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05x13 - O'Brien's Stand

Posted: 01/20/24 14:16
by bunniefuu
One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

a 211 in progress.

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.


If I hadn't missed the
ten pin in the last frame,

you'd be buying me lunch.

Any time you want
lessons, just let me know.

I'm cheap. For beginners.

Okay. Where do you want to eat?

How about the
gourmet delicatessen?

At least you're beginning
to show some taste.

Hey, Malloy, there's an
old lady out in the lobby

giving Mac a hard time.

- He wants you out there.
- Oh.

Mrs. O'Brien?

If it is, Mac's
got his hands full.

Look, ma'am, I'm doing
the best I can, really.

I hate to tell you this,

but you're not dealing with one
of those sweet little old things.

So far, you've only
seen my nice side.

Now you get Pete
Malloy out here fast

before you find out
what I'm really like.

I thought we
settled this last night.

I changed my mind.

Oh, great. What does that mean?

It means I'm going to camp
out here till I get some action.

I told you I found a report

and Sergeant Sanchez
is handling the case.

And I told you that
he brushed me off,

and I'll be he hasn't
thought about it since.

It doesn't work that way.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.

We'll see.

Malloy, would you
mind filling me in?

That's Mrs. O'Brien.

She manages the
apartment where I live.

Last week, she had
her purse snatched,

and now, she's your problem.

What am I supposed
to do with her?

She says she's
staying. She's staying.

You've got the watch.
Figure something out.

What was the guy's name
that used to live below you,

that one that Mrs. O'Brien
kept calling the cops on?

Mazursky, the rebel yell king.

Yeah, Mazursky. Weird guy.

He's not weird.

He just likes to stand out by the
pool at midnight and give rebel yells.

I got news for you, Pete.

Any guy who likes
to do that's weird.

He misses Alabama.

Didn't you tell me a
couple of months ago

that she pushed
him into the pool

and kept him from climbing out
by turning the fire hose on him.

Yeah. He almost
drowned. But it cured him.

Doesn't it worry you that there
are at least half a dozen fire hoses

inside the station?

What if we come back
from watch tonight,

and she zaps you
coming through the door?

That is a possibility we
can't completely discount.

If I were you, I'd find the
guy who ripped her off.

I'm working on something. I spent a
couple of hours in records last night.

Jim, check a plate.

Guy's hinky. He
keeps dropping back.

It's not here.

One-Adam-12 requesting
wants, warrants and DMV

on California license

One-Adam-12, roger. Stand by.

One-Adam-12, 429 Ida Nora David

no want or warrant,
DMV not available.

One-Adam-12, roger.

It's clean.

He's turning right. I'm
going to make the block.

- That's one for you.
- I figured.

This is One-Adam-12.

We're in pursuit of a 1972 green
Chevrolet four-door hard top.

License 429 Ida Nora David.

Westbound on
Moorpark from Seventh.

Suspect is wanted for traffic
violations only at this time.

All units on all
frequencies, stand by.

One-Adam-12 is in pursuit.

One-Adam-12 is in pursuit of

a 1972 Chevrolet
hard top. Light green.

California license

Proceeding westbound
on Moorpark from Seventh.

Wanted for traffic
violation only.

Clear right.

Suspect is entering
Beatty's Lumberyard on Aliza.

He's trying for the back gate.


Don't sh**t, don't sh**t!

Hands on top of your head.

Let's go. Move.

Over here.

What's that for? We
didn't do anything.

How about reckless
driving and evading arrest?

I told you so.

Okay, so I lost my head.

Honest, man, that's
the only reason.

What are you busting us for?

What are your names
and addresses?

Fred Hill at 4371 Oxnard.


Paul Seever. 3054 Van Nuys.

Come on, man, give us a
break. We didn't do anything.

Car belong to you?

- Yeah, sure.
- You have the registration?

Uh, no. But I have the
one belonging to the guy

that sold it to me. I
just bought it yesterday.

Where is it?

It's in the glove compartment.

Take a look.

I'll check it out.

Find it?

Yeah. Also a few other things.

You jerk.

What'd you put the
stash in there for?

How did I know we
were going to be stopped?

It looks like we can add possession
of heroin to the other charges.

You get the feeling they expected
to be busted for something else?


Here comes Mac.

- What do you got?
- Heroin, for openers.

The car may be hot.
I wanted to pound it.

Okay, take them in. I'll
have 23 handle the car.

If you're in charge of my case,

then I suggest you
get off your rusty dusty

and do something about it.

Mrs. O'Brien, everywhere I go,

I look for a red-headed
boy who's 17 years of age.

Only yesterday, I saw
half a dozen of them.

Unfortunately, none of
these were carrying purses.

Who knows? My luck might change.

I'll see you in the coffee room.

I'll bail Sanchez out
and meet you down there.

Don't get wet.

Malloy, I want her
out of here now.

Pete, I've just about had
it with this whole scene.

I'm tired of being sloughed
off by everyone around here.

Wait for me in the
lobby. I'll be right out.

- I'm warning you...
- Out.

Oh, boy, how can you live
in the same building with her?

You may not be ready
for this, but I really like her.

I'm not kidding. She's got more
guts than almost anybody I know.

The trick is just to
stay on her good side.

Something you haven't
been able to do, huh?

I'm not so sure. I think she's
having a pretty good time down here.

I'd give 100 bucks to get that little
red-headed kid that boosted her purse,

and get her out of this
station and out of my life.

I've been thinking about something
that might make some sense.

All right, let's hear it.

I spent some time last night
going through the reports

of every purse that's
been ripped off last month.

Out of 37 reports, 23 had
Social Security checks in them,

and over half of those went down

within two blocks of the
Addison Street post office.

What are you getting at?

We've been trying to track down a
bunch of unrelated purse snatches.

What if they were after
the Social Security checks?

That's kind of far-fetched.

What would a kid do with
a Social Security check?

Who'd cash it for him?

There is one way. It
would be kind of a hassle.

Go ahead.

What if they were
using phony I.D.'s

and hiring an old
lady to cash them?

You want a stakeout, right?

Right. I figure we have a
policewoman go in there,

and act like she's picking
up a Social Security check.

We stake her out
and see what happens.

Malloy, you got any idea
how understaffed I am?

- Here it comes.
- That's right.

I'm working a couple
of big-time burglars,

got three guys on vacation.

Everybody wants to go in August.

What's wrong with November?

I thought you said it
would be worth 100 bucks

to get Mrs. O'Brien
off your back.

A hundred bucks, yeah.

Three of my detectives
I can't begin to spare.

Thanks for the coffee.

Look, Malloy,
it's not a bad idea.

Why don't you talk to
your watch commander

and see if he can't cut
you loose for a while.

Yeah. Thanks.

Listen, one other thing.

Those guys you
brought in earlier.

Got a trace going to Sacramento.

When the car comes in,
we're giving it the full treatment.

Don't get wet, huh?

What did Mac say?

He said he'd see how
the action is tomorrow.

If it's quiet, we can
work it for a while.

Yeah. It's a pretty good idea,

for a guy grasping at straws.

One-Adam-12, see the woman.

A D.B., 6717 Troyen Drive.

One-Adam-12, roger.

You called the police, ma'am?

He's dead.

My son's dead.

And he k*lled him.

Who k*lled him?

His father.

I... work nights.

When I came home, I...

found him in there.

Call the coroner and detectives.


Why don't we wait on the
back porch, Mrs. Nelson?

I was afraid this would
happen someday.

My husband's no good.

He's always been trouble.

Especially when he drinks.

He breaks things
and hurts people.

He hurt Will so bad once,

he was in the
hospital for a month.

Last night before
I went to work,

they had an awful fight.

What about?


It was never about anything.

Will and I just tried
to stay out of his way.

Now he's dead.

And you know something?

I can't even
remember the last time

I told him I loved him.

Do you know where your
husband is now, Mrs. Nelson?


He sleeps in that guest house.

I had him move
in there last month

when I couldn't
take it any longer.

Did you look in there when
you got home this morning?

I couldn't.

Will you be okay for a minute?


Hey, Nelson, wake up.

Wake up. Police.

I'll check around outside.


What do you want with me?

Oh, yeah, the fight in the bar.

I didn't do that.

I didn't start it anyway.

I sure did finish it.

Mr. Nelson, your
son's been k*lled.



Oh, no, no.

No, what are you
trying to tell me?

You don't have to
answer any questions here,

but you've got to come
down to the station with me.

You look here, buster boy.

I am not going to go anywhere.

Got anything?

There's some tire marks
and crumpled paper.

Go ahead. I'll mark
this for the detectives.

Don't hang this
on me. I didn't do it.

I love my so-called wife...

Settle down!

Let's go over on Hoover and check
those two markets by the freeway.

I'll phone in, then
we can head in.

I can go home to Jean, and
you can go home to Mrs. O'Brien.

One-Adam-12, go to the station.

Meet the watch
commander in front.

One-Adam-12, roger.

Now I know why Mac called us in.

What do you mean us, stranger?

What's going on here?

What does it look like?

This is a peaceful

I trust it's still legal.

He found out that
you're one of my tenants,

but I told him you could
be moving out shortly.

If you throw me out, who are you
going to get to take out the trash?

Besides, where's all
this going to get you?

Into the newspapers
and the television.

Public opinion...
That's where it's at.

Now if you don't mind.

What's the problem, Mac?

Oh, that's very funny.

Now look, will you turn
around and get out there

and talk her into leaving?

Oh, come on. We're off
watch in a few minutes.

Oh, no. You're off watch when you get that
knitting circle back to their knitting.

Somehow, I don't see Mrs.
O'Brien doing any knitting.

But in a knife fight, she
might be spectacular.

Okay. I'll see what I can do.

You know, I don't believe it.

All this over one purse.

You have to respect
her. She's a fighter.

Yeah, I'll give her that.

By the way, that Nelson
guy you brought in.

Doesn't look too good for him.

He's already been up
twice for felonious as*ault.

Coroner fixed the time of
death at about 9:00 this morning.

He still doesn't
remember anything?

Nothing. Doesn't even
know how he got home.

What about fingerprints?

All over the place.

But they could've been
left by anyone anytime.

The shovel was clean.

Could you make anything
out of the stuff in the driveway?

Those tire tracks were
made by Girardi tires,

but even if they
could be traced,

that wouldn't prove
it was the k*ller's car,

assuming that
Nelson didn't do it.

The same with those
candy wrappers they found.

Victim could have
dropped those himself.

Wait a minute. Candy
wrappers? What kind?

I think Sanchez said
they were Mello Almonds.

Those two hypes that we picked
up earlier had Mello Almond.

We stopped them just about
the time the Nelson kid was k*lled.

They were only seven
blocks from the house.

I'll get Sanchez on it.

If their tires are Girardi,

Nelson might draw
the "get out of jail" card.

All right, enough is enough.

You made your point yesterday.

And today and tomorrow
and as long as it takes.

You're really putting me on a
spot with my watch commander.

I'm sorry, Pete,

but you might as well get
in there and drive me down,

because I'm going
one way or another.

Did you see the

Yes, I did.

And you looked terrible.

You're getting a double
chin. You better watch it.

Hey, Pete, you guys can
change back into soft clothes.

I decided to give your
purse-snatch theory a trial.

I've got a plain car
and a policewoman.

You can work it for one
day, that's all I can spare.

Thanks, Mac.

Hey, Pete, don't
thank me. I'm like you.

Anything we can do to
get Mrs. O'Brien out of here,

we got to try.

You guys afraid of
that nice old lady?

Oh, Sanchez wanted
me to give you a message.

The tire tracks match perfectly

right down to a
cut in the left front.

When we hit the suspects with it, Seever
couldn't wait to cop out on his buddy.

So they turned Nelson
loose this morning.

He looked kind of glad to leave.

Why'd they k*ll the kid?

The Nelson kid was
dealing in smack.

He jacked the price up,
they got into a hassle,

k*ller flipped out
and k*lled him.

Sanchez says good work.

Those candy wrappers
made the case.

I wonder if she's
as tired as I am.

If I ever have the urge
to become a detective,

remind me of this caper,
huh? Kind of dull, huh?

Unless you like sitting
around in a car all day.

It's your turn.


Category's great athletes.

We already did great athletes.

I really have a
toughie this time.

Wait a minute. I
think I got something.

Let's hit it.

All right, let's go. Come on.

Look, I never done this before.

You guys got to believe
me. This is my first rip-off.

Give him his rights.

I know my rights. I'll tell you
anything you want to know.

You guys, you got to believe me.

I never done nothing
like this before.

I need some extra
scratch. That's all.

My old man, he's out of work.

My little sister.

She's got to have
some food to eat soon.

I had to do it. I
needed that money.

I'd advise you to
get an attorney.

What for? It was
just a purse snatch.

We know about the
Social Security checks.

That could tie you
into 20 or 30 counts.

All we have to do is let

the women whose Social
Security checks were taken

have a look at you and
see where it goes from there.

What if we make a deal?

If you want to cooperate,
fine. We don't make deals.

Look, I don't want
to take this whole rap.

I don't blame you.

There's this guy... he's been
paying me for the checks.

I get ten bucks for
every check I bring him.

What's his name?

Al Davies.

He's got a little
photography shop.

It's right around here.

Let's go.

You really hit it, Malloy.

Detectives busted
Davies' photo shop.

Came up with half a dozen
Social Security checks,

and some phony I.D.'s for a little
old lady who was cashing them.

They're picking her up now.

Davies' getting
booked down the hall.

About the checks, Mac.

We didn't happen to get
lucky and turn Mrs. O'Brien's?

Well, even cops get
a break now and then.

That's going to make a
lot of people very happy.

What's this new
jazz you're pulling?

Why can't I have
it? It's mine, isn't it?

Yeah, but you see,
it's also evidence.

You'll get it back
right after the trial.

I better, or I'll be back.

From now on, why don't you keep
your purse underneath your arm,

or wrap the strap
around your fingers.

You'll hang onto it longer.

Pete, drive me home.

I can't do that. It's
against the rules.

Malloy, drive her home.