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02x08 - The Reunion

Posted: 01/19/24 16:07
by bunniefuu
Up next, the victim's horrific

final moments are recorded.

It was premeditated k*lling
of another human being,

and it was just
a very descriptive video.

For some K*llers,
even m*rder is not enough.

It's hard to watch another
human that's being tortured.

Despite the v*olence,
forensic clues

are in short supply.

It's a constant process
of trying to think ahead

and where the case may take us.

But the k*ller's video
ultimately provides

justice for his victim.

Him spending the rest
of his life in jail,

having to reflect daily
on why he's there,

will be the t*rture
that he deserves.

Over the last few decades,

St. Petersburg, Florida,
has undergone a renaissance.

Back in the day, it was
basically God's waiting room.

It was older retirees.

It has now grown.

They're trying to mimic
the bigger cities like Tampa.

Away from
the waterfront are modest,

working-class neighborhoods,
and from one of them,

on the morning
of December 21, 2011,

came a disturbing 911 call.

a fire or medical emergency?

Ah, help!
They want to k*ll me.

Hurry up, please!
Help me! Help me!

Sir, where are you?

Help! Help!

What's the address?
Landy Martinez!

What is the address?
Help me! Get away!

Okay, it was a chilling call.

He was crying out for help.

He announced his name
at that time as Landy Martinez.

And then shortly thereafter,
after the cries for help,

you could hear
a banging on a door,

almost as though a door
was being broken down.

Help! Please! Please!


Then you heard two g*nshots.

Ah! Help!

And after the two g*nshots,
you no longer heard the cries

from Landy Martinez.

It's rare that we'll get
a phone call that actually

captures the actual
crime itself.

So this was very unusual.

Because the call
came in from a cellphone

and not a land line,
the sheriff's office

couldn't immediately
pinpoint the location.

But cellphones constantly
beam signals to cell towers

on the ground and to the dozens
of GPS satellites

orbiting the Earth.

A normal signal will
typically hit

at least three
of those satellites.

A process called triangulation
allows people on the ground

to estimate a call's location.

What they do is they
give you a general area.

It could be between one
to two blocks

of where the call came from.

It puts you in a position
where you're now having to go

and knock on doors.

If the 911 caller,
Landy Martinez,

was still alive,
time was running short.

As detectives canvassed
the area,

there was a bizarre development.

They got another 911 call
from out of state.

The caller was worried
about Landy Martinez.

A roommate of Landy Martinez's,

a young female who was in
North Carolina,

became concerned.

They had security cameras
at the location of the home

that Landy Martinez
was staying at.

Those security cameras
had been turned off.

She was unable to reach him,

so she became very concerned
for his safety.

Landy's roommate gave
police his exact address.

Law enforcement immediately
converge on that area.

The house had been ransacked.

Items had been stuffed into
bags and placed by the door.

A large TV was lying
on a pool table.

Police went further
into the house

and followed a blood trail
in a hallway.

When they got to the front
bedroom they located

a male, deceased,
face down on the floor.

This was Landy Martinez,

dead at the scene, shot
twice... once in the chest

and an execution-style
shot to the head.

It was clear an awful lot
of v*olence

happened before the m*rder.

We have overkill.

Injuries would show
defensive-type injuries,

and injuries which also show
a beating that he took.

And adhesive was on the ankles,

and that adhesive
was on the wrists,

which showed that
he had been tied up,

hog-tied with duct tape.

Strips of duct tape
were at the scene,

often a rich source of evidence.

Two shell casings from
a .380-caliber

were next to Landy's body,
but the g*n was gone.

But the most chilling evidence
was a cellphone

apparently stuffed under
a mattress in the bedroom.

It contained a 40-second video
of a terrified Landy Martinez.

We listened closely
to that tape,

and there was a lot
of background noise.

There was the running water.

He was speaking in Spanish,
so it was a little difficult

to determine exactly
what cries he was making,

what he was saying.

Robbery was clearly
not the primary motive.

Someone wanted Landy Martinez
dead and wanted to make sure

he suffered first.

I've done a lot of cases.

I don't think I've ever seen
one so heinous...

or at least one
that we could look at,

one that we could actually see,
one we could hear.

Help me! Get away!

Landy Martinez was just a child

when he emigrated
with his parents

from Cuba to South Florida.

After graduating
from high school,

he moved to St. Petersburg,

where he rented a room
from a married couple

and took a job
at an assisted-living facility.

He was the entertainment director.

He had a passion
for the elderly.

The residents loved Landy.

Landy loved the residents.

The employees thought
he was amazing.

He would just do a lot
for all the residents

and help out where he can,
anywhere he can.

Landy's friends and family

couldn't fathom anyone
wanting to k*ll him.

I turned on the news,
and Landy was plastered

all over the news
and the m*rder,

and I believe I screamed.

I'm not quite sure.

For detectives, Landy's 911 call

held a vital clue.

They wanna k*ll me!
Hurry up, please!

Help me!

He says "they,"
and that really stood out

because that's letting us know
that this is not just

one person who did this to him,

that there's more than
one person in that house.

Landy's housemates
had solid alibis

for the time of the attack.

People in the neighborhood
reported seeing two unfamiliar

young men the morning
of the m*rder,

but could provide little detail.

Detectives now turned
to the duct tape

the K*llers used to bind
Landy's legs and wrists.

Duct tape is actually
a cloth tape

that's comprised of
a polyethylene resin on one side

and a rubber-based
adhesive on the backside.

The smooth side
is an easier surface for us

to try to obtain a print.

The smooth side was
processed using magnetic powder

comprised of iron
and pigment particles

that adhere to finger oils.

One fragment of the tape
contained a partial print,

but it was not enough
for an identification.

The victim was in
the shower with the shower

being run, water on the victim.

The tape got wet.

Could that wash away a print?
Most definitely.

The sticky side of
the tape was processed

using a liquid form
of magnetic powder,

but, again,
no prints were found.

The lab even processed
several pieces of tape

that had been stuck together
by using liquid nitrogen,

which is normally stored at more
than 300 degrees below zero.

Anything it touches freezes
on contact.

So what that does
is actually freezes

the adhesive powers of the tape

and allows us to pull it apart
for a very brief moment of time.

Magnetic powder was
applied to strips of

separated tape, but this process
also came up empty.

This was a setback,

but text messages sent
from Landy's cellphone

were providing more
and more information.

Those messages were sent
shortly before the m*rder

to a man named Jonathan Galacia.

Landy had a new boyfriend
by the name of Jonathan.

We knew that they had been
together for a couple weeks,

but we don't know
whether or not this

is a good relationship
or bad relationship.

In those text messages,

Landy implied that he was
breaking up with Jonathan

and was reuniting with an
old boyfriend named Jose Adame.

Perhaps Jonathan was
upset the way it had terminated,

and, in a heat-of-passion

had decided to take
the life of Landy.

Obviously, a scorned lover
is something to consider

in a homicide investigation
as possibly the perpetrator.

Detectives located
Jonathan at his home

about an hour north of
St. Petersburg.

He told them that the day
of Landy's m*rder,

he returned home after working
a midnight shift around

leave his apartment.

His cellphone seemed
to back him up.

They were able to get
data from that cellphone

and determined that the phone
at the time of the crime

was bouncing off a cell tower

St. Petersburg.

In our minds, that cleared him
as our suspect.

Jonathan told
detectives a strange story.

He said that Landy's texts
from the morning of the m*rder,

messages in which Landy implied

he was breaking up
with Jonathan,

directly contradicted
a phone conversation

the two men
had the night before.

In that call, Landy expressed
his deep affection for Jonathan.

And now he's seeing
this text message

saying that he wanted
to go back with Jose.

He was like, you know,

"After the conversation
that we had last night,

you know,
where's this coming from?"

The one person who might know
was Landy's ex-boyfriend,

Jose Adame.

Detectives needed
to speak to him,

but no one had
any idea where he was.

investigating the m*rder

of Landy Martinez were shocked
by how much rage was directed

toward the victim.

In a development detectives
had never before encountered,

what came to be known
as the t*rture video,

the one recovered
from Landy's cellphone,

appeared to have been recorded
by one of his K*llers.


It was obvious that someone was

holding that phone up.

He wasn't holding it.

Someone was videotaping him
and prodding him

exactly what to say
on that tape.

He didn't place himself
in that predicament.

Someone else did.

And he was trying to ask
forgiveness for that person

who was responsible for it.

Amid the t*rture,
it appears the K*llers tried

to shove drain cleaner
down Landy's throat.

The Drano came from the kitchen

underneath the sink way
in the back.

Unless you knew it was there,
you would have no clue.

The disconnection of
the security cameras

at the m*rder site
was even further evidence

the K*llers were familiar
with the house.

Landy had an ex-boyfriend
who once lived there with him.

His name was Jose Adame.

The two met a few years
before Landy's m*rder.

Landy and Jose's relationship
early on seemed sweet,

you know,
the happy little couple.

At some point in time,
they'd actually moved

into the home where
Mr. Martinez's body was found.

They even purchased
a car together.

Then, about a month before the
m*rder, the relationship soured.

They were constantly arguing
until finally Landy just decided

that he could no longer deal
with Jose and broke up with him.

So what happened was
Mr. Adame he was very jealous,

did not want to break off
the relationship with

Mr. Martinez.

Landy expressed
a fear of Jose Adame.

And Landy's housemates,
who once lived there with Jose,

were so afraid of him
they took action.

They were all concerned
about violent tendencies

that Jose Adame exhibited.

They were somewhat concerned
for their safety,

so they had actually put up
some security cameras.

Those were the very cameras

disconnected on the morning
of Landy's m*rder.

And there was actual proof
Jose Adame

was angered by the breakup.

He took off with
the couple's car,

which was registered to Landy.

In an apparent act of revenge,

Jose spent weeks
running red lights

that he knew were equipped
with surveillance cameras.

He would, out of spite,
run red lights.

The cameras would pick him up
running these red lights.

Landy was legally
obligated to pay

what resulted
in hundreds of dollars in fines.

To get his car back,
Landy created a ruse,

telling Jose he wanted
to rekindle their relationship.

Jose returned to Florida and
met Landy at a local restaurant.

Waiting in the parking lot
was a sheriff's deputy.

The deputy explained that,
legally, the car was Landy's,

and Landy drove off,
leaving Jose abandoned,

for lack of a better word,
right there in the parking lot.

He had no vehicle,
minimal money,

to my understanding,
and no place to go.

Clearly, things
had soured between the two,

but to the point
where it resulted in m*rder,

especially one like this?

More and more people

who knew Jose told
detectives they thought so.

My first thought,
I don't know if it's fortunate

or unfortunately,
went to, "Jose did it."

I just know Jose did it.
Gut feeling.

A background check on Jose

did little to allay
detectives' suspicions

that he might be involved.

Jose Adame had been involved
in a break-in in a home

and actually an as*ault on an
individual in Pinellas County.

But if Jose k*lled
Landy Martinez,

detectives would need more
than mere suspicions

that he was capable
of this level of v*olence.

With where we are today
as a society,

you know,
juries want, seven nuns,

three videos, DNA,
and 14 confessions.

So the more evidence you have
in any investigation,

especially today,
especially with how society is,

you're much better off.

When Jose Adame
emerged as a possible suspect

in the Landy Martinez m*rder,
detectives needed to determine

where he was on the morning
that Landy was k*lled.

We know that Jose's cellphone
was already in the area

at that time.

We know that within an hour
of that first phone call,

that 911 call, that Jose's phone
is now leaving the area,

and within 12 to 14 hours later,
he's back in North Carolina.

He was taken into
custody at his mother's home

in North Carolina.

He said he couldn't be
Landy's k*ller

because he wasn't
even in Florida

the morning of the m*rder.

But detectives had bad news
for Jose.

His cellphone put him in Landy's
neighborhood on that morning.

He didn't take the news well.

When they asked him some
questions about the k*lling

itself, you could hear on
the audio portion of that

interview him actually throw up
and get sick.

I couldn't tell you
how many times he vomited.

A dozen would be a fair number.

Upon hearing that Jose
was a suspect in the m*rder,

people told police
they saw him in Florida

with a teenager around
the time of the m*rder.

We were able to determine
that the vehicle

that Jose Adame was driving
in St. Petersburg at the time

of Landy's death was a black
SUV belonging to his sister.

The vehicle was
located in North Carolina

and processed by analysts there.

Between the front seats,

analysts said they found
a roll of duct tape

identical to the tape
used to bind Landy Martinez.

On the steering wheel
was a small smear of blood.

DNA testing matched it
to Landy Martinez.

Landy Martinez had never
been in that vehicle,

so there would be no reason
for Landy Martinez's blood

to be in the vehicle,

unless it had been transferred
from the person

who was the perpetrator
of this crime.

Jose Adame was charged
with first-degree m*rder.

Investigators believed
his accomplice

was a 16-year-old relative,

but they were unable to
bring charges against him.

We had all types
of circumstantial evidence,

but we did not have
any physical evidence

to actually tie him
to the crime scene.

The evidence indicates
this was no

spur-of-the-moment m*rder.

After driving to Landy's house
from North Carolina,

Jose and his relative

the security cameras,

then went inside
and confronted Landy

with the .380-caliber.

Landy was defenseless.

He had to comply as they
bound him with duct tape,

took him to the bathroom,
and tortured him.

In a further act of humiliation,

they recorded Landy's
terrifying final moments.

Landy is pleading
for his life in Spanish.

It basically translated to,
"Everything is my fault.

Jose is the best.

Jose had nothing to do

with our breakup
in our relationship.

It's all me."

It was obvious that
he was being rehearsed,

he was being coached
to say those things

in order that his life
might perhaps be spared.

As Jose and his
relative ransacked the house,

authorities believe
Landy got free of the duct tape

and made a break for it.

He grabbed his cellphone,
locked himself in the bedroom,

and called 911.

Help! Please!
Please! Help!

The K*llers broke down the door

and k*lled him
with two sh*ts from the .380.


Even veteran investigators

were shocked by this crime.

The pain, the suffering
he caused of another

human being, the pain,
the suffering he caused

of Landy's family and friends,

deserved him to be locked up
for the rest of his life.

In July of 2016,

Jose Adame was convicted
of first-degree m*rder

and sentenced to life in prison
without parole

all on the strength
of evidence he created...

his cellphone
exposing his location,

Landy's blood in his vehicle,

the same type of duct tape
in that vehicle

and at the crime scene,
multiple indications

that the k*ller was familiar
with Landy's house.

But what finally exposed him
was a desire for revenge

so strong that m*rder
was simply not enough.

Without the forensic
evidence in this case,

no one would've been charged

and/or convicted
of the homicide of Landy.

Jose Adame is a jealous,
spiteful, young,

immature individual.

If he couldn't have
Landy Martinez,

no one was going to have
Landy Martinez.

And he wasn't going to only be
happy with that,

but he was going to
humiliate and t*rture

and eventually k*ll
Landy Martinez.