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03x15 - What A Pearl/Wild Bee Motel

Posted: 01/20/24 19:42
by bunniefuu
That's me, Fred the house cat.

When my family leaves for the day,

I don't just sit inside watching the world go by.

I become...

Nature Cat, backyard explorer extraordinaire!

♪ Oh, go go go

Tally ho!

♪ Go go go

Tally ho!

♪ We're climbing up the trees now ♪

♪ We're swinging through the breeze now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now ♪

♪ With Nature Cat

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ So what are we waiting for?

♪ We're so excited to explore

♪ All that nature has in store with Nature Cat ♪

♪ Go go go Tally ho! ♪

♪ Go go go Tally ho! ♪

♪ He's our favorite nature guide ♪

♪ We just can't wait to get


♪ We're swinging through the trees now ♪

♪ We're jumping in the leaves now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now ♪

♪ With Nature Cat!

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat Tally ho! ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

Tally ho!

Hal: What a Pearl.

[upbeat music]

Squeeks: Where art thou, Mitt?

Mitt, oh where have you gone?

Hal: Come out, come out, wherever you are, Mitt.

It's me, Hal, baby!

Nature Cat: Hmmm!

Oh! We've been looking all morning

for Daisy's special baseball glove

and we can't find it anywhere!


Daisy: Man oh man.

Every great catch I ever made was with Mitt.

Like when I saved Game of the Pet World Series..

Daisy: Before I lost Mitt I had softened

up its leather with oil.

She was in perfect condition to play ball.

Daisy: Aww, I love Mitt dearly.

I'd be so sad if I lost her.

Nature Cat: Ahh, I cannot bear seeing Daisy sad.

Don't worry Daisy!

I'll find Mitt this moment!

Nature Cat: Mitt! Show yourself!


But of course, not.


Tally, nope.

Nature Cat: What's that noise?

Hal: Oh that? That's the sound of a dog digging a hole.

I'd recognize that sound anywhere.

Cause I'm a dog.

Squeeks: It's coming from the other side of that bush.


Nature Cat: Why hello there, neighborhood newcomer.

That's a mighty fine hole you have there.

Pearl: Hey, thank you!

I'm Pearl. I'm new to the neighborhood.

Nature Cat: Welcome Pearl.

I am Nature Cat.

Please allow me to introduce my friends, Squeeks.

Squeeks: Pearl, a pleasure!

Nature Cat: Hal...

Hal: Hi, Pearl. It's me, Hal!

But you already learned that, it was only like a second ago.


Nature Cat: ..and Daisy.

Daisy: Pleased to meet you, Pearl.

Pearl: Hey, likewise.

Hey why don't you guys hop on over?

I'll give you a tour of the yard.

Nature Cat: Thanks, neighbor. Don't mind if we do.

Pearl: So let me show you around.

Squeeks: I like your stick, Pearl. What's it for?

Pearl: It's my cane.

It let's me know if there's something in my way that

I could trip over, and other things that are nearby.

Yeah I can't see like you do. I'm blind.

Daisy: Wow, so you use your cane to guide you around the yard?

Pearl: Yeah because the backyard is still pretty new to me.

But I also use my memory too.

Pearl: Like, I know that there's

a shade tree over in this direction.

Nature Cat: There is!

But how do you know if you can't see it?

Pearl: Well, when I was first walked around out here,

I could feel the sun's warmth on my face.

Then the warmth went away, telling me I was in the shade,

and that's how I found the tree.

Squeeks: That is amazing, Pearl!

Pearl: Oh, I love that robin's call?

Isn't her song just beautiful?

g*ng: Oh wow!


Pearl: And that's a red-winged blackbird.

Pearl: Oh! Oh! Oh! And that's a chickadee!

Hal: Wow! You really know your bird songs, Pearl!

Pearl: No doubt.

You know I might not be able to see the birds, but oh,

I love listenin' to them.


Pearl: Oh! Hey, you guys have roses growing in your yard?

Oh! They smell amazing!

Nature Cat: Wait, you know about the roses?

Daisy: You're right, Pearl!

There are roses next to my vegetable garden.

Pearl: I love enjoying nature near places I know well,

ya know, like my backyard.

But what I really wish is to experience the world

of nature beyond my backyard.

Squeeks: Well, you're in luck, Pearl!

Because there's great nature all around here!

Nature Cat: Pearl, would you come with us on a nature hike?!

We can all walk together on the Sunset Woods

Happiest Hiking Trail!

Pearl: Yeah! Thanks, that sounds really cool!

But I'd need help along the trail.

Daisy: We'd for sure help you along the trail, Pearl!

Pearl: You know, I've always dreamed of walking out

in the forest on my own, just enjoy it at my own pace,

like I do in my backyard.

Oh, that would be the greatest.

Nature Cat: Fantastic, Pearl!

Let us leave at once!

Pearl: Well, thanks for inviting me,

but I gotta go home for lunch.

I'm so glad to have met you all! Later!

NC/Daisy/Hal: Bye, Pearl! Squeeks: See ya!

Daisy: Man oh man.

Wouldn't it be great if Pearl could experience nature

in Sunset Park just how she always dreamed of?

Squeeks: Well, let's go check out the trail, Dais.

Maybe there's something we can do to make Pearl feel better

about walking on it!

Nature Cat: Agreed!

We shall walk the Happiest Hiking Trail

to see what we can do to make it more accessible for Pearl!

Tally ho!

Hal: Okay, now what?

Squeeks: Beats me, H-dog.

Daisy: Well, maybe we should try and experience the forest

from Pearl's point of view.

Hal: Right, of course.

Pearl's point of view. Obviously.

Her point of view. That's great thinking...

but I just have one teeny-tiny question

about her point of view.

I have no idea what it is so could you explain it from

the beginning please.

Daisy: What I mean is: to experience the world

like she does.

This blindfold will help us understand what it's like

to walk the path without being able to see.

Alright, who wants to try?

Nature Cat: Allow me.

I do wonder what it's like. [laughs]


Ok, need help. Don't know where I'm going.

Hm, this doesn't feel right.

How about I hold onto someone's arm?

Hal: Here you go, Nature Cat!

I've got another one if you need it.

Nature Cat: Yes, that feels better with you guiding me.

This is a bit scary...

Squeeks: Don't worry. We got you.

We got you.

Nature Cat: There could be any number of things in front of me:

Like a mud puddle.

Or a pond. Or a river.

Or a lake. Or an ocean. Or a swamp.

Or a swap swarming with snakes!

Daisy: There's no water or snakes in front of you,

Nature Cat. You have to trust us.

Hal: We'll let you know if there's anything in your way,

old buddy.

Squeeks: Ok, there's a hole coming up so let's walk over

here to the right.

And we're walking... we're walking...

Daisy: Alright. You're safely past the hole now.

Nature Cat: Phew. Feeling a little better.

But still, tally slow. Thank you.

Onward and easy-does-it-ward..

Thank you, again.

Hal: Okay, old buddy, a heads up:

There's a big log coming up and then a bolder,

so we're just going to mosey around them.

Walk this way. Perfect.

Nature Cat: Huh, now I'm feeling even more relaxed..

Squeeks: Oh! Look at those lily of the valley plants,

aren't they gorgeous?

Nature Cat: Hey, but I can't see them.

Daisy: Hey let's guide Nature Cat

over to the flowers so he can smell them..

Nature Cat: Yes yes! Please do.

Nature Cat: [sniff] Ahhh, lilies of the valley.

A spectacular smell!

Squeeks: Oh! We could do this for Pearl, too!

Nature Cat: Watching Pearl move around made it seem easier

than it was for me!

Not being able to see was challenging.

Good thing I had all of you to help!

Hal: Same goes for Pearl. Like Squeeks said,

we can just guide her like we did Nature Cat.

Daisy: But remember, Pearl did say she wants to be able

to do it at her own pace.

Nature Cat: Yes yes! We can help her do that!

And just how would we help her do that!?

Daisy: Oh, check this out!

Says here that some places have guide ropes along trails for

people who need extra help.

Daisy: And some places have braille signs

which tell what's nearby.

Squeeks: What's Braille, Dais?

Daisy: Braille's a system of raised dots that represent

the letters of the alphabet.

People can read by touch.

Nature Cat: Look, braille signs give information

like what's on the trail,

what kind of trees are nearby, or what obstacles...

Squeeks: Sounds like it could help Pearl.

I say we do it!

Nature Cat: Yes yes, agreed! Tally ho!

[upbeat music]

g*ng: Hooray!

Nature Cat: Pearl, so, we went hiking

and I wore a blindfold- [g*ng talking over each other]

You just have to... Pearl Hey-o, slow down, okay?

One at a time.

Nature Cat: Sorry about that, our bad.

Today, Pearl, is a very special day.

Do you know why?

Pearl: Uh, because it's the Nature Cat Season Finale?

Nature Cat: No - well, yes, technically, that is correct.

Thanks for tuning in.

But today is also special for another reason.

Hal, cue the fanfare?

Hal: Dooodoodooo do!

Nature Cat: Today we invite you, Pearl,

to join us on the new and improved Happiest Hiking Trail!

Squeeks: Pearl, we made a few changes to the trail which we

hope made it easier and more fun for you to walk on.

Hal: Come with, Pearl! Oh pretty pretty please!

Pearl: Yeah. Sure, I'll try it.

Nature Cat: Onward and trailward!

Daisy: So Pearl, we guided the trail to the right to avoid

a hole and big rock.

Pearl: Hey, thanks, you guys. What a fabulous idea!

Pearl: Whoa!

This log is so mossy and spongy, and all at the same time!

You know what I'm saying, Hal?

Hal: I know exactly what's you're saying, Pearl!


Pearl: Oh, I smell flowers!

[sniffing] Hm...what kind?


Pearl: Oh, says these are lilies of the valley!

So beautiful.

[sniffing] Oh, I love 'em!

Hal: Hey Pearl! You gotta feel what's going on over here!

Pearl: Says there's an oak tree on our right

with lichen on a low branch.

The bark feels so rough!

And the lichen feels soft and stringy.

Hal: [laughing] g*ng: Cool!

Hal: C'mon everyone, don't be shy,

plenty of bark love for everyone.

See, I told you so.

Pearl: The oak tree is so huggable, Hal.

You weren't kidding!

Hal: Yep. Ahh, I do what I can.

Squeeks: Okay, Pearl.

We're about to go downhill a little bit.

Pearl: Thanks!

Hey! You know, this would be a great place

for a braille sign to let me know that the ground changes.

Nature Cat: Done and done.

Pearl: Awe! You're the best, guys!

Hey, no way: It sounds like there's a waterfall nearby!

The running water sounds so relaxing.

Squeeks: Really? I don't hear it.

Pearl: Just stop and listen closely.

[faint sound of falling water]

Daisy: Hey, a waterfall!

Huh! I never noticed that before!

Pearl: Hey, you all might need to put up a sign for yourselves

to remind you to listen right here!


Squeeks: What a day. That was so much fun!

Pearl: I can't wait to head back for another hike.

I can even do it on my own sometimes, thanks to you guys!

Nature Cat: Oh yes you can!

Pearl: Hey! How about we all go tomorrow, together!

Nature Cat: Yes yes! Squeeks: Count the mouse in!

Hal: Me! Me! Me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!

Daisy: I'd love to, you guys.

But I can't help but think about Mitt.

I can't believe I lost her... [sigh]

Nature Cat: I'm so sorry Daisy...

[sniffing] Hm.

Pearl: Smells leathery.


Hal: Weird. I don't smell anything.

Pearl: [sniffs] Yep. Definitely leather.



Daisy: Mitt?!

Squeeks: [gasps] I never thought to use our sense of smell

to look for Mitt, Pearl!

Daisy: I'm so happy. Thank you, Pearl!

Pearl: Don't mention it, Daisy.

Hal: We're still on for hiking tomorrow, Pearl?

a.m. sharp? Pearl: Sure!

Nature Cat: The hiking trail it is!

And there's no place we'd rather be.

Isn't nature the best, Pearl?

Pearl: It sure is, Nature Cat.

It sure is.

Hal: Wild bee motel.

[upbeat music]

Daisy: Phew!Nature Cat: Who's ready for Green Bean Day?!

Daisy: My garden and I are so ready!

Check out the green beans! Ba-bam!

Squeeks: I've been having green bean dreams all month!

Green beans!


Hal: Wait? Green Bean Day is today?

Huh, I had no idea, baby.

Daisy: Then, Hal, why are you wearing that green bean costume?

Hal: 'Cause it's so comfy and cozy!

Nature Cat: I must tell you, Daisy,

your garden looks so beautiful.


Squeeks: And tastes really good!

Daisy: Thanks, I've been working really hard on it.

Plus, I get lots of help from the bugs.

Hal: Great job, ladybug!

Thorax bump!

Nature Cat: Come on, Green Bean Fans, let's harvest some

green beans for Green Bean Day!

Squeeks: Mmmm...Green beans!


Daisy: Oooh! Petunia's calling.

She probably wants to show me all the green beans she's been

growing in her city garden for Green Bean Day!

Daisy: Happy Green Bean Day!

Petunia: Wahhh!

Nature Cat: Oh, it doesn't sound like her

Green Bean Day is very happy.

Daisy: Oh Petunia, what's wrong?

Petunia: It's a total green bean emergency!

I need help from some real nature lovers!

Nature Cat: That's us!

Come on, Nature Lovers, we have to go to the city

to help Petunia! Tally Ho!

Squeeks: Just in case we need a snack!

Daisy: Hi, Petunia!

Petunia: Oh Daisy!

Thank goodness you guys are here! Look!

Petunia: My green bean plants flowered,

but then hardly any beans formed!

And the flowers just fell off!

Why garden, why?

Nature Cat: Worry not, Petunia, for we will investigate

the situation!

Hal: Ooooh!

An investigation, aye?!

Hal: Detective Sherlock Hal is on the case.

Hal: Ahh!

Ere's your problem, guvner, there's a giant mouse

in yer garden!

Squeeks: Hal, it's me.

Hal: Ooh, never mind.

Daisy: Can I borrow that, Sherlock Hal?

Hal: Cheerio and pip-pip. Wot! Wot!

Daisy: Hmmm...Your green bean plants look pretty healthy,

other than no beans.

They're getting plenty of sunlight and it's rained

enough the last month...

[beat] A ha!

I think I know what's wrong!

Petunia: What is it? What is it!

Daisy: Well, Petunia, looks like you have a bug problem!

Nature Cat: But Daisy, I don't see any bugs at all.

Daisy: You might not believe this, but you need more bugs!

That's the problem.

All: WHAT?

Squeeks: That's crazy talk, Dais.

We don't want to bring in bugs that will harm Petunia's garden!

Daisy: True. But we do want to bring in helpful bugs,

like the ones that helped my garden!

Hal: Ooh! Yeah, right!

I even did a chest bump with a ladybug!

Petunia: What bugs does my garden need?

Daisy: Look, your green beans plants lost their flowers

and have no green beans, right?

Petunia: Unfortunately, no.

Daisy: Well, I think it's because the flowers

weren't pollinated.

Petunia: They weren't pollinated?

Hal: Oh! I know, pick me, pick me, pick me!

Daisy: Yes, uh Hal...

Hal: The flowers weren't pollinated because

there are no bees!

Nature Cat: That's right, Hal!

Bees are one of the nature's best pollinators!

Squeeks: Well what happened to the bees?

Why aren't they here?

Daisy: I think I may know. Look!

There isn't any leaf litter on the ground from last fall.

Petunia: It's true, the city cleaned it all up a month ago.

They swept up every last leaf and twig.

Daisy: Well that could be part of your problem!

Some bees and other helpful bugs need layers of dead leaves and

other plant stuff to rest and hide,

and some even hibernate there during the winter.

Petunia: Oh no! And the city took it all away!

Why, city, why?

Nature Cat: Don't you worry, Petunia!

I, Nature Cat, will go to any length, overcome any obstacle,

right any wrong, to bring the bees back!

Petunia: Oh thank you, Nature Cat!

But uh, how are you going to do it?

Nature Cat: I...uh...didn't get that far in my thought process.

I was just sort of riffing here...

[laughs] Yeah.

Squeeks: Don't worry, Nature Cat,

I'll bring the bees with my patented bee call!

Buzz-be-buzz-buzz-buzzy- buzz-buz zzzunnnggaaaaa!

Small Dog: You call me?

Squeeks: What? No, why?

Small Dog: My name is

Buzz-be-buzz-buzz-buzzy- buzz-buz zzzunnnggaaaaaa.

Squeeks: Now that is a coincidence. Wow.

Nature Cat: Huh.

Looks like we'll need another way to bring in the bees.

And never fear, for my Dance of The Pollinating Bees

is sure to attract some like-minded pollinators!

Hoo! Huh! He! Ha! Zzzz-za! Zeezee-za!

Zu-za! Zee-zee zee zah! Zuh zo-zoo!

[chuckling] [gasps]

Small Dog: The Dance of the Pollinating Bees

is my absolute favorite!

Petunia: Oh, nothing is attracting bees!

Hal: Oh hey, are you guys trying to attract bees?

I had no idea.

Daisy: Then why are you wearing a bee costume, Hal?

Hal: Oh this, because the stripes are so slimming!

Wink wink!

Petunia: We just can't attract bees

with the way the garden is right now!

There are hardly any flowers!

No leaves or twigs for them to find shelter!

What are we gonna do?

Daisy: Hmm. Wait a sec!

I think we can build a kind of house to attract bees.

Granny Bunny built one for her garden,

and she called it a Wild Bee Motel!

g*ng: A Wild Bee Motel!?

Squeeks: One Wild Bee Motel, coming up!

[gobbling] Green bean power!

[hammering] [sawing]

All: Ooo!

Petunia: It has a teeny tiny jacuzzi!

Nature Cat: And a teeny tiny gym.

Squeeks: Don't forget the teeny tiny swimming pool.

Hal: Ooh! I want to take a swim in the

teeny tiny pool right now.

Petunia: Hal! It's for the bees, remember?

Hal: Oh right! The bees.

Squeeks: It's a bee! I think the bee likes it.

Squeeks: She's landing on the rooftop disco?

Daisy: Uh... rooftop disco?

Squeeks: Well who doesn't like a disco?

Daisy: Insects don't use 'houses' the way we use houses.

Some build nests in them,

others hibernate in them through the winter.

Petunia: Daisy, what are you saying?

Daisy: Well... says here some bees,

like mason bees, make nests in small little holes.

Petunia: Well what are we waiting for,

let's go find some holes for the Wild Bee Motel!

Hal: Hey Holes!?

Hey holes where are you, it's me, Hal!

Yeah we're looking for some good holes over here, please.

Nature Cat: It's the same old story, there's never a hole

around when you need one....ahhhhhh!

Nature Cat: Found one!

Hal: This hole will fit lots of bees!

Nature Cat: Perfect-o!

We just gotta move it on over to the garden!

Squeeks: I'll handle this, you two!

I got Green Bean Power!


Daisy: Guys, that's not the kind of hole we need!

More like these holes!

Granny Bunny used hollow stems from bamboo st*lks as holes.

Nature Cat: Uh, I don't think there are any bamboo

here in the city...

Petunia: Why, bamboo, why?!

Squeeks: How about this brown paper?

Nature Cat: It's nice paper, Squeeks,

but it doesn't have any holes.

Squeeks: Not yet it doesn't.

But watch this...


Green bean power!

Squeeks: How do you like me now?

Daisy: Sweeeeet!

All these different sized holes are perfect, Squeeks!

Petunia: Now what do we do?

Nature Cat: Isn't it obvious, we stack 'em up!

Nature Cat: Et voila!

Hal: Ladies and gentlebees of ze garden,

ze Wild Bee Motel is open for bees-ness!

Petunia: Uh, Hal...what happened to your voice?

Hal: [laughing]

I am not Hal, I am Monsieur Hal, concierge extraordinaire!

Nature Cat: Ha ha ha!

Look, the bee is back!

Daisy: It's a Mason Bee. Oh!

And it's flying right to our Wild Bee Motel!

Squeeks: It's gonna work you guys!

Petunia: Oh no! Why, holes, why?

Daisy: Hey guys, look!

We need something sturdy to put the holes in.

Like a wood structure of some kind.

With a roof. Petunia: Hey!

I was going to fix up this broken birdhouse,

but it may be perfect for our wild bee motel.

Daisy: This should work, Petunia!

Let's put our holes in it and see!

Squeeks: Wow, you guys, this looks really good!

Hal: Ladies and gentlebees of ze garden!

The Wild Bee Motel is open for bees-ness!

Daisy: Wait, not yet, Hal.

We need to put it in exactly the right place.

Hal: Oh how about here? Ohhh!

It's lovely under the tree, in ze shade...

Daisy: Granny Bunny said the Wild Bee Motel

needs lots of sun, so turning it to face South

is probably the way to go.

Nature Cat: Yes yes! South is best!

Squeeks: Allow me!

Harness the power of the Green bean!


Squeeks: Let's do this.

Nature Cat: South!

Petunia: Uh, you guys, that's west.

Petunia: Okay that's North.

Squeeks: Hurry! My green bean power is running low!

Petunia: The motel has to face south!

Turn it that way, Squeeks, and let's put it over here.

Squeeks: Phew! Oh, it is nice and warm and sunny here!

All set you guys!

Hal: Ladies and gentlebees of ze garden!

The Wild Bee Motel is open for bees-ness!

Daisy: Wait, not so fast Monsieur Hal!

Granny Bunny put her Bee Motel about three feet off the ground.

Hal: Have no fear, Monsieur Hal,

concierge extraordinaire, will proudly hold the Wild Bee Motel

high off the ground in service of our winged guests!

[strained laugh]

Squeeks: Hal, you know that means you'll have to

hold it here all winter, right?

Hal: Who knew being a bee motel concierge was such hard work?

Daisy: Why don't we just put it on this?

Hal: Daisy, now are we ready?

Daisy: Do your thing, Monsieur Hal!

Hal: Ladies and gentlebees of ze garden!

The Wild Bee Motel is open for bees-ness!

Squeeks: Oooh! A mason bee!

Nature Cat: Oooh! And it's flying towards the holes.

Petunia: It likes it! It likes the Wild Bee Motel!

Daisy: And it's not too late to plant more green beans, Petunia!

By the time your new bean plants flower again, I bet you'll have

enough bees around to pollinate them all!

Petunia: Great idea! I'll get to work this afternoon.

And hey, I'll even plant some more flowers

to attract more bees!

We'll have beans before the end of summer.

I just know it.

All: Petunia!

Petunia: Hey, guys! What do you think?

Daisy: Man-oh-man!

The green bean plants look amazing!

So many green beans to harvest! Ba-bam!

Hal: And the Wild Bee Motel looks like a big time success!


Squeeks: And the green beans are delicious as always!


Nature Cat: Well, I think it's time to celebrate a belated

Green Bean Day with Petunia!

Squeeks: Hey!

Buzz-be-buzz-buzz-buzzy -buzz-buz zunnggaaa!

You here to celebrate belated Green Bean Day?

Small Dog: Oh that's today? I didn't know.

Nature Cat: Then why pray-tell are you wearing

a green bean costume?

Small Dog: Oh, it's just so comfy and cozy!

Hal: I totally get it, Buzz-be-buzz-buzz-buzzy-

buzz-buz zunnggaaa.

Petunia: Well, I want to thank my friends for helping me!

To Green Bean Day!

All: Happy Green Bean Day!

Narrator: Nature Cat, Squeeks, Daisy, and Hal

are cartoon characters

and not real animals.

To keep all of our animal friends safe,

check with a grown up before you bring a pet

on your next nature adventure.


Ha ha!

[theme song]

