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03x13 - More Than A Monkey Wrench/Trailblazers

Posted: 01/20/24 19:40
by bunniefuu
That's me, Fred the house cat.

When my family leaves for the day,

I don't just sit inside watching the world go by.

I become...

Nature Cat, backyard explorer extraordinaire!

♪ Oh, go go go

♪ Tally ho!

♪ Go go go

♪ Tally ho!

♪ We're climbing up the trees now ♪

♪ We're swinging through the breeze now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now ♪

♪ With Nature Cat ♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ So what are we waiting for?

♪ We're so excited to explore

♪ All that nature has in store with Nature Cat ♪

♪ Go go go Tally ho! ♪

♪ Go go go Tally ho! ♪

♪ He's our favorite nature guide ♪

♪ We just can't wait to get

♪ Outside!

♪ We're swinging through the trees now ♪

♪ We're jumping in the leaves now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now ♪

♪ With Nature Cat!

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat Tally ho! ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ Tally ho!

Hal: More than a monkey wrench .

Daisy: All right, Nature Lovers, it's time to bring out your

tools for our nature adventure!

Hal: I've got binoculars and a magnifying glass

for discovery time, baby.

Squeeks: I've got a cheese grater and a nut cr*cker

for snack time.

Daisy: And I have a few shovels for planting time!

Daisy: We have all the tools we need for our hike.

Hoist! Nature Cat: Oh, Daisy,

there's no need for you to carry that big,

heavy backpack of tools!

Daisy: But Nature Cat,

tools make all the tough jobs we face on our hike easier,

we need our tools!

Nature Cat: I know all about what tools do,

and that is why I am in possession

of the ultimate tool! Fan fare, Hal!

Hal: [mimics fan fare]

Nature Cat: Behold!

The Norwegian Navy Wrench!

Squeeks: A wrench?

A wrench is just a tool that can help turn things.

What's the big deal?

Nature Cat: Don't let the name fool you, Squeeks,

for the Norwegian Navy Wrench

is a wrench and so much more!

Hal: How much more we talking here, Nature Cat?

Nature Cat: Glad you asked, Hal, old pal!

Say you have some nails that need hammering!

Hal: I do have some nails that need hammering.

Isn't that a coinky-dink?

Wink! Wink! To camera.

Nature Cat: Well, Hal,

you're in luck, for the Norwegian Navy Wrench

has a hammer!

[click] [bang bang bang]

Squeeks/Daisy/Hal: Whooaah!

Nature Cat: But wait, there's more!

Have a log that needs to be cut in two?

Daisy: Oddly enough, I do.

Nature Cat: Well, the Norwegian Navy Wrench has a saw!

[click] [sawing]

Squeeks/Daisy/Hal: Ahhhhh!

Nature Cat: But wait! There's more!

Got some spaghetti that needs straining?

Squeeks: Why yes I do!

Nature Cat: Happily, the Norwegian Navy Wrench

has a spaghetti strainer!

Squeeks: [slurp]

Squeeks: Mmmm-mmmm! Perfect al dente.

Just like grandma used to make.

Nature Cat: You bet it is, Squeeks.

And guess what?

Squeeks: There's more?

Nature Cat: Yes! Because the Norwegian Navy Wrench has...

a can opener, screwdriver, fishing rod,

berry splitter, wire snippers, toe nail clippers,

lemon zester... It has a tool for everything.

And it's made in Norway, you just know they make good stuff.

Daisy: That is a very impressive tool!

Nature Cat: Yes it is!

So drop that heavy bag!

We have every tool we need for our hike

right in the palm of my hands.

Daisy: Well, okay then! I guess we don't need these.

Nature Cat: Yowch!

Daisy: Whoops, sorry, Nature Cat.

Sorry about your footsie.

Nature Cat: No worries, the Norwegian Navy Wrench also

has a bruised bunion icer.

Nature Cat: Ahh.

Onward and yonward!

Nature Cat: What's the first thing

on our nature adventure to-do list?

Daisy: Let's see.

Oh, right, we're planting some new saplings here to replace

the trees that were blown down in the storm.

Squeeks: Here's sapling!

Hal: Don't worry, little saplings,

we'll find a good home for you.

Where did I put my sapling, anyway?


Daisy: Alrighty, let's dig some holes and plant those saplings!

Hal: But we left our gardening tools at home.

Daisy: Oh great.

How can we dig a hole now?

Nature Cat: Have no fear, the Norwegian Navy Wrench comes

equipped with its very own shovel tool.

Squeeks: Uhhh, Nature Cat, why are you brushing the dirt?

Nature Cat: Oops! I seem to have hit the wrong button.

Nature Cat: Voila!

Squeeks: That's a tennis racket!

Nature Cat: Don't worry... I can find the right tool...

[click, click]

I know it's here somewhere.

Hal: Oh, these poor saplings are never going to get planted.

Daisy: Hey, wait a minute, Hal,

you're always digging up holes in the backyard.

Hal: It's true.

I dig with my claws all the time.

Like this!

Hal: Whoa! This soil is really hard.

I am not getting very far with my claws at all...


I think I broke a nail.

Daisy: Looks like we definitely need a tool for this job.

It's a toughie.

Nature Cat: Hmm...

[muffled cry]

Squeeks: Heh heh. Plunger.

Nature Cat: [muffled] Help!

[digging sound]

Hal: Hey what's that?

Hal: Ooh! It's a little gopher!

Hiya, gopher, it's me, Hal!

Watcha doing?

Daisy: It's a pocket gopher, Hal!

Looks like she's digging with the stone.

Squeeks: Interesting. So the dirt

must be too hard for her to dig with her claws,

like Hal, so she's using the stone.

Daisy: Do you know what this means?

Hal: Not even a little bit.

Daisy: It means the gopher is using a tool!

Squeeks: But it's just a stone, it's not a shovel!

Daisy: But she's using the stone to dig through the hard dirt,

so that makes it a tool. Hal: Whoa!

What a smart little gopher!

Squeeks: Huh.

Well if a gopher can use a tool from nature, so can we.

Come on, let's find some flat stones

and dig through that dirt!

Daisy: It's working!

The stone makes a sweet digging tool!

Hal: And now our saplings are planted!

Squeeks/Daisy/Hal: Hooray!

Nature Cat: Uuuhh!

[click, click]

Ta-da! I found the right tool.

Now we can finally dig!

Hal: But we already dug! Ya dig?

Nature Cat: Impossible!

You couldn't dig because you didn't have the proper tool.

Hal: We used flat stones to dig, just like the gopher!

Nature Cat: Gopher!

Don't be silly, Hal,

wild animals do not use tools.

Hal: This one did. It used a rock as a tool!

And we used it too! And it worked!

Daisy/Squeeks: Oh yeah!

Nature Cat: Well, my shovel will work even better!



Nature Cat: Let's just move on to the next thing on our list,

shall we?

Daisy: Next on our list, investigate under a rock!

Daisy: They call this Gawking Rock,

because when you look underneath it,

there's so much to see that you just have to gawk!

Hal: Come on! Let's see what's underneath!

Hal: Arrgggh!

Little help! Little help, please?

Squeeks: Grrrrr! A little more help.

Daisy/Squeeks/Hal: [struggling]

Daisy: This rock is too heavy to lift.

Nature Cat: Luckily, the Norwegian Navy Wrench has

a handy rock lifter tool!

Nature Cat: Hold on just a second.

Nature Cat: I'll have this rock lifter out in no time.

Nature Cat: [struggling]

Hal: He's never getting it out, is he?

Squeeks: I sincerely doubt it.


Daisy: Ooo! What's that sound?

Squeeks: It's that bird over there!

Hal: Ooh, its doing something with that piece of bark.

But what?

Daisy: Whoa! Did you see that?

That bird tried to pry the bark off the trunk

to find some bugs underneath.

And guess what he used?

A little piece of bark!

Hal: Does that mean the bird is another user of tools?

You know, like the little cute gopher?

Squeeks: Well maybe we could be like the bird!

But a small piece of bark won't pry up the rock.

But big stick might work!

Hal: Ask and ye shall receive, Squeeks!


Squeeks: It worked!

Squeeks/Daisy/Hal: Whooah!

Nature Cat: The Norwegian Rock Lifter is ready for action!

Squeeks: Oh, thanks! Well, we already lifted the rock.

Yeah. We watched this bird use a small piece of bark

to lift up some bark on that tree over there.

Hal: The birdie used it as a tool, baby!

Daisy: Yeah, and we figured out how we could use the same idea

to lift up the big rock.

Nature Cat: Haha! No way!

I'm sorry, but wild animals do not use tools!

Now if you'll excuse me,

I'll show you how a rock should be lifted.

Nature Cat: [struggling]


Hal: You see how well our tools work?

And we got the idea...[laughs]

from a bird! [laughs] Go figure.

Nature Cat: Animal Tools, Shmanimal tools!

Let's just do the next thing on our list.

Daisy: Next on the list... hmm...

Oh Squeeks, your favorite.

Nutty Snack Time!

Squeeks: Yummy!

Squeeks: Pecans! Walnuts! Almonds!

My favorites!


Squeeks: Oww! They still have their shells!

Nature Cat: Not to worry, my Norwegian Navy Wrench

has its very own Norwegian Nutcracker Tool!

Hal: That does not look like a nutcracker.

Nature Cat: Oh no! Come back, Norwegian Navy Wrench!

Squeeks: Oh! Zounds!

We're never going to eat these tantalizingly delicious nuts!

Never! Never! Never!


Squeeks: Excuse me? Who is interrupting

my nut based soliloquy?

Hal: It's that otter!

Squeeks: And what is the otter doing?

Daisy: Looks like it's hitting those clam shells against that

rock on its tummy.

Squeeks: Waitaminute!

Is it doing what I think it's doing?

Squeeks: Yes!

It's using the rock to open the clam shell

so it can eat what's inside.

Daisy: That otter is using a rock as a tool!

Squeeks: I wonder if I can use the same kind

of tool for my nuts.

Squeeks: It worked!

The rock's a great nut cracking tool!

Nutty snake time!


Nature Cat: Come back here, wrench!

[whirring] [click, click]

Nature Cat: Oh no! My wrench!


Nature Cat: I can't reach it. I can't reach my wrench!

Squeeks, can you fit?

Squeeks: No way, man! I just housed all these nuts.

Nature Cat: Oh no!

I'm never going to get my wrench back!

My wonder tool is lost! Forever!

Daisy: Don't worry, Nature Cat, maybe we can find a tool

in nature to help with this tough problem.

Just like the animals do.

Nature Cat: Daisy, sweet Daisy. I appreciate you trying to help,

but wild animals simply do not use tools.

Nature Cat: Oh. I see, haha, well I sure do stand corrected.

Animals do use tools!

Daisy: Now that we have that settled...

what's the problem here?

Oh, the crack is too narrow for any of us to reach.

Squeeks: Copy that, Dais.

There's no way I'm going in there.

But is there anything around here we can use to reach it?

Nature Cat: I dunno, maybe this stick?

Daisy: Sweet idea, Nature Cat!

It looks straight enough to poke in there!

Nature Cat: But you do realize it's just a stick?

Hal: We sure do, now give it go, Nature Cat.

Nature Cat: And let's see if we can move my wrench.

Daisy: You can do this, Nature Cat.

Hal: I believe in you!

Squeeks: I believe in the power of nature's toolbox!

Nature Cat: It worked! I got my wrench back!

All: Hooray!

Nature Cat: We just made and used

a tool like those wild animals did!

Hal: Wait, let me get this straight.

The stick which is also a tool that some animals use in nature

was used to save the real tool that Nature Cat

bought in a store,

that didn't really help us out in nature today?

Squeeks: I think you put a nice and tidy bow

on this curriculum, Hal. Good work.

Hal: Thanks! Anything to help the curriculum advisors out.

Nature Cat: Hey!

I know what I want to do next on the hike, my friends.

Daisy: What's that?

Nature Cat: Search for more animals using tools!

All: Yeah!

Nature Cat: Onward and toolward!

Hal: Trailblazers.

Nature Cat: Isn't it so fun to explore a trail

we've never hiked before?

Hal: Sure is!

So many new nature sights and sounds and smells, baby!

Daisy: Oh yeah! Just listen to that bird!

I've never heard that call before!

[bird chirping]

Squeeks: [gasps]

And smell these wildflowers!

Oh the natural eau de parfum!

Nature Cat: And whoa ho ho!

Nature Cat: ...check out this new nature sight!

Daisy: A bent tree?

Say whaaat!?

Squeeks: Whoa, man. I've never seen a tree like that before.

Hal: I know! It's so bendy

and so tree-ey

and all at the same time...y!

Nature Cat: How do you think it got all... bendy?

Daisy: I dunno. Maybe a storm came

and the wind made the tree lean over,

and then the tree grew up from there?

And then you know it just stayed that way...

Squeeks: Oh maybe it was trying to get away from it had an annoying neighbor at one point.

Hal: Or maybe a giant came over and sat on it, or something!

Haha! That'd be really weird!

Nature Cat: Hmmm... speaking of weird,

it looks to mine eyes

like this part of the tree is pointing to something...

Daisy: A tree pointing? Ha ha!

Come on, Nature Cat, a tree can't just point to's a tree.

Nature Cat: A ha!

It 'tis pointing to something! To some sort of path!

Squeeks: I don't know if I would classify this as a path,

Nature Cat. It's pretty narrow

and there's like plants everywhere!

Hal: Yeah, I mean, where would you even walk?

There's no where to walk. It's crazy.

Nature Cat: Well, then why would this tree point to this?

Daisy: Actually, maybe you're right.

This really could be a path!

NC/Squeeks/Hal: Really?

Daisy: And that tree could really be pointing to it!

NC/Hal/Squeeks: Really really?!

Daisy: Yes! Yes!

It says here that sometimes trees bend

due to natural causes,

but people also used to bend trees to mark trails.

Squeeks: Why would anyone bend a tree?

Daisy: As trail markers!

Long ago before phones or GPS,

people bent trees as a way to tell other people

which way the trail went

so they wouldn't lose their way.

Hal: Woah! Squeeks: That's amazing!

Nature Cat: I cant believe it!

Daisy: Wait!

This also says people sometimes bent trees to show the way

to really special places!

Nature Cat: Oooh! A special place?

I wonder if this tree leads to one...

Me thinks we should explore and find out!

Hal: Me thinks so too too also!

Squeeks: And we have plenty of food,

water and supplies for a little detour.

Let's go!

Daisy: Wait, hold on, Squeeks.

As we go along, let's tie these bright strings to trees so we

can find our way back!

Nature Cat: Ha ha, yes!

Now let's find the special place

that this bendy tree is pointing to!

Onward and Yonward!

Daisy: So what do you think this special place is going to be?

Maybe it's a place where people used to live.

Nature Cat: Or a cave filled with treasure!

Squeeks: A rock quarry filled with

more cool rocks than the eyes can see!

Hal: Orrr.... maybe,

just maybe if we play our cards right,

this leads to a dead-end that leads to nowhere!

Nature Cat: That's silly, Hal!


Nature Cat: A dead-end...

good call Hal..

Hal: Yes! See I told you! I'm right!

A dead-end!

And this is the most special dead-end I've ever seen!

Daisy: Aww.

It looks like the trail has ended.

But which way do we go?

Squeeks: Aww rats, man.

Now we're never gonna find the special place!

Nature Cat: Don't give up just yet, Squeeks.

The path has to be around here somewhere!

Nature Cat: Ah ha! It's another bent tree!

Come on!

Hal: And another path!

Daisy: Man-oh-man this is so cool!

Nature Cat: Wow. It's starting to look like these bent trees

really are trail markers...

Squeeks: But we're in the middle of nowhere, you guys.

Where's this tree trail taking us?

Nature Cat: Only one way to find out!

Onward and yonward!

Nature Cat: Ha ha!

We will be at the special place any moment!

I can feel it!

Nothing can stop us now!


Nature Cat: [groan]

I gotta stop saying that!

Hal: [gasp] Another dead end!

Squeeks: This brush is in the way!


Nature Cat: Brush, shmush!

This shouldn't be a problem --

Nature Cat: Ow! It's a problem!

It's a big problem!

Daisy: Yeah, I guess this brush must have grown up a lot when

people stopped using the trail.

But how are we going to find the trail if we can't get through?

Hal: Oh, I was so hoping we'd find the special place!

Nature Cat: Don't despair, my good friends!

I'm getting through! We're all getting through!

Ha ha!

Hal: Hold it! I can get us through these bushes.

[clears throat] Excuse me bushes, Hal here, would you

please part so me and my friends can get through, please?


Well I guess that's a no. Alright, thank you, bushes.

Nature Cat: Uh, can you start the inspirational-action

montage music, please!

[inspirational music] ♪

Nature Cat: Hup!

Oooh ah! Woah.

[thud] Nature Cat: Owe! Ouchie!

I'm okay!

All: Ahh! Whoa!

Hal: Woah an arrowhead! Cool!

NC/Daisy/Squeeks: Woaah!

Hal: Op, nevermind! It was just a rock!

Nature Cat: Whoaa!


Nature Cat: Wooaah!

[boing] [crash]

Nature Cat: Tally hut!


Nature Cat: [gasps]

There is just absolutely no way

to get past that brush!

Hal: [sigh] I know!

And if only we could go through that hole

like that deer is doing right now...

NC/Daisy/Squeeks: Huh?!

Hal: Oh, well! I guess we'll never find a way

past this to the special place.

Nature Cat: [gasps] There's a hole in the thicket!

Hal: you're a genius!

Hal: I knew you were going to say that!

I saw it coming a mile away. My catch phrase for seasons.

Hey, maybe we can get some new scripts for season , guys?

Huh? Punch it up a little?

Squeeks: Hey, Hal might be onto something,

It looks like there is a trail here.

Squeeks: The deer's following it,

but it's hard to see because of all the brush.

Nature Cat: Hmm...

So maybe deer and other animals follow trails, too?

Do they make their own little trails?

Daisy: Well, the wild animals are probably like us.

They want to find the easiest routes to get to the places that

are important to them.

Squeeks: Like where they find food or water.

Hal: So have we been following a deer trail this whole time?

Squeeks: Maybe the deer trail is what people long ago followed

to create their own trail,

and then they made the markers so they'd remember how to go.

Hal: Yeah! So many people and animals

have followed this trail!

It must lead to someplace special!

Nature Cat: Well, what are we waiting for?

Onward and through-ward!

Daisy: Oh, I can't wait to find out what the special place is!

Nature Cat: Me too! I just love a good nature mystery!

Hal: You mean like the mystery of the moving brush?

Nature Cat: Come on Hal that brush can't move on it's own --

Nature Cat: Ahhh!

The brush is moving on it's own!

What are we going to do?!


Nature Cat: W-w-what could it be?!


Squeeks: Oh dear, more deer!

Daisy: I think I get it!

Deer and other animals follow the same path

over and over again making a trail form.


All: Whoa!

Nature Cat: Look, we're almost through!

Daisy: Okay, now what?

How do we know which direction to go?

Nature Cat: No idea!Hal: What he said.

Squeeks: You guys, remember,

it's like we learned in season one.

When we go into a unknown area, we need to STOP.

S, Stop. T, Think.

O, Observe. And P, Provolone!

No, Plan! Sorry.

Cheese on the brain.

Nature Cat: I've stopped!

Daisy: I've stopped too!

Hal: Stopped too too also as well!

Squeeks: Okay, now think!Nature Cat: I'm thinking!

Daisy: In addition I am also thinking!

Hal: I'm..wait...wait a I thinking?

Yep. I think I think. I think I'm thinking...

Yes...yep, I'm thinking now.

Yeah it hurts!

Squeeks: Now we observe!

Nature Cat: Observing!

Daisy/Hal: Observing!

Hal: Tah-deee! Look what I found!

My plan is to follow this bent tree marker.

Nature Cat: Tally ho!

Nature Cat: So this path led us

Another dead end.

Squeeks: Oh come on! This is getting ridiculous!

Nature Cat: I don't understand...

I don't see any other bent trees of deer trails in the area.

How is this a special place?

Nature Cat: [sobs] It looks like we've

come all of this way for nothing.

Daisy: Cheer up, Nature Cat!

Maybe the special place is beyond the lake

and we just have to cross it!

Squeeks: Maybe it's in the lake! Maybe it's a lost city.

A city of cheese. No that would be gross.

It's underwater...eww...

Hal: Or maybe the lake is the special place

because there's a lot of fresh water and food.

I mean that seems pretty special to me!

Nature Cat: Hal, it bears repeating, but you're a genius!

Hal: Did you hear that other Hal?

I'm smart!

Daisy: Back in the day,

you couldn't just turn on a faucet to get a drink,

you had to find a water source because everyone

and everything needs water to survive!

Nature Cat: So, the path led people through the woods

to a place where they could find water

and maybe set up camp? Makes sense.

Squeeks: Sure does! They could fish and hunt for other food.

Wow. It's like stepping back in time,

it's so peaceful around here.

[inhales deeply] Oh, finally I can breathe!

Hal: I like finding water to cool off

after a long journey. Oooh.

Nature Cat: And animals still use the trail

to get what they need to survive.

Everyone: [cheers]

Hal: You know what I'd like to use it for?

NC/Squeeks/Daisy: What?

Hal: Swimming time!

Daisy: Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Squeeks: Wooo swimming!

[splash, splash]

Hal: You coming in, Nature Cat?

Nature Cat: No thanks. I'm just going to take a moment

and appreciate how beautiful

nature truly is.

Hal/Daisy: [cheering]

Daisy: Wasn't the special place so sweet?

Squeeks: Yeah it really was!

Nature Cat: Me thinks it was the prettiest scene I've ever seen!

Squeeks: You know, I'm glad we were able to find

the special place, but how do we get home again?

Daisy: Good thing we planned ahead.

We can use the bright strings we tied to the trees

to make it back safely!

All: [cheers]

Nature Cat: We will be back,

and we know just what to look for

to find our way back here!

Nature Cat: Onward and Home-ward!

Narrator: Nature Cat, Squeeks, Daisy, and Hal

are cartoon characters

and not real animals.

To keep all of our animal friends safe,

check with a grown up before you bring a pet

on your next nature adventure.


Ha ha!

[theme song]