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01x24 - Dear My Friends

Posted: 01/17/24 18:07
by bunniefuu
Loli Telestina: Level ?

Kihara: That's right, a Level .

Kihara: You'll become what Academy City has always dreamed of.

Loli Telestina: Oh grandfather, I'm going to become this city's dream—

Kihara: That's right.

Kihara: The basis for it, that is.

asdf: Yellow Marble to Marble Leader,

asdf: we've arrived at our destination.

asdf: We will begin transferring them.

Kihara: Brown Marble, how is it on your end?

Kihara: Is that blue car still following you?

fdsa: Just as planned.

Kihara: No more playing around.

Kihara: It's about time we ended this.

Harumi: Wait for me.

Harumi: I will definitely—

Harumi: What the—

Harumi: What happened?

Mikoto: Geez,

Mikoto: I don't know how they find this so fun.

Kuroko: It was quite an awful trick to play.

Harumi: What's the meaning of this?

Harumi: Why are you two here?

Harumi: Just what are—

Kazari: Kiyama-sensei! These trucks were just bait!

Suzuki Ichiro: The kids aren't aboard.

Harumi: What was that?

Kazari: Hurry it up, Saten-san!

Harumi: Wait a second. What are you—

Hideki Matsui: Uiharu, you weigh a ton!

Kazari: Let's go!

Kazari: I'll guide you!

Matsunaka Nobihiko: Hurry up! Aren't you trying to save those kids?

Kuroko: Onee-sama!

Mikoto: Well then, your opponent is—

Kuroko: Ugh...

Mitsuko: You've gone far enough.

Kuroko: T-This unsightly ability is...

Mitsuko: Is this what you call,

Mitsuko: "the arrival of the star"?

Mitsuko: Looks like this is where my power,

Mitsuko: the Aerohand, comes in handy!

Mikoto: Kongou-san!

Kuroko: Leave this to us.

Kuroko: You go on and help Kiyama Harumi, Onee-sama!

Mikoto: Kuroko...

Mikoto: Got it.

Mikoto: But if you don't come back, I'll never forgive you!

Kuroko: You do realize that I am Onee-sama's partner, Shirai Kuroko, don't you?

Mitsuko: Hey, don't you dare steal my catchphrase!

Mikoto: Senpai!

Mii: Okay!

Mikoto: Now,

Mikoto: let's do it!

Kuroko: I never thought that I'd ever have to have you as a partner. (I would use "I never thought that I'd ever join forces with you." You might ask in the channel what the others tkink -newy)

Mitsuko: Why don't we use this chance to decide whose ability is stronger?

Kazari: Not long after the convoy left, two vehicles disguised as civilian cars were detected by an Anti-Skill satellite...

Alternate,Kazari: This record...

Kazari: ...heading directly for MAR headquarters.

Kazari: It's likely that...

Harumi: ...those were the real transports.

Harumi: To think I was fooled so easily...

Ruiko: We need to hurry! It seems like they've already arrived at their destination!

Harumi: Where is it?

Kazari: An abandoned communications system laboratory in the rd district!

Kazari: Take the next left!

Telestina: Well done.

Telestina: At least you made it this far...

Mikoto: Hold on tight!

Telestina: Or else it wouldn't be satisfying to k*ll you!

Mikoto: Konori-senpai!

Ruiko: What was that just now?

Telestina: Hey now, you better run for your life,

Telestina: or I'll squash you like a bug!

Kazari: That voice...

Harumi: That bitch...

Ruiko: Misaka-san?

Kazari: What are you doing?

Mikoto: Go faster!

Harumi: You don't need to tell me!

Mikoto: I'm sorry.

Mikoto: I...was mistaken.

Harumi: I would have done the same thing if I were you.

Mikoto: I'll make up for it... right here and now!

Mikoto: It deflected the electricity!

Telestina: You thought that was enough?!

Mikoto: If that's the case,

Mikoto: take this!

Telestina: I know all about you.

Mikoto: What the—

Telestina: Your railgun's effective range is limited to meters!

Telestina: Everything about your ability is in the database!

Mikoto: What gives...

Kazari: Take the next left as—

Kazari: A transmission?

Telestina: I missed? Well, whatever.

Telestina: Green Marble, they're coming your way. Destroy them.

asdf: This is Green Marble! We are currently engaged with Anti-Skill—

Tsuzuri: Don't you dare move a single inch!

Aiho: That's right. We managed to block the ramp.

Aiho: Sorry, but our higher-ups have us under a lot of pressure. This is the best we can do.

Harumi: Why is Anti-Skill—

Aiho: Enough already! You just hurry and save those kids!

Telestina: What a bunch of worthless junk.

Telestina: Fine, I'll do it myself!

Mikoto: Again?

Harumi: Hold on tight!

Telestina: You and your tricks...

Telestina: Would you just give it up already!

Telestina: No matter how hard you try, you'll never be able to save those brats!

Harumi: Even so, I swore that I would keep fighting.

Harumi: I...

Harumi: There's no way a teacher would give up on their students!

Mikoto: Well, of course.

Mikoto: No matter what, I'll make sure you make it to them.

Mikoto: That's exactly why I'm here!

Telestina: You think you can do something about it at this point?

Telestina: Just die already!

Both: Misaka-san!

Telestina: So what?

Telestina: I know all about your att*cks.

Mikoto: Then, allow me to show you.

Mikoto: Kuroko!

Kuroko: Onee-sama!

Mikoto: I can sh**t more than just coins.

Mikoto: This is my full strength!

Telestina: What?!

Mii: Geez, suddenly teleporting like that...

Kazari: Misaka-san! Shirai-san!

Ruiko: Are you okay? Are you hurt?

Mikoto: I'm fine!

Harumi: You saved us. Allow me to—

Mikoto: Wait.

Mikoto: Tell me after we save the kids.

Harumi: Yeah.

FINALLY AN EASY SIGN,Harumi: — Academy City rd School District —

Harumi: How's it going? Did you get in?

Kazari: Just a little more.

Kazari: The protection is strong.

Kuroko: Geez, all because Onee-sama felt like getting every last one of them.

Mikoto: I-I couldn't help it!

Mikoto: I didn't think that they would be empty like that.

Kazari: I got it!

Kazari: Right now, the room consuming the most power is on...

Kazari: ...the lowest level.

Harumi: I've found you.

Kazari: Haruue-san!

Kazari: Haruue-san!

Kazari: Haruue-san!

Kazari: Haruue-san!

Kazari: Let's see, the system here...

Ruiko: Hold on, I'll check the other side!

Kazari: Would you please?

Harumi: Just wait.

Harumi: I'm going to save you—

Harumi: Hey, are you all right?

Mikoto: This noise... is it...

Telestina: You f*cking brats. (i think this is well justified as she just got shot through the stomach, if you want change it to something less wilder...)

Mikoto: No way, you're still—

Telestina: Allow me to pay you back!

Kazari: Shirai-san! Misaka-san!

Harumi: You bitch!

Ruiko: That was...

Telestina: That felt good.

Telestina: Looking down on me like that...

Alternate,Ruiko: It's her!

Kazari: This is Capacity Down, isn't it?

Mikoto: Misaka-san told me it's a noise that only affects us.

Ruiko: This noise...

Telestina: What was that?

Telestina: What are you going to do if it is?

Kazari: I thought that the modification made the speakers too large to move around?

Telestina: Yes, but this whole facility is equipped with it.

Telestina: Why don't you try and destroy them all?

Kazari: Then for such a large system, there are only a few places that you can control it from.

Kazari: And having been through this whole building,

Kazari: the only place that could meet those requirements would be the control room we were just at!

Ruiko: Uiharu...

Telestina: Then,

Telestina: be my guest.

Telestina: That is, if you can.

Telestina: Seriously, what a bunch of annoying brats.

Telestina: And I was even going to show you all something nice.

Telestina: The completion of the Ability Crystal.

Mikoto: Why?

Mikoto: Weren't you used as well?

Mikoto: Your grandfather used you as a specimen, and caused your ability to go berserk.

Mikoto: Yet you—

Telestina: I wasn't used.

Telestina: I gained a unique right.

Telestina: It is to let this seed, born from within me, bloom.

Harumi: No way. Is that... the First Sample?

Telestina: The right to give birth to a Level !

Mikoto: Level ...

Telestina: That's right! By using those brats' abilities, I'll turn this girl into Academy City's first Level !

Kazari: No way. Haruue-san will...

Telestina: Her receptor is unique in that it allows her to surpass her Level once she is exposed to a certain wavelength.

Telestina: It works in perfect tandem with the Ability Crystal.

Telestina: There aren't that many controlled telepaths, just so you know.

Harumi: Why? Why does it have to be these kids?

Harumi: Why must these kids always endure such pain?!

Telestina: What? I'm just going to borrow the reality within their heads for a bit.

Mikoto: Personal reality...

Telestina: Call it what you must.

Telestina: What's important are the neurotransmitters that control brain activities.

Telestina: By collecting the neurotransmitters of these sleeping out-of-control ability users,

Telestina: and merging them with the First Sample,

Telestina: the Ability Crystal will stabilize,

Telestina: and finally be perfect.

Telestina: That old man never realized this, and devoted so much time to make minor changes to the Crystal.

Telestina: Now then, all that's left is to—

Mikoto: Stop it!

Mikoto: If the kids go out of control while you're doing that...

Telestina: Academy City will experience an unprecedented Poltergeist and be destroyed.

Telestina: Isn't that perfect?

Telestina: "The One who Arrives at Heaven's Meaning as a Mortal".

Telestina: Doesn't Academy City exist specifically for that?!

Telestina: Once a Level is born, isn't this city's mission over?

Telestina: Don't waste my time.

Kazari: Kiyama-sen—

Telestina: You be a good girl and stay down.

Kazari: Saten-san!

Kazari: Saten-san!

Ruiko: Which one? Which one is it?

Ruiko: That whatever-Down thing!

Telestina: You said something interesting last time we met.

Ruiko: That voice...

Telestina: Didn't you say that Skill Out aren't just my guinea pigs?

Telestina: You're right, it's not just Skill Out!

Telestina: All of you are guinea pigs!

Telestina: Academy City is a farm full of lab animals!

Telestina: You brats are just a bunch of lab animals!

Kazari: Misaka-san!

Telestina: It's about time I sent you—

Telestina: What's this?

Ruiko: I don't give a damn if I'm a guinea pig or whatever!

Mikoto: That's...

Kazari: Saten-san!

Telestina: There's still another squirt?

Telestina: How is she still moving?

Ruiko: I'll never let you...

Ruiko: ...lay a finger on my friends!

Kazari: The noise—

Telestina: All right, I see how it is.

Telestina: I'll blow you all up along with this facility!

Telestina: I created this after thoroughly analyzing your ability.

Telestina: It's far superior to your railgun.

Mikoto: Geez, guinea pigs and farm animals...

Mikoto: Just how much self pity do you have to garner such hatred towards others?

Telestina: Electro-Master Level .

Telestina: You're nothing but data to this city.

Telestina: That's right! Just a piece of talking data!

Mikoto: For us, Academy City is the best place we can live.

Mikoto: Even if there is something I can't do on my own,

Mikoto: with everyone's help, I can do it.

Mikoto: That's...

Telestina: You bastards aren't human! You're just samples!

Telestina: That's Academy City for you!

Mikoto: my very own...

Kuroko: Good job.

Kuroko: You saved us.

Kazari: Is it...

Harumi: Yeah, the program's complete.

Harumi: All that's left is...

Erii: It's fine.

Erii: Banri-chan said that she believes in Sensei.

Banri: Sensei?

Banri: What's with those bags under your eyes?

Harumi: I've been... a little busy lately.

asdf: Yeah, you let your hair grow too.

fdsa: But, it's Sensei.

rofl: It's Kiyama-sensei.

Harumi: You kids...

Banri: Erii-chan.

Erii: Thank you for always being there to listen to me.

Harumi: Now I'll tell you.

Harumi: Thank you.

Mitsuko: How should I put it?

Mitsuko: Fighting alone? Bravely marching forward?

Mitsuko: What was it like after Shirai-san ran away and I was left alone to fight?

Mitsuko: I threw them aside, one after another, just like this!

Kinuho: Then, the one who was rumored to have stopped the huge Poltergeist...

Maaya: Kongou-san, right?

Both: That's so incredible!

asdf: It's still not here?

fdsa: It'll be here soon.

rofl: Couldn't it go a little faster?

Banri: Erii-chan, where's Uiharu-san and the others?

Erii: They said they would catch up with us soon...

Erii: But still, they sure are late.

Erii: Today is special after all.

Kazari: We're going to be late if we don't hurry!

Ruiko: It sure is unusual for Misaka-san and Shirai-san to be late.

Kuroko: Geez, Onee-sama had to oversleep today of all days!

Mikoto: Shut up! You were sound asleep too!

Kazari: But, it sure is surprising that Misaka-san could come up with something like this.

Ruiko: What are you talking about?

Ruiko: It's just like Misaka-san to come with such a sentimental idea, don't you think?

Mikoto: You've got it all wrong!

Mii: Shirai-san?

Mii: Eh? You're not there yet?

Mii: Well, it's nothing big.

Mii: It seems that person has regained consciousness.

Mii: They started interrogating her, but it doesn't seem like she's budging one inch.

Kuroko: Is that so?

Kuroko: Yes, thank you very much.

Mikoto: What's up?

Kuroko: It seems like it will still take some time to unravel the truth.

Kuroko: We don't have time for this! We need to hurry!

Kazari: T-That—

asdf: There it is!

All: Ready, and...

All: Kiyama-sensei!

All: Happy birthday!

AND A HARD ONE RIGHT AT THE END! Academy City Broadcasting Bureau

asdf: Sensei, get well soon!

fdsa: We'll do our best too!

rofl: Wait for us, Sensei!

Banri: Thank you, Kiyama-sensei.

Banri: I love you!

Mikoto: Never a dull moment, is there...

Mikoto: this city.

Romaji: hanate kokoro ni kizanda yume wo

Romaji: mirai sae okizari ni shite

Romaji: genkai nado shiranai iminai

Romaji: kono chikara ga hikari chirasu

Romaji: sono saki ni haruka na omoi mo

Romaji: aruitekita kono michi wo

Romaji: furikaeru koto shika

Romaji: dekinai nara ima koko de

Romaji: subete wo kowaseru

Romaji: kurayami ni ochiru machinami

Romaji: hito wa doko made tachimukaeru no

Romaji: kasoku suru sono itami kara

Romaji: dareka o kitto mamoreru yo

Romaji: Look in the prism, this planet, to search a way

Romaji: Only my railgun can sh**t it ima sugu

Romaji: karadajuu wo hikari no hayasa de

Romaji: kakemegutta tashika na yokan

Romaji: hanate kokoro ni kizanda yume wo

Romaji: mirai sae okizari ni shite

Romaji: genkai nado shiranai iminai

Romaji: kono chikara ga hikari chirasu

Romaji: sono saki ni haruka na omoi mo

TL: Let go of the dreams inscribed in your heart,

TL: and leave behind your future.

TL: Boundaries don't mean a thing to me.

TL: Our power will spread light

TL: and the distant feelings before us.

TL: If there's nothing we can do

TL: but look back on the path we came from,

TL: then, right now,

TL: let's destroy it all.

TL: How long will people be able to

TL: stand and face the streets drenched in darkness?

TL: I'm sure there's someone we can save

TL: from that accelerating pain.

TL: Look in the prism, this planet, to search a way

TL: Only my railgun can sh**t it right now.

TL: A definite premonition

TL: hold onto it, with your sparkling sense of self.

TL: Let go of the dreams inscribed in your heart,

TL: and leave behind your future.

TL: Boundaries don't mean a thing to me.

TL: Our power will spread light

TL: and the distant feelings before us.

TL: ,Dear my friend

TL: ,Every day and night

TL: ,Always be with you

TL: ,Dear my friend

TL: ,Every day and night

TL: ,Always be with you

TL: ,hanashite mo madamada tarinai mama

TL: ,Talking with you just isn't enough.

TL: ,yuuyake ga machi wo someteyuku

TL: ,The sunset has dyed the city red.

TL: ,omou you ni nakanaka ikanai tte

TL: ,Things never go the way I want.

TL: ,kidzuitara issho ni naiteita

TL: ,And when I realize it, we're both crying.

TL: ,koi mo yume mo hana mo niji mo kaze mo

TL: ,Love, dreams, flowers, rainbows, and wind

TL: ,zenbu tsukamou yo

TL: ,let's seize them all.

TL: ,daijoubu genki dashite

TL: ,It's all right, cheer up!

TL: ,watashi ga soba ni iru kara

TL: ,I'm here, besides you.

TL: ,kyou no MISS kuyamu yori ima norikoete

TL: ,Rather than crying over today's mistakes, overcome them.

TL: ,daijoubu mayowanaide

TL: ,It's all right, don't lose your path.

TL: ,madaminu mirai he to mukatte

TL: ,We're heading to an unknown future

TL: ,zutto aruite yukou

TL: ,walking all the way.

TL: ,Every day and night

TL: ,Always be with you

TL: ,Dear My Friend

TL: ,Every day and night

TL: ,Always be with me

TL: ,watashi datte iroiro nayamu kedo

TL: ,kangaete mo kotae wa denai mama

TL: ,miagereba kirakira ichibanboshi

TL: ,kirei da ne futo egao koboreta

TL: ,ai mo kizu mo kako mo ima mo asu mo subete uketomeyou

TL: ,daijoubu yuuki dasu yo

TL: ,watashi wa hitori ja nai kara

TL: ,akiramezu tamerawazu ippo fumidashite

TL: ,I'm bothered my many things, but

TL: ,the answer won't come out when I think about them.

TL: ,If I look up I see the first star sparkling in the sky.

TL: ,Isn't it pretty? A smile escapes suddenly.

TL: ,Love, dishonor, past, present and tomorrow. Let’s take it all!

TL: ,It’s all right! I’ll show you my courage.

TL: ,I’m not alone.

TL: ,Take a step forward without giving up or hesitating.

TL: ,daijoubu mayowanaide

TL: ,It's all right, don't lose your path.

TL: ,madaminu mirai he to mukatte

TL: ,We're heading to an unknown future

TL: ,zutto aruite yukou

TL: ,walking all the way.

TL: ,Every day and night

TL: ,Always be with you

TL: ,Dear my friend

TL: ,Every day and night

TL: ,Always be with you

TL: ,hibikiau negai ga ima mezameteku

TL: ,Our wishes that echo together are awakening,

TL: ,yuzurenai mirai no tame ni

TL: ,for the sake of our future that we can't give up.

TL: ,meguriau unmei wo koeta sono saki ni

TL: ,Since we crossed over our fated meeting,

TL: ,kono omoi kagayaku kara

TL: ,our feelings have been sparkling.

TL: ,koko ja nai mirai ni omoi takushite mite wa

TL: ,Placing my hopes in a future that isn't here

TL: ,tsuyosa no hontou no imi wo sagashitsudzuketeta

TL: ,allowed me to keep searching for the true meaning of strength.

TL: ,ari no mama no itami wo ukeireru sono imi wo

TL: ,You knew the meaning of accepting your pain

TL: ,ashita he hashiritsudzukeru kimi ni shitta

TL: ,as you ran toward tomorrow.

TL: ,meguriyuku keshiki ga ima nagareteku

TL: ,The revolving scenery continues to pass by,

TL: ,taguriyoseta sekai no saki

TL: ,as we pull this world toward us.

TL: ,furisosogu shigunaru wo karada de kanjite

TL: ,Feel the falling signals throughout your body,

TL: ,tokihanatsu ima subete wo

TL: ,and release them all now.

TL: ,Just truth in my heart

TL: ,itsu datte mayowanai yo kesenai omoi ga aru kara

TL: ,I'll never hesitate, because I have feelings that I can't erase.

TL: ,tokiakasu shinjitsu kara me wo sorasazu ni

TL: ,Don't look away from the truth that was revealed to you.

TL: ,I'll reach the next stage to realize all.

TL: ,tooku kanjiteta kimi ga hashiru senaka wo

TL: ,itsu kara darou konna ni mo chikaku ni kanjiru

TL: ,fuan kakushikirezu ni semaru sora wo miageta

TL: ,kizutsuita kioku itsuka norikoeru yo

TL: ,akogare wa chikara wo ima nobiokosu

TL: ,mamoritai mono ga aru kara

TL: ,meguriyuku keshiki mune ni kakeagaru dake

TL: ,itami wa kaze ni kieteku

TL: ,Believe in Judgelight

TL: ,unmei sae uchinuite

TL: ,yoake wo kono te de tsukurou

TL: ,kaete iku yuuki to kawaranai kokoro de

TL: ,I believe myself and precious emotion

TL: ,buchikudaku kono omoi de

TL: ,hajimari no hikari no naka chikaiau

TL: ,hatenaki yami o sabaku koto

TL: ,osoreteta kodoku no uzu oboreru koto ni

TL: ,dakedo mou furimukanai

TL: ,In sensed your back from far away as I ran.

TL: ,How long have I been able to feel you this close to me?

TL: ,I look at the sky as it drew near, unable to hide my anxiety.

TL: ,I'll make it past my tainted memories some day.

TL: ,My ambition awakens my power.

TL: ,Because I have something I want to protect.

TL: ,The revolving scenery just runs up my chest.

TL: ,My pain disappears into the wind.

TL: ,sh**t away destiny.

TL: ,Create the daybreak with our hands.

TL: ,With my fleeting courage and solid heart,

TL: ,Let's smash through my feelings!

TL: ,In the beginning light we pledge

TL: ,to cast judgement on this endless darkness.

TL: ,I was afraid of drowning in the vortex of loneliness,

TL: ,But I won’t turn away anymore.

TL: ,Just truth in my heart

TL: ,itsu datte mayowanai yo kesenai omoi ga aru kara

TL: ,I'll never hesitate, because I have feelings that I can't erase.

TL: ,tokiakasu shinjitsu kara me wo sorasazu ni

TL: ,Don't look away from the truth that was revealed to you.

TL: ,I'll reach the next stage to realize all.

TL: ,tashika na kizuna shinjite

TL: ,Believe in these bonds that exist.