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02x01 - Leo the Viking/Big Little Trouble

Posted: 01/19/24 19:01
by bunniefuu
We live in a big, beautiful world.

I'm Leo.

I'm Andy.

And I'm Carmen.

Our parents work in a circus that travels

all around the world and we travel with them.

Andy: So we never know where in the world

we will end up next.

(train whistling)

Carmen: But wherever we go, we know that

Luna the Moon will be there with us.

Chorus: ♪ Traveling the world as a trio ♪

♪ Andy and Carmen and Leo ♪

♪ With Luna the Moon and some new friends too ♪

♪ Everyone's different and really they're just like you ♪

♪ All around the world ♪

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go ♪

♪ All around the world ♪

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go! ♪

♪ (whistling theme song) ♪

Leo, the Viking.

Andy: Woah!

Sweet mustache!

Leo: I like the sail boat!

Carmen: What an interesting book, Leo!

Who are these guys?

Leo: They're called Vikings!

The Vikings used to live in a place called...

...uh, R--Re...Rekk...

Magic Globe: Reykjavik!

Leo: Oh, thanks, Magic Globe.

Andy: Where's Reykjavik?

Magic Globe: It's where we are today!

Reykjavik is the capital city of the country of


And, like it says in your book, Leo,

Vikings lived in Iceland more

than one thousand years ago!

Vikings were strong sailors

who explored many parts of the world,

and told stories of their adventures,

called "sagas".

Have fun in Reykjavik!

Kids: Thanks, Magic Globe!

Carmen: The Vikings sound incredible!

We should go on our own Viking adventure!

Leo: Wait, we don't have a boat.

Carmen: Oh, yeah.

Andy: Hail, fellow Vikings!

Someone need a Viking boat?

Carmen: Wow! Nice one, Andy!

Andy: Climb aboard, and let's set sail on our adventure!

Vikiiingsss! Hooooo!!!! Leo: Hehe--wheeeee!


Luna: Oh! Wait. Your move, Melvinis.

Melvinis: Yabba! Yabba yabba yabba!

Luna: Hi, guys! Kids: Luna!

Carmen: ♪ Luna come and play! ♪

Leo: ♪ Luna's here, whadda ya say! ♪

Andy: ♪ Luna bright as day! ♪

Kids: ♪ Show us the world lead the way! ♪

Luna: What's going on, guys?

The Melvinis and I just started a chess match!

Chess is big here in Iceland.

You guys wanna play the winner? Melvinis: Yabba!

Andy: No thanks Luna, we are Vikings about to set off

on a Viking adventure.

You should totally come with us!

We have space for one more in our Viking boat.

Luna: (gasps) Andy!

I love that idea!


what if I did you one better...

...and we went on a real Viking adventure?

On a real boat!

Kids: Wwhhaaatt? Luna: Yep.

I've got a friend who's an actual Viking expert!

Let's go meet him!

We'll pick up the game later, Melvinis!

Melvinis: Yabba-yabba- yabba-yabba.

Andy: A balloon stand?

Luna: Yep!

Let's see if anyone's home...

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!

Erik: Yow-yow Ballllooooooonnnnsss?

Luna: Hi, Erik Leifson!

Erik: Greetings, Luna!

Luna: Erik Leifson, I'd like you to meet my friends:

Andy, Carmen, and Leo!

Erik: Why, hello, friends of Luna.

May I interest you in a balloon?

Luna: Actually, I was thinking of the OTHER thing.

Erik: Oh! Right. I'll just get my other hat.

Yow-yow Wiking Tours it is then!


Get ready for the most exciting Wiking Tour

in all of Iceland, friends!

Carmen: Um, Wiking?


Erik: In Iceland, we say "Viking" more like "Wiking"!

And, when you are a Wiking you say "YOW-YOW!"

to let everyone know you are ready for adventure!

Luna: Yow-yow basically means "yes-yes".

Erik: Hah! Indeed!

Now, who's ready to set sail?

Andy/Carmen/Luna/Leo: Yow-yow!

Leo: there gonna be anything scary

on this trip, Mr. Leifson?

Erik: Yow!

Leo: Like...crazy wind?

Erik: Yooow!

Leo: And a gigantic viking ship?

Erik: Yow-yow!

Leo: But, but...

Erik: Witness the Good Ship Yow-Yow!

A near perfect replica of a classic Wiking sailing ship!

With my own personal touches of course.

Like this, for instance:

the front of a Wiking ship

is usually decorated with a dragon,

but I found this to be

a much more handsome option!

Such a strong chin!

And, there you have it.

"The Good Ship Yow-Yow"

Perfect for thrilling adventure at sea,

riding big, scary waves!

Andy: Woo! Yow-yow!

Leo: Eeehhh! I know I wanted an exciting adventure,

but this might be too exciting!

(booming sound)

Carmen: The water is so...


Andy: Yeah...

Uuuuugh! This is boring!

What happened to our Viking adventure?

Leo: I think this is nice!

Don't you, Mr. Leifson?

Erik: Yes, indeed.

But the time for niceness and chin appreciation has ended.

Now, the rowing begins!

Leo: The...rowing?

Erik: Yes, children.

In times of stillness,

the Wikings would extend their oars

and row, row,

row their boat!

Leo: Oh! I know that song!

(loud clacking)


Andy: Yow-yow!

Leo: ♪ Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. ♪

Erik: Very good, friends!

And now...'s Wiking story time!

Or, "saga time", as the Wikings would say.

Leo: Hehehe... hehehe...

Erik: You see, thousands of years ago,

when Wikings returned from sea-sailing,

they would tell stories-

or sagas-of their wild Wiking adventures!

Leo: Such interesting facts at such a relaxing pace!

This is my kind of adventure!

(wind gust)

Mr. Leifson...

is the wind supposed to be blowing like this?

Erik: Oh, goodness.

Eh-hem. YOW-YOW!

The time is here Wikings!

Put down the oars!

Hoist the saaail!

(flapping sail) Leo: Whoa!

Erik: Now, we're picking up speed!

Leo: I'm not really into speed.

Erik: Come, my boy! It is time...

to wear life jackets that fit us properly!

For you shall have the most important job of all, Leo!

Steering the ship!


Leo: Wait! No-No!

This is all too intense Mr. Leifson!

I like listening to Viking stories at reasonable speeds.

But steering a real Viking ship?

That's too much!

Erik: Hah! Don't be silly, Leo.

Hah! It's simple!

Grab onto the steering oar!

It's a special oar.

You just turn it, the whole ship turns!

Yes, very good Leo!

And now my young friend,

we sail!

♪ Yow-yow meet Leo the Viking! ♪

♪ In Iceland more like "Wiking!" ♪

♪ We navigate the ocean blue. ♪

♪ And tell the other sailors what to do. ♪

♪ Across the north Atlantic ♪

♪ where weather can get frantic. ♪

♪ We face all danger and try to be brave ♪

♪ round every rock or every wave ♪

♪ Feel the wind blow in your face, ♪

♪ Whales and puffins join the race ♪

♪ We rock and ramble heel and dive, ♪

♪ Lets us know that we're alive! ♪

♪ Yow-yow we're really sailing! ♪ Whales: ♪ Yow-yow! ♪

Erik: ♪ We better all start bailing ♪

Andy/Carmen/Luna: ♪ Yow-yow! ♪ Erik: ♪ Smell the ocean ♪

♪ feel the swell, we all will have ♪

♪ a tale to tell. ♪

♪ Like sagas from so long ago, ♪

♪ a great adventure, here we go. ♪

♪ For here within my rousing rhyme ♪

♪ our story stands the test of time. ♪

Leo: ♪ Yow-yow I'm Leo the Viking! ♪

All: ♪ Yow-yow!♪ Leo: ♪ I strike a pose ♪

♪ that's striking ♪ All: ♪ Yow-yow! ♪

Leo: ♪ Hold on tight don't rock the boat, ♪

♪ keep her steady we'll stay afloat ♪

Viking Ship: ♪ Yo sailors we are Reyjavik bound ♪

♪ we'll pull into the harbor safe and sound. ♪

All: ♪ Yow-yow! ♪

Luna: Wow, Leo!

You look like a real-life Viking!!

Andy: Yeah! You were doing all kinds of

swooshies and swishies with the boat!

Carmen: I knew you had it in you, Leo!

Leo: Thanks, guys!

I think I'm really getting the hang of this

whole Viking thing!

Erik: Yes, Leo!

And now, you get to have an even greater

Wiking challenge!

Leo: What's that, Mr. Leifson?

Leo the Viking can conquer anything!

Erik: Good! Because I'm afraid

you have steered us into a terrible storm.

Leo: Wait, what?

Oh no!


All: Wooaahhh!

Waaahhh ahhhh!!!

Erik: Yah! Hoo Hah!!!!

Leo! Man the steering oar

and turn the ship around!

I will continue to battle these waves!

Back! Stay back!


Are you Wiking enough for the job, Leo?


Leo: Oh yeah...


Andy/Carmen/Luna: Waaahhh ahhhh oooh!

Leo: Aaaah! (grunting)

(squeaking boat)

(lightning crashing)

Erik: Hoooo! Aaaah!


Keep steering, Leo!

Luna: And don't look behind you!

Leo: Don't look be-- Uh-oh...

All: Ahhhhh! Wave: Yow-yow!

All: Ahhhhh!

(lightning/thunder crashing)


Andy: Wooohoo!

We made it!

All: Yaaaayyy! Erik: Safe ashore!

Carmen: Leo, you're a Viking hero!

Leo: Yeah, I guess I did do a pretty good job, didn't I?

Erik: (sighs)

Leo: Are you all right, Mr. Leifson?

Erik: Oh, I'm fine,

but my balloon sword got popped in action.

But what's important is we are safe.

And the chin is intact.

That was the wildest Wiking journey ever, Leo!

You make a wonderful Wiking!

But I fear it is time for me

to return to my balloon stand.

(deep breath)

(blowing air)

Farewell my Wiking friends!

You have the spirit of Iceland

in youuuuuuuuuuu!

Kids: Bye, Erik Leifson!

Leo: I'm glad we all made it through that storm!

Luna: Me too, Leo!

Leo: Oh, Luna!

You're in the sky already!

Luna: Hehe, Yup!

What a brave little Viking wombat

you were today, Leo!

Leo: Thanks, Luna!

Now I have my very own saga to tell.

But I bet there's tons more to do here

in Reykjavik, Iceland!

Luna: Yes, there are many more adventures

to be had here, Leo!

But remember, there's always tomorrow!

♪ (whistling theme music) ♪

Viking Ship: YOW-YOW!

Leo: Hi, it's Leo with a tale

from the rocky coast of Iceland

called "The Trolls of Dimmuborgir."

One night, a troll named Spoon-licker

decided to have a party.

Spoon-licker knew that troll parties

are just fine as long as

they don't last 'til morning.

Because, as everyone knows,

little trolls aren't like little people.

They're actually allowed to stay up very, very late.

as long as they get to bed before sunrise.

Spoon-licker invited Door-slammer,

Sausage Swiper,

and Gully Gawk,

and lots of other trolls from all over Iceland.

Soon it was the biggest, best party ever.

The trolls had so much fun,

they forgot what time it was.

Imagine their surprise when the sun came up

and shined right in their faces.

Because, as everyone probably doesn't know,

when that happens,

trolls instantly turn into stone.

So, to this very day,

if you look closely at the rock formations

at Dimmuborgir,

you can just make out the startled,

frozen faces of Spoonlicker and his troll friends.

Some people say these rocks were formed from the lava

of an exploding volcano,

but what do they know?

♪ (upbeat folk music) ♪

The end!

Carmen: Big Little Trouble.

Fabuloso: Hockbaaaaar!

Hockbar: Ehhh... right here, sir.

Fabuloso: How is everything looking for the show?

Hockbar: Actually, things are looking pretty uh,

pre-pretty good!

Fabuloso: And our special guest star?

Carmen: Right here, Señor Fabuloso!

This is my friend Gunnar the Great,

he's the most amazing high-wire acrobat

in all of Iceland!

He's your main act tonight!

Gunnar: Gunnar the Great

at your service.

Fabuloso: Ah yes! Is it true

you do your act while blindfolded?

Gunnar: Yes, indeed!

And this is my lucky blindfold.

I've never fallen from the high wire wearing him!

Andy: But with the blindfold on,

how do you see what you're doing?

Leo: He doesn't, Andy.

Andy: Whoaaaa!

Luna: And that's what makes him

Gunnar the Great.

Andy/Leo: Luna!

Carmen: ♪ Luna, come and play! ♪

Leo: ♪ Luna's here, whadaya say? ♪

Andy: ♪ Luna, bright as day! ♪

All: ♪ Show us the world lead the way! ♪

Luna: Hi everyone!

Isn't it thrilling that tonight's guest star

is the greatest tightrope walker

in Reykjavik, Iceland!

Andy: Yup! Is that where we are today?

Luna: Yes, Andy!

Gunnar: Oh Luna, you're too kind.

Luna: I saw you pull off the Double-Tumble

Wonky-Flippy-Floppy once!

Carmen: Wow. Is that the high wire trick

you're doing tonight, Gunnar?

Gunnar: Something even better.

I won't get up on my high wire just yet,

but I can show you a little preview...

Tonight I'm debuting my new move,

the Backward Triple Twisty Loopy Dooper.

Luna/Carmen: Oooooo!

Gunnar: Observe.




Luna/Carmen: Hmmm...

Gunnar: Ahem.


Carmen: Oh no, Gunnar! Are you okay?!

Gunnar: I don't know what happened...

(nose blowing)

I guess my lucky blindfold isn't so lucky today.


is that...

Oh no!

Carmen: What?

Gunnar: That mound!

No! I cannot perform like this!

Carmen: Like what? Why can't you perform?

Gunnar: Because of that Huldufolk village, Carmen!

It's filled with...


Carmen: Huldu-who?

A village in that thing?

But, it's just a bunch of rocks.

Gunnar: Very strange rocks Carmen.

In Icelandic tradition,

Huldufolk are little people

who live in mysterious rock formations

just like that!

Some say upsetting them is asking for bad luck!

The Huldufolk must have made me fall off my wire!

Carmen: Wow.

Gunnar is really spooked Luna.

What do we do?

Luna: Well, I know a little about Huldufolk,

but maybe the Magic Globe can tell us more.

Carmen: Oh, good idea!

Magic Globe, I know we are in Iceland, right?

Magic Globe: Yes, Carmen!

Today we are in the city of Reykjavik

in the island country of


Many Icelanders believe in "Huldufolk"

which means "Hidden People".

They're mischievous little elves

who live in the rocks and hills.

Not everyone thinks they're real,

but those who do say that

disturbing them can lead to bad luck.

Gunnar: Exactly!

If you bother the Huldufolk,

they use their magic to make

straaaaange things happen.

And strange things happening during a high-wire act

will lead to disaster!

Fabuloso: Hulda-ma- what-what-what?

Gunnar: I'm sorry, Señor Fabuloso.

I cannot do my act with that Huldufolk village

in the center ring.

Fabuloso: Whhaaaat?

These Who's-a-folks are not real!

They're make-believe story people!

You can't be serious!

Gunnar: Look at my face.

Fabuloso: I'm looking.

Gunnar: Is this a silly face?

Fabuloso: No.

Gunnar: No, this is not a silly face.

This is a serious face.

I call this my "super-serious no-I-am-not-joking face."

I cannot perform unless you move this circo tent

away from that Huldufolk village.

Fabuloso: But-but...

can't we cover the hulduvillage with a blanket or something?

Hockbar! Get me a blanket!

Hockbar: Yes, sir! Right away sir...

Carmen: Señor Fabuloso,

even if the Huldufolk aren't real,

Gunnar believes they are,

so I think we should respect that.

Can't we move the Circo tent just a teeny bit?

Fabuloso: Nonsense!

We are not going to move the entire Circo

for a bunch of imaginary sneaky-people under a rock!

Gunnar: Shhhh!

I wouldn't say those things so close to their village.

Straaange things may start happening!

Fabuloso: Now now, Mr. "The-Great"...

I'm sure there are no-- Andy: Señor Fabuloso!

The clowns' spinning gyro-wheel...

it mysteriously fell apart!

Gunnar: It must be the Huldufolk!

Fabuloso: Don't be silly.

That wheel-y gizmo falls apart constantly.

Leo: Señor Fabuloso!

The Melvinis are stuck in a giant tub

of limeflavored gelatin

and we don't know how they got there!

Melvini: Yabba.

Fabuloso: Oh...The Melvinis in lime gelatin?

What's so odd about that?

We'll just eat around them or something.

Hockbar! Spoon please!

Hockbar: Yes sir! A spoon for you absolutely...

Fabuloso: Now, everybody relax...


Okay, that was weird.

(clears throat) I mean,

I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation

for all of this.

Carmen: Where's your hat, Señor Fabuloso?

Fabuloso: I... I don't know.

Hockbar! New hat, please!

Hockbar: Yes, sir! New hat, on it's way...

Fabuloso: Oh wait.. I have a spare in my pocket.

Now, I'll admit that all this is a bit strange,

but it doesn't prove that Huldufolk are real!

Gunnar: I'm not taking any chances!

Excuse me while I run and hide.


Carmen: I've never seen Gunnar like this.

We've gotta move the tent or he won't perform!

Luna: Señor Fabuloso, I know the Huldufolk

might sound strange to you, but...

Fabuloso: Wait, Luna, even you think

the Huldufolk are real?

Luna: ♪ Strange things happen to you and me each day. ♪

♪ Puzzling, playful mischief some will say. ♪

♪ In the shadows or floating on a breeze. ♪

♪ The muffled laughter in among the trees ♪

♪ Mysteries of life are everywhere! ♪

♪ Hear the whispers turn and no one's there. ♪

♪ Hidden in the rocks so far beyond the hill. ♪

♪ The tiny ancient voices echo still. ♪

♪ Look and listen, hope to find. ♪

Luna (echo): ♪ hope to find ♪

♪ If they're real ♪

Luna (echo): ♪ if they're real ♪

♪ Or only ♪

♪ in your ♪

♪ mind! ♪

Fabuloso: Aaaahhh!!!

Oh mi-oh-my-oh-mi-oh...

they could be anywhere!

The Huldufolk are really real...

Gunnar: See! I told you.

Strange things...

Fabuloso: Yes, yes! Well, I can't afford taking

any chances with tonight's show.

So I have no choice but to move the Circo!


Hockbar: Yes sir, I got that hat you wanted!

Fabuloso: Nevermind that. We must move fast,

so we don't upset the Huldufolk!

It's time to break out

the Circo Copter.

Hockbar: Wait a.... Wait a minute.

Doesn't that mean that I have to...


Please, maybe what you could do is

fly a little slower?

Fabuloso: Nonsense, Hockbar! We have no time

for dillying or dallying.

Hook the tent, my good man!

Hockbar: Hooking the tent, sir!

Tent hooked, sir!


Andy: Wooooaaaah!

Fabuloso: Fabuloso!

Good job, Hockbar!

(warning beep-beep-beep) Huh, what now?

What does this sad little face button mean?

Ahhhhh! The Huldufolk!

They've been disturbed!

They're playing tricks on my Circo Copter!




Luna: Uhhh guys... Maybe we should move?

Gunnar: Sounds sensible.

(ka-boing) (ka-thud)

Carmen: Whew! Señor Fabuloso,

are you all right up there?

Fabuloso: Ah, yes. It turns out

my Circo Copter was just telling me

my toast was burnt. (chuckles)

(ka-boing) (splut)

Hockbar: Yes, sir, that's a pity, sir...

It's a little burnt.

Fabuloso: Will Gunnar The Great perform now?

Gunnar: Well, now that the tent is moved,

I suppose I can give it a go.

Fabuloso: Perfect!

Get ready, because...

it's showtime!

Audience: (cheering)

Leo: Do you think moving the tent did the trick?

Carmen: Oh, I hope so.

Gunnar still seems a bit nervous.

Fabuloso: Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado,

I give you...

Iceland's greatest tight-rope walker...


the Great!

Gunnar: Okay. I guess it's time

for my lucky blindfold.

Here goes nothing.


Oof! Woooaaaaahhhh

Andy/Carmen/Leo/Luna: Gasp!

Gunnar: Ahhh!



(audience gasps)

(audience cheering)

Andy/Carmen/Leo/Luna: Woohoo/Yay!/Awesome!

Fabuloso: Ahhh...

A splendid performance!

You were right about moving the tent, Carmen.

It seems like we all pleased the Huldufolk!

Carmen: I'm just glad that Gunnar the Great's performance

was a success!

Right Luna?


Carmen: Hmmm, that's strange...

where did she go?

(giggling sounds)

(gasps) What was that?

Luna: That Triple-Twisty Loopy Dooper

sure was something, eh, Carmen?

Carmen: Oh Luna, there you are!

It sure was.

But did you just hear that strange sound?

Luna: Hmmm... It's hard to hear

from way up here, but who's to say?

Strange things do happen.

Carmen: That's true.

I'm just glad the strange things stopped happening

in time for Gunnar the Great's performance!

Maybe the Huldufolk are real?

Luna: Who knows?

But it was important to Gunnar The Great

and a special part of Iceland's heritage.

Carmen: You're right.

I feel like there's so much more to learn

about Reykjavik, Iceland.

Luna: There's always more to learn wherever we go, Carmen.

But remember, there's always tomorrow!

♪ (whistling theme music) ♪

♪ (whistling theme music) ♪ (mischievous giggling)

(show theme song) ♪♪

