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02x03 - Lights Out For Sea Turtles / Nature Art

Posted: 01/20/24 19:11
by bunniefuu
- That's me, Fred the house cat.

When my family leaves for the day

I don't just sit inside watching the world go by.

I become...

Nature Cat, Backyard Explorer Extraordinaire.

♪ Oh, go go go ♪

Tally ho!

♪ Go go go ♪

Tally ho!

♪ We're climbing up the trees now ♪

♪ We're swinging through the breeze now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now ♪

♪ With Nature Cat ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ So what are we waiting for? ♪

♪ We're so excited to explore ♪

♪ All that nature has in store with Nature Cat ♪

♪ Go go go ♪

Tally ho!

♪ Go go go ♪

Tally ho!

♪ He's our favourite nature guide ♪

♪ We just can't wait to get ♪


♪ We're swinging through the trees now ♪

♪ We're jumping in the leaves now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now ♪

With Nature Cat!

Tally ho!

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

Tally ho!

- [Narrator] Lights Out For Sea Turtles.

(calm music)

- Man, oh man. I've never camped out on the beach.

This is sweet!

- Haha!

Beach camping is the best!

- Yeah! The best. I'm having so much fun already, baby!

- Huh?

Um, a little help, please?



- You guys okay?

- Yes, I'm fine, Daisy.

Just a bit sandy.

Oh, smell that spectacularly salty sea air!

Uh oh!

That was close!

- Are you sure you want to camp so close to the water,

Nature Cat?

- Yes, we are a tad closer to the water than I'd like to be,

but Daisy has assured me, as a dear friend of mine,

that we are far enough from where the water

reaches high tide!

Right, Daisy?

- Oh yeah!

- Tent's done! Easy cheesy!

Well done, Squeeks!

- Oh thanks, Nature Cat!

Anyway, let's look for sea shells!

- Tally ho!

- Celia!

What are you doing here, Celia?

- Squeeks. It's good to see you.

You look well.

- So, uh, how do you two know each other?

- When it come to the ocean,

I like to have friends on the inside.

Celia, here, is a sea turtle.

- A pleasure to meet you, Celia!

- Nice to meet you too.


- Celia? You look pretty tired.

Are you okay?

- Oh, fine.

I just laid some eggs and boy is that exhausting.

Now it's time to head back out to the ocean.

- Wow! How many eggs did you lay?

- Ah, more than .

No big whoop.

- Gimme some, what?

- But if you laid eggs here on the beach

why are you heading to the ocean?

- Aww, my eggs don't need me to help them.

We're sea turtles, after all!

And besides, it'll be about eight weeks

before they even hatch.

- Hey, how will your baby sea turtles

know how to get to the ocean once they hatch?

- Oh, believe me they'll know.

You see when I hatched from my shell

and came out from under the sand,

I didn't need any help.

I knew I had to get to the ocean as quickly as possible.

- [Nature Cat] Why, Celia?

- [Celia] I was very small

so I needed to get to the water where I would be safe,

and find food, before I got too tired.

- [Daisy] How did you know which way to go?

- My sea turtle instincts told me to follow

the starlight's reflection off the ocean.

It's something we sea turtles don't learn,

just do.

- Wow! I wish I had sea turtle instincts.

Wait do I?

- And I wish I could see the baby sea turtles

run into the ocean!

So cute!

- You probably can.

My eggs won't hatch for a while,

but there are lots of other nests

on the beach, under the sand.

Some of those eggs are bound to hatch tonight.

- Best, beach, camp out...


- Okay, I have to go.

Good to see you, Squeeks!

- Ta ta, Celia! - Bye Celia, good to see you.

- Nice to meet you!

- I miss you already send me a post card, okay?

- Let's find a sea turtle nest!

- Huh?

Guys, I hear something under the sand!

I think this might be a nest.

- I'll bet these are gonna hatch tonight!

Ooh they are going to be so cute.

I'm not going to be able to stand it!

- Ooh. Let's watch.


Any sign of the baby turtles, Squeeks?

- No not yet, but..

I think I saw the sand move a little bit so,

they're bound to be here very, very soon.

- Well, it's getting late

and I want to do some stargazing before I go to bed.

- Um, Daisy?

I don't see too many stars up there.

- That's strange.

I checked the weather and there aren't any clouds

blocking the stars tonight.

I wonder why we see so few.

(yawns) - Well,

I'm going to get some rest.

It's night time and Nature Cat need his beauty sleep!

- Hey, Squeeks, you coming?

- No. No, I think I'm gonna stick it out.

I'm gonna stay up and see these little turtles hatch

and run to the ocean.

- Copy that, Squeeks! See ya in the morning.

Nighty night.


- Get to the ocean, sea turtles.

Gotta get to the ocean!

Little sea turtles.

The turtles. They hatched!

Guys! Wake up!

The turtles hatched!

- Squeeks?

It's the middle of the night,

we should be sleeping.

- The turtles hatched!

The nest is empty!

- Yay. Empty nest.

So great, Squeeks.

- But look at the sea turtle tracks! The tracks!

The tracks don't lead to the ocean,

where the turtles were supposed to go.

The tracks.

They lead to....

- [All] The neighborhood!

- We gotta find the baby sea turtles before

they get hurt or something!

- Don't worry, baby turtles.

We will find you!

Tally ho!

- Wow!

There are so many lights on.

It's like daytime-time at night-time-time.

- That's probably why the sea turtles came here

instead of the ocean.

The bright lights from the neighborhood are brighter

than the stars over the sea!

- Sea turtles! Sea turtles!

- Hmm. Where do we start looking?

- [All] Huh?

- All right listen up, those sea turtles need

to get to the ocean and they need to get there fast.

So what I want from each and every one of you

is a hard-target search of every porch, yard, henhouse,

playhouse and dog house in the area!

Do you understand?

- [All] Aye-aye, Squeeks!

- Oh, hello.

Good evening.

Pleasant evening isn't it?

Little warm.

Well, bye. No sea turtles under here.

- No sea turtles over here!

- Uh oh. (barks)

No Sea Turtles here!

Just an angry looking perfectly-quaffed little poodle.

Hi poodle, I'm Hal.


- Whoa!

No Sea Turtles anywhere!

- Where could they have gone?

- This is terrible.

The sea turtles need us!

(gasps) - What was that?

- Oh, it sounds like banging.

- What if whatever that is has the sea turtles.

We can't let them get hurt!

- I'll take care of this!

Show yourself, trash can-banger!

- Hey, cut it out, man!

- Whoopsie! So Sorry.

My bad.

- Oof!

- Hey, buddy, you okay?

- I'm all right, but I'm hungry.

I'm watcha call nocturnal

so I'm supposed to be hunting for food at night,

but it's so bright out.

I need darkness to safely hunt for food.

- Man-oh-man!

All these lights are a problem for nocturnal animals too!

- Have no fear, possum!

You go ahead search for food

and we will let you know if we see any predators.

- Thank you!

I saw some scrumptious looking slugs earlier.

- Slugs?

- Don't yuck somebody else's yum!

Come on guys!

- Possums are cool! I love um!

- Hey, let us know if you see some little sea turtles, okay?

- You got it!

Careful with that thing!

It's so bright!

- Truly sorry, once again!

- We gotta find those sea turtles.

- But how, Squeeks?

This neighborhood is full of lights,

they could be heading toward any of them!

- The longer they wander around, the more tired they get.

They might not even be able to get to the ocean

if they're out here much longer!

This is a disaster!

- If only we could get the turtles to come to us.

- That's it, Hal!

You're a genius!

- [Both] He is?

- He is? Oh wait that's me, I am!

- We can shut off all the extra lights in the neighborhood,

and then use Nature Cat's bright flashlight

to attract the turtles to us!

- But how?

- With some help, that's how!

- Hey, where'd you get that?

- Houston made it for me.

It's my pet phone.

You know, for pet emergencies.

- Uh.


- Calling all pets! Calling all pets!

- Wait a tick, how come we don't have pet phones?

- Everyone! We have an animal emergency!

I need you all to shut off any lights that your family isn't

using so some sea turtles can find their way to the ocean!

- Daisy, I'm sorry.

I just feel like a coordinated effort like that requires

more advanced planning.

- Thank you! And remember,

only use the lights that you and your families need!

You might just save a sea turtle during nesting season!

That'll do it.

- Wow, I was wrong!

Um, Daisy, can I barrow that phone.

I'd like to ask everyone in the neighborhood

to bring me their families' cheeses.

- Hey, look at this.

The neighborhood is nice and dark again.

Thanks, guys!

- Anything for our animal friends!

- Now all we have to do is shine my flashlight

and the baby sea turtles will come to us!

- Wait!

Don't shine that bright light!

- Uh, wasn't that the plan?

Oh man!

Did I misunderstand a plan again?

- Look!

- Would you look at all those beautiful stars!

- [All] Wow!

- Man oh man!

There must be billions up there.

- I don't think so, Daisy. I only count...

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

Wait that's a plane.

- Now let's shine this light and find those baby sea turtles!

- No, Nature Cat! Don't.

We don't have to use the flashlight.


- [All] Oh wow!

- Aww!

Now that the neighborhood lights have dimmed

they can see the stars reflecting on the ocean!

- Ahh, incredible!

- What he said-able!

- Whoa.

That's a lotta baby sea turtles.

- [All] Go on, sea turtles!

You can do it!

(group cheering)

- You're doing it, baby sea turtle!

And so are you and so are you and so are you,

and so are you!

You gotta pick up the pace a little bit.

But you're doing great.

- Oh, baby sea turtles, you're home.

- Ah, I still very, very much love nature!

- [Narrator] Nature Art.

- Man-oh-man-oh-man-oh-man, this nature art is sweet!

- Look at this!

I'm speechless!

My mind is scrambled!

I can't believe it!

- Yep, my Aunt Riva made it all herself.

She's a true artiste, baby!

- Pine cones bursting with color.

How amazing!

How imaginative!

How pinecone-y!

- [Aunt Riva] Thank you very much!

- Aunt Riva!


Aunt Riva!

This is Nature Cat, Squeeks, and Daisy.

And guys, this is my Aunt Riva!

Her name is Riva and she is my aunt.

(trumpet fanfare)

Aunt Riva!

Love her!

- Aunt Riva!

Your nature art!

So beautiful. So innovative.

We just love it!

- Oh, thank you, dear.

So I asked Hal to invite you here today

for a very special reason (vocalizes)

and it's a surprise.

- Ooh-ooh, I love surprises, Aunt Riva!

Ask anyone!

The secret to surprises is that they're so surprising.

Wink, wink.

- So, what is the surprise, Aunt Riva?

- I'm inviting all of you to be part of my Nature Art show!

- [All] We get to make nature art!

We get to make nature art!

- Aunt Riva, can you give us some hints on

how to make nature art?

- Well, when something surprises you in nature,

look closely at it

and you might find a way to capture it forever!

Like this, and this, oh and this one over here!

That's my favorite.

- But how did you do this and this and this!

- Yeah, what he said and said and said!

- Nature is filled with surprises

as far as the eyes can see!

Look around you for wonders galore!

So go, it's time to explore!

- Oh, man, count the mouse in!

Finally, I'll be an artiste as well!

- Okay, but, Aunt Riva?

Just a quick question here. Um, how will we know it's art?

- Oh Hal, you'll know.

Now go! All of you go!

Scatter to the winds!

Let your creative juices flow!

Just be back here at three to show off your nature art.


- Oh wow! Our very own art festival.

- I'm going to go to the beach.

- I'm going to photograph nature in all its glory!

- I shall let the woods be my muse.

- What are you going to make, Nature Cat?

- I, I don't know yet.

You heard Aunt Riva. Being creative takes time.

Onward and artward!

- [All] We get to make nature art!

We get to make nature art!

- Shells! Yes, they're all so surprising!

They'll make beautiful nature art!

- Hey, bud! What's the big idea?

- Oops, sorry.

I thought you were done with this.

I didn't mean to pick up your house.

My bad!



- That is sweet!


- Ah, oh I love it! Oh, yeah, baby!


- Nature art, nature art, where for art thou, nature art?

- Oh hello, Nature Cat!

- Hello,<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> Ronald.

- Aren't you going to the nature art festival?

- Why yes! Of course I am going.

Are you going as well?

- Of course I'm going to the art festival, Nature Cat!

- Well then, what are you making, Ronald?

- I found these colorful bird feathers in the woods

and was so inspired by them

that I'm creating a rainbow of incredible beauty

if I must say so myself, which I do.


- Sounds really amazing actually.

- And you?

What are you making, Nature Cat?

- It is a...


Yup! Surprise art!

- Awesome! I love surprises.

If I do say so myself.

And I still do! - Me too!

Remember from before. At the beginning of the episode?

I love surprises, ask anyone!

- Don't you worry about me, Ronald.

I have this nature art thing under control.

It's going to be so amazing!

Really it is.

Like for sure.


Just you wait to see it.

My art.

The surprise.

That I know about.


- Whatever you say, Nature Cat.

Well, back to my nature art!

And good luck making your nature art,

if you ever actually make something.


Toodle to the oo!

- Hmm.

Whoa ho ho!


I wonder how Aunt Riva came up with the idea to do this?

- This piece here was inspired by the Gardens of Gold.

I just had to capture the sunflowers glorious

beauty for all eternity.

- I hope I can do something just as beautiful.

- Of course you can, Nature Cat.

I find when I'm searching for an idea,

just grasping for inspiration,

I just relax and spend some quiet time with nature.

- Just you and nature, huh?

- Yes, just the two of us. Nature and I.

I take in all the sights and sounds and smells around me.

And you know what?

You'll be surprised and delighted at what inspires you.

- Thank you, Aunt Riva.

I'm off to get inspired!

Haha, nothing can stop me now!


I just kinda, tripped there, anyway see ya.

- Remember, Nature Cat, if you let it in,

inspiration will find you!

- To inspiration! Haha!

Tally ho!

Ahh, okay, relax, Nature Cat.


Just soak up nature.


But I can't relax! I can't keep calm!

Nature art needs to be done and I have no nature art done!

But I can't have any if I'm not inspired.

Need to keep quiet so I can be inspired!


But I can't keep quiet because I'm worried

and when I'm worried I get loud!

But if I'm loud I won't be inspired

and I won't make any nature art and everybody else will.

So I need to relax.

Now! Have a quiet moment in nature.

Go! (inhales)

Okay inspiration, find me!

Tally ho.

It's not happening!



Oh ho...




Yes, yes, yes!

Inspiration has arrived!


I'm gonna make nature art! I'm gonna make nature art!

- Ah, yes.

How sweet is that!

- Sweeter than the leaf of the myrtle.

I don't know.

You get the idea.

- Hey, you guys like my seascape?

Aunt Riva's gonna be so so surprised.

She loves surprises. And so do I.

I've been talking about it a lot this episode.

- We know, Hal.

We know.

- Art you can smell. Ahh!

Let's go to the art show!

- Well you'd better hurry, Nature Cat.

- Almost time to display our nature art.

- Not to worry!

My creative juices are overflowing!

- It's Art Show time for the Ronald!

- Hello, Nature Art!


Hmm, ya know this might just work.


Would you look at that!

Oh yeah! Oh yeah!

My nature art can't get any better than this!

Then again, maybe it can!

Oh look at this!

Oh, one of these! This will do nicely!

Ah, couple of these! Grab one of those!

Oh, I'm so glad I found this!


Yes, please!

- And I thought, Ronald, baby,

just look at those feathers, they remind me of a rainbow!

- While the beauty of nature can disappear

in the blink of an eye,

a photograph can make that moment last forever.

That was my inspiration.

Can I get a what?

- Yeah for me, a sort of jumping off point was,

you know, you can see art, but can you smell it as well?

And what is the dual nature of a berry?

An aster flower?

And um, you know, it smells good.

- What inspired me? Well it's no surprise. Wink, Wink.

It was my Aunt Riva, that's what.

Right, Aunt Riva?

- Why thank you, Hal.

But the inspiration for your nature art

didn't come from me,

it came from within your imagination.

- Yeah, right. What she said. Surprise!

- Where's Nature Cat? I was hoping he'd be here.

- Never fear, Nature Cat is here!

Tally ho!


- Nature Cat!

- Nature Cat, what are you doing?

- Watch where you're going, Nature Cat!

Look out!

- Okay, buddy, no problem.

We got ya!

- Sorry I'm late, guys.

I had a little extra inspiration.

- Yes, I can see that.

I'd call that a mountain of inspiration!

- Once I was quiet in nature,

the inspiration just kept coming and coming.

Oh, hold on, please!

- Bravo, Nature Cat! It's simply brilliant!

- A thank you very much!

- [All] We made nature art!

We made nature art! We made nature art!

- Surprising isn't it? Wink, wink.

- [Narrator] Nature Cat, Squeeks, Daisy, and Hal,

are cartoon characters and not real animals.

To keep all of our animal friends safe

check with a grownup before you bring a

pet on your next nature adventure.

- Haha.

(upbeat music)