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05x05 - Training Wheels

Posted: 01/20/24 14:11
by bunniefuu
One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

a 211 in progress.

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.


Okay, that's an overview
of the training program.

We felt this refresher
was important

just to get you back in tune,

in case you've developed
some bad habits,

and to make sure the
new cars, like that one,

don't end up like the
one sitting next to it.

Next up is the accident
simulator course.

If you'll all step over here.

It's a shame, but you probably won't
be needing any car at all for a while.

We're all going back to
pounding a beat, huh?

I call it progressive.

That car-stripping problem in
our district is getting out of hand.

Since you don't seem to
be capable of solving it,

I made a suggestion to
the brass, and they bought it.

If I do say so myself,
it's a great idea.

It must be a good idea.

It's the first one
you've had in ten years.

You just don't appreciate
a creative mind.

Your young partner...
Where is Reed anyway?

He's over on the skid pad.

He's doing a pretty good
job of it, don't you think?

Malloy, you're first up.
Come and sit in the car.

Now we'll check
your reflexes, Malloy.

If an accident
happens in front of you,

we don't want you to
lock your brakes and hit it.

We want you to be
able to drive around it.

It's like threading a
needle at 35 miles an hour.

a trip wire will turn
two of the lanes red.

You've got three-quarters
of a second to react,

and 55 feet to get
into the correct lane.

Hold it at 35.

Keep your eyes on the lights.


While we're out here, let's get a
timing on the operational course.

Okay, Pete, open it up.

Now remember, the only thing that's
going to get you through the esses

is smooth control.

Slow down before the turn.

Now accelerate through the turn.

Hit it.

Keep it to the left.

Now set up for turn five.

Don't over-accelerate
coming out of turn five.

One other thing.

If you're in pursuit
and it gets too hairy,

shut it down.

Let's get back to the group.

A smooth, well-controlled
ride in one minute, 16 seconds.

Hey, not bad.

Give some thought to joining
our instruction staff, Malloy.

We could use you.

I've got a job. Thanks anyway.

When do we get our
final scores, Sarge?

Oh, about ten minutes.
We have a little show first.

What's that?

- See that car over there?
- Yeah.

Start up the head of the esses,

give him five seconds,
play it like it's the real thing.

He just stuck up a bank.
Take him into custody.

Hey, Malloy's doing pretty good.

Yeah, I noticed.

- How'd you do?
- Okay.

I mean, how'd you score?

Chuck, the man wants to know if
I got him creamed on total score.

You got a pretty good edge, Jim.

Nice run, Pete.

For a minute there,
I thought I blew it.

- How you doing?
- Couldn't be better.

That bet I had with Ed's
going to be nice collecting.

I think he's working on
something to take the sting out of it.

What do you mean?

He was just telling me
about some big plan he has

to knock off our car clouters.

- You mean Ed had an idea?
- Yeah.

I guess there's a first
time for everything.

Whatever it is, he's keeping
it a deep, dark secret.

Hey, Pete. How's it going?

Pretty good.

Listen, what kind
of shape are you in?

Well, I manage to limp around.

No, I'm serious. You
in pretty good shape?

What is this?

Well, I'm just curious.

All right, Mac, what's cooking?

I got this special assignment,

but one of the requirements is you
got to be in top physical condition.

I know Reed's going
to qualify, but, uh...

You want to stop
playing Tom Sawyer?

Well, I guess you'll be okay.

Tell you what. Change
into some soft clothes.

When Reed comes in, tell
him not to get in uniform.

Are you going to tell me
what this is all about or not?

It's this car clout problem.

Wells has an
idea for working it,

and I think it's a
pretty good one.

What kind of shape is Wells in?

Pathetic, but it's his idea.

I can't really flunk
him on the physical.

Okay, guys, listen up.

You all got your
beat areas assigned.

Each of you take one of
these newspaper bags.

It'll give you a cover and
keep your CC's handy.

These bikes are
unclaimed from Property.

They'll be used
in the next auction,

so take care of them.

Why the bicycles?

It's your plan. Lay it on them.

The reason for the bikes
is 'cause they're quiet.

The clincher is where
you can go with them.

I did a breakdown on every
car clout we've had in the area,

and I come up with
one very interesting fact.

Every car that's been
hit for stereos and radios

has been hit from the curb side.

All they got to do is lay down
when the squad car cruises by,

and we never see them.

So we ride on the
sidewalks and nail them.

The man can think.

You mean we're supposed to
be pumping around on bicycles?

Come on, Reed, play the game.

I remember going along with
your idea of picking up truants

to stop that daylight burglary
problem we had not so long ago.

No, Ed, I agree with you.
I think it's a good idea.

Okay, grab a
bike and get with it.

Wells, you'll be Zebra 14.

Since this is your operation,
you'll be coordinating it.

I think we can use the
freeway as a border.

Most of the clouts
have been east of here.

Yeah, except for
up here on Fifth.

We'll just hope this plan works.

- Okay. We straight?
- Right. Good luck.

How's it going?

Swell. So far, I've
been chased by

a German shepherd and a poodle.

Zebra 14 to Zebra 12. Come in.

Zebra 12 to 14. Go.

One of you guys interested
in trading mounts for a while?

No, thanks. I'm just
getting used to this one.

That balloon-tire beast of
his must be getting heavy.

See you next time around.

Young man.

Young man!

Yes, ma'am?

You come here right now.

And don't you "Yes,
ma'am" me, young man.

I'm getting sick and
tired of this business.

I went to the trouble of
setting my alarm clock

for 4:00 in the morning just
so I could get my hands on you.

Now hand it over.


My paper. Hand it over.

I'm not...

You're not competent,
that's what you're not.

You're new, aren't you?

You just check that
little book of yours,

and you'll see that I
have a paper coming.

And I'll tell you another thing.

I'm getting sick and tired of
getting my paper out of the bushes.

You throw it on the
front porch, understand?

Ma'am, I'm not your paperboy.

- You're not?
- No, ma'am.

Well, who is?

He is.

Thank you, young man.

Young man.


Just an occasional cramp.


I'd rather not discuss it.

Zebra 14 to Zebra 12.

There are three
suspects prowling cars

in the 200 block on Fowler.

Can you move in from the east?

Zebra 12, roger.

Hey, man, too many
paperboys around here.



- You okay?
- Yeah.

That was quite a
header you took.

You can believe that. Look.

That's a shame.

Yeah. I was just
thinking of buying it.

All right, on your feet.


Ed, you remember that bicycle
you destroyed last night, don't you?


The little girl who owns it
is down the hall in the lobby.

She wants to take it home.

Down the hall, huh?

In the lobby.


Look, it isn't hurt
too bad, you know?

All you got to do is
get a new front wheel.

The department will pay for it.


It'd be good as new.

In fact, you know what?

It'll be better than new,

because that front wheel
will be brand spanking new.

That's like having
half a brand-new bike.

Say something.

Uh, how about today?

How about today what?

How about today
letting me drive the car?

I did check out
okay at the school.

You'll get a chance.


The car's still new.
It's not broken in.

When is this car going
to be broken in, Pete?



Let's go talk to him.

May I see your license, please?

Why? What did I do?

You rolled a boulevard
stop back there.

Boy, you cops
really get a charge

out of busting
everybody with long hair.

Just let me see
your license, huh?

You really got closed minds.

Why don't you try giving
everybody the benefit of the doubt?

Don't lump people
into categories

and then make group judgments.

Try seeing them as individuals.

You'd be surprised
how well it works.

You through?

Why don't you try relating to
people on a one-to-one basis?

Get to know them

before you start
chopping them down.

Through now?

Just give me the ticket.

Oh, I wasn't going
to give you a ticket,

but if you want me to, I'll
go back and get my book.

You weren't?

No, but I can give
you one if you'd rather.

No, no, I'd rather not.

Down with the pigs.

Down with the pigs.

Somebody in the back of the van?

No. No.

Down with the pigs.

Down with the pigs.

Down with the pigs.

He's kind of lumping
us all together, isn't he?

Actually, it's not my bird. It
belongs to this chick I know.

Down with the pigs.

Is that his whole act or
does he have an encore?

Actually, you got to understand.

This chick, she has this
kind of thing about cops.

I mean police.

Down with the pigs.

He's just not giving
the benefit of the doubt.

Try not to run any more
boulevard stops, okay?

Yeah. Okay. Thanks.

Down with the pigs.

Stop staring at me.
You'll get a chance.

Down with the pig.

I know why you're pressing.

I said you'd get a chance.

- Chinese food, huh?
- Yeah.

Why don't you tell him
you don't like Chinese food?

You ever tried to explain
something to Ed Wells?

- Yeah.
- And?

I get your point.

We agreed whoever
lost would pick the spot.

Ed knew all along I
didn't like Chinese food.

He's just spoiling
the thrill of victory.

You're lucky he didn't invite
you and Jean down to the station,

and give you a handful of
quarters for the vending machine.

38-81 roger.

38-58 repeat.

Hey, Pete...

I don't want to talk about it.

You don't even know
what I was going to ask you.

You were going to ask me
for a chance to drive the car.

Look, we only have an
hour till the end of watch.


Well, how about it?


Is that all you can
say... Uh-huh and uh-uh?

You're really turning
into a surly guy.

Any unit in the
vicinity, a code 30,

7408 North Crenshaw.

This is One-Adam-12.

We'll handle code 30
at 7408 North Crenshaw.

One-Adam-12, roger.

Car agency. Get some backup.

This is One-Adam-12
requesting backup.

Meet us at 7408 North Crenshaw.

Possible 459, suspect
inside the building.

Advise backup to
cover rear of location.

One Adam-59, One Adam-59,
back up One-Adam-12.

7408 North Crenshaw.
Possible 459 inside.

Cover the rear.

One-Adam-12, I've
got a 459 there now

at 7408 North Crenshaw.

Request E.T.A. of alarm men.

One-Adam-12, the
E.T.A. ten minutes.

He's in there
prowling the office.

Give it up, mister.
Police officers.

The building's sealed off.

One-Adam-12, we're in
pursuit of 459 GTA suspect.

Vehicle is a 1972 Javelin,
red in color, no plates.

Vehicle is heading eastbound
on La Brea approaching Everward.

Vehicle is now northbound on
Everward approaching Highland.

All units, One-Adam-12 is
now northbound on Everward,

approaching Highland.

units, use tach two.

He's heading into
the business district.

Now approaching Broadway.

Suspect vehicle is
approaching Broadway.

One Adam-16 is code 100
on Everward and Fillmore.

Clear right. Go.

Vehicle now westbound on Broadway,
excess of 80, approaching Wentworth.

Suspect vehicle is now on
Broadway approaching Wentworth.

One Adam-25 is code

One X-ray 43 is code 100
at Second and Fillmore.

One-Adam-14 is code

That's it, we got
him surrounded.

Let's coast in behind him.

This is One-Adam-12
discontinuing pursuit.

Suspect vehicle last seen westbound
on Broadway from Wentworth.

One-Adam-12, roger.

All units, One-Adam-12
has discontinued the pursuit

of a 1972 red Javelin.

Last seen westbound on
Broadway from Wentworth.

All units hold code 100.

One-Adam-14, roger.

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-14 reports

the suspect vehicle has
T.A.'d at Broadway and Fifth.

roger. And we're out.

The way he was driving, it
had to happen sooner or later.

Could have been anybody
but Wells to find him.

I can just hear him now.

Threw a code 100 at
the corner and he saw us,

swerved and wrapped himself
up nice and neat around a tree.

Thanks for picking
up the loose ends.

We stayed with him, but
things were getting pretty hairy.

Don't apologize, man. I would've
done the same thing myself.

He was driving too fast.
He could've k*lled somebody.

No kidding, man. I can dig it.