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06x05 - Fair Fight

Posted: 01/18/24 19:06
by bunniefuu
I can do without rescues like that.

What's the matter?
Getting picky, Gage?

I'm not getting picky. I just
don't like cleaning up oil slicks

at 8:00 in the morning,
that's all.

ROY: Well,
at least it's good for ecology.

Yeah, I know. But that's not
what I'm talking about. What's that?

What's what?


It looks like a dog to me.

Well, I'll buy that. But the question is,
where did he come from?

I don't know. Was
he here when we left?

I don't know. We left so fast,
I didn't get a chance to get in here.

Huh. Well,
then it's obvious. He belongs to C Shift.

Maybe, but he ain't
wearing a collar.

ROY: Well,
who would leave him here like this?

I don't know. But look,
he's got to belong to somebody.

He just didn't materialize
from outer space, you know.

STANLEY: Who didn't?

Uh, this dog here,
Cap. We just walked in,

here he is, lying there,
we don't know where he came from.

What do you know?

What are we gonna
do with him, Cap?

Obviously, we...

I don't know. Anybody
got any suggestions?


Station 51, Engine 110,

Engine and Truck 116,
Battalion 14.

Structure fire,

2742 West Bayside.

Cross street, Pine.
Time out, 0918.


STANLEY.' Station 51, KMG 365.

JOHNNY: Ls everybody out of there? Yeah,
I think so.

ROY: Was anybody hurt at all?

No, I think they're all out.
The fire's in this hall here.

Okay. Go and talk
to the Captain up there.


Where is it? It's
down in this corridor.

The electrical panel. You
see any flames on this side?

No. There's just lots of smoke.
It just blew all of a sudden.

Okay, better get an inch-and-a-half
out. And see what you can do

about getting those cars out of here,
will you? Okay.

Marco, work your line down the corridor,
will you?

I'll check down
in here. All right.

Okay. Nothing.

Cap, we'll take the rooms.

we'll lay the hose in as close as we can.

Marco can cover you inside.

Aye, aye.

STANLEY: Anyone! Two-and-a-half
in there in the east corridor,

work it that way.

John, I want you on the exposure

at the far end of the corridor
with a two-and-a-half, pal.

Inform when you're there!

Hey, Roy! What?

We got a victim.

Engine 51, this is Squad 51,

we're on the east corner. We
got a fire in room 22 and a victim.

MAN ON RADIO.' 10-4.

Don't force him.

Go ahead, then.

JOHNNY: LA Dispatch, this is Squad

DISPATCHER: 10-4, Squad 51.

We're gonna need
a key. Which room?

Everybody accounted for? Yes,
sir. He's the last one out.

Maybe not. Room 22,
there's an extra door.

What about it? He says
somebody else is trapped in there.

Who is it? Sills, who's in 22-A?

Don't know. I saw a light on.

Look, why don't you
just give us the key, okay?

We haven't got one.

Okay. Look, we're gonna
have to break it in.

Now, hold it. Look,
nobody goes in there unless I say so.

It might be Dr. Bennie. He did sign out,
though. Here.

Mr. Dietrich's
head of our security.

The light on in there?
What does that mean?

Well, it's a*t*matic. If
somebody's in there, the light's on.

Well, everything's off.
The lines are all fused.

Look, if there's somebody in there,
we got to get him out.

No question.
Dr. Bennie signed out.

Look, maybe I made a mistake.

Look, he was in there and he was
trying to chop the door down with an ax.

How about somebody else?
Check your board.

No. That room is full
of top-secret material.

Dr. Bennie and three other men
were the only ones who have access.

I don't even have a key.

Dr. Bennie is the only one
who was around this morning.

Sills, did you
actually see Bennie?

No, no...

Look, maybe I was mistaken.

Yeah. Well, maybe you weren't. Look,
we're gonna have to break in.

Now look, I'm in charge
of security in there!

All right. And we're responsible
for the lives in there. Cap!

Check the gate. MAN: Yes, sir.

We're going to have to go in
through the window, all right?

Danny, get a line in
through that window!

Now, listen, you have to understand,
that's our top-security area.

I don't even know
what's in there.

Just give me two minutes
to check on personnel.

Look, look. In four minutes,
a man without oxygen has brain damage.

Okay, 0 Kay-



toxic chemicals are stored
in a tanker.

Use caution.

this is Rampart. Can you send me some EKG?


We're sending you a strip.
Vitals to follow.

Pulse is 160. The victim
is in extreme pain, Rampart.


This patient is in V-fib.

Rampart, we have lost the
victim's pulse. Beginning CPR.


We're defibrillating victim,

Rampart, we've defibrillated
victim. Decent sinus rhythm.

JOE ON RADIO: Administer 2 amps
sodium bicarb and insert an airway.


DIXIE: Squad 51, continue monitoring
Vitals and transport immediately.

We're on our way, Rampart.

FIREMAN: Come on.

Hey there! Give me a hand here.

Okay, I'm through! All right!

Johnny, you all right?

Yeah, yeah. I'm
okay. I'm all right.

Okay, you take the right side,
I'll go left.

Johnny, you see anything?

No. Come on, let's
get out of here.

SILLS: Did you get
inside? ROY: Yeah.

Did you find him?

There's nobody in there.

Oh, there goes my job.

Well, what was it like in there?

Wait. Oh, that's top-secret!

Oh, come on! They're gonna fire me anyway,
and they can't touch you.

Well, nothing special in there.

Would you get him out of here?

What do you mean,
nothing special?

I've been looking at that door
for two years! What's inside?

What do you mean,
nothing so special? What's in there?

You have much trouble?

A little. Some.

I'm sorry.

Well, I guess I'd better see how fast
I can get that room sealed up again.

Well, I wouldn't really rush.
There's not a heck of a lot left.


Hey. Did you see
anything in there?

We didn't have time to stop.

Oh, come on, you can tell me.
You must have seen something.

No, not much.

Look, this isn't official, see?

Off the record, just between us,

what was it like in there?

it's like he said. Nothing special.

Ah, good guys.

You know, I've been here for 16 years,
head of security, you know?

And not once have
I been in that room.

Not once!

Well, whatever it was, it sure must
have been something important, huh?

Yeah, for somebody.
But not for me.

Just getting out of there
alive was enough for me.



DISPATCHER: Engine 51.
Is Squad 51 available?

Engine 51,10-4.

John! Roy!

Got it! Yeah.

man with a head injury.

10763 Riverton. 10763 Riverton.

Cross street, Valley Park.
Time out, 1012.



Fire department!

MARGO: Come on in! Door's open!

Hi. Right this way.

He's all yours.

Hi. Hey. Just lean back there.

We're gonna check you out,
all right?

It looks a lot worse
than it actually is.

How did it happen?

It was sort of
an accident. I, uh...

I fell down.

It bled a lot at first.

All right. Oops.

Pulse is 84.

[GROANS] How do
you feel right now?

I'm all right. You know.

Okay. Look, do you think
you can lean forward for me?



[BELLOWING] What are you
doing in there, Margo?

Hey. Hey. Hey, hey!

Can you... Can you
keep it down? Look.

What I'm trying to do is, I'm trying
to get your arm out of this thing

so I can get a BP, okay? Yeah.

Uh, look, do you
feel dizzy at all?


Are you having any
trouble with your vision?

I bet you're going to make some kind
of really big deal out of this, huh, Wes?

Some kind of real big production,
right? What are you doing now?

Enjoying your guilt,
Margo? Guilt? What?

What kind of guilt? What are you
trying to do, transfer it on to me now?

guys? I don't feel the least bit guilty.

Keep that in mind. Not the
least bit. Look... Please, guys,

can you hold it off,
at least till we finish?

Okay. Thank you.


Do you have any trouble seeing?

[sum-nus] No.

Okay. No headaches?

All right.

Okay, I'm just gonna dress this
and we're gonna bandage it up.

Doesn't require
any stitches, but...

Do you have a
family doctor? Yeah.

suppose... I suppose...

He told you all about what
happened? I threw a dish at him,

after he hit me.

I want you to look at this. Will you wait

until after they go,
Margo? Please?

Why? Listen,
you are enjoying this.

All right,
this is where he... Save it, Margo.

Right here. Right... Right here.

You wanted to
get hurt. Huh? Yeah.

Look, is,
uh... I ducked, didn't I?

Yes! And threw yourself
right against the stove.

See, down, down underneath,

you love being a martyr.

Let me tell you something. You
know what you are? You are an idiot!

That's right. Your knowledge of
psychology can be stuffed into a thimble.

And you happen to know
what a thimble is, Margo?

Yes, I know what a thimble is!

That's what a normal
housewife uses to sew with.

That's the way he
talks to me all the time!


He started it! He started it! Okay. Look,
can I...

I just want to look
at your bruise, okay?

Yes. I want you to look
at that. Look there. Okay.

This is... This is where he...

That is where. Right there.

Okay. Okay, does this hurt here?

Yes, it does, a little.

That is what he did to me.
He slugged me, right there!

look, I really...

I really don't think there's
going to be a problem with that.

LA, Squad 51 available. Yeah.

I might have known you'd say
that. DISPATCHER.' Squad 51.

Just a second, Margo! Ma'am,
we're just trying to help.

All right. All right. No third
parties. You remember that?

[JOHNNY SIGHING] Right, right,
right. I forgot. I forgot. Yeah.

Look, I really think you
should have your family doctor

take a look at that, all right?

You said that it wasn't serious.

Can it just wait?

Well, I just recommend he
has a doctor take a look at it.

Look, what we're trying to do...

Look, if you get out of the house,
things may cool off a little bit,

and you'd feel
a heck of a lot better.

I haven't resolved
my hostilities yet.

Neither have I.

I still fell very hostile.
Can't this wait until Monday?

Well, I mean, why don't you go
now? What do you got to lose?

Momentum, for one thing.

See, it might not look like it,
but we are going about this

very, very deliberately,
very methodically.

This... This is what they
call fair fighting, isn't it?

Well, it's something like that,
but it's miles beyond it. It's, uh...

It's much more sophisticated.

It's more intense.
And... And more.

Well, there's no sense
getting into a long discussion,

but it is very,
very therapeutic.

Right. Right!


it's probably none of my business, but, uh,

how therapeutic can it be if you
guys keep on hitting one another?


Yeah. Well, look,
good luck, you guys,

and take it easy
on yourself, will you?

Thank you, gentlemen, very much.

Yeah, okay.

Wes, listen, maybe...

Maybe it ought to be
"no physical contact."

Oh, yeah? What's wrong with plain,
simple "no v*olence"?


MARGO: It... It is
vague... WES: Right.

It is simplistic... Right.
Right. Use your words.

typical of the way you think!

WES: Yeah, why don't you go
back to college and learn to talk, huh?

I have been to college,
you know! You make me sick!


They're right back at it again.

I think we should have stayed
and talked to them some more.

Uh-uh. That's not our job.

Yeah. Yeah, maybe you said
the right thing at the right time,

you know, about getting hurt.


Yeah, well, you know,

what I said is exactly what
they're arguing about now.

Anyway, I called the Captains
on both B and C Shifts.

They had no idea
where he came from.

Hochrader swears
there wasn't any dog here

when they went
off duty this morning.

Well, I guess he just
dropped in for a while

when we were out
on that first run.

How? What, how?

How did he drop in? I mean, when we left,
the place was locked up tight, right?

There was no opening,
right? So how did he walk in?

Who cares how he walked in?
He's here and he's probably hungry.

Okay, buddy. Come on down, dog.

Come down and eat. Come
on down and eat dinner.

Come on down!


Unknown injury. 10763 Riverton.

You know who that is,
don't you? Yeah. Act Two.

DISPATCHER: Cross street,
Valley Park. Time out, 1237.

Squad 51, KMG 365.



Better look at her
first this time.

She's in the den.

What happened? He
threw hot grease at me.

I did not! We were wrestling
for a frying pan in the kitchen.

You did,
too! You deliberately tipped it on me!

That's a lie!

He took another punch at
me! And that's another lie!


I hit the cabinet!
Right behind my head!

Please, folks! We just went
through this less than an hour ago.

Let's not go through it again.

[SIGHS] Look, I think
you've got a fracture.

Can I use your telephone?
Yeah. Over there.

All right, look. Why don't you
just sit down right there, okay?

Just sit down. All right.

She's got first-degree burns.

All right.



Rampart Emergency. Miss McCall.

Yes. Go ahead, 51.

Is either of them in much pain?

Right. Sterile dressings
on patient one.

And bring them right in, okay?

Let us know when
you're transporting.

Oh, Wes, just when I thought we
were beginning to make some progress.

Look, as far as I can see,
all you're doing is hurting one another.

No. That's just a side effect.

LA Dispatch? This is John Gage,
Squad 51. Slightly symptomatic.

Send an ambulance. See,
when people are close, like man and wife,

they inevitably build up
surface feelings.

No, no, no. You don't even know

what we're supposed to be doing!

Look, we are both
under this hostility

that's buried underneath of us,

and that is gonna
dominate our relationship

unless we can work it out,
get rid of it somehow

so we can expose our true feelings,
affection and so forth, right?

Right. Yeah.
Did you understand that?

Third party again! You're
involving a third party!

I will third-party you!

You take another punch at me,
I'm going to call the cops!

That's right.
Yeah, that's right!


When is that ambulance
going to get here?

KELLY: Hi. You guys on a run?

Uh, well, we're gonna
pick up some supplies.

What about that
couple that we sent in?

Oh, the Hubbards?
Broken hand, burn?

Yeah. Are they going
to be here long?

Oh, we should be finished
with them in an hour or so.

Uh, Doc, uh...

[CLEARS THROAT] ls there any
way that you can keep them here

for a couple of hours?

Well, I don't know,
they both want to leave. Why?

[SIGHS] Well... Hi, Roy. Johnny.

Hello. Hey, Doc, how you doing?

Well, you see, this is the second
run we've been on them today.

[SIGHS] Yeah, they said
they'd been fighting.

Yeah, well, the first time was that
little cut on his forehead, and now this.

We're starting to get
a little worried.

Well... Doc, look.

[SIGHS] They really
get into fighting.

I mean, they've got this crazy
idea that fighting's good for them.

[SIGHS] You, uh,
you want me to try and talk to them?

We'd really appreciate it.

I mean,
we don't want to make a career out of this.

Well, they put themselves in the hospital,
that ought to help.

[CHUCKLES] With those two,
I wouldn't bet on it, Doc.

Okay, talk to you guys later.

All right. Okay.

they should be out of the hospital by now.

Yeah, I don't think we're gonna
be hearing from them anymore.

[CHUCKLES] You want to bet?

Look, they've gotta be worn
out. Fighting is hard work.


DISPATCHER.' Squad 51... Well,
I guess we'll log a little later.

Man and woman injured,

10763 Riverton.
Cross street, Valley Park.

Ambulance has been dispatched.
Time out, 1528.

Squad 51, KMG 365.

The Hubbards again?

[SIGHING] Well, you
can't win them all.


They're in the living room.

Oh, boy!

He's out cold. What about her?

I don't know,
I think she's out of it more than anything.


Well, we'll check his head here.

Okay, go ahead. Roll him over.

Looks like she gave him
a good shot with the stool.

There we go.

Got him? Yeah.

Uh, Mrs. Hubbard?


Are you hurt anywhere?


Looks like we got a bad
head injury over here.

Okay, can you sit back for me?

We got the call from
one of the neighbors.

Yeah, well,
this is our third response out here today.

Are you hurt anywhere else?


All right,
you just sit tight for a second, okay?

we got some minor lacerations over here.

All right. And bruises.

Okay, got it.

What you got, Dix?

It's the same couple.


Uh, 10-4, Rampart. IV, D5W, TKO.

Uh, Rampart, it looks like we'll be
able to transport in a few minutes.

Stand by.


Uh, Mrs. Hubbard? Mmm?

We'll be taking you
to the hospital, okay?

I didn't before, but now I know.

My true feelings.

I hate him.

[sum-nus] Well,

I think he got the message.

WOMAN ON PA: Dr. Allan,
report to surgery.

Dr. Allan, report to surgery.


Did you hear anything?

They're still in there
working on him.

Well, there's no point
in waiting around.


Oh, boy, am I tired.


MARCO: Well,
what do you think is wrong with him?

KELLY: I don't know. Beats me.

Anybody been checking
the meatloaf?

Maybe he ate it
while we were out.

It's a good thing you guys
are back. We need help.

What's the problem?

[SIGHING] It's this dog.

He won't eat. He won't drink.

He won't even get off the couch,
man. He's gotta be sick.

MARCO: Well, either he's sick,

or he's the laziest dog
ever lived.

what do you want us to do about it?

You're the paramedics,
aren't you? Check him out.

Cap, we don't know
anything about dogs!

Well, you ought to,
you go out with enough of them.


ROY: Well, let's see.

JOHNNY: [CHUCKLES] Nose is cold.

Ears are cold. Well...

Good, strong pedal pulse.

Pupils are equal and reactive.

Tail's wagging.

Well, vitals are normal.

Hey, quit kidding around.
Now, this could be serious.

Look, who's kidding around?

Look, we're people paramedics,
not dog paramedics.

Look, I suggest if you think
something's wrong with him,

take him to a vet.

That's the problem with you,
Gage, no heart.


DISPATCHER.' Station 51.

Unknown-type rescue at the Sierra
Madre Tunnel, Pilot Tunnel number 3.

Approximately two miles
north on Little Seco Road.

Time out, 1642.

STANLEY: Station 51, KMG 365.




Hey, look, there they are. You
guys get down to the other tunnel.


Over here. We got two guys hurt.

What happened?

It's a cave-in at the
other end of the tunnel.

Look, we got two guys
trapped down there

and they're right down
underneath us.

Near as I can figure out
from what Andy yelled up,

his partner's hurt real bad.

STANLEY: When did it happen?

Oh, about a half hour ago.

It's a lucky thing
the shift just went off,

otherwise we'd have a whole
bunch of guys down there

instead of just two.

We're starting to dig
in from down below

and we're calling guys
back. But I don't know, man.

Engine 51. We have a cave-in with injuries.

Respond a camp crew
to our location.

Tell them to turn up the
dirt road and head up.

How soon before you
can get to them?

Depends upon how
much earth we gotta move.

An hour? Maybe sometime tonight.

Uh, let me ask you a question,

does this pipe go
straight down? Yeah.

All the way? Yeah.

Cap, I think I can make it.

I don't know. You want to try?

[SIGHS] Well,
one of us has got to.


Okay, we'll get the equipment.

Let's fish this out.

we got the paramedics coming down now.

Grab the downhaul.

All right.

Hurry it up.

Got it!

Can you slide this
further up my back?

He's got the downhaul.

Okay, now,
two tugs on the rope when you're down.

Yeah, okay.

And we'll send this equipment
down as soon as you're down.

Okay. Right.

All right. Ready?

STANLEY: Watch your fingers.

[GRUNTS] Got me? Mmm-hmm.

Okay, here goes.


[PANTING] Hey, how you doing?

How you doing?

I think my leg is broke.

The dirt started coming in, and I
dragged Mort over there. He's out cold.

All right,
you just hang on for a second, okay?

Okay, I'm down!

Yep. He's down.

How bad is that leg?

It'll keep.

Good start.

Can you do anything for him?

I don't know,
I have to check him out first.

Hey, you want to check out
the situation at the other end?

Yeah, I'll get my guys working.

We want our camp-crew
when they arrive.

Right. You want to come with me?

this is Squad 51. Do you read?

I read you loud and clear. Go ahead,

Rampart, we have
a tunnel cave-in here.

Our only contact with the victims
is through a ventilation pipe.

Gage is down with them now.

He has a handie-talkie with him,
and I'll relay from him to you.

Stuff's coming down. Okay.

Much as you can,
keep away from that side,

I don't like the looks of it.

This side here? Yeah.


Okay, Roy, can you read me?

That's affirmative.
Rampart is standing by.

Okay. Uh, Roy, we're gonna need
a couple of blankets down here.

I'll get them.

Stand by.

Hang on to that
for me, will you?



How's he doing?

Uh, he's got

a little trouble
breathing on the right.

[SIGHS] But he'll be okay.

Okay. You wanna hand me that?


victim is male. He's unconscious.

He's got possible broken ribs,
possible concussion.

Roy, he's having a little trouble
breathing on his right side.

BP is 180 over 100,

pulse is 120,

respiration is 30.

Rampart, this is Squad 51.

Go ahead, 51.

Uh, Rampart, we have
two victims, male,

one is unconscious,
possible head injury,

breath sounds decreased
on the right side,

large discoloration
on the chest.

Are you hurt anywhere else?

No, just... Just that leg.

You know,
I didn't follow everything you said,

but it sounds awful.

No, he's gonna be okay.

Gonna receive
instructions out there,

they'll tell me what to do.

He's gonna be fine.

oxygen down to him?

That's affirmative, Rampart.

All right. Start him on
it as soon as possible.


Rampart wants you
to start an IV with D5W, TKO.

And get him on O2.

we're sending some stuff right down to you.

Okay. 10-4. IV D5W, TKO.

Okay, we're gonna
start an IV on you.



Johnny, can you hear me?


Andy! [GROANING] My mg!

All right. Stay still.
Come on, stay still.

Johnny, can you hear me?

How's Mort?

He's all right.

That didn't even touch him.


Oh, here it comes again!


Shut it off!

Johnny! Air's just
pumping back up the tube.

Johnny! Johnny, can you hear me?

Rampart, this is Squad 51.

We've just had another
cave-in at our location.

Does he have the oxygen?

That's a negative, Rampart.

The pipe is completely blocked.

What've you got,
Dix? A bad one...

All right, 51,
we'll stand by. Head and chest injury.

How's it look back there?

Oh, near as I can estimate,
we got another 100 feet to go. 125, maybe.

And if it's solid...

KELLY: 51,
any idea how soon you can get to them?

No, Rampart,
it may take some time.

Do they have
any other ventilation?


Well, I guess there's nothing
we can do at this end.

[GROANING] You okay?

My leg!

Listen to me, just stay still,
okay? Don't pull up.

[GROANING] Hold on to this.

Hold on to this. Yeah.


It's still there? About here.

This way? Yeah.

Okay, let me...


Wait! Okay.

Can you swing it up? No. Uh-uh.

Wait. Okay.

All right. So, listen,
I'll just leave it there.

Yeah, yeah.


Watch it! Watch it!

Find my handie-talkie.

Where was it last?
Was it right in here?

I don't know.

long they can last without ventilation?

No, Rampart. That depends on the size
of the chamber, and we don't know that.

[sum-nus] 10-4.



Did you find it?

No, I didn't find it yet.

Okay, it's right
in that vicinity.


In all that stuff there,
don't you have something you can give Mort?

[PANTING] What he needs
right now is oxygen.

He ain't the only one
who's gonna need it.

Just keep digging-
Just keep digging-

[PANTING] Did you find
the handie-talkie yet?

Not yet.

Just keep digging.
It's in here some place.

ANDY: Think they're
getting near us?




Could be just dirt settling.

I found it. I found the pipe.

Here it is.

[YELLS] Hey, Roy!

Roy, can you hear me?

Hey, I got your radio.

Give it here.



This is Johnny!

Okay! Okay!

Let's get the O2
down there, all right?

Get the compressor going!

Okay, we're sending
oxygen down to you.


Rampart, this is Squad 51.

We've just established
contact again.

He's got 02.

I guess we can go for
another t*nk. I'll get it.


Sounds like they're
getting pretty close.

Hey, Roy.

Sounds like they're
getting pretty close.

the air ambulance is standing by.

Let me know
when they break through.

Well, now we wait.


Here's your hard hat.

It's a little late
for this, isn't it?

Better than never.


Rampart, this is Squad 51.

They're almost to him. We should
transport inside of a half an hour.


Starting to look
a little human again.

[GRUNTS] Almost.

I was not cut out to be a mole.

when your fingernails get a little longer,

I'll give you a manicure.


Ah, you're still here. Yeah.

Well, you look a little better.

[CHUCKLES] Thanks.

How's he doing?
Oh, he's doing fine.

Listen, by the way, uh,

that couple, the Hubbards?

I think I really
struck out with them.

Well, the police are holding her.
Her husband was up in surgery

and she didn't even
ask about him.

[SIGHS] I've been racking
my brain trying to think

of what else I could
have said, but...


I think they both said it all.


You guys save us some food?

Yeah, it's in the oven.

Hey, what's going on?

Nothing. We're
just sitting here,

trying to figure out
where this dog came from.

Yeah, well, I got
a better question.

What are we gonna do with him?

STANLEY: Do with him?

I guess we're gonna keep him.

That is, if the other
shifts go along.

Great idea, Cap.

Well, if we're gonna keep him,

we ought to give him a name,
don't you think?

What are we gonna call him?

[SCOFFS] Call him
Henry or something!

Hey, that sounds good,
that sounds right.

Fits him like a glove.

I don't want to be stuffy about this,

but you know, Henry is my name.

[SIGHS] All right.

But I don't ever wanna hear
anybody calling him Hank.

And that's an order.


[CHUCKLES] Well, Henry...

Okay, welcome
to Station 51, kid.

Welcome to you.

Hey, you know what? I just
realized something really weird.

Huh? You know those
dishes we set out for Henry

before we went on the run?

Mmm? Well, they're gone.

That's impossible. How could
they be gone? He was here all alone.

Well, if it's impossible,
Cap, where are they?