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01x21 - Pink or Treat/Berry Scary"[36]

Posted: 01/20/24 08:42
by bunniefuu
♪ Pink is the fun of twirling around ♪

♪ And scooting and honking the happiest sound ♪

♪ Or climbing on blocks to the moon up above ♪

♪ Pink is a feeling of joy and love ♪

♪ Pink is imagining what we can be ♪

♪ A dancer ♪ ♪ a robot ♪

♪ A pirate at sea ♪

♪ Pink is a giggle that wiggles your toes ♪

♪ Pink is a sparkle that glows and glows ♪

♪ It's a pinkatastic feeling ♪

♪ In a pinkamazing way ♪

♪ It's a pinkatastic feeling ♪

♪ On a pinkaperfect day ♪

♪ Anything can happen as we play the day away ♪

♪ It's a pinkalicious feeling ♪

♪ Peterrific you might say ♪

♪ Pinkalicious and peterrific ♪

♪ Pinkalicious pink, pink hooray! ♪

Pink, pink hooray!

Pinkalicious: "pink or treat."

Pinkalicious (voiceover): we're carving pumpkins for halloween.

I can't believe halloween is tomorrow!

(In spooky voice): it's a scary pumpkin blob.

(Exclaims spookily)


Yuck! Look!

My pumpkin's scary, too!

Um, maybe too scary.

Daddy, can you please make his mouth curve up at the ends

So he's smiling?

He's happy because it's almost halloween!


Pinkalicious: look what happens when I put a candle inside.

Peter: he looks even happier!

What do you think, pinkalicious?

A crown fit for pinkagirl?

It's pinkatastic!

Thank you so much, mommy.

♪ ♪

Pinkagirl is going to scare away all the ghosts and ghouls

With her happy pumpkin!

Oh, I can't wait until tomorrow!

Me, too!

♪ Halloween is coming ♪

♪ We can't wait ♪

♪ Halloween is coming ♪

♪ It's going to be great ♪

Both: ♪ halloween is coming ♪


♪ There'll be spooky decorations ♪

♪ Ghosts and goblins, too ♪

♪ Pumpkins with scary faces glowing in the dark ♪

Boo! (Screams)

Both: ♪ halloween is coming ♪

♪ And we're going to pink or treat ♪

Pink or treat?

♪ Up and down the street ♪

♪ You mean trick or treat ♪

♪ Saying "pink or treat, pink or treat!" ♪

♪ Give us something pink to eat! ♪


I get it!

Both: ♪ halloween is coming ♪

♪ Celebrate ♪

♪ Halloween is coming ♪

♪ Don't be late ♪

♪ Halloween is coming ♪

♪ We can't wait ♪


Boo! Boo!



(Wind howling)

Phew, it's just the wind.

(Creaking, pinkalicious gasps)

(Door creaking)

(Cries out)

Oh, it's you, peter.

Is the storm scaring you?

The wind sounds spooky!

Don't worry.

Even if the halloween ghosts come...

I'm pinkagirl!

I can do anything!

Away, ghosts!

Be gone, ghouls!

(Electricity buzzes)

(Crying out)

What happened?

I don't know.

Let me get my flashlight.


(Switch clicking)

Uh-oh, I think the electricity went out.

(Switch clicking)

(Stairs creaking)

(Stammering): what's that?

(Moans spookily)

It's your scary parents.


Looks like halloween came a little early this year.

What happened to the lights?

(Spookily): maybe goblins have knocked out the power!


(Laughing): daddy!

(Chuckling): but most likely, the wind knocked a tree

Onto the power lines.

Hopefully, the electricity will be back on in the morning.

Mayor martinez (via radio): attention, people of pinkville!

It's your mayor with an important announcement.

A tree knocked down the main pinkville power line.

You were right, mommy!

Pinkville has no electricity until further notice,

So I'm afraid halloween is canceled.

(Both gasp)

Both: halloween is canceled?!

It is not safe to trick-or-treat when there are no lights.

Halloween can't be canceled!

The mayor just wants to keep everyone safe, pinkalicious.

You can still wear your costumes.

But what about saying "pink or treat, pink or treat,

Give me something pink to eat"?


What about our candy?

It's not fair!

There must be something we can do.

You heard the mayor.

It's not our decision.

Then I'm going to put on my pinkagirl costume

And go talk to mayor martinez.

Pinkagirl can save halloween!


And I'm going to put on my pirate costume, and...

Talk like a pirate while pinkagirl saves the day!



The lights came back on!

Oh, no,

Town hall has a generator.

It's the only place in pinkville with power.

Now, how can I help you?

We have to save halloween, mayor martinez!


It's the best, most pinkamazing holiday of the year!


I understand.

But it's my job to keep everyone safe.

Isn't there someplace safe in pinkville

Where we could still have halloween?

Hmm, well...


We could have it right here in your office.

You have electricity!

I don't think there's enough room.

Hmmm, where else could we have it...

(Gasps): I know!

What about the park?

Peter: argh!

But there's no electricity in the park.

What if we used flashlights?

Or pumpkins!


I put a battery candle in my jack-o'-lantern.

It's really bright and it doesn't need electricity.

Huh, that might work, pinkalicious.


And mayor martinez, do you think

You could announce the party on the radio

So everyone in pinkville hears about it?

I have a better idea!

(Clears throat)

Hello, pinkville!

This is pinkagirl...

And pirate peter! Argh!

The mayor said we can have a halloween party

After dark in the park,

And everyone in pinkville is invited!

So please bring your jack-o'-lanterns

To light it up!


And your halloween candy-- I mean, argh!

Spread the word!

See you there after dark!

What do you think, mateys?

He's a pirate pumpkin shouting, "yo-ho-ho!"

(Chuckling): very pirate-y.

But he doesn't look like he's shouting.

It's the mouth.

You're right-- too small.

Can you please make a bigger circle for the mouth, mommy?


How's... This?



We'll never have enough pumpkins to light up the park.

Sure we will!

We just need to make lots and lots of them.

Take a look at my monster pumpkin.

Pinkalicious: wow!

Those pointy eyebrows make him look really angry.

Oh-- I want him to look scary, not angry.

Try zigzaggy eyebrows.

And more crooked teeth.

(Giggles): for chomping.


Zigzaggy eyebrows and chomping teeth coming up!

Chomp, chomp, chomp, chomp, chomp!


(Chuckling goofily)

You can't scare clown o' lantern.

He's a very jolly pumpkin!

Or smileykin!

She's the happiest pumpkin ever!

Look at that smile!


What kind of pumpkin are you making, kendra?

A pumpkin pumpkin.

I like it!

You can put a candle in your pumpkin when you're done.

Then we'll head to the park.

Do you really think people are going to come?

Of course!

Pinkagirl announced it on the radio.

They'll come.

Nobody wants to miss out on halloween.

♪ ♪

Here you go, pinkagirl!

These big round eyes and the oval mouth

Make it look very excited, don't you think?

Just like me before a party. (Laughs)

I see what you mean.

Thank you so much, mayor martinez.

(Sighs dejectedly)

Hey, what is it, pinkalicious?

Is anything wrong?

(Groans): what if kendra is right?

What if people don't show up?

Pinkagirl never gives up, right?

And neither do you.

I'm sure people will come.

Okay, everybody-- let's turn on those candles.

♪ ♪

Totally cool.

And halloweeny.

It's pinkaperfect.


Where is everybody?

They'll be here.

I just know it.

Well, it's after dark.

People should be showing up any time now.

They must be on their way.

They won't want to miss all these decorations.

And my spooky stories. (Chuckles)

I'm sure everyone in town heard your announcement, pinkalicious.

(Owls hooting in distance)

I guess you were right, kendra.

No one's coming.

It really is a good idea, pinkalicious.

Don't give up.

Well, we can just enjoy the party ourselves.

Pumpkin-ho, mateys!

(Gasps) (gasps)

Huh? Huh?


Pinkalicious: lights!

Pinkagirl, I believe it's halloween party time.

(Pinkalicious laughs)

(Talking softly, laughing continues)

(Pinkalicious whoops happily)

Boo! (Laughs)

Pink or treat, pink or treat,

Give us something pink to eat!


♪ Halloween is here ♪

♪ Yes, it's true ♪

♪ Halloween is here ♪

♪ And there's a party, too! ♪

♪ Halloween is here ♪


♪ Pink or treat! Boo! ♪

You saved halloween, pinkagirl!

Pinkalicious: we all saved halloween.


Look at our candy treasure.


Pinkalicious (voiceover): I loved being pinkagirl and saving halloween.

I think I'll be pinkagirl tomorrow, too.

Kids: that's pinkatastic!


Hi, my name's chris soria,

And I'm a professional pumpkin carver.

♪ ♪

Before I start carving, I like to draw my design out first

With a pen or a washable marker.

So there are some of the tools that I use--

A pen, a scooper, a kitchen knife,

And some professional art tools.

Some of these tools you can find in the kitchen,

Like a melon baller.

Remember, you want to get a grown-up to help you

With any tools that are sharp.

So let's start carving.

I'm not even cutting all the way into the pumpkin.

I'm just kind of skimming the surface.

So I started carving pumpkins when I was younger

Because it was a fun way to celebrate halloween.

Eventually, I started carving other things into pumpkins.

Anything you could imagine or draw or paint,

You can carve into a pumpkin.

♪ ♪

Now that I have a light in this pumpkin,

My picture is glowing, so I can keep working on it.

The more I work on it,

The more light shines through the pumpkin.

One of the really cool things about pumpkin

Is that it's glowing, it's orange, it's alive.

I gave her a smile, rosy cheeks, raised eyebrows.

I think this pinkalicious is pumpkintastic.

Pinkalicious: "berry scary."

(Voiceover): we're headed to the community garden to pick raspberries.

We're going to make very berry raspberry smoothies.

The recipe is a pinkerton family secret.

All we can tell you is...

They're berry, berry good!



I can't wait!

You've been waiting all summer to taste the raspberries!

Well, you don't have to wait any longer.

Here we are!

(Bike horn toots)

Peter: oh, no!

Frida: hey!

What happened to our raspberries?

Someone must have picked them already.

But we planted them.

We should have been the ones who picked them.

Don't worry!

We planted another bush over there, remember?


Aww. Oh, no!

That looks more like a bird bush than a raspberry bush.

♪ ♪

Rafael: they're eating all our raspberries!

Not if I scare them away first!

Hey, you!

Shoo! Shoo!

Get off our bushes!

Those are our raspberries!

Frida: yay!

Good job, peter!

What can I say?

It's scary how scary I am.


(Yelps) (laughing)

Wow, you really are!

Those birds don't stand a chance.

Not with petrifying peter in town.

The birds are back on the bushes, aren't they?


Yeah, they flew back down as soon as you stopped flapping.


Well, you two pick the raspberries and...

We'll scare the birds!

I'm just as scary as you, peter.


Boo! Boo!


(Saying "boo!") (Giggling)

Boo! Boo! Boo! Boo!

Boo! Boo! Boo! Boo!

Frida: boo!

(Panting): uh... Boo?

(Panting): get...

Off... Those.. Birds... You.. Bushes...

I mean, those bushes, you birds.

(Sighs, thuds)


What he said.


(Both panting)


We haven't got enough berries yet.

Sorry, rafael.

We're all scared out.

(Birds chirping)

We need to find another way to scare the birds away.

That one's too tiring.


♪ ♪

(Making gibberish sounds)

Blargh. (Laughs)

That's not scary enough.

The birds are still eating the berries.

(Making gibberish sounds)


A rubber snake?

Still not scary enough.

(Moans): blargh.


Birds are not afraid of balloons.

(Pops loudly, pinkalicious yelps)


(Makes gibberish sound)

(Pops loudly, pinkalicious yelps)

(Makes gibberish sound)

(Balloon pops loudly, pinkalicious yelps)

(Makes gibberish sound)




Okay, so, I don't think

Monsters, snakes, and popping balloons will work.

There must be something that will scare these crows.

What scares crows, anyway?


Oh! Oh! Oh! That's it!

We need a...

(Spookily): ...scarecrow.

Great idea! (Both exclaiming)

♪ ♪

What do you think?

I think you've tied it to my hand.



Daddy says we can use some of his old clothes.

And we can use what's in the make things box

To make the face!


Could you pass me that red marker, please?



Where is he?

I don't know.

And where's frida?

Boo! (Shout)



It's not as scary as I thought it would be.

Uh, do you think it'll work?

It's a scarecrow!

It's not supposed to scare us,

It's supposed to scare the birds.

I'm sure it'll work.

One, two, three... Push!

All: hooray!

Oh, they like it!

Okay, maybe our scarecrow does need to be a bit scarier.

It's so cheerful.

I don't know how we're going to make it scary.

Well, maybe we should start by thinking about what scares us.

Good idea!

Hmmm. Well...

Nothing scares me.

Me, too!

Except sometimes I get scared of things

That are a lot bigger than me.

Okay, so let's make the scarecrow bigger.

We can use this for the body!


And I'm not scared of flowers.

We're supposed to think about what scares us,

Not what doesn't scare us.

It's wearing a flowery shirt.

I just mean I don't think that's very scary.

Oh! Right!

It's so smiley.

That's not scary.

I can try and draw a scarier face.

Hmm, how do we make his face look really scary?

Both (quietly): one, two...



Eek! Ah!

That's great!

Stay like that.

Okay, yes! A huge frown!

Of course!

That's really scary.

Come on, let's go find more spooky stuff we can use.

♪ ♪


Look, spooky twigs!

Ooh, we can use them for fingers!

And maybe these pieces of bark could be...




(Shivers): oh.

It's a little scarier than I thought it would be.

♪ ♪

I don't know about the birds, but it definitely scares me.

Is it... A bit too scary?

No! It's...


Pinkalickous: one, two, three... Push!

(Evil cackle echoes)

(Yelps) (yelps)


What was that?

It's alive!

Run! Come on!

(Frida and peter laugh)

No, rafael!

Pinkalicious, look!

(Evil cackle echoes)

Peter and I recorded some scary laughter.

(Evil cackle plays)

Peter: doesn't it sound creepy?

(Evil cackle echoes loudly)

A little too creepy!

The creepiest!

Pinkalicious: oh, no!


Our scarecrow just doesn't work.

It scared us, peter!

But it doesn't keep the birds away from the raspberries!

They love it!

They really do.


And that gives me an idea!

Huh, make broccoli smoothies instead?


That is a scary idea.


I think there's a way

Our scarecrow can keep the birds away from our raspberries.

Grab it and follow me.

♪ ♪

We could carry it if you want.

If you're still scared.


It's just a scarecrow, right?

♪ ♪

(Breathes deeply)

It is just a scarecrow.

Just a scarecrow.

One, two...

Three... Lift!

(Recorded evil cackle echoes) (yelps)

Stop doing that!


There are no berries here.

So why are we putting the scarecrow here?

Pinkalicious: that's why!

The birds love our scarecrow so much,

They followed it here from the garden.

Which means there are no birds where the bushes are?

Which means our berries are safe?



Smoothies for everybody!


All right!

Now, let's go pick some raspberries!

One for the basket,

One for me.


One for the basket...

One for me.

Mmm, yum!

You two are worse than the birds.


Come on, we've got enough.

♪ ♪

(Blender whirring)

♪ ♪

(Recorded evil cackle echoes loudly)


You left it behind in the park.


Remind me not to do that again.

You really scared us.


Pinkalicious (voiceover): and that's how we finally got to make

Our very berry raspberry smoothies.

And they were berrylicious! (Laughs)

♪ ♪