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06x04 - That Time of Year

Posted: 01/18/24 19:06
by bunniefuu
The Grand Canyon
really sounds great.

No way. Baja California,
that's the place.

I was there last
year. It's beautiful.

Baja is okay. But the Grand
Canyon's something else.

Roy, if you want my advice,
you'll go to Hawaii.

No, no, thanks. Have you seen
this thing about Switzerland?

This is beautiful.

Yeah, but Cap, nobody has
enough money to go to Switzerland.

Hawaii. Hawaii.

All right. All right.
I'll consider them all. Okay?

you know what the real big problem is?

You've got too many brochures.


You've got 20 brochures here. I mean,
how are you gonna make up your mind?

You've got so many decisions
that you have to make.

Oh, all right. I'll make the
decision. I'll make the decision.

I really don't need any help
from the sidelines, you know.

I'm not trying to argue
with you or anything.

I'm just saying you've got
too many brochures here.

I know. The reason I got all the
brochures is I'm trying to figure out

where I'm gonna go, all right?

I mean,
I can make the decision on my own.

I'm gonna pour
myself some coffee.


I don't believe this.

Station 51. Engine 16,

Engine 3, Truck 8, Battalion 14.

Structure fire at

Cross street, Livonia.
Time out, 1310.

Hey, Roy? That place is a swinging
singles club. STANLEY: 51, KMG 365.

It's called The Gathering.

If we got a fire in there, it could be bad,
'cause it's usually crowded.



toxic chemicals are stored
in a tanker.

Use caution.

this is Rampart. Can you send me some EKG?


We're sending you a strip.
Vitals to follow.

Pulse is 160. The victim
is in extreme pain, Rampart.


This patient is in V-fib.

Rampart, we have lost the
victim's pulse. Beginning CPR.


We're defibrillating victim,

Rampart, we've defibrillated
victim. Decent sinus rhythm.

JOE ON RADIO: Administer 2 amps
sodium bicarb and insert an airway.


DIXIE: Squad 51, continue monitoring
Vitals and transport immediately.

We're on our way, Rampart.



STANLEY: Marco, take an inch-and-a-half
in through the rear door, pal.

LA, Engine 51 on scene.
We have smoke showing.

Have Engine 16
protect the rear exposure.

DISPATCHER: Engine 51. Yeah.

My name is Gary
Charles. I run the club.

Okay, is everybody out of there?

I think so. The fire
started in the kitchen.

It seems everybody
had time to get out.

Okay. We'll check. Kelly, another
inch-and-a-half in the rear door, pal.

DISPATCHER: Engine 16,
cover the rear exposure.

Hey, I can't find Larry!

Larry? Yeah. I just met him.

Was he in there when
the fire started? Yeah.

And he's still
gotta be in there.

This is the first time that I
ever met a man that I really liked

at a singles bar. Uh-huh.

We really hit it off. Uh-huh.

He asked for my telephone
number and everything.

All right. Please find him.

We will, ma'am. We will.

Okay. Larry was in
the upstairs men's room.

Cap, we got a man
trapped in there.

See you. Go.

Look carefully,
will you? Please?

ROY: We will.

Hey, Chet,
I think we got somebody in here.

We're gonna have to
go in and check it out.

Let's check the
second level. Right.

Check in here.

It's all clear.

Nothing. Nothing here? All right,
I'm gonna check in here.

All right,
come on. There's nothing in there, either.

She said she knew he was here.

Look, we checked
every inch of this place.

I don't think he's in here.

Let's go. Let's get out of here.

Yeah. But she was so sure.

All right. Let's make
another sweep, then.

All right.

What's the matter
with you? Nothing.

What's wrong? Nothing.

Hello! Is there anybody in here?

Hey, Roy? Yeah.

Look, I checked everything.
Everything. He's not in here.

Okay. Let's get out of here.

Yeah, we've covered...

Hey, Roy. Come on.
Come on, get up.

What's wrong with you? What's
wrong with you? Come on. Get up.

What's wrong with you? Huh?
What's wrong with you?

I don't know. Come on,
put your arm around me.

Come on. Put your arm
around me. Come on.

Come on.

Come on over there.


Come on. Sit down here.
Sit down here. Sit down.

Now... Hey! Here,
sit up. Come on.

Cap? He got real dizzy and real weak.

Been there.

LA, Engine 51. Come on.

Respond an ambulance to
our location. I have a Code I.

DISPATCHER: Engine 51.


Come on. Let's get your
jacket off. I'm gonna lay down.

Come on. Here,
we'll get your jacket off. How you feeling?

Huh? Roy? How
you feeling? I'm fine.

[SLURRING] Just a little light.

Little light? Yeah.

Okay. All right. Take it easy.

Here. Come on.
Just leave that to me.

Gonna lay down. Come
on. No. I want you to sit up

for just a second, okay?
All right, yeah.

ROY: What's this thing on me?

Rampart, this is Squad 51.

DIXIE: 51, this is
Rampart. Go ahead.

Rampart, we're at
the scene of a fire.

We have an injured
firefighter at the scene.

What are the vitals, 51?

Vitals coming up.

Rampart, pulse is 106.

BP is 90 over 60.

Respiration's 22. Pupils are
equal and reactive, Rampart.

Uh, Cap? His skin's awful pale.

Skin's pale, Rampart.

It's cool to normal,
but he's sweating a lot.

He's cool, his temperature seems
to be normal, but he's sweating a lot.

KELLY: 51, it sounds
like he was overcome by heat.

Run it at an initial rate
of 100 drops per minute.

We'll slow it down
when his BP comes up.



You're just a
wonderful joke-teller.

Thank you very much.
You're terrific.

Miss, this wouldn't be your
missing friend here, would it?

Yes. And he's perfectly
safe. Can you imagine?

You've been out here
the whole time?

Yeah. I was over there
with some guys,

sitting on the trunk
of that car.

You know, taking in the show.

Isn't that funny? I would've
never looked there for him.

I mean,
I looked for him but not there.

You're Larry? You're the
guy we were looking for?

Yeah, that's me.

Were you in that club?

Oh, before the fire, sure,
like Judy said.

But I've been out here
ever since.

Isn't it the weirdest thing?

He was the first one out.

Yeah, I was heading
for the john,

but when I saw the smoke in the kitchen,
man, I took off.

STANLEY: Miss, why didn't you tell me you
were wrong about his still being out here?

I could have got hold of my
men and got them out of there.

I... I just didn't
think of that.

I know I should have
told you, but...

I was so happy to see Larry
that I... I just didn't think...

It must have slipped
her mind, you know?


Uh, I didn't even have time

to give you my phone
number or anything.

Well, honey,
found you no matter what.

There's no way you were getting
away from me. LA, fire is under control.

Returning the units. Engines

♪ .1-4...

DIXIE: Pulse is 90. BP is 120
over 70. Respirations are 18.

Well, that's an improvement.

JOE: Sure is.

Any pain here, Roy?

No. No.

Well, you look better.

How'd this happen, Johnny?

Well, we were in
a burning building

and we made a sweep to get everybody out,
and he just got dizzy.

How long were you in there, Roy?

Uh, I was in there for a while.

About 10, 15 minutes, Doc.

All I remember is that everything
was going around like a merry-go-round.

How do you feel now?

I feel fine.

Come on,
Joe. Let's go find some sick people.

You mean he's okay?

He's the healthiest
emergency case I've ever seen.

I was worried about you.

You'll be in top shape
in about two days, Roy.

All right. Hey, I hope so,

'cause I wanna get on my vacation,
get out of here.


Hey, you ever been
to New Orleans?

I spent two great weeks
there last year.

Want me to bring you
some folders?

Oh, yeah. Yeah. That'
be fine.

Hey, how about Yosemite?
It's really beautiful up there.

Roy's probably got
all of his plans made.

Well, as a matter of fact,
I'm still considering.

In that case, I'll bring you
some literature about Yosemite.

Okay? All right.

Well, that's...

Let's see, that's New Orleans,
Yosemite, that's 21... 22.

You've got a lot of
things to consider there.

Well, I can solve it all.

The Grand Tetons of Wyoming.

It'd be great for the kids.

I'll bring in some pictures.


Hey! Hey,
Roy. Morning. How you doing?

Fine. Listen,
about your vacation,

I was thinking... Yeah.
Just do me a favor

and don't think
about it, all right?

I mean, for the last three
days that's all I've gotten.

I've gotten suggestions
from Joanne and her friends,

from the kids
and their friends, and...

want any more suggestions.


Just trying to help.

Hey, Roy Yeah?

You know those brochures
that Brackett and Early gave you?

Well, I was looking them over,
and I still think Hawaii's your best bet.

Baja California. Hey! What
about the Grand Canyon, Roy?

Look, I'm sorry lever showed
you guys those folders.


Man! How ungrateful can you be?

I mean, we've been breaking our backs
trying to help you find a vacation spot.

Well, I didn't ask you
to break your backs.

I didn't ask for your opinion.

It's my vacation.


Okay. Fine.

You take it. You're not gonna
get any help from us anymore.

Uh, Roy?

Did you ever think of Mazatlan?


We're all aware of the
increasing number of assaults,

robberies and r*pes committed
against senior citizens.

In most cases, the victims didn't
have any defensive techniques.

The purpose of
this course, ladies,

is to teach you
how to protect yourselves.

How many of you
would know what to do

if you were grabbed from behind?

I scream.

That's right, Mrs. Pestone.

But supposing someone
had a throat lock on you,

and had a hand over your mouth?

You wouldn't be able to scream

I'd faint. Take my word.

Well, I've got a better idea.

My wife and I are
going to demonstrate

a defensive technique
that you should use.

Okay, ready?

You use your elbows, you kick,
and you stomp, ladies.

And someone's going
to be hurting pretty bad.

Now that was one situation.

Now, here's a little bit of judo
that you'll all be learning, too.


Okay! Who'd like to come up
here and try a few of these with me?

Mrs. Pestone,
how about you? What do you say?

No, darling. I'm
a very gentle person.

I don't even like
v*olence on TV.

Well, neither do I.
But this is self-defense.

Oh, no, I couldn't.

I know you're worried
about hurting me.

But I'll take my chances.

If I step on an ant,
I go into a cold sweat.

Well, then you're just
the one to start with first.

Come on.

Just give it a try.

Ladies, when you see
what she'll be able to do,

then you'll all know
you can do it, too.

My heart's palpitating.

So is mine. Pretty
girls do that to me.

I think my knees are collapsing.

Mrs. Pestone, I'm gonna put
my arms around you. Is that okay?

At least there'
something holding me up.


One arm like this,
and the other like so.

Are you ready?

As I'll ever be.

JOHNNY: All right.

Excuse me, ladies.

All right. What
happened? Excuse me.

Excuse me, please.
Well, Mrs. Pestone...

Oh, it was an accident. Take
my word. I wouldn't hurt a fly.

Yeah, uh, judo.
It was a freak thing.

She flipped me and I tripped.

You see, he was teaching
us how to protect ourselves,

and he came and put
his arms around me,

and then he told me
what to do, and I...

And there he is.

can you fellows give me something?

I have a tremendous
pain in my chest.

All right. Can you move
your legs and your arms?


[GROANING] My chest.

Was this a fall, ma'am,
or... Why don't you check that beat?

No. He was showing us
how to do judo,

and he had his... And I just...

Right here? [GROANING] Yeah.

And then, boom! Okay.

That's what happened.

Gonna have to move
your arm right here.

Can you move
your legs and your arms?

My chest is k*lling me.


Now, this doesn't hurt
your arm, does it?

Okay. No.

Okay, uh, 16,
respiration. All right.

Uh, pulse is 100.

MRS. PESTONE: Oh, how terrible.

Look what I've done
to that poor boy.

Oh, this is just
a precaution, ma'am.

Are you going to arrest me? No.

we're firemen. We're not policemen.

We're paramedics,
who just treat people.


Uh, Rampart,
this is Squad 51. How do you read me?

Go ahead, 51.

Rampart, we have a male
in his late twenties.

It's a victim of
a judo accident.

BP is 130 over 80. The
pulse is 100. Respiration is 16.

Pupils are equal and reactive.

Uh, the cervical collar
has been applied.

mental state?

Uh, he's groggy
but he is coherent.

He knows what's happened
to him and he knows who he is.

normal saline and transport.

10-4, Rampart, Uh, Rampart, the victim
is requesting medication for the pain.

Negative, 51. Patient's
condition has to be evaluated first.

That's very cruel!

Uh, 10-4, Rampart.

Well, the lungs are clear.

I'll just start the IV in the ambulance,

Okay. I'm gonna
go get a backboard.

You'll be fine, darling.
I feel it in my heart.

Thank you. I'm just sorry this
had to happen on the first day.

Don't you worry about
the class. We'll manage.

Your only concern
should be yourself.

All righty. We're bringing
something through here.

Pardon me.

I'll phone the hospital
later to find out how you are.

Go from that side, Johnny?


All right. Malcolm,
can you get on his head?

I'll get in the middle,
all right? All right.

Can you watch his feet here?

Watch the ribs. Watch the ribs.

All right. All right. Just
relax. Straighten this leg out.

is gonna hurt a little bit.

Okay. Can you lift
your arm up here?

right. There you are.

JOHNNY: When we get
to the hospital,

they'll give you something for that pain,
all right?

Strap him, now.

All right? Ready?

Ma'am, we're gonna be taking
him to Rampart General Hospital.


Get out of the way. Yeah.

All righty. Well...

Thank you. It's okay.

You've both been
lovely. Thank you.

Threw him over
your shoulder, huh?

We mustn't let this
discourage us.

It would be the last thing
that poor boy would want.

Please sit down, everybody.

Girls, we have to learn
to protect ourselves.

Without defensive skills,
we'll be helpless victims.

So I'm going to
take over for Grady.

After all, I've been through
the initiation. I feel like an expert.

Now, who would like to be the
first to come up here and try?

Exactly where does it
hurt, Mr. Grady?

When I inhale, there's
a lot of pain in my ribs.

X-ray's on his way.

Good. Now, which side?

Left side.

Maybe if I stop breathing
it'll go away.

Well, I wouldn't
do that, Mr. Grady.

Mrs. Pestone feels
bad enough the way it is.

Is that the lady that threw him?

the lady, all right.

You're a pretty good-sized man,
Mr. Grady.

She must be a
bruiser of a woman.


Yeah, she's, uh...

She's a real bruiser, Doc.

She comes up to my chin, Doc.

Insult added to injury, huh?

Tell me if this hurts.

Oh! Yeah, it's a
little tender back there.

On the left side? Yeah.

Behind the ear? Uh-huh.

All right, follow my finger.

Okay. Clutch your fist.

Now open and close it,
just like this.

Same thing with the other hand.

Okay, good.
Raise your right leg.

Right, flex your toes.

Right, bend your right leg now.

Straighten it out. Do the
same with your left leg.

Lift it up. Flex
your toe. Bend it.

Straighten it out. Put it down.


I want a full skull series.

AP and laterals of the cervical,
thoracic and lumbar spine.

Doc, do you wanna
meet Mrs. Grady?


Excuse me, Mrs. Grady?
This is Dr. Brackett.

Dr. Brackett, Mrs. Grady.

How do you do? How's
Jack? Will he be all right?

We're doing some
X-rays right now.

Uh, there may be
some rib fractures,

possibly a minor concussion,

but he's in good spirits.

Doc, excuse me, do you need us?

No, go ahead,
you guys. Thank you. So long.

Thank you very much.

[GASPING] Excuse me, can you help me,
please? My fiance's very sick.

What happened?
Well, I don't know.

He just got these stomach
pains and started throwing up.

What's wrong with you?

stomach pains are k*lling me.

Yeah? Yeah.

All right. Look,
let's try to get you out of here.

I'm gonna go get
a gurney. All right.


MARCIA: Allan, you all right?

We're gonna carry you
out of here, okay?

ROY: Can we get a gurney? Put your
hands up on your chest so I can grab them.

ALLAN: Here? Yeah,
straight up on your chest there.

Careful, careful. All right.


Okay, take it easy.

Hey, can you get his legs? Yeah.

We got stomach pains in there,
is it? ALLAN: Yeah.

careful. All right. Take it easy.

Take it easy, now. All right.



let's get him to a treatment room.

All right. Try to lay down
straight if you can, okay?

Allan, you all right?
[GROANING] I don't know.

MARCIA: You'll be okay.

You want to wait here?

But he's in too much
pain to speak.

The doctors won't
know what happened.

Somebody will come
out and talk to you.

Now, why don't you sit down?
It may be a little while.

[SIGHS] He asked me to
marry him a little while ago.

I didn't even have
a chance to say yes.

he just grabbed his midsection

and started getting
sick to his stomach.

Well, I've heard of men
changing their minds, however...

Joe, his pulse is 116,
respiration is about 16. He's normal.

[GROANING] I gotta tell you, I never
had such cramps like this my whole life.

How long ago did you say
these pains began?

I don't know.
Seems like about a year.

How were you feeling
before the pain started?

Fine, Doc. I always feel fine.

I eat only the best.

Have you ever had any trouble with ulcers,
or your gall bladder, anything like that?

no. I'm very healthy. Look at me.


I'm gonna see the woman who
came in with him. Okay, Joe.

You want to turn your head to the right,
open your mouth and breathe.


WOMAN ON PA: Dr. Davis,
Treatment Room 5.

Dr. Davis, Treatment Room 5.

Is he all right?

Well, there's a fracture of the sixth
and seventh ribs, but we taped them.

And the concussion? Very slight.

Are you releasing him?

Well, I'd like to keep
him here for an hour or so.

I wanna make sure there's no headache,
dizziness or vomiting.

Okay. Okay,
I'll check with you in an hour

and let you know how I feel.

All right. Ask the nurse at
Admitting. She'll find me.

Okay, thank you.


[EXHALES] I went through a tour of
duty with the Marine Corps in Vietnam.

I didn't get a scratch.

And then I met up
with Mrs. Pestone.

By the way, she called.

She took over the class
for the final half-hour.

Oh, brother. This emergency center must
be crawling with a lot of old broken hips.

No. As a matter of fact,
she said it was, quote,

"a very rewarding
and lovely half-hour."


Jack, if it's going to be
too embarrassing,

you could give up the class.

Oh, not a chance.
With Mrs. Pestone around,

teaching senior citizens self-defense is
gonna be a bigger challenge than ever.


Oh» you okay? Oh!

Ow! Can't laugh too much.

Unrefrigerated custard pies.

Staphylococcal enterotoxi can?

Sounds like a good
possibility. He ate two of them.

Two whole pies?

That's right.

Dixie, start an IV with a liter of
normal saline over the next two hours.


Roy, why don't you just throw
all these travel folders away?

Are you kidding? I don't
even know where I'm going yet!

Well, look, why don't you just put
the family in the car and just go?

Go where?

You just go! That's all.

Look, I'll bet you $100 you'll
wind up where you want to be.

[SIGHS] Right.
You're a married man.

You have other priorities. I know,
I know.

Don't you think I
know that? I know it.

Mmm-hmm. I don't think
you think about it.

You know something?

I was reading here in the paper,
in the travel section,

I mean, it's exactly like all
those travel folders right there.

Everybody wants you
to go some place.

One guy says to go to Monte Carlo,
the other guy says...

Oh! You want to see something
incredible? I mean, this guy...

This guy says to go to a farm!

I mean, can you imagine spending
two weeks of your vacation on a farm?

A farm?

Yeah, right here.

Let me see that paper
for a minute.

Joanne was born on a farm.

Yeah, she's always wanted
to take the kids to see a farm.

Sit down, Miss Emerson.

Dr. Morton says you have
something you'd like to discuss with us.


Doctor, food is very
important to Allan.

And I'm really a very good cook.

In fact, that's how we met. We
were members of a gourmet club.

I don't know how
to go on with this.

Joe, Miss Emerson's
already asked me

not to tell her fiancé
what's wrong with him.

Why not? He doesn't
have a fatal illness.

He's gonna be released tomorrow.

Dr. Early, I love Allan.

And he loves me.

But to have almost k*lled somebody
with poisoned food, that's unforgivable.

Does he have to know?

You mean you'd like us
to be less than truthful?

Oh, can't you?

But why? Why do you want us to?

Because if he does know the truth,
I'm afraid it might turn him against me.

Look, I don't know anything about
doctors' ethics or anything like that.

But please don't tell him
it was my fault he got sick.

Miss Emerson,
I always level with a patient.

If he asks,
he has a right to know.

I'd really like to
help you. And I'll try.

But lying isn't going
to do it. Honestly.

Do you know where my fiancée is?

She's waiting outside.

She won't even get a cup of
coffee till she knows you're okay.

Mmm. That Marcia's the
greatest gal in the world. Really.

Hi. ALLAN; Hi.

We're gonna keep you here
overnight. Just a precaution.

But you're gonna be fine.

Ah, good.

Hey, Doc, how did I get sick?

Well, your fiancée said
she prepared a picnic lunch.

She prepared a feast.

How much did you eat?

Well, I have a very hearty appetite
and I don't like to waste food.

Maybe you ate too much. It
was a pretty hot day, you know.

You mean Marcia's
cooking made me sick?

Mr. Hendricks, that girl showed
tremendous presence of mind.

She carried you into the car and
got you here in less than 20 minutes.

Someone else might've
fallen completely apart.

Hmm. Then it was food
poisoning. I got food poisoning.

Well, how come Marcia
didn't get sick?

You were the one that ate those
two custard pies under a baking sun.

No one was twisting your arm.

I know.

Can I see Marcia now?




How are you feeling?

Well, pretty weak. I've
been through a lot of agony.

Allan, I am so sorry.

Why should you be sorry? I'm
the one that made a pig of myself.

I love to see you
eat what I cook.

When I see what you
cook, I love to eat.

But do me a favor, honey.

After we're married,
will you stop me after one pie?

Two was one too much.

Oh, Allan!


Oh, that's right. It's a real farm. I mean,
I read about it.

And the kids can play with the
chickens and the pigs, and... You know.

I mean, we're just all
gonna have a good time.

I'm really excited
about it. Yeah.

Yeah. Well, what I'll do is I'll
bring the information home.

All right. Yeah. All
right. I'll talk to you later.

Okay, bye-bye-

She went for it? Went for it?

I mean, she's absolutely
crazy about the idea.

Well, I guess that solves
your vacation problem.

Yeah. Yeah!

Thank you. Thank you!

Well, that's
what friends are for.


Station 51. Hang glider accident.

Two men down and trapped
on the side of a cliff with injuries.

On a stretch of road
above Flores Canyon

one-and-a-half miles
past the Bartell turnoff.

Time out, 1530.

STANLEY: Station 51, KMG 365.



Hey! Hey!

Hey, man, they're
out on the edge.

All right. Take it
easy. Take it easy.

Come on. Up here.
I'll take you. Okay.

STANLEY: We're probably gonna
need some ropes. Let's get them out.

Down there.

They took off, and the updrafts
grabbed them and knocked them together.

They didn't have a chance.
They went down like lead balloons.

I'm gonna get some equipment. All right.

JEFF: I told them they were gonna
get wiped out, man. I told them.

JOHNNY: Yeah, well,
they sure did.

Cap! Cap, we're gonna need
to hook some lines to the engine!

We're gonna need safety belts
and the safety pack.

Kelly, you and Marco go.

Ready? Yeah.

ROY: All right,
just take it easy. Don't move.

BOB: Couldn't if
I wanted to, man.

Okay, just don't move,
all right?

I hear you.


ROY: Took a bit of a spill.
BOB: Oh, yeah.

I'm gonna... He's barely hanging on now.

JOHNNY: You got him?

ROY: Yeah. Let me check you out here,
all right? You're unhooked.

Okay. You got a good hold?

BOB: Yeah. All right.

ROY: Yeah, it's a dislocation.

Okay. I'm gonna try to
get the Stokes down here.

Hey, Cap!

Hey, Cap! Yeah,
we're gonna need help!

Send somebody down! Put the
Stokes and put that stretcher in there!

It's on its way! Chet and
Marco are coming down!

JOHNNY: I'll head up there.

ROY: All right.

All right. All right.

Here, you feel any pain?

Okay, here they come. All right.

I'm gonna check the
other guy out. Okay.

I'm gonna need that
drug box right away.

All right.

Okay, I'm gonna check
you out down here.

I know that you're in kind
of a funny position there,

just try to hang on
as best you can.

You have any pain here
at all, in your leg?

BOB: It's sore, but...

ROY: Huh? Sore?
Sore, but not bad.

All right. Well,
all that's wrong is a dislocated shoulder,

and I guess we're gonna have
to try to get you out of here.

Okay, easy-

ROY: Try to get you where
you can sit right here, all right?

BOB: You want me to spin around?

ROY: Uh, yeah.
Wait, wait, wait. Hold on.

Uh, Chet? CHET: Yeah.

Why don't you give Johnny a hand? Marco,
you can help me here.

MARCO: Better set this up here.

Chet, we're gonna
need a cervical collar.

Can you grab one down there?

Yeah. How is he?

Not good.

CHET: All right,
we're gonna need a cervical collar.

ROY: All right. Why don't you grab
it out of here? It's right in the, uh...


Uh, I guess the best thing is

to just try to roll over in this position,
all right?

Can you do that okay? BOB: Yeah.

ROY: Be careful. Try to roll.

JOHNNY: Can you hold on to
him? Make sure he doesn't slide here,

but I think he's okay.

ROY: Try to roll over.
Okay? Here we are.

All right?

BOB: Yeah. ROY: Okay.

Can you hold that arm
for me? MARCO: Yeah.

ROY: All right.


CHET: You want me to get
the collapsible stretcher?

JOHNNY: Yeah, that'd be good.

ROY: Must be like floating like a
bird when those things work, huh?


Okay. I think we're good.

I'll get the
stretcher. All right.

CHET: Okay,
the cervical collar's on, Roy.

ROY: All right. Okay,
can you sit up for me?

All right.

And now let's bring...
This is gonna hurt.

Yeah, that's it. Come on,
sit up some more. Come on.

Here we are. All right.

I want you to try
to stabilize him there.

All righty.

I think that's enough.

[SHOUTING] ls everything okay?

JOHNNY: Yeah, it's coming along!

Pretty rough on him, aren't we?

Yeah, but we didn't
have any other choice.

It was either that or he'd fall.


You about ready? CHET: Yeah.


Hey, good morning. Good morning,
good morning.

Morning, John. Good morning.

Where's Roy? He's not in yet.

[LAUGHS] Well, the old vacation
boy is just back from vacation.

He probably hasn't got his
feet back on the ground yet.

Think he had a good time?

Think he had a good time?
I know he had a good time.

[CHUCKLES] You remember
when he was beating his brains out

trying to figure out
where to go?

I had to step in and kind of help him out,
you know?

Well, John,
you sure came up with a good idea.

Well, you know, I just figured,

"Where would a man and
his family go for vacation?"

And then I thought,


"A farm!"

ROY: Howdy.

Hey! Hey, Roy! How you doing?

How you doing? Fine.

How was the farm?

Oh, it... It was great. Rolling
hills and trees and green grass.

It was really good, huh?



My car broke down twice,
my daughter got the measles.


A cow stepped on my wife's foot

and my son's got poison ivy.


Well, you can always
look at it this way. I mean...

[LAUGHING] You could have gone to
the Grand Canyon and stepped off the edge!