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03x20 - Ha det bra

Posted: 01/18/24 18:23
by bunniefuu
What should I have you make for me?
Curry is, all told, a sure winner,

but as far as other dishes that are good
with mackerel, there's, let's see...

Huh? Blood? Wh-What just--

Whoa, what's going on?

We're being shot at!

But from where?

It's a through-and-through. I'm all right.
I still have feeling in my left arm.

I have to contact Mugino and the others--

I shouldn't be visible to the
surrounding buildings from this angle.

This isn't a long-range sh**t!

Hey, are you all right?

We're going inside!

Huh? Hold on!

She sensed how much danger she was in
and gave up hiding behind here

or trying to call her friends.

After fleeing into the department
store and pausing a moment,

they took the elevator to a higher floor.

Do please make this fun for me.

"A Certain Scientific Railgun T"

Have they come after me?



I'm going to buy us a little time here.

All told, with this many people
coming and going here,

if we disguise ourselves
and blend into the crowd,

it will be easy to give them the slip--

They're sh**ting at me?!

In a crowd like this, with no hesitation?



This is bad.

The one who's really exploiting this crowd is...

Yes, I am the one using
the crowd to my advantage.

My sn*per r*fle is under my clothes.

I can assemble it simply by
bending and stretching my arms.

And I can silently sh**t my rounds
with the force of CO2 gas.

There isn't a single person here
who realizes I'm a sn*per, aiming at you.

We need the people around us to help!

They won't be of any help to us!

They're more likely to panic and
end up hampering our movements instead.

With an enemy lurking in the crowd,
that would prove fatal!

Th-Then we could borrow a cell phone...

Anyone whose cell we tried to borrow
would just have their head blown off.

We're getting driven to someplace
with no people around.

There are two types of hunters--

the type who take delight
in doing a perfect job,

without ever letting their presence be known;

and the type who take delight
in making their prey writhe in pain,

as they flaunt their skill.

This one is definitely the latter!
And the reason I know that... that all told, I'm the same way!

Why is this happening to me...?

P-Please! Let me go! I didn't have any choice!

I didn't double-cross you because I wanted to!

--Are they filming something?
--Is that blood real?
--I'll pay you anything you want! So--

--It couldn't be.
--I'll pay you anything you want! So--


He's been shot!

Ah, the pleasure of that last,
wretched scream the quarry lets out.

I wonder what sound you'll make
for me when you cry out.

This person probably has
some kind of rules that they adhere to.

If their prey deviates in
some way that displeases them,

I'm sure they'll k*ll them on the spot.

Or, to turn it around, we won't be k*lled
as long as we play into their compulsion.

All told, that sadistic nature
is going to cost them their life.

If they're targeting us from the crowd...

Bring it on!

You fell for it, you twisted sicko!

I held up my hat to mislead you and draw you in!

What are you talking about?

Don't play dumb with me!

Wh-Whoa, is that really...

This guy shot me twice!

But is there any evidence
that he's the one who shot you?

If you target someone from a crowd,
you're going to disguise your r*fle.

And glancing around the area, this guy
is the only one carrying something long.

All told, this golf bag is irrefutable proof!

There's nothing but ordinary
golf clubs inside, though.

S-Sorry about that!

It's no use.

I am Tracking your actions with perfect clarity.

So that's it.

She spread something all over the place here.

I'm so glad to be able to come over
to your home for dinner again, Himegami.

Today, we're going to flex
those cooking muscles!

Damn it, what was all that about?

What did I ever do to her?

A-Are you all right?

That was close. One wrong step,
and we would have ended up like that.

Traps in with the merchandise...

I see that she isn't concerned
if she involves any bystanders.

Isn't that nice? What lovely desperation.

Not that it will do them any good.

They just took off half my ear! Damn it!

I'm back.

I have three cards,

and this is a researcher
from the place keeping the cards.

Good work.

Any word from Yumiya?

Nothing yet.

Let's just hope she doesn't
fall back on any bad habits.

Wouldn't that be rough?

Damn it, they're not falling
for any of my traps or tricks.

They know everything we do.

Did they stick a transmitter on her?

--All told, if they had, it still wouldn't
explain how they're avoiding my traps.

--All told, if they had, it still wouldn't
explain how they're avoiding my traps.

--All told, if they had, it still wouldn't
explain how they're avoiding my traps.

Huh? H-Hey!

How can they be aware of all our actions?

Not even Takitsubo's AIM Stalker can do that.

It's not Second Sight, either.

With all the distance between us and
the constantly changing sources of cover,

they should have lost sight of us long ago.

I don't know how to counter them...

I suppose it's about time. Once I sh**t
her legs so she can't move anymore,

she'll start begging for her life--

O-Oh, no! I'm on a mission, too!

Oh, but what if they're like, "Oh, Miss Yumiya,

what a crazy coincidence,
running into you here like this!

By all means, come and join us."

If they were to invite me
along like that, I'd just... I'd just...

It sure is.

That's me, all right.

My skill as an assassin in blending
into my surroundings is perfect.

No, by no means has my unique
loner's transparence been triggered.

Oh, they're gone.

It hurts... It hurts...

All told, not knowing
where the attack is coming from,

there's no way to counter it.
How did I get stuck in this situation?

--Yeah, I'm not even the one they're after.

All told, I only know her because
we shared one canned mackerel dinner.

I'm under no obligation to protect her.

If we both run in different directions,
the enemy will follow her.

I hate to do this,
but I need you to lure them off.

If I force us apart, she'll just come
following me, which would be pointless.

Somehow, I have to talk her into it--

Um, we should split up!


If we go in different directions,
they're more likely to come after me.

Huh? What is it--

You don't have to tell me that!

If you left my side, could you
protect yourself?! You're a Level 0!

Do you think they won't
k*ll you after they catch you?!

I don't know what information
they're trying to get out of you,

but once you give it up,
they'll just dispose of you!

But the way this is headed,
both of us are going to be done in, right?

All I'm doing is slowing you down.

I-It's all right. I can hold my own in a race.

All told, I thought you were just gullible.

But now? You're simply being an idiot.

Then again...

...if you insist, why don't we do like you ask

and turn you into a decoy?

Oh no, oh no, if I take too long,
Yobou will chew me out again.

I have to hurry this up.

The dark-haired one is
coming this way all alone?

Then again, if you insist,
why don't we do like you ask

and turn you into a decoy?

If you, a Level 0 who can only slow me down,

are prepared to lay down your life for me,
it makes you the perfect soldier!

All right.

You're sure about this?

I might be tricking you
so I can run away on my own.

If you hadn't saved me when they
first caught me, I'd have been done for.

And even if you were to, I wouldn't blame you.


My Tracking works during pursuit.

If they double back toward me,
I can't tell what their actions are on the way.

I doubt she's seen through my skill;
this is just by chance.

But I know what my quarry is up to.

Identifying me. The blond Barbie
is using the dark-haired one as a decoy

so she can observe the crowd.

It's a ploy to sh**t anyone
who reacts to the dark-haired one.

But it won't work.

As someone who has mastered
the art of loneli--I mean, assassination,

I can blend perfectly into
a crowd and not look out of place.

My line of sight, my expression,
the way I carry myself--all perfectly natural.

And, there's the chance that she
ditched the dark-haired one to run away,

but that would just make things more fun for me.

Friendship is such a
superficial thing, after all.

No, I was wrong. She didn't cut her loose.
The blonde's objective...

...are those bombs?!

The dark-haired one is expendable! This is bad!

This will allow that damn Barbie... waltz right on out of here,
while silencing any witnesses

and getting rid of me in the process!

It's a master stroke of
three birds with one stone!

But if she commits such
an indiscriminate mass m*rder,

it's inevitable that her whole
organization will be liquidated.

Does she really think the
cornered mouse can attack the cat?

Oh, no! Gotta get behind the pillar!



Is everything okay?

--Oh, yes, thank you.
--Oh, crap--

Found you!

All told,

--you're the only one who recognized
those dolls as being bombs.

--What was that?
--What happened?
--you're the only one who recognized those dolls as being bombs.

--Huh? Was that a g*n?
--you're the only one who recognized
those dolls as being bombs.

You've been sneaking around
hounding me and picking me off,

but I'm gonna blow you away
a hundred times as hard!

You've turned the tables.

What was that?!

Don't stop!

Get going, already!

Don't push!

W-Will this really identify
whoever is following us?

All told, if they have a way to see
what we're doing here, we've had it.

But, if my prediction is correct,
then more than likely, this will reveal them.

Once they're safely identified,
I'll leap in to fight them right away.

Don't push against the crowd trying
to escape, just get out of here.

--But I--
--All told...

...if you stay behind,
it puts me at a disadvantage.

If you get taken hostage again,
I will abandon you in a heartbeat.

We're two people who have
always been from different worlds,

and I forget all about people
who I'm never gonna see again.

Th-The canned mackerel!

I figured you might come over to eat again,

so as it happens,
I stocked up on a whole bunch of it!

I can't eat all of it by myself.

If you don't step up and come eat it with me,
I don't know what I'll do!

Miniature bombs?!

They may be only good for shockwaves,
with no fragmentary effect,

but to use bombs in
close-quarters combat is nuts!

Even so...!

If your arm is so messed up
that you can't throw right,

then you're no longer a threat!

Well, well, for as loud as you
were bragging, you're nothing.

Didn't you say something about
getting me back a hundredfold?

Now, you can't even stand up.


I can't keep this up any longer, huh...?

All told,

the reason I'm not getting to my feet... because it's safer down here on the floor.

A mass detonation?!

When did she plant so many of them?

While the dark-haired one was acting as a decoy?

She might be trying to use the smoke as cover,

but it will take more than this
to get away from my nose.

In fact, this situation works to my advantage.

What... the...?

Low oxygen...? She was using thermobarics...?

Is that what you were up to?

Well, you didn't close the deal!

There's no point unless it's a closed space!

There's air streaming in
from the windows you broke!

Ha det bra!

So you're saying you have
no idea why you were being targeted?


Okay, I'll be going now.

Whew, that questioning took forever!

I'm glad that it's over.

Sorry to keep you, Uiharu.

Here's the rough plan for the next little while.

Considering that there's
a chance you may still be in danger,

for the next few days, you're going
to be staying at an Antiskill facility.

You can go back to your dorm once they decide

that the threat against you
has lessened to some degree,

but even after that, Judgment will
continue to provide a personal escort,

so please don't worry.

Going to all this trouble over me, huh?

No, it's no trouble.

So tell me, about the department store...

Oh, right. According to the report,

there were signs of expl*sives and a struggle,

just like all the witness statements said,

but it also says that they found
no bodies or anyone who was injured.

Oh, is that right?

Okay, let's get you moved over there.

If there's anything you need,
I'll get it ready for you.

Well, I could use a new...


"Come to think of it,
you did tell me not to waste food"

"If I feel like it a week from now,
I'll come over for dinner,
so have something ready. Hee-hee-hee"

Good work on that lousy job.

Thanks to you guys,
we have more data on the tweezers.

While their current whereabouts are unknown,

it's certain that within the next few days,

they're going to be used at a
facility near Kirigaoka Girls' School.

Our source on this is supposedly assured.

We'll go with this group.
The calculations we'll need--

Please wait!

Before you do,

give me the chance to hunt
down that damn Barbie!

Hey, now, it's thanks to Yobou slipping
onto the scene at the last moment

that you got away with your life.
Don't throw it away again so soon.

Now, you're naturally steamed about this,

but with the regenerative
treatments that Academy City has,

your face can be restored. Not to mention,

how are you going to pursue her
without that nose you're so proud of?

I can find out where the
dark-haired one is by tracing her cell.

Besides, I don't feel angry
toward that damned Barbie!

She and I had a deathmatch
under extreme circumstances.

She did everything in
her power to get close to me!

That's what friendship is, isn't it?!

She had the same whiff about her as you, right?

In that case, you'll see her again soon
enough that you don't have to rush it.

I can't take things that easily!
I'm sure she's waiting for me, too--


How many more seconds
do I have to waste on you?

Guess he still hasn't gotten
over all that trauma yet.

The tweezers have first priority.
Personal grudges come after.

What do we do?

She might really be done now.

You handle it. I remember
we always had a spare candidate.

Either way, there's gonna be
a lot of death on this one.

To hell with whatever Academy City has in mind.

I'm gonna use my own little tricks
to do whatever I want.

"Kakine Teitoku"
"Leader of the dark side organization SCHOOL"
"Second-ranked Level 5"

"One week later"

"Do you have any requests?"
"What time can you come over?"


Jeez, you took your sweet time!
Dinner is getting cold--


Oh, Uiharu...

I, uh, have today's security report.

Then again, there's nothing
really in here to report.

Oh. I know you're injured, too,
so thanks for coming.

And as long as you're here,
why don't you come on in?

Oh, but...

I made too much supper.
Come in and have some, if you'd like.

"Next episode preview"

Miss Misaka, you're always
breaking into places, right?

"Next episode preview"
"#21 Doppelganger"

You've done it, what, 100 times?

What do you want now?

Since you're so good at it,
there's somewhere I need you to sneak into.

Congratulations on number 101!

Is that any way to ask for a favor?!