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04x02 - Men In Black

Posted: 01/19/24 16:32
by bunniefuu
Up next. This upscale city
prided itself on being safe.

It's a very urban area.
Has a very low crime rate.

That image is shattered

when a young graduate student
meets a brutal end.

I think we were just
all in disbelief.

We were absolutely crushed.

There's only one witness
and she's been wounded.

There's only one witness
and she's been wounded.

Security cameras
see possible suspects.

The surveillance
video camera sees two guys
dressed in black.

It looks like
they have a mask on,

and one's short and one's tall.

But it's what someone hears
that upends the case.

There was an argument
loud enough
that this young woman said,

"Hey. You've got to
come over here
and listen to this."

"Hey. You've got to
come over here
and listen to this."

"There's something going on
next door."

Just outside
the nation's capital,

Bethesda, Maryland
is a bedroom community
for many people

Bethesda, Maryland
is a bedroom community
for many people

from the US
and all over the world,

who get paid
a lot of money to lobby
the American government.

It's one of the richest cities
in the country.

Bethesda is number one,

the most highly
educated community
in the United States,

tied with Cambridge,

It is a very upscale,
tony kind of an area,

a very safe,
a very wealthy area.

Right in the middle
of the downtown
shopping district

is a Lululemon store,
is a Lululemon store,

part of a multi-billion dollar
international chain

that sells upscale yoga
and athletic clothing.

Thirty-year-old Jayna Murray,

a Texas native
and a relatively new arrival
to the area,

worked there part-time.

She had three masters degrees,

and one of the professors
at Johns Hopkins said to her,
you know,

they have this wonderful
corporate model.

This might be
an interesting topic

for a young woman like yourself,

uh, to write her dissertation
about the corporate model
that they have there.

Uh, to write her dissertation
about the corporate model
that they have there.

Jayna's coworker
on a Friday night in 2011

was 29-year-old
Brittany Norwood.

To meet her
was to really be impressed
by a young woman.

You know, um, attractive,

smart, a soccer scholarship.

Very effervescent. Sharp.

Kind of like an ideal
Lululemon employee.

Kind of like an ideal
Lululemon employee.

On a cold, Saturday morning,

a Lululemon coworker arrived
to open the store
and found it unlocked.

Inside, there were two women
lying on the floor
and a lot of blood.

She rushed out and called 911.

Brittany Norwood was found
in the store's bathroom,

hurt but alive.

She's lying on the ground.

Her hands are bound
with plastic ties.

She has a significant
amount of blood.

Her stomach is exposed

and there appear to be,
like, cuts,

like razorblade cuts
or some type of cuts
on her belly.

In the back of the store,

first responders
found Jayna Murray.

She'd been dead for hours.

It was only at her autopsy

that the true extent
of Jayna's injuries
was discovered.

That the true extent
of Jayna's injuries
was discovered.

Jayna's autopsy
shows 331 different injuries

with six or seven
different weapons.

I mean, a real concentrated,
evil attack.

This was a case of rage.

You typically
are not going to have
injuries like that

unless the person
knows the person
that is attacking them.

This was no robbery gone wrong.

To have this kind of v*olence
in Bethesda's
upscale shopping district

To have this kind of v*olence
in Bethesda's
upscale shopping district

was shocking.

Even worse, Jayna Murray
was about as atypical
a m*rder victim

as anyone could imagine.

I really held out hope

that it wasn't her.



I've honestly
never talked about it.

None of it made sense to me.

It didn't add up.

The chief question now
was whether Brittany Norwood,

the other victim
and only witness
to this crime,

could help investigators
find Jayna's k*ller.

Brittany is at suburban hospital

and sounds like
she is in terrible shape.

When there's opening hours,
they don't even know
if she's going to survive.

Jayna Murray
had lived and studied
in many places

and made friends
across the country.

You know,
it's hard to put into words
somebody's character

who was like Jayna.

It's one of those experiences.
It's hard to describe,

being around somebody
who was so positive.

News of Jayna Murray's
vicious m*rder

shocked the nation's capital
and surrounding area.

In the annals of the cases
that they've examined

In the annals of the cases
that they've examined

in the medical
examiner's office,
in the history of Maryland,

I still think they think
that this is the case
that had more injuries

associated with it
than any that they'd
ever seen.

The only good news
was that Jayna's coworker,
Brittany Norwood,

would survive her injuries
and could possibly help
the investigation.

She's been through trauma.
Cut, beat up,

and then being in the store
all night with her friend,
who was dead.

From her hospital bed,

Brittany was interviewed
by detectives.

Brittany was interviewed
by detectives.

Brittany said
that she and Jayna
were closing the store

and she had left
her wallet there,
so she called Jayna,

Jayna had the key
to the store,
Brittany didn't.

You know, Jayna,
can you come back?

Since they were just going to
go back into the store quickly
to get this wallet,

they really didn't,
they didn't lock the door
behind them.

Once inside,

Brittany said she realized
two men had followed them
into the store.

Brittany said she realized
two men had followed them
into the store.

The two men were described
as being both dressed
all in black.

One taller, one shorter.

They were masked with eye holes.

Then all of a sudden, boom.
The att*cked both Brittany
and Jayna.

She said one man took Jayna
to the back of the store.

She said one man took Jayna
to the back of the store.

The other took her
to the bathroom.

The worst part, Brittany said,
was that she could hear
the attack on Jayna.


It's not your fault.

Luminol showed
someone had attempted
to clean up a lot of blood.

You couldn't see the blood,
but it reacted
to the luminol spray.

The sinks in this establishment

literally blew up purple.

Two sets
of bloody shoeprints
were found in the store.

We had these
size 13 shoeprints
or whatever they were,

big shoeprints,
likely belonged to a man.

You could tell
there was a big shoe

You could tell
there was a big shoe

and then there was
a smaller shoe.

But they also
crisscrossed each other

and they were
on top of each other.

The search was on
for the two men described
by Brittany Norwood.

Investigators hoped
security cameras
could help,

but got a setback,

Now, the fact that
there were no security cameras
inside that store

uh, sort of tells you
something about Bethesda
and how safe it is.

But a camera from another store

caught two men in the area
around the time of the attack.

And there
at 11:07 p.m.,
in the back parking lot,

And there
at 11:07 p.m.,
in the back parking lot,

clearly shown by the camera
are two men,
all dressed in black,

one taller, one shorter.

Local beat police
said they might know
one of these men.

A couple of the officers
that work that area said,

"Well, you know,
there's a homeless guy."

"And he sort of
walks around here at night."

He was sort of
a known figure in Bethesda.

Homeless, sometimes,
and could really, like,
become unhinged,

and, like,
yell at people on the street.

And, like,
yell at people on the street.

His name was Keith Lockett

and he's just been
in a bloody fight.

Things changed dramatically.

And all of a sudden,
they get a report

that Keith Lockett
is in a hospital

with blood on him.

In the search
for who k*lled Jayna Murray

and att*cked her coworker,
Brittany Norwood,

a solid suspect emerged
in the person
of Keith Lockett,

a local homeless man
with an extensive
arrest record.

He'd been arrested
a lot of times,

been in and out
of homeless shelters.

In what seemed
like more than a coincidence,

Keith Lockett
had been admitted
to a local hospital

around the same time
Jayna was m*rder*d.

We knew he was in the area,

and when we tracked him down,
we saw that he had injuries

and when we tracked him down,
we saw that he had injuries

that could have been
received in a fight.

Keith denied any involvement
in the m*rder.

He said he got
cut up in a fight
with another homeless man.

But when detectives
checked out this story,

they got yet another surprise.

Keith's kind of tall

and then they get a report
that he's got a shorter friend

and some other witness said

that Keith
and his short friend
were near the store.

Could these be
the two men
in the security video?

It made them solid suspects.

DNA samples were taken.

And just as quickly
as they rose up
the suspect list,

And just as quickly
as they rose up
the suspect list,

they were eliminated.

The detectives told me,
yeah, he was in a fight,

but it wasn't
with the two victims,

and we were determined
that he was not involved
in the case.

By now,
Jayna's car had been located,
three blocks from the store,

and was being processed
for evidence.

It appeared to have
some blood in it.

To the shock of investigators,

DNA from the blood
in Jayna's car matched back
to their only witness,

DNA from the blood
in Jayna's car matched back
to their only witness,

Brittany Norwood.

During their next
interview with her,

detectives didn't tell her
they knew this.

They ask her
a pretty innocent question.

Have you ever seen Jayna's car?

Have you ever
been in Jayna's car?

The blood evidence
made it clear,

Brittany knew more
than she was letting on.

And even she seemed to suspect
her story raised questions.

And even she seemed to suspect
her story raised questions.

The next day, she calls

and says, "I want to come back
and talk to you."

Okay, come on down.

She drives down
to the police station

to tell them, "I've got to
tell you something."

"I wasn't honest
with you before."

"I have been in her car."

"They made me move her car."


Brittany's story
was that the attackers wanted
Jayna's car moved.

According to Brittany,
it had been hastily parked
in front of the store

According to Brittany,
it had been hastily parked
in front of the store

because Jayna thought
she'd only be inside
for a minute.

The attackers thought
it might draw undue attention.

She said, "They told me
that they knew where I lived."

And if I didn't come back,
they were going to
hunt me down and k*ll me.

Detectives now came
back to a question that had
dogged them from day one.

There was a real
stark difference

between Jayna's injuries
and Brittany's injuries.

You know, that was
something the detectives
were asking themselves,

like, how did these two guys
go crazy on one victim

like, how did these two guys
go crazy on one victim

and not really hurt
another victim.

The answer to that question
started to form

after detectives got
yet another piece
of security video.

The Apple store,
directly next door
has a female assistant manager

who heard some arguing
going on through the wall.

They are next door
to each other,

but at 10:00 at night
with not a lot of other noise,

there was an argument
loud enough

that this young woman
went to the other manager
of the store and said, "Hey."

that this young woman
went to the other manager
of the store and said, "Hey."

"You've got to come over here
and listen to this."

"There's something going on
next door."

"These two women
are yelling at each other."

Brittany Norwood's story

was that two hooded men
att*cked her

and ultimately k*lled
Jayna Murray.

But this story took another hit

when new security video

In it, the employees
at the shop next door

could be seen listening
to a loud argument
in the Lululemon store

about the same time
the attack Brittany described
took place.

The employees told police
that the argument
was between two women.

What's important about that?

Well, we think
we're looking for two men,
all dressed in black,

Well, we think
we're looking for two men,
all dressed in black,

and by the way, we found them,

and they were dishwashers
who worked at a Tex-Mex
restaurant right next door.

They had nothing
to do with this case,
by the way.

So it's beginning to shift.

If two hooded men
were never in the store,

how to explain the two sets
of bloody shoe prints
at the scene?

You could see these footprints
around inside the store

You could see these footprints
around inside the store

but they never appeared
to leave the store.

Analysts compared
the bloody shoe prints
to shoes in the store

that were used
to measure pants
if they needed to be hemmed.

A pair was found
with trace amounts
of Jayna's blood on the sole.

One set
of the inked impressions
came from the men's size 14s,

which were then cleaned
and put back onto the shelf.

And the smaller set
of bloody shoeprints

came back to shoes
Brittany wore
the night of Jayna's m*rder.

Came back to shoes
Brittany wore
the night of Jayna's m*rder.

Even more damning,

all the m*rder weapons
were matched back to items
from inside the store.

And subsequent DNA testing
confirmed what the crime scene
was saying.

Jayna's blood
was on Brittany's shoes, DNA.

Jayna's blood was on
Brittany's socks.

Remember, she is somebody
who couldn't
help her.

Couldn't get to her.

There was no explanation
in her story

that would have explained
why her shoes and her socks

that would have explained
why her shoes and her socks

had Jayna's DNA blood
soaked into them.

The science made sense.

Brittany as a suspect
did not, at least, at first.

Brittany was
this really likeable,
vivacious, uh, woman.

Now, there were
this smaller group of people
who knew Brittany,

who knew a different Brittany.

She went to college
on a full ride
to play soccer.

And stayed in college
till an incident occurred
with her school,

And stayed in college
till an incident occurred
with her school,

where she was determined
to have been stealing
from her teammates

and she was discharged
from the team.

That led her then
to leave college,

lose her scholarship.

She was
later accused of stealing
from an ex-boyfriend.

There was a lot of things
regarding her background

that were not
on a police blotter

but, you know, the break-ins
at the boyfriend's house,

a series of girls
that had either
worked with her,

who found things missing,
whether it was cash,
perfume, etc.

Stealing seemed a far cry

Stealing seemed a far cry

from carrying out
a brutal m*rder,

but then detectives learned
of a possible motive.

Apparently this is very common
in retail business

where if two people
are closing an establishment,

each as they leave
checks the bag of the others

to ensure that nobody's
stealing anything.

It appears
Jayna found stolen items
in Brittany's bag.

It looks as if
she confronted her

and told her she'd have to
report this theft.

Brittany had gotten in trouble
for taking something
from another store,

Brittany had gotten in trouble
for taking something
from another store,

so when Jayna
checked Brittany's bag,

she saw that there was
something in there
that Brittany had not paid for

and Brittany was going to
take out.

They argued.

It got so loud,
it could be heard
in a neighboring store.

Both women left Lululemon.

But prosecutors think
Brittany was determined

management never find out
she'd stolen something.

Her solution?

She had to k*ll Jayna.

So she set up a ruse
to get Jayna back
in the store.

So she set up a ruse
to get Jayna back
in the store.

Approximately 20 minutes
after they left the store,

Jayna received a call
from Brittany.

"Hey, I left my pass.
I have a pre-paid pass
for the metro,"

that's our train
here in Washington DC.

"Can you come back,
let me in to the store?"

"I need to get my pass
to get onto the train."

The evidence shows
the first blow was likely
delivered from behind.

I think Jayna
was caught by surprise.

I believe that very early on,
her ability to defend herself
was compromised

I believe that very early on,
her ability to defend herself
was compromised

with some blows to her head.

What followed
was a crime of almost
unimaginable v*olence.

All with makeshift weapons
from inside the store.

To bolster her story
of two intruders,

Brittany grabbed
a pair of large shoes,

and created shoeprints
in the blood.

She then did the same thing
with her shoes,

before cleaning and replacing
the larger pair.

Brittany apparently thought
Jayna's hastily parked car
could expose her,

Brittany apparently thought
Jayna's hastily parked car
could expose her,

so she moved it
three blocks away,

but didn't realize she'd left
telltale blood evidence

To make her story work,
she also had to simulate
an attack.

She cut herself
and using zip ties
from inside the store,

made it appear
as if she'd been bound.

The last thing
Brittany had to do
was wait overnight

for a coworker to open the store

and then claim she was a victim.

And I remember
just the horrendous nature
of the crime itself

And I remember
just the horrendous nature
of the crime itself

and that anybody would be
able to do something
like this to Jayna,

but it made sense.

And we weren't looking
for two random people
that didn't exist.

The nation's capital
was riveted by the trial.

Two upscale women
in a supposedly safe place,

involved in a life and death

was simply too much
for many to believe.

But in November of 2011,
a jury deliberated
for just 21 minutes

But in November of 2011,
a jury deliberated
for just 21 minutes

before finding
Brittany Norwood guilty
of first degree m*rder.

She was sentenced to life
without parole.

I think that Brittany
was brought to justice,

but I also believe
that if Jayna were here,

she believed in second chances.

She believed that people
are inherently good

and so hopefully,

she has the opportunity
to repent.

She has the opportunity
to repent.

And hopefully,
make something good out of it

for herself and hopefully,
for people around her.