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01x08 - Invisible Self

Posted: 01/18/24 17:54
by bunniefuu

Do not stand.

Just turn around in the chair
and face me.

Put both hands, palms up, on your knees.

This... this is exactly
what it looks like, Stan.

I have five people locked in my basement...

You can get it off your chest
in the deposition.

- I have to talk to you about Evelyn...
- You don't say my wife's name.

What if I told you
that I could cure ALS?

I could free her
from the prison of her body.

Stand up. Turn around.
I'm gonna cuff you.

I've spent my life studying
near-death experiences.

These five NDE survivors in my basement,
they have an ability, a technology,

it's beyond my comprehension.

It's beyond science as it stands today,
but they can heal your wife. I swear it.

You've got a silver tongue
and you'd say anything.

I don't want to hear it.

One of my subjects d*ed.

They brought him back to life
11 hours later.

Lazarus from the dead.


Let them do it for Evelyn.

If they can, you walk away.
You don't look back.

You don't ask any questions.
You let me continue my work.

And if they can't, you lock me up.
What do you have to lose?

I don't make deals...

You know as well as I do,
there's no such thing

as good and evil, black and white.

There's only gray.
There's only what a man can stand.



Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

Which ones do you need?

Oh, thank God.

This one.

And this one.

Oh, sweet God!

This man's wife is sick.

And you two are gonna heal her.

Come on.

- Up the stairs. Move.
- You don't understand.

- Slow. Hap, slow!
- We're prisoners!

- Let us out!
- You don't understand!

- Let us out of here!
- Help us!

- Help us!
- Get us out of here!

Help us, please!

Don't leave us!

This is Evelyn.

I'm gonna lock the door
and we'll be watching at the monitor

until her condition improves.

Let's go. Now!

You understand what's happening, right?

If we don't heal the sheriff's wife,
Hap goes to prison.

So we just don't move?

We move,
but we just don't do it quite right.

We can't not.

Don't you see?

The sheriff's all hyped up,
but when this doesn't work, he'll crash.

Hap will look mad and he'll turn him in.

If we don't try to help her,
then we aren't who we say we are.

What are they doing?

- Wha... What's going on?
- It's okay. Just... just wait.

What's... what's happening?

Trust me, Stan. Just trust me.

- What's going on?
- It's working.

It's... It's working.

- What...?
- No, no. It's all right.

I got a thermal image camera.

You're here.

You're finally here.

She grabbed my hand.

She moved.

She pulled me down and said,

"I need to tell you a story
about when I was a little girl.

I was out swimming in the waves
and I got lost.

They were too big
and I felt myself go under

and it got so dark and black and cold,
and then suddenly,

I was outside of my body.

And there was a small white light,

and I moved towards it.

And at the center of that light...

was a little girl.

And that little girl said..."

"One day...

you will help two c*ptive angels.

It will be very hard.

It will be very... painful.

But you must stay alive
to give this to them."

And a white moth flew
from her mouth into mine.

I swallowed it.

I have held it inside me,

waiting for you to come.

Would you like to know what it is?

Come closer.

It's almost over...

but I get to hold my Stan one more time.

Will you guard it with your lives?

We will.

The fifth movement...

How do we use it?
How do we, um... escape?

It's a matter of will.

It's... it's always a matter of will.

Only a person of great determination
can swim to another side.

Are you ready?

I need to do this.

She's moving!

Wait, wait, wait, wait.


Oh. I'm here.

Get away.

Don't touch him!
Get away from him!

Get out!

I will sh**t Homer. Get out!



We had everything
we needed to escape.

Finally, after all these years...

We had kept each other alive.

We had shared a bed.

And in all that time...

we'd never, not once... touched.

- Homer!
- OA!





Get out.

Get out!

Come on!

I'm lying there on the grass.
I can't move.

And then I feel the cold metal of a blade
pressed against my throat.

Did you think you were indispensable
to the work? To me?

Well, you're not.

I have the fifth movement.

I have Homer.

- I don't...
- "I don't need you.

I'm leaving you exactly as I found you.

I don't have to k*ll you."

And even if you get back,
we'll be gone.

In another dimension,
all of us...

and you'll be all alone.

"With nothing, with no one."

Sky is so big, trees...

and a road... going somewhere.

And I think of Homer
and I grab onto him.

And he kicks me away.

And he's in the car
and he's so... fast.

I run to get him...

I can't catch him.


really run so hard,
but I can't catch him,

and I scream, "Come back!"

Come back!

"Come back."

"Come back."

Oh, my God.

Abel, we said
all we had to say to each other!

You and Nancy
are gonna have to leave!

Wait, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

No, no. They're just, uh...

They don't understand what we're doing.

You... you were at the Olive Garden.

Yeah, I... I'm Alfonso.

I'm your daughter's friend.

And don't worry,
I'm gonna prove that it's true.

That what's true?

Her whole story.

Everything she went through.

She told you?


It's, uh...

I'm gonna make it all okay.

Just, uh...

It's okay.

Anything you'd like to say?

What were you doing
with those boys?

what does it feel like to be home?

Prairie, are you ready
to tell us how you got your sight?

Oh, yeah. This'll work.

I'll take it from here.

Thank you.

Oh, did you remember to give them your
Triple A card at the front desk?

We get a discount.

I know.

- Maybe five, ten percent.
- I know, Nance.

Needs a blanket.

I'm okay.

I'm okay.

The house was by a mine.

The cages were in a basement,

in a room that...
wasn't that much bigger than this.

My bed was against the wall.

Sometimes, I slept on top of it.

Sometimes, I slept underneath it.

There was another cage here and one there.

A young man was next to me.

We fell in love.

I love him.

We drank water from a trough.

We ate food made for animals.

I went seven years
without touching someone else's skin.

Do you want me to stop?


Is everything all right?

You asked if she left a note.


Please, come back to the room.

Come back to the room.

I'm busy, Nance.

I'm making a waffle.

Then... I'm going to eat it.

We can't talk here.

That's right.

You lied to me... for years...

Every day...

for over seven years, to be specific.

I'm going to need a little time
to think about that.

I know. I made a mistake.

You lied to me.

You lied to the police.

I'll call... I'll call them
and explain the whole thing.

But... but that doesn't change...

It doesn't change the fact
that he took her away.

What she told us last night,
it doesn't change any of that.

Say something.

I forgot coffee.

When... when I found her note...

and I saw... I saw what she wrote...

- "I'm going to find my father."
- Uh-huh.

Well, you're her father, Abel.

- I was trying...
- You lied about the note

because you were worried I would be hurt
by her choice of words?

She disappeared.

And you thought that's what
I would have on my mind?

If she left a note,

the police wouldn't even have
looked for her. I just thought...

We should have made that decision...


It all...
It all happened because I chose her.

You wanted to adopt that little boy,
but... I wanted her.

I thought because she was blind,
she would need me forever.

I needed her... to love me.

I just did.

I needed too much.

So, she left.

How could I tell you?

I couldn't tell you.

Hi, uh, could you help me
find a phone number?

I'd be happy to.

Yeah, for, um...
Betty Broderick-Allen.

Is it Elizabeth?


I'm sorry, that number is unlisted.

Oh, um...

Could you try Winchell?

- W-I-N-C-H-E-L-L?
- Certainly.

Oh, actually, sorry,
that's... that'd be a landline...


Oh... Uh...

Try French. Alfonso...

Alfonso, uh...


Sorry, I, uh,
I don't know, but thank you.

No. E-V-E-L-Y-N.

You're the ALS Society.
The idea is you tell me.

Well, what's the point of having a society
if you can't help each other?

Forget it, dude.

Yo, there's a Scott Browning

who went missing in 2005.

Heir to a big fortune in Canada.

Yeah, but the dates don't match.

Besides, Scott was a street kid
in Pennsylvania.

Well, maybe we should try, like,
weird combinations instead of names.

Uh, I'm gonna try "anesthesiologist"
and "pilot."

We got this.


It's a start...

but we need more.


Oh, my God.

Whoa, whoa!

- Easy, easy.
- I'm sorry.

How'd you get in here?

No, I didn't break in, I promise...

So, how did you get in here?
Is somebody else here?

- I'm sorry. No.
- Is somebody else here?

- No.
- What's your name?

- Alfonso.
- What?

Alfonso Sosa.

You're one of the boys that she spoke to.


You know her?

Yeah, I know her.

She tell you about the brave Homer?

And... and the mine?

And Hap's near-death studies?

No. She told me about you.

You did good.

She needed somebody to listen to her.
You did that for her.

But they're lies.

You know what
second-hand trauma is?

When you take somebody else's pain,
so they can survive.

That's what you did.

That's what you did.

But it's not true.

Hey... come on.

You did good.

She told us a story.

It just, uh... wasn't true.

I'm keeping this one.

Yeah, well, I gotta start my shift.

Mom says
you got both classes you want,

including the creative writing one?

They're just online, so...
they take anybody who applies.

I'm glad you're studying.

Me, too.

I took that Lyprexa on an empty stomach.
I feel a little dizzy.

Are you okay to finish?

It's fine. You have a lie down.

- And there you have it.
- Oh, great.

That's a cool box.

Oh, I bought it at the Container Store.

I really like that store.

Heard you're planning to move out west?

Oh, I don't know. Maybe.
Um, brought my car in for a tune-up.

I have a cousin
who lives in Northern California.

I thought I'd go sit by the Pacific.

I've never been to California.

No? Hmm.

The kids wanna go to Disneyland.

But, uh, the wife's afraid of earthquakes.

You know, the big one.

It was great working for you,
Principal Gilchrist.

Oh, please, Betty, call me Ellis.

- What?
- Ellis.

Oh, okay.

Yeah. I'm sorry the hearing went so...

Oh, no worries.
Water under the bridge.

Like I said, I brought my car in
for a tune-up.

I can go anywhere.

You made something for me?

No, dude,
I got something made for you.

What, you had something made for me?

All right, so my cousin's
super into decorative pillows, right?


So, I just asked her.

- What do we got here?
- Oh, yeah.

Isn't it dope?

No sh*t.

Yo, you f*cking serious?

Oh, my God.

I had the dream again.

I know.
I know what it is now.

Tell your wife hi, okay?

You have a good one. Okay.

Yo, I hear she's dating a wrestler.

You could so be a wrestler.

Oh, what, you saying I'm short?


Open the door! Help!

Come on, come on, come on!


Come on.

Come on.

Oh, my God! No.

My boys.

Cafeteria. Oh.

You did it.

Don't you see?

I have the will.

Can't you feel it?

It's happening.

It's happening.




Take me with you!

They said it would be... invisible.

Like jumping into an invisible current
that just...

carries you away.
