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04x04 - Brotherhood

Posted: 10/14/14 21:50
by bunniefuu
We are being watched. The government has a secret system. A machine, that spies on you every hour of every day. I designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees everything-- violent crimes involving ordinary people, the government considers these people irrelevant. We don't. Hunted by the authorities, we work in secret. You will never find us. But victim or perpetrator, if your number's up, we'll find you.

We got a problem, yo.

Dominic wants the new network up and running in the next 48.

What can I do for you, Detective?

I'm looking for information on a g*ng called The Brotherhood.

It's run by a guy named Dominic.

We haven't met yet.

Ambitious and smart.

Maybe steer clear of this Dominic.

Deal's going down.

The Armenians are already here.

Watch your back in case things get jumpy.

[Men shouting]

[g*nf*re] _

(Finch) Are you at the school, Mr. Reese?

Academics really aren't my thing.

Maybe you should be on this assignment, Professor.

(Finch) I have quite a few assignments of my own.

Including papers to grade-- or I had papers to grade.

[Dog whimpering]

Gonna have to tell your students, your dog ate their homework.

So our new number's in this grade school?

One of them, yes.

Tracie Booker, eight years old.

We received her number along with that of her 14-year-old brother, Malcolm.

Here, check your phone.

Could be dealing with a domestic issue.

Have you located their mom?

1412 Hazen Street, Rikers Island.

I'm afraid their mother's in prison on a weapons violation.

The father's deceased and I have yet to locate any relatives.

So they're in the system.

Foster children.

It seems that school is the one constant in their lives.

Not today.

There's no sign of Tracie anywhere.

Perhaps a fellow student knows where she is?

(Reese) No one's gonna get caught dead talking to a cop, not in this neighborhood.

(Shaw) Funny, I didn't have any problems getting Malcolm's friends to talk.

Although, one of them did ask me for my number.


(Finch) Have you located Malcolm, Ms. Shaw?


He didn't show for school today.

Looks like you're gonna have to work your magic after all, John.


Excuse me, um--

Have any of you seen Tracie Booker today?

5-0. Let's go, girls.



All right, I'll play you for it.


Don't go hurting yourself, old man.

Want us to drop a dime?

It's gonna cost ya.

Good news, Harold, I got a lead.

Bad news, I need more petty cash.

(Finch) Need I remind you, Mr. Reese that our recent deposit has to last for a very long time.

Where are you?

Malcolm walks Tracie to school every morning.

I'm retracing their route.

The children go to separate schools across town from each other.

They'd have to leave at the crack of dawn to be on time.

I think we're the ones who are too late.

Just stumbled on a crime scene.

Let's hope the kids aren't here.

(Officer on radio) We have a g*ng-related sh**ting.

Three adult, African-Americans

and three Armenians, deceased.

Two males with multiple GSWs.

[Overlapping chatter]

Excuse me...

You're tampering with our evidence.

Detective Riley, Homicide.

Agent Lennox, DEA.

This is my partner, Thomsen.

What exactly happened her?

Normally, I'd say you can read it in our report.

But since you asked so nice, I'm willing to share.

Knock yourself out, Riley.

I'll call it in.

No colors, no bandanas, and no ID.

It's The Brotherhood.

You've heard of them.

It appears they were making a drug trade with the Armenians.

Looks like the only thing they traded were b*ll*ts.

What went wrong?

I've heard The Brotherhood's leader strikes a hard bargain.

Maybe the Armenians didn't like his negotiation tactics.


DEA's been trying to lay eyes on him for months.

No luck. You?


Dominic's smart.

He let's his men handle the drug deals and the risk.

Who's left standing?


Doubt he'll make it through the night.

And a piece of muscle with a g*nsh*t wound.

One of Dominic's boys.

Unfortunately, he's not talking either.

Guessing The Brotherhood didn't hire him for his conversation.

I got a puzzle here, Riley.

I got two four-seater vehicles, eight gangsters, and one large bag of heroin.

Only piece missing is the drug money.


We tossed this building and the cars, it's not here.

So who took it?

Given the street value of the heroin, I'd say that's the $1/2 million question.

I'm betting whoever it is won't make it till sundown.

(Officer) Agent Lennox, got something you should see.

(Finch) Detective, we have a problem.

I've managed to track the booker children via their government issued Metro cards.

They exited the 5th Avenue station.

5th Avenue.

You don't suppose the children ditched school to go shopping?

Funny you should mention that.

They're buying new clothes.

It would appear that the children have stolen the drug money.

(Reese) Think you can intercept them before someone else does?

I'll do my best.

[Suspenseful music]

I need to use the bathroom.

Can't you hold it?

Hold up.

(Malcolm) Come on Tracie, run!

Malcolm? Tracie?

You got the kids, Professor?

I've lost them.

I hope it's not for good.

[Overlapping electronic pulses]

The children have proven more resourceful than expected.

But their antics have raised more than a few eyebrows.

At this rate, it won't be long before The Brotherhood catches up with them.

Not to mention the Armenians.

Perhaps you should enlist the help of the DEA.

(Reese) I already told Agent Lennox about Malcolm and Tracie.

There's a BOLO out for the kids now.

I shudder to think what will happen if the gangs find them before we do.

So let's beat the perps to the punch.

Stop them first.

(Finch) What exactly do you have in mind?

Got a little job for Shaw.

It requires some medical experience.

And I think it's time you caught up with an old friend.

(Elias) Hello, Harold.

I must confess, I've missed our little chess matches.

Where have you been keeping yourself?

Guess you could say that I've decided to go back to school.

I imagine you'd fit in rather well in academia.

And yet, here you are.

Please, I've heard about the missing drug money.

And the little thieves who stole it.

John's trying to get the children to safety but he needs time.

And you want me to play mediator again?

We would be in your debt.

You already are.

I can control the Armenians.

But you'll have to deal with The Brotherhood yourself.

John seemed to think that you've tried to contact their leader.

Dominic, he's proven to be elusive.

Perhaps even more elusive than you, Harold.

I'm just a man on a subway train.

A humble teacher?

I played that role once myself.

And John's a detective now.

I'm curious, why the sudden career shift?

Something has changed.

Something fundamental.

And I'm not just referring to how you and your friends operate.

I think you know what's happening.

And I think you owe it to me to tell me the truth.

Times may have changed, but I'm afraid we're both in the dark.

(Man on PA) This is Wall Street.

Next stop is Fulton Street.

Stand clear of the closing doors.

You volunteered us for a septuple homicide?

Septuple as in seven?

You're the one who told me to take this job seriously.

Be hands on, remember?

Yeah, then you can get your "hands on" some of this paperwork.

Where are your manners?

Can't you see that Agent Lennox is waiting for me?

She's not the only one looking for you.

Your friend, Link?

The Brotherhood lieutenant you arrested-- released from the joint ten minutes ago.

Brotherhood found an underage corner boy to take the fall for him.

Kid confessed everything.

Link's getting off with a misdemeanor charge.

"Accessory after the fact."

I'll deal with him later.

Not if he deals with you first.

Got a minute, Detective?

Trust is a funny thing, Riley.

I did a little digging on you.

Couldn't find much before your stint in Narco.

You know, you don't strike me as a Homicide detective.

Well, maybe you're not looking hard enough.

Surprising, given someone of your experience.

You graduated from Annapolis, top of your class.

Served two tours, with distinction, for the US Navy before joining the DEA.

Yeah, I did a little digging too.

So you just gonna stand there and interrogate me?

Or would you like to discuss this case?

How well do you know The Brotherhood?

I arrested one of their soldiers.

Then you know their network's as pervasive as it is deadly.

They don't believe in territories, they've got informants on every block, and, I'm afraid to say, in every law enforcement organization.

The DEA believes there's a mole in our agency.

A man working for Dominic.

Any idea who?


Frankly, it has me and my partner looking sideways at our colleagues.

Yet you're trusting me now.

Like I said, trust is a funny thing.

Something tells me you're different.

You care.

And since you shared your lead with me on the kids...

This was taken earlier today.

What kind of kids steal $1/2 million and the first thing they buy are new clothes?

Maybe they're going somewhere with a dress code.

They buy anything else?

(Agent Lennox) They purchased a phone with cash.

Can you trace it?

All I need is a serial number.

Already applied for a warrant.

Should only take a couple of hours.

(Finch) I'm afraid we may not have a couple of hours, Mr. Reese.

Then it's a good thing we know someone who can hack the kids' phone.

It's considerably more difficult than it used to be.

I was up on the cell phone providers but I lost that capability along with the library.

I'll have to start from scratch.

Well, let's hope Shaw's having better luck.


We at the hospital?

Change of plans.

We're not going to General.


Care's sub-par anyway.

You ain't no EMT.

You a cop?

You got a name, tough guy?

Boys call me Mini.

'Cause I'm big.

Okay, supersize.

I want you to call your pal, Link.

Get his location.

Guy like you in your line of work... you know a k*ller when you see one, right?


[Phone rings]

Yeah? How'd you get this number?

You, Link, it's Mini.


The word is you got into some trouble with the Armenians.

Nothing that couldn't be handled.

Where you at?

Boys are gonna be there at Broadway and Reed.

Ten minutes.

All right, tough guy, I'm gonna make this real simple for you.

You do what I say, you live.


Get out.


(Shaw) And don't get any ideas, this trigger is faster than your first.

Ah, damn...

(Finch) I've located the children via their cell phones.

Oddly, they appear to be headed toward a large law office.

(Reese) What's the address?

(Tracie) How much further? My feet hurt.

I told you to buy sensible shoes.

Why can't we just go through the front like normal people?

'Cause normal people don't carry bags of cash, all right?

Front's got security.

We go up there, they take our money.

But it's not really our money.

Those guys we took it from--

Are dead.

A'ight, they can't hurt us.

[Tires screeching]

Come on! This way!

Make it quick.

We got about two minutes, three minutes tops till the cherries roll in.

I'll flush 'em out.

[All groaning]

All right, T, whatever happens, don't let go of my hand, a'ight?

Stick together.


I think I made your friends angry.

That our man?

Man, she got our boy. We gotta retrieve him.

You know Dominic's rules.

Just forget him. Let's go after this green.

Little man and his sister can't be too far.

Detective Riley.

I'm here to help.

I'll get you back home safely.

We ain't got a home, all right? Not anymore.

T, you still got that squirt g*n I gave you?

(Agent Lennox) Watch out, it's pepper spray.

I think you met your match, Riley.

You kids wanna make it out of this garage, you'll do as you're told.

You might have a new calling Lennox.

You got the kids, Detective? I'm coming to get you now.

Lennox is already asking questions.

I can't risk breaking cover.

You wanna play kindergarten cop, suit yourself.

(Agent Lennox) - Gotta call for back up.

Call on the way.

That Brotherhood soldier I arrested, I forgot to mention his name was Link.

Telling me you're the only other person The Brotherhood wants to g*n down more than these kids?

I'm telling you we should get off the streets right now.

[Overlapping pulses]

[Elevator dings]


Yo! That's the new Wii!

Who's place is this?

I worked a job here last week.

(Malcolm) What kind of job?

The kind it's better not to ask about.

DEA's office is across town, but they're sending back up.

You sure it's safe? What about that mole?

I called my partner, Thomsen.

He's the one guy I trust.

I'm Agent Lennox, but you can call me Erica.

I work for the DEA, do you know what that means?

We got TV.


I need you to tell me about the drug exchange.

One of you must've seen something.

Well, what if I did?

Does that mean I have to testify against The Brotherhood?

Right now, we're just trying to make a case against them.

What about the money?

We'll have to admit that into evidence.

You can't, we need it.

Need it for what?

To get our mom back.

Their mother's in Rikers for an unregistered weapons charge.

It was her punk-ass boyfriend that was the problem.

She tried to throw him out and he got all loud and mean.

So the neighbors called the cops?

The found the unregistered g*n.

She ain't even sh**t it.

Put her away anyway.

And you two went into the system.

We ain't even in the same house.

Only time we get to see each other is when I walk T to school in the morning.

But if our mom gets out of Rikers, we can be a family again.

So that's why you took the money?

I got research.

Plenty of people have been caught with unregistered g*ns and haven't gone to jail for it.

A good lawyer. It's what we need.

I'm talking Ivy League. Dream team.

But a lawyer like that, you gotta pay to play.


So you bought new clothes to impress an attorney.

You know any prize lawyers gonna take on two foster kids from the hood?

We get it.

You want your family back.

But stolen drug money's not gonna solve anyone's problems.

Wanna be the man, you gotta have a plan.

We're not giving up that money.

Ms. Shaw, NYPD just put out an APB on that stolen vehicle you're driving.

Was driving. Not anymore.

John still baby-sitting?

He's awaiting the DEA's backup.

Do you really think the DEA can protect those kids against The Brotherhood?

Perhaps we need to do what Mr. Elias suggested.

Talk to Dominic.

Well, lucky for us... I got an idea who knows where to find him.

All right, let's take a walk. You're gonna tell me everything you know about Dominic. Come on.

Relax. My friends will be here soon.

You got Minecraft on that phone?

I got a niece your age.

I'm sure you'll be able to find something to play with on there.

You know, you're nicer than you look.

Kid seems to like you.

Makes me think I might actually be making a difference.

Let me guess...

You haven't felt that way in a while.

I could help them, but the DEA has so much red tape. Hands are tied.

Till they make a statement and hand over evidence.

Yeah, I'm afraid so.

Look, I know what you're gonna say, all right, so save it. I'm not telling you where that money is.

Well, you won't have to. We'll find it anyway. How do you think we found you and your sister?

Y'all got cameras and stuff.

Yeah, won't take long to retrace your steps.

Saying I should make a deal now?

While you still have something to barter with.

You've made some very big mistakes, Malcolm.

Yeah, I kind of realized that when those gangsters were sh**ting at us.

Can you stop them?

I'm gonna try.

But you've already arrested one of them before.

I did, but The Brotherhood uses corner boys, kids not much older than you, to get them out of prison.


Look, everybody got an angle, why should I trust you?

'Cause I'm the one standing between you and them.

Malcolm, you say you're "The man with the plan," but all I've seen is a thief that's almost got his sister k*lled.

You wanna be the man?

Start taking care of your family.

Anything happens... you take care of T.


I give you my word.

All the money's there.

Except for what we spent on clothes.

Well, I'm sure the DEA will understand.

You're doing the right thing.

Back up will be here any minute.


Get your sister and make sure she uses the bathroom, okay?

Kid's smart. Thomsen'll pick it up.

We need to make it out of here first.

I'll do a sweep.

I should go too. In case The Brotherhood's waiting.
You worried about me, Detective? I made it this far without your help. I think I'll manage.

All right, Mini, sit.

Cuff yourself to the pipe.

Where are we?

It depends.

You tell me what I want to know, it's a pit-stop.

You don't... it's your final resting place.

Now where's Dominic?

What you gonna do, little girl?

You gonna beat it out of me?

Isn't that what you would do?

Why bother asking?

You and me, we ain't even close to the same.

Mm, I don't know about that.

I got a hunch you can take the pain.

You might even enjoy it. Like me.

Oh, so now we gonna be friends?

Seems like you could use a few.

Your boys know I have you so how come Dominic hasn't sent anyone?

Maybe 'cause he knows I can handle my own.

Mm. Well, maybe.

Or maybe you're just not worth the gas it takes to find you.

You're in the first stages of shock.

Sweaty, thready pulse, loss of color.

Now, you can either stall until you bleed out, or you can just tell me where Dominic is.

If I tell you, what do you think will happen to me?

Just end up in another basement.

You give me his location, I will get you out of dodge.

Come on, Mini, be smart.

Play the long game.

Ain't no long game for guys like me.

Just the game.

Doesn't make a damn bit of a difference what you do.

Or who you do it for.

Dominic ain't no different.

Just another man like all the rest.

Sounds like this Dominic's a lot smarter than that.

Couple years on top, he'll burn out.

Or get wasted.

Only one rule.

We all die in the end.

Agent Lennox's been gone awhile.

Think she ran into trouble?

Got a feeling that woman's stared trouble in the face more than a few times.

[Phone ringing]

I'm sure she's fine.

What's up, Lionel?

Yeah, you can-- uh-- thank me with a prime rib, maybe some twice-baked potatoes...

You placing a dinner order, or is there a reason for your call?

You know that septuple homicide you saddled me with?

I got a lead off one of the cell phones.

A number.

Brotherhood banger called it from the scene of the crime.


So didn't you want to have a chat with Dominic?

This could be his number.

But you'll only get to call it once.

Better make that call then.

[Phone rings]

Where'd you get that phone?

Agent Lennox gave it to me, why?

Is there a problem, partner?

Seems the DEA does have a mole working for The Brotherhood.

Agent Lennox double-crossed us.

Gave me your word huh?

So we don't have back up.

We do, it's just gonna take a little longer than expected.

Sit tight. I'm on my way.

You'd better make it quick.

We're surrounded.

[Overlapping pulses]

(Mosley) Have you heard from our snitch in the DEA, lately?

(Trig) No, but she said the cop and the kid are here.

Keep your mouth shut and you'll live.

Finch, you got an ETA on Fusco?

Eight minutes based on current traffic patterns.

Can you hold off The Brotherhood until then?

That's the plan.

I imagine Ms. Lennox has recovered the drug money by now.

But if she's their mole, then why is The Brotherhood still after the kids?

Perhaps we're not the only ones she's double-crossed.

Would explain why she left her cell.

So The Brotherhood can't trace her.

Nor can we, unfortunately.

$1/2 million is more than enough to disappear for good.

Well, we're not so lucky.

Brotherhood's not backing down without their money.

What about the next best thing?

(Finch) Ms. Shaw, have you located Dominic?

Not exactly.

But I had a chat with our big friend.

(Shaw) Left him alone to cool off.

That guy's angry his boys ain't come looking for him.

Guess saving a piece of muscle's not high on their priority list.

Well, they should rethink their priorities.

Muscle's gonna be looking for a fight.

And you think he'll confront Dominic?

Oh, I think he's just mad enough to do it.

Our guy's a little fish, but he could lead us to the big one.

So throw the minnow back.

You two ready?

Let's hit it

I changed my mind. I don't wanna go.

Tracie, do you still have your squirt g*n?


Could come in handy.

'Cause we're gonna play hide and seek.

Don't worry. I'm really good at this game.

[Security guard groans]

[Elevator dings]

Kids are holed up in the penthouse.

k*ll the camera.

What the--


[Both coughing]

[Door closes]

(Reese) Down here.

This way. They're coming up.


This is all my fault.

That g*n the cops found on my mom...

It was yours.

My mom lied. She said it belonged to her.

She wouldn't even be in jail if it wasn't for me.

Why'd you have a g*n, Malcolm?

Just wanted to protect my own.

All I did was make it worse.

You're right.

It is your fault.

Doesn't mean you can't make it right.


Money's long gone.

Let's get out of here and we'll worry about the rest later.

Go, go, go, go.

You got him, Harold?

(Finch) He's on the move.

I'm impressed, Ms. Shaw.

Yeah, big guy was strong, considering how much blood he lost.

Course, I did loosen the pipes.

I was referring to how you were able to plant a tracking device without our friend noticing.

Oh, I planted one on you, Fusco...

Hell, even John. Haven't been caught yet.

Remind me to stop inquiring about your modus operandi.


[Shoe clattering]

That's them.


[Suspenseful music]

[Tracie screams]

Don't move.

Yo, you the dude that maced us?


It's okay.

It'll all be over soon. You got that right.

Slide that piece over here. Or shorty springs a leak.

Easy guys...


We know who you are, Detective Riley.

Have you met my partner?


Nice to meet you.

Glad you could make it, Lionel.

Sorry about all the paperwork.

Yeah, I'm getting used to it.

These guys don't quit.

We ain't never gonna be safe.

Take your sister and hide.


How many rounds you got?

Enough, I hope.

[Tracie sobbing]

Hey, hey, kiddo, don't cry, you're gonna be okay.

That's not why I'm crying.

We're supposed to stick together.

Lionel... where's Malcolm?

Wanna be the man, gotta have a plan.

Yo, you in there?

You better have something to say worth hearing, little man.

I got something you want.

I wanna make a trade.

My life for my sister's.

[Overlapping pulses]

Best be getting to the point.

Where's my money?

I don't got it.

But I'll work for you.

Be your corner boy, take a fall for you, whatever.

Just leave my sister be.

Get him.

I hope you said your good-byes.

I think you're forgetting something.

Do you want your money?

You deal with me.

We'll be catching up real soon.

I was just trying to make it right.

You can't make something right by doing something wrong.

I give you my word.

Go, you take care of your sister.

You done, Detective?

We got a lot of catching up to do.

Hell of a night for a drive.

He's clean.


We have got to stop meeting like this.

Turn around nice and slow.

Maybe you guys do more than your laundry here.

I gotta hand it to your boss, Dominic's found a way to move a lot of smack.

You know the drill.

Now where's the one place no one bothers to look?

[Handcuffs close]


What do you know, it's my lucky day.

I got a twofer.

Our money and the man that incarcerated me.

I guess one out of two ain't bad.

Where is it?

You'll have to ask Agent Lennox.

Course, she's probably half way to the Caribbean by now.

Well... you're still here.

And I got enough brass to spare.

Like I said, it's my lucky day.

[Phone ringing]

Excuse me.

I've been expecting this.

How was the fishing trip?

Came up empty on Dominic.

But-- uh-- I found something else your friends might be interested in.

It's for you.


Who the hell is this?

The negotiation party.

Release Detective Riley and forget about the Booker kids.

What if I don't?

[Message alert]

Or I huff, and I puff, and I burn your house down.

But I don't think you wanna tell your boss that you watched his stash go up in flames, now, do you?

Say I let the Detective go...

How do I know you're gonna back off?

I'll leave you a parting gift.

Mini here can keep your dr*gs company.

[Disconnect tone]

Guess it's not your lucky day after all.

Never said who you worked for.

You're right. I didn't.

Tell your boss I'll be seeing him soon.

(Malcolm) You sure you're okay to go to school?

Told you. I'm okay if you're okay.

You and me. We stick together, remember?

All right, see you tomorrow.


Where you been?

Actually, you'll be seeing Tracie later today.

I had a little chat with you social worker.

You've been assigned a new home, together.


For a dead man.

How'd you get Link to let you go?

Turns out I can be pretty persuasive.

Speaking of which...

I got you a consultation with a lawyer.

Dream team. Harvard Law.

Got a few articles I could send her.

The people versus Ryan Jerome, or The Brian D Aitken's case.

You know what Malcolm?

I think you'd make a good lawyer.

I was thinking about being a cop.

Is that right?

Like you, but I'd sh**t less people.

Wanna be the man, gotta have a plan.

(Woman on PA) As a friendly reminder,

all passengers, please stand behind the yellow line.

(Finch) This seat taken?

It's a free world.

At least it used to be.

Something troubling you, Harold?

The last time we met, you asked me a question.

And you lied.

I'm afraid the truth would put you in grave danger.

I didn't know you cared, Harold.

I've been in danger before.

No, this is something altogether different.

All I can say is, you are right.

The world has changed.

I suppose there's no going back.

Which brings me to the reason I came.


A hint, Harold?

Advice for these troubled times.

And a little thank you.

It's the location of The Brotherhood's stash house as of five hours ago.

No doubt, the dr*gs have been relocated by now.

But I know how dedicated you are to studying your adversaries.

I suppose you'll want to know if I identify this Dominic.

I suppose.

It's a tricky business.

Playing a game in which you're unsure of the pieces.

And in this game, I fear that losing is not an option.

[Emiliana Torrini's g*n plays]

Damn, you like a cat.

You got at least nine lives.

I was worried we gonna lose the stash though.

"H" is safe. For now.

Bitch made you tell her the location?

Chick was tracking me. I couldn't shake her.

I had to lead her to something of value so she'd back off.

I would have sent somebody for you, but--

But you were just following orders.

Yeah. I wish his rat would have did the same.

I caught this chick stealing crumbs.

I can explain everything.

Where's your boss?

You just met him.

♪ every day I see you looking in ♪

They always underestimate you.

Booker kids stole from us too.

Little man's got a good head on his shoulders.

Kind of kid should be working for us.

Spring his mom.

Make sure he knows who pulled the strings.

Boy'll find his way back to us.

Hearts and minds.

What about that cop, Riley?

And that bitch that was helping him.

Still trying to figure out what game they playing.

Seems like they not playing by no rule book.

Cop's dangerous.

But he's no different than us.

There'll always be cops, like there'll always be gangsters.

Only one rule.

What's that Dominic?

We all die in the end.

♪ and your priest, he tried so hard ♪
♪ to get you turned ♪