at the alley at Eleventh and Central.

Truck 126, stand by at the
front of the building. Let's go.

FOREMAN: Gee, it sounds
like World w*r Ill.

Well, we always place our companies
before we know just what we've got.

FOREMAN: How you doing, Ted?

TED: I keep pouring water in,
but it's smoking more than ever.

Come on down. We'll take it.


FOREMAN: Ted! Ted!

Cap, he's fallen in.

Where's the control
on this thing?

FOREMAN: Right there.

STANLEY: Okay. Listen,
evacuate the plan.

We have to dump this bin,
we can get a major expl*si*n.

Get all your people
out of here. All right.


L.A., Engine 51. We have
a minor dust expl*si*n.

Man trapped. Report to...

Charlie, George, come on,
let's go. Everybody out of here.


ROY: Cap, I can't see him.

We're gonna have
to dump the bin then.

Kelly, flow wide open fog
in the top there, pal.

Marco, wide open, right in here.

John, hit the control.
Marco, hit the water.

Still got fire up here, Cap.


Roy, we got him.

Stop the hoses
and get over here.

Keep us covered, Marco.
And we're gonna...

Oh, my ankle!
All right! All right!



L.A., Engine 51.
We've had a second expl*si*n.

The building is now
quite well and fogged here.

Want a second alarm.

Truck 127,
I want a water curtain on the south side

and ladder the exposure.

ROY: You okay, huh?

Oh, you mean, am I still alive?

As much as ever.

Feels like I wrenched
my right shoulder.

STANLEY: Chet, let's go.

I'll check you out. Okay.

Hang in there. There we go.

Can you give me a hand...



Chief, listen, we could lose the whole
block if it goes beyond the fire wall.

Now, 36 has got two lines. I
can have 'em set up their monitor.

Okay, Hank. Go ahead.

Engine 14, lay two lines
into the front of the building

and cover the exposure
to the south.

Engine 31, bring two lines,

one to the north side of the
building and one to the east end.

Truck 31, come in and set up
your water tower on the north side.

You two,
take the right side of the fire.


Say, you do good work Chester.

Well, I pattern my life
after you, my dear Captain.


Battalion 14, Engine 51. The fire in
the south building is under control.

Request additional personal
for salvage and overhaul.

HT, 51.10-4.

L.A., Battalion 14.
This fire is under control.

What turned it green?
That's all.

Oh, no. No!



Was that important?

Maybe we could improvise
something or...

No, no.

All right, wait a minute,
wait a minute. Now, wait a minute.

I gotta think. I gotta think.

I got an idea.

Let's dump it all,
just dump it all,

and get to the store real quick.

Get to the store,
get something else for dinner, okay?

Help me,
will you? Let's dump that in there.


Dump that, too.
Let's get rid of it.

Okay, all right.
Watch it, watch it!

Where's the chow? Smells great.

CHET: Oh, am I starved.

I am,
too. Put it down. Where's the bowl?

JOHNNY: Well, now...

Get out of the way,
or you'll be trampled by hungry firemen.


You guys, now, before...

Cap, Cap, listen,
it's not really...

John, my friend,
this is no time for modesty.

We'll be the judges.

Right. Anything I...

I'd take smaller portions.

That's all good.

Oh, Johnny,
interesting green color.

Yeah, that's...

I wouldn't take so much.

Onion. You got onion
in this, am I right?

Well, you know, Cap,
I don't think I really put...


John, to be honest
with you, this is good.

This is the best.

Thanks, Chet.

Mmm. What are these hard
things? They're pretty good.

You know, I really
don't know, Marco.

It's delicious.

Why aren't you eating?

[STUTTERING] You know,
when I was cooking I was tasting a lot

and I just got full.

Roy, dig in.


You're really missing a treat.

Yeah. Each bite is different.

I bet.


Look at this. Look at this here.

I think it was crab.

Oh, yeah? There's some
oysters... You get an oyster?


Might have been an oyster.
It was good.

STANLEY: I didn't get an oyster.

I think it was crab.

You sure? Mmm.

What you mean, crab shells?

Might have been an
oyster. It was good.

Do you think maybe we
should eat some of that stuff?

You gotta be kidding.

Is that a crab?

Something on a shell. Yeah.