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02x01 - Moth Frolic-Fest / Dune Patrol

Posted: 01/20/24 19:09
by bunniefuu
That's me, Fred the housecat.

When my family leaves for the day,

I don't just sit inside watching the world go by.

I become...

Nature Cat, backyard explorer extraordinaire!

♪ Oh, go go go ♪

Tally ho!

♪ Go go go ♪

Tally ho!

♪ We're climbing up the trees now ♪

♪ We're swinging through the breeze now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now ♪

♪ With Nature Cat ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ So what are we waiting for? ♪

♪ We're so excited to explore ♪

♪ All that nature has in store with Nature Cat ♪

♪ Go go go ♪

Tally ho!

♪ Go go go ♪

Tally ho!

♪ He's our favourite nature guide ♪

♪ We just can't wait to get ♪


♪ We're swinging through the trees now ♪

♪ We're jumping in the leaves now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now ♪

With Nature Cat!

Tally ho!

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

Tally ho!

Nature Cat:<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> Moth Frolic Fest.

Daisy:<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> Man oh man, those butterflies knew how to frolic.

Nature Cat:<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> Ha ha,

best butterfly frolic fun yet, friends!

It's just too bad Hal had to go to the groomers today.

Tis true, nobody enjoys frolicking

with butterflies more than our Hal.

Oh man, he'll be so sad he missed it.

Hal: I'm back, baby!

It's Hal!

Ooh, maybe we'd better not tell him.

I don't want him to feel bad,

and we all know how bad he'd feel.

Ta dee!

(chuckles) So what do ya think?


Mmm chic, love,



Nothing, I said nothing.

I most certainly did not say frolicky!

Ah, frolicky, no!

Ha ha, not frolicky!

I said not frolicky while saying frolicky, frolicky?

Wait a minute...


Something's different.

Uh, different?

Nothing's different here!

Same old, same old. Frolicky. Ahhh!



I smell something familiar.

Must be my natural musk?

(nervous laughing)

No, it smells like something with wings.

Smells like cinnamon,

no, frolicking!

You can smell frolicking?

Uh huh!

Smells like somebody was frolicking with...

(sniffing) Butterflies?!

Oh I can't keep it from my best buddy!

'Tis true, we were frolicking with butterflies!


Yes, Hal, well...

A few butterflies flew by, and then a few more came

and then before we knew it, it turned into

a full out Butterfly Frolic Fest!

Oh, I can't believe I missed

a full out Butterfly Frolic fest!

Oh please don't cry, old friend!

I know, maybe it's not too late!

Maybe we can find more butterflies to frolic with.

Yes, of course!

There's gotta be some more butterflies around!

Oh butterflies, it's me Hal!

Come on butterflies, frolic with me!


I don't think it's going to work, Hal.

It's dusk, and it says here that

butterflies are only active during the day.

Oh, but I've got a frolic itch

that just needs to be scratched.

Don't give up, Hal!

Maybe we can think of some other way

to soothe your frolicking itch!

Oh I know. How about moths?

Moth, what's a moth?

Is that even a word, moth?

Moths are kind of

like butterflies.

and they mostly

come out at night.

They do?

Dais, you're right!

They flutter and they fly a little like butterflies.

Maybe they're good frolickers.

Okay, settle down, just relax.

I'll be the judge of that.

All right then, g*ng,

let's go find Hal a moth to frolic with!

Onward and mothward!

(cheerful music)

Oh moth!

Oh Moth, where doth you hide tonight?

Come out and see us in the moonlight!

Where are you, moth?




Whoah! Whoooah!


Here mothy mothy moth!

I don't see moths anywhere, what gives, man?

I don't know.

Moths are supposed to be out at this time of day.

Are you sure moths are even real?

Moths, doesn't sound real.

Morton: Pssst, hey bud.

Yes, we're for real.

Wait, who said that?

Psst, over here.

Right over here!

I think the voice is coming from that log!

It's me!

Hey, it's a talking leaf!

Hi, talking leaf, it's me talking dog, Hal!

Shhh, not so loud, Hal.

I'm not a leaf at all, I'm a moth pretending to be a leaf.

Ahhhhh, we found a moth!

Guys, over here!

Quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, we found a moth!

A real moth!

Shhh, come on!

Keep it down, would ya?

Oops, sorry, I'm sorry.

Hey, psst, why are we pretending to be a leaf?

The name's Morton, and I'm mimicking a leaf!

Mimic, is that anything like frolic?

No Hal, mimic means to act or look like something else.


I look like a leaf, which bats and other critters

don't want to eat, so they leave me alone.

Not too shabby, huh?

Whoa, moths are super cool!

Don't you think, Hal?


I don't know.

I mean, maybe?

Is that all moths do, mimic leaves?

What, are you kidding?

Lots of moths mimic lots of different things.

Like what?

I shouldn't tell you this, 'cause I'll blow their cover,

but there are moth mimics all around you?

(gasping) Where, where?

Shh, keep it cool, keep it cool.

Right, right, right, just act cool.

Ayyyeee, so cool!

Good, now check this out.

That's Gwen, over there.

She's a moth mimicking a bee.

Whoa, man, that blows my mind!

I thought that was a bee!

That's how I roll.

And over there, that's Andrew.

You're not going to believe this,

but he's mimicking bird poop!

Bravo, Andrew!

Really convincing job,

you really do look like,

you know...


Thank you, sir!

Man oh man, how cool is this, Hal?

Moths, am I right?

Gimme some whaaaat!?

Well I'll admit, moths are pretty cool

with this mimicking thing but they look

a lot less like butterflies than I thought they would.

Just not sure they can frolic, you know,

I mean really frolic, you see.

See, those moth's antennae are kinda feathery and pointy,

and the butterflies' antennae start skinny

and then get fatter at the tip.

That's true.

And the butterflies have thin bodies

and the moths have thick little bodies.

Very nice observation, Hal.

And butterflies keep their wings upright

and close together when resting,

while moths rest their wings on their sides.

I have no idea what I just said.

We might look different than butterflies,

but we're just as cool.

Ooh, I'd love to hear more about that.

Why don't you sing it to me?

♪ We are flying creatures in the skies ♪

♪ We are different than the butterflies, ♪

♪ And out at night, we're attracted toward the light ♪

♪ We come in many colors shapes and sizes too ♪

♪ How about red, brown and blue ♪

♪ And it's time for everyone to know our name, alright ♪

♪ We're moths, We're moths ♪

♪ We're moth moth moth moth moths ♪

♪ We're magnificently marvelous ♪

♪ We're moths ♪

♪ Some of us fly during the day ♪

♪ Most of us like to fly by night ♪

♪ You'll see us by the light of a silvery moon ♪

♪ We start as eggs at an early age ♪

♪ Then caterpillars at the larvae stage ♪

♪ And when we all emerge from our cocoons ♪

♪ We're moths, We're moths ♪

♪ We're moth moth moth moth moths ♪

♪ We're magnificently marvelous ♪

♪ We're moths! ♪

♪ Some creatures like to eat us, true ♪

♪ So here's the thing we have to do ♪

♪ We protect ourselves ♪

♪ It's time you got the scoop ♪

♪ We camouflage, yes we imitate ♪

♪ All kinds of things, we're really great ♪

♪ We can look like bees, leaves, even know ♪

♪ We're moths, We're moths ♪

♪ We're moth moth moth moth moths ♪

♪ We're magnificently marvelous ♪

♪ We're moths ♪

♪ We're magnificently marvelous ♪

♪ We're moths ♪

♪ We're M O T H ♪

♪ Moths ♪

Wow, great song.

You moths really are magnificent and marvelous.

Thank you, Hal.

Ok, and I just have one more question okay, just real quick.

Can you frolic with me like right now, like immediately?!

Please frolic with me!

(gasping) Bats!

(suspenseful music)

Morton, where'd you go?

Don't you want to frolic?

Pssst, I'm down here.

It might not be such a great idea for me

to do anything but mimic a leaf right now.

I don't really feel like being that bat's dinner.

I understand.

I guess I'll never be able to frolic with a moth.

Psst, don't give up, kid.

If you find a place without animals that like to eat moths,

maybe you can attract moths to frolic with you!

Great idea!

Where's like a good safe place?

How do I attract moths!

(gasping) Can't talk now, gotta mimic.

Good luck, kid!

Hey, we gotta leave these moths alone.

Moths gotta be moths, right?

Okay, but what do we do?

You shan't worry, my dear good dog friend,

I know a safe place and then we'll do some investigating!

Tally ho!

Now, how do we attract moths to our fair backyard

for Hal to frolic with?

Hurry, I need to frolic with them!

I need to frolic with them!

Do you not understand the words

that are coming out of my mouth?

I need to frolic with them!

I know what to do!

Moths, come out to play-ayyyy!

Moths, come out to play-ayyyy!

It's working!


Look at all the pretty mothys!

Yeah. I don't think I'm gonna be frolicking anytime soon.

Hey guys, I got it!

I found a way to attract moths!

Oh boy!

Old Bananas!

We got old bananas.

Brown sugar!

Brown sugar.

Fruit juice and molasses!

Both: Fruit juice and molasses!

Now we mix it up into moth bait!

Come on guys, let's paint!

Okay, we painted the moth bait on the trees!

Now what do we do?

Now we wait,

Hey, hey, hey, any moths yet Squeeks?

Not yet, Hal!


Any moths yet, Daisy?

Not yet, Hal!

Okay, any moths yet, Nature Cat?

Not yet, Hal!

Okay, any moths yet, moth?

Hobey ba schmobey, it's a moth!

Hi moth, it's me, Hal!

Aah, and there's two more, Hal!

Ooh, says here they're hawk moths!


Moths, I have one very important question,

will you frolic with me?

Come on moths!

Frolic with meee, tiddley diddley dee!

They frolic, hooray!

Frolic with me!

Nature Cat: Dune Patrol.

Ha ha! Yeah!

There is nothing like the beach!

What he said, baby!

I love the way the warm sand feels beneath my doggy toesies!

Oh, and I love the way the wind

whips the salty sea spray off the ocean!

So refreshing.

Guys, we're dancing around the most important part.

The waves!

All: Ooooooh!

No waves for me today, g*ng, thank you very much!

Now, who's ready to play some catch?

Ooh, pick me, pick me! I'm ready, I'm so ready!

I pick Hal!

Go long!


It's up there!

Last one to the top of that sandy hill is a moldy cheddar!

Not that there's anything wrong with that.



What's wrong, little bird?

You can't go up there!

That hill is a sand dune and just walking on it can hurt it.

It could fall apart!

Use the pathway, please.

All Three: Huh?




Thanks, Mr. Dog.

It's just that the sand dune is very important.

Uh, no offense, Mrs. Plover, is it?

It just looks like a hill of sand to me.

What makes this sand dune so important?

Allow me to explain.

Oh please explain, in song form, maybe?

Wink, wink.

You read my mind, Mr. Dog.

Hit it!

♪ Dune, dune, dune, dune, dune, dune, dune, dune

♪ Dune, dune

♪ Dune, dune, dune, dune, dune, dune, dune, dune ♪

♪ Dune, dune ♪

♪ This dune acts as a barrier ♪

♪ Blocks the sea and all its foam ♪

♪ It helps hold back the ocean ♪

♪ Yes, this dune protects our home ♪

♪ Dune dune dune dune ♪

♪ Stay off the dune dune dune ♪

♪ Protect the dune dune dune dune ♪

♪ Let's hear it for dune dune dune dune ♪

♪ Dunes are like big storage bins ♪

♪ They store up lots of sand ♪

♪ They help replenish beaches ♪

♪ So let's give those dunes a hand ♪

♪ Dunes make great habitats ♪

♪ We think that dunes are best ♪

♪ When we're tired from migrating ♪

♪ Or we need a place to nest ♪

♪ Dunes are very fragile ♪

♪ You can ruin them with your feet ♪

♪ So please don't walk upon them ♪

♪ Help keep those sand dunes sweet ♪

♪ Dune dune dune dune ♪

♪ Stay off the dune dune dune ♪

♪ Protect the dune dune dune dune ♪

♪ Let's hear it for dune dune dune dune ♪

♪ Dune du du du dune ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Dune du du du dune ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Dune du du du dune dune dune dune ♪

I had a nest on another beach, but it was

washed away by a big storm,

there was no dune to protect it!

I need this dune to protect my nest here.

Agreed, little bird!

We now understand these fragile dunes

are important and need protection.

Yeah, we love sand dunes.

We love you, sand dunes, stay sandy!

Guys, we gotta make sure no one ruins the dunes.

Okay okay, I get it.

Agreed, but how do we do it?

I know! We become...

The Dune Patrol!

All Chanting: From the break of day,

'til the rise of moon,

you know we'll protect this dune!


Ah, we're going to crash into that dune!

Not on our watch, g*ng!

Tally ho!


Woo hoo, it's sand surfing time for The Ronald!

Uh huh! Ha ha ha ha!


(thud) Owww!

What in the world just hit me?

Oh, I should've known.

Hello, Nature Cat!

Hello, Ronald.

What crazy beach game are you playing here anyway?

It's no game, we're on Dune Patrol!

We protect the dunes!

I don't even now what a dune is.

Oh, They're so cool!

What they are is...

Don't have time to listen and don't really care!

I'm going sand surfing on that huge sand hill over there.

Okay, have fun, Ronald.

Maybe we'll join you!

Oh, surfing on a sand hill sure does sound like fun.

You got that right!

Sand hill surfing sounds like big time fun!

You guys know what a sand hill is, don't you?

The sand dune!

Ronald's gonna climb up and surf down the sand dune!

Ahhh, we have to stop Ronald!

Dune Patrol, ho!

Ronald, get down from there this instant!

The sand is sliding down!

Get down from here, why?

Ohh, he's just jealous he can't sand surf.

What do we do, what do we do?

We gotta get him off that dune!

Freeze, mister!

Why am I freezing?

If we climb the dune, we may cause more damage.


Daisy's right team!

We need to figure out a way to stop Ronald

from surfing down the dune without disturbing it ourselves.

A few more steps and The Ronald

will be surfing in the sand!

Hurry, how do we stop him?

Ronald's almost at the top.

A ha, I have an idea!

Quick, fly me.

Dune Patrol, ho!

Hey, what are you doing?!

Saving the day and the dune!

Ha ha, nothing can stop me now!


Oh no, they're going to crash into the dune!


Uh oh!


(thud) Oooh!

Why did you stop me from surfing

down that awesome sand hill?

Because,<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> Ronald <span> , that so called sand hill

is actually a sand DUNE, and you may not surf on it!

Why not, Squeeks?

Because, Ronald, sand dunes are important.

They protect the beaches from storms and...

You know what else is important?

The Ronald <span> having fun <span> on the beach!

Toodle to the ooo.

You're walking away.

Nice job saving the sand dune, Dune Patrol

Way to stay frosty.

But our job is not done yet!

Dune Patrol, ho!

All Chanting: In May, December or in June,

you know we'll protect that dune!

Uh, guys, what's that sound?

What in the world is that?

Oh no, it's Ronald!

He's riding in some kind of tiny car.

Oh, and he's wearing a cool helmet!

Can't stop now, I'm going to ride

my dune buggy on the sand dune.

Oh, he's riding his dune buggy on the sand dune.

All Three: Riding a dune buggy on the sand dune!?

Man oh man, we gotta stop him!

Dune Patrol, ho!


Oh rats, we'll never catch him.

He's going too fast.

I know what to do!

Hop on!

Amazing work, Daisy!

Let's ride.

He's heading for the dune!

Oh sweet sand dune, I shall ride my buggy upon you!

Ronald, stop your dune buggy this instant!

There will be no riding on sand dunes today!

Oh, yeah, we'll see about that!


You'll never get to that dune!

Oh really!

Well, watch me!

Ronald, look out!


What hit me?

Oh no, the sand dune is ruined!


What's the big deal?

It's just a big pile of sand.

No it's not a pile of sand!

It's a dune, and it helps protect the town

from ocean water when it rises!

It does what now?

And it helps replenish our beach with sand after storms.

Wait, for real?

Yeah, and it's a nesting place for birds also, so...

(gasping) It is?

Yup, and it's a habitat for lots of other animals too.

Oh no, I didn't know all this!

What have I done?


The poor sand dune.


Hey sand dune, we messed up, man.

(all crying)

Hey guys, we may be able to fix this!

All: How?

It says here we can build a fence

around the dune to keep people off of it.


Yeah, and we can put up signs

that say "keep off the dunes, dude."


Yeah, and we can plant dune grasses

to make the dune stronger!

But how can we do all of that when there are

only four of us in the Dune Patrol?

Make that five of us!

Wha wha wha, Ronald?!

I'm Dune Patrol!

I'm Dune Patrol!

I'm Dune Patrol, too!

We're Dune Patrol!

♪ Dune Patrol ♪

♪ One day we'll save the dune ♪

♪ Together we'll save the dune ♪

♪ Dune Patrol ♪

I think I just wrote the theme song of Dune Patrol, guys.

Let's protect that dune!

Onward and Dune Patrol-ward!

That doesn't really roll off the tongue.

Let's just go.

(cheerful music)






Mmmm Hmmm!

Huh? Oops, sorry.

Looks like our work here is done!

The dunes are protected.

Let's hear it for the Dune Patrol!


Now we can go sand surfing on that dune!

All: Ronald!


Read the sign, we just talked about this.

"Keep off the dunes."

Oh yeah!

I'll surf in the ocean instead.

Good idea, come on!

Ahhh, I sure do love nature!

It's my first name after all.

Narrator: Nature Cat, Squeeks, Daisy, and Hal

are cartoon characters and not real animals.

To keep all of our animal friends safe,

check with a grown up before you bring a pet

on your next nature adventure.

Ha ha!

(cheerful music)