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02x20 - Nature Cat's Nature Stories/Pattern Problema

Posted: 01/20/24 19:26
by bunniefuu
That's me, Fred the house cat.

When my family leaves for the day,

I don't just sit inside watching the world go by.

I become...

Nature Cat, backyard explorer extraordinaire!

♪ Oh, go go go ♪

Tally ho!

♪ Go go go ♪

Tally ho!

♪ We're climbing up the trees now ♪

♪ We're swinging through the breeze now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now ♪

♪ With Nature Cat ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ So what are we waiting for? ♪

♪ We're so excited to explore ♪

♪ All that nature has in store with Nature Cat ♪

♪ Go go go Tally ho!

♪ Go go go Tally ho!

♪ He's our favorite nature guide ♪

♪ We just can't wait to get ♪


♪ We're swinging through the trees now ♪

♪ We're jumping in the leaves now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now

♪ With Nature Cat!

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat Tally ho!

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

Tally ho!

Daisy: Nature Cats' Nature Stories.

Nature Cat: It's time to play Cowboy, Horsey,

Star Gazer and Artist!

Nature Cat: I'm the Cowboy!

Daisy: I'm the star gazer!

Hal: I'm the horsey, baby!

Squeeks: And I am the artiste!

(Wind whistles)

Nature Cat: Follow those hats!

Squeeks: Ah!

Hal: Ohh! (laughing)

Squeeks: Whoa!

Nature Cat: Ugh! That wind came on so suddenly.

Squeeks: Where did it come from, man?

Daisy: That's a good question.

Daisy/Hal/Squeeks: Where does wind come from?

Nature Cat: I'm glad you asked!

Nature Cat: For behold!

You will find the answer in

Nature Cat's Nature Stories!

Hal: Ooh! What are "Nature Cat's Nature Stories?"

Nature Cat: They're silly stories I make up

to explain things in Nature!

Daisy: Wait a minute! You can't just make up stories

to explain nature.

Nature is explained through science.

Nature Cat: I know that!

But sometimes it's fun to make up silly

stories about it as well.

Squeeks: Oh! Oh! I want to hear one of

Nature Cat's Nature Stories!

Hal: Me too too also!

Daisy: Err

Nature Cat: This story is called "Where the Wind Comes From."

Hal/Squeeks: Hooray!

Nature Cat: Once upon a time there was a hot and sweaty,

yet very handsome king.

King Nature Cat: Ugh! I declare that this day is too hot!

I need something to cool me down!

Where is my Royal Helper?

Royal Helper Hal!

Hal: (mouth trumpet) Nature Cat: Ah!

Hal: Here I am, your majesty!

Nature Cat: Royal Helper Hal!

I am hot and dripping with sweat.

I say, what shall I do to cool my royal brow?!

Hal: Hm... Perhaps we can cool off by running around

and shouting "woo-woo-woo!"

Nature Cat: Let's give it a Royal try.

Nature Cat/Hal: Woo-woo-woo!


Woo-woo-woo! Hal: Woo-woo-woo!

Nature Cat: That didn't work at all, Royal Helper Hal.

I'm hotter and sweatier than ever.

Hal: Uh, Forgive me, your majesty!

Nature Cat: Wait a tick!

When you bowed down it moved the air,

and made me feel a bit cooler.

Hal: So what we need to cool you off

is to move the air!

Nature Cat: Yes yes! Send for the Royal Messengers!

Hal: Royal Messengers!

Oh, Royal Messengers!

Daisy: Royal Messengers reporting for duty,

your kingliness!

Nature Cat: Go to my royal subjects in the East

and tell them to move the air to cool me off.

Squeeks/Daisy: To the East!

Dolphins:(Splashing & squeaking)

Squeeks: Dolphins?

The king requests,

that you flap your tails and move the air to cool him off.


Dolphin: You heard her fellas!

For the king!

Squeeks: It's working! The air is moving!

Daisy: Thanks, dolphins!

Squeeks/Daisy: Whee!!!

Daisy: Waaaooh!

Daisy: Well, King Nature Cat,

how do you like the moving air from the east?

Nature Cat: Well, it is cool.

But it's making me too wet!

I don't like it at all!

Hal: Our poor king!

The moving air is cool, but also wet!

Nature Cat: Please go to my royal subjects in the North

and tell them to move the air to cool me off.

Daisy/Squeeks: To the North!

Daisy: Snowy owls, we have a message from the king!

Owl #: The king! Oh boy!

What's the message from the king?

Squeeks: The king requests that you move the air,

so that he may cool off.

Owl #: You heard the mouse.

Come on, owls! Let's move some air.

All: For the king!

Squeeks: Faster, owls! Faster!

Daisy: They did it! The air is moving!

Squeeks: Thank you, owls, for the duty you have done

for your king, whatever... whatever...bye!

Daisy/Squeeks: Wheeee!

Hal: Owe!

Squeeks: So, your majesty,

how do you like the moving air from the North?

Nature Cat: Brr! It's too too too cold!

Hal: The king doesn't like it!

The King doesn't like it!

Squeeks: Have no fear, your royal pickiness.

We will try to get the air to move in the South!

Daisy/Squeeks: To the South!

Flamingos of the South.

Hello, the king needs you to move wind to cool him off.

Flamingos: For the king!

Squeeks: Yay! It worked! Thanks, flamingos!

Squeeks/Daisy: Wheee!

All: Whoa!'s the southern wind.

What do you think?

Wait for it...wait for it...

Nature Cat: I declare this wind is too warm!

Yup. There it is.

Hal: Oh no! The king is not cool!

All is lost!

Daisy: We still have one more chance.

To the West!

Squeeks: To the West!

Last one!

Daisy: Hey elephants!

The King needs you to flap your ears

and move the air to cool him off.

Squeeks: For the king!

Elephant : No thanks.

We don't want to help the king.

Daisy: Uh-oh! I'm out of ideas.

I think we failed our royal mission.

Squeeks: Not yet we didn't.

Squeeks: Happy Birthday, Elephants!

Elephant : Oh boy! It's our birthday!

Squeeks: Mhm! It sure is.

Make a wish and blow out the candles.

(Elephants trumpet)

Squeeks: It worked! The air is moving!

Daisy: But once the candles are out,

they'll stop moving air.

Squeeks: Don't worry, I used trick candles.

(Elephants trumpet)

Squeeks/Daisy: Wheeee!

Hal: Du-uh-oh. All: Oof!

King Nature Cat: Ahhh! This air feels wonderful!

It's not too cool, not too warm.

Just refreshing!

I declare that moving air shall be called: Wind.

All: Hooray!

Nature Cat: And that my friends is where wind comes from.

Hal: Yay! Squeeks: Great story!

Daisy: Sorry, Nature Cat, but wind has nothing to do with

elephants or dolphins or owls or flamingos.

Wind happens when cool air

pushes warmer air out of the way.

Nature Cat: I know that.

But sometimes it's just fun to make a silly Nature Story

like people did long ago.

Squeeks: Ooh! Ooh!

I want to make up a silly nature story!

Hal: Me too too also as well!

Nature Cat: Why not make one up together!

Hal: Yeah! It can be about sticks.

Squeeks: Yeah! Or puddles!

Hal: Oh! I know! How about fireflies?

I saw so many fireflies last night.

Squeeks: Fireflies!

Yes yes that's it!

Okay, this story is called, "How the firefly got its light!"

Hal: Once upon a time,

There were two fireflies, that were just called flies

because they didn't have their light yet!

Squeeks: Yeah! And they were having a party!

Hal: Wow! We sure know how to throw a party!

Squeeks: Wing Bump!

Sun: (Yawns)

Hal: Oh no! It's too dark! No one can see.



Squeeks: Our fiesta is a disasta!

Hal: We need the sun to bring us light and save our party!

Come on!

Hal: Oh no! The sun's sleeping.

Squeeks: Let's wake her up!


Sun: Hold up! Wait a minute!

Who's waking me up before me-rise?

Hal: Hi, Sun. It's me, Fly Hal.

Look we need light so we can have our party.

Sun: Sorry, kid, I'm off duty.

Sun: (Snooring)

Hal: Oh no! What now?

Squeeks: Don't worry, pal,

I'm gonna lasso us up some light!

Squeeks: Or maybe not. That tracks. That tracks.

Hal/Squeeks: Oh no! Our party is ruined!

Both: Boo-hoo!


Sun: Awww man!

I hate to see a grown bug cry.

Hal: Hey look! We light up!

Squeeks: And now we can save the party!

Hal/Squeeks: Hooray! Thank you, Sun!

Sun: (Wink) (Snooring)

Hal/Squeeks: And that's how the Firefly got its light!

Nature Cat: That was a terrific Nature Story!

Daisy: Ummm, that was entertaining and all,

but the scientific reason that fireflies light up

is because of bioluminescence,

you know, when living things glow.

Nature Cat: I know that,

but it's still fun to think of it

happening because of a bug party.


Daisy: That's true.

Hal: Hey, Daisy! Why don't you make up

your own silly Nature Story?

Daisy: Me? I wouldn't know where to begin.

I can't make up a nature story.

Nature Cat: Sure you can Daisy.

Just use your imagination.

Daisy: Okay! Okay! I'll give it a try. Ugh.

But what should my story be about?

Daisy: Oh! I got it.

My story is called "How the Sun flower got so tall!"

Daisy: Once upon a time there was a Queen...

Daisy: Oh no no no, it was a bug.

Daisy: No! I mean a giant!

Yes, it was a giant!

Daisy: And the giant loved big things!

She had a big spoon to eat her oatmeal.

Daisy: And she had a big soccer ball to play soccer with!

Daisy: And she even had a giant

hankie for when she had to sneeze!

Daisy: Ahh-ahh-ahh-choo!

(echo) ...choo, choo...!

Daisy: But what the giant loved most was to touch the flowers'

shiny and smooth petals.

But they were all too small.

Daisy: So the giant had a big idea!

Daisy: I'm going to grow a giant flower!

Daisy: She tried watering the flowers

with a giant pail of water.

Daisy: She tried planting the

flowers in a giant mound of dirt!

Daisy: She tried... ummm...she tried...

Daisy: I have no idea

what the Giant can use to grow giant flowers.

Nature Cat: Don't think about

what you really use to grow flowers, think wild...

Squeeks: Think kooky...

Hal: Think super-duper silly! Like- (sound effect)

Like real silly.

Daisy: I got it!

Daisy: In order to grow her giant flowers,

she would sing them a giant song!

Daisy: ♪ Come on and grow! ♪

♪ Don't be small! Come on and grow! ♪

♪ Big and Tall! ♪

Daisy: It's working!

I'm going to sing even louder and bigger

to make them grow some more!

♪ Come on and grow! Don't be small!♪

♪ Come on and grow! Big and tall! ♪

Daisy: The flowers were almost giant-sized,

so the giant sang one more time.

In the biggest, loudest voice she could muster.

Daisy: ♪ Come on and grow! Don't be small! ♪

♪ Come on and grow! Big and tall! ♪

Daisy: Oh man, oh man!

Giant flowers!

Oh yeah! Oh yeah!

Giant flowers!

Oh yeah!

Daisy: And that's how the sunflower grew so tall!

All: Yay!

Nature Cat: Great story, Daisy!

Hal/Squeeks: Oh Yeah!

Daisy: Thanks, guys!

Aw. Even though it isn't scientific,

it really is fun to come up with stories about why

things are the way they are in nature!

Nature Cat: Now come on, g*ng!

Let's get back to our game of Cowboy, Horsey,

Star Gazer and Artist.

Hal: Uh-oh! Looks like the Elephants

are blowing out candles again!

All: Laughing

Daisy: Pattern Problema

Hal: (Laughing)

Hal: Comin' thru, baby!

Nature Cat: Aww, Hal.

Your mommy's gonna love this

new nature inspired wallpaper

when she gets here, don't you think?

Hal: Yeah! I just really want it to be all

naturey and outdoorsy

while being indoorsy... and all at the same time!

You know what I'm saying, Squeeks?

Squeeks: I hear ya, big dog!

Daisy: How does it look?

Hal: Oh my...

Nature Cat: Um. Guys, this just isn't working.

Daisy: Yeah, uhm, that doesn't look so good.

Nature Cat: We have to get organized!

All: Hmmmm....

Hal: Hmm...

Squeeks: Hmm...

Nature Cat: Hmm...

Nature Cat: We could uh....

(loud bashing and drumming)

I can't focus with all that banging going on out there.

Nature Cat: Where is it coming from?

(bashing and drumming)

Nature Cat: Ronald!

Nature Cat: Ronald!


(shouting) RON-ALD!!!

Ronald: Oh hello, Nature Cat.

Nature Cat: Hello...Ronald.

Would you mind not playing your drums till we finish

wallpapering Hal's doghouse?

Ronald: You're wallpapering Hal's doghouse?

Why that's so... so...wallpapery.

(rimshot) Ronald: Ha ha ha!

Nature Cat: Then you'll stop till we finish?

Ronald: Oh yeah, sure. Absolutely...NOT!

Ronald: This is Ronald's Drum Time,

and during Ronald's Drum Time,

Ronald drums, all the time!

A thank you!

Nature Cat: Ronald!

Hal: Yeah I don't know.

It's just not looking right to me.

Daisy: Me either, Hal.

I can't seem to put my paw on it,

but something's not right.

Squeeks: Let's not mince words. It's a disaster.

Hal: What did we do wrong?

Nature Cat: Everything!

Hal: I just wanted it to feel outdoorsy and indoorsy

and all at the same time.

Oh, what should we do?!

Nature Cat: What we need, Hal, is some nature inspiration!

Onward and natureward!

(Drumming & clashing)

Nature Cat (shouting): Will Drum Time ever end?!

(Drumming & clashing)

Ronald: No it will not!

Hah ha ha!

Nature Cat: Ahhhh, nature!

Daisy: Hal, you see anything in Nature

that you love and could see in your house?

Hal: I see a lot of things I love,

but I'm looking for something I really, really, really love.

Hal: Ooh, like that! Hi, little caterpillar.

Up here! Look, it's me, Hal.

Nature Cat: What exactly is it that you love

about that caterpillar?

Hal: Well, look at the way the stripey colors line up

all yellow and black and white and black,

and then white black and yellow again and again.

Yellow black white black white black yellow...

Hal: Yellow black white black!

Hal/Nature Cat: Yellow black white black, white black yellow...

Hal: Ha ha ha ! Daisy: Hey! It's a pattern!

Hal: Hey yeah it's a pattern!

Ha ha ha! You don't say,

a pattern sitting right there,

I didn't even see it. Haha, I just love patterns!

Hal: But one quick little question.

What is a pattern?

Daisy: A pattern happens when something repeats

in a way that you can tell what's coming next.

Daisy: See? Yellow black white black...followed by--

Squeeks: White black yellow!

All: Yellow black white black white black yellow!

Yellow black white black white black yellow!

(Drumming & crashing)

Nature Cat: Err!

Nature Cat: I can't believe we can still hear

Ronald's drumming!

Squeeks: (Gasps) Sunflowers!

Daisy: Hey Squeeks, looks like the seeds are developing nicely!

Squeeks: I know, I can't wait!

Soon I'll be eating sunflower stew.

Sunflower fricassee,

Sunflowers Rockefeller,

Sunflower parmesan!

Squeeks Daisy: Hey guys, another pattern!

Hal: Where?! And who what when how and why?

Daisy: See how the seeds grow in a curve?

And the curve repeats! It's a pattern!

Hal: This is awesome!

They go round and around and around

and around and around and a-oh boy.

Woahh, Uh-oh!


Nature Cat: (Gasps) Look how the snail's shell spirals!

This feels like another pattern to me.

Hal: Hello, snail. Hal here.

Love your spirally shell.

Squeeks: Ditto on the fern! Look another spiral.

Hal: Hello, fern. I'm Hal,

and I just love your spirally pattern!

Daisy: Hey check out this butterfly!

Daisy: Wow! Look at the design on each wing.

I can tell what the opposite wing looks like

because it repeats the same pattern!

Hal: Whoa! I just love your pattern too, butterfly!

So many great patterns.

Hal: Hm, you know one thing about patterns,

they're so much fun to look at.

You know they're so um...

gosh what's the word I'm looking for...

they're so patterny.

(bird chirping)

Daisy: Listen! A Chickadee!

(Chickadee chirping)

Squeeks: (Gasps) It's the same sound over and over.

Hal: (gasps) Another pattern!

All: Chickadee-dee-dee!



Squeeks: (gasps) Amazing!

You can see patterns...

You can feel patterns like with the sunflower seeds.

You can even hear patterns! Patterns!

Daisy: Yeah there's something, I dunno, comfortable

in seeing a pattern and knowing what comes next.

Kinda sweet...

Hal: That's it!

I know what we did wrong with the wallpaper!

It was patternless!

That's why looking at it made my head feel all fuzzy.

Huh! Maybe making a pattern will help!

Nature Cat: Yeah! They're all around us, Hal.

You just need to pick the one you like.

Let nature be your guide.

Hal: Okay, okay, let's see

a pattern. I gotta find a pattern...

Looking for a pattern...

gotta figure out what a pattern is first...

but then I'll look for a pattern...

okay okay, looking for patterns, looking for patterns...

okay I need a pattern... I need a pattern...

I need a...whoaaaaaa!

Nature Cat: Hal! You okay?

Hal: Ooo! This vine is so spirally.

Wow, another pattern!

Nature Cat: Hang on, Hal my pal.

We'll get you down. Ally oop!

Squeeks: Okay, Nature Cat. Pull down!

Squeeks/Daisy: Pull!!!!

The g*ng: WHA!!!!

g*ng: (Yelling) Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!


Squeeks: Where are we?

Nature Cat: I don't have a clue!

Hal: Oh, no! We gotta get home!

My Mommy's gonna be there soon!

Daisy: But which way is home?

(Thudding nose)

Nature Cat: Drums! It's Ronald!

Nature Cat: All we have to do

is follow the drum beats and we're home!

Daisy: Wait!

That doesn't sound like Ronald's drumming.

Remember it went boom, crash, ting, boom, crash, ting?

Hey! That was a pattern, too!

Squeeks: Yeah, it's definitely not Ronald!

Hal: Hello, grouse. I'm Hal.

Nice wing beating, but it's not Ronald's drum pattern.

(Quick tapping noise)

Daisy: Guys! Another sound!


Nature Cat: A woodpecker!

Squeeks: Ick! Nope. Still not Ronald's drum pattern.

Hal: Ugh! Where's Ronald when you need him?

(Drumming and crashing)

Nature Cat: Wait a minute!

That's Ronald! I'd know that pattern anywhere.

Nature Cat: Onward and patternward!

Ronald: Oh! Ah ho!

Now all the world can enjoy Ronald's drum time!

Nature Cat: Thanks, Ronald.

Ronald: You're welcome, Nature Cat!


Wait...what did I do?

(loud drumming and crashing)

Hal: This time we're gonna do it a pattern!

Squeeks: (Gasps) We can make a curvy design,

like the sunflowers!

Hal: Yeah, but I like the caterpillar stripes.

Those were pretty cool.

Daisy: I really like the butterfly wings pattern.

Nature Cat: I'm sort of a snail pattern guy, myself.

Squeeks: Thank you, Nature for the abundance of choices.

Which one should we use?

Hal: How about we use all of them?

Nature Cat: Great idea, Hal.

We can each make the pattern we like best.

g*ng: Wooho! Yeah!

Hal: So, what do we do now?

Daisy: Well, there are four patterns - and four walls.

We could put one pattern on each wall.

Hal: Uh-uh. Not gonna work.

Squeeks: We could just mix'em up and hang'em up.

Hal: Nope. That's what we did last time.

Nature Cat: I've got it! We've got four patterns.

We could put up one of each pattern, then--

Daisy: Start all over again!

All: Yay!

Squeeks: Oh I see, uh... Something like this?

Squeeks: Ta-da!

Hal: I love it! You put the four patterns,

into another pattern!

Daisy: Sweet!

Nature Cat: Let's do this!

Onward and yonward!

Squeeks: Now we're talkin' wallpaper!

Nature Cat: Amazing job, guys.

Daisy: A pleasing pattern

plus another pattern if ever I saw one.

Hal: Oh I'm really, really, really happy.

Thanks, guys.

Hal's Mom: (Laughing) Oh, my, oh, my.

Hal, darling.

Look what you've done to your charming little doggy house.

Hal: Hi, Mommy.

Nature Cat: Hi, Hal's mom!

Daisy: Welcome!

Barbara, good to see you. How's your knee?

Hal's Mom: I must say it feels so naturey and outdoorsy

while being indoorsy and all at the same time! Ha ha!

Hal: That's exactly what I was going for!

Aw, glad you like it, mommy.

Hal's Mom: Like it?

I love it!

And I especially love the patterns.

They're so... oh what's the word...patterny!


Hal/Hal's Mom: Wink. Wink!

Announcer: Nature Cat, Squeeks, Daisy,

and Hal are cartoon characters

and not real animals.

To keep all of our animal friends safe,

check with a grown up before you bring a pet

on your next nature adventure.


Ha ha!

(theme song)