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02x22 - Elementary My Dear Watsons/Way Down In London Town

Posted: 01/19/24 19:35
by bunniefuu
We live in a big, beautiful world.

I'm Leo.

I'm Andy.

And I'm Carmen.

Our parents work in a circus

that travels all around the world

and we travel with them.

Andy: So we never know where in the world we will end up next.

[train whistling]

Carmen: But wherever we go, we know that

Luna the Moon will be there with us.

Chorus: ♪ Traveling the world as a trio ♪

♪ Andy and Carmen and Leo

♪ With Luna the Moon and some new friends too ♪

♪ Everyone's different and really they're just like you ♪

♪ All around the world

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go

♪ All around the world

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go

[whistling theme song]

Carmen: Elementary My Dear Watsons!

Wait, here it is!


Watson must have a moustache.

Leo: Can you remind me what we're doing again?

Carmen: We're dressing up for the big

Sherlock Holmes costume party tonight, silly.

I'm the amazing Sherlock Holmes,

the genius detective from London,

and you're Watson,

my trusty sidekick

who takes lots of notes.

Sherlock Holmes solved mysteries

and crimes with his keen senses.

I love all his stories,

but this one... my favorite.

Leo: The Hound of the Baskervilles?

Hound? As in big scary dog?

Carmen: Look. This is Sherlock Holmes,

and this is Dr. Watson!

Andy: That would be me.

Watson at your service.

Hey, who are you supposed to be?

Leo: Carmen said I was Watson!

Andy: No way, she said I was Watson.

Carmen: You guys!

You can both be Watson!

Andy, you're Watson Number One

and, Leo, you're Watson Number Two!

Fabuloso: [shrieks]

It's gone! It vanished!

Carmen: What vanished?

Fabuloso: The Shepherd's Pie!

I fear someone has stolen it.

It was for tonight's big Sherlock shindig!


Carmen: Okay, think.

When was the last time you saw the pie?

Fabuloso: Well, Chef Chockers brought the pie out,

and placed it on the table.

I went to my trailer to change for the party,

and then had to return to smell the delicious pie once more...

and it was gone! [shrieks]

♪ [suspenseful music]

Carmen: Did you see anyone else around?

Fabuloso: Well, I thought I saw a dog

with glowing red eyes run off,

but that must have been my imagination.

Leo: Aaaahhh!

Carmen: It's all so odd.

Fabuloso: If only we had the real Sherlock Holmes here

to solve the case.

Carmen: Yeah, that would be...hey!

Why don't we solve it!

Leo: We?

Carmen: We can be like the real Sherlock Holmes and....

solve this case exactly the way he would

and retrieve the missing pie in time for the party tonight.

Fabuloso: Excellent idea!

I shall await the return of the pie!

Andy: But Carmen, we don't know anything

about Sherlock Holmes. Carmen: Well...

Leo: And what exactly did Watson do?

Carmen: Well, Watson... Andy: And where even are we?

Carmen: Magic Globe,

can I get a little help here?

Magic Globe: Sure can, Carmen.

Today we are in the city of London,

the capital of the United Kingdom!

London is home to a very famous detective named

Sherlock Holmes!

Sherlock Holmes solved crimes

by using his cunning intellect,

amazing memory, precise hearing,

and fantastic sense of smell.

Andy: And what about Watson?

What was he amazing at?

Magic Globe: Well, Watson took, um,--


Leo: And don't forget Watson Number Two!

Magic Globe: Sure, and... and Watson Number Two.

Andy: Sherlock Holmes sounds like the smartest person

who ever lived!

Magic Globe: Actually, Sherlock Holmes isn't a real person.

He's a made-up character in a series of adventure stories

written around a hundred years ago

by a fantastic writer named...

...Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

One of his most famous Sherlock stories is called

"The Hound of the Baskervilles"

about a mysterious dog with glowing red eyes.

Leo: Ahhh! Glowing red eyes?

Like Señor Fabuloso saw!

Andy: Cool!

Magic Globe: But don't worry, he's not real.

Andy: So, Watson wasn't real either?

Magic Globe: Nope. Just characters in a story.

Have fun in London, kids!

Kids: Thanks, Magic Globe!

Carmen: Okay, whaddya say we start solving the...

Andy: Hockbar did it!

He stole the shepherd's pie!


Carmen: Andy! You can't just accuse somebody

of a crime without gathering clues

and coming to conclusions.

Andy: Oh. Carmen: C'mon, guys.

Sherlock would usually start at the scene of the crime.


Paw prints leading from the table!

Andy: Paw prints?

Leo: As in 'Hound of the Baskervilles' paw prints?

Carmen: But not just paw prints.

[sniff sniff] Shepherd's pie!

If my calculations are correct,

at the end of these prints,

we will find our Shepherd's pie

and the thief who stole it.


this way!

Wait! I hear something.


Kids: Ahh!!!

Leo: It's the Hound of the Baskervilles!

Luna: Yumm!! The best fish and chips ever!

Oh, hi kids!

Kids: Luna!!!

Carmen: ♪ Luna, come and play!

Leo: ♪ Luna's here, what do you say? ♪

Andy: ♪ Luna, bright as day!

Kids: ♪ Show us the world, lead the way! ♪

Carmen: Luna, you're also dressed as Watson?

Luna: Yup! For the costume party tonight!

Andy: But wait...I'm Watson!

Leo: And I'm Watson Number Two!

Luna: Well then, I guess I'm Watson Number Three!

So, what brings you guys into town?

Carmen: Someone stole Mr. Chockers'

Shepherd's pie from the Circo,

and we're trying to solve the case like Sherlock Holmes would.

Leo: It's looking like the

Hound of the Baskervilles stole it.

Andy: Aaaaawoooo!

Carmen: Well, we haven't come to any conclusions yet.

Leo thinks it's the hound

because of these paw prints we've been tracking.

So, what do you say, Watson Number Three,

want to help out with the case?

Luna: Sure.

Carmen/Andy/Leo: Yay!

Carmen: Watson, Watson and Watson...follow my lead!

♪ Searching for some

♪ kind of clue Andy/Leo: ♪ Kind of clue!

Carmen: ♪ Round the Street

♪ and avenue Andy/Leo: ♪ The avenue!

Carmen: ♪ On the trail of you know who... ♪

♪ Sherlock leads the way

♪ Magnifying glass down to the ground ♪Andy/Leo: ♪ Down to the ground!

Carmen: ♪ Examining paw prints

♪ through the town Andy/Leo: ♪ All over town!

Carmen: ♪ Tracing each crumb and tracking it down ♪

♪ We suspect foul play Andy/Leo/Luna: AHHH!

Carmen: ♪ To catch the crook we're looking for. ♪

♪ Collect your evidence, we need more ♪

♪ Find the Hound of the Baskervilles ♪

Andy/Leo: Ahh-woooo! Carmen: ♪ If we don't,

♪ nobody else will!

♪ Somehow we must figure out Andy/Leo: ♪ Gotta figure it out!

Carmen: ♪ What this whole whodunit's about ♪Andy/Leo: ♪ What's it about?

Carmen: ♪ Gotta know beyond a shadow of a doubt ♪

♪ To crack this mystery,

♪ Observation is the key

♪ Take note of every sight you see ♪

♪ It is elementary!

Come on, everyone!

I think we're close!

[gasp] Wait!

What happened to the trail?

Andy: [munch munch]

Carmen: Andy. Did you eat the trail?

Andy: Uhh...

Carmen: Andy... we needed those clues!

Watson never ate clues!

Andy: Maybe Watson never got hungry.

Carmen: Ugh! Well, luckily,

the other Watsons have been taking good notes.

What do you have for me?

Leo: Uhhh, well let's see:

"Note to self: If you see

the Hound of the Baskervilles,

scream and run."

Helpful advice, don't you think?

Carmen: about you, Watson Number Three?

Luna: Oh...well...

I drew a picture of this lovely cloud I saw!

Carmen: Didn't anyone write down any clues?

[heavy sigh] What's the use?

I'm no Sherlock Holmes...

We'll never solve this case. Let's go home.

Luna: You know Carmen, it's true

you're not the real Sherlock.

No one is. He was made up.

But if I remember the books correctly,

the trail often grew cold.

And then, new clues would appear

where Sherlock least expected them.

Carmen: Yeah, but Watson never ate his clues.

Andy: Sorry, Carmen.

Carmen: Andy? What's that on your clothes?

Andy: I dunno. Probably stuff that stuck to me

while I was crawling around eating the trail.

Carmen: Hmmmm. Uh-huh...

Luna: What is it?

Carmen: Well, it appears to be a tiny tuft of fur.

[sniff-sniff-sniff!] It smells like Shepherd's pie,

but I also detect

another strange smell.

Wait! What's this tiny piece of paper?


I think I've got it! Leo: Got what?!

Andy: You solved the case?!

Carmen: No time to explain!

We must return to the Circo! And fast!

Andy: But, Carmen, where's the Shepherd's pie?

Carmen: Right...

...there! Luna/Andy/Leo: [gasp!]

Fabuloso: Thank you, Mr. Chockers,

for solving the mystery and finding the Shepherd's pie!

Chockers: Well, as Sherlock would say...

If the clue fits, wear it!


Carmen: And you certainly did wear it,

didn't you, Mr. Chockers?!

Crowd: [gasps!!]

Carmen: Maybe we should really

solve the mystery of the missing pie.

Fabuloso: Whatever do you mean?

Carmen: Watson Number Two,

I invite you to look under this table.

Leo: [gulp] Me?!


It's the Hound of the Baskervilles!!!

Carmen: Actually just a harmless costume.

Crowd: [gasps] Andy: Then who stole the pie?!

Carmen: The person responsible for the pie's disappearance

is none other than...

...Mr. Wolfgang Chockers himself!

Everyone: [gasp]

Fabuloso: I am so confused!

Carmen: Let me explain.

After baking his delicious Shepherd's pie,

Mr. Chockers changed into his

Hound of the Baskervilles costume

for the costume party.

But he had some problems...

...which caused him to stumble right into the pie.


He quickly rushed to the Shepherd's Pie Shop

to replace the pie,

hoping to get back to the Circo undetected.

Chockers: All right, it's true!

I was embarrassed by my clumsiness,

and I knew Señor Fabuloso would be devastated

without his Shepherd's pie!

Andy: That's amazing, Carmen!

How did you figure out it was just a costume

and not the real Hound of the Baskervilles?

Carmen: Well, when I found the tuft of fur stuck to you,

it smelled like a costume factory, not a dog.

Leo: But how did you know Papa bought a whole new

Shepherd's pie to replace the old one?

Carmen: I found the receipt stuck to Andy's jacket too.

Fabuloso: Well, the important thing is

we have a delicious Shepherd's pie to enjoy!

Everyone [cheering] Andy: Yum-yum!Carmen: Yummy!

Leo: Wow Carmen, you solved the case like Sherlock.

Carmen: Well, I couldn't have done it without the help of...

Andy: Watson Number One!

Leo: And Watson Number Two!

Luna: What about Watson Number Three?


Carmen: [giggle] ...and Watson Number Three!

Thanks for everything today, Luna.

It was so much fun solving a mystery

the Sherlock Holmes way.

Now I want to read

all the great books set here in London.

Luna: Excellent idea!

But, it's late,

so therefore I conclude

that there's always tomorrow!

[hound howling]

Leo: Hi, it's Leo, with a folktale from England

called 'Squibs and Crackers.'

It's about a butler who came to work for an odd gentleman

who made up weird names for things.

The gentleman greeted the butler:

"Welcome to High-Topper Mountain."

That's what he called his house.

"And these," he said, pointing to his clothes,

"are my 'squibs and crackers.'"

" The gentleman said the bouquet of flowers on the table

were to be called "color-petal simminy",

that flames are "hot poppalorum"...

...and that water was "wet pondalorum."

Finally, the gentleman said he was going to bed,

which he called his 'barnacle',

but that it was very important for the butler to stay up

and memorize all these names.

The butler repeated the names to himself,

"barnacle, pondalorum,

squibs and crackers..."

-until he drifted off to sleep.


Moments later, he awoke with a fright!

He smelled smoke!

Oh, no...his mind was racing!

[heavy breathing]

"Wake up!" he cried.

"Get out of your barnacle and put on your squibs and crackers!

Color-petal simminy has caught a spark

and High-Topper Mountain will soon go up in a hot poppalorum

if we don't fetch a bucket of wet pondalorum right now!"



And that's exactly what they did.

[rushing water]

[water bubbling]

The End!

Andy: Way Down in London Town.

Whoaaa...this hole is so deep!

Whup, here comes another haul.

Bug: [grunts]

[angry mumbling]

Andy: Thank you, Mr. Angry Digging Bug.

Carmen: Whatcha doing, Andy?

Andy: Oh, hey!

There's this cool bug digging down in this hole

and he keeps bringing up amazing rocks!

It's the deepest hole ever!

Here comes something else!


Bug: [angry mumbling] Andy: [gasp!]

Ooooh! Leo: What is it?

Andy: It looks like an old coin!

Carmen/Leo: Old coin?

Andy: It says something about Victoria on it.

Who's Victoria?

Luna: Victoria was Queen of Great Britain

and the entire United Kingdom

in the 's.

Kids: Luna!!!

Carmen: ♪ Luna, come and play!

Leo: ♪ Luna's here, what do you say? ♪

Andy: ♪ Luna, bright as day!

Kids: ♪ Show us the world, lead the way! ♪

Luna: Hey, Andy, whatcha got there?

Andy: A coin, Luna!

And it looks super old!

Luna: Yup, it's old all right.

Where did you get it? Andy: Just over there!

A bug brought it up from a really deep hole...

Luna: Well, that's no surprise.

There's over , years of history

buried right under where we're standing.

Andy: Whoa! , years?

But this looks like a modern city.

What kind of city has that much history?

Luna: You want to tell them where we are, Magic Globe?

Magic Globe: I would love to.

Hi, everyone!

Today we are in the city of London,

the capital of Great Britain!

And yes, there is that much history here, and more!

London was founded by the Romans

about , years ago,

but back then it was called Londinium.

Eventually the Romans left,

but London thrived throughout British history,

from Vikings in the th century

to William the Conqueror,

to Shakespeare in the Elizabethan Age,

to Queen Victoria,

to swinging-'s London,

to the modern city of London we know today!!

There's so much history buried beneath our feet,

the farther down you dig,

the farther back in time you go.

Back even to the time of the Romans!

Andy: Wow, it's like an underground

time machine, Magic Globe!

Magic Globe: Right you are, Andy!

Have fun in historical London, kids!

All: Thanks, Magic Globe!

Andy: Wow, that means there's gotta be so much more

cool stuff to find underground!

Hey, Bug, anything else down there?!

We're looking for more historical stuff.

Ooof! Huh? Bug: [angry mumbling]

Andy: Whoa...what is this?

Hey everybody! Look at this!

Another treasure!

Leo: That's cool, Andy!

Carmen: Yeah, what is it?

Andy: Well, you know... it's one of those...uh...

that's a...

Leo: You have no idea what it is, do you, Andy?

Andy: Sure I do! It's, it's...

It's a baseball from the time of medieval Knights!

Leo: A baseball?

Carmen: It doesn't look like a baseball, Andy.

Andy: That's because it's the special kind

that knights in armor used.

Just imagine...


[bink!] [boing boing boing]

[bam!] Knight: I'm ok!

Andy: But what I do know, is that it's mine

and I'll never let go of it.

[plop!] Reggie: Ah, there it is!

I'll be taking that.

Andy: Wha--? Reggie: Cheerio!

Andy: Hey, come back!! That's mine!

Leo: [gasp!] Carmen: Don't worry, Andy!

We're coming!


Leo: Eww!

Luna: Uh...okay...

Anything is possible.


[grunts] AAH!!!

All: AAAAAH!!!!

[thud] Oooof!

Ohhhh! [ploink]


Luna: Whoa! [pop!] [thud]

Oooof! [groans]

Andy: Where are we?

Reggie: In Reggie's groovy pad, baby!

Hello, Luna! Luna: Hi, Reggie!

Reggie: What brings you to the most

far-out lair in the London underground?

Andy: Luna, you know this thief?

Reggie: If you're talkin' about this, mate, I spied it first,

then Charles snatched it and rolled it up to the surface.

Andy: Charles?

Reggie: The angry digging bug.

So, technically it's mine.

A groovy addition to my collection.

Carmen: What exactly do you collect, Mr. Reggie?

Reggie: History, my far-out butterfly.

London underground is the hippest place

to collect the coolest.

There's all kinds of groovy stuff buried down here.

Stuff like this!

Leo: What is it?

Reggie: Why, it's obviously a Dial-A-Vibe,

popular in the swinging 's, baby!

You simply put the vibe-o-flow like so...

Insert your money thusly...

Dial the vibe you want...

super farut was nine...

...and vibes for six pence!

Carmen: Are you sure that's what it was used for?

Luna: I think it's a telephone, Reggie.

Reggie: Trust me! I'm an expert on these things.

Andy: Well, if you're such an expert, what is this?

Reggie: This?!

That's easy, mate.

Everyone knows this is a....'s a...

a...a biscuit maker! That's right!

Hundreds of years ago, you would roll it in the dough

and make biscuits, yeah!

Andy: Wrong!! It's a medieval baseball,

and it's mine! You took it from me!

Reggie: No, I saw it first!

It's a biscuit maker and it's mine.

Andy: The bug gave it to me! So it's mine!

Reggie: No, mine! Andy: Mine!!!!!

Andy/Reggie: Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!

Andy/Reggie: Let go!

Andy: Gimme that! Reggie: [gasps]

Andy: I'll get it! I'll get it! Reggie: Stand back, baby!

Andy: No way, baby!

Andy/Reggie: Oof!

Leo: C'mon, guys, we gotta help Andy!

Luna: Here we go again. [plop]

Almost got it...


Andy: Get out of my way! It's mine!

Reggie: It's mine!! Andy: Mine, mine, mine...

All: Ahhhh!!

Oooof! [thud!]

Reggie: Great. Now where'd it go?

Luna: You know, guys.

I believe your cool round thing

is way older than you think.

Reggie: Yeah. We don't even know

what layer it came from.

Andy: That's right, Magic Globe talked about layers!

The farther down you dig,

the farther back in history you go.

And since we don't know how deep Charles the Angry Bug

was digging, the round thing could be from any time!

Reggie: Right-o, mate!

Andy: So, that means it could actually be

a Viking snake catcher!

Reggie: Uh, or a Queen Victoria cheese grater, yeah!

Andy: Hey, I know,

the one who comes closest to what it is

and the time it's from, gets to keep it.

And that would be me, because I have the best imagination!

Reggie: Ah, but I know the most

about the London underground!

I know every nook and cranny, every layer,

every happening in the past...

and this city is so very happening, baby, yeah!

♪ In good old London town,

♪ As we go down

♪ Under the ground

♪ And take a look around

♪ With every layer

♪ The things you see

♪ Are from further, further back in history ♪

Andy: ♪ I dig digging in the dirt ♪

♪ So I'm already feeling fine

♪ and I know exactly what it is ♪

♪ And that means that it's mine ♪

♪ Back in groovy hippie days Worms: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

Andy: ♪ I think this shiny ball Worms: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

Andy: ♪ Swung from the swinging-est ♪

Worms: Yeah, yeah, yeah! Andy: ♪ Necklace of them all

Reggie: ♪ No, years before

♪ A writer, one windy day

♪ Afraid what he was working on ♪

♪ Would all get blown away

♪ To be or not to be

There's really no debate

♪ It became William Shakespeare's ♪

♪ favorite paperweight

Andy: ♪ A golf ball Reggie: Hey!

Andy: ♪ From the time of Knights! ♪

Reggie: ♪ The end of a wand of a jester wearing tights! ♪

Andy: ♪ Wizards casting spells, ♪

♪ It probably happened all the time! ♪

♪ Come on, it's mine!

Reggie: ♪ No, it's mine!

Andy: ♪ No, the thing is mine!

Reggie: ♪ So desperately we tunnel,

♪ Seeking answers to it all...

Andy: ♪ It's a special kind of fancy, ♪

♪ sort of British bowling ball! ♪

♪ That makes it mine! Reggie: ♪ No, it's mine!

Andy: ♪ For the last time

♪ I'm telling you it's mine!

Andy/Reggie: ♪ Mine, mine, mine!

Reggie: Baby!

♪ [angelic choir] Andy/Reggie: [gasp]

Nigel: Oh!

Reggie/Andy: Noooooo!

Nigel: What a wonderful relic!

Andy: Hey, you! Stop!Reggie: Where are you going with that?

Andy: Hey! Come back here!

Reggie: Stop, stop him! Andy: Stooooop!


Kids: Aaaahhh! Luna: Ooof!

Nigel: [panting]

Andy: Now where are we?

Nigel: Well...well you're in my study!

Why were you chasing me?

Andy: Because you stole my property!

Reggie: Hey, you mean my property!

Nigel: Oh, it belongs to you?

Well okay, here you go.

Luna: You guys, this is Nigel.

He is the top expert of London underground.

Andy: Oooooh.

Mr. Nigel, I know you're an expert and all,

but I bet you've never seen one of these before.

Nigel: Oh, I've, um...

[chuckles] ...seen a few.

Andy/Carmen/Leo: Whoooooaaaaaah!

Andy: Then you must know what it is!

Is it a medieval baseball?

Reggie: Or Queen Victoria's Cheese grater?

Nigel: It's a Roman dodecahedron!

[sipping tea]

Reggie: Ohhh.. Andy: Sure, of course!

Reggie/Andy: A Roman doe... I knew that!

Luna: Nigel, what exactly was a dodecahedron

used for by the Romans?

Nigel: [sipping] Well,

that's the mystery isn't it?

We've been trying to figure that out for years.

Some say it was used as a toy,

or a knitting tool, or to measure sunlight.

But the truth is, the only thing we know for sure

is that it was Roman.

However, there is much more history

to see down below London.

Come, let me show you something.

Welcome to my own underground glass elevator!

All: Wow!! Cool!

Nigel: I built this so I could observe

all the layers of history.

From the Romans, to the time of the Knights,

to the swinging 's...

all creating the foundation of progress

upon which today's London was built.


Despite all that wonderful history

in the underground layers,

my favorite up here...

...the vibrant modern city of London!

Well, I must be heading back.

Andy: Reggie, Nigel knows way more

about Roman dodecahedrons than we do.

He won the contest, so he should keep it.

Reggie: Yeah, baby!

Andy: Nigel, Reggie and I think

you should have this.

Nigel: Really? Oh well, thank you.

I shall study it with great vigor.

Farewell, everyone!

Kids: Bye, Nigel!

Reggie: Well, you guys have all been super groovy,

but that's my ride. See ya!

Kids: Bye, Reggie!

Andy: What a great day underground!

Luna: I know, right?

Andy: Luna!

I'll never look at digging a hole the same way again!

Learning about how this city grew,

makes you want to explore even more of London!

Luna: There are always new things to explore

wherever we go, Andy,

but remember,

there's always tomorrow!

♪ [whistling theme song]

♪ [theme music]