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03x12 - Double Trouble

Posted: 01/17/24 10:16
by bunniefuu
[theme tune intro playing]

[digital sputtering and beeping]

-[upbeat synthesizers come in]

♪ Here we are ♪

♪ Going far
To save all that we love ♪

♪ If we give all we've got
We will make it through ♪

♪ Here we are, like a star
Shining bright on your world ♪

♪ Today, make evil go away ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, be there when you call ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, stronger after all ♪

[digital typing, beeping]


"Diary of Jeremy Belpois, Kadic Academy,

eighth grade student, October ninth.

A few weeks ago, I was hunting for parts
to finish building my miniature robots.

I couldn't find anything
around here I could use,

so I decided to rummage for scrap
in the abandoned factory

not far from the Academy.

I figured that I could find
plenty of cool old mechanical stuff

left inside there that would be useful.

And I wasn't disappointed.

It was unbelievable.

I stumbled into some sort of complex

with an entire computer lab, with scanners

and especially
this totally intense mainframe.

For the moment, I haven't told anyone.
It's my little secret.

It's the coolest thing
that's ever happened to me.

And that wasn't all.

That night,
even though I was scared stiff,

I decided to start up the computer."

I hope I'm not gonna regret
this in a minute.

Okay, go!



[mechanical whirring]

[mechanical whirring]

Now, let's see what you've got
under the hood, my friend.

[computer chirping]

Wow! What's all this? A video game?

[computer chirping]

[Aelita through computer]
Who… who are you? Where… where am I?


[theme music]

[bell rings]

[unintelligible chatter]

[Odd groans] Are you Ulrich Stern?

That depends. Who wants to know?

Odd Della Robbia.

-His brand new roommate.

I'm new at the Academy, and
the principal told me to move in with you.

Mmm… Latch onto me, sounds more like it.

Relax! I'm totally cool.

Trust me, you'll see
you won't even know I'm there.

I sure hope so.
Look, we don't exactly go way back.

So just for now, let's take things
nice and slow. Okay?

Okay. Nice and slow.

Hi there, Ulrich sweetheart.

I've got something
very important to tell you.

Important like… hmm…

"I lost my mascara"
or "my pink tee-shirt ran"?

No, nothing as serious as that.

It's something about you and me, Ulrich.

If you wanna know more,
come by my dorm tonight at eight.

-I'm counting on you.
-[Herb chuckles]

Ulrich… sweetheart.

Who's the good looking babe?

She's the principal's daughter.

Guys flip over her,
but she's only flipped over me.

-That's pretty cool.

She's totally brain dead
and a leech as well.

In that case, it's pretty lame.

[bell rings]

And the waiter says, I don't have
frogs' legs. That's just the way I walk.


You get it?

No, but what I am beginning to get
is that

you're determined
not to give me a break.

We're gonna have to get to know
each other, and you'll see,

by the end of the day,
you won't be able to do without me.

[theme music]

[computer chirping]

Artificial intelligence, can you hear me?


Yes, but would you mind calling me
something else, please?

Okay. How do you like the name… Maya?


I like that,

but what I'd really like
is for you to tell me

what I'm doing in this virtual universe.

That's not so easy,
but I've already got a couple of answers.

You're part of a virtual environment
called Lyoko,

and you've gotta try to get out of there.

Look around for a door
or something like that.

Jeremy, I can't find anything. I…

[Aelita gasps]

[Aelita] Jeremy, I…

This is weird. You have to see this.

[Jeremy through computer]
I'd love to.

-Do you think you can give me a visual?
-I'll try.



[computer chirping]


Maya, there isn't just a forest out there.

There's an entire world.

[Jeremy through computer]
I count four sectors.

Each one is different.


Huh? Jeremy, I'm not all alone out here.
There are some animals.

That's fantastic!

This virtual world has an entire
ecosystem, with virtual living creatures.

-Can you get closer?
-[lasers blasting]


they're attacking me!

[Jeremy] Run away Maya!

Get back to the tower!

[whimpers and screams]


hurry up!

[Aelita pants and whimpers]

Your… your life points are regenerating.

[theme music]

[upbeat music]

You know what I was thinking?

You know your girlfriend there… Sissi?

She's not my girlfriend!


-So that means she's available.
-I'm telling you, she's lame.

Plus, no offence, but you're not her type.

-[Odd] Oh, yeah, I hear that a lot.

-[Jeremy groans]

[Jeremy groans]

-[Ulrich] Hey, Belpois, you okay?
-[Jeremy groans]

I'll take him to the infirmary.
Tell the teacher, okay?

[Odd nods]

[Ulrich grunts]

[digital whirring]

[nurse] Nothing too serious.

Just a minor electrical shock
and some superficial burns.

You wanted some juice. Well, you got some.

Very funny, Stern,
but thanks all the same.

Don't mention it.

I'll come by to check on you tonight,
after my martial arts class.

How are you all? I'm happy to see
so many of you here tonight.

Kalaripayat. Kogusoku. Jutsu.

No, these are not dishes served
at the Golden Dragon Chinese restaurant.


No offence, Miss Ishiyama.

None taken, sir. I'm Japanese.

Yeah, well, whatever.

Anyway, these are combat techniques
that can save your life,

as they did for me when I was
a forest ranger in Quebec.

[Ulrich] Really? What happened?

That night, well, I was quietly enjoying
a waffle with maple syrup by my campfire,

when I was att*cked by a vicious beaver.

Its razor sharp teeth were going
for my jugular,

but I was able to save myself
thanks to my perfect mastery

of "the raging hand of Li Fou Chang."

[both laughing]

-What? What's so funny about that?
-Excuse us, sir.

Honestly, I think you would have been
better off not talking about it.

Right. Okay then, enough laughing.

Let's get into groups of two.

[Jim grunts]

[both grunting and groaning]

[Yumi groans]


Hmm… Pretty good for a beginner.



[both grunting]

[Jim] Not bad,

but you could both use a lot more work.

That will do for tonight, kids.

Bow to each other,
and go and get some beauty sleep.

Nice to meet you too!

[theme music]

-[dog panting]
-Huh? What is with this mess?

-Where did that mutt come from?

That's Kiwi, my dog.

He just had a little fit, that's all,
you understand?

The poor thing's not used to being
cooped up.

I mean look at this!

My CDs, my clothes…
He's trashed everything!

And he…

Did you see what he did in my bed?


Sorry, but I couldn't take him
out with everyone around.

-There are no dogs allowed at Kadic.
-No kidding!

I think the principal's gonna be
interested in hearing about this!

That's okay, Kiwi, my little diggity dog.

[computer keys clatter]

Hmm? What's going on?
Hey, I've seen that logo before.



[Jeremy screams and groans]

-[Jeremy] Help!
-[Ulrich grunts]


-[Jeremy groaning]
-Hang on.

[both groaning and grunting]

-Okay. Yah!
-[Jeremy screaming]

[Jeremy groans]

Your little friends
are kind of aggressive.

Maybe you should check their settings.

I had nothing to do with it.

They just att*cked me all of a sudden.

You lost me. Do you mind explaining?

No, forget it.

Come on, tell me.
Maybe I could be of some help.

What if you suddenly get att*cked
by a hair dryer, and I'm not around?

Ha! Very funny.

I'm not leaving this room
until I know what's up.

Okay. What have I got to lose?

I'm already in over my head,
so I might as well tell you.

This is so crazy!

First, tell me if you can keep a secret.

[Ulrich] That tunnel in the gym is
a great way to beat curfew.

[Jeremy] Yep, and there's another one
on the campus as well.

[Jeremy grunts]

What's the matter? Scared of heights?

Hmm… No.

[computer blipping]

[Ulrich] Okay, so that's the mega computer
you started up?

[Jeremy nods]
It's actually a super computer.

It's ultra powerful.

And while I was examining it…

I found out that it runs
a virtual universe called, Lyoko.

You know what, Belpois? This morning's
electric shock fried your brain.

This thing is just the control center
of the factory, that's all.

Oh, yeah? And what would you call this?
A program for spray painting doors?

Hello Jeremy.

Who's the girl with the pink hair?

That's Maya, a form of artificial
intelligence who lives on Lyoko.

I don't know what she's there for yet.

Don't mess with me.
You programmed her, right?

No, I woke up the moment
that Jeremy restarted the supercomputer.

I don't know who I am.
My memory has been erased.

Maya has to hide in some kind of a tower.

As soon as she leaves it,
she gets att*cked by monsters.

You've gotta believe me, Stern!

-This is an incredible discovery!
-[Ulrich] Let's say it is.

What if… What if it's just some
kind of giant video game?

Then it's a very dangerous game.

My robots are programmed
just to go and fetch a ball,

and they just tried to k*ll me,
don't forget. You saw them.

What's more, the moment they att*cked,

a kind of logo appeared
on my computer screen.

The same one that the monsters
had on Lyoko!

Better and better.

Do you mean then that… that the virtual
thing that att*cked Maya

also wants to k*ll you?

That's what it looks like.

You know what?

If that's true, Belpois…

If it's that dangerous, I think you should
shut it down, and call the police.

Okay, but first,

I want to help Maya
understand what she's doing on Lyoko.

Say what?

I really do, and if I'm right,
we can materialize her here on Earth.

Oh, that's too much.
What makes you think you can?

You'll see, Stern.

This one is absolutely perfect.

Tonight my dear Ulrich, you are all mine.

-[Ulrich] What's all this?

I still haven't found the program
that can bring Maya back to Earth,

but I dug up the one which allows someone
to be scanned and sent to Lyoko.

In fact, the super computer analyzes
your molecular structure

through these cabins,

and then breaks down your atoms
before digitalizing them

and recreating a digital incarnation
in the virtual world.

In English?

You go inside the cabin,
you're teleported to the virtual world.

Jeremy, these things don't exist yet.

There's no way.

You still don't want to believe me.

I would love to,

but virtualization
is straight out of science fiction.

Why don't we try it out?
That way, you can see for yourself.

But we're gonna need a guinea pig.

A guinea pig? No problem.

[theme music]


Well, got a surprise for you, doggy.

-You're gonna be virtualized.
-[dog panting]

[grunts and groans]

-[mobile rings]

-[dog whines]
-[Odd groans]



-[Ulrich grunts]
-[Sissi gasps]

[both scream and groan]

-Hey, Ulrich, come.
-Wait up!


Where is he going? I'm sure
there's another girl behind all this!

No, look, It's not a girl.
It's Kiwi, my dog!

[gasps and groans]

[both panting]

But why is he taking Kiwi
into this factory?

Who knows?

Maybe he wants to use him
for some horrible science experiment.

You watch too many horror movies.

Yeah, you're right. That was pretty dumb.

It's probably more like some sort of
ritual sacrifice or a voodoo thing.

[Odd sighs]

-[Ulrich] Nice puppy. Don't move.

[dog panting]

[computer chirping]

Everything's cool, Jeremy.
The mutt is in the scanner.

[Jeremy] Okay, let's see how it goes.

It's not gonna be a piece of cake.



-Those things look like coffins.
-You're right.

Maybe it's the tomb
of an Egyptian pharaoh.

-Right. We're all set.
-[computer keys clatter]

I'm starting up the procedure.

Kiwi, are you okay, boy?

-[Odd chuckles]
-[dog panting]


Oh, no, you're going to be mummified!

Transfer guinea pig.

[Jeremy] Scanner guinea pig?

-[digital whirring]

-That's a weird looking dog.

That's no dog!
That's Odd Della Robbia!

Hmm… I don't know
how to stop the procedure!

[Sissi] Help!

Oh, man…


What's going on around here?

[Odd] Where am I?


And why am I dressed up
like a giant purple cat?

[Jeremy through computer]
Odd Della Robbia?

Who's calling me?

[Jeremy through computer]
It's me, Jeremy Belpois.

Is this a joke or something?

[Jeremy through computer]
Huh… No.


[groans] Ulrich!

[Jeremy through computer] Ulrich, it's OK.

Odd is safe and sound on Lyoko.

Am I in a video game?

It looks like the set for Babylon
Ninja Fighter Three.

[Jeremy through computer]
Actually, I don't really know.

It's a virtual world.
That much I'm sure of.


-[laser blasting]

[mechanical footsteps]

Huh… That's a lot less cool.

[Odd through computer] There are
these giant cockroaches attacking me.

-Is that normal?

-[computer beeping]
-[Odd] Oh, nothing to worry about then.

That's not what I meant.
You gotta get out of there!

[Jeremy through computer]
Ulrich, Della Robbia's in danger.

[Sissi groans]

And I need time to devirtualize him.
I don't know what to do.

He needs help. Do you think you can send
Sissi and me to Lyoko?

-[Jeremy] Well, I can always try.
-[Sissi whimpers]

What? Send us where, Ulrich?

To a virtual world where
weird monsters wanna m*ssacre you.

You wanted to go out with me.
Now is your chance.

No thanks.

I prefer real worlds.
I'm not into the other kind.

Plus, I couldn't possibly miss cheerleader
practice tomorrow morning.

See you, chicken. Jeremy, I'm ready to go.

[Jeremy through computer]
Okay, I'm starting the procedure.

Transfer Ulrich.

Scanner Ulrich. Virtualization.

[electricity crackles]

[Jeremy through computer]
Odd, hang in there.

Ulrich Stern is on his way
to give you a hand.

Great! I was starting to get bored
here all alone.

[digital whirring]


[Ulrich] Ouch!


Wow! This sword rocks.

Hey that's not fair!
How come he gets to be a samurai?

That's much cooler.

I have no idea why.

[Jeremy] Maybe the computer just reads
into your subconscious desires

and projects them
onto your digital incarnations.

I don't dream about giant purple cats.

What's more,
I'd rather have a w*apon like Ulrich,

not these great big useless paws!

Hey, watch out.

Hmm… These arrows are pretty cool.

I take back what I said.

[mechanical whirring]

[dog sniffing]


Try to hook up with Maya in her tower.

Hold on, I'll give you the coordinates.

[Sissi] Who is this Maya,

and what is that thing?

It's… it's the mainframe
of a super computer.

[Sissi groans]



[both groaning]

[Odd] Who is this Maya?

A virtual girl who lives on Lyoko.

Oh, you mean there are babes here too?

-Yes, but I get the impression

that Belpois' flipped for her.

-For a virtual chick? Is he nuts?
-Kind of.

Jeremy, are you going to give us
those coordinates or not?

[Ulrich through computer]
Jeremy, are you asleep or what?

[dog barks]

Sic them, I said!
Sic them, you dumb mutt!

[groans and screams]

Look, I see a tower.

It could be that one.

[Odd] Is there a door?

[groans and screams]

[groaning and grunting]


I can't hold on for much longer.
You're too heavy.

[Odd] Drop your saber.

Nice try, but forget it.

[both scream]

Okay, right. Where are we?

-Where did the forest go?
-How should I know?

But you see the tower over there?

-Weird how it's not the same color.
-[Odd sighs]

And those creatures…
They're kind of weird too.

[mechanical footsteps]

Might be a good idea to beat it,
don't you think?

-[Odd nods]
-[Ulrich] Okay.

[lasers blasting]




-[laser blasting]

-[laser blasting]
-[Ulrich grunts]

-[lasers blasting]

-[Odd] Wow!
-[lasers blasting]

[Ulrich grunts]

[Ulrich keeps grunting]

-[lasers blasting]
-[Ulrich grunts]

So how do you k*ll these things?

I wish I knew. Hey, you wouldn't know
how many life points we have?

[Ulrich] No!

[Odd groans]



-Yes! Ouch!
-[laser blasting]


Great! At least we're alive.

Alive? Well, if you say so.

I think I'm about to throw up.

Help us!

[Jeremy screaming]

[Odd] Uh-oh.

-[electricity crackles]

[Ulrich] Hang in there, Jeremy!



-[Jeremy screams]

[Ulrich grunting]

-[Ulrich grunts]
-[Odd] It works the second time.

I told you that by the end of the day,
you wouldn't be able to do without me.


[Jeremy groans]


[Jeremy] Maya, are you there?

[Aelita through computer] Yes.
Is everything okay on your side?

Well, we're a little shaken up,
but it could have been worse.

[theme music]