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06x19 - The Boat

Posted: 01/18/24 19:15
by bunniefuu

ROY: We were watching the game.

It must have been about 8:30.

We're on the couch and...

Where is everybody?

Hey, Henry. Where is everybody?

Are you expecting an answer?

I don't know.

Once they had a TV show
about a dog that talked back.

That was a mule.

Mule, donkey, dog,
it's all the same.

ROY: Anyway,
the air hockey game...

Yeah. Oh, here's Charlie. I
wonder what he's gonna be griping...

Holy smokes!

Well. There she is.

[CHUCKLING] Oh, boy.

I wonder how much that cost him.

[EXCLAIMS] A few bucks, I'd say.

Man, she's something,
isn't she, Cap?


Well, she ought to be. I
built her with my own hands.

Knowing you, Charlie,
she's a work of art.

You ain't kidding,
Hank. She's tuned like a Stradivarius.

Charlie, this is incredible! Hey,
how you doing?

That is a jet boat.

You could use it for
water-skiing or speed-boating.

JOHNNY: Oh, yeah?

And she's in perfect condition,

[CHUCKLING] Not bad.
Look at this! ROY: Yeah.

You mind?

Anyway, my wife wants a camper,
so I gotta sell her.

What, the boat or your wife?


Anyway, you guys
are centrally located.

I figured it would be easier
to sell out of here,

so I brought her over
on my last shift.

Good idea. Good idea.

How much are you asking for?

$8,500, and that's a good deal.

I mean, that engine sings.

No doubt about it, Charlie.

I sure hate to part with it,
but you know how it is. Any takers?


Sure, I'll write you out
a check right away.

JOHNNY: Yeah, right.

Women! Boy, if you only knew
how many hours I got in this beauty.

I know. My wife used to love
water-skiing before we got married.

Oh, yeah? After we got married,

found out she hated it. She only
water-skied to make me happy.

How come after they're married
they're not worried if you're happy?

I wouldn't know.

Well, I would.
I definitely would.



Hang in there, Charlie. Boat
wreck with injuries off Catalina.

Think about it, huh? $8,500. Meet the
Coast Guard helicopter in Long Beach.

Time out, 0830.



toxic chemicals are stored
in a tanker.

Use caution.

this is Rampart. Can you send me some EKG?


We're sending you a strip.
Vitals to follow.

Pulse is 160. The victim
is in extreme pain, Rampart.


This patient is in V-fib.

Rampart, we have lost the
victim's pulse. Beginning CPR.


We're defibrillating victim,

Rampart, we've defibrillated
victim. Decent sinus rhythm.

JOE ON RADIO: Administer 2 amps
sodium bicarb and insert an airway.


DIXIE: Squad 51, continue monitoring
Vitals and transport immediately.

We're on our way, Rampart.


Coast Guard, 1442.

PILOT: 1442, LA. Go ahead.

DISPATCHER ON RADIO: 42, south-side
west departure, south of the beach.

PILOT: 42. Here for take-off,
as requested.


PILOT: Los Angeles,
this is 42, airborne.

Los Angeles. Roger.

ROY: What's the story?

Rescue Coordination
Center in Long Beach

received a call that a boat was going aground
somewhere off the east end of Catalina.

Los Angeles,
this is 42. Ops normal.

Los Angeles. Roger.

Los Angeles, this is 42. Ops
normal. We're at Catalina island.


PILOT: LA, this is 42. We have
spotted two victims on the rocks.

Their boat has completely
disintegrated. Proceeding with rescue.


51, stand by,
We're going to make a downwind approach.

PILOT: 51, we're in position.
Proceed with rescue.

What happened?

I just barely got him on the rocks,
and he passed out.

Is he breathing?

ROY: All right,
once my partner gets down here,

we're going to bring him up top.

We'll check him out
there, all right?


JOHNNY: What have you got?

ROY: He has a pain in his chest. I
got a pulse of 60 and a respiration of 20.

All right, let's sit him up.

Okay, you wanna take it?

PILOT: LA, this is 42.
Rescue completed.

ETA to Rampart General hospital,
approximately 15 minutes.


this is County 51.

Go ahead, 51.

JOHNNY: Rampart,
we have a male victim, around 45.

He collapsed while on his boat.

We are en route via
Coast Guard helicopter

and are unable to transmit EKG.

Victim is semi-conscious,
diaphoretic and is dusky in color.

Vitals are, BP 80 by palpation,

pulse is 60, and irregular,

respirations are 20 and labored.

We have him on 02.

Establish IV D5W TKO.

Give him the 0.5 milligrams atropine
IV push and continue monitoring vitals.

Report on his condition
in one minute.

JOHNNY: 10-4 Rampart.

second set of Vitals, Rampart.

JOE ON RADIO: Go ahead, 51.

BP is 100 by palpation,
pulse is 80, but is irregular.

Respirations are still 20.

of Lidocaine IV push.

Monitor closely.
What's your ETA?

75 milligrams Lidocaine IV push.

Our ETA is three minutes.

JOE ON RADIO.' 10-4, 51.

I tell you, a man could get used
to this without any trouble at all.

CHET: Sure could, Cap.

[SIGHS] How fast
you figure this goes?

A couple hundred, I don't know.


That's just in RPM.
I don't know, either.


Charlie's not
going to like this.

Well, if he's gonna
sell his boat,

he's got to get used to the idea
of having people check it out.

Yeah, well,
if he drops by and finds you guys there...

You know what a nice mechanic he is,
but he can be awfully temperamental.

Boy, you know,
I'd sure like to buy this thing.

Yeah, you and every
other guy in the town.

I can't believe you. You've
just come back from a rescue

in which a boat gets
completely torn apart

and now you want to buy one.

How are those people, anyway?

Oh, they're fine. They're fine.

I tell you, if they
knew what they were doing,

they'd have never
got into that shape.

STANLEY: That's right.

Yeah, if they knew
what they were doing.

You know, it'd be a shame
to let this thing go by us,

you know, without even
trying to swing a deal.

Who can afford it?

Yeah, I can't, that's for sure.

Joanne'd k*ll me if I brought
something like this home.

Yeah, well,
we can dream about it.

That's what I'm gonna do.
Dream about it.


Dream about it.

ROY: What do you mean,
"dream about it"?

Roy, haven't you ever heard
of the creative dream process?

To tell you the truth, no.

Well, that's when
you program your dreaming.

Yeah, then what happens?

Well, it's sort of like the
power of positive thinking.

See, you program your dreaming,
then you get the right vibration,

and then you get what you want.

The only vibration I'm
getting is from my stomach.

I'm gonna see what Stoker
and Lopez have for chow.

Sounds good.
Let's cover this up.

Cap, I'm gonna sit here and
start my dreaming process.

Come on,
get out of there. Let's go.

Give me a couple of minutes.

Come on,
will you get out of there?

A couple of minutes.

Oh, come on, you... All right!

Come on, now,
don't tie it down there.

Come on, Roy. Very funny.

JOHNNY: Hey, Chet, you better
get out of there. Here comes Charlie.

STANLEY: Chester here just came
up with an idea that you've gotta hear.

Oh, yeah? What is it?

It's about the boat. We all
pitch in and buy it together.

Yeah, he's working out a rotating
schedule so we can use it on our days off.

Well, that sounds pretty
good. Tell me more about it.

Well, that's just about the
gist of it. Excuse me, Henry.

However, I do have some things written down
here that I'd like to discuss with you.

Now, first of all,
when we're on duty

we can always rent the boat out
to another firefighter, no problem.

Money. It's going to cost
us about $1,400 apiece.

[WHISTLES] But that
$1,400 is a good investment,

and we get a heck of a ski boat.

Now, I say investment because,
at least 10 days of a month,

we can rent it out to other firefighters.
You know, when we're on duty.

When we're off-duty,
what happens if we don't want to use it?

Simple. We're off-duty,
we don't want to use it, we rent it out.

And keep the money
for ourselves.

The only time the money will go
into the kitty is when we're all working.

I could use a little
extra money. Yeah.

My mind must be going.
It sounds reasonable.

Something's wrong with it.
It's too good to be true.

Just think about it,
Cap. No problems with dock fees or docking.

I mean, she's on a trailer,
we park it in our backyard.

Maintenance is
about $20 a month.

She burns about five gallons of gas
an hour. I mean, that's cheap recreation.

I'm still not sure.

Cap, think of it this way.

Think about that
feeling of freedom.

And skiing across a lake, man,
at about 80 miles an hour.

Yeah, I mean,
think about it, Cap.

I mean, you could take
your wife water-skiing again.

And your kids.

Yeah, you can take the kids.

Out on the ocean.

I gotta admit,
you make it sound awful good.

Yeah, that they do.


MAN: Look, take it easy. Take it easy,
for crying out loud.

Look, man,
the rates don't go up for a half hour yet.

All right, just take it easy.
Let's get it straight, all right?

Okay. $200 on OI' Softy?

In the eighth? Yeah.
Yeah, I got you, fine.


Hold on a second.

Yeah, who's this?
What do you need?

Yeah, Ferrelli.
Look, I'm sorry, man.

No, no. No more credit
until you clear up your tab.

Well, look, man,
that's what the boss says.

I mean, look, don't talk to me,
talk to Big Alvie.

don't hassle me, man!

Yeah, who's this?
Yeah, hold on a second.

Hold on a minute, will you?

[PANTING] Yeah, Sidney,
what do you need? Yeah.


Hold on a sec, Sidney.

Yeah, Sidney,
I'm having them pains again, yeah.

It's worse this time...


Sidney, I... Sidney, I...

I don't feel so good, Sidney.
Listen, would you call...

[GRUNTING] Sidney,
would you call...




Hey, you guys!

I talked to my wife.
She loves the idea.

That's great! All right,
we're all in, huh, boys?


What's that?
Cover it. Cover it up.

Station 51. Possible heart att*ck.

109, Elgin Avenue. Apartment 23.

109, Elgin Avenue. Apartment 23.

Cross street, Baker.
Time out, 1136.

Station 51, KMG 365.


Why don't you help them
with their gear?

Stoker, stay out here while
we see what we have.

You guys wanna take this?

JOHNNY: Marco,
can you grab that?

ROY: I'm going to close this up.


Fire Department!

Fire Department!


Somebody's in there.
I just heard a sound.

Engine 51, HT 51,
we need a pry-bar and an axe up here.

Let's see what we
can do in the meantime.

Why don't you kick it in, Cap?

This door's got more
security on it than Fort Knox.

[GRUNTING] Must be
something inside here, too.

Sure, you can. You can kick
it and bust that wood apart.

No, it won't work.

Sure, you can, Cap. Watch.

Should have used your head!

He can't kick a door in?


Go ahead and break it in, Mike.


Got it. There's a bar in there. Chet,
get your axe in there, pal.


Get his shirt open more.

Hello? No, this isn't Clinton.

Hello? Hello?


No, sir. Don't know anything
at all about Charlie's Baby.

This is Captain Stanley, LA...


ROY: Some V-fib.



Look, this is Captain Stanley,
LA County Fire Department.

Who is this?

Okay. Clear.




JOHNNY: Let me
get this airway in.

Wait for it to recharge.


let me get this straight.

Your name is Sidney,
and you phoned in the heart att*ck, right?

All right, now we're
getting somewhere.

How come you didn't
have the address?

What's your last name,
Sidney? Hello?

What is the matter
with these people?

Okay, I'm ready. All right.

You have found it for us.

Found what?

We were looking for this
operation for three months.

Maybe you can tell me what's
going on in this squirrel room.

All right. This is the biggest
book north of the Boulevard.

They take enough bets here
to make Las Vegas jealous.

There's the locks, the phones.

Nobody gives their
name. Of course!


ROY: One, two,
three, four. Clear!

Nothing. Let's patch him in.

Rampart, this is County 51.
How do you read?

KELLY: This is
Rampart, 51. Go ahead.

Rampart, we have a male,
approximately 50 years old.

He's in full cardiac arrest.

We've defibrillated, times two.

He's still in cardiac arrest.

We've inserted
esophageal airway.

We're continuing CPR.

Start an IV with D5W,
two amps sodium bicarb.

Give him 10 ccs

Circulate for 60 seconds.
Repeat defibrillation.


He's still in V-fib.
Let's go again.

Keep clear.

All right. Sinus rhythm.

JOHNNY: Rampart,
we've defibbed again.

We've got him in sinus rhythm.

This will be a rhythm strip,
five seconds without CPR.

I copy. A normal sinus rhythm. Rate of 90.

How's the patient's respiration?

Rampart, he's resumed
spontaneous breathing.

Stand by for BP and pulse.

Nice job.


Close call?
I'll say it was close.

We couldn't get the door open.

I wouldn't have bet
a dime on his chances.

I'll pretend I didn't hear that.


[CHUCKLES] You just placed
a bet in an illegal bookie joint.


Vince, If I'd have known what
those phone calls were about,

I could have bet 40 grand
in the last five minutes.

[LAUGHS] Hey. Hey,
wait a minute. Don't go away.

Anything wrong, Officer?

this is the famous Big Alvie Eason.

I'm afraid you have me
confused with somebody else.

No, you're
Alvie Eason all right.

I've seen your
mug sh*ts so many times,

I've almost got your
number memorized.

No, you're totally mistaken.

If you're not Alvie Eason,
then why are you here?

Oh. Well, I...

See, I was on my way
upstairs to visit a sick friend, see,

and I saw this door destroyed.

Well, I thought it only my
duty as a responsible citizen

to investigate

and report a possible
burglary to the authorities.

Now, what you really mean is that
some of your customers complained

because they couldn't
place their bets.

That's why you're here, right?

What are you talking about?

I'm in the
air conditioning business.

Yeah. You hate the heat.

pulse is 80. BP is 120 over 80.

He looks like he's stabilizing.

We're prepared to transport.

KELLY: 10-4, 51.

Okay, we can take him in now.

Aren't you even gonna ask
about your hired help, Alvie?

the gentleman over there is in good hands.

Don't even know him, huh?

Never saw him before?

Never saw him in my life.

Is he gonna be all right?

We're gonna take him
to Rampart Hospital.

He had a cardiac arrest.


Heart stoppage. Huh.

He won't be taking any
bets for a long while, Alvie.

I sure hope not.
Taking bets is illegal.

Well, gentlemen, since there's
nothing I can do to be helpful,

I better go about my business.

You make me feel
grateful I pay taxes.

No, no. Just...

Just a minute, Alvie.
We're not finished yet.

ROY: I'm gonna go
ahead and set up.

JOHNNY: All right. Okay,
we can go.



Hey. Hey! Wait!


Hey, Alvie?

Will you call my old lady?

Come on, let's get
him out of here.

What does he want?

Both of us to have
heart att*cks?

Well, maybe you'd
better call his old lady.

Yeah, Alvie,
go ahead. Call his wife.

Might as well use one
of your phones there.

You pay for them.

Go ahead. Come on.
Use the phone.

Yeah, I'll call his wife.

All I need is the fuzz
with a sense of humor.

Dix, get a new EKG,

and draw blood for CBC,
electrolytes and cardiac enzymes.

Doc, I still hurt.

Give him eight milligrams MSIV.

Listen. Doc,
give it to me straight, will you?

What are they?

What are you talking about?

Mr. Clinton is a bookmaker.

Oh, I see.

Well, the odds would be
a lot better if you don't talk.

You've survived the worst of it.

Now, if you follow instructions,

your chances of getting
back to health are excellent.

could you put down the numbers for me, Doc?

[SIGHS] Well,
I'm not a handicapper. I'm a doctor.

But, if I was a betting man,

I'd give 10 to 1
you'll pull through.

M m, huh'?

Providing that's the
last bet you ever make.

Hey, listen, Doc.

How many phones am I
gonna have in my room?

I'll be glad to pay for a couple
extra. You know what I mean?

KELLY: No phones.

No phones! I mean,
what am I gonna do with all my time?

Start looking for
another line of work.

No phones?

No phones.

No phones.

Normal sinus rhythm.

No PDCs.

Looks like acute
anteroseptal Ml.

Better get him up to CCU.

This is Dr. Brackett
in Treatment 4.

I got a patient for CCU.
I want him up there, stat.

JOHNNY: [LAUGHING] Here we go!

Why is it that you always have to go first,

Because I drew the higher card,
for crying out loud.

I want to see that deck.

Are you accusing me of cheating?

I have Sundays
What's the big deal?


Everybody, knock it off!

What did I do? Mmm.

Right, now that I
got your attention,

let's go about this thing in
a fair and orderly manner.

Obviously, cutting the cards for
days of the week doesn't work!

I still wanna see that
deck when we're through.

Look, I am not cheating,
for crying out loud!

This is a deck of cards... Gage!

That I found... STANLEY: Kelly.

Watch out, Marco.

I got an idea.

We're gonna draw lots
numbered from one to six.


Now, whoever gets number
one will get the use of the boat

the first day off
we have after we buy it.

Whoever gets number two, gets the
boat on the second day and so forth.

All the way down the line.

We'll make up a rotating
schedule based on that.

And I don't wanna
hear any complaints!

Good idea. I'll get a bowl.


[sum-nus] Oh.


Okay. Well, how are we gonna
decide who's gonna go first, Cap?

Huh! We'll draw from the deck!

Not that deck, we won't.

Now, look, I'm getting sick and
tired of you. No way. No way, man!

This is a plain, ordinary deck,
for crying out loud!

It doesn't make any difference.

It's a matter of luck anyway.

No. Will you get out...

ls everybody ready? Yeah.

Wait a minute! Get out
of there. I'm going first.

ALL: Why?

'Cause I'm the captain,
and it was my idea.



What? Then don't grab it, for...

Four. Three.



[LAUGHING] One! One!

ROY: I got a two.

You got a two? All right!


Well, let's get to the hospital
and pick up some supplies.

I thought you guys
were just there.

Yeah. But we...
We'll see you later.

Yeah, we'll talk to you later. Hey,
great idea, Cap.

Great idea! Loved it.


"I'm the captain,
it was my idea."

I was better off before.

Dix, you know,
this place is really falling apart.

The lab is two hours
behind time on blood tests.

I know. I'm sorry, Mike.

We've got a man
from County Health

checking the pipes for a
build-up of sodium azide.

He should be through by now.

I have already checked once.

I guess I'd just better go check again.

Please. Yeah. All right.

Do you guys need anything else?

No, I think that
just about does it,

unless you guys wanna
rent a boat for water-skiing.

Right now?

No, not right now.
I mean, you know.

When we buy the boat.

Good. We'll talk about it then.

See you later.
Thanks, Dix. Boat?


What kind of a boat?

You ready to go?
Yeah, I'm ready.


Hey, can you hurry it up?
I gotta use the sink.

I'm getting so far behind,
they're going to start screaming upstairs.

I'm going as fast
as I can, mister.

I didn't clog it up, you know.

I'm gonna get some coffee
and do some complaining.

Go ahead and complain. Yeah, go.

Gary, what is happening?

I'll tell you what's happening.

I got a plumber in there with my
sink torn apart, and I can't do a thing.

What the heck was that? I
don't know. Let's go check it out.



JOHNNY: Basement.

LA, this is County 51.

We have a still alarm here
in Rampart General Hospital.

An expl*si*n in the basement.
Possibly sodium azide.

Respond a first
alarm assignment.


There's an expl*si*n in the
basement. I've called it in.

All right.

MIKE: Michele?
MICHELE: Yes, Doctor.

There's been an
expl*si*n in the basement.

I want you to start preparing all patients
for transport to the main hospital.

We're gonna need
gurneys and extra people.

I want you to check all
the Treatment Rooms.

The fire department's
on the way.

But above all things,
I want you to keep everybody calm. Okay?

Give me two crash carts, stat.

Yes, Doctor.

This is Dr. Morton.

Page Dr. Evan to Emergency.

I repeat. Page Dr. Evac
to Emergency.

Dixie, are you all right?

Yeah. Are you sure? Come on.

Gary. Help Gary.

All right. He's okay.

Let's get you out of here. Yeah.

Is she okay? Yeah, she's okay.

Why don't you take
him too? All right.

I'll be right back.

Is there anyone in?

take him down to Temporary to recoup.

That's good.
Come here, come here.

That's good. Come on. Come on,
let's go.

Quickly. Mike.

JOHNNY: Hey, Doc.
Dix, you all right?

yeah. I'm okay. He needs help.

Get a hold of him.

Michele? All right. Take
him down to Temporary.

All right. Let me
take a look at you.

No, no. You sure?

You need all the help you
can get. Come on. Okay.

ROY: He's in bad shape.

Okay. Let's get him to One.

Dix, where is Brackett and Joe?

DIXIE: OR 2. MIKE: Okay.


MICHELE: Come on,
now. Calm down. Come on, stay down.

ROY: Just relax,
all right? Hey, just relax.

Lay down and relax.

We're taking you to Temporary Aid Station,
all right?

Just relax.


STANLEY: What's the status?

Johnny's down below on a line.

All right.

The expl*si*n must have busted
the sprinkler system down there.

I'm gonna go down and help.

No, no. You stay up here
and help with the evacuation.

Marco, Chet, I want both of
those lines down in the basement.

Marco, shut off the main air
conditioner on your way down.

Agent 36, HT 51.

Don't charge the sprinkler system.
We have a broken water pipe down here.


you're gonna have to take over.

I'm gonna go get my air mask.

I'm going to go up and get my t*nk,
Cap. I'll be right back down.

You stay up there and help Roy
evacuate. We'll handle it down here.

You sure?

The main air conditioning valve is off,

Hey, Marco,
you take your own line in there with Kelly.


KELLY: Sponge.

Doc, we'd better
get out of here.

We'll be finished
in a minute, Roy.

We're gonna need luck.


How's he doing?
He's gonna be all right.

KELLY: Get him to burn ward.
Brenda, watch him close, huh?

Doc, you ready to go?

Yeah, anytime. All right.

KELLY: What happened
to you? Don't ask.

All right. Now,
everybody's supposed to be out of here.

Yeah, that includes you. Come on,
I wanna take a look at you.

I'll stay and help
with the evacuation.

All right, Joe.
What happened, Dix?

Now, get those lines through
the firewall down there.

Someone charge those lines
when I give you the signal.


Hank, what've you got?

Oh, we got it under control,
Chief. No problem.

Good. Good. I was worried
about the sodium azide.

That's nasty stuff. Mean stuff.

LA, Battalion 14.

This fire is under control.

Cancel second alarm assignments.

All units out
indefinitely for overhaul.

Continue move-ups.


KELLY: No, no. Okay, at this point,
everything is under control.

Yeah. We've got
everybody evacuated.

Okay. We're checking out, too.
Thank you.

[SIGHS] Dix,
what are you doing here?


I thought I told you
to get out of here.


What's going on?

I don't know. It looks
like he's loading it up.

Hey, Charlie,
what are you doing?

Oh, my wife changed her mind.

I don't have to sell the boat.

Hey, you guys been
fooling around with her?

What, with your boat or your...

Charlie, we haven't touched her.

Yeah, the boat.

What's the matter with you?

it must have been one of the other shifts.

Oh. Sure,
sure. It's always one of the other shifts.

Well, she looks okay,

but I'll check her out
anyway just to make sure.

Yeah, I would.

Look, fellas,
thanks for the use of the backyard.

What made your
wife change her mind?

Oh, simple. I had to use a
little psychology on her, you see.

When I explained to her
that I could keep the boat

and rent it out when
I wasn't using it,

then I figured I could
get the camper, too.

I could rent them both out when
we ain't using the both of them.


ROY: Huh. CHARLIE: She agreed.

Hey, look,
guys. You've been so nice about this.

I'm gonna work out a little
discount for you, all right?

Yeah, thanks. Charlie,
let me just ask you one question.

Why didn't you think
of this before?

Yeah. Why didn't I
think of this before?

So long, guys-

He stole our idea.

He stole our idea.

He stole our idea!

Didn't you guys
hear what I said?

I mean, he stole our idea.

Well, aren't you
upset about it? I am.

I am upset about it. What am
I gonna do? Holler at Charlie?

He's our mechanic. Get it?

He's had 50 professional fights.

All I'm saying is that
somebody told him our idea.

I was looking forward to just
having a little water-skiing.

Without the kids.

Yeah. With my girl.

Oh, for crying out loud!

Hey, don't you guys think

maybe you're being a
little too rough on Charlie?

I mean, after all,
it was his boat.

And he did say he was
gonna give us a discount.

Wait a minute.

How come you're being so
benevolent towards Charlie now?

It was your idea in
the first place, Kelly.


All that money.

I should have never told.


Oh, Kelly!