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01x22 - Sidewalk Art / Gnome at Home

Posted: 01/20/24 08:43
by bunniefuu
♪ Pink is the fun of twirling around ♪

♪ And scooting and honking the happiest sound ♪

♪ Or climbing on blocks to the moon up above ♪

♪ Pink is a feeling of joy and love ♪

♪ Pink is imagining what we can be ♪

♪ A dancer ♪ ♪ A robot ♪

♪ A pirate at sea ♪

♪ Pink is a giggle that wiggles your toes ♪

♪ Pink is a sparkle that glows and glows ♪

♪ It's a pinkatastic feeling ♪

♪ In a pinkamazing way ♪

♪ It's a pinkatastic feeling ♪

♪ On a pinkaperfect day ♪

♪ Anything can happen as we play the day away ♪

♪ It's a Pinkalicious feeling ♪

♪ Peterrific you might say ♪

♪ Pinkalicious and Peterrific ♪

♪ Pinkalicious pink, pink hooray! ♪

Pink, pink hooray!

PINKALICIOUS: "Sidewalk Art."

(voiceover): I love drawing with chalk on the sidewalk.

It's like having the biggest piece of paper ever.


Once upon a time,

there was a pink poodle puppy named

(gasps) Puddles.

Are you talking to the sidewalk, Pinkalicious?


I'm making a story about Puddles the poodle.

He loves to jump over puddles.

Ooh, can I help with the story?


Ooh, you can draw a puddle for him to jump over.

Here you go, Puddles.


Hey, guys!

Hi! Hi!

Ooh, can we draw, too?

Of course!

Grab some chalk.

We're making up a story

about Puddles the poodle.

Puddles is going to need a lot more puddles to jump over.

Wait, how come Puddles doesn't jump in the puddles?

Because Puddles doesn't like to get his feet wet.

Ohhh. Ohhh.

But he's the best puddle jumper in Puddletown!

♪ ♪

(barks, pants)

(barks) (giggles)


He can jump over round puddles,

and oval puddles,

and big blobby puddles.

And he never gets his paws wet. (barks)

(giggles) RAFAEL: Uh-oh.

The sidewalk is full.

Oh no. Aww.

We can draw in front of my house.

Great idea.

What happens next in the story, Pinkalicious?

Puddles wasn't the only one in Puddletown who loved puddles.

Meet Splish-Splash.


Puddles' best friend.

She loves to splash in all kinds of puddles.

That's why she's called...





She likes to jump in green puddles

and orange puddles

and pinkatastic pink puddles.

And every color puddle there is.

Let's draw more puddles for Splish-Splash to splash in!

But I'm getting kind of tired

of drawing puddles, Pinkalicious.

So am I.

Me, too.


Well, one day,

Puddles told Splish-Splash he was going away.

He had jumped over all the puddles in Puddletown

and he wanted to find more water to jump over.

ALL: All right!

Like a glass of water?


Wait, what about Splish-Splash?

Did she go with him?

Of course!

They're best friends.

He jumped over a bathtub Splish-Splash was splashing in.

He jumped over a fountain Splish-Splash was splashing in.


He even jumped over a stream Splish-Splash was splashing in!

Then one day, he and Splish-Splash came to...

the ocean.

(gasps) No one can jump over the ocean.

That's what Splish-Splash told him.

But Puddles didn't listen.

He thought the ocean was just a big puddle.

So Splish-Splash went off

to find another way over the ocean

because she knew he couldn't jump over it.


We have to draw the whole ocean?

We can do it.

Here, just use the side of the chalk.

You can color in faster that way.

♪ ♪

PINKALICIOUS: And we're going to need fish.

PETER: Oh! And an octopus!

JASMINE: How about a submarine?

RAFAEL: And I'll draw a seahorse.

Whoa, look where we are.

We've drawn all the way to Town Hall.

ALL: Wow.

That's one huge ocean.

Keep telling the story, Pinkalicious.

Does Puddles actually jump over the ocean?


♪ ♪

Puddles leapt up, up, up

and over the ocean--

or at least he tried.

RAFAEL: Uh-oh.

PINKALICIOUS: Luckily, along came a boat.

And guess who was in it?

JASMINE: Mr. Crunk!

ALL: Mr. Crunk?

Watch out, Mr. Crunk!

You're standing in the ocean!

Oh, sorry!

I was reading my paper.

I wasn't watching where I was going.


Excellent drawing.

Carry on.

As I was saying, who should come along but...

JASMINE: More people!

They're going to ruin our drawings!

Don't worry, I've got this.

Watch the art.

This way.

Art in progress.

Right this way.

Good thinking, Peter.

Our drawings are saved.

Now back to the story.

So, who should come along but...

A pirate?


Splish-Splash the cat.

Oh, I thought it would be a pirate.

...And she was in a pirate ship.


You mean Splish-Splash was cat-napped by pirates?


A pirate found her on shore

and brought her back to the ship

to be his pet.

(doorbell ringing)

But she ate all his fish dinner.


So he made her walk the plank.

RAFAEL: Oh no! PETER: Not the plank!

JASMINE: Poor Splish-Splash.

But at that very moment,

Puddles tried to jump over the ocean.

And he missed!

(gasping) JASMINE: No.

But luckily, he landed in the pirate ship.

And saved Splish-Splash?


He rocked the boat!

(gasps) Oh no.

Splish-Splash fell off the plank and into the ocean.

Good thing she likes the water.

But she doesn't know how to swim.

Aww! Aww! Aww!

Puddles wanted to save his friend, but...

PETER: He didn't want to get his paws wet, right?

RAFAEL: That's not going to stop him, is it?

(dripping sound)

Hey, I can feel Splish-Splash splashing.

Uh, I think that's rain.


That'll wash away all our drawings.

We have to cover them somehow.

Mr. Crunk, may I borrow your newspaper, please?

Sure, it's all yours, Pinkalicious.

I'm heading home.

It's starting to rain.

Oh, thank you so much, Mr. Crunk.

Oh, we're out of newspaper.

All our drawings will be ruined.

(gasps) Oh, what wonderful chalk art.

It's all going to wash away if we don't cover it.

Can we please borrow your umbrella?

But I'm afraid there aren't enough umbrellas in Pinkville

to cover all of those drawings.

(thunder rumbles)

Oh no, that's thunder.

We can't be outside in thunder.

We better take cover.

Hurry! Let's run over to Mr. Swizzle's ice cream shop.

♪ ♪

Aww, our drawings are going to disappear.

And now we'll never find out what happened to Splish-Splash.

(sighing): All that work, gone.

But chalk art isn't supposed to last.

It's not?

Chalk art is meant to be washed away by the rain.

MR. SWIZZLE: Mrs. Plum is right.

It's a little like ice cream.

You can't eat chalk art, Mr. Swizzle.


No, no, but I make wonderful ice cream creations,

full of scoops of color,

mountains of whip cream, rivers of chocolate.

And then everybody digs in,

and my masterpieces end up in their stomachs.

So the fun is making the art.

That's right.

And when the rain stops, you can draw a new picture

that's even more amazing than the old one.

That's how you get to be a better artist.

Or in my case, a better sundae maker.

My best one yet.

Bye-bye art, hello yummy in my tummy.


JASMINE: The sidewalk's dry now.

But all our drawings are gone.

We'll just have to draw some more.

So, how does the story end, Pinkalicious?

Does Puddles save Splish-Splash?

Does he get his paws wet?

♪ ♪

(chalk scratching)

Puddles didn't even think about his paws.

Splish-Splash needed his help, so he jumped into the water.


Does Puddles know how to swim?

He's a dog.

So he knows how to do the doggy paddle.

ALL (relieved): Oh.


Puddles and Splish-Splash swam back to the shore.

And from then on, they splashed in puddles together.

Puddles didn't mind getting his paws wet any more.

The end.

Oh, I don't want the story to end.

Me neither. Me neither.

But we can make up a new story.

Once upon a time, there was...

(hopeful): A pirate?


A parrot.

(disappointed): Oh.

A parrot who was a pirate.


(voiceover): The best thing about drawing

with chalk on the sidewalk

is you can do it again and again and never run out of stories.

KIDS: That's pinkatastic!


BOY: Today we are going to make sidewalk art.

GIRL: Liz LaManche is an artist.

She makes street art and murals.

Whoa, this is amazing.

GIRL: Liz showed us one of her masterpieces.

And it's the Goddess of Winter Hill.

GIRL: She sort of looks like a giant.

GIRL: When I started going down steps...

I didn't even see that!

I looked up and saw three cars.

LIZ: I did it like this

so that you see it from down here.

I thought it was amazing.

Today we're going to do a piece of art

on these nice stairs here.

GIRL: We are making a sea serpent.

LIZ: What I'd like to do is make outlines.

GIRL: And then we colored it in.

We're using sidewalk chalk.

LIZ: It's good for drawing lines and sketching stuff out.

But when we use the chalk in the water,

it came out darker.

And when we used the chalk paint,

it came out even darker.

LIZ: This paint we're using is powdered chalk.

And I'm going to add a little bit of water at a time.

I like the paint best.

It is really liquid-y,

and I like liquid-y.

GIRL: We all worked together

to make the serpent.

It's not just flat on the sidewalk,

it goes up the stairs and up the wall.

GIRL: Making something creative is really fun.

GIRL : It can give you lots of new ideas,

and gives you lots of new experiences.

BOY: I think of it as a work of art.

PINKALICIOUS: "Gnome at Home."

(voiceover): I love wintertime.

Outside, it looks like fairyland.

And inside, you get to drink hot cocoa

and sculpt snowflakes out of clay.

No two snowflakes are exactly the same.



(giggles) Now this one is different.

(knock on door)

I'll get it! I'll get it!



Just stopped by to say...


Wait! Where are you going?

To Gnome-land.

Which is...

over there.

Yonder. Somewhere.


But why?

I thought you lived in our garden.

I do.

But do you see this snow?

Yes. Yes.

And do you see any flowers growing?

Anything for me to guard?

No. No.


In winter, there's nothing for a gnome to do, so I'm going.

Farewell, bye-bye, I'll see you in the spring.

What if you get lost?


Gnomes never get lost.

♪ ♪

He's getting lost in our yard.


Why don't you come inside for a bit?

Just to warm up.

Don't mind if I do.

(chugging): Ah.

(blowing nose loudly)

I'll just say howdy-do to your indoor gnome

before I take off.

Back in a sec.

Indoor gnome?


Is it possible, is it remotely possible,

that you don't have an indoor gnome

guarding your plants?

I'll confess, Norman, I never thought we needed one.

We do need one!

Norman, you can be our indoor gnome.

That way you don't have to go to Gnome-land.

Nine out of ten gardeners agree--

with a gnome at home,

you won't have the slightest worry about your greenery.

(laughing): Well, that would be quite a relief.

You're hired, Norman.

Yay! Yay!

(doorbell rings)


Don't move.

(doorbell rings)



Who goes there?

Friend or foe?

Norman, you know Rafael.

We invited him over to play with us.

I brought some clay to play with.

A few questions, if you don't mind.

How do you feel about flowers?

Excuse me?

Do you feel like, mmm, eating them?

Nibbling on a petal, perhaps?

(confused): No.

Right answer!

You may pass.

I'm not going to stop till I've made snowflakes.

I'm going to make !

If you plan on sharing the roller.

Mine looks more like a daisy sculpture.

(whistle blowing)

Who said that?

Who said daisy?


I said my snowflake looks like a dais...

(blows whistle)

Do not touch any flowers.

Do not eat them, do not break them,

do not stuff them in your socks.

That's not a real daisy.

It's a sculpture.

It's made out of clay.


It's squishy.

I know you're trying to be a good guard, Norman,

but you're going a little overboard.

Maybe you could find something else to guard.

In another room.

Something else?

Like what?

I don't know.

Um, vegetables?


See you tomorrow, guys!

(whispering): Good luck with your gnome.

Oh, he'll be fine.

He's just getting used to the job...

(whistle blowing)

What on earth are you doing?

I am guarding the vegetables inside this fridge.


I am not shoo-ing.

I plan to cook those vegetables and eat them.

For dinner.

Do you think I will allow you

to harm a helpless little zucchini?

It's our fault, Daddy.

We told Norman to guard the vegetables.

Come on, let's find something else for you to guard.

Something we don't need to eat.

♪ March, march, march ♪

♪ Guard, guard, guard ♪

♪ Think plant protection's easy? ♪

♪ It's hard, hard, hard ♪

♪ March, march, march... ♪ (Norman's boot thump loudly)

(loudly): More sauce, hon?

Sorry, what?

♪ ...It's hard, hard hard ♪


Norman, would you like some supper?

♪ Think plant protection's easy? ♪

Nope, too busy. On guard!

♪ It's hard, hard, hard ♪

(loudly): I wish he'd sit down, uh-huh?

It's hard to eat while someone is stomping.

NORMAN: Plant is looking good!

Tip-top condition!

Thanks, Norman.

NORMAN: You should be dusting these leaves, though.

Thanks, Norman.

NORMAN: ♪ Left, right, left, right ♪

♪ Guarding the ficus day and night ♪

Don't gnomes ever sleep?

I'll go talk to him.

Me, too.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Gnomes never sleep.

Gnomes guard.

Isn't there something you can do besides guard?

Something quiet?





I'll think harder.



Okay, okay, I guess you can keep guarding.

Only you have to do it quietly.

As in,

(shushes): shhh.

But why?

It's loud guarding

that keeps the critters away.

What about all the tiny, quiet critters?

You can't hear them if you're making a lot of noise.


You're right.

That's brilliant!

Have you ever thought about being a gnome?

No, not really. (giggles)

Think about it.

You'd make a great guard.

I'll put in a word.


(whistle blowing) Again?

(whistle continues) What?

What was that?

NORMAN: Alert! Alert! Alert!

Ooh-ah, ooh-ah ooh-ah.

Alert! Alert!



Oh, why again?

Shh, I heard an ant.

Two ants.

They're eating a crumb.

Today a crumb, tomorrow a zucchini.

MOM: Norman.


We thank you for your service,

but an ant or two is not a problem.

And what we need right now is sleep.

So no more guarding, and no more whistles.

Thank you.

Good night.

But what do I do?

Gnomes don't sleep, we guard.

I know, but I think you need to take a break.

I have an idea.

(soothing music plays)

Oo-ooh, I like it.

That's nice.

In the morning, you can guard again.

Good night, Norman.

(loud polka music playing)

I remembered something else that gnomes can do--


(polka music continues)

(music stops)

Did I wake you?


I'll just, uh...

count those grapes.

One, two, six, four...

(yawning): I've come to the conclusion

that we do not need an indoor gnome.

But if we ask Norman to leave, he'll really leave.

He'll go to Gnome-land.

If we don't ask, we won't get any sleep until spring.

Mom's right, I'm afraid.


Think of something, Pinkalicious.

If Norman goes to Gnome-land,

he's sure to get lost and not come back.

Oh, I wish we had flowers in our garden in winter

for Norman to guard.


That gives me a Pinkariffic idea.

Have you ever made something out of clay, Norman?

Of course...


(giggling): Well, I had an idea.

Since there's no garden in the winter,

we'll make one.

A sculpture garden.


That's beautiful.

We can make all kinds of sculpture garden-y stuff.

Eggplants and tulips and carrots and potatoes.

What I wouldn't give to guard a potato.

Then let's get to it.

First we roll it.

Now you roll it.

Then we cut it.

PINKALICIOUS: And roll some more.

Add some leaves.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪


They're beautiful.

They're practically real.

(chirping) Hey.


Did I or did I not speak to you last summer?


Yes, I know, this isn't a real garden,

but it's my garden and I'm guarding it.


I can see I have my work cut out for me.

Ready, set, march!

♪ March, march, march... ♪

Are you sure you don't want to be a gnome, Peter?

I am very sure.

PINKALICIOUS (voiceover): It's hard to live with an indoor gnome,

but an outdoor gnome?

Well, he makes our house a home.

♪ ♪