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01x22 - Gimme Shelter/Goin' Batty

Posted: 01/20/24 18:52
by bunniefuu
That's me, Fred the housecat.

When my family leaves for the day,

I don't just sit inside watching the world go by.

I become...

Nature Cat, backyard explorer extraordinaire!

♪ Oh, go go go ♪


♪ Go go go ♪


♪ We're climbing up the trees now ♪

♪ We're swinging through the breeze now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now ♪

♪ We're Nature Cat ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ So what are we waiting for? ♪

♪ We're so excited to explore ♪

♪ All that nature has in store with Nature Cat ♪

♪ Go go go ♪


♪ Go go go ♪


♪ He's our favourite nature guide ♪

♪ We just can't wait to get-- ♪


♪ We're swinging through the trees now ♪

♪ We're jumping in the leaves now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now ♪

We're Nature Cat!


♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪


Hurry! This way, g*ng!



I can't wait to watch the sunset from Lookout Point!

Yes, yes!

They say it's the best place to watch a sunset!

Oh yeah!

All those colours; orange and red and yellow!

It's supposed to be beautiful!

I love beautiful colours in the sky!

I do, ask anyone!


We're almost there! Nothing can stop us now--

I guess the leaves can stop us, huh, Nature Cat?

And wind too too also!



It's suddenly gotten really windy!

It sure has, Daisy.


Oh... Uh-oh!


What's with the uh-oh, Squeeks?

Guys, don't quote me on this, but I think it's gonna rain!

(Laughing) Oh, Squeeks, come on!

Look at the sky around us. It's glorious.

To Lookout Point, we ride!

Whoa wait, wait!

How do you know rain is coming, Squeeks?

Well by checking out the world around me, that's how!

(Wind blowing)

See how the wind is pushing those leaves?

The wind's coming from over there.

And it's pushing against those clouds!


Ooh, a bunny rabbit!

No, not that cloud, Hal! The one behind it.

The wind is blowing those fluffy white clouds away.

Bye, bunny rabbit cloud! Keep in touch!

I'll miss you!


It does look like those dark clouds are headed this way.

You know, Granny Bunny always said, "a change in the clouds'

shape and colour means a change in weather!"

Your Granny Bunny was right, Daise!

The rain's a-coming all right.

The good news is, the clouds are moving fast,

so maybe the rain won't last long.

What's the bad news?

You know, just curious. Not worried at all, really!

It's not so bad. It's just the clouds are really dark!

And I bet there's gonna be a lot of rain!

A lot of rain?!


Ah, fear not, young Hal.

I have the perfect plan to save us

from this dastardly downpour.


(Giggling) It's simple...

Run home!


Nature Cat, we'll never make it back home in time!


Hmm? Uh, what's that?

It's gonna really rain soon, you guys!

Oh, what should we do?

Fear not!

I, Nature Cat, am here to save the day!


Since there's no lightening or thunder,

let us find shelter from the rain under yonder tree!

Follow me!

This should keep us dry!

Nature Cat, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, man, but no way!

There's certainly not enough leaves up there

to protect us from the rain.

And even if there were, we'd still get wet.

Well, uhh-- oh-- agh, what are we gonna do now?

Well we can always, uh...

I mean, I was thinking that uhh...

Yeah, I got nothing.

Uh, do you guys think we could make a-- a shelter?

A shelter? Sweet idea, Squeeks!

There's lots of building materials in the woods.

Come on!

Onward and yonward!

Okay, this isn't my first time at the shelter rodeo.

We're looking for leaves, we're looking for logs,

and stones...

Branches, bark...

Leaves, logs, stone, branches, bark!

(Speaking quickly): Leaves, logs, stone, branches, bark!

Leaves, logs, stone, branches, bark...!

(Speaking gibberish) Oh!


(Normally): Hi!

Hal, I'm gonna need you to focus, okay?

Go fetch some sticks!

Oh! Sticks! Aye aye, Capitan!

Let's get the other building materials!











Ha-ha! A log for building!

Just as planned!


And look what I got! (Tooting fanfare)

Tah-dee! Sticks!

Whoa! Impressive!

Way to go, Hal!

(Wind blowing)

Oh, it's gonna really pour soon!

No time to waste!

Let's build our shelter! Tally-ho!

Et Voila!

(Sobbing): Why?


I just don't think this was securely built, you guys.

Yeah, we need something to keep the shelter

actually standing up. That's the point.

Ah, too bad our kids can't come over to help.

They sure make the cutest forts ever!

I mean, blankets over a chair! So cute!


(Normally): That's it, Hal! You're a--


Now, I knew you were going to say that

on account of me being a genius.

(Chuckling) Whatever that is...

DAISY: Hey, yeah!

The chair is like a sturdy wall that holds up the other walls!

Yes, yes, yes!

We need something like that, you guys.

Something sturdy to help keep up the sticks!


No, Hal-- I-- uh--

Something strong to protect us.

Yes, something strong! (Hitting head)

Ooh, ouch. Gosh, this rock is strong.

Hmm... Where to find something strong?

Are you kiddin'?

That giant rock behind you! That's what we need!

Giant ro-- oh!

You mean this giant rock! Yes, no, I know, of course!

When did this get here?

DAISY: This is the shelter we need to build using the rock.

We can use the rock to support the sticks for the roof,

like this.

And sticks for the wall!

Man-oh-man, we're gonna need a lot of sticks!

Uh, I might be able to help you out here.

(Tooting fanfare)


ALL: Let's build our shelter!

(Wind gusting)

Oh no, you guys. We'd better hurry!

Oh! I just felt a rain drop on my nose!

Now, we need to cover this to keep out the rain.

What do we use? Bark, stones, branches?



Guys, maybe we should put something on the leaves

to keep them from blowing off!

Um, okay.

This is just an idea, I'm just riffing here

off the top of my brain.

How about sticks?


Gently, gen-tly...

and there!

(Wind gusting)

Oh! The leaves are holding!

Our roof ought to be water-tight!

Inside, everybody! Move!

Oh, no. Did you feel that?

Yay, a drip!

Oh no, a drip!



Guys, if we can feel drops in here now,

when the heavier rainstorm hits, it's gonna pour inside!

Pour? You mean like get wet?

Like-- like-- really wet!

Oh man! How can our roof be leaking!?

I'll find out!


Fear not, my fellow explorers,

I know how to fix the roof!

You see that little chipmunk staying dry under the bushes?

It looks like the branches and leaves overlap each other,

keeping him dry.

Oh, exactly!

We need to make our roof the same way nature does!


Is the roof ready now?

It's gotta be ready?!

Only one way to find out!

Let's move!

Oh, man-oh-man, this is some rainstorm!

But I think we're okay.

I declare this shelter safe and-- Hey!

Oh no! We have a leak!

A big leak!

Hurry! Plug it up!

I don't want to get wet again!

What do we do, what do we do?! What do we do, what do we do?

I mean come on, what do we do?


I now declare this shelter safe and dry!


(Wind gusting)

Whoa! Listen to that.

But all's good in here, you guys!

Ooh, we did it, Nature Cat!

We sure did, Squeeks!

We sure did!

Hey, is the storm all over?

I know how to check, my good friends.

DAISY, SQUEEKS, HAL: The clouds!

A change in the clouds' shape and colour

means a change in weather!

I've heard that before! (Chuckling)


Now the clouds are fluffy and white!

Hear ye, hear ye!

I solemnly declare the rain is officially over!

Whee! Yes!

It's over! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!

Bye-bye, dark rainclouds!

SQUEEKS: Oh! And look, you guys!

The sun is starting to set!

HAL: We didn't miss it!

Whoa! It's so beautiful!

It's amazing!

Hi, Sunset, it's me Hal!

I love you!

Wow, it really is... beautiful.

You are all such good friends.

And we worked together, and we didn't get wet.

And we still got to see this!

I just love you all!

And that sunset!

Picture time, you guys!!

SQUEEKS: Okay, everybody, nice smiles! Teeth!

Say "sunset"!

ALL: Sunset!

(Wind gusting) Ah!

(Camera clicking)

Are we ready? Onward and yon--

Hold on, Nature Cat!

Okay, map, sunscreen, hats, first-aid kit...


Onward and yon-- Hey, Hal, you got the water?

Tah-dee! Water bottles!


I'm here! I'm here with the bug spray!

Bug spray, sweet!


Come on, you guys! We really gotta go!

Nature Cat, you know we have to prepare for hikes!

I know.

It's just that I'm so excited to get to The Cocono Cave!

Me too!

Me too too also!

Wait, why am I so excited too too also again?

At dusk, the bats of The Cocono Cave fly out together,

spiraling into the early evening sky!

It's supposed to be an amazing sight!

The mouse is in for the bats! Oh yeah!

We have to get there before dusk, or we'll miss it!

Okay, we have everything we need. And bug spray is on!

Check and check!

I'll spray later, thank you.

I just wanna get going

to see the bats of Cocono Cave, in person!

Onward and yonward!

Woo-hoo! SQUEEKS: Woo-hoo!

Ooh it sure is pretty here!

(Sniffing) My nose thinks so too.

Indeed! (Buzzing)

The sweet summer breeze, the smell of the flowers,

the buzz of the-- what is that?

Ack! No matter, just a little bug bite. Ooh!

No problemo. Ha-ha!

Small sacrifice to pay for a hike to The Cocono Cave!


Oh-- Ah! Ugh! Ah!

What am I a buffet? Whoa!

Nature Cat, want some bug spray now?

Perhaps that would be wise.

SQUEEKS: Nature Cat? Bud? You okay?


Better late than never! (Spritzing)

(Vibrating) Yikes!

Don't worry, Nature Cat. It's just my phone.

I set an alarm to remind us to stay hydrated!

Ah, but of course.


Ah! Yup. Nothing to be scared of here!

Because I, Nature Cat, have incredible instincts.

I can smell trouble from miles away!

(Sniffing) Ugh! Oh, I smell a skunk! Yuck!


Oooh! That's nice!

Slow down, Nature Cat. There's a skunk!

Greetings, fellow nature lover!



Oh, Nature Cat.

You scared the skunk by walking too close.

Yeah, lots of animals have defense mechanisms

to protect themselves.

I use humor.

Oh, but don't worry, I came prepared!

Anti-skunk spray.

There ya go. (Spritzing)

DAISY: Whew! Better!

Yup! Problem solved!

Now you only smell a little bit still

like a stinky, little skunk!


Dusk will be here soon,

and soon we will see the breathtaking beauty

of the bats of Cocono Cave!

Sure will! But look!

There's beauty all around us now too!

Whoa, check out this sweet flower, guys!

Oh man, so cool how that leaf curls up over the top of it!

I love that! It's like cool hairdo!

It's a Jack-in-the-pulpit!

Oh! What's this one?

Oh! That flower is called butter-and-eggs!

Same colours as butter and the yolk!

Mmm, butter and eggs...

Hey, we can save some time and get to the cave sooner,

if we just cut across these cute plants!

Hey, Nature Cat! You should stay on the trail.

We don't know what those plants are!


They're just leaves in groups of three, with pointed tips!

Uh, yep, you're walking through poison ivy, Nature Cat!

Huh! Poison ivy?


But I'm already itchy from all the 'skeeter bites!

I don't want to get more itchy and rashy!

Here, wash your hands.

You gotta get the oils from the leaves off you.

And wash your clothes when you get home!

Even plants have ways to defend themselves, you know?

Yes, well...

Let's stay strong, friends. Dusk is nigh.


Ahh, well this is more like it.

The sweet summer breeze, the smell of the flowers.


Hey, Daisy, your phone's buzzing again.

Oh, that's not my phone, Nature Cat.

Sure it is, my hearing is laser sharp.

Nature Cat, I think it's a bee.


DAISY: Sweet, a honeybee!


Nature Cat, I know you're going to freak out now, but don't.

Stay still.

I... still... but...



Nature Cat, are you okay!


Bitten by mosquitos, sprayed by a skunk,

poisoned by ivy, and now stung by a bee!

I've had it with nature today!

Come on, Nature Cat, we've seen really cool things too.

I don't care. I'm going home.

But Nature Cat, what about the bats of Cocono Cave?

I just don't want to be with nature anymore.

(Hal, Squeeks and Daisy gasping)

But, Nature Cat, you love the outdoors!

Indeed I do,

but my cat-like instincts are not what I thought they were.

Nature Cat, you can't give up! You never give up!

NATURE CAT: I am turning in my hat to you.

But, but, but--

I am Nature Cat no more!

Good day.

But Nature Cat!

I said Good Day!

Stop trying to tempt me, nature!

I'm not having it!

I'm back to being Fred the Indoor Cat, now.

(Frog croaking)

Sorry, nature. It's not you, it's me.

(Bird singing)

Okay, nature, I get it!

You're beautiful! Sheesh!

I just need a place to sit and think.

Aha! That-a-way!

Poor Nature Cat!

Ah, what do we we do now? Huh, huh? What do we do?

I guess we should keep going, you guys.


Well, maybe if we tell Nature Cat how awesome the bats are,

he'll come back with us tomorrow!

Oh yeah! Sweet!

And I can take some videos to show him on my phone!

Great idea, Daisy!

Now you're the genius! (Chuckling)

Wink wink! Come on!

Oh, pardon me, my good sir! Please enjoy your day.

Waiii-hey-hey-ait a minute.

Three leaves, pointed tips, bright green.

Poison ivy! Ha!

I have thwarted thee!



Oh! Heh, well hello, Madam Bee!

Hold still, stay calm.

Isn't this spectacular?


I wish my friends were here. They'd really love this.


Mmm, why thank you, Chipmunk.

There's a cool path down there, where I saw a porcupine.


You don't say!

Well, if you turn left at the poison ivy,

there are some lovely flowers along the trail.


Most definitely! (Chuckling)

Wait a minute, you're right!


I made it here perfectly safely!

I can do it! I do have good instincts!

I am...

Nature Cat!

Now which way to the Cocono Cave?

Hark! My friends need me!

And thank you for the nuts. Those were delicious.


Oh man, we kinda wandered off the path here, you guys!

Ow! These bushes are covered in thorns.

Oh, what do we do?

NATURE CAT: Tally-ho!

Nature Cat is back!

And this, I believe, is mine!

Nailed it.

Oh, you're back!

Oh, thank goodness you're back! You're back!

I missed you so much! Come here!


Oh, thanks, Nature Cat!

We knew you could do it!

But of course.

You see before you a Nature Cat restored!

I am in my element when in the elements.

At one with-- Whoa!


Well, anyway, we have the bats of Cocono Cave to go see!

Onward and yonward!

An exciting day such as this deserves a spectacular end.


And I present... the bats of Cocono Cave!

Go get those mosquitos!

Man-oh-man! Look at them fly! It's amazing!

Man-oh-man what she said!

ALL: Wow!

NATURE CAT: Beautiful!

Nature is truly glorious. Hmm?


NARRATOR: Nature Cat, Squeeks, Daisy, and Hal,

are cartoon characters, and not real animals.

To keep all of our animal friends safe,

check with a grownup

before you bring a pet on your next nature adventure.
