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04x04 - The Nature Nap Dilemma/Captain Nature Cat's Wild River Adventure

Posted: 01/20/24 19:46
by bunniefuu
That's me, Fred the house cat.

When my family leaves for the day,

I don't just sit inside watching the world go by.

I become...

Nature Cat! Backyard explorer extraordinaire!

♪ Oh, go, go, go

♪ Tally-ho

♪ Go, go, go

♪ Tally-ho

♪ We're climbing up the trees now ♪

♪ We're swinging through the breeze now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ So what are we waiting for

♪ We're so excited to explore

♪ All that nature has in store

♪ With Nature Cat Go, go, go ♪

♪ Tally-ho

♪ Go, go, go Tally-ho ♪

♪ He's our favourite nature guy ♪

♪ We just can't wait to get...


♪ Swinging through the trees now ♪

♪ We're jumping in the leaves now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now ♪

♪ With Nature Cat

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat Tally-ho ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat Tally-ho ♪

[Nature Cat]: The Nature Nap Dilemma.

Does everyone have their Nature Nap gear?

I have my flower blanket.

And here I have Smedley, my squishy, squashy

stuffed elephant. I love you!

And I have my dreamy-dream-dreaming hat, baby!

It is filled with dreams to dreamily dream on!

Looks like we're ready for our nature nap! To the hammock!

[all]: To the hammock!


Uh, where did the hammock go?

It's gone!

How can we very well have a nature nap

without a hammock to nap upon?



Whoa! I just had the strangest dream

that we were napping in the dirt.

We are napping in the dirt!

And why exactly are we napping in the dirt?

Because our hammock is missing!

Well, that's not the only thing missing! Look!

The tree that was holding our hammock is gone too!

[together]: Where did it go?


Looks like someone cut it down!

Hey! Look at the marks in the wood.

[Daisy]: What did they use to cut it?

Look, if I'm gonna be doing this much thinking

without a nap, I'm at least gonna need a snack, okay?

Whoa! The teeth marks on Squeeks' cheese

look like the marks on the wood.

[Nature Cat]: Uh, someone cut down this tree

using their teeth?

That's what I was thinking.

And by I, I do mean Daisy,

because she's a lot smarter than all of us.

Ooh! A new use for teeth! Haha! Let's give it a try!

S-s-s-someone must have very sharp teeth

to cut the tree down.

Hey! The grass is all flat here.

Someone must have dragged the tree this way! Come on!



Ah! Water!

When did this large pool of water get here?!

I don't remember a pool here either.

Whoa! It looks like something's in the water!

[Nature Cat]: A fish, perhaps?

Oh! Do you think that fish

chopped down the tree with their teeth?

[splashing] Ahh!

That slapping sounds familiar. What is that?

[Squeeks]: What is that sound?

I knew it!

It's a beaver slapping its tail against the water!

Hey, yeah! That's how beavers warn each other

there's danger nearby.

[Nature Cat]: Look! 'Twas a beaver that cut down

our hammock tree!

[Hal]: It has our hammock too, too!

But if we're going to take a nature nap,

we're going to need that hammock back!


No need to worry, beaver friends,

I'm not dangerous.

I just came for our hammock.

So we can take our nature nap in peace!



There! Now we are ready for our nature nap! Tally-ho!


Mmm, no eating in the hammock, Squeeks.

Excuse me, I'm not always eating, okay?

Then what, pray tell, is making that

crunchity-crunch-crunch sound?

Ah, just a beaver gnawing on the tree.

Oh, just a beaver gnawing on the tree.

Isn't that nice?

Just a beaver gnawing on the tree?!


[all]: Phew!

Oh no, not again.

[all]: Whoa!

Excuse me, beaver friends!

We are trying to take a nap here beside the marsh.

Go ahead! We beavers won't bother you!

Well, I'm afraid you are bothering us!

You keep chomping down the tree our hammock is hanging in.

Oh, so, so, sorry about that,

but we need the wood from the trees for our home.

Wait, beavers live here?

The water in this marsh is salty from ocean water.

Um, spit take. [spitting]

I thought beavers only lived in fresh water.

What is going on?

Hmm... Friends, it seems our nature nap

shall have to wait! For it is time for us

to do a little nature investigation!

Onward and yonward!

Hey! The beavers are building one of those long, wally things!

Gosh, what are those things called again?

[Daisy]: It's a dam, Hal! It holds back the water!

Ah, that must be why there's such a big pool here now.

Uh, but what do they do when the tide is low?

I mean, doesn't all the water flow away?

They can't possibly live here!

[Nature Cat shouts] Actually, we can!

I'm wet! I'm wet in the water! Argh!

So incredibly sorry about that.

Allow me to introduce myself,

the name's Barbara! And that's Paul.

Nice to meet you, Barbara and Paul Beaver Family,

and welcome to the marsh!

We just moved in!

We used to live further upstream,

but it was getting too crowded,

so we moved down here by the marshy marsh.

It really is a nice big place for a beaver to live in.

Gorgeous views!

Room for family!

Original moulding.

Lots of mud! I love you, sweet, sweet mud!

[Hal lowers voice]: Why, thank you, Hal,

and welcome to the marsh!

Thanks, but the marsh didn't always look like this.

What did it look like, Barbara?

Well, let me show you in a flashback, shall we?

[Barbara]: When we first got here, it was low tide

and just a narrow, little stream of water.

But we like to live in more water than that!

So we beavers chomped down these trees, added mud,

and built this here dam.

And it holds back more water now at low tide

to make this pool, which we love.

And you should see this place at high tide!

Oh, there's so much water, you can't even see the dam!

Oh! So some water still flows back and forth to the ocean!

[together]: Yeah!

Oh hey, little, baby salmon!

It's me, Hal! Be honest,

how do you like having beavers for neighbours?

[together]: Love it!

Before the beavers showed up, at low tide,

there wasn't enough water for us to stay.

And the water would carry us toward the ocean

where birds and bigger fish could eat us.


But now the water is just deep enough

so the birds can't find us

and we can grow bigger before it's time to head to the ocean.

All thanks to the beavers!

[salmon]: Yay, beavers!

Yay, beavers!

Oh, no! I don't want to alarm your beaverness,

but your wally, dammy thingy is broken-y!

Don't you worry your pretty little head.

We beavers have got it covered.

There you go, all fixed!

[cheering] Oh, yeah! All fixed!

I have to admit,

you beavers really do amazing work!

Thanks to you, we now have an even more

beautiful spot to take a nap.

I'm glad you enjoy it! Well, we'll see you later then!

Haha! All right!

Since their dam is all fixed,

they won't be chopping down any more trees!

Looks like we can finally nap in peace!


This is the life.




Uh, Nature Cat?

Ugh, can't we just share the blanket, Daisy?

Nature Cat! Look!



[all]: Phew!


Ahh! Safe at last.



Barbara, what are you beavers building now?

Swimmy-swim-swim time!

It's nap time, not swim time.

Nature Cat, don't you want to see

what else the beavers are working on?

Oh, for nature, of course I do!

Onward and beaverward!

[Barbara]: Come on! Check out what we're building here!

Oh, it's gorgeous! What is it?

It's our beaver lodge!

And it's our home!

It's where we live!

[all]: Whoa!

And as you can see,

the old lodgey lodge needs some fixin'!

Oh, no! What happened?

Well, the other night, we had an unexpected visit from a bear!

[all]: A bear?!

Oh, yeah! It was a whole mess.

Let me tell you all about it with another flashback!

[Barabara]: It was high tide.

The perfect time for a splashing game of beaver tag!


Tag, you're it!


Oh, no! A bear!

And he looks hungry!

Oh, come on! Into the lodgey lodge, everyone!

[Barbara]: It seemed that bear was really hungry

for a beaver sandwich,

so it tried to break into our lodge,

don't you know?!

But no matter how much the bear pounded and pulled,

it couldn't break in.


[Barbara]: Our lodge kept our whole beaver family safe!

[all]: Hooray!

Wow! You built your lodge so strong

that a bear couldn't break it?

Yes, indeedy do!

And we put the entrance under here

so you have to swim in!

[Squeeks]: What?!

That blows my mind, Barbara!

Man-oh-man, you beavers are sweet engineers!

What she and she said!

Oh, that's so sweet of you.

Our lodge is a nice safe place for us to eat and sleep.

Speaking of sleep, Nature Cat,

should we go find another tree to hang our hammock?

I have an even better idea!


Like a beaver, I have built us

a new nature napping space!

Who's ready for a nap?

[rumbling] Ahh!

[chuckling] I guess cats aren't quite

the engineers that beavers are.

Don't you worry, Nature Cat,

I know some friends who can help!


Beavers are the absolute best!



[Nature Cat]: Wild River Adventure.

[Daisy]: Here it is! The Wild River!

Ooh! What makes it so wild, Daisy?

The river just gets to flow

where it wants to flow, you know?!

Oh, I know all about flow, you know, baby? Heh-heh.

Oh, that did not flow. See, I knew!

It's protected like a national park.

No one is allowed to build near it

or change it with dams.

Ahh... it sure is beautiful, and so full!

Well, it has rained a lot,

plus the snow is melting in the mountains.

[Daisy]: All that water ends up in the river too!

The Wild River is the perfect spot for our wild picnic!

Ooh! What makes it a wild picnic?

Let's show 'em, big dog!

[together]: Let the wild picnic begin!


Cheddar cheese!

Swiss cheese!

Muenster cheese!

Dijon mustard!

One triple-decker cheese sandwich! Coming...

I'm sorry, I had to eat it!

Ooh! Ooh! Let me try! Let me!

Time to get wild!

Bread! Lettuce!

Tomato! Veggie bacon!


Uh, not quite how I planned, but...

still delicious! Ahh!

What was that?

[Elroy]: It was just me, good sir.

I'm an Oyster! The name is Elroy!

Ho-ho! And where, pray tell, did you come from,

little Elroy Oyster?

The estuary with the rest of my oyster family,

all attached together and happy as an oyster.

Elroy, friend, don't you mean happy as a clam?

No! I was even happier than a clam,

'cause today, we were celebrating

my Uncle Nedry's birthday.

[Elroy]: Oh, boy! Oh, boy! Oh, boy!

This is going to be the greatest oyster birthday ever!

[Elroy]: Suddenly, I was plucked off my rock.

Ooh! I didn't know there would be birdy rides!

[Elroy]: And that nice birdy flew and flew!

You know, I gotta tell ya,

I think he was giving me an extra special ride!

[Squeeks]: I mean, he was gonna eat you for lunch, I think? No?

What? No! Ha... Really?

Well, Elroy, some birds do eat oysters.

What happened next, little Elroy Oyster?

Well... that nice birdy who may or may have not

wanted to eat me, dropped me.


And then I landed on this furry gentlemen's head.

Yeah, hi, the name's Nature Cat!

Hello, Nature Cat!

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I have to get back to the estuary

to celebrate Uncle Nedry's birthday!


The estuary is at the mouth of the river,

where the river ends and meets the ocean.

Waterways are connected! Isn't that lovely?!

So tell me, where are we right now, exactly?

Hmm. Let me check.

[Daisy]: We're here. Next to the river.

And the estuary is all the way down here

at the end of the river.

Oh! Uh, that is very far away!

I'll never make it back to the estuary in time

for Uncle Nedry's birthday!

Oh, yes you will!


With Captain Nature Cat's Wild River Adventure,

that's how!

Oh, boy! I'm going on a wild river adventure!

[all cheering]

Ah-haha! We're riding the wild river!

[Squeeks]: Oh, it's so lush with so many kinds of plants!

I love it!


The river can flow,

and the plants and animals can grow,

and my cell phone signal can go, you know?

Oh, I know, you know about the flow and grow,

you know? Hmm. What did I just say?

Ooh! I never get to see many animals

when I'm in my oyster bed!

Oh, geese!

Haha! Nice one.

And look! A black bear!

[Hal]: Oh! A moose!

Wow! A lot of animals enjoy living by this wild river.




Wow! This wild river sure is wild!

[Elroy]: Why are we moving faster?

Maybe the water moves faster when the river gets narrower.

It also could have something to do with those, um, rapids.

This could get bumpy, everyone!

Tally-hold on!



[all]: Phew!



Hey! We're moving in the wrong direction!

We're going backwards!

Let's turn this raft around, Nature Crew!




Elroy! Where's Elroy?!


That wild river sure is wild!

[Elroy]: Look at all those tall rock formations, wow!

Well, maybe it's like how the Grand Canyon formed!

[Daisy]: This wild river wore down the rock

over a long, long time, and made this gorge.

This gorge is gorgey and gorgeous,

and all at the same time!

Oh, little Elroy,

you know that I know that you know that I know

what you're saying. My brain just broke.

Look! The water from the river is going over the banks

onto the land!

Oh, no, it looks like the river is flooding!

We should do something! Like build up the banks

really high to stop the flooding.

Daisy, do you have any beavers on speed dial?

It's okay, Hal. When the river floods,

it can actually be a good thing.

[Daisy]: The land next to the river soaks the water up

and keeps it from flooding the nearby town.

And the water carries good stuff for the soil

and that helps the plants!

So, just to be clear,

we don't do anything to stop the flooding?

Not even a dam?

No! A wild river shouldn't have dams.

In fact, a dam could make the flooding worse,

and that would be bad for plants and animals

that live nearby.

Hey! I think we're slowing down.

Why are we slowing down?

Daisy, I thought you said no one could build

by this wild river.

I thought so too.

Who is he?

[Hal]: He's a very handsome gentleman.


And welcome to Captain Ronald's Wild River Gift Shop!

Hello, Ronald.

That's Captain Ronald, Nature Cat.

Well, it's Captain Nature Cat, Captain Ronald!

In that case, hello, Captain Nature Cat.

Hello, Captain Ronald!

Now tell me, why did you build a store

right next to the river bank?

To sell Captain Ronald Wild River souvenirs, of course!

Care to buy a Captain Ronald's Wild River T-Shirt?

How about a Captain Ronald's Wild River water bottle?

Or these cute Captain Ronald Wild River jammy-jams?

No, thank you, Captain Ronald.

Even though the jammy-jams are very cute.

We just want to keep travelling down the river.

Well, I'm afraid that's gonna be a little difficult, Daisy.

Oh, yeah? Why's that, Ronald?

'Cause Captain Ronald tamed the wild river, that's why.

Tamed it? But how, Captain Ronald?


I built this dam all by myself.

And now no one can miss

my beautiful Wild River gift shop.

But you can't dam a wild river!

Why not? The last time I was on a river,

there were dams everywhere.

But this is a wild river!

A wild river gets to flow freely.

Why? [eel]: Who put this dam here?

I'm headed for the ocean. How am I gonna get there now?!

Fish can't get go around the dam,

so now they're stuck here!

Oh! I didn't think about the fish.

I was too busy thinking about selling... Captain Ronald's Wild River baseball caps!

And look! The river is flooding even more because of the dam!

But, wait, I thought flooding was good.

Natural flooding of a wild river can be good,

because it floods the area around the river

that is used to flooding.

But when you dam a river,

the flooding can get much worse. Look!

Oh, no! There's water in my burrow!

There's never water in my burrow!

[Daisy]: Man-oh-man! The dam is flooding places

it never would have if the river hadn't been changed.

I didn't mean for that to happen.

I just wanted to sell my...

Captain Ronald's Wild River keychains!

[Elroy]: And, Mr. Captain Ronald,

because of your dam,

I can't get back home to my estuary

to celebrate my Uncle Nedry's Oyster Birthday!

That's terrible! [sniffling]

I need my Captain Ronald's Wild River hankie!

So, what do you say, Captain Ronald?

I say it's time to take out my...

Captain Ronald's Wild River sledgehammer!

Hooray for Captain Ronald!

[together]: Hooray for Captain Ronald!

[Nature Cat]: Onward and riverward!

Toodle-to-the-ooh, little oyster!

Have fun at the birthday party!

Thanks, Captain Ronald!

Uh, we're slowing down again.

I hope it's not another dam.

It's not! We've reached the mouth of the river!

Hello, mouth of the river.

My name's Hal. I have a mouth too! See?

And just on the other side of this marsh is the ocean!

Wow! It's so beautiful and green here too. I love it!

But the water is a little salty

where the river and ocean meet,

so different kinds of plants grow here.

Just think, if that wild river was dammed,

this whole area might look a lot different.

Hey! I recognize that rock!

This is my estuary! This is my home!

[cheering] We did it!

Oh, I hope I'm in time for Uncle Nedry's birthday.

♪ For Nedry's a jolly good oyster ♪

♪ For Nedry's a jolly good oyster ♪

♪ For Nedry's...

There's the oyster bed!

Look, they're happy as oysters!

I'm learning.

I'm in time for the party!

Hey, look! It's Elroy! He's home!

I am!

I rode down the wild river to get back here!

Thanks, Captain Nature Cat!

My pleasure!

Look, Uncle Nedry!

I got you something special for your birthday!

Thanks, Elroy! I love it!

Now, come on, let's party!


[upbeat music]

Subtitling: difuze

