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04x04 - Parrot Watch/Disappearing Act

Posted: 01/20/24 09:24
by bunniefuu
♪ Pink is the fun of twirling around ♪

♪ And scooting and honking the happiest sound ♪

♪ Or climbing on blocks to the moon up above ♪

♪ Pink is a feeling of joy and love ♪

♪ Pink is imagining what we can be ♪

♪ A dancer ♪ A robot

♪ A pirate at sea

♪ Pink is a giggle that wiggles your toes ♪

♪ Pink is a sparkle that glows and glows ♪

♪ It's a pinkatastic feeling

♪ In a pinkamazing way

♪ It's a pinkatastic feeling

♪ On a pinkaperfect day

♪ Anything can happen as we play the day away ♪

♪ It's a Pinkalicious feeling

♪ Peterrific you might say

♪ Pinkalicious and Peterrific

♪ Pinkalicious pink, pink hooray! ♪

Pink, pink hooray!

PINKALICIOUS: "Parrot Watch"


Hey, Peter, look at me!

I've got a new trick.

A triple trampoline spin!



Oops. [chuckles]

Try again!


I want a new trick, too.

I just need to think of one.


I'm sure you'll think of something totally Peterrific!

MOM: Hey, kids, you have a visitor.

BOTH: Toothy McSquint!

Arr, me hearties!

Shiver me timbers, but it's good to see you!

Now... pardon the intrusion,

but can I ask you two a favor?


I'm due to go to a gathering

of the Family McSquint.

It be far, far away, across the sea--

so far, I'm actually going to take a plane.

It's much quicker.


The only problem is, uh...

Captain Feathers here doesn't like to fly.

[squawks sadly]

But... he's a parrot.

♪ Those plane seats aren't made for birds, oh no ♪

♪ And the food is yucky beyond words, yo ho! ♪

Yeah... [chuckles]

Be there any way you two mateys

could watch Captain Feathers while I'm away?

Yes!Of course!

Um, if that's okay?

Please, please, please.

[laughs] Oh, that's fine.

Whoo-hoo, yay!Yay!

This is going to be parrot-tastic!

C'mon, Captain Feathers!

Bye, Captain Feathers, see you soon.

[squawks sadly]

You're actually here on

a really exciting day, Captain Feathers.

I, Peter Pinkerton, am about to attempt

a brand new trick.

I'm going to Bunny Hop

while spinning on my back wheel.

You thought of a new trick!

Go Peter!

Come and watch with me, Captain Feathers.

♪ That trick's too tricky, and I might add ♪

♪ You'll never do it then you'll feel so bad! ♪

♪ You'll never do it.



Are you okay?I think so.

But I messed up my trick!

You'll get it next time.

Just try again.

♪ Then you'll feel so bad...

Actually, I think I'll take a break.


I'd love to watch you do your new trick.

It looked like you'd almost got it.


Here it comes, the triple trampoline spin!

Go, Pinkalicious!

Wow, you're so high!

CAPTAIN FEATHERS: ♪ This risky trick takes a lot of skill ♪

♪ But what if you trip, and you surely will ♪

♪ The biggest fail for all to see ♪

♪ How embarrassing that's gotta be ♪


Hmm, for some reason... [panting]

I... don't really feel like trying it now.

[both sniffing]

I smell cake, come on!



Hey, Daddy.


[yelps] Yes, Peter?

Oh, is that Captain Feathers?

Mommy said it was okay if he stayed for a couple of days.

Oh, did she?

Okay, just don't distract me, please.

I need to finish icing this cake

for the mayor's anniversary party.

Does that mean we can't have any?

Well... I might have saved you a little piece.

Thank you.Ooh!

It looks cake-a-tastic, Daddy!

♪ This cake looks nice but it's way too tall ♪

♪ Cakes that big nearly always fall ♪

♪ They wobble a bit, and then some more ♪

♪ The next thing you know they're all over the floor ♪


My cake isn't going to fall.

It's perfectly balanced.

I'll show you!


[both gasp]


♪ The next thing you know

♪ They're all over the floor ♪



we'll help you clean up, Daddy.


Um, no thanks. [chuckles]

I'll do it.

Why don't you go see what Mommy's up to?

And take Captain Feathers with you.



there... we...[squawks]


Oh no, Mommy, what happened?

It's okay, I've got it.

I just need to fit this last piece...

♪ Inventing's hard and I don't know why ♪

♪ Anybody would even try

[machine rattling]

Oh, no!

Sorry, Mommy.

We'll pick them up.

Thanks, kids,

but I can do it.

Hey, when did Toothy say

he was coming back?


[groans] I feel so grumpy and sad.

Me, too.

[groans] This is horrible.

We have to cheer ourselves up.

But how?


play catch?

Or... hide and seek?

CAPTAIN FEATHERS: ♪ Cheering up is so hard to do

♪ You're sure to quit before you're through ♪

♪ And then you'll be gloomy and sad and blue ♪

♪ Dejected, neglected, and miserable, too ♪


[whispering]: Peter, I know why we're feeling

so grumpy and sad!

[whispering]: I also have my suspicions.

BOTH: It's Captain Feathers' songs.


But he always sings grumpy songs.

They've never made <span tts:fontStyle="italic">usfeel grumpy before.

I think he's grumpier than usual.

Captain Feathers, are you feeling

unhappy about something?

[squawks] ♪ I'm fine, I am perfectly okay ♪

♪ I feel the same as any other day ♪

But your songs are all...

♪ I'm so down and I've got a frown ♪

and... uh...

♪ And this is my song and it's really long ♪

♪ And everything's gonna go really, really wrong ♪

Pinkalicious, can you stop?

You're making me feel even worse.

[gasps] Peter!

If grumpy songs made us feel bad,

maybe a happy song will make us all feel better!

Great idea, Pinkalicious.

We could sing a song about all the things

that make us feel good!

Blocks, they make me happy!

And, balls, and, uh...

And twirling and...

New paintbrushes make me happy,

and jumping rope.

♪ Drawing butterflies and flowers ♪

♪ Jumping rope and building towers ♪

♪ Dressing up for Halloween

♪ Bouncing on a trampoline


♪ That's what makes me

[clapping] ♪ Happy

♪ That's what makes me happy

Your turn, Peter.

Hmm... what makes me happy?

♪ Climbing trees, playing I Spy ♪

♪ Flying a kite up in the sky

♪ Listening to owls hoot

♪ Doing tricks while I scoot

Watch out, here comes the back wheel bunny hop!

BOTH: Yay!

♪ That's what makes me

[clapping] ♪ Happy

♪ That's what makes me happy

♪ I love to cook, I love to bake ♪

♪ Spreading the icing on the cake ♪

♪ Inventing things is just my style ♪

♪ That's what really makes me smile ♪

Hooray! [laughs]

ALL: ♪ That's what makes us

[clapping] ♪ Happy

♪ That's what makes us

♪ Ha... ppy

This is great, Peter.

Singing about what makes me happy

has actually made me feel happy.

[squawks sadly]

Let's sing some more.

BOTH: ♪ What makes you happy, here's a hint ♪

♪ A friendly pirate named McSquint ♪


♪ I do love Toothy, but he's left this shore ♪

♪ And thinking about him makes me miss him more ♪


Oh, no!

We made Captain Feathers feel worse.

Which I did not think was possible.

He misses Toothy, that must be why he's been so down.

Oh, Captain Feathers, we're so sorry.

What are we gonna do?



What are you doing here?

I got to the airport and then I turned right around.

I couldn't leave my beloved old parrot,

not even for the Gathering of the Family McSquint.

I hope he hasn't been too much of a Gloomy Gus.

No, no, not at all.

Maybe a teeny, tiny bit of a Gus.

♪ That's what makes me happy ♪

♪ That's what makes me

♪ Happy

Captain Feathers?

[gasps] He's so cheerful!

Is this really my parrot?

Yes, he's just really happy to see you.

Shiver me timbers, matey!

Let's get you home. [chuckles]

Thank you, Pinkalicious! Thank you, Peter!


♪ You wouldn't have enjoyed the party anyway ♪

♪ You'd have wanted to leave by the second day ♪

[squawks]Ah, now that's my parrot.

KIDS: That's artalicious!

We decided to make haikus.

CHILD: A haiku is a type of poem

with five syllables, then seven syllables,

then five again.

CHILD: A syllable is each sound in a word.

For example, but-ter-fly... [clapping]

is three syllables.


CHILD: We finished making our haikus

and next we're gonna read them to each other.

Welcome to the Haiku Festival!

The smells of summer.

Bright sunshine in the garden.

Butterflies bring joy.


Mine is also a little bit related to summer.

It's about the beach.

Swimming and playing.

Having fun in the hot sun.

The beach is the best.


Mine is about summer, too, and also it's about the beach.

Like this?

Yeah, just like that.

I feel the wind blow.

I feel sand between my toes.

I hear water splash.


A haiku is a great way to express yourself.

CHILD: The basic thing is

to make it from your heart.

Goodbye, everybody!


PINKALICIOUS: "Disappearing Act"

PETER: Eight... nine... ten!

Ready or not, here I come.



Oh... oh.

A-ha![Jasmine yelps]

Found you, Jasmine!

You got me.[laughter]

Want to help me find Pinkalicious?


you'll definitely need my help.

Pinkalicious is so good at hiding.



[both yelp]


[giggles]I give up.

I can never find Pinkalicious.

She's the best, all right.

Come out, come out, wherever you are!



Whoa, great hiding spot, Pinkalicious.


I looked in the treehouse.

But you didn't look behind the curtain.

[sighs] I sure wish I could be that good at hiding.

All it takes is a little practice

and the ability to be terrific at hiding.

In other words, you have to be hide-errific!


You just need to come up with places to hide

where no one would think of looking!

Better give it a try,

because I'm not just really good at hiding,

I'm really good at seeking, too!

One, two, three, four...

five, six, seven,

eight, nine, ten!

Ready or not, here I come!


Found you, Peter!


Aw, you always find me.

That's okay, I'm older than you.

I've been playing hide and seek for a long time,

so I've had more practice.

[sighs] Okay, how about this?

We hurry and find Jasmine, then I'll go get a snack.

[gasp] Did somebody say snack?

[giggles] Found you, Jasmine.



I wondered where this ball went.


Hello, I didn't see you there.

You blended right into my ball.

Here, let's find you a nice place to sit.

Whoa, you can change colors?

You must be a chameleon.

I've heard of you before,

but I've never actually seen a real one.

Hey, where'd you go?

Oh, you're even better at hiding than my sister.

I wish I could blend in with things.

Then Pinkalicious would never find me!

Awesome! [giggles]


Peter, where are you?



I know, I'll try to blend in

so no one can see me.

Just like you do.

Be right back, little buddy.



This is going to be awesome!

I can't change colors the way you can,

but all of these flowers and leaves will help me

blend into the garden.

Wish me luck!

There you are, Peter.

We were just talking about what we should play next.

Hide and seek, definitely hide and seek!

I want to hide again!

Are you sure?

Sure, I'm sure.

And you can both be "it."

Bet you can't find me!

But we've been playing hide and seek all day.

I wish we could do something else.

Like put on a fashion show!


A wild and wacky fashion show!

Best idea ever!

Don't worry, it won't take long to find Peter.

Then it's fashion show time!

BOTH: Ready or not, here we come!


Where could Peter have gone?

I can't find him anywhere.


Okay, Peter, you win.

We give up.Here I am!

Whoa, I was practically right next to you.

I can't believe we didn't see you.

Amazing hat, by the way.


Just a little something to help me blend in.


Let's play again.

I need to practice hiding.

Oh, uh...

We were thinking of having a fashion show instead.

A wild and wacky fashion show!

Oh I get it, you want to stop now

that I'm better at hiding than you.

We'll see about that.

If we're going to keep playing,

we need to change it up a little.

This time we can hide inside or outside.

Huh... must've left the other one in the dryer.

I could blend in here.

Let's see...


Ha, looking like laundry.

Sock, meet your other sock.

I'll check the living room, Jasmine!

Looking for something, Pinkalicious?

Yes, Peter.

We're playing hide-and-seek.

He's not in here!



Peter, I didn't see you in there.

And neither did Pinkalicious.

That's because I'm practically a chameleon.


They won't come back here to look.

Better find another place to hide.

Bye, Daddy!

[clears throat]

[Mom humming]

Mommy, have you seen Peter?

Sorry, Pinkalicious, I haven't seen him.

Okay, thanks.

When did he get to be so good at hiding?

Hmm... let's see...

I'll need my screwdriver...

Peter! [laughs]

I didn't even see you there.

Shh, Mommy, I'm trying to blend into your workshop.

You're doing a great job.

PINKALICIOUS: He's not in his room.

Who knew it would be so hard to find him?

[gasps] Let's go down and check the backyard.

Oh, no!

They're going to see me.


PINKALICIOUS: He's definitely got the hang of this hiding thing.

[groans] We've looked everywhere.

I don't think we're ever going to find Peter.

It's like he just disappeared.


You win, Peter!

You can come out now.

Think he heard me?

Did you hear that, Peter?

Game's over.

Come out, come out, wherever you are!

He probably got tired of waiting for us

to find him and went to do something else.

So, what should we do now?

I think it's time for...

a fashion show!

You mean a wild and wacky fashion show?


Let the wild and wackiness begin.


Thanks for the great idea, little buddy.

This blending in thing is the coolest.

I bet they won't find me here, either.


That looks like fun.


[Pinkalicious and Jasmine laughing]

JASMINE: Ooh, I like that.

PINKALICIOUS: Oh yeah, put that there.


That looks amazing!


PETER:Aren't you even going to try and find me?

I thought we were playing hide and seek.

Oh, no.

I guess he didn't hear us.

Sorry, Peter, we looked everywhere for you.

We had no idea you were still hiding.

[gasps] Peter...

Don't move.

There's something on your hat.

Oh, that's my friend.

He's a chameleon.

He showed me that you don't need

a perfect hiding place.

You just need to blend in.

That's so cool!Pinkamazing.

Did you make that hat, too?

It's awesome.


It helped me blend into the shrub.

Now that's hide-errific!

Hey, you should be

in our wild and wacky fashion show with us.

Yes, you're great at blending in.

But I bet you'll be even better at standing out.

Ladies and gentlemen,

friends and neighbors, welcome to the wildest

and wackiest fashion show!

With inspiration from Peter Pinkerton.

[cheers and applause]

MOM: Good job, Peter!

DAD: Whoo-hoo! Ha-ha!

Best fashion show ever. Way to go, kids!

[Peter giggles]