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02x10 - Backyard Bigfoot / Imperfect Produce

Posted: 01/20/24 19:18
by bunniefuu
That's me, Fred the house cat.

When my family leaves for the day,

I don't just sit inside watching the world go by.

I become...

Nature Cat, backyard explorer extraordinaire!

♪ Oh, go go go ♪

Tally ho!

♪ Go go go ♪

Tally ho!

♪ We're climbing up the trees now ♪

♪ We're swinging through the breeze now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now ♪

♪ With Nature Cat ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ So what are we waiting for? ♪

♪ We're so excited to explore ♪

♪ All that nature has in store with Nature Cat ♪

♪ Go go go Tally ho!

♪ Go go go Tally ho!

♪ He's our favourite nature guide ♪

♪ We just can't wait to get ♪


♪ We're swinging through the trees now ♪

♪ We're jumping in the leaves now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now

♪ With Nature Cat!

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat Tally ho!

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

Tally ho!

Squeeks: Backyard Bigfoot.

Okay. Super comfy sleeping bags? Check.

Super sturdy sleeping quarters? Yes. check.

Super delicious late night snack?



And double check.

Mmm so good.

Just missing one super detail.


Who's ready for some backyard funnnnn?

Ooh, I am, baby!

I would certainly like to have fun.

But would like to know a little more about said fun

before I fully commit.

Somebody say fun?


I am always-- as the kids say-- "down with fun!"

I'm definitely in!



it's backyard campout party time!

I'm definitely out!


Seriously, Nature Cat?

I for one love the idea, Squeeks.

In fact I can't wait!

Are you sure you don't want to camp out

with us, Nature Cat?

Aww thanks a bundle.


But I uh have this very important.. um uh

thing to do, uhhh inside...


Oh no.

I think Nature Cat might be scared.

Who me? Scared?

Ha! I scoff in the face of danger--

--Ah, the face of danger!

Get it off! Get it off!

Oh, heh. Moth.

Well that was unfortunate.

It's okay if you're scared, Nature Cat.

Don't you remember we camped out up on the Mighty Mountains?

You can do this!


And a backyard campout is just another

night nature adventure!

Cool sounds, new smells...

Ooh you totally had me at smells!


...We can play flashlight tag.

We can watch for sh**ting stars.

And look! Squeeks even made s'mores!

Oh I love s'mores!

Did I hear you say s'mores?

Squeeks: Don't you wanna come to my backyard campout party,

Nature Cat?


Pretty please?

Of course I do!


♪ It's a party! ♪

♪ Backyard party! ♪

♪ Campout party! ♪

And with s'mores as my witness, tonight just may...

and I strongly stress MAY... be the greatest

backyard campout ever!


Oh boy!

It sure does get d-dark around here pretty quickly, huh?

Don't sweat it, guys.

Check this.

Huh, ya know, that does make me feel a little better.

But that on the other hand?


I'm sure there's a perfectly logical reason for...

whatever creepy creature might be lurking nearby.


You guys, relax.

There's nothing to be afraid of.


That's a sweet-looking beetle!

Well, yes, I guess.

For a beetle.

See? See?

Everything's cool.

Now does anyone know what time it is?

It's precisely eight--

It's snack time!

Who's up for some s'mores?

Oh snacks!

Pick me, pick me, pick me!

I'll take s'more.

Whatever it is I'll have s'more of it.

Here ya go, Hal.


Whoa, what was that?

Huh, that's weird.

Uh, I'm sure it's fine.

Here ya go, Hal--




Don't worry, I'll s-s-save the day!



This knocking is not just ruining my s'mores,

it's ruining my entire backyard campout party!

We gotta find out what's making the sound!

Uh, yeah, do we really?

I mean what if turns out to be some kind of monster?

(sighs) I'm hoping there's a more logical explanation.

See, popped right up.

Says here that...

Oh no, that can't be right.

Is it something small and harmless?

Please say it's something small and harmless.

Not exactly.

It's kinda big actually...

It's not just big.

It's Bigfoot!




No way, Bigfoot?

You mean THE Bigfoot?

I can't believe it, after all this time, Bigfoot!


But one question, who is Bigfoot again?

You guys.

This would be the perfect time for shadow puppet theater.

Daisy, lights please.

Legend has it that hidden deep in this very forest

lives a big hairy and smelly creature.

And he goes by the name... Bigfoot!



He's believed to be the greatest hide and seek player ever.

And for over a hundred years, nobody has been

able to find him.

Now, he roams the forest at night going from

hiding spot to hiding spot.

Some say he's so good he even bangs on trees

to give people a hint of his whereabouts.

And they still can't find him.


He is good.

Daisy: OR maybe people can't find Bigfoot

because he's make believe.

Oh I vote for that.

If he doesn't exist, there's nothing to be afraid of?



I don't know it sounds pretty,

pretty, pretty real to me.

There's only one way to get to the bottom of this--

a little scientific investigation!

And if he's real, we just ask him to stop banging!

Okay, you guys, it's official.

My campout party is now a Bigfoot Tracking party!

Daisy: Sweet! Hal: Yeah!

Bigfoot here we come, baby!


How'd I get myself into this?

Wait for me!

Okay, now everyone stay close to me.

For my own... I mean... for OUR protection.

It's so dark out here without the moonlight.

I can hardly see anything.

Yeah I can barely see the end of my nose--

Whoop! There it is.

Hi, Nose. It's me, Hal.

How are we going to find Bigfoot

if we can't even see him?

I have an idea.


Close your eyes.

Listen carefully for the banging sounds.

Wait, what's happening?

Sorry. I know this looks weird.

I just thought if we can't see as well

maybe we can use our other senses to track down Bigfoot.

Good idea, Squeeks!


Follow that sound!



Sounds like it's coming from over there.

Only one way to find out.

Come on!


Hey guys, the sound is coming from the frog!

Not what I was expecting.

It must be a mink frog.

It says here mink frogs are known for making

a knocking sound, and also their smell!

Whoa bessie!


Whew (chuckles).

To think all along it was just this little frog.


I can't believe how scared I got, huh? Ha ha!

Hmm, the frog does kinda sound like the noises

we heard earlier, but not exactly.

I agree, Dais.

It does sounds different.

Nope. I'm pretty sure this was it.

And now that we definitely know it wasn't Bigfoot,

let's just safely head back to camp, am I right?


It's Bigfoot!

It came from Ronald's Yard!

Come on!


Um, hey guys.

I don't know if it's Bigfoot, but the sound

is definitely coming from Ronald's!





Oh bummer, you guys.

There's not enough light.

Uhh. I guess we have to get closer (chuckles).

Okay let's sneak around the side, and I'll light him up.

I can't believe it's Bigfoot! I can't believe it's Bigfoot!

I can't believe it's--

All: Ronald!


Well helloooo, Ronald.



I said helloooo, Ronald?

I think he's asleep.

Oh now this makes sense.

Yes, yes, yes, this makes total sense.

Wait. Why does this make total sense?

Yes, isn't it obvious, Hal?

Ronald is Bigfoot!

Hal: Oh yep.

Big, hairy. Yeah.

Surprised we didn't put it together sooner.

No, I think what it means is the knocking sounds

were just Ronald sleepwalking.

More like sleep drumming.


So Ronald's a sleep drumming Bigfoot!


He's just a sleep drumming Ronald.

(honk then slams)


Where am I?

And what happened to all my other fans?

Other fans, Ronald?

OH, hehheh.

I must have been dreaming of playing in a rock band again.

This is my third sold out dream concert this week.

Anybody want an autograph?

Actually, now that we've confirmed you're not Bigfoot

we just want to get back to our backyard campout.

Backyard Campout, huh?

Well since I'm already in my backyard in my pajamas,

mind if I join you?

Squeeks: Of course, man. The more the merrier.

Ronald: Great!

So what do we do?

Hm, let's see, we did shadow puppets, we hunted Bigfoot.

We still have star gazing.

But first, snack time!

One for you, one for me. One for you... one for me...

One for me.


I still want s'more.

I'm actually a little disappointed

we didn't find Bigfoot.

Never thought I'd hear that from you, Nature Cat.

Oh you know me I'm always down for adventure.

Heh heh.

And besides, being outside at night is actually pretty fun.

Man oh man!

A sh**ting star!

Hal: Wow so cool! Look at it go!

Totally out of this world, man!

I said it before, but I'll say it again

with an addendum!

With s'mores as my witness, this is the

greatest backyard campout ever!

All: (cheers)

Squeeks: Imperfect Produce.

Okay, you guys, time to dig up my very first

crop of carrots for the Fall Festival and Crop Competition!

Ready, Team Squeeks?

[All] Ready!

Hal: Baby!

Gently, gently!

Hi, little carrots, it's me, Hal!

Nice to meet you! Oh you're little carrots!


Ah, such precious veggies!


Nice and clean!


Um.. Squeeks?

Squeeks... last name and first name---


what's up, Dais?

There seems to be a problem with some of these carrots.


Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, what happened?

The carrots should be perfect, like these.

Why don't they look perfect?

I did everything right!

I planted each seed three inches apart.

I watered them.

I worked in the hot sun.

I pulled every little weed.

I even told them bedtime stories and I sang them lullabies.

Oh, no! I told them stories too!

And since I like scary stories I told them scary stories

and maybe doing that scared the carrots so much

that they got all bendy!

I'm so sorry, carrot!

I didn't mean to get you all twisty with fear!

Squeeks: I don't think that was it, Hal.

It must've been my fault.

Nonsense, Squeeks!

I'll get to the bottom of this!

There's a cause for this carrot conundrum, and I,

Nature Cat, shall solve the mystery!

But, Nature Cat

Now, what do we know?

We know that plants need sunlight and water

and good soil to grow.

Clearly, one of those three things went askew!

But, Nature Cat.

What ho, sun?

Have you been shining differently lately?

Not talking, eh?

Then it must be THE WATER!

It's always the water!

Was it you, water?

Are you wetter than usual?

Or are you... drier?

Nature Cat, the soil might--

--YES! the soil!

So, soil, look I'm not a bad guy.

I just wanna know, how you got so strong

as to bend these helpless carrots?

It's what the soil is made of, Nature Cat.


It looks like there is a lot of clay in this soil.


Like "make-a-vase-for-Mom" clay?

That stuff is in the ground?

Yep, clay comes from the earth,

and sometimes it gets all hard and clumped-up.


This lump of clay probably got in the way

of the carrot's path.


So instead of growing straight down,

the carrots had to grow around the hard lumps in the soil.

Some of them even split in two to get around them.

Now that's incredible!

And sometimes you just don't know what nature will do!

One time I pulled a pepper out of my garden

that looked like a doughnut with a hole in the middle!



I don't know what to say!

I can't unsee this.

I don't see what's so bad about these carrots.

I mean this one is so cute, I'm gonna call him Bumpy!

Hi Bumpy!

I'm Hal!

I'm sorry I told you scary stories, but I'm glad

you didn't run away on these little legs of yours!

(as Bumpy) Hi Hal!

That's okay!

I like scary stories!

You're the coolest!

I'm Bumpy!

Squeeks: How do you explain this little carrot cluster?

Hmm. It would appear that those carrots

were planted too close together.

Daisy it's a good theory, but that's impossible!

I measured so carefully when I planted those seeds!

Nature Cat: She's right! I saw her do it!

Hal: And I fed the carrots only the finest carrot seeds!

Come on, Bumpy, eat the tasty carrot seed.


You feed birdseed to birds, so--

ohhhkay, I see what I did wrong.

I'm sorry, Squeeks.

Me too, Squeeks.

Me three, Squeeks.

But according to my research, this happens

to a lot of gardeners.


Bumpy, no way!

You have a famous twin!

Squeeks! Where are you going?

Aren't you gonna bring your carrots to the Fall Festival?

Yeah! Team Squeeks isn't Team Squeeks without Squeeks!

I'm going home.

I can't enter these ugly, weird carrots in a contest.

Everyone will laugh at them. And they'll laugh at me.

So I quit.

Just throw them in the compost, man.

Make a crudités, I don't care.


Oh, you silly, silly mouse.

You'll never win that blue ribbon

because I have the prize in the bag.


♪ I like to win prizes ♪

Daisy: Man-oh-man-oh-man-oh-man!

Are these sweet!

Nature Cat: Zounds and doublezounds!

[Hal] What she said and what he said!

(bright music)


These are the sweetest carrots I have ever eaten

in my whole life!

Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!

Sweet carrots!

Oh, yeah!

Letta me tella you Squeeks!

That's a scrumptiousa carrot!

And they're yummy too!

Aw, come on.

You guys are just saying that to make me feel better.

Here! Taste for yourself.

There's nothing like a freshly-picked carrot!

Nom nom nom nom nom.

I'm in Flavor City, baby!



[All] Team Squeeks!

Blue ribbon!


Ooh wait, ugly carrots don't get blue ribbons.

The judges won't even look at them, let alone taste them.

So, just give them a makeover!

I mean look at Bumpy, delicious and handsome!

(as Bumpy) Oh thank you, Hal.

No problem, Bumpy.

(as Bumpy) I'm Bumpy.


I've said it before and I'll say it again.

You're a genius!

I prefer the term personal stylist genius.

Although I have no idea what any of it means.

We can make carrot roses!


(bright music)

Whoa ho ho!

Presentation really does make a difference!

That's amazing! Let's do it!

Oh man. We'd better hurry!

The festival starts soon!

All: Team Squeeks!

(cheerful music)


We gotta motor! Let's roll!

To the contest!


Your carrot roses are no match for me.

I have this competition all... wrapped... up!


Off to win that blue ribbon!

♪ I like to win prizes! I like to win prizes-- ♪

Hello, your judge-ness.

I am Squeeks, for Team Squeeks,

entering in the carrot category.

Thank you.

Won't the blue ribbon look lovely on this

little brown basket?

Yes, I do believe it will!

♪ I like to win prizes ♪

MC Ferret: Welcome, everyone, to the Fall Festival

and Crop Competition!

Today, we celebrate your fine farming skills

and award blue ribbons to the very best fruits

and vegetables!

The first category to be judged is carrots!

Ha ha!

Ooh, I'm sorry, but the rules clearly state

that the crops must be presented

as they were harvested, and not cut

or prepared in any way.

These carrots are disqualified.


Yes, disqualified.

Yes, delicious, I mean, disqualified.

This is totally and completely bogus!

Where does it say that!?

Oh yeah right it was on the entry form I forgot that.

I'm so sorry, Squeeks.

But you should be proud, Squeeks.

Just look at the judges.

They're not even tasting the other carrots!

You know, I am proud.

I shouldn't have been ashamed of our carrots.

They did look funny on the outside,

but they were so special and wonderful on the inside.

And that's what matters.

I'm starting to think the bumpy carrots could have won.

I wish we hadn't made them all into roses.

MC Ferret: Attention everyone!

It seems like we have a replacement for this carrot!

Hal! What did you do?

I know that Bumpy is good enough to win that blue ribbon.

He's perfect in his own way, lumps and all.

Sparkle, Bumpy, sparkle!

This is your time to shine!

(as Bumpy) It's my time to shine, I'm Bumpy!

Hal, are you sure this is okay?

I mean, they're nibbling him.

So, he'll be a little shorter!

Squeeks deserves a chance to win.

You have got to be kidding me!

That lumpy, ugly carrot is no match for my

perfect beautiful carrots!


And the winner of the Carrot category is... Squeeks!

(crowd cheers)

Thank you...

Team Squeeks...

Blue ribbon...

So many emotions.

I promised that I wouldn't cry, but here I am.

What? What?

Can you not see the perfection of my crop?

These are gorgeous carrots.


Yes, but you didn't grow them.

You bought them at the store.

And that's against the rules, Ronald.

What? Moi?


I worked for months to grow these flawless beauties!

Uh, sir.

There are labels on them.

Looks like you forgot to peel them off.

And even if you didn't buy them,

Squeeks' carrot just tasted better.

Both: A lot better.

Fine, fine!

Keep your blue ribbons!

♪ I don't like prizes ♪

♪ I didn't want any prizes ♪

♪ Nah nah nah nah nah ♪

I don't think I believe him.

Uh 'scuse me?

Hi, is it too late to enter?

'Cause these are some mighty tasty apples,

but I wasn't gonna enter 'em 'cause they look

a lil' funny like they have smooshed-up faces, see?

But I figure that if Squeeks' carrot can win on taste,

then-- well uh, my funny lil' ol' apples might have a chance

to win the blue ribbon!

And I'd like to enter my peppers.

They're skinny and stripey, but they're super

crunchy and yummy!

Well there you have it folks!

Don't be shy!

Even if you have

less-than-perfect- looking produce

that you find particularly tasty, please, enter it!

(upbeat music)

(crowd cheers)

But Squeeks, this is your blue ribbon!

You did all that hard work. Right, Bumpy?

(as Bumpy) That's right, Hal, I'm Bumpy.

I know I worked hard.

But our carrots never would have won at all

if you hadn't believed in them.

I owe it all to you, Hal.

Thank you.

To Team Squeeks!

All: Team Squeeks!

Hal: (as Bumpy) And I'm Bumpy!

Announcer: Nature Cat, Squeeks, Daisy, and Hal

are cartoon characters and not real animals.

To keep all of our animal friends safe

check with a grown up before you bring

a pet on your next nature adventure.


Ha ha!

(upbeat theme music)