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04x04 - Iron In The Fire

Posted: 10/20/14 05:19
by bunniefuu
Saul: Previously on Homeland...

Sandy had a dark asset providing targeting information on t*rrorists in the border region.


He was out there trading top secret information to God knows who.

Oh, please.

In exchange for a few successful drone strikes.

So, what was that about with Lockhart?

I'm going back to Islamabad. As Station Chief.


Good morning.


Interviewer: Aayan, those were your relatives that were k*lled in the wedding party the Americans bombed.

The Americans, they're murderers, okay? But what we did to that man, how is that any different?

Lockhart: Kid who shot the wedding video-- turns out he's a nephew of Haissam Haqqani.

I need a favor. Put this someplace safe for a while.

Yeah. What is it?

Just, um... personal things that I don't want taken.

I'm quitting my job.

Something happen?

Quinn: A lot of things happened.

f*ck me.

It was premeditated-- the whole thing from start to finish.

There was a guy in the crowd with an earpiece coordinating the whole thing.

Jesus, Quinn.

This changes everything.

It means I really need you now.

You don't know who you can trust yet, so you need to set up a second station somewhere, with your own people, independent of the embassy.

Are we up on the kid yet?

Yeah. He's back at school.

You're in trouble, Aayan.

Who are you?

My name is Carrie MacPherson.

Fara Sassani works for me.

I'm her London Bureau Chief.

You don't understand.

I cannot talk to you.

What are you scared of?

Who's threatening you?

Because I can protect you, Aayan.

I can even get you out of Pakistan if that's what you want.


(Indistinct military radio chatter)

Martha: It's Alice in f*cking Wonderland.

(Indistinct military radio chatter)

Carrie: Where are you?

Quinn: I'm at a safe distance.

...clipped an artery.


Saul: I know a way.

(Speaking Arabic)

Andrea Mitchell: First, the US found and k*lled Osama Bin Laden outside Pakistan's...

(Crowd clamoring)

Carrie: You will die over there!

Hillary Clinton: You can't keep snakes in your backyard and expect them only to bite your neighbors.

John Kerry: There are things that the Pakistanis have done, as complicated as the relationship has been.

(Indistinct military radio chatter)

Carrie: God!

Saul: I'm so sorry.

Brody: I have to say good-bye now.

Carrie: Just for a few more seconds.

Homeland - 4x04
"Iron In The Fire"


Vampire hours.

Jesus Christ.

You scared me.

You ever sleep?

You ever knock?

What are you looking at?

Just trying to familiarize myself with the local ISI agents.


Well, you won't find him in that database.


Farhad Ghazi.

Why not?

He's not proper Pakistani intelligence.

He's a local hood that they outsource the strong-arm stuff to.


Carrie: Farhad Ghazi, huh?

Redmond: I never forget a pretty face.

Don't say I never did anything for you.

(Printer whirring)

(Quiet, indistinct conversation)

(Knock at door)


Is your father here?

No, it's okay.

Do you have the bag I gave you?


Kiran, do you have the bag?

Baba found it.

Kiran, can I...?

I need the bag, please.

Where is it?

Kiran, tell me.

He destroyed it.

He smashed everything.

How could you let him do that?

I tried to stop him.

I begged him to stop. I'm sorry.

Kiran, you have no idea what you just did.

Who are the medicines for, Aayan?

(Door opens)

(Door closes)



Is there somewhere we can talk?

Put the bags in the car.

I'll be a couple of minutes. This way.


You still have contacts here in the intelligence community, right?


Have you been in touch with any of them on this trip?

No. But I can always pick up the phone.

It's more than a call.

I need you sitting across from someone.

Carrie, my plane leaves in less than...


Sandy's death was no act of mob v*olence.

It was premeditated.


The ISI k*lled him.

Straight out.


This was taken that day at the scene.

Name's Farhad Ghazi-- he's a real creep with a long history of wet work for their counterterrorism unit.

Who else knows about this?

Just you, me and Quinn.

Well, you can't keep this to yourself.

Langley needs to know. White House needs to know.

So, what, we lodge a formal protest?


So Pakistan issues a formal denial, we expel a bunch of their diplomats, they expel a bunch of ours, and in the end, nobody's held accountable.

Accountability isn't in the job description, Carrie.

Sandy was one of ours, m*rder*d by one of theirs.

That's a huge f*cking deal.

Something's going on.

Something's always going on.

No, not like this.

Quinn called me last week, concerned.

About what?



He's the one who wigged out.

Well, maybe that was the more appropriate response.

Well, maybe he should keep his opinions to himself.

So, you gonna help me or not?

Hey, Quinn.

Hey, Fara.

You're early.


Carrie's not here yet.


I just put on some coffee.

Want some?


This free?


So, catch me up.

Did Carrie identify the guy with the earpiece?

She did.

She's with Saul now, laying out the operation.

So Saul rattles a general's cage or two and we wait to see who delivers the message to our foot soldier.

Yeah. His name's Farhad Ghazi.

How is she?

Carrie? Good.

Amazing, actually.

You got this place up and running in record time.

All her.

Honestly, I don't know when she finds the time to sleep.

He's here.


The medical student.


I will only speak to Carrie MacPherson.

She gave me her card.

Carrie's not here right now.

But she's on her way.

How long?

Ten minutes at the most.

Please, she'll want to see you.

Come on, Aayan. You can wait in my office.

You don't have to talk to anyone else, if you don't want to.

Okay. Okay.

This way.

Make yourself comfortable.

I'll get you a glass of water.

She left the embassy immediately and went straight to the hotel where Saul Berenson is staying.

She spent 20 minutes there.

Then she had her security detail drop her off at Faisal Avenue in G-8.

I lost her shortly afterwards.


She's good.

Gave no sign she'd even made me.


You think anybody on her detail will play ball with us?

Well, they just got here.

Find out.


And that, uh, photo of Farhad Ghazi--

I'd never seen it before.

Looked like a frame grab of some kind-- see if you can track down where she got it from.


Where is he?

In my office.

Did you really mean it when you said you could get me out of Pakistan?

You let me tell your story, I'll get you to London.

You can do that, though?

You can?

My paper can.

We get sources out of tricky situations all the time.



But, um, I need 80,000 rupees first.

That's nearly 500 pounds.

What for?

Can't tell you.

Then I can't give it to you.

I knew this wasn't for real.


Is this the man that threatened you?

Because if it is, you're in a lot more trouble than I thought.

He works for State Security.

He's nobody you want in your life under any circumstances.





What is going on, Aayan?

You need to tell me.

Is he blackmailing you?

No, it's not like that.

He's got nothing to do with why I need the money.

You have to tell me why you need it, then.

I can't.

I can't.

But 80,000 rupees will fix it, whatever it is?

It might.


Come with me.

Fara, I need 80,000 rupees from petty cash.

At least let me send somebody with you, in case there's a problem.

I have to do this alone.

Thank you.

Be safe.

And if you really want out of Pakistan, you have to be back here as soon as possible.


Thank you.


Max is already in the van.

Why are you looking at me like that?

Fara filled me in on the kid.


Getting anybody asylum these days is no easy matter, much less a place at medical college in London.

Yeah, I'm aware of that, Quinn.

So you have another play?

He's an iron in the fire.

He knows something he's not saying.

Our man with the earpiece paid him a visit last week.

He did?

Anything else you want to know?

I'll get my things.

Professor: Strategically, United States concerns about the endgame in Afghanistan, Islamabad's persistent attachment to violent extremist groups and the fact that Pakistan may lurch into greater internal instability-- thus threatening the security of its nuclear arsenal-- all means that an easy alliance between our two countries is not in the cards anytime soon.

So why bother?

Why don't the US and Pakistan stop driving each other mad and break ties altogether?

That's your topic.

No more than five pages.

Thank you.

Professor Boyd.

I enjoyed your lecture.

Thank you.

I'm sorry, do I know you?

No, but I knew your friend.

Who's that?

Sandy Bachman.

He was hardly a friend.


That's not what he told me.

Who are you?

I'm someone who benefited greatly from your friendship.

And I am here to tell you that's not about to end now that he's dead.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Oh, I think you do.

I'm sorry, you must have me confused with somebody else.

Do I?


Who else would be providing Sandy with classified documents straight from the Ambassador's desk?

I really have to go.

(Indistinct conversations)

Saul Berenson.


Oh, no, no.

I'm retired. Please, call me Bunny.


It's good to see you again.

Yes, it is.

(Bunny sighs)

Tongues are wagging all over the club.

Fraternizing with the enemy.


You hate us so much?

No American has set foot in here since your raid on Abbottabad.

We could go someplace else.


f*ck 'em all.

Carrie: So where are we?

Parvez: We bugged his landline, his computer.

Hidden cameras...

He's on his cell phone.

Why are we not hearing the other side of the conversation?

We couldn't get close enough.

He was on the move all morning.

Carrie: We need his cell phone.

That's where the call will come in.

And we have to be able to trace the caller.

Come on, guys.

This is the assh*le who k*lled Sandy, for Christ's sake.

We're gonna have to get within five feet of his phone in order to clone it.

Gotta do it while he's asleep, then.

There must be another way.

Not if he stays in that apartment, there isn't.

It's not like when we were fighting the Cold w*r.

No, the Russians were tough, but...

They didn't saw our heads off on the internet.

Blow up innocent people.

Fly airplanes into the Twin Towers.

Come on, Saul.


We both know 9/11 was a hoax.

An Israeli-American excuse to launch a crusade against the Muslim world.

Honestly, I don't know what to say when I hear men of your deep knowledge and experience talk like that.

President Bush lied about Iraq.

Why not 9/11?

Because it's nonsense.


Like saying Bin Laden's not dead.

Abbottabad was a CIA plot meant to embarrass Pakistan.

So... tell me, Saul.

What do you want from me?

I want a favor.

Somebody to talk to at the ISI, somebody high up you trust.

What's this about?

Can't say.

My advice, then, is to drop it.

Now is not a time to be trusting anyone inside the intelligence directorate.

Well, surely there must be somebody I can reach out to there.

Don't do it, Saul.

It's not even your business anymore.

Go home.

Spend time with your wife.


I don't have a garden.

But I seem to remember I do have an outstanding credit with you.

It's a little late in the game to be calling in a chit.

What do you mean?

It's over, Saul.

You have lost.

The Americans are being driven out of Afghanistan just like the Russians were.

The Taliban has won and they know it.

And they will dictate the terms of the settlement.

Well, then... you can afford to be a little gracious, can't you?


Fara: Max, the taxi's stopping.

Pull over.

Max: This is Ommaya. The teaching hospital.

Fara: Yeah.

What's he doing here?


We gotta be hearing this.

Fara, he knows you.

I'll keep out of sight.

(Indistinct conversations)

Max: You there?

Fara: I'm here, yeah.

I can't get any closer.

He's giving her the money he got from Carrie.

What'd he tell her to do?

Don't know, I can't hear.

Looks like she told him to wait.

Max: Then we wait, too.

Parvez: Clone's accepted.



(Ringing continues)

Carrie: Get the f*ck out of there, Quinn.

(Ghazi speaking Urdu)

(Caller speaking Urdu)

(Phone beeps)

Carrie: Go, Quinn.

Parvez: Call was local.

Friend asking if Ghazi wanted to go clubbing.

At least we know it works.

Come on, Bill, there's got to be something.

I'll do freshman composition, adult night classes, anything.


No, no, I understand.

I thought that might be the case.

(Sighs heavily)

Look, can we compromise with just an office?

It doesn't even need to be on campus...

Just so I could sell it to Martha.

Come on, Bill, please.

I'm going out of my mind here.

(Sighs) Sure.

Sure, think about it.

You don't need to decide right now.

I'll-I'll wait for your call.

And thanks again, Bill.



Martha: I thought you'd gone to bed.

I have to talk to you.

I'm almost finished.

SecDef is being a total pain in the ass.

Martha, I need to talk to you now.

Something wrong?

No. No, the opposite.

I-I finally got some good news.


GW has offered me my old job back.

They have?


My period of exile is over.

Bill Nicholas himself called.

When was this?

This afternoon.

He was up early.


Martha, I'm not lying to you.

Talk to him yourself if you don't believe me.

He wants me back as soon as possible.

So what does "as soon as possible" mean?

Early next week.

Faculty meetings have already started.

So you're just gonna leave?

You're going to abandon all your teaching commitments and everything else?

Come on. I can't say no to this.

Yeah, but do you think our marriage can survive another separation?

I think that our marriage could put my career first for once.

We tried that.

You ended up plagiarizing an entire chapter of your book.

That will not happen again.

Plus, there's Toby to consider.

Don't bring him into this.

He's away from home for the first time.

One of us should be there for him, don't you think?

Or both of us?

You know damn well I can't leave in the middle of my tour.

I have spent my whole life following you around.

This is a ridiculous conversation.

Is it?

Well... I've already said yes.

Figured as much.

I'm leaving next week.



I thought you should know.

Now I know.

You did the psych eval, too?

I just have my very last polygraph, then I'm out.

Jesus, Quinn.

I guess I'm even more grateful that you're here now.

Anything for you, Carrie.

Is that the real reason you didn't come with me to Kabul, you already had one foot out the door?

Mostly I just didn't want to live in a bunker and k*ll people by remote control.

That's harsh.

Ever since that kid in Caracas, covert operations have been over for me.

I thought they were, anyway.

You have to let yourself off the hook for that one, Quinn.

At least I know his name.

Carlos Cedeño.

I don't even remember half the others.

You took the fight to the enemy, and saved lives in the process.

Or just made more enemies.

Either way, I was pretty far down the f*cking rabbit hole.

Come on, Quinn.

I'm serious.

It was like a drug.

You know, going from one mission to the next like that.

You want to believe you were such a bad guy?

Go ahead.

I was a bad guy.

Stop it.

Why are you doing this?

Maybe because you need to hear it.

What I need, Quinn, is your help.

Not your g*dd*mn foot on the break.

Parvez: So, who's on doom watch, and who's going back to the embassy?


Uh, you go, I'll stay.

You sure?

All right.

Good night, then.

Good night.


(Whispering): Fara.


Night shift's coming out.

I need a bathroom.

Not yet, you don't.

There's that nurse.

Fara: Where's Aayan?

Max: Hand-off complete.

Hand-off of what?

Only God knows.

That's a hospital, Max.

Probably dr*gs or some kind.


He's running.

Hurry. Hurry, hurry, hurry.

Can we call off the dogs, please?

Good morning to you, too.

I have enough trouble shaking ISI tails without having to worry about losing my own people as well.

The idea was to watch your back, so you didn't wind up like Sandy.

Then why not come right out and tell me about it?

We knew you'd say no.

Well, now I am saying no.


I don't see you having much trouble getting in and out of the embassy.

There's a tunnel.

A tunnel?

It starts under the Economics section.

Dumps you out into the Itwar bazaar.

Why didn't you say something?

You never asked.


What the f*ck is this?

Bunny sent you.

General Latif asked me to spare you some time.

What do you want?

Talk to you about Sandy Bachman.

What about him?

His death.

Actually, his m*rder.

Answer me something, if you would.

Of course.

Who's speaking here?

Is this Saul Berenson, the private citizen?

Is it Saul Berenson, ex-director of the CIA?

Is it Carrie Mathison?

Who is speaking, please?

Why was Sandy Bachman m*rder*d?

You tell me that, and I'll tell you who's speaking here.


Usually the simplest explanation is the correct one.

Which is?

He was recognized on the street and k*lled in anger over a drone strike.

Official story.

The truth.

With one important omission.


There was an ISI operative on the ground that day.

In the crowd.

Not just by chance.

He was conducting the whole bloody orchestra.

You know this how?

I've seen the evidence.

It's compelling.

What evidence?

An eyewitness, a photograph?

Show me.

Photographs can be forged, eyewitnesses paid for.

You're a bright young man.

This would explain a lot.

About what?

The timing of the leak of Sandy Bachman's picture to the press, the fact that the other two intelligence officers in the car weren't also k*lled.

As a former official of the United States, you're drawing some pretty damn unofficial conclusions.

Wouldn't be the first time your service has targeted one of our people.

Or vice versa.

Was it you?

You give the order?

As a favor to the General, I agreed to a chat, Mr. Berenson, not an interrogation.

Good day.

Where's our guy?

Went out for breakfast.

He's back now.

He's on the internet.

Well, I just got off the phone with Saul.

Consider the pot stirred.

If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen today-- and soon.

Hey, Quinn-- can I talk to you for a second?

About last night...

Forget it.


You didn't want to come back here.

I get that now.

So, thanks for coming in spite of that-- it means a lot.

Not to mention we'd be nowhere on this if it wasn't for you.

We may still be nowhere.

You know what I mean.

So, we good?

Yeah, we're good.

(Cars honking)

Max: You see him?

Fara: Yeah, he's just as stuck as we are.

He's getting out of the car.

We're gonna lose him.

Don't do anything stupid.

It's not worth it.

(Car honks)

(Phone rings)


Target's getting a call.


Ghazi: Salaam alaikum.

Woman: Hello?

Ghazi: (Responds in Arabic)

Woman: (Speaking in Arabic, asks a question)

Ghazi: (Responds in Arabic)

Quinn, what did she say?

His laundry's ready for pick-up.

He's k*lling his comms.

That was an exit code.

Who was the caller?

We're not getting it.


Nothing, no trace.

Well, how is that even possible?

Parvez: He's running.

Carrie: f*ck!


We have to take him.


Carrie: We take him now.

You f*cking kidding me?

We don't have a choice.

He walks out that door, out walks our only chance to connect the ISI to Sandy's m*rder.

It's way too dangerous.

What? He's one guy, there's four of us.

He's a trained hood who knows he just got made.

We can do it.

Not without somebody getting hurt.

All right, fine.

We'll do it without you.

Parvez, Qadir, come on.


(Phone ringing)

Get your hands off me!

For all you know, he's got backup on the way!

Backup? Did you hear one word about backup on that call?

Fara's on the line.

Not now.

She says it's urgent.

I can't talk to you.

Haissam Haqqani's alive.


Haqqani is alive.

What, it... That's impossible.

He was k*lled in the air strike.

Well, I just saw him walk out of a madrassa with Aayan Ibrahim.

He was with Aayan?

Yes, they embraced, and then Haqqani drove off in an SUV.

Are you 100% sure?

Check your e-mail. I just sent you a video.

Parvez: Guys, he's leaving the apartment.

You want us to go after him?

Just wait.

We're gonna lose him.

Then we lose him. We may have a game-changer here.

(Crowd chatter)

Quinn: Is that Haqqani?


Quinn: But we k*lled him.

The Taliban said we k*lled him.

Fara, are you still there?

I'm here.

I'm assuming you couldn't follow him.

No, I'm on foot.

What about Aayan?

Heading back the way he came.

Okay, get back to the office as soon as you can in case he shows up there.

And, Fara, good work.

What the f*ck, Carrie?

Tell me what you're thinking right now.

That Sandy's death actually makes sense for the first time.

He was k*lled in order to protect Haqqani, who either survived the air strike or wasn't there in the first place.

He wasn't there.

They played us from the very beginning.

But why do any of it?

Because that's when we stop tracking t*rrorists, when we think they're dead.

I get why the Taliban wants us to think that, but why the ISI?

That's a great f*cking question.

Hello, Professor.

Please come in.


(Door closes)

I don't like asking twice.

I am the husband of the American Ambassador, and you-you are risking a serious diplomatic incident.

What do you want?

I've told you already.

And I've told you I'm not the guy.

Plus, I'm leaving, as you can see.

Actually, you're not.

You've had a change of heart.



(Speaking Urdu)


I demand to make a phone call.

Of course.

Go ahead.

But here's what happens if you do.

A packet arrives at the FBI headquarters in Washington, DC.

Inside are the documents you stole from your wife's computer and a timeline implicating you in their theft.

You're arrested for treason and your wife's career is destroyed by association.

Who are you?

Call me Tasneem.

Beyond that, it's better you don't know.



Here's my promise to you.

Once you've done all I've asked, you can leave Islamabad without any further obligations.

A free man.

Neither the FBI nor your wife will ever know.

What's this?

This is how we begin.

Carrie: Don't worry.

Aayan will be back.

How can you be sure?

Because he's desperate.

And because he would've gone with Haqqani if that was an option.

Are you coming, Max?


So, Max is gonna take me to the safe house.

You wait here in case Aayan shows up.


And if he does show, bring him, by; I don't care how late it is.

And in the meantime, should I get started on a passport and visa for him?


Why not?

He's not going anywhere, Fara.

But we promised him safe passage to England.

That's before we caught him aiding and abetting a known Jihadi.

Haqqani's his uncle, Carrie.

For all we know, that medicine is for one of his cousins.

Do you know what a stalking horse is?

It's a decoy used to hide behind while hunting your quarry.

I don't understand.

We're gonna hide right behind Aayan all the way back to his uncle.

(Chuckles) But he'll never agree.

Let me worry about that.

You just get him to the safe house.

(Rhythmic thumping)




Aayan, come in.

See you tomorrow.

Everything okay?


I guess, yeah.

You did what you needed to?


Anything else I can do to help?

No, I don't think so.

Thanks-thanks for the money, though.

I'll pay you back.

Here, let me take that.

No, it's... it's okay.

So this is where you'll stay.

I-I thought we were going to London?

We are, once I get you a passport and a visa.

But you-you said right away.

Well, this is right away.

We're talking about two days, three at the max, then we're gone.

Three days...

Aayan, you're safe here.


I'm-I'm gonna move into a hotel tomorrow.

I'll give you some privacy, but for now, let's...

Let's make up the couch.

What do you say?


I'll be right back with some sheets and a pillow.


All right.

Come on, give me a hand.

(Chuckles) Here.

You take that end.





You must be exhausted.

You should get some rest.


Look, I know it doesn't feel like that right now, but it's all gonna work out.

The worst is over.

You deserve a little... (Chuckles) ...grace.

Hey, what is it, Aayan?

Something I didn't tell you.

I should've told you.


I got kicked out of my, uh, my medical school.

When did that happen?


For what reason?

They're claiming I stole medicines from the hospital pharmacy.

I didn't do that.

That's a lie.


It's okay.

No, I-I didn't do it.

I believe you.

What about King's College?

Won't this affect my chances of getting in?





How... How's that possible?

Trust me.

I'll make them understand.

Hey, try not to worry so much.

What-what are you doing?

(Softly): Nothing.

Is that okay?

I don't know.

You've never done this before.



