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01x07 - She is the Moon of Moons / Beats of Beijing

Posted: 01/19/24 17:55
by bunniefuu
We live in a big, beautiful world.

I'm Leo.

I'm Andy.

And I'm Carmen.

Our parents work in a circus that travels

all around the world and we travel with them.

So we never know where in the world we will end up next.

(train whistling)

But wherever we go, we know that

Luna the Moon will be there with us.

♪ Traveling the world as a trio ♪

♪ Andy and Carmen and Leo ♪

♪ With Luna the Moon and some new friends too ♪

♪ Everyone's different and really they're just like you ♪

♪ All around the world ♪

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go ♪

♪ All around the world ♪

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go ♪

(whistling theme song)

Carmen: She is the Moon of Moons

Carmen: Wow, Andy,

you've taken so many pictures during our travels!

Andy: Look,

here's Luna dancing to mariachi music in Mexico City!

Leo: And that's the time Luna taught me

to ice skate in Moscow!

Carmen: And that's when Luna helped me

make a new friend in Cairo!

Leo: Wow!

Luna the Moon is in all your pictures!

Carmen: She's always there for us, wherever we are!

Speaking of which...

Carmen: Where are we today, Magic Globe?

Magic Globe: Today we are in the city of Beijing,

which is located in the country of China!

China is a very big country.

Magic Globe: Family is very important

to the people of China.

Many Chinese traditions and holidays

are about celebrating and honoring family.

Magic Globe: In Beijing, most people speak a language called

Mandarin Chinese.

The way to say "hello" in Mandarin is by saying

"Ni Hao".

Andy/Carmen/Leo: Ni Hao!

Carmen: Thank you, Magic Globe.

Leo: Sounds like another great city to explore with Luna.

Andy: She's always so nice to us.

We should have a special day for her!

Carmen: That's a great idea, Andy!

Leo: Luna is going to be so surprised!!!

Andy: I'm gonna make her some art!

Leo: And I'll bake her a sweet treat!

Carmen: Let's all prepare our gifts for Luna,

and then meet up by the Circo's main gate!

Andy: Reeeeadddy...BREAK!


Leo: But I don't know what "break" means!

Carmen: Hi Leo, hi Andy!

Did you finish your gifts?

Leo: I baked a cake that looks just like Luna!

Leo: See? It's a moon cake!

Andy: I made Luna this paper lantern!

Leo: Where's your gift Carmen?

Carmen: I'm going to sing a song that I wrote just for Luna!

But that's not even the best part...

Carmen: This is!

Hockbar: Surprise!

Andy/Leo: Mr. Hockbar!!!!

Leo: Um, why is Mr. Hockbar surprising us?

Carmen: Well, I've been looking into it,

and I found a great spot for Luna's special day!

Carmen: It's called Beihai Park!

Carmen: People say that long ago,

the royal family of China would go there to admire the moon.

Leo: That sounds like the perfect place for us

to celebrate that Luna's in our lives.

Andy: Cool! Uh... but why is Mr. Hockbar here again?

Hockbar: I'll take your presents

and hide in the bushes while you lead Luna to the park.

And when the time is right,

I'll pop out and you can surprise her with your gifts!

Hockbar: Something like this.. SURPRISE!

You see what I did there children?


Leo: Wow, it's so nice of you to help us out Mr. Hockbar.

Hockbar: Of course.

Now quickly, toss me your gifts and go find Luna!

Carmen: Bye, Mr. Hockbar!

Andy: Thank you!!

Leo: And Happy Luna day!

Hockbar: I love surprises, I tell you.

I feel the electricity...

or is that a prickle from the bush?

Leo: Wow, Beijing sure looks neat.

Carmen: Look, there's Luna.

Li Wei: For you on your special day,

some authentic Beijing street food!

Luna: Mmmmm!

Thank you, Li Wei.

This jianbing smells delicious!

Andy: How does he know about

our super secret special day for Luna?

Carmen: I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

Come on, let's sing!

Carmen: ♪ Luna, come and play. ♪

Leo: ♪ Luna's here, whaddaya say ♪

Andy: ♪ Luunaaa, bright as day! ♪

Carmen/Leo/Andy: ♪ Show us the world, lead the way! ♪

Carmen/Leo/Andy: Ni hao, Luna!

Andy: That means "hello" in Mandarin!

Luna: (Gulp) That's right Andy!

Ni Hao, everyone!

Welcome to Beijing, China!

What are you guys up to today?

Leo: Oh, nothing special...

Andy/Leo: Hehehehehehe...

Carmen: Luna, we love going on adventures with you!

Would you like to go to Beihai park with us today?

Luna: Beihai Park? That sounds lovely!

Let's go!

Leo: Today is going to be so much fun!

Andy: I can't wait to surprise Luna with her gifts!

Sheep Girl: Ni hao, Luna!

Luna: Ni hao, kids!

Sheep Girl: We're so happy to see you on your special day!

Luna: Thank you, Liu Min!

Sheep Girl: Umm, Um, Miss Luna, we have a present for you.

Sheep Boy: It's a paper lantern!

Andy: What?!

I was going to give Luna a paper lantern!

Luna: Bye kids, thanks for the gift!

Sheep Boy/Sheep Girl: Bye Luna!!!

Luna: Here, Andy, can you help me carry this?

Andy: Okay...

Luna: Onwards to Beihai Park!

Leo: How does everyone already know about Luna's special day?

Carmen: I didn't tell anyone, did you?!

Tiger Mom: Ni hao, Luna

Luna: Ni hao, Laohu family!

Tiger Dad: Luna, my family is honored to see you

on this special day!

In fact, we have a little gift for you.

Don't we, Grandma?

Tiger Grandma: For you, Luna...

Tiger Grandma: It's a mooncake!

Leo: They can't give Luna a moon cake!

I already made a moon cake!

(Boink! Boink! Boink! Boink!)

Hockbar: Pssst!

Is it time for the big surprise yet?

Carmen: Not yet Mr. Hockbar.

Wait till we get to Beihai park...

(under her breath) and away from all these people...

Hockbar: Right-O! Right-O! Okay, got it, got it...

Luna: Goodbye!

Thank you for the wonderful present!

Here, Leo, would you like to hold this?

Leo: (Sniff) I guess...

Luna: The round shape of the mooncake

represents togetherness.

Even the box it comes in is beautiful!

Luna: Well then, shall we continue?

Carmen: This is crazy!

Everyone is giving Luna gifts

even though we planned this for her.

What's next, is someone going to play her a song?!


Panda : For Luna!

Panda : On her special day!

Carmen: AAUGH!

That's it!

Carmen: Luna? Can we please go to Beihai Park now?

Luna: Oh my, it is getting late!

You're right Carmen, we should head straight to the park!

Hockbar: SURPRISE!!!!

Whoops! Kids? Is it time yet? Kids?

Oh my goodness.

Carmen: Here we are, Luna! Beihai Park! Ooo.

Bird: Hey everyone!

It's Luna the moon!

Crowd: Hurray! She's here!

Luna: Oh my!

Thank you everyone!

Bao: We're so happy you could make it, Luna!

Though you're a little earlier than we expected...

Luna: Hi Bao!

Luna: I'm with my friends Andy,

Leo and Carmen who'd love to join!

Boa: The more the merrier!

Come join the celebration everyone!


What is going on here??

How did everyone know about our plan to give you a special day?!

It was supposed to be OUR secret present!

Luna: What?

I thought you knew what today was since you guys wanted to

take me to the park...

Oh, today is the Mid-Autumn Festival in China,

also known as the Moon Festival!

All: "Moon festival"?

Carmen: Wait, you guys decided to have a moon festival on our

special day for Luna?

Boa: Ahahaha. The Moon Festival has been around

for a very long time...

thousands of years, in fact!

Boa: The Moon Festival comes at the time of year when

the moon is believed to be at its brightest and fullest.

Boa: In Chinese beliefs,

the full moon represents family reunion.

When the moon arrives on the day of the moon festival,

families get together to watch the moon,

share mooncakes with tea,

and send lanterns, often with messages on them, into the sky.

Boa: The moon is what brings us together!

Luna: It's all very flattering, really!

Leo: Wow, that's amazing!

A whole festival just for Luna!

On the same day as our special day!

Now that's embarrassing.

Carmen: Luna's not just important to us...

she's important to everyone here!

Hockbar: Now, Carmen?

Carmen: I guess so.

Hockbar: SURPRISE, LUNA!!!!

Hockbar: Ok. Let's uh shut it down.

Maybe one of you can help me out of this bush, huh?

Quickly? Children?

Leo: Luna, It's not so much of a surprise anymore, but...

Andy, Carmen and I also got you gifts!

Leo: Here, I made you a mooncake!

Andy: And I made you a paper lantern!

Though I'm sure they don't look as good as the cakes and

lanterns made for the festival.

Luna: Don't be silly.

These are wonderful because they were made by you.

Thank you!

Carmen: Luna, sometimes we like to think of you as OUR moon,

but we know we need to share you.

So we're happy we got to celebrate the Moon Festival

with everyone here in Beijing.

Luna: You guys will always be special to me,

but so is everyone else, and I to them.

The moon belongs to everyone, in every country.

You're all my family!

Andy: Speaking of family...

Carmen, what about your present?

Carmen: That's right!

I wrote a song for you, Luna.

Carmen: ♪ Luna, every once in a while ♪

♪ I gaze in the sky ♪

Carmen: ♪ And I see you smile ♪

♪ and I'm glad you're there for me ♪

Luna: ♪ There's no place I'd rather be ♪

♪ Then sailing through the sky ♪

♪ how I love to catch your eye ♪

♪ Carmen I am here for you ♪

♪ and all the other people too! ♪

Carmen: ♪ China loves you Luna, hooray for the moon! ♪

♪ China loves you Luna, hooray for the moon! ♪

♪ China loves you Luna, hooray for the moon! ♪

♪ China loves you Luna! China loves you Luna! ♪

Leo: Looks like it's night time.

Everyone's lighting their lanterns!

Andy: I have an idea!

Why don't we light up the lantern that Luna got?

Speaking of which, where is she?

Carmen: Well, if it's already night time,

then that means Luna must be...

Andy/Carmen/Leo: UP IN THE SKY!

Luna: Bingo!

Looks like all the families are settling down

for a long night of moon-watching.

Carmen: Thank you Luna, for another amazing day,

but also for always being our friend!

You'll always be special to us Luna!

Luna: And you're all special to me as well.

That's what makes us a family!

Hockbar: Here, kids.

Let me light the lantern for you.

Andy/Carmen/Leo: Wow!!

All: One... two... three!

Andy/Carmen/Leo: Good night Luna!

Luna: Good night everyone! Happy Moon Festival!

(whistling theme song)

Carmen: Hi, it's Carmen.

Here's a story from China called

"Fishing for the Moon."

One evening, Shen, a porcupine who thought he was clever,

went to fetch water from his well.

To his surprise, when he looked down in there,

he saw the moon shining up at him!

Carmen: "Oh, no! said Shen,

"The beautiful moon has fallen into my well!"

But, he had an idea.

Carmen: He got a fishing pole

and hooked the hook onto the handle of his bucket.

He lowered it down to fish for the moon.

Then he waited.

Carmen: He didn't know,

but his bucket was filling up with water,

so the next time he pulled on the pole,

the bucket was very heavy!

Carmen: "I've caught the moon!" said Shen.

He pulled but couldn't lift it.

"The moon is like a mighty, mighty fish!"

He took a deep breath and yanked it with all his might!

Shen: Err! Heee! Errr!

Shen: Oof!

(Clunk!) Shen: Aughh!!

Carmen: Shen opened his eyes.

There was the beautiful moon, high in the night sky.

"I saved the moon." said Shen, smiling.

"But it was nothing

for a clever porcupine like me!" said Shen.

Carmen (laughs): The end.

Carmen: Beats of Beijing



Carmen: Honey? (loud banging)

Honey: Good morning, Carmen!

Carmen: What are you doing in there, Honey?

It's so loud!

Honey: Making lots of noise!

Carmen: Yeah, why...?

Honey: I'm bored!

(Tink! Tink! Tink! Tink! Crash!)

Honey: Uggghhaa!!

Leo: What's all that racket??

Leo: I can't sleep a wink with all that noise going on!

Andy: I think it sounds cool!

Carmen: Sorry Leo,

Honey's being really noisy in her cage today.

She says her cage is boring!

(Clink! Crash!)

Andy: Maybe we can find Honey

a new cage where she'll be less bored!


Carmen: But where will we find a new hamster cage, Andy?

We don't even know where we are today!

Honey: Let's ask The Magic Globe!

Carmen: Oh yeah!

Good idea Honey!

Carmen: Where are we today, Magic Globe?

Magic Globe: Ni hao, everyone!!

Magic Globe: That's how you say hello in Mandarin Chinese!

Magic Globe: Today we are in the beautiful city of Beijing,

in the country of China,

where most of the people speak Mandarin Chinese.

Beijing has a lot of people and is known for is its beautiful,

special music, a lot of which is made with drums!

Honey: What's a drum???

Magic Globe: Why, a drum is a musical instrument Honey!

Magic Globe: A drum is shaped like a cylinder

and has a tight skin stretched over the top.

It makes a loud, deep sound when you bop it with a stick,

or hit it with your hands!

Magic Globe: Oh! You're all going to love Beijing, friends.

Have fun!

All: Thank you, Magic Globe!

Leo: Wow, Beijing sounds awesome!

Carmen: So whaddya say?

We go into Beijing and find that new cage for Honey?

Andy/Leo: Yeah!

Carmen: (Gasps) Honey?!

Honey: Yeah!!

Honey: New cage!

Andy/Carmen/Leo: Honey!

Carmen: Where'd she go?

Carmen: Hoooooney!

Where are yo?

Carmen: Oh, not again...

this is the third time this week.

Leo: I think we're gonna need some help...

(Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring!)

Carmen: Luna!

Luna: This is your stop, Acronauts!

Acronauts: Hup hup hup hup hup!

Carmen: ♪ Luna, come and play! ♪

Leo: ♪ Luna's here, what do ya say! ♪

Andy: ♪ Luna, bright as day! ♪

Andy/Carmen/Leo: ♪ Show us the world, lead the way! ♪

Luna: Hi everyone!

Are you enjoying Beijing yet??

Andy/Carmen/Leo: No...

Carmen: We were about to go into Beijing to find my Hamster

Honey a new cage, but she ran ahead of us and got lost!

Can you help us find her Luna?

Luna: Gee, that's a tough one Carmen!

Honey could be anywhere!

Honey: New Cage!

All: Honey!

Honey: Beijing!

Luna: Quick everyone! Jump in!

Andy: After that hamster!

Carmen: What is this thing we're in, Luna?!

Luna: It's a Chinese Rickshaw Carmen!

A cart with wheels pulled by a driver,

me in this case!

They were a popular way to get around long ago.

They can still be found around Beijing today but

are not as popular anymore!

Carmen: Ohhhhh!!

Luna: Honey just ran into that General Store!

All: Wooowwwww! Andy: This stuff's amazing!

Carmen: Honey?

Carmen: Ugh! Where is that Hamster!?

Luna: Honey's in this store somewhere Carmen!

Luna: Wow this store has everything!

Leo: It sure does!

Leo: It even has this awesome hamster cage for Honey!

Carmen: Yay!

Great job, Leo!

Andy: Druums!

Andy: I found Chinese drums!

Andy: I'm going to play this one!

And this one!

Annd... (thunk)

Andy: Hm?

Carmen: That drum sure made a funny noise, Andy.

Leo: It sounds like there's something inside...

Honey: New Cage!

Do you like it?

Carmen: Honey!

A drum can't be a cage you silly hamster!

Leo: Here you go Honey!!

Leo: I found you the perfect cage!

Hop on in!

Carmen: Do you like it?

Honey: Hmmm... (banging)



Honey: How about this cage!?

Carmen: That's too small for you Honey!

Luna: That is a Chinese Bell!

You can ring it to make a beautiful sound!

Luna: See?? (bell rings)

Leo: Honey could use this thing for a cage!


Honey: Yeah I like it!

Carmen: But Honey!

This thing isn't even shaped like a cage!

Honey: But I like it!!

Luna: I like it too, Honey.

That's a Chinese gong,

and it makes such a wonderful, special sound.

Leo: Why are the drums and bells of Beijing so special Luna?

Luna: It could be because drums and bells have long been a part

of Chinese history and culture!

The people of China long ago

would use Drums and Bells to keep time.

Luna: They would sound the drums and bells so that people knew

what time of the day it was.

Carmen: Like when I would need to know what time it is,

so I can feed Honey.

Honey: Food!

Leo: I bet you can play the drums Luna!

You're good at everything!

Luna: Gee I don't know Leo,

it's been a long time since I've played...

Andy/Carmen/Leo: Please try to play Luna!

C'mon, please try, play the drums,

Luna: Oh, I don't know...

it really has been quite some time...

Luna: I'm probably pretty rusty...

Okay, maybe a little if you insist...

Andy/Carmen/Leo: Yayyy!


Luna: ♪ Every drum in China ♪

♪ is a voice from long ago ♪

♪ The rhythm of our ancestors ♪

♪ is heard with every blow ♪

Luna: ♪ From the great walls up above us ♪

♪ to the valleys far below ♪

Luna: ♪ Every drum's the song of China ♪

(Bells ringing)

Luna: ♪ All the bells are the song of China ♪

♪ How long their voices last ♪

Luna: ♪ Ringing on and on each day ♪

Luna: ♪ Spirits of the past ♪

Luna: ♪ From the finest gleaming metal ♪

♪ every brilliant bell is cast ♪

Luna: ♪ To be the song of China, China ♪

(Drums play)

Andy: Awww, where'd all the drums go?

Leo: They were great, huh Andy!

Sure sound a lot better than all that noise

Honey was making in her cage!

Carmen: Hahaha yeah!

But wait a second...

Carmen: Where is Honey??

Honey: Hi!!!

Honey: New Cage!!

All: Honey!!!!

Honey: Hahaha!

Carmen: There she goes again!

Honey: Heh heh!

Carmen: Honeyyyyyy!

I think some kid just carried Honey

into that building over there!

Andy: Yeah, but it's a pretty neat looking building...

Luna: It is a neat building. Isn't it...

Luna: This is the Beijing Drum Tower, or Gulou.

It's an old building that houses some very large drums that

skilled drummers play for people to enjoy every day.

Andy: yeah!!

I want to see some big, big, BIG drums!

Carmen: Well, I just want to see one drum...

the drum that Honey jumped into!

Luna: You're right, Carmen. Let's go find her!

Carmen: Let's go!

Leo: Oh no, this isn't going to be easy,

look at all these drums!

Luna: Ooooh! I think they're about to play for us!

Panda : Hyuh!

(booming drum b*at)

Panda : Hyuh!

(Drumming in rhythm)

(Drumming in rhythm)

(Thud! Thud!)

(Tock! Tock!)


Carmen: Huh? That noise sounds familiar...

like the drum in the store...

Leo: I think that drummer might have found Honey for us!

Panda : Wait wait, stop the performance!

Panda : Huh? Panda : What?

Panda : Did you say something?

Panda : What's happening?

Panda : My drum is making a weird noise...


Panda : See?

Carmen: This is going to sound strange but,

I think there might be a hamster in your drum...

a hamster named Honey...

Panda : Really?

I think I would like to see that...

Panda : Is this... a Honey??

Carmen: Aww, Honey! There you are!

Honey: I found more drums! Aren't they great?!

Carmen: Yeah, I see why you like them so much.

I really enjoyed that performance.

Leo: But we haven't found that special cage for Honey.

Panda : If your Hamster loves drums so much,

this little one might be more her size.

Honey: For me? Thank you!

Carmen: I think I might have an idea...

After we learned all about the sounds of Chinese drums

and bells...

Carmen: I think I know what Honey needs

for her cage to be more special.

Everybody ready?

Andy/Leo/Luna: Yeah!

Honey: I can hardly wait!!

Carmen: Ta daaaa!

Honey: Wow!

Bells! And the drums!

Honey: Is that?!

No! A gong?!

For Honey?! Weee!

(Drum Noises)

Andy: Honey's new drums are jamming!

Carmen: And I also got gifts for all of us...

Carmen: ....Ear Muffs!

Leo/Andy: Yayy!!

Carmen: And I got some for Luna! Heh!

Carmen: Luna?

(Thump! Thump! Thump!)

Carmen: Heh heh, There you are Luna.

Carmen: Luna? (Thump! Thump!)

(shouting) Luna!!!!

Luna: Oh, Carmen! One second.

Luna: That Honey sure can jam! Loudly.

Carmen: Thanks for teaching us about drums in Beijing today.

Luna: My pleasure, Carmen.

I'm glad you were able to encourage

Honey's talent for rhythm!

Carmen: "Talent for rhythm"

sounds like a nice way of saying noisy.

But I'm glad Honey won't be bored any more.

Carmen: I feel like there's so much more

to learn about Beijing, China.

Luna: There's always much more to learn about any place we go,

but as I always say, there's always tomorrow.

Carmen (shouting): Did you say something?

(whistling theme song)

(theme song)