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04x03 - Opening Act

Posted: 01/17/24 10:20
by bunniefuu
[theme song starts]

[digital typing and beeping]

Here we are, going far
To save all that we love

If we give all we've got
We will make it through

Here we are, like a star
Shining bright on your world

Today, make evil go away

Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all

Code Lyoko, be there when you call

Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall

Code Lyoko, stronger after all

[digital typing and beeping]


-[light music]
-[birds chirping]

-Hi everybody.
-Hi, Yumi.

What's happening, Yumi?

You mean to tell me there's actually
a little news in the Kadic News this time?

-Don't tell me you haven't heard?
-[Yumi grunts]

"Scoop of the year"… Blah, blah, blah…
Chris coming to Kadic…

Blah, blah, blah… "Too amazing!"
Chris? Chris who?

You're kidding!
Haven't you ever heard of the Subdigitals?

Chris is their drummer
and he'll be at Kadic today!

Hey, you guys, cool it.

-It sounds like a phony scoop.
-Yeah, it sure does.

Just another one of Milly
and Tamiya's dumb stories.

Well, it could be for real.

It seems that Chris is coming here
to visit his uncle.

You mean that Chris has an uncle
who works here?

-I wonder who that can be.
-You too, Aelita?

How can you believe that stuff?

[indistinct chatter]

[Yumi] If it's true,
who do you think his uncle really is?

Fumey, Chardin, Mr. Delmas…
Not Mr. Delmas.

Sissi could never be Chris' cousin.

If she was, she'd be shouting it out
to anyone willing to listen to her.

What about Reilly?

Michael Reilly, the custodian? Right.

Well in that case, why not Jim?

Well done, Della Robbia.
Just as clumsy as ever.

Jim, what a coincidence.
We were just talking about you.

About me?

Yeah. It seems that the Subdigitals'
drummer is coming to Kadic

to visit his uncle, and we thought
you'd be the first to know.

Me? No, what gave you an idea like that?

I almost forgot, how stupid of me.

That's not your style of music at all,
is it Jim?

You're more into like oldies, huh?

Yeah, but wait a second.

I also happen to like rock music
and I love the Subdigitals.

Those guys are very talented artists,
especially my nephew. He's really great.

Hey, I was right!

You're Chris' uncle!

I can't believe it!

I didn't say that, did I?

You sure did, Jim.
That's what he said, right?

Okay, okay, little Chris is my nephew,

Wow, now that's what I call
a sensational scoop!

I'm counting on you all
not to tell anybody.

Especially you, Della Robbia.

I don't want this getting around.

I promise not to tell a living soul, Jim.

[girl] Jim, tell Chris I love him…
I wrote a song for him…

Hey, you've got the wrong guy!

I don't know any Chris!

I've never heard of the guy, you hear?

Go away, away I say!

My dear Chris,

on behalf of the entire staff
and student body of Kadic Academy,

I would like to wish you
a very warm welcome.

-[crowd] Chris! Chris! Chris!
-[principal] Chris, they're all yours.

[crowd clamoring] Chris! Chris!

Good morning, everyone,

-and thank you all for this enthusiasm.
-[crowd cheering]

As I guess all of you know,

-I came here to visit my uncle.
-[Jim chuckles]

But there's another reason as well.

[Chris] The Subdigitals have decided to do
a school tour to discover new talent

and to develop that talent by giving
you guys a chance to be the opening act

at our next concert.

[crowd cheering]

And thanks to the kind authorization
of your principal,

we've organized an audition
for this afternoon in your gymnasium.

[crowd cheering]

[theme music]

[light music]

[Odd grunting]

[Odd] Now where did it go?
I'm positive I put it here.

[Ulrich] Since when do you actually
put any of your things away, Odd?

[Odd laughs mockingly]
Very funny.

You know, you guys could give me a hand!

If you tell us what you're looking for,
maybe we could help.

[Odd] My CD demo.

[Odd groans]
I absolutely have to play it for Chris!

Well, you did put it away,
in Kiwi's drawer!

[Odd] Let's see.
Thanks, my adorable diggity dog.

[Yumi grunts]

Glory and fame are just around the corner.

I hope not too many kids show up.

[indistinct chatter]

-You were saying?
-[Odd grunts]




[Aelita gasps]
There you are.


[smooches, giggles]

Jeremy, it's you!

Yeah. I was thinking, Aelita,
that since Delmas cancelled classes today,

we could make some headway on the program
for our new virtual ship.

Well, I'd like to, but…

Oh no, come on! Don't tell me you're gonna
waste your time going to that audition.

Imagine what XANA might be plotting
on the network even while we're talking.

We've got to find a way to travel there,
and I was counting on you, Aelita.

All right. I won't go.


Chris has got to choose my demo.
He's got a good ear for talent.

And then I'll be the greatest
DJ star of all time.

The biggest DJ of all time?

What does DJ stand for, "dumb jerk"?

Just cool it, Odd.

You'll eat those words when you see me
in a stretch limo!

-[Odd grunts]
-Odd, don't worry. You'll see.

Your mix will blow everyone away.

as long as you don't bust our eardrums.

Hey, man! With friends like you,
who needs enemies?

Thanks for your support, Ulrich.

[mid-tempo electronic music playing]

Thank you…

Matthias, is that right?


[Chris] Next!

Hello, I'm Sissi Delmas,
the daughter of Jean-Pierre Delmas,

the school principal.

-[comedic horn blows]
-[Chris groans]


I'm gonna play my best track for you.

It's called, "I'm Headed for the Stars"!

Okay, Sissi,
I hope it really takes off for you.

You won't believe your ears, Chris.

-[harsh music playing]

[discordant music playing]

Thank you, Sissi.

[Sissi huffs]

Hey Sissi,
your stretch limo have a flat tire?

[Sissi] Dork!

Uh, hello, my name is Odd Della Robbia,

and I think I'd better explain
that my music is

a little experimental, actually,
uh, well, pretty different.

Well, anyway, you're gonna love it.


[Jeremy] You see,
this is where I'm stumped.

I still don't understand the real nature
of the transitional interface

between Lyoko and the network,

even though I've gone over and over
the flux and…

-[Jeremy] Hey, Aelita, are you listening?
-Oh, I'm sorry.

Could you say that again?

Never mind. There might be a way.

[Jeremy] I discovered that we could
reconfigure the navigation parameters

in relative function
to the frequency of the flux…

[music volume lowers]

And there you go.

[hesitates] Well… I…

Odd. Odd Della Robbia.

And what you just heard is just
a little taste of what I can do.

I swear, I've got lots of other tracks.
You wanna hear them?

Some other time maybe. Thanks a lot, Odd.

-[pensive piano music]
-[Odd sighs]

[Odd] I was good, wasn't I?

[Yumi] Well, you gave it your best sh*t.
That's the main thing.

One thing's for sure. You said it was
different, and you weren't lying.

[Jim grunts]

Well now, kid,
have you found a future star?

-I'd rather not talk about it, Uncle Jim.

[theme music]

-[computer beeps]
-What do you mean, "system error"?

Okay, don't blow your cool, Jeremy.

We'll just shift the polarity
of the contact flux and…

Hand me those figures… Huh?

Are you okay, Aelita?

Is something wrong?

It's okay, I can finish up on my own.
If you want to go, you can go.

Are you… Are you sure?

Yeah. I think I know what's holding us up.

Okay, I'm off then. See you later.


It's not that simple. It's all part
of this promotional operation.

If we don't bring the record company
some new talent,

they'll be down on me
like a ton of bricks.

-They've already made us change our name.
-Don't worry, my boy.

There's gotta be a youngster around here
with a ton of talent.

A few words for the Kadic News, Chris?

Just one or two questions.

Can I have an autograph, Chris?


Oh no!

I'm too late!


When's your next concert?

Are you working on a new album?

-Sign my notebook, please…
-[Jim] Calm down.

[Jim] He can't answer your questions
if you all talk at once.

-[upbeat music]
-Now let's try it one at a time.

-Me first!
-Hold on, quiet down!

That's fantastic!

It's what I've been looking
for all day today!

[rapid whooshing]

[tense music]

Hey! I…

Oh no. I'm too late!

-[tense music]
-[electricity zapping]

And you figure that compared
to the rest of the candidates,

I've got a pretty good chance
of getting picked?

Just thinking about being the opening act
for the Subdigitals gives me the chills!

-[Yumi grunts]
-Odd, it's not in the bag just yet.

You guys want a scoop?

Chris finally found the opening act
he was looking for.

I knew it!
Fame, fortune and glory are all mine now!

Forget about it.
No one knows who it is, not even Chris.

What? But how can that be?
I didn't stop repeating my name.

No, it happened after the auditions.

All he did was hear the music.
He didn't see the DJ.

-[Odd] I don't believe it!

He went to see the principal
to see if he could find this Cinderella,

whoever he or she is. Huh?

What's the matter with her?

[grunts] Well, when you gotta go,
you gotta go, I guess.

[Jeremy] Oh no, a XANA att*ck!

[Ulrich] Yeah, Jeremy?

The Superscan has just picked up
an activated tower.

We've got to get to the factory, fast.

Okay, but Aelita
took off and no one knows where she went.

Wait for me under the arches.
I'll stop by her room first.

See you in a few minutes.

[Aelita panting]

[Aelita gasps] Chris!

I was looking for you.
I wanted to give you this.

[Aelita screams, groans]

[Aelita groaning]

-[electricity zapping]
-[Aelita screams]

[tense music]

Chris… I'll bet you've found out
who the mystery DJ is. Is it…

-[tense music continues]

[both gasping]

[Aelita on voicemail]
Hi, leave me a message.

She's not picking up.

[Jeremy] She's not in her room either.

We were working together,
but she wasn't concentrating.

She was more interested in showing
her demo to Chris at the audition.

Oh, now I understand
why she took off like a rocket.

-Do you think Aelita's the mystery DJ?
-Kinda looks like it.

-Would you mind filling me in?
-Don't worry, we'll tell you on the way.

You two go and find her.

[Yumi] She must have gone
to the principal's office to see Chris.

-[Yumi] Meet us at the factory.
-[both nod]

[tense music]

-[Jeremy grunts]
-[Yumi grunts]

You look like you're in shock. Did Sissi
say something intelligent for once?

Chris just kidnapped Aelita.


Yeah, we saw him pass by
with Aelita on his shoulder.

He was totally weird,
like the mad k*ller in Executioner Two.

-Shouldn't we call the police?
-I wouldn't do that.

That was just for the… the video.

I mean, the new Subdigitals' video.

They're doing this science fiction thing
with robots invading the school.

Right. We've gotta go now.

We've got parts in the next scene
they're sh**ting.

[both grunt]

-[Ulrich] Yes, Jeremy? Chris? Okay.
-Hey, look.

This has to be Aelita's demo.

-Odd, look. Chris and Jim.
-[Odd] Outside?

[Ulrich] She walked right into
the lion's den.

Aelita isn't there.
Chris must've locked her up somewhere.

That's weird.
He doesn't look Xanafied, does he?

Only one way to find out.

Look kid, there's nothing to worry about.
We're gonna find your DJ.

Chris, check out this CD.

It's just what you're looking for.

-Hey, Stern, Della Robbia, cut that out!
-It's important, look.

[Ulrich] We've got the demo
Chris has been looking for.


What's wrong?
You want an autograph or what?

Sorry Chris, but I…

b*at it, you two! Scram!

And I suggest you watch your step.
I've got my eye on you.

We'll discuss this later.

I just don't get it.

If he didn't kidnap Aelita,
then it must have been…

[both] A polymorphic spectre!

[theme music]

[tense music]


[digital scanning, beeping]


But what's going on? Aelita!

[digital scanning]

Too late!

[static zapping]

[ethereal music]


What am I doing here?

[action music]

[phone ringing]

Yeah, Jeremy, I'm listening.

You can stop looking for Aelita.

She's on Lyoko.

We know. There's a polymorphic spectre
on the loose.

Okay, we're on our way.
We're at the secret passage.

[Jim laughs]

You guys are as easy to track
down as a caribou in the Great North.

Stay where you are.
We have a few questions to ask you.

Sorry Jim, but we don't have time.

-We have to--
-Well, we happen to be in a hurry too.

[Chris] Are you the one
who put this together?

Well, yeah… No.
It's a friend of mine… Aelita.

What's her last name?

What's the difference? She's in danger
and that's why we're in such a big hurry.

What do you mean in danger?
What's this all about?

Take us to her immediately,

unless you'd rather settle this
in the principal's office.

[both groan]

Okay then, come with us,
but let me warn you about two things.

Try to avoid asking any questions,
and get ready for a workout.

Works for me, Stern. There's no work
that I like better than working out.

Jeremy, I'm ready.

[Jeremy through computer]
Okay, here we go.

Scanner Yumi.

[Jeremy] Transfer Yumi.

[Jeremy] Virtualization.

[mechanical whirring]

Energy field!


[Aelita grunts]


[mechanical whirring]

You may be possessed by XANA, but
you're still a rookie on Lyoko, William.


[Yumi grunting]

-[Yumi grunting]
-[tense music]


Follow her.

[metallic clanking]

Hey, William.



Jeremy, where are Odd and Ulrich?
We're gonna need some backup over here.

They're on their way. Meanwhile,
try to get to the activated tower.

It's bearing south of your position.
I'll bring you up a vehicle.

[all panting]

[metallic clang]

[theme music]

[action music]

[Aelita grunting]

[Aelita panting]

[metallic clanking]

[Aelita shouts]

[mechanical whirring]

What's wrong, ladies?
Having a bad leg day?


[action music intensifies]


-[Jeremy groans]
-[Chris grunts]

Jeremy, where's that vehicle?

The old William was hard to get rid of,
but this one is a lot worse.



[Jeremy groans, grunts]


What is this place?
A mad scientist hideout?

Who's that guy over there,
a stunt double or a clone?

A polymorphic spectre.

Yeah, well spectre or not,
he's not getting my autograph…


Hey, hands off my nephew, pal!

[Jim] Now you'll see what it's like
to mess with an old Special Forces agent.



Hey, we really need you Einstein,
so wake up.

-[Jim groans]
-Get to… get to the scanner room.

Aelita… She's in trouble. Hurry up.


[shrieks in pain]

[Chris] Hey, what's going on around here?

I told you not to ask any questions.

-[mechanical whirring]
-[action music]




All set Jeremy.

[Jeremy through computer]
Okay, first let me program an overwing.

[digital beeping]



[Jeremy through computer] Transfer Ulrich.

[Jeremy] Transfer Odd.

-Thanks Jeremy. That was a close one.
-[Jeremy] Move out, Aelita. Hurry up!

All right.

[Jeremy] Virtualization!

[static zapping]


Hey there, you little crab cakes.
Did you miss us?

[Odd shouts]


[Ulrich] Impact!

You can have the last one. Super sprint!

Great! I love having seconds.

[theme music]

[tense music]

I'll get rid of that impostor now!

No one does that to me
and gets away with it!

-No, Uncle Jim!




[Jim grunts]

[William and Yumi grunting]


[dramatic mid-tempo music]



[dramatic music]



If you're trying to get a date with Yumi,

I'm not so sure that's the right way.


[dramatic music]


You don't have to be a math genius to know
that there's one too many Jims here.

Reminds me of the time I fought

against Hurricane Windstorm in Vegas

back in '94. In the third round,
I just walloped--


Oh, I'm sorry, I…

How are you guys doing?

We've got our hands full here,
and if this keeps up,

the Subdigitals are gonna need
a new drummer.

We're doing our best, Einstein.

Okay, let's get down to business.

Laser arrow!






[Manta screeches]

[tense music]

[Odd] Surprise!



[echoing digital beeps]


[ethereal music]

[digital beeping]

Tower deactivated.

[powering down]

-[Jeremy grunts]
-[Jim groans]



Don't worry, William.
I'll fight you every step of the way.

Super smoke!

Belpois, I want an explanation right now!

What is going on, and what in the world
is all this equipment for?

I would but I'm getting tired
of explaining it to you, Jim,

'cause in ten seconds,
you won't remember any of it anyway.

Not so fast. First, tell me who Aelita is.

Return to the past now.


[powering up]

[indistinct chatter]

I finally figured out
what was wrong with my demo.

I didn't push the second break
with a series of scratches.

You'll see,
I'll do a lot better next time.

Well, I guess in the end, XANA's att*ck
ended up giving us another free afternoon

to work on our virtual ship, huh, Aelita?

-[knock on door]

Come in.

Excuse me. I'm looking for Aelita Stones.

Uh… That's me, but…

I'm really glad to meet you, Aelita.

I heard your demo
and I think it's really great.

Could we go over to the gym?
I'd love to hear it live.

I'd like to, but I'm not sure I can…

Go on. It's an offer you can't refuse.

Okay then, let's go.

[Aelita] By the way,
how'd you get a hold of my demo?

Oh, one of your friends gave it to me.

[theme music]