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04x18 - Hard Luck

Posted: 01/17/24 10:32
by bunniefuu
[theme song starts]

[digital typing and beeping]

Here we are, going far
To save all that we love

If we give all we've got
We will make it through

Here we are, like a star
Shining bright on your world

♪ Today, make evil go away

Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all

Code Lyoko, be there when you call

Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall

Code Lyoko, stronger after all

[digital whirring and beeping]


[upbeat music]


[Odd mumbling]

Uh, hey, Odd,
if you're trying to clean up the room,

you'd better find another system.

There! That's what I was looking for.

Oh, no. It's not.

I don't wanna be late for breakfast!

So you can steal an extra croissant?

Well yeah, but also to steal Azra's heart.


Where are my shoes?

[Ulrich] Uh, you just have
to follow the stink.


You're pretty wound up today.
You sure this morning is the best time?

Oh, yeah. She borrowed
my pencil sharpener yesterday.


Well, that's a sure sign
that she's totally crazy about me.

So today's the day!

[Odd gasps]

Oh! Sorry about that.

I'm sorry for you.
That means seven years bad luck.

Ulrich, are you superstitious?

Well, yeah, aren't you?

Are you kidding? No, not a chance.

Get real, good buddy.

Four leaf clovers, rabbits' feet,
horse shoes are for old ladies.

Ah! In fact, I can feel it.

Today is gonna be my lucky day!

Della Robbia,
I'll bet you think it's really funny

filling my shoes with cottage cheese, huh?

You just earned yourself
eight hours of detention!

But it wasn't me, Jim.

Well, if it wasn't you, then who was it?

Well, I'm not a snitch Jim, but you might
wanna check out Nicolas and Herb.

Thanks for the tip.

That's gonna cost you four hours of
detention for selling out your classmates.

Can you believe that?

I told you, Odd. Seven years bad luck.

Forget it.
There's no such thing as bad luck!

Sorry Odd, but I guess you're out of luck.

Not even one croissant left, Rosa?

What am I supposed to eat?

How about some dry toast?

No way.

Okay, give me some hot chocolate
to drown my sorrows in.

I can't do that, Odd.
The machine is on the blink.

It never happened before
in all the years I've been working here.


Tea and dry toast, Odd?
What are you, sick?

No, not yet.
But after I choke this down, I will be!

-[all laughing]
-[Jeremy] Okay everyone, here's the plan.

You've got to return to the m*llitary base

and destroy XANA's Supercomputer
once and for all.

I don't think
it should be too complicated.

That is as long as XANA doesn't have
anything new up his sleeve.


Let's have breakfast together.

So you can start drinking hot chocolate
through your nose again?

Uh, no. And besides,
the machine is busted.

What I meant is, uh,
I wanna learn to speak Turkish.

-Maybe you can give me lessons.
-Do you mean it?

-[Odd] Sure I do.
-Well, uh, we can discuss it.

Great idea, Azra. I can't wait to start.

Hey, why did you tell Jim on me?
You're a snitch, Odd!

Not only that, but it was your idea
to put the cottage cheese in his sneakers.

Which was incredibly funny.

Hmm. Yeah, Odd, you just wait.

We're gonna get even with you for that,
someday. You'll see, you traitor!

[Odd] Hmm?

I don't blame Herb. Budala!


Dork! That's the word for "numbskull"!

Well, Odd, I guess you've just had
your first Turkish lesson!


[theme music]

[Ulrich] Walking under a ladder
is like asking for bad luck.

In Japan, people avoid anything
to do with the number four,

because it sounds just like
the word for "death."

Did you know that the word
"rabbit" is bad luck for sailors.

So is spilling salt when you're on a ship.

And I tell you that the only thing
that'll bring you bad luck

is talking to an Odd
about dumb superstition,

cause all you'll get you
is being laughed at!

You think you're smart,
but I'll bet by the end of the day,

you'll be crossing streets
to avoid black cats.

Okay, Odd and Yumi, you guys ready
for teleportation?

-[Odd] Ready.
-[Yumi] Ready.

Then here we go. Energize Yumi.

Energize Odd.

Well, go on.


Hey Jeremy, we've got
a slight problem. Where's Odd?

He's still in his Navskid.

[Odd] I don't get it.

-[Odd] What did I do wrong?
-I don't get it either.

The teleportation failed
for the first time.

I guess it's bad luck.

Ulrich, save your dumb jokes,

or you'll have the bad luck of being
forced to eat ten pounds of dry toast!

[Aelita] What do we do now, Jeremy.
Do you want me to go?

No, you've got plenty to do
dealing with the Replika.

The Superscan has just picked up
an activated tower. I'll send Ulrich.

-[Ulrich] Just say when.
-[Jeremy] Energize Ulrich.

-[Yumi] Hey, Ulrich!

-Where's Odd?
-Stuck on Lyoko.

-No. I'm glad in fact.

He's really bad luck today.


Watch your step.
If a tower's been activated,

you can be sure
that XANA's planning to counter att*ck.

How about giving us the coordinates,
so that we can go and deactivate it?

[Jeremy] Due west
from you present position.

Let's go!

-As deserted as ever, huh?
-That's good news.

[Aelita] Here we go.

[Jeremy] Here are your vehicles.


Jeremy, isn't Aelita getting
on the overboard with me.

[Jeremy] Uh, you know Odd,

seeing how your day's been going

up to now,
I'd rather you guys traveled separately.

You are all such lame-os!
I tell you everything's cool!

[Odd glitches]


Did you see that, Jeremy?

What's going on?


I have no idea. I'll check it out.
You guys get going.


Freight elevator over there.
It'll take us downstairs.


By the way, Yumi. I never asked you this.

Which monsters
do you like fighting the least of all?

The Kankrelats. I really hate fighting
against big bugs! Ugh!

Yeah, right.
What I hate most are Megatanks.

-How about the--
-The Kankrelats!

Yeah, I know. You said that already.

No, I mean over there!


[Odd gasps]


[Yumi] Hurry up!


I wish XANA had sent us a few Krabs.

I'd have preferred Hornets.
Jeremy, do you read us?

Loud and clear.
Anything wrong?

[Ulrich] Yeah. We just found out
why XANA activated a tower.

-He's teleporting Kankrelats our way.
-[Jeremy] I'm on it.

Aelita, Yumi and Ulrich have
some visitors at the base.

-You have to deactivate the tower fast.
-[Aelita] We're on our way.

-I can see a canyon in the distance.
-[Jeremy] Gotcha.

I'll check the area
and see if the tower is there.

The tower is in
the center of the canyon. Hurry up!

Okay. You see that? Everything's cool.

Superstition's for lame-os. I told--



[Aelita] Uh, you were saying?

[Odd] Oh, okay.

Watch this!

Laser arrow!

[Odd] Piece of cake!

[theme music]

[Ulrich] The coast is clear
in front of us.

[Odd grunts]

But not in back of us! Look!



Nice one, Ulrich.

-Let's try to buy some time.
-Good idea.

[Ulrich] Jeremy!

-[Jeremy] What is it?
-Any news. It's getting rough here.

Hang in there. Aelita and Odd
are almost at the tower.

-[Aelita] Let's do our thing.
-[Odd] Here we go!

Energy field!


[Odd] Laser arrow!

Who said I was jinxed?

But… But…


[Aelita] Odd!

Odd, are you okay?

Odd what's happening?
You lost half your life points just now!

[Aelita] It's that stupid bug again,

[laser blasting]

What… What's going on?



Energy field!

[Aelita] That'll teach you
to zap my friend down!

Jeremy, I'm heading
for the activated tower.

[Jeremy] Okay, Aelita. Make it fast.

Yumi and Ulrich have
got a huge, huge bug problem.

[Aelita] And what about the program bug.
Do you know what's causing it?

No, not yet.

It might be a virus
or some "made in XANA" thing.

Whatever it is,
we're not having any luck with it.

There's no such thing as luck!
You got that?

What kind of a place is this?

[Ulrich] That's exactly what I said
the first time we came here.

[Yumi] It looks like
some sort of factory assembly line.

Yeah, but what do they assemble here?

[Yumi] We might find that out in here.

It looks like a control terminal.

[Jeremy] Check it out, Yumi.

Any info on XANA's tactics
can come in handy.

What's going on with the tower, Jeremy?

[Jeremy] Aelita should be deactivating
any minute now.

[theme music]

[action music]

-[lasers blast]
-[Aelita gasps]

You're not going to
get off that easily my friend.


[Aelita grunts]

[Aelita] Guess I've gotta go
the rest of the way on foot.


[Jeremy] Yes, Aelita.

I saw it. The bug seems
to be having an effect on you too.

Better deactivate the tower
fast before you disappear.

-[Aelita] I'm going as fast as I can!

Yeah, I read you.

Aelita can't deactivate
the tower just yet.

She's been affected by Odd's bug too.

Hey, it's not my bug, okay?

Just my name for it until
we figure out exactly what's going on.

[Odd] It better be, because I've got
nothing to do with this mess, you hear?

It's just a question of chance!

Did you say, "chance"? What do ya know.

You're not becoming
superstitious, are you?

-[Yumi] I figured it out!
-Hmm? Well?

I think it's an assembly line
for mother boards and electronic implants.

Electronic implants? But for what?

To control those spiders, for example.

Do you mean those cybernetic creatures
in the jungle lab?

Exactly what I mean.

Hmm. Makes sense.

But the big question is what XANA
is planning to do with all of them.

-I wish I knew the answer.

[both grunt]

[Ulrich] Impact!

Guess you're just like Odd,
not your lucky day.


[lasers blasting]



Thank you.


[Jeremy] Ulrich, Yumi,
I just located the Supercalculator.

Head for the southernmost end of the room.

Okay, we're on our way.

[Ulrich] What about your end?
What's the latest?

Pretty bad news.
William just showed up on the Replika.

[menacing music]

And if you ask me,
it's not just a friendly visit.

[Ulrich] Jeremy, we're coming
to the Supercalculator room.

Down there.

[Jeremy] The Supercalculator
will have to wait.

First, we've got
to solve the William problem.

I'd love to. Got any suggestions?

[Jeremy] We haven't any choice.

One of you has to be teleported back

to keep him
from deactivating the Skid tower.

Ok. What do we do, Yumi?

You want me to go, or you?

We can always play for it.


[both] Paper, scissors, rock.

Scissors cut paper, don't they?


Get ready, William. We're good,
Jeremy. I'm the one who's going.

De-energize Yumi.

Good luck.

You, too.

[Jeremy] Yumi, wake up! William's coming!

Yeah, I know, William.
And I'm glad to see you too.


[Ulrich] Oh, wow.


Jeremy, the Supercalculator
is infested with Kankrelats over here!

What's holding Aelita up?

She's just about ready to enter the tower.

Jeremy, I finally got here!

[Jeremy] Great. Don't waste any time.

[gasps] Jeremy!

[Aelita grunts]

I don't believe this!

Ulrich, Aelita just got devirtualized!
It looks like

you're on your own
with the Kankrelats.

Look, I know I'm good,
but there are seven of these creeps.

I could go down on this,
and that'll blow the whole mission!

Try to hold out
until Yumi's finished her combat.

If she beats William,
she can come back and give you some help.

[Ulrich] Roger.

[theme music]

[grunts in frustration]






[William exclaims]


That was great, Yumi!
Get ready for another teleportation.

Ulrich needs your help.

Okay. Uh, no, hold on.

I'm all bugged up!

Oh! Too late.

I can't believe how jinxed we are today.

What is this dumb bug anyhow?

[Jeremy] That's exactly
what I'm about to find out.

-It's a Mandelbug!
-A what?

A bug in the virtualization software.

And the causes are so complex
that its behaviour seems totally chaotic.

And with no way to tell if the behaviour
is really chaotic or only seems to be,

it's impossible to differentiate it
from a "Bohrbug" or a "Heisenbug."


Couldn't be any more clearer.

You mean it?


It's an extremely unusual problem
and Jeremy doesn't know how to fix it yet.

Oh! Why didn't you say so?

Oh, great! That's all we needed now.

[Jeremy] Ulrich,

I'll bet you want some good news.

-[Jeremy] Sorry, I don't have any.

To make a long story short,
you're still on your own,

the tower's still activated,

and you're probably gonna
get the bug that I can't fix.

Is that all?

[Jeremy] No. You've gotta work fast,

because XANA also sent in
some Tarantulas to blow up the Skid.

[Ulrich] Great!

Ready to rumble, guys?

Here we go!

[mechanical clanking]


Hey, did you see that?
Ulrich just knocked off three of them!

But how did he do that?
He's only got two sabers.

Incredible! There goes another one!

He's on a lucky streak today.

[Odd groans]


That's that.

[Jeremy] Nice going!
Now, get rid of the Supercomputer.

Better hurry, you're fading fast!


[Jeremy] The Replika's disappearing too!

-What about the Skid?
-Hey, no sweat.

I made a little remote control piloting
program for emergencies like this one.

Another Replika bites the dust! Fantastic!

Who's the man today, guys, huh?

Well, what do you think?

Luck, buddy, that's what I think.

I knew you'd say that.

[Aelita laughs]

[theme music]

[Odd exclaims]

What'd you do now?

What does it look like? I slipped.

I guess I can't deny it.

Ever since I broke that mirror,
I've been jinxed.

Relax, Odd. Jinxes don't exist.

Luck does, but it changes.

Yeah, the only question is when.


Ha ha! Lady luck might
be smiling at me already.

Tada! Azra's mobile.

Look, she left it behind
on purpose just so I would find it.

Are you sure?

Sure I am. Now I've just gotta
wait for her to call me to get it back.

-[phone rings]

"I'd like to get my cell phone back.
Meet me under the arches right away."

See you guys later.
I've got a date with Cupid!

-Great. Tell Cupid we said hi!
-Good luck.

It's already good. So long!

-[Odd whistles]
-[someone whistles back]


No, it's Jim Morales.

Oh, sorry Jim, but you see,

I'm waiting to meet somebody,
so if you don't mind…

So it was you who found my cell phone.


Uh, you mean it's yours?

Yeah, that's right. Why?

Because, uh… I mean, uh…
I mean it's not your style.

I like pink. You got a problem with that?

Look at the color that you
wear all the time.

Yeah, but pink with sparkles
and a heart charm on it?

Isn't that a bit too much?

[clears throat]

But I'd rather not talk about it.


[theme music]