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04x05 - Agents of the Great Outdoors/The Nature-tastic Four

Posted: 01/20/24 19:44
by bunniefuu
[serene music]

That's me, Fred the house cat.

When my family leaves for the day,

I don't just sit inside watching the world go by.

I become...

Nature Cat! Backyard explorer extraordinaire!

♪ Oh, go, go, go

♪ Tally-ho

♪ Go, go, go

♪ Tally-ho

♪ We're climbing up the trees now ♪

♪ We're swinging through the breeze now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ So what are we waiting for

♪ We're so excited to explore

♪ All that nature has in store

♪ With Nature Cat Go, go, go ♪

♪ Tally-ho

♪ Go, go, go Tally-ho ♪

♪ He's our favourite nature guy ♪

♪ We just can't wait to get...


♪ Swinging through the trees now ♪

♪ We're jumping in the leaves now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now ♪

♪ With Nature Cat

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat Tally-ho ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat Tally-ho ♪

[Nature Cat]: Agents of the Great Outdoors,

city and true love edition.

♪ We know lots of stuff ♪

♪ And we want to know more

♪ We're the Agents of the Great Outdoors ♪

Haha, yes! The Agents of the Great Outdoors are...

ready for action!

Sure are, Nature Cat! We sang our song...

And we have our little communication

ear piece gizmos in!

Test. Test one. Sibilance. Sibilance...

And we totally stuck our Agents of the Great Outdoors

power poses, baby!

And now it's time for our Agents of The Great Outdoors

secret spy mission!

[all cheering]

Bring on... the mission!

So, uh. What is our super secret nature spy mission?

I don't know.

Hmm... what can our mission be for today?

[distant crying] I... oh. No.

I just had an idea, but then I lost it

because of that noise!

I can't think because of that noise!

What is that?

It sounds like maybe someone's crying.

Oh, please don't be crying.

♪ Who's that crying

♪ I hear them weeping low

♪ Who's that crying

♪ To the crying we should go

Really, maybe someone's in trouble. I don't know.

[distant crying] Oh, it is crying.

[Hal]: Irving's crying!

And now look at me! Of course I'm crying too!


And whenever someone cries and then Hal cries,

I cry! [crying]

And whenever someone cries and then Hal cries

and then Daisy cries, I also cry!



Why are you all crying?

Because you are, Irving.

Well, I'm just sad.

My wife Myrna's been out of town for a month.

So, I wrote her this card

telling her how much I miss her.

[sniffling] Ah...

Expressing how you're feeling

by way of the written word.

Just wonderful, Irving.

Thanks. But I don't know how to get her this card.

[sobbing] She's my true love.

Did you just say true love?

Indeed I did.

True love? Like true, true love?!

Yes, the truest there is.

Ah... [giggling]

We gotta help Irving get this card to Myrna!

Oh, hey! This can be our super secret nature mission too!

Yes, the Agents of the Great Outdoors

can find your wife and deliver your card!


So, where do you say she is again?

The city.

Never fear, my possum pal,

we will find Myrna in the city

and deliver your true love letter!

Time for the Agents of the Great Outdoors... edition!

And true love edition!

What she and he said!

Onward and yonward!

♪ We know lots of stuff

♪ And we want to know more

♪ We're the Agents of the Great Outdoors ♪

Here we are. The City of Big Shoulders.

The Windy City. City Ferris built.

Well, it's not gonna be easy to find Myrna.

It's a big city and Myrna could be anywhere!

Oh, allow me.

[jackhammer whirring] Oh, Myrna the possum!

It's me, Hal the dog!

Where are you, Myrna?!

Calling Myrna's name is not gonna work, Hal.

Me knoweth! I can bring Myrna to us

by way of my Dance of the Possum!

[rhythmic music]

[wings fluttering]


Thank you, good pigeons. A-thank you.

But no Myrna.

Hey, we're the Agents of the Great Outdoors!

We need to explore.

Right you are, Squeeks!

Myrna wouldn't want to be out in the busy city.

Yeah! It's too noisy and there's too many people!

Yes, yes! Let's think about places Myrna might go.

Places that are quieter. With hiding spots.

Like a city garden? Or a park?

Alleyways are always quiet

this time of the year, I've heard.

Well, then let's check out these quiet city spots!

And how about some looking for possum instrumental music

while we do so?

[rock music playing] That's nice.

Agents of the Great Outdoors, move out!

[horn honking]

[mysterious music]

[bird chirping]


We found lots of other wild animals

living here in the city.

But not Myrna the Possum.

[crashing] Ah! What was that?

Perhaps a possum? This way!

Ewie! Look at the garbage!

Hey, that's a sign wild animals have been here!

Um, excuse me? Hello?

[Nature Cat screaming] Hey, how's it going?

You looking for some food too?

No, thank you, we've had our snack,

but can you help us in a different way?

I would love to, but a little busy here.

We're the Agents of the Great Outdoors,

and we're here on a super secret nature mission.

[Squirrel]: So?

You see, there's this possum named Irving

and he misses his wife Myrna, who's living in the city,

and we're trying to find her to give her a card

that Irving wrote.

Are we talking about true love?!

We sure are!

Well, why didn't you say so?

Oh, well, Mr. Squirrel, sir,

we're looking for Myrna the possum

in quiet spots around the city.

But we can't find her.

Oh, hmm...

Well, have you tried the city stream near the park?

It's very quiet, lots of nature there.

Very quiet, lots of nature?

Yes, yes!

Haha! We are on the right track!

Sure are!

It's quiet and nature-y, and all at the same time!

And look, wild animals! Ba-bam!

[Squeeks]: Deer! Oh!

Well, I guess there is a lot of what animals need here.

Water, places to hide, food.

[Fox]: Sure is!

This stream used to be a concrete gutter.

Now it's an oasis in the big concrete desert!

Oh, that's very poetic, Fox.

And we animals can safely pass through the city.

Well, I wonder if this stream

is something Myrna would follow.

What ho?!

Could this be possum hair?

Sure is. I saw a possum walking around here earlier.

Hey, could those be possum tracks?

Hmm. Let's see.

[gasps] [Daisy]: Yes!

They are possum tracks!

Onward and follow these possum tracks

for true love-ward!

[upbeat music]


Agents of the Great Outdoors! Look!

[Daisy]: We found you, Myrna!

And here's a note from your true love!

Myrna? I'm not, Myrna. I'm Paula.

Paula? Oh, no!

Wrong possum and wrong possum tracks!

We've been on the wrong trail!

Oh, no!

I'm so sorry, true love!

True love?

Wait, are you talking about my true love, Penelope?

There's more than one true love possum here?!

Say what?!

Oh, what a show!

What a mission!

Agents of the Great Outdoors, city edition,

and two true love edition!

Ugh! The animality of it all!

What happened to your true love?

Oh, you see I've been nosing around looking for food

for my Penelope following this stream,

and it led me right here.

But we're here looking for Myrna Possum.

We have a note here from Irving Possum

professing his true love and how much he misses her.

And we followed these possum tracks,

which we thought were Myrna's, but alas,

they led us to you.

Oh. Too bad.

But these are not my possum tracks.

Those, those are mine.

Yeah, I just got here.

Then these are Myrna's!

The agents are back on their mission!


Hey, we should be heading back to the suburbs soon.

Do you want us to bring a note to Penelope?

That would be awesome!

Thank you, I'll find you!

[upbeat music]

Oh, no! The possum tracks are gone!

Does our true love trail run dry here?

No, this has gotta be where Myrna is.

Remember what the squirrel said.

Around the stream is one of the best spots

in the city to see animals.

Agents of the Great Outdoors! Explore!

[mysterious music]

The playground is clear.

Picnic area is clear.

Flower garden, clear.

[Nature Cat]: What ho?

Agents, come to the bushes!

Myrna?! Myrna Possum?

We are the Agents of the Great Outdoors!

City edition!

And double true love edition. Oh, yeah!

True love?

That is why we're here! We were looking for you.

Irving sent us!

[gasps] My Irving?!

Irving wanted you to have this.

Oh, Irving!

I miss him so!

I went looking for a new place to get food

and followed the stream, and kept following it,

and now can't figure out how to get back to my Irving!

Well, we can lead you back... to your true love!


Did you find Myrna?




[laughing] Oh!

My Irving!

This is Penelope,

and we have a surprise for you too.





Double true love!

[sobbing] It gets me every time!

Oh, stop it, Nature Cat.

[Nature Cat]: The Nature-tastic Four!


[Daisy]: Ho, ho! [Hal]: Hee hee, baby!

We are almost at the Neighbourhood Animal

Longest Juggling Acorns World Record!

Yes, yes! Nothing can stop us now!

Hey, who wants to check out the latest comic book I made?

Oh, me! Pick me, pick me!

Ah! I... love Squeeks' comic books too!

Alright, my fellow nature-loving comic book pals.

Feast your eyes on this!

[all]: Ooh!

[Squeeks]: The Nature-tastic Four in...

Dr. Houston and the Stolen Sunset!

[all]: Read it!

Okay, I will.

"It was a beautiful summer day, as is always the case

at the beginning of stories and comics..."

And, um, cartoons.

"And our heroes were playing in their backyard

juggling acorns."

[Hal]: Oh, no way, we were just doing that!

What an amazing day for juggling acorns!

I wish this day would never end!

[Squeeks]: "Little did Nature Cat know

he was about to get his wish."


Houston! How goes it, pal?

I am not your pal, sir.

Remember, this is a comic book, and you are all superheroes.

And I am the super villain.


Oh right, yeah, I forgot about that part,

even though I did write it. Haha!

I'm Dr. Evil Mean and Nasty Houston.

Dr. Evil Mean and Nasty Houston?

[laughing] Love it!

Thank you, sir.

But I don't have any time for you.

I have a villainous plan to carry out.

Wait! Just curious...

What happens to be your villainous plan?

All I can tell you is that

it's bad... for... nature!

[all]: Bad for nature?!

You can't do something bad for nature!

Just watch me. [chuckling evilly]


Oh, no! Dr. Evil Mean and Nasty Houston is gone!

Where'd he go?!

And what's he gonna do that's bad for nature?

And who's gonna save the day?

One, we don't know where he went, Hal.

Two, we don't know what he's going to do

that's bad for nature!

Oh, no!

But three, never fear, Hal,

because we do know who can save the day!


[together]: The Nature-tastic Four!

Oh, yeah! That's right!

Time to save nature!

Please start superhero intro music, please!

[superhero fanfare]

Plant Bunny!

Hi, it's me, Hal.

Just coming in to change into my superhero alter ego!

Rock Dog!

Rock 'n roll!


Water Mouse!

Nature Cat!

Yes, I'm still Nature Cat.

I am already a nature superhero!

Haha, yes!

[all]: The Nature-tastic Four!

Protectors of nature!

Hey, you think we should stop muscle posing now

and go after Dr. Evil Mean and Nasty Houston?

Why, that's not a bad idea, Rock Dog!

[all]: Phew!

But, super friends,

how do we find him?

No clue which way he went.

I can talk to plants!

Maybe they have something to tell us!

[sonar beeping]

Uh-huh. Mmm. Oh!

[Daisy]: Oh, wow!

Nothing about Houston.

They were too busy enjoying the sun.

My crystal ice ball knows all

and will show us where Houston went!

Lemme see...

Ah! Too c-- Too cold!

Never fear!

I can squeeze the truth

about where Dr. Evil Mean and Nasty Houston went

from a rock! [effort grunts]

Uh, yeah. This... this really makes no sense, does it?

Hmm... curious.

I think I found a clue about where that villain went!


[Daisy]: And he went that way!

Onward, and let's-stop-his-bad-plan


And I'll just, um...

r-run, I guess. I'm good with it...

Hey, wait up!




Let me just catch my breath.

Look, fellow superheroes!

Houston's tracks are telling us something!

Oh, no, Houston is flat-footed! His poor, poor arches.

No, look!

It's his Nasty Notebook!

And it's his bad plan for nature!

[Nature Cat]: He's gonna... stop the sunset?!

Well, he can't!

The sunset is so sunny and so setty

and all at the same time...y!

Wait a minute, what does that mean?

[Squeeks]: The sun will be up all the time? What?

Well, maybe that wouldn't be so bad after all.

I mean, we could stay out all the time exploring nature!

And never have to sleep!

But if the sun is up all the time,

what would that mean for nature?

Man-oh-man! I don't think it would be good!

Nature needs the sunset!

Nature needs the night!

Sounds like a Bruce Springsteen lyric.

We gotta stop Dr. Evil Mean and Nasty Houston

from stopping the sunset!

Come on!

Follow those tracks! Tally-ho!

Here we go... [panting]

Dr. Evil Mean and Nasty Houston's tracks go this way!


Yes, yes! [panting]

I too can follow the tracks!

Wait, where'd they go?

Oh! Shh!

[Hal whispering]: The raccoon is sleeping.

Right, they sleep during the day

and look for food at night under the safety of the dark!

But if there isn't a night... would be unsafe for them to look for food

during the daytime! It's not fair!

Hey, I found the tracks!

Right here! Alright, good to go! Sorry!

Look, moonflowers!

And they only bloom at night!

That means they won't bloom!

And if they don't bloom,

the moths that pollinate them won't come.

So, no more moonflowers or food for the moths.

We are on Houston's trail!

Nothing can stop us now!


[sighs] Yep. I gotta stop saying that.

[effort grunts]

We can't get around this boulder!

What are we gonna do?! We gotta make sure the sun sets!

Never fear! Rock Dog is here!

I can get that boulder to move out of the way!

Rock 'n roll!

[rock music]


It's working, Rock Dog!

Wow! Way to go, Rock Dog!

Man, are you a cheese grater?

'Cause you really shredded back there.

I will... see myself out.

Houston's tracks lead this way! Tally--

Ah, they're so fast!


Haha! Nothing can stop us no--

Dr. Evil Mean and Nasty Houston somehow got over the gorge.

[Hal]: He is amazing!

[chuckling] I mean, for a villain.

The sunset is doomed! We can't get past the gorge!

There's no "can't" with a plant!

Now, that's a catch phrase!


Oh, yeah! Come on!

[laughing evilly]

[suspenseful music]



Dr. Evil Mean and Nasty Houston

is getting ready to stop the sunset!

We gotta get up there!

Okay, no problem, fellow superheroes.

Top of the mountain, going up!

♪ We're going up to the top

♪ We're going up

♪ We're going up to the top

♪ Water is singing a tune

♪ Going to the top

Okay, we're here.

Too late, Nature-tastic Four.

The sun will be mine,

and it will stay in the sky so night never comes.

[chuckling evilly]

But living things need both night and day.

They need both!

They help us know when it's time to be awake,

and when it's time to rest.

And think of the plants and animals

that are active at night!

What about them?!

Nighttime needs its defenders!


Got ya!

And we saved the darkness!



[Squeeks]: "And the Nature-tastic Four

stopped the claw and Houston's plan"


Sweet story, Squeeks!

Aw, thanks!

Yes, yes! Nature always needs defending!


[together]: Houston!

Hello, friends. No time to talk.

Must get to the mountain for an experiment.

Okay, Houston!

Have fun going to the mountain

with your briefcase for your experiment!

[chuckling] Oh, that Houston!

Always going up on the mountain

with the briefcase to do experiments.


[all]: No way! Houston!

[upbeat music]