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06x04 - The 3rd Choir

Posted: 10/21/14 05:15
by bunniefuu

Callen: She's never k*lled anyone before.

Those intruders were there to kidnap Hetty.

So, you used me.

I protected you, still am.

Nell: Somebody paid $250,000 to find out where Hetty lives.

Eric: Guys, take a look at this.

Sam: Mattias.

Callen: With Hetty's personal information for sale, he probably thought he could go in quietly and grab her.

So, what do we do now?

Callen: We hunt him down, and we k*ll him.

♪ ♪
♪ ♪

(car alarm chirps)


♪ NCIS: LA 6x04 ♪
The 3rd Choir
Original Air Date on October 20, 2014

♪ ♪

Man: Henrietta?

Admiral Kilbride, to what do I owe the pleasure?

May I?

Well, it's a free country.

For the time being.

Must say it's strange seeing you here in D.C.

No stranger than seeing you here, landlocked.

We all make sacrifices for the greater good.

It's actually not so bad here.

It would be a beautiful city, if you got rid of all the damn politicians.

You think you could do a better job?

Monkeys could do a better job.

So, maybe it's time to consider returning to Washington.

I'd rather be taken off to Montelupich.

We have better food.

I have a job.

Or at least I did when I left.

I also have people who need me.

We have people here who need you.

I am not a politician, Admiral.

I never have been, I never will be.

I would never insult you by suggesting anything of the kind.

I just think you could have a bigger impact here.

We need someone with your skills and experience.

Ah, there's the rub.

My experience.

I thought I was sent here to protect me.

You were.

But it sounds like you want to send me off into the sunset behind a desk.

I'm offering you the chance to impact policy, Henrietta.

If you or anyone else thinks I'm no longer capable of the job, just say so, and request my resignation.

I would never do that.

Good, because I'd probably tell you to go to hell.

And now if you'll excuse me, I'm late for my daily flogging.


I hope you and Vance aren't using these hearings to do your dirty work.

You never know what secrets an old woman might reveal in the throes of her dementia.

♪ ♪
♪ ♪

Wake up, Beale, time for school!


Your mom call you by your last name?

Well, step-mom.

She was strict.


I brought you some breakfast-- egg whites, protein shake.

Thank you.

What's wrong? You allergic to dairy?

No, I just, uh... I usually eat cereal.

That's probably why you crash, Cap'n Crunch.

You know, uh, Hetty doesn't allow food in Ops, right?

Well, Hetty isn't here right now, and I need you at full-blown Beale.

Come on, where's Callen?

I don't know.

He was all over the city last night.

Uh, he's covered about 300 miles in the last eight hours.

What's he doing?


Where is he now?

I don't know.

He turned his phone off about an hour ago.

Where's his car?



Oxford Avenue between Wilshire and Sixth.

It's been for about 90 minutes.

Maybe he finally fell asleep.

No, he's not sleeping.

That's right around the corner from the Western-Wilshire Metro Station.

He could be anywhere.

Keep this one accessible.

All right.

Agent Blye, Detective Deeks.

(laughs uncomfortably)

How long are these Department of Justice jokers gonna be digging through our files?

Geez, we should be charging them rent.

Or call the exterminator.

Hey, what do you think of the name Shepherd.

For what? What do you mean, for what?

For a kid.

Fine, if he's raising goats?

(laughs) Though technically, that would be a goatherd.

Not a bad name--

Goatherd Deeks.


I'm sorry that I asked.

Why? Did you get some bimbo pregnant?

Hey, not yet.

You better be talking about one of your stripper friends.

I don't have any stripper friends.

Oh. No, I do have acquaintances who on occasion dance...

Not unlike yourself. make ends meet.

Ooh, I bet they make their ends meet.

A lot.

Okay, you never told me about your stage name.

Um, let me guess.

Um... Magic Marty.



Dirty Deeks.

No, no, no. Uh...

Scabby Spice.


I need to talk to you two.

We carpooled.

Yeah, going green.

Yeah, saving the planet.

You know, it's like Superman.

Except, of course, I wear my underwear on the inside of my pantaloons.

When he remembers to wear underwear.

I'm kidding.

I was just kidding.

He wears underwear, I think.

I'm assuming, I don't know.

We're just... just partners.


Where's Jones?

Uh, is she not in, yet?


She's not returning my calls.

Well, in all fairness, she did just k*ll somebody.

So, maybe she needs some time to process that.

Well, unfortunately, time is something we're running out of.

We've got a former East German operative gunning for Hetty, and I need all hands on deck.

Agent Callen.


Maybe he didn't hear you.


Sam: Where have you been?

Looking for Mattias.

Did you find anything?

Not yet, still searching.

But we've alerted LAPD, Homeland Security, FBI, and the Sheriff's Department.

That's not good enough.

I want every bounty hunter, g*ng member, and Girl Scout hunting for this guy.

You sure that's a good idea?

We spook this guy, we may never find him.

Oh, we're gonna find him,

'cause we're gonna make it impossible for him to cross the street without us knowing it.

Tap into your social media networks and put his face out there.

I want everyone within a 500-mile radius knowing what Mattias looks like.

And offer a reward.

A reward?


Where'd you get this?

It's mine.

Everything I got.

(distant sirens blaring)

Where is everybody?

It's your circus.

Well, I'm glad to see that you're feeling better.

Are you?

How much longer are you planning on dragging out this fiasco?

Well, I think it's best if we wait for the others.

I don't bite, Congressman.

Unless, of course, I'm provoked.

I prefer to have everything on the record, Ms. Lange.

Of course you do.

It's called accountability.

Something that you don't seem to think applies to you.

Your people and your, uh, black budgets and your secret operations-- you seem to think that you can run around doing whatever the hell you please with total impunity.

What we do is protect people like you and your family, so your wife can eat at Le Grange today without worrying about being blown up by a b*mb.

And your daughter can attend George Washington without being kidnapped by extremists.

And how would you know where my wife is having lunch today?


And for the record, you don't want to know the sacrifices we make, because if you did, you would be so ashamed of your actions, this hearing and your pathetic excuse for a career.

(doors open)

I'm sorry. Are we late?

We were told the hearing was pushed back by a half hour.

By whom?

Care to tell me what's going on?

A reward's being offered for information on Mattias.

I'm not authorizing that.

You don't have to 'cause I already did, with my own money.

All support personnel out.

You can work from auxiliary stations.

Not you, Beale. Secure the room.


From here on in, we're at the principalities level.

Principality? Uh, uh, a state ruled by a prince?

No, "principalities."

It's, uh, one of the nine orders of angels that make up the third and highest choir.


Hetty's version of Code Red. Until further notice, we don't operate with any personnel outside this room.

Same with our system, Beale.

I want us isolated from everything and everyone. No more leaks.

Yes, sir.

So where are we?

Hetty's Cold w*r enemy, Mattias Draeger, arrived on a plane along with several other German sh**t.

sh**t who tried to kidnap Hetty.

When that didn't work, they tried to k*ll us.

Until we took 'em out.

Kensi: Had they succeeded, Hetty would have been left extremely vulnerable.

And we would be, you know, dead.

Eric: Well, if he's smart, Mattias is halfway to Dusseldorf by now.

But we're not gonna let that happen.

Deeks: The last time Mattias was here it was for a book of Cold w*r secrets.

He was never after Hetty.

So why is he now?

It doesn't matter why he's here.

Just that we find him.

(door opens)

Thomas: We all make important decisions that affect the lives of others.

We use protocol because history has taught us which decisions protect the most lives.

Hetty: When you're in the middle of a w*r, Mr. Thomas, history is being made in the present moment, and protocol can seem a little outdated.

Mm. So you believe that you have the authority (phone buzzing) to change protocol whenever you see fit?

What would you do if a family member of yours was kidnapped, Mr. Thomas?

Is that a threat, Ms. Lange?

It's hyperbole.

I'm asking you to humor me for the sake of argument.


I don't see the humor in the question.

Neither do I.

How far would you go if the life of a family member was threatened?

I would use every resource available to me, within the law, to save them.

But this case is not about my family.

But it is about mine.

And therein perhaps lies the problem.

Because the agents and the support personnel that you oversee are not your family.

They are, in fact, employees of the U.S. government.

They are human assets.


Ms. Lange, is there a problem?

Where the hell do you think you're going?!

What is she doing?

What is she doing now?!

One moment, please.

Hetty, what are you doing?

I'm going home.

You can't.

I need to get back to Los Angeles.

They won't let you go anywhere.


(elevator bell dings)

Enjoy my lunch when it arrives, Mr. Ogilvie.


Come on, how tough could it be to locate one little woman in a heavily secured building?

Lock the place down. Nobody enters, nobody leaves until we find her.

(alarm blaring)

What the hell is that?

Fire alarm.


She did this.

She's relentless.


Oh, of all the mornings I forgot to stretch.


Maybe I am getting too old for this.

Eric: Hey, um, just checking in.

Again. Uh... give me a shout when you can.

Let me know if you need anything.

(line clicks)


(knocking continues)

(knocking continues)


How's it going, kiddo?

Been better.

So I've heard.

You want to step out and get some fresh air?

I'll even get you a cup of coffee if you put... that away.

Man: What did he do?

Sam: It's not important.

Callen: There's a reward if you help us find him.



For that kind of money, I'll have him stuffed and mounted for you.


You leave that to us.

This guy's dangerous.

I'm dangerous.

You spot him, you call us and you stick with him. Nothing more.


Yeah. Okay.

This better not be a joke.

Does it look like I'm joking?


I hope you know what you're doing.

I know exactly what I'm doing. I'm flushing him out.

Flushing him out.

Even if it creates a mob of vigilantes?

I want to get this guy, too.

I just don't want to set the city on fire to do it.

I mean, I knew this day would come.

You know? I... We prepared for it.

You can prepare all you want.

What you think you'll feel is usually the furthest thing away from how you actually do.

That's the strangest part. It's like... It's not even a feeling. It's like there was a feeling there and now it's just... gone.

That's your subconscious doing its best to suppress it.

k*lling someone goes against every moral fiber ingrained in you since birth.


And I know that here.

He was a cold-blooded k*ller, and it was me or him, but...

I just can't stop thinking about the people who brought him into this world and...

Nell, you're the victim of a post-sh**ting trauma.

You know, that man forced you to sh**t him.

He did this to you.

Look, I just think if I found myself in a similar situation, I wouldn't choose to feel this way again.

If there's even an ounce of truth to that, you shouldn't go back to the field.

Because it's not just your own life you're protecting out there.

Did you find anything in Mattias' file?

Nothing. Oh! Except for a dead cockroach.

That's not dead. It's not dead.

It's not a dead cockroach. It's... Not gonna use...

Uh, what are you doing? That's...


Now he's dead. Not dead. What the hell?

Not... Are you kidding me?

And you're the guy who's supposed to have my back?

Well, it's so smart and crafty.

Surprisingly... swift. Don't...

You're gonna...

Stop He's gonna bite you.

He's not gonna...



Now you got it. You did... you did good. That's why we're partners.

Eric: I think I found something.

The body of one Ryan Greene was found in a trash bin off skid row this morning.

He was last seen in Venice Beach yesterday.

His m*rder was captured by a parking lot surveillance cam.

Deeks: So why would Mattias k*ll this guy?

Maybe he's looking for a new identity.

Hetty's missing.

She walked out of the hearing and disappeared.

Did you tell Hetty about Mattias?

Yeah, I had to.

She's coming here.

You played her into his hand.

Why the hell would you do that?

She needed to know what was happening.

And you need to keep him under control.

On it, sir.

Ryan Greene's cell phone was just turned on.

And someone just used his credit card at a Venice surf shop to buy a beach towel.

Find him.

(engines whirring)

Where do you think you're going?

Camp Pendleton, sir.

I wasn't talking to you, Staff Sergeant.

You can't just walk out of a congressional hearing.

I can and I did.

And if they want my job, I quit.

I'm going home.

To take on Mattias Draeger?

Which is exactly what he wants and what I've been trying to avoid.

Would you prefer he be running around Washington?

I prefer you follow orders.

I've never let anyone fight my battles for me.

Are you trying to test my patience?

I'm trying to protect my people.

Hollace, please, let me do this.

And what am I supposed to tell Congressman Thomas?

Tell him I think he's an ass.

(muffled laughter)

Keep me informed.

Callen: How we doing, Eric?


Eric: Should be right on top of him.

(crowd chatter)

Sam: I don't see him.

Kensi? Deeks?

Maybe he's in one of the shops, or he ditched the phone in the trash can.

Call it.

(touch tones sounding, computer chirps)

(phone ringing through)

It's ringing.

(phone ringing)

(phone ringing)

I got him. Sports coat.

That's not Mattias.

No, but he could be working with him.

Callen: Or he's clueless.

Mattias could have slipped the phone in his pocket to throw us off the trail.


Federal agent!

Where's Mattias Draeger?


He's wearing body armor.

sn*per! ten o'clock high!


(woman screams)

(man grunting, people screaming)

Cover me!

(b*ll*ts ricocheting)

(g*nf*re continues)

(g*nf*re continues)



A full-on g*n fight at Venice Beach?

We were fired on. It was a trap.

Mattias k*lled that guy and dumped his body, knowing we would track his phone.

What's the word on Hetty?

Well, I've been alerted by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff's office that she's on a military flight heading this way.

Well, how long before she gets here?

Maybe four hours.

Where are you going?


Not now. Wallace and her team are still on site.

I don't care.

Well, I do.

They're gonna have a heyday with this latest stunt.

Let 'em.

(door opens)

Agent Hanna... (door closes) ...I thought I told you to contain your partner.

We were taking sn*per fire. We followed protocol.

Well, his bounty isn't protocol.

Callen is cool.

Stop trying to act like he's going off the reservation.

Hetty is the closest thing he has to family, so whatever cool he has is about to evaporate.

Our operations are already under the microscope, so if you can't keep him under control, I'm gonna have to pull him off this.

You try it, and he will go rogue, and I'll join him.

Consider yourselves warned.

(door opens)

Don't you two have something better to do?

(door closes)
Callen: You have to have something.

The guy was firing a r*fle on a rooftop in broad daylight.

I'm looking.

Most surveillance cameras are pointed down, not up.

And no one reported seeing Mattias?

No. Sorry.

Who's the dead guy?

Uh, his name is Demitri Beriliev.

He's here on a student visa.

He's Russian.

Look, I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot.

I was sent here with a mission, just like you.

Oh, no, no, no.

I chase bad guys, not good guys.

Well, maybe when all of this is over, I can buy you a drink... as a peace offering.

I'm married.


That's not in your record.

Yeah, well, a lot of things that aren't in my record, or Callen's or Hetty's or any of us.

Sorry. I...

None of your other, uh, team members were married.

I guess I just assumed...


I mean, it must be hard... in your line of work.

It can be hard in any line of work.

Anything worthwhile is worth the effort, right?

My wife used to be an operator.

She understands better than most.


Oh, yes, I am.

(phone line ringing)

Agent Callen.

What was that all about?

No idea.

Well, what she ask you?

I don't know.

It was nothing.


(phone line ringing)

So stop looking at me.

I'm not looking at you.

Now, I'm looking at you 'cause you're looking at me.

Why are you acting so weird?

I'm not acting weird.

You're acting weird.


I did not see that coming.

I don't know what you're talking about.

You know exactly what I'm talking about.

Uh, no, I don't.

This is how you act when you get hit on.

You obviously made an impression on her.

I'm sure it probably had something to do with your driving.

We need to pick up Arkady.


'Cause he's not answering my calls, and because the guy that was helping Mattias is a Russian national.

You don't think Arkady has anything to do with this, do you?

For his sake, I hope not.

So, are you saying Nell may be g*n-shy?

Look, ell is great at what she does.

Am I convinced she's ready for the next step in undercover work?

That remains to be seen.

Well, she's been well-trained, and she has the skills.

Yes, but it's the mindset.

That's something you cannot teach.

It can be honed and improved, but being able to live with k*lling another human is something inherent.

It's a deeper part of the human condition.

Are you talking about the soul?

If that's what you want to call it.

I will never forget the first person I had to k*ll, but it never haunted me.

What does that say about my soul?

Look, this is all very new to Nell.

I'll have a better understanding of her abilities once it settles in.

Well, we don't have time for it to settle in.

We need all the help we can get right now.

Which is why I'll stick around until the situation is resolved.

You guys could use me in the field.


Not answering your phone?

I've been busy.

How did you find me?

Your ex-wife's sister.

Which one?


Aah, she always talked too much.

Must be genetic.

Callen: Arkady, what are you doing here?

My doctor told me to join gym.

Sam: Yeah?

Probably expected you to work out.

I'm between sets.

Callen: Our old German friend Mattias is back in town.

He's already tried to k*ll us... twice, as a matter of fact.

Once using a Russian decoy as bait.

You know anything about this, or are you too busy working on your figure?

I don't know anything about it.

He tried to kidnap Hetty.


In case you haven't noticed, Cold w*r is back, only it's not so cold lately.

And for someone like your Hetty who has a head full of secrets they'd love to get their hands on, this is just the beginning.

What does that mean?

I mean, it will get worse before it gets better, and your Hetty won't be the only target.

Who else will they go after?

Use your imagination.

Callen: We're not playing around, Arkady.

Who else will they go after?

I don't know!

And to be honest, I don't care.

I've got my own problems.

We will be your problem if you don't start to level with us.

You don't scare me... but they do, because I am one of the people they will come after.

Don't strain yourself.

I can't find a connection between Mattias and the dead Russian.

So where does a German spy hide out?

Wiener schnitzel?

You're a Wiener schnitzel.

That's true.

I used to have this Austrian girlfriend who used to call me her...

Cocktail wiener?

Sausage king.

Oh, I see that nothing has changed here.

Oh! Nate! Hey.

What's up, brother?

What are you doing here?

Well, Granger wanted me here for Nell, and I wanted to be here for Hetty.

Eric: Got him.


Got him.

Salazar: Check it out.

We got the guy you're looking for.

Now where's our money?

Alert Callen and Sam.

(phone buzzing)


I need a sitrep, Ms. Jones.

Hetty? Where are you?

Somewhere over Kansas.

Where is Mattias Draeger?

I don't know.

Well, I don't want anyone going after him until my return.

It's probably too late.

I'm sure Callen and the others are already out there looking for him.

You don't know?

No, I'm not at work.

I am... I'm home.


Are you ill?

I'm not.

Nell, what's going on?

Hetty, I shot someone.

Oh, I see.

And he died.

Was it self-defense?


But it all happened so fast, and now I'm not...

I know, Nell. I know.

But I need you to focus.

Chin up.

I'm on my way back to Los Angeles and I'm going to need to hit the ground running.


Yes, ma'am.

Good girl.

Do you have a pen?

Go ahead.

I'll going to need a chopper from Pendleton to Santa Monica airport and a car there waiting with some of my weapons.

Got it.

Slow down, G. We should wait for backup.

I'm not risking this guy getting away.


(muffled music playing)

Yo, Salazar.

Maybe they moved him.



Last time was a trap.

I know that.

We bring him in alive.

Promise me.

I'm done making promises.

G, don't...


Federal agents.

We got bodies.




(car alarms wailing, horns honking)

Deeks: You guys okay?

Better than Salazar's g*ng.

What the hell happened?

These guys didn't even put up a struggle.

I think Mattias used them.

He must have found out about G's reward.

Used it against us to lure us out.

So where is he? And why wasn't he waiting to pick us off when we came out? Why isn't he sh**ting at us right now? I mean... Mattias is old school, just like Hetty.

And they're always playing a long game.

Okay, so what's the long game?


Well, that game's gonna get a lot easier when Hetty shows up.

(phone rings)

What do you got, Eric?

Mattias isn't dead.

Yeah, we figured that part out.

He was just in the boatshed.


The silent alarm went off.

It was Mattias.

Granger and Nate are there now, but Mattias is gone.

The place is clear.

We'll meet 'em there.

How the hell did he know about the boatshed?

Because he's good. Scary good.

If Mattias found the boatshed, why didn't he just try and ambush us?

Why didn't he set a trap?

He used Ryan Greene to lure us into the k*ll box the same way he feigned his own capture for your ransom.

So what the hell was the appearance at the boatshed all about? If he wanted to lure us there, why didn't Nate or Granger find anything?

Maybe they weren't looking in the right place.

That son of a bitch.



What are you doing?

The beach.

He lured us there. Probably watched our arrival.

Why use a tracking device if you were planning on k*lling us?

Backup plan.

Or maybe he wasn't planning on k*lling all of us.

He's gonna keep one of us alive to lead him back...

To Hetty.

I need these two (line ringing) squad cars moved.


Eric, (engines starting) we think Ops may be compromised.

Whoa, what?

Mattias tagged our cars at the beach, he tracked 'em back to the boatshed, which means he's probably on his way to Ops.

Like, Ops Ops?

Sam: Eric, you can handle this.

Just get everyone out of there, find Hetty and divert her.


Anywhere but Ops.


Oh, boy.

Eric: Guys, Hetty's already in the building.

Callen: Then get her out of there.

Mattias, my old... whatever the hell you are.

Good to see you again, Henrietta.

It's been a while.

He's here. Mattias is here, with Hetty, in her office.

How did you get in here?

Let's just say...

Dennis won't be returning from lunch.

Am I missing something or have you lost your mind?

Because I can't figure out the logic in all of this.


Be honest, did you ever think either one of us would live this long?

You haven't planned for your retirement, have you?

I thought my retirement would be a b*llet.

Well, hopefully it still will be.

What can I say?

You're my nest egg.

You are crazier than I am if you think you're going to get out of here alive.

Yes, well, let's talk all about that on our flight back to Moscow. Shall we?

sh**t me... you won't get five feet without being k*lled.

It's over, Mattias.

I'm not budging from this chair.

I think you will... if I give you this.

I seem to recall you having a very bad experience with this once.

You are an evil son of a bitch.

We are what they made us.

Let's go.

Wallace: Excuse me, Ms. Lange. We haven't had a chance to discuss the...






The Mattias I knew... (Wallace grunting) would never have worn body armor. You're getting soft.

Come out, come out, you German bastard and fight like a man.


(both grunt)


Hetty, what are you doing?

I'm trying to call him out.

You're gonna get yourself k*lled.

Good to have you back, ell.


Oh! Aah!


Inspector Wallace has been shot.

Mattias is on the colonnade.

(Wallace groaning)

Mattias: Both of you: throw down your weapons and walk to me, Henrietta, or I'll k*ll her.

Oh, bugger.

All right.

Hetty, don't.

Do what he says.

Let's get this over with.


(g*n clatters)

(Wallace groaning)

That's far enough.

(door opens)

He's wearing a vest. Head sh*ts only.

In the old days, someone would have k*lled me by now.

That's your problem, Mattias.

Too much nostalgia.

We both know you don't have the balls.


Sorry. Touchy trigger.


(handcuffs clicking)

You good?


You okay?

Guess I owe you that drink after all.

(short laugh)

Somebody owes me a whole bottle.

Deeks: One, two, three, German.

Wow, that looks like it hurts.


Welcome back.

Thank you, Mr. Callen.

It's good to be home.