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04x23 - Cousins Once Removed

Posted: 01/17/24 10:35
by bunniefuu
[theme song starts]

[digital typing and beeping]

♪ Here we are, going far
To save all that we love ♪

♪ If we give all we've got
We will make it through ♪

♪ Here we are, like a star
Shining bright on your world ♪

♪ Today, make evil go away ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, be there when you call ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, stronger after all ♪

[digital whirring and beeping]


[typing clatter]

-[computer beeping]
-[phone rings]

What is it now, Odd?

Guess what? Yumi and Aelita just bet
they can wipe us out in foosball!

So, Ulrich and I are gonna
teach 'em a lesson. Wanna watch?

[Jeremy] How many times
do I have to tell you?

I'm working on the Navskid program
and can't get away.

Relax Einstein.

We thought you like a front row seat
to see the girls get thrashed.

We weren't gonna make you play.

Listen. Reinforcing the Skid is "slightly"
more important than foosball.

You don't want your next expedition
to end up being your last, do you?

[Odd] Always the optimist, huh Jeremy?

Come on over, you could take
a little break from the computer…

If that guy calls again,
I'm gonna break his neck!

Where was I?

Um… If I compress the executable files,

I should be able
to free up enough memory to--

-[knock at the door]
-Now who's gonna waste my time?

Thanks for your warm welcome, Belpois.

Oh, hi… I mean… Hello, Mr. Delmas.

I hope at least that you'll be
a little happier to see your cousin.


Come in.

Hello, Jeremy!

Patrick, what are you doing here?

I'm surprised your parents
didn't tell you.

Your cousin has enrolled
on their recommendation.

And until we can get him
a room of his own,

we thought we would put him with you.

Hmm… A camping bed should do the trick.

But Sir, it's just that I…

Well, young man, welcome to Kadic.

Belpois, I'll leave you to look after,
uh… Belpois.

It might be a good idea
to show him around the school.

How you doing, cuz?
I caught you by surprise, didn't I?

Glad to see me, I hope.

Yeah, I'm overjoyed.

Listen, I have to do work now,
so don't you have to go get your stuff

or fill out a form or something?

Uh yeah… I guess.

Hey, Jeremy, anyone tell you
it's bad manners to hang up on people?


Einstein's made
a handsomer clone of himself!

Very funny.

This is my cousin, Patrick.

He's gonna be a student here.

Hi, my name's Ulrich.
Another Belpois, huh?

Are you also a nut about square roots
and all that stuff?

Oh, no. I'm not as bright as Jeremy,
that's for sure.

You think he's bright, do you?

If you ask me, he wears kinda drab colors.

Yeah, well I guess that compared
to the way you dress,

-anything'd seem kinda dull.

-Hey! This is a classy outfit.

It's based on Kung-Fu Commando.

It's a great game.

I guess you're stuck at level seven,

because at level eight,
the clothes get a lot more tame.

[shocked moan]

You two should get along…
A couple of joystick junkies.

And I thought
we had someone new for football.

I don't just play video games.

-I'm into Aikido, too.
-Oh, yeah?

Hey, that's cool,
although I prefer doing Pentchak Silat.

Anyway, we could train together.

Great, but right now, everybody out!

I've got work to do.

My, uh, report on the Vikings
and their legendary drakkar ship…

the "Skidbladnir"…

It's important, huh?

Roger. Time to ship out.

We've got a date with a foosball game.

Hey, why don't you come with us?

That'd be great, thanks!

Your friends seem really nice, Jeremy.

I can see exactly what you're after.

So just leave my friends alone, okay?

Make your own friends in the rec room.

Was that family reunion
typical of the Belpois?

I'll meet you over there.

I forgot my mobile.

[Yumi grunts to herself]

Why did you act like that with him?

It's because I know him.

He tries to act super cool
to make me look bad.

It was like that at summer camp.

Patrick would steal all my friends
and act as if I didn't exist.

Maybe he didn't do it on purpose.

He seems pretty nice to me.

Aelita, are you blind?

Can't you see that he's doing the same
thing he used to do at camp right now?

Don't make excuses
for being such a sore loser

and for behaving
like a three-year-old baby.

So chill out and stop feeling sorry
for yourself, 'cause you're not like him!

Are you done?
Because I've already wasted enough time.

[frustrated sigh]

[theme song]

What's taking Aelita so long anyway?

I can't wait
to teach you two ladies a lesson.

Like the one we're giving you now?

Oh, you don't deserve the credit.
It was Patrick's pass!

If Jeremy wasn't stuck
to his computer all day,

he might be able to play like you.

Well, I wouldn't be too hard on him.

After all, it's harder to be a whiz
in math than playing foosball.

That's incredible! Einstein treats you
like dirt and yet, you try to defend him!

If he was my cousin,
I'd ask for a divorce!

Very interesting.

Can we change the channel?

This is the third episode
of Love, Glory and Paella in a row.

Just shut up! I decide and you obey!

[Jeremy] Me, a three year old baby?

Bit of a sore loser, but not a baby.

-[knock at door]
-Who's there?

Well then, Belpois.

-Got a bit of family company?
-[disgusted grunt]

Oh. Looks like
you'd rather not talk about it.

Happens to me sometimes, too.
You should do more exercise…

Takes your mind off other things.

[computer beeping and chirping]

Ah, some good news. About time!

[phone ringing]

Hello? Is that you, Jeremy?

Yes, Aelita. I have to tell you something.

I'm warning you, Jeremy.
If you're going to be as rude as--

[Jeremy] The Superscan's
picked up a Replika.

-I'll meet you at the factory.

Call the others…

-[Aelita] Now?
-Yeah, right now!


[Odd] Ah, Aelita, finally!

Uh, little change of program…




[whispering] Replika.

[Yumi groans]

Sorry, but we have to go now.

A little problem to take care of.

Who are XANA and Replika?

A couple of Greek friends?


And they make a wicked moussaka,

but you gotta eat it while it's hot!

[nervous laughter]
See you later!

-[tense music]

-See you later!

[Sissi] Tell me how it ends.

[TV] I can't keep it from you anymore.

I'm not Ramon's brother.

Change the channel.
What're you waiting for?

Incredible save by the goalie,
but the pressure's on!

Still no score. Muller gets ready
and kicks the ball out of danger…

[theme song]

[action music]

Already here, Einstein?

-Did you reinforce the Navskid?
-The program's running.

I left my computer working
while I'm gone.

The update will install itself
directly on the Supercomputer.

-Yeah, but won't Patrick see it?
-I locked my room.

He can't get in until I get back.

I guess Jeremy locked his room up.

Good thing the principal
gave me a copy of the key.

[tense music]


Hello, my name is Sissi.

I'm really glad to meet you.


[action music]

[doors hissing closed]

[computer chirping]

[Jeremy] Transfer Yumi.

Transfer Aelita.

Transfer Ulrich.

[Jeremy] Scanner Yumi.

Scanner Aelita.

Scanner Ulrich.

[computer chirping]


[electrical screeching]

You're wrong.
Jeremy and I don't hate each other.

There's no need to lie to me.

I know everything.

But I'm on the side of the good guys,
like you, Patrick.

Jeremy and his g*ng are up to no good,

but together, we can catch them.

Jeremy? He wouldn't dare steal a lollipop.

he's always in front of his computer.

What if the answer was in his computer?


-There's the kickoff to start…
-[phone rings]

Oh, Sissi… Well, uh…

Miguel and Teresa
were just about to kiss each other,

-when all of a sudden--
-I don't care, you little dork!

[Herb] You don't?

Just go over to Jeremy's room
and step on it!

[theme music]

[low roar of engines]

[Aelita] I'm steady
in the right direction.

Hub 110 in sight, Jeremy.

[Jeremy] Stabilize the Navskid
over the hyperfluid

while I enter
the Replika's coordinates and…

Darn it!

-[Aelita] A problem?
-More like three problems…

A trio of sharks at eleven o'clock.

[Aelita] I'll stabilize the Navskid.

[Odd] Just one for each of us?

Piece o' cake!

And I'm an expert at desserts.

Would the captain mind releasing us?

Battle stations, sailors.

Navskids away!

-[sharks roaring]
-[lasers firing]

[Jeremy] Keep 'em off the Skid!

The deflector shield
hasn't finished uploading yet.

Will you hurry?

I though you said
you were a computer whiz!

There's some kind of program running,

and it's blocking my access
to Jeremy's personal files.

-Hey, what you're doing is way outta line!
-But why?

If Jeremy has nothing to hide,
we won't find anything, huh?

That doesn't matter. It's still wrong.

Miserable program!

[computer chirps]

Don't ask me how I did,
but I think I did it!


[device powering down]

Jeremy, my protective shield

just dropped all of a sudden!

Wait, I'll check it out.

[computer binging and beeping]

Hey, what's going on now?

[Ulrich] You won't get
away from me that easily!

Take this, you overgrown sardine!

-[g*n fire]


[Jeremy] Factory to Navskids:
Head back to the Skid!

What's wrong, princess? Feeling lonesome?

[Aelita] No time for jokes, Odd.
I don't have a shield anymore.


-[tense music]

-[metallic grating]

[computers beeping]


I've lost power.

I have no control at all! Jeremy?

Listen, Navskids,
I've lost contact

with Aelita.
Catch up to her fast.

She's being swept away in a digital tide!

Okay, I'm breaking off.

[ship whooshing by]

It's impossible to debug it.

It's coming from the program
I left running in my room.

[frantic typing clatter]

[computer blipping]

I see her date of birth,

her social security number,
all of her school records…

This is weird. It looks like
he's forged all of Aelita's ID papers.

I was sure if we looked hard enough,
we'd find something interesting.

Wait! I'm sure that's Aelita's
real ID file.

He must have scanned them for the photo.

He's got a crush on her, right?

Yeah, and her health records.

Did he scan those to get her eye color?

-[computer chirping]
-Uh-oh! Hey!

Someone's trying to access
the system from a distance.

Okay, let's tango.

-"Access denied." Huh?
-[alarm beeping]

How could that happen?

Jeremy to Navskids.

The only way to deal with this bug
is to go back to my room.

Thanks a lot for leaving us alone
to protect Aelita.

-[sharks roaring]
-[m*ssile fire]


There's a whole aquarium

that won't let us get through!

I know that, Ulrich,
but as soon the bug is fixed,

we can bring the Skids in, so hang on.


[tense music]

[computer chirping quickly]

I don't believe it!
Activated tower in the Desert Sector.

Navskids, we're changing our plans.

We've gotta bring Aelita back to Lyoko.

[action music]

[Odd] You want us to turn a squadron
of deadly sharks into fish sticks,

find the Skid and then haul it back
with our tiny little reactors?

That pretty much sums it up.

[Odd] Okay! We're on it, Einstein.

I'm activating a firewall in the system,

so you won't have any trouble
while I'm gone.

-[typing clatter]
-[computer chirping]


[doors hissing shut]

-[mechanical whirring]

[theme music]

Jean-Pierre Delmas speaking…

This is Mr. Dunbar here.

I'm calling to tell you that my son,
William, still has the flu,

and that the doctor advises
more bed rest before returning to school.

Right. Thank you for calling in, sir.

Tapping phones is a serious offense.

-You're through, Jeremy Belpois!
-Here's another call.

[computer chirps]

[Sissi] Hi there, Julian.

This is Sissi, the love of your life.

But… But I never said that to him!

Oh, Julian, you wouldn't believe
how mad about you I am.

It's… It's that idiot Odd,
imitating my voice!

So that's why that dork,
Julian Xiao, wouldn't stop following me!

[Mr. Delmas] At this hour,
you should be in your room studying.

You've no excuse!

Well, that's all! I burned a CD
with all this on it for your father.

Great! We've got enough on them
to get them all thrown outta school!

Not so fast.

I'm sure Jeremy has
a perfectly good explanation!

My father will be glad to hear it,
I'm sure.

Outta my way!

Over my dead body.

Stop playing the hero.

I can get you kicked out of school, too!

[tense music]

[moans in pain]

[tense music]



[electrical crackling]


[William's maniacal laughter]

[Aelita] Navskids! Jeremy?

Do you read me?

[typing clatter]

-[tense music]
-[computer chirping]

[William's voice] Ah-ha!

[monitor beeping]


[electrical humming]

[Ulrich] Torpedoes!


Nice one, Ulrich!

[Ulrich] We've got to dive down
and find Aelita!


Let's go!

-[mechanical whining]


Patrick, what's the matter?

This guy, Herb,
was snooping around on your computer

with the principal's daughter.

I tried to stop them,
but they went totally mental

and kicked me out the room
like I was a rag doll.

They're gonna show the ID
you made for Aelita

to the principal and get you all expelled.

I'm sorry. This is my fault.

You didn't like me much
to start with, and now--

No, I'm the one who's sorry
for acting like a total idiot

ever since you got here.

No hard feelings?

No sweat, cousin.

Listen, I don't have time to explain now,

but if we let Herb and Sissi
play around with my computer,

getting expelled from school
will be the least of our problems!

-Will you help me?
-You can count on me.

[satisfied grunt]

[typing clatter]

[computer beeping]


[both gasp]

[Aelita] Skid here.

Navskids, come in please!

[metallic creaking]


[monitors beeping]

Come on, answer!

-[gasps and yelps]

[metallic clatter]

Oh no! What's that?

[tense music]

[mechanical whining]

[metal screeching]


[mechanical droning]


Oh no!

[Odd] Over there. I can see the Skid.

What have we got now?

[Odd] It looks like a monster
from The Dentist Drill m*ssacre!


Except this one looks worse!


-[Sissi roars]
-[Patrick groans]

[growling with William's voice]

[screaming] No!
[grunts in pain]

-[groans in pain]
-[Patrick yelps]

[typing clatter]

[computer beeping]

[screaming] No!

[evil laughter]
I cracked the firewall!

[mechanical whirring]

Oh, no!

You're right, Yumi.

The mad dentist is a saint
compared to this monster!

[Yumi] In formation, here we go.

Navskids, stand by to fire.



No more power! What's going on?

No idea. Something's wrong.

-[mechanical whirring]

New horror film:
The Return of the Sardines!

[sharks roaring]

[Sissi growling in William's voice]

They've both blown a fuse,
don't you think?

Now there's an idea.

If I cut the electricity,
my computer will switch off

and so will the access
to the Supercomputer.


-You stay here!

[screams in pain]

[mechanical whirring]

-[shark roars]



[monitor beeping]


My deflector shield is almost gone.

[Ulrich] One more hit and it's all over!

To think that I'll never get
to level eight of Kung-Fu Commando!

[Odd] Patrick's such a lucky guy.

-[tense music]

["William" panting and grunting]

[maniacal laughter]


-[electricity crackles]
-["William" roars]

[yelps and moans]

-[typing clatter]
-[computer beeping]

-[computer chirping]
-[maniacal laughter]

-[electrical whirring]

[tense music]

[tense music continues]

[mechanical whirring]


[metallic grating]

Must be one of these buttons…

[computer chirping]

[cheering crowd on TV]
Vukovic is ready for the penalty kick.

-He runs up and--
-[TV turns off]

And what?

[William's voice]
No, this is impossible!

Come back on, this is impossible!



-[mechanical whirring]

-[computer booting up]

The shield is back!

[monitor beeping]

Jeremy, you did it, right?

Jeremy, can you hear me?

Nice to hear your voice again, Aelita.

Einstein strikes again!


Too bad for you, fish face.

I'm off the hook, but not you.

[m*ssile fire]

-[Ulrich] Yahoo!

I sure hope the others get a move on.




[Odd] Yahoo!

No more sharks!

-[mechanical whirring]
-[electrical whining]

[tense music]

It's not as easy as it was, is it?

Hate to bother you, princess,

but do you mind stepping aside?


[Aelita] Reverse propulsion!

[electrical humming]

[Ulrich] Fire!

-[Odd] Fire!
-[Yumi] Fire!


[Aelita] Well done!
I can bring you in now.

-Next stop, Lyoko.
-[Ulrich] Roger.

[Aelita] Navskids in!


[electricity crackles]


Maximum propulsion.



Sweet talk won't get you anywhere, Sissi!

[engines roaring]

[tense music]

[engines roaring and powering down]

[Aelita] Disembarkment.

[electricity crackling]

[action music]

[Odd relieved]
Ah, that's much better.

I had virtual pins and needles in my legs.


That's better.
A good, old-fashioned land duel.


[laser fire]

Aelita, don't be a party pooper!
You're spoiling all the fun.

Enough complaining. Jeremy's in trouble!


[Jeremy screams and groans]

[computer powering up]

[laser fire]


Nice going, handsome!

But you forgot to look up!

-[Ulrich screams]

Okay, it's your move, princess.

[metallic clang]

Better hurry!
XANA's invited some friends over.


[laughs to himself]

[computer chirping]

[phone rings]


[action music]

[music continues]

-[electricity crackling]
-[Jeremy] Let me go!

[music continues]



Tower deactivated.

[Sissi screams then groans]

Pa… Patrick!


[doors hiss open]

Have you seen Jeremy?

No, and he's not answering his cell phone.

[theme music]

-[phone rings]

Aelita, are you at the factory?

Launch a return to the past.
Hurry, Patrick's in pretty bad shape.


-You… did it…

Don't worry, you're gonna be okay.

I… I'm glad we settled things…

between us.

Patrick… Patrick!

-[air lock hissing open]
-[mechanical whirring]

[device beeping]

[monitor chirping and beeping]

Return to the past now!


[rumbling continues]

[birds chirping]

Well, we can finally play foosball!

In a hurry to get crushed, Odd?

Um… Odd's right.

Come on, let's all go to the rec room.

You too? What about your program?

I mean, your report on the Vikings?

It can wait.

It's not every day you can hang
with your cousin.


[Ulrich] Should we give them
a three-point handicap?

[Odd] It depends.
If Patrick plays on their team,

and we get stuck with Jeremy,

we'll be the ones needing a handicap.

Your friends really seem nice, Jeremy.

You're right, they are.
Wait till you get to know them better.

[Patrick] You think we could be friends.

I mean, you and I have never
really gotten along that well.

Just kid's jealousy and stuff.
That's all over now.

You've only been here an hour,
but I feel like we're friends already.

Belpois, I'm sorry,

but parents have decided
not to enroll you after all.

From what I understand, they'd rather you
attended a school closer to your home.

I'm sincerely sorry, my boy.

Oh, what a bummer that is.

It's really a shame.

Well, I guess that means we'll only get
to hang out at family reunions.

See you around then, cuz?

Uh, you still got time
for a game of foosball, huh?


[Jeremy] Will you be on my team?

I've always been dying to whip Odd.

Works for me!

[theme music]