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04x09 - Saving Seeds/Onward and Mossward

Posted: 01/20/24 19:49
by bunniefuu
That's me, Fred the house cat.

When my family leaves for the day,

I don't just sit inside watching the world go by.

I become...

Nature Cat! Backyard explorer extraordinaire!

♪ Oh, go, go, go

♪ Tally-ho

♪ Go, go, go

♪ Tally-ho

♪ We're climbing up the trees now ♪

♪ We're swinging through the breeze now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ So what are we waiting for

♪ We're so excited to explore

♪ All that nature has in store

♪ With Nature Cat Go, go, go ♪

♪ Tally-ho

♪ Go, go, go Tally-ho ♪

♪ He's our favourite nature guy ♪

♪ We just can't wait to get...


♪ Swinging through the trees now ♪

♪ We're jumping in the leaves now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now ♪

♪ With Nature Cat

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat Tally-ho ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat Tally-ho ♪

[Daisy]: Saving Seeds!

[birds chirping]


What a sweet growing season! Ba-bam!

[Squeeks]: Sure was, Dais.

And a yummy sunflower seed season too.

Mmm! [gobbling]

I mean, these are the best seeds I've ever had.

Sunny, these seeds. You really outdid yourself.

Delish! Yum, yum!


Frolic, frolic, frolic, it's no surprise!

Frolic, frolic, frolic,

frolicking with the butterflies!

Woo-hoo, baby!

These green beans are yummy, yum, yum!

Seriously, Sunny, because of your seeds,

you are my favorite sunflower of all-time!

Mine too, Squeeks.

Sunny is the biggest and most beautiful sunflower

I have ever grown!

Ah, and I do love Sunny as well!

Napping right here, watching Sunny in the sunlight

'til I fall asleep. Ah...

Hey, don't leave me out of this important

story point motivation. I love Sunny too, too!

Dancing with her...

When she sways in the breeze...

We all love Sunny!

Man-oh-man, but now look at Sunny.

I know this always happens this time of year.

But it still makes me sad.

Looking pretty, pretty droopy!

So unfair. I need more seeds.

Maybe I can water Sunny to keep her healthy.

It stopped growing, Squeeks.

I wish we could perk it up, but there's nothing we can do.

Nonsense, Daisy! Theater and dance

have always perked up even the most droopy!

♪ I gotta grow

♪ I gotta grow

♪ I gotta grow

♪ When I'm in dirt, a garden, a pot ♪

♪ I gotta grow

Perhaps, this sunflower isn't as cultivated as I thought.

Hey, you know what always perks me up in the morning?

The lilting and enthusiastic call of Mr. Chewinsky!


Plants just can't appreciate

the full spectrum of your genius, Hal.

[Daisy]: Sorry, I don't think anything we try

is going to work. The growing season is over,

and Sunny is done for the year.

Ooh, ooh, I have a question!

Whoa, whoa!

Wait, what was my question in the first place?

Hal's question... Oh, oh, here it is!

Line . "Will the sunflower come back next spring

like your rose bushes came back?"

Oh! That was my question!

No. Unfortunately, it's not like those plants.

This kind of sunflower needs to be planted again every year.

Then let's plant them again right now!

Good idea, but we're going to have to wait until spring.


But I'll be too busy putting off

cleaning in spring!

Oh, I just wish this sunflower could last longer.

I'm down to my final two seeds!

Sunny. Sunny!


Hmm. Seeds?



Daisy, that's not like you.

Let's save those seeds!

Save the seeds? Why would I do that?

I want what I want when I want it

and when I want it is now!

Because, I wonder what would happen if we planted a seed

from our favorite plant.

Would it grow up to be like this one?

Whoa! Well, that really sounds like a Granny Bunny

question to me! So ladies and gentlemen,

here she is, put your paws together for Granny Bunny!

[applause, cheering]

[together]: Granny Bunny!

Oh, hello! I'm not sure what is going on,

but I'm here to help!

[audience laughing]

Thanks, Granny! Our favorite big sunflower stopped growing.

Can we use its seeds to grow a new one that's just like it?

Why, yes you can!

I always collect my favorite pepper plant's seeds

in the fall so I can grow the plant again in spring.

And here it is, ladies and gentlemen,

Granny favorite pepper plant!

And is the plant that grows in the spring

a lot like the one from the season before?

Sure is!

[all]: Ooh!

Tell us, Granny Bunny,

how is this even possible?

It's like how you have the same color eyes

as your mama bunny, who has the same color eyes as me,

your Granny Bunny!

The qualities of the parent plant are passed down

to the next generation.

Oh, perfect! We'll plant Sunny's sunflower's seeds!

Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!

Fantastic! Let's hear it for Granny Bunny and pepper plant!

Bye-bye! Always happy to help!

Wow! I've never seen this whole sort of thing

on this show before! Very fresh! Very hip and cool!

[audience laughing]

[Squeeks]: This just blows my mind!

So, the new sunflower might have some of Sunny's best qualities.

A swinging swayer in the wind!

And have the same color as Sunny,

the brightest yellow of all sunflowers,

so I can watch the yellow color and then nap!

[Squeeks]: And have the tastiest seeds!

Yep, according to Granny Bunny,

everything that you love about Sunny

might be there when we grow the next plant!

Oh, hey! If we can save Sunny's seeds to plant more sunflowers,

can we save the green bean seeds, too?

Let's try it! And save seeds from the milkweed plant

too, too, also, also, also.

[Daisy]: Hey! Everything we need to know about saving seeds

is right here in this seed saving app.

Looks like we'll need to dry them first!

[Daisy]: Yes, the seeds are all dry

and ready to save until next spring!

That envelope should take excellent care of our seeds!

Yay for the dried seeds!

[Squeeks]: These seeds, more precious than rubies,

I will guard them with my life.

Nothing will happen to...

the seeds!

[upbeat music]

[Hal]: Hey, slow down! Those are Sunny's seeds!

Get back here with those seeds!

Stop that chipmunk, tally-ho!

Not on my watch!

The seeds. Drop 'em.


That was a close call, Squeeks!

We really need to take care

of these seeds until next Spring!

I'm not letting them of my sight!

Don't you worry, seeds. I got you covered!

And then it grew up to be a ginormous sunflower seed.

The end!

I'm not letting you out of my sight!


[wind howling]


Do I make the best hot chocolate or what?

Wait, whose turn is it? Yours or mine?

I'm losing to a seed...

Yeah, all this seed saving is making me sleepy.


Can somebody wake me up when it's time

to plant the sunflowers? Thanks.


Yes, Hal. We'll make sure to wake you up in the spring!


[Daisy]: It's Spring! Time to plant our seeds!


From this mighty green bean seed,

a new green bean shall burst forth and be delicious!

[upbeat music]

All these milkweed seeds shall grow

and feed butterflies galore right in front of my doghouse!

It's finally time to plant Sunny Junior!

There's a good chance that one of these seeds

will grow into a plant that looks just like

the old Sunny! Squeeks?

Behold, Sunny's sunflower seeds!

I couldn't be too... safe!

Get it?

Oh, boy, Sunny Junior and I are gonna have so much

to talk about! I gotta tell it about candy canes and snowmen!

By the summertime, you can talk as long as you want

with Sunny Junior!

Great, I'll have my associate Mr. Chewinsky

schedule a play date! [squeaking]

[gasps] I can't wait for the summer!

[yawns] Can someone wake me up

when it's time to see the grown sunflowers

in the summer? Thank you! [snoring]

[Nature Cat]: Yes, Hal. We'll make sure you wake up

in the summer! Muah!

[Nature Cat]: Hey, Hal. Guess what?

-It's summer! -Ahh!

Look! The sunflowers are finally in bloom!

Oh, yeah!

Well, folks, here she is!

Please give a very warm welcome to Sunny Junior!

[applause, cheering]

Oh, it looks just like Sunny!

[Daisy]: The same big and pretty petals!

[gasps] It's such an honor to finally

meet you, Sunny Junior.

It was quite a journey to get you here!

Sunny Junior! Is that you?

Well, guess what? It's me! Uncle Hal! Great to meet you!

Yeah, and I got your back, Sunny Junior. I'm your big sis.

[audience]: Aww!

Hey, it looks just like old Sunny.

But the proof is in the dancing!

Oh, yeah, this sunflower can dance!

And let's have a nap test, shall we?

Uh-huh! Beautiful sunny color.

And so relaxing!

I really feel like nap...



Yep! Sunny Junior sure is beautiful.

And pretty soon, she'll have the same yummy seeds!

Sure will, Squeeks!

And let's remember to save some for planting next year!

Oh, yeah!



[Daisy]: Onward and Mossward!

[birds chirping]

[bright music]

Warm... Getting warmer...

Ooh, now hot sauce, flamin' hot sauce!

Look! Lily of the Valley flowers!

That was next on our treasure map. Ba-bam!

So, treasure's gotta be around here, right, Big Dog?

Let's see... Sunset Park, Lily of the Valley,

that's nice... Oh, look! Treasure!

[Squeeks]: We're here! Spread out, friends!

Nature Cat's TreasureHunt Treasure

is not gonna hunt itself!

And remember, eggs marks the spot!

Hmm... [gasps]

Treasure! Where art thou?

Where lurk thee?



I don't see any treasure, Daisy.

I don't either, but um, Hal,

what you are doing there is not possible.

Oh, you don't say? Ah!


[gasps] Treasure!

[all]: Nature Cat's Treasure Hunt Treasure!

By golly, you've found it! And don't you see?

[Nature Cat]: Eggs marks the spot!

Haha! You are one clever kitty cat, Nature Cat.

Let's open up it up!

My breakfast? Weird. [gobbling]

Uh... is this my tablet?


Well, hi there! I'm Hal. Lovely to meet you.

What a dapper hat. And you are...?

Uh, Hal, that's Mr. Chewinsky.

Oh, so it is! Good to see you, old chum.

[laughing] Been a while!

Actually, maybe just a few minutes,

because we just had breakfast together.

So, I uh may have borrowed your things

to fill the chest.

But treasure hunts aren't about treasure!

They're about the adventure, the quest,

the camaraderie! Am I right?

-[all cheering] -[Daisy]: Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!

Well, now that we found the treasure,

we better get home.

Today is the season premiere of my favorite podcast,

Question It All!

I want to get back in time to listen live.

Yeah, you don't want the birds to tweet any spoilers!

Not to fear, Daisy! We shall use the treasure map

to reverse our tracks and find our way home.

You'll be back in no time!

Or roughly minutes seconds.

Here's the map! Woops! And there it goes.

[all]: The map!

[Nature Cat]: Stop! Come back! [Daisy]: Eagle! The map!

-Map stealer! -That's my map!


Man, oh man, oh man!

Without the map, how will we find our way home?

Okay, okay, which way did we come from?

[gasps] [Daisy]: Over here!


We seem to be at a fork in the road.

When you see a fork, might as well...

Okay, let's think.

Now, I remember the first stop of the map

was Sunset Park.

Ooh! And I know that Sunset Park

is south of our house!

Oh, oh! And remember at each landmark,

we choose the path that took us straight ahead.

So if we walked south to get here,

all we gotta do is walk north to get home!

But how do we know which trail leads north?

Let's follow the North Star!

[Hal]: North Star?!

Oh, North Star?!

Where are you, twinkly little buddy?

Lovin' that enthusiasm, Hal, but it's daytime,

so, no stars. And it's cloudy,

so we also can't use the sun to find north.

Wait a tick! I know an old camping trick we can use!

Is it that camping trick where you roast marshmallows

around a campfire? I do love s'mores!


Even better, Hal!

Did you know moss only grows on the north side of trees?

Yes, I did! No, I didn't. Yes, I didn't!

Moss is like nature's compass.

So, are you saying that if we find moss,

it will point us north?

Exactly! And follow my arithmetic here:

if moss means north and north means home,

we'll be back in no time!

Or roughly, minutes seconds now.

And E squeals MC squared! I think.

I'll be able to listen to Question It All!

Sweet camping trick, Nature Cat!

Let's get moss hunting!

Onward and mossward!

[upbeat music]


[gasps] Hey, guys! Over here!

[Hal]: I think I found moss!

[Nature Cat]: Yes, it 'tis moss, Hal!

And since it's growing on this side of the tree,

then this way must lead north Tally-ho!

[all]: Moss means north and north means home!

Moss means north and north means home!

Moss means north and north means home!

Oof! Uh, why'd ya stop, Hal my pal?

We've been here before. This was where the treasure was!

Im-moss-ible! Moss means north,

and we've followed the moss, so we can't be back

where we started!


Oh, we are back where we started.

Eggs marks the spot? 'Member?

How are we back here, man? What gives?

Oh, man, now I'll definitely miss Question It All!

This podcast means everything to me!

[Daisy]: In every episode, Ollie the Owl, the host,

goes into nature turning things we think are true

about nature into questions.

Then he turns those questions into an investigation.

His true fans are called Question Markies.

I'm the biggest Question Markie of all!

That podcast sounds awesome for so many reasons!

But just one teeny, tiny question,

because I didn't understand half of what you said.

What's something I think is true about nature?

Good question, Hal!

It's like how Nature Cat thinks moss

only grows on the north side of trees.

Hmm. So in the podcast, Ollie the Owl

would turn that into a question?

Exactly! And then he would investigate to find out

if it was true.

Wait a tick!

Instead of Ollie the Owl investigating,

we could investigate to see if moss

really does only grow on the north side of trees.

What say you, Daisy?

We could make our very own podcast episode,

collect data, and do a scientific investigation!

Oh, yeah! What do you say, Nature Cat? You in?

Well, I still firmly believe my old camping trick...

but I never say no to the powers of scientific investigations!

I'm in!

[all]: Question it all!

Hello, Question Markies, it's Daisy here.

We've got something to question.

Many people think moss only grows

on the north side of trees.

That-a would-a be a-me! Muah!

So, the question today is:

Does moss only grow on the north side of trees?

And how should we investigate?

I'll now take live callers for suggestions!

Ooh, ooh, pick me, pick me!

-Yes, Hal? -Madame Daisy, Hal here.

Longtime listener, love your podcast.

I think we should observe moss

and take notes to see where it grows.

Is it on a tree? Is it on a stump?

Is it on one side? Is it on all sides?

We gotta question it all!

We sure do! We need to make a lot of observations.

Let's investigate!

Would this then be a quest for a question!

You see what I did there?


Okay, noticing moss all over this tree and this tree.

But there is no moss on that tree.

Um, okay... that tree doesn't seem to get much shade.

Question it all!

Oh, hello there, moss, Hal here.

Nice to meet you! Oh! Wow, moss, you are wet!

[chuckling] I wonder if you like to grow

where it's wet? I think you do!

-Ahh! -Question it all!

By golly! There appears to be moss on this side of the tree

and this side of the tree!

Both sides cannot be north!

Nature, you never fail to mystify me!

Question it all!

[bright music]

[inaudible conversation]

Question Markies, gather round!

It's time to collect our observations.

What did you observe, Squeeks?

Okay, I found moss on three trees,

growing on all sides of two of them.

Most of the moss was in the shade.

And I want to say hello to my mom!

I love you, Mommy!

Interesting! Nice work, Squeeks.

And what about you, Hal?

Hello there, Question Markies! Hal, here!

I noticed that moss was growing all over a fallen tree.

It was very wet where the moss grew.

Fascinating! That's some good observing, Hal!

Alright, Nature Cat. I know you thought

that moss only grows on the north side of trees.

What do you think now?

I... [gulps]

I have a confession to make.

You see, for when I first learned

about this old camping trick,

I never tested it out for myself

to see if it was true.

I didn't want to believe that it couldn't be true!

But after all of our observations,

I see that moss can grow on many different sides of trees.

I'm proud of you, Nature Cat.

Thanks for sharing your story.

Looks like our work here is done!

Another question investigated!

Today we learned that moss can grow anywhere.

It helps if it's shady and wet.

Stay curious and question it all!

Daisy, out.


[animals chanting]: Daisy! Daisy! Daisy!

[cheering, chanting]

I'm sorry to spoil this gorgeous moment,

but didn't we just discover that moss doesn't help us

find our way home? Which begs the question...

What do we do now?

Now that is a good question.

Well, I mean, we could always ask the eagle

that took the map if we can just have it back.

[Daisy and Squeeks]: The map!


And now we can use the map to find our way home!

And we'll be there in less than seconds.

And home is that a-way!

Daisy, if we hurry, you'll make it back in time

for the Question It All premiere!

That's great news! But honestly,

I may spend some time thinking about my next episode.

I could have a career here!


[Squeeks]: What else can we question?

[Hal]: Oh, oh, oh, oh!

Can you only see the moon at night?

[Squeeks]: When toads hide under a rock, are they sad?

[Daisy]: Do all cats hate water?

[Nature Cat]: Water? Why does it have to be water?!

[upbeat music]

