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05x20 - Suspended

Posted: 01/20/24 14:21
by bunniefuu
One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

a 211 in progress.

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.


Unload your weapons.

Face right, load six
rounds in your g*n,

holster it, and snap holster.

Load six rounds in
reserve a*mo carrier.

Move to seven-yard divider.

- Double or nothing?
- Okay.

Use regular seven-yard
extended-arm position,

one or two hands.

Fire six rounds,
right, center, left.

Repeat... right, center, left.

Eject empty shells and reload.

Twelve rounds in 35 seconds.

Draw safely when targets turn.


I got you this time.

Double or nothing. You sure
the pressure didn't get you?

We'll see.

Group two.

Number one.

It's always the left.

Next time, we only
sh**t the center.

You ready to pay up?

You want them both now?

No. Your credit's good.

Hey, that stuff's
no good for you.

Rots your teeth.

Fogs your brain.

How are you, Malloy? Long time.

I hear you're coming over.

Yeah, well, the
Westside got dull.

Anyways, we moved.
Transfer just came through.

We'll be working the
same division again.

That's great.

Who's your partner?

Jim Reed, Steve Tyson.

- Hi.
- How you doing?

I notice you were having a
little trouble with your left side.

You got to snap off
that fourth cap real quick

so you can sight
with your flash.


Well, I'm going around again.

See you guys later.

You better get used to it.

For a guy that doesn't
wear any sh**ting brass,

he sure comes on strong.

Tyson's not a bad cop,
he's just a procedure nut.

He turns toward Parker
Center twice a day

and chants the manual.

You want to go down to the
Embers and get something to eat?

I better not. I got to find
a market that's still open.

There's an all-night market
on Third near Beverly.

I'm going to change.
I'll see you tomorrow.

Hey, buddy, look, easy.

You look like somebody
I went to school with.

Didn't you go to Taft?


Yeah, well, I didn't either,

and, well, neither did he.

That's a .38 with a five-inch
barrel looking at you.

So you just cool it.

Oh, my God.

Has he got a DMV on
Lincoln Paul Queen 343?

Hasn't come back yet.

Let's go over it again.

Mac, I just gave it to you.

Walked out of the store,
this guy came up to me

and pretended like he knew me.

He pointed out his buddy who had
a five-inch chrome .38 leveled at me

from a car, he was
parked over here.

I shoved him, his
buddy fired, I returned.

My shot hit the car.

He was hit by his own man.

The grocer said there
was only one shot,

and he never saw a car.

He came out after the
guy had already split.

One L-20, Lincoln
Paul Queen 343.

A 1965 Cadillac, Clarence Wiley.

1362 Sycamore, San Francisco.

You sure about that plate?

I'm sure.

Could it have been L-B-Q?

No, Mac. I got the plate.

It's only logical
they'd use hot plates.

I'm sure the car
was a '62 or '63 VW.

Hey, this guy looks critical.

I don't think he's going
to make it to the hospital.

I better try and get
a dying declaration.

Hey, listen, you've
been hit pretty bad.

The attendant doesn't
think you're going to make it.

Just don't go bringing
me a preacher.

I can die just fine by myself.

Why don't you tell us
what really went down?

Clear my conscience, huh?

What if I forget how to die?

If you live, anything
you say now

can't be used in
evidence against you.


He did it.

He's trigger happy.

I didn't even have a g*n.

You wanted to see me?

I thought the feeling
would be mutual.

Come on, Mac. You don't really
think Reed shot an unarmed man.

And you don't really think the department
should conduct this investigation

without it being
suspect of everyone.

No, I don't.

Okay, sit down.

Listen, you remember
the other day I told you

I thought Jim
looked a little down?

We all have our slumps.

A good cop compensates,
and Jim's a good cop.

Yeah, if Jim was a little down,

and you guys had
put in a full day,

why did you go up to
the range last night?

Come on, Mac, you're scrounging.

You're the one that
hits us with an extra day

if we don't sh**t once a month,

and yesterday was the
last day of the month.

How did he sh**t?

Okay. He had a little trouble
with the left-hand target,

but nothing remarkable.

Did he qualify?

Mac, you presented him
with a sharp-sh**t medal.

Why ask me if he can sh**t?

We ran a make on the guy.

He's not clean. He's sanitary.

You sure it's the same guy?

What about ballistics?

Jim said the guy in
the car fired at him.

Did S.I.D. turn the slug?

The b*llet didn't lodge.

It may be out in that
parking lot somewhere,

but we couldn't find it.

And the grocer still claims
there was only one shot.

Well, I guess you
better get dressed.

Okay, One-Adam-8,
Brinkman and Sanchez.

One-Adam-11, Jones and Snider.

One-Adam-12, Malloy and Tyson.

One-Adam-19, Woods and Andrews.

One-Adam-27, Benson and Boyd.

On the desk, Reed.

Now, there's been
a rash of 459's,

probably juveniles,
around the park areas,

so be on the lookout for
any probables in that vicinity.

Any questions?

Okay, that's all.
Hit the streets.

I know. It's policy.

Well, the sh**ting Review Board

will meet in two
days at Parker Center.

Till then, you'll
have to fly the desk.

If it comes down as
an in-policy sh**ting,

things will be back to
normal on Wednesday.

Yeah, if it comes
down in policy.

If it doesn't, Internal Affairs
will handle the admonishment.

Or suspension.

That's assuming the D.A. doesn't
move for criminal indictment.

That's the way it has
to be, and you know it.

But I don't have to like it.

No, but you have to live
with it, at least till Wednesday.

Hey, Malloy, it's
almost mid-watch.

Let's roll.

- It's not so bad.
- Not bad?

You ought to try
working out of Westside.

It's not a station.
It's a museum.

Is that why you left?


When they gave me a
sociologist for a partner,

I decided it was time to move.

You, uh... You seem
pretty tight with your partner.


You think the SRB
will lay him off?


What's up?

What's the PC?

There isn't any.

Do you realize how many VW's
there are in this town that are green?

And the license plates
didn't even match.

Chasing bugs all over town
isn't going to help your partner.

You need to relax.

Why don't we seven at Lucy's,

get a nice, big, greasy pizza,

get your mind off this mess?

One-Adam-12 requesting
code 7 at the station.

One-Adam-12, okay, seven.

Let me help you
with your spelling.

Can I offer you a
sampling of the cuisine?

No, thanks. I come
here for the atmosphere.

The food's only so-so.

How goes the desk?

I'm out of my element.

Maybe you can talk them into
letting you put a seatbelt on the stool.

Can you hold out another day?

I don't know.

Maybe I did sh**t the guy.

I keep reading the victim's
statement. It's like a nightmare.

It's getting hard to tell when I'm
awake and when I'm dreaming.

Hey, Sharon, you got a minute?

Sure, Pete.

I need to run some DMV checks.

- What for?
- Don't ask.

How many do you have?

Quite a few.

You better use the extra
autostatus over there.

- Thanks.
- Sure.

You are not on trial here.

It is simply our responsibility

to thoroughly
investigate all sh**t,

to determine if they're
in or out of policy.

Now, the report states, the
man who was shot was unarmed.

Is that correct?

Yes, sir, that's correct.

And this unarmed
man gave testimony

that you were the
one who shot him.

That's right.

The head sh**ting
instructor, Sergeant Dodd,

indicates that you qualified

below your average
on the night in question.

Have you been under
any unusual strain?

No, sir. I was fully alert
the night of the sh**ting.

Independent testimony

offered by the grocer

indicates there
was one shot fired.

sh*ts came almost

It's possible he didn't
hear two distinct sh*ts.

Can you think of any motive
the grocer would have for lying?

No, sir.

Is there any evidence
contradicting to testimony

which would establish
there were two sh*ts fired?

No, sir. No physical evidence.

Had you ever seen the man
who approached you before?

Never. Not to my knowledge.

Thank you.

I have just been informed the
victim of the sh**ting has died.

We'll adjourn and
reconvene on Monday.

Officer Reed, you're still
assigned to desk duty.

Okay, what did he do after
he came up behind you?

This isn't going to
do any good, Pete.

- It better.
- That's ridiculous.

Playing cops and robbers
isn't going to change the fact

that the D.A. has
a dying declaration

that no amount of
cross-examination can break.

There's got to be a
piece missing someplace.

Come on, let's walk it.

Imagine... Joyriding
in an ambulance.

Kid must have
been out of his head.

Anyways, he finally
turned the siren on,

and the pursuit got hot.


Call in a DMV check on LPQ 348.

What's up?

One-Adam-12 requesting
DMV on Lincoln Paul Queen 348.

One-Adam-12, Lincoln
Paul Queen 348,

a 1965 Oldsmobile.

A.J. Ratner, 1662
Midvale, San Francisco.

Okay, try LPO 848.

Come on, Malloy,
so the plate was hot.

You can't run down
every number in the state.

One-Adam-12 requesting
DMV on Lincoln Paul Ocean 848.

Lincoln Paul Ocean 848,

a 1965 MG. Carl Mann.

2201 Chenault, Bakersfield.

Malloy, you saw the
last training bulletin.

Load capacity on
communications is at peak.

You're abusing the radio.

Look, I've had a belly
full of you and the manual.

You got a complaint,
take it to the brass,

but for now, get off my case.

I was only trying to say you're
not supposed to tie up the radio.

Okay. You've said it.

One-Adam-12 requesting
code 7 at 223 Norris.

One-Adam-12, okay 7.

You coming?

No, I got some
more plates to run.

One-Adam-12 requesting DMV
on Edward Robert Ocean 843.

One-Adam-12, Edward
Robert Ocean 843,

DMV not in file.

One-Adam-12 requesting DMV
on Edward Robert Ocean 348.

One-Adam-12, Edward
Robert Ocean 348

a 1971 Oldsmobile.

Dee Staley.

3308 Morrison, San Diego.

One-Adam-12 requesting DMV on
license Edward Robert Queen 848.

One-Adam-12, Edward
Robert Queen 848,

a 1962 Volkswagen.

Thomas Richards.

1508 Valley View, Los Angeles.

Tyson, let's go. On the double.

One-Adam-12 clear
and shows code 6

at 1508 Valley View.

One-Adam-12 requests
L-90 meet us on tac 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

One L-90, One L-90, meet
One-Adam-12 on tach two.

One L-90 to One-Adam-12. Go.

Mac, I think I may have
found Reed's Volkswagen.

I'm going code 6 on Valley View.

Okay, Pete. Let me
know what you get.


Listen, Malloy, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to come
on so strong before.

It's just that I'm, uh...

a kind of by-the-book guy.



We're about there.

That's your green VW?

I think so.

Get me wants and warrants.

One-Adam-12 requesting
wants and warrants on

Edward Robert Queen 848.

One-Adam-12, Edward
Robert Queen 848,

no want or warrants.

That is a '62, isn't it?

Yeah. In '63, the
taillights were bigger.

After that, the vents changed.

I thought so.

What's the PC?

What are you going to say when
they ask why you pulled him over?

I'm going to hope
they don't ask.

One-Adam-12, we are in
pursuit of yellow '62 Volkswagen

presently eastbound on
Rialto crossing Hobart.

Wanted for speed only at...

Wanted for speed only.

All units on all
frequencies, stand by.

One-Adam-12 is in pursuit.

What about the
car and the license?

What are you doing?

Taking the tape off.

That's tampering
with evidence, Pete.

When the D.A. asks you
what the front plate read,

what are you going to say?

I never saw the front plate.

That's why we sent
the rear plate to S.I.D.

They're doing a match
on the tape right now.

They've already verified
the car was repainted,

the rear window replaced
within the last week.

So I guess you and Malloy
will be together by tomorrow.

How you getting
along with Tyson?

Hey, come on,
Malloy. Let's get going.

Regulations states that no officer
shall take more than 45 minutes

for code 7.

We've been out 47 minutes.

I just like to go by the book.