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04x10 - Outdoor Nature Warrior/Hide and Go Screech

Posted: 01/20/24 19:50
by bunniefuu
That's me, Fred the house cat.

When my family leaves for the day,

I don't just sit inside watching the world go by.

I become...

Nature Cat! Backyard explorer extraordinaire!

♪ Oh, go, go, go

♪ Tally-ho

♪ Go, go, go

♪ Tally-ho

♪ We're climbing up the trees now ♪

♪ We're swinging through the breeze now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ So what are we waiting for

♪ We're so excited to explore

♪ All that nature has in store

♪ With Nature Cat Go, go, go ♪

♪ Tally-ho

♪ Go, go, go Tally-ho ♪

♪ He's our favourite nature guy ♪

♪ We just can't wait to get...


♪ Swinging through the trees now ♪

♪ We're jumping in the leaves now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now ♪

♪ With Nature Cat

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat Tally-ho ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat Tally-ho ♪

[Daisy]: Outdoor Nature Warrior.




There it is!

Dun, dun, duh-duh-duh, da!

The outdoor nature warrior challenge!

Challenge, challenge, challenge! Baby!

- Sa-weet! - Bring it on, man!

Ah, it's just like Gritty Cat's

outdoor nature warrior challenge!

Ooh! Let's watch the video again.

[Hal]: Oh! It's the log balance.

[Squeeks gasps]: The tree stump jump.

Nature! She's so cool.

[Daisy]: Now she's on to the nature crawl!

[Nature Cat]: Ah! There it is!

The outdoor nature warrior bell!


[Nature Cat]: My hero!

And I want to ring the bell just like Gritty Cat!

[Hal]: Oh! And say her famous catchphrase!

The one... It's um... The one that goes, um...

Uh... I don't remember.

[together]: Remember to make your nature workout

work for you!

That's the one! I think.

Well, what are we waiting for? Is everybody ready?

[together]: Yeah!

Three! Two! One!

Tally... hot!


Whew, okay, I'm gonna take a little rest.

I can't go on!


I don't feel very well.

Oof. I'm, uh... I just...

I'm feeling a little light-headed.

C'mon, Nature Cat!

Let's take a moment and rest here in the shade.

Here, drink some water, bud.

[Ronald]: Haha, Nature Cat!

Looks like you couldn't do your outdoor nature challenge thing.

Better luck next... Phew!

Oh, never mind! It's too hot!

Ugh, Ronald is right. It is hot.

I actually feel hot air on my face right now.

[Hal panting] Uh, Hal...

Just a little awareness, buddy.

Sorry, Nature Cat! We dogs pant to stay cool

when it's hot out. And today it's really hot out.

But... but...

What about the outdoor nature warrior challenge?

Gritty Cat! The bell!

The bell!

We can try again tomorrow, Nature Cat.

Um... It looks like it's going to be hot tomorrow,

and the next day, and the next day too.

Oh no!

It says here it's going to be hot day and night

for the next five days.

Oof! It's called a heatwave!

Hi! Hi! Hi! I love waving.

Not that kind of wave.

- Oh. Of course. - Woo-hoo!


- Or that kind of wave. - Oh.

A heatwave is an extreme weather event,

like when it hails or when there is a drought.

Well, if it's hot during the day and hot at night then...

How are we gonna stay cool?!

What are we, Arthur Fonzarelli around here?


And, more importantly, how are we going to complete

the outdoor nature warrior challenge?!

Sorry, Nature Cat. I think it's just too hot

to do the challenge.

Why don't we go inside where it's cooler?

Yeah and we can play our Nature Land board game

and listen to the radio, I guess?

Oh, that sounds cool! Doesn't it?

I guess so...

[Hal]: Ah, it's nice and cool in here out of the sun.

And this will help keep you-know-who

from thinking about the you-know-what.

[Gritty Cat]: Hey, you on the couch!

- Me? - No, you!

- Moi? - Yes, you!

This is Gritty Cat! Get out there and complete

the outdoor nature warrior challenge!

And remember to make your nature workout work for you!

Who, me?

No, ugh! The other guy! The cat!

Gritty Cat is right!

I've got to go outside and complete the challenge!


It's... so... hot!


Haha, Nature Cat! You couldn't do...

You... you... whew!

Still too hot!

Oh, Nature Cat! Have some water!

[gulping] Ah!

Will I ever be able to complete the challenge?

We gotta find a way to take Nature Cat's mind

off the challenge.

Hmm... Hey! I have an idea!

Nature Cat! Let's head over to Rudzie's

and get some frozen fruit pops!

Yeah! You love frozen fruit pops!

And boy, are they a great way to cool off on

a hot day like today, huh, Nature Cat?

Ah... I do love Rudzie's frozen fruit pops.

[Daisy]: Woo-hoo! Nice and cool in here!

Okay, let's find those frozen fruit pops.

That'll keep us cool.

[gasps] Wait a minute!

Is that Gritty Cat's brand-new book?!

Oh, "There's Nothing Like Finishing The Outdoor

Nature Warrior Race!" Huh!

Oh! And the sequel:

"Have You Still Not Finished The Outdoor Nature Warrior Race?

And Assorted Brunch Recipes."

[Gritty Cat]: Remember to make your nature workout

work for you!

Ah! I will Gritty Cat! I will!

- Nature Cat! - We never got our fruit pops!

I am going to complete

the outdoor nature warrior challenge!

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down, Nature Cat!

I can't! I need to ring the bell!


Ugh! Everything reminds me of Gritty Cat

and the outdoor nature challenge!

I want to ring the victory bell,

but it's just so hot!

Haha, Nature Cat! Can't do your outdoor...

[sighs] Whew!

It's even too hot for friendly cartoon rivalries!

Ugh, maybe I'll never be able to complete the challenge.

And now I'm muddy.


Uh, Hal? What are you doing?

I saw the mud and I thought, hey, that looks nice and cool!

I look cool, right? Hey...

And I feel cooler, too! You should try!

Wait a tick! I've got an idea!

Eh, it's cooler with the lights off.

Animals can't go inside where it's cooler,

but they still have lots of ways to cool down.

Like the birds we've seen

splashing in the shaded bird bath.

And the squirrel laying on the cool branch.

And me! Hal, in the mud! [giggling]

Ah, it's definitely cooler in the mud.

Yes! And I think I know how we can complete the course

and help everyone stay cool!

[together]: How?!

We can change our course!

Each challenge can include a way animals stay cool.

One with shade, water,

a cool surface and mud!

Hey, yeah! It's just like Gritty Cat always says...

Oh, I know this! It's, um... I don't know this.

[together]: Remember to make your nature workout

work for you!

That's it! I think.

[upbeat music]

[all]: Water break!

It's finished!

Now all we need to do is wait until 'tis evening

when the sun is lower in the sky and it will be a little cooler!

Oh! Oh, hey.

Um, can we have a dissolve to later in the day, please?


How are we gonna stay cool and do this, Nature Cat?

By doing... very little.

Everyone, be like the squirrel!

Oh, you know I can do that!

- Haha! - Oh yeah!

[all sigh]

Should we be doing more?

- Are you cool? - Yes! Very cool.


Then no!

Now we have to jump from stump to stump

through the water to keep cool. Hit it, Hal!

[sighs] Water.

Why does it have to be water?

Natche? What would Gritty Cat do?



Now it's time to cool off

with a muddy nature crawl. Crawl, crawl!

[all cheering]

And now for...



[together]: Ronald!

No need to thank me, Nature Cat!

Didn't even break a sweat!

[all cheering]


[cheering] We did it!

We stayed cool and completed the course!

[Gritty Cat]: Great job, everyone!

[others]: Gritty Cat!

Oh!! I would faint if I wasn't so cool and relaxed!

I heard you ringing the bell!

I'm proud of you all for completing the challenge

while staying cool and safe in this heatwave.

It's like you always say:

[all]: Remember to make your nature workout work for you!

Hey, do you think I could try out your course?


You bet!

But first I brought something

to help us all cool off.

Frozen fruit pops! Yummy, yummy!

Ohh! Thank you, Gritty Cat!

No, thank you, Nature Cat,

for helping all your friends stay cool.

You are a true outdoor nature warrior.


[all humming]

[all]: Gritty Cat!


Gritty Cat!

[Daisy]: Hide and go Screech!

Okay, Nature Cat, find a hiding spot, baby!

[whistle blowing]


Ooh! Nice one!

But here comes the seeker.

So quick, find another hiding spot!

Excellent! [gasp]

But the seeker has spotted you yet again.

Find another hiding spot!

Uh, Nature Cat, what are you doing?

Why, I'm training

for my weekly game of Hide-and-Go-Screech,

of course.

What's Hide-and-Go-Screech?

It's a game just like Hide-and-Seek, but different!

Instead of staying in one spot,

when the seeker comes near you, you can go and find a new one.

Yeah, I get the "hide", and the "go",

but what's with the "screech"?

Oh, that's because I play with Screechy the screech owl.

Ah! There's a screech owl around here?!

You know they eat mice, right?

Screechy isn't here to eat, she's here to play!

And today is the day I finally beat her!

Hold on. You've never won before?

Nope. But I've been practicing a lot,

and today, I think I can beat her.

How many games have you played?

Oh, you know what, we don't really keep track--

by my count!

Thank you, Hal.

You've played games of Hide-and-Go-Screech

with this owl, and you've never, ever won?

She's very good at the game, okay?

But today's the day!

Today, I'm going to finally emerge victorious!

[owl hooting] Ahh!

Screechy, don't sneak up on me like that.

What? I wasn't sneaking.

Wow. Who do we have here?

These are my friends, Daisy, I think you know Hal and...

Squeeks? Where did Squeeks go?

Ooh! A mouse! I love mice!

So nice to meet you!

Ah! She says it's nice to eat me!

Well, ma'am, I'll have you know that I actually taste terrible.

I taste like garbage. You're not gonna wanna eat me!

Have some pizza! Here!

I don't want to eat you. I said nice to meet you.

Yeah, but don't screech owls eat mice? And aren't I a mouse?

Oh, yes! We eat lots of little creatures,

like voles, and earthworms, frogs and bugs.

But I'm not here to eat, I'm here to play!

Okay, cool. I trust you percent. Enjoy the game!

Well then, let's play! Are you ready for our game

of Hide-and-Go-Screech, Nature Cat?

You bet I am! Go on, Screechy,

cover your eyes and count. I'm gonna go hide.

Well then, let's do it!

One, two, three...

She'll never find me here. Hee-hee!

...four, five! Ready or not, here I come!


[Nature Cat]: She has no idea where I am!




Why didn't you run away and find a new hiding spot?

'Cause I couldn't hear Screechy coming!

[chirping, wings fluttering]

I can hear that bluejay! Why can't I head Screechy?!

It's probably because screech owls have large wings

for their body size and special feathers that help them fly

without making noise.

Yeah, that's true!

Our wings are made for gliding

so we don't have to flap as much.

Flapping is what you heard when the bluejay flew by.

Here, watch!

Whoa. Those wings really are quiet.

Hey, Squeeks, how do you know so much about screech owls?

Because I like to avoid being eaten!

Ice cream?

Nah, no thanks, I'm still playing!

Okay, Nature Cat, should we continue our game?

Oh, what's the point?

No matter how hard I practice, I can never beat you.

I really just wanted to win one game.

Poor Nature Cat.

Well, in that case... I am the champion of nature!

Well, it's time for this winner to fly!

Wait! What if Nature Cat had help?

Ooh! How exciting!

No, no! No eating me! I have a bad texture!

Here! Have a hot dog! That'll go down smooth.

I told you, I don't want to eat you!

But now what were you saying about helping Nature Cat?

Uh, well, I was just saying,

and we don't have to do this, but as I said before,

I do know about screech owls.

You sure do.

So I thought maybe, perhaps,

I could use my screech owl knowledge to help Nature Cat.

But if that's gonna make you mad, then no! No!

Ooh! A challenge! Okay!

In fact, why don't you all join in the game?

The more the merrier!

[Nature Cat]: Yes, yes! With the help of my friends,

I may finally win a game! Tally-ho!

One, two, three, four...

Any screech owl tips?

Okay, remember, screech owls are very quiet flyers,

you won't even hear her coming.

So make sure you look around to spot her!

Got it!

Ready or not, here I come!



Oh, no! She tagged Hal.

Hey, how did you find me?

I have very good eyesight!



How did you know I was here?

My keen screech owl hearing!

Oh! She tagged Daisy too! I can't let her tag me--

Tag! Wow, this is easier than I thought!

Well, you still gotta find Squeeks.

Oh, I'm very good at finding little mice! Watch this!

Where is she? Where is she? Oh!

[Squeeks]: There she is! Look at how those big wings

help her glide! Ooh, so quiet!

Time for me to find a new hiding spot!

Gotcha! Ooh!


Hey! Where did that little mousey go?

Oh! Looks like Squeeks is a natural at this game!

Oh, don't worry! I'll find her!

[panting] Oh! Here she comes again!

I can't believe how silently she flies.

[Squeeks]: Those feathers take away all the swooshing sounds.

I'd better get out of here!



Where is that little mousey now?



You know what? Maybe I should hide now.

You mean you give up?

Yes! I give up!

Squeeks is too good at hiding! I can't tag her!


I'm sorry, Ms. Owl. I didn't mean to frighten you!

Here's an apple!

Does this mean I finally won?

[Screechy]: Nope. Not so fast!

In order to win, you have to find me!

Ooh! Finding screech owls is very hard.

Oh, you bet it is.

So cover your eyes and prepare to lose,

because no one will ever find me.

[together]: One, two, three, four, five.

Ready or not, here we come!

Now, where would that screech owl hide?


Not in the leaf pile.

[Daisy]: How about in here?

I gotcha, Screechy!

- Ahh! - Who's Screechy?

I think there's something in that bush.


Found you! Ahh!

Ugh... Do you see how hard it is to find her?!

Yeah, that's 'cause you're doing it all wrong.

We are?

You see, Screech Owls are masters of camouflage,

they don't even need to hide behind a bush or a rock,

they can hide in plain sight. Haha. Clever.

They can?

Are we talking cammo-whammo here?

Yeah, we're talking camouflage.

A screech owl's feathers blend into its surroundings.

Makes them very hard to see, even if you're right near them.

Well, if a screech owl can hide in plain sight,

how will we ever be able to find her?

The first thing to do is use your ears.

And you all got 'em.

Ooh! I love using my ears!

How should I use them. Should I flap 'em?

Or should I twirl 'em?

Or should I wrap 'em around my head like a babushka?

Get real, dog breath, you gotta listen with them!

But you said screech owls don't make noise when they fly,

so what are we listening for?

We will know it when we hear it!

Come on! Let's use our ears and listen!

Onward and earward!

[bird chirping]

[gasps] Do you hear that?

It sounds like a different kind of bird.

Not a screech owl.

Yes, but those birds may lead us to the screech owl. Come on!

[Nature Cat]: Oh, it is birds! It's a bunch of chickadees!

But why are they swooping and making noise like that?

When small birds see a screech owl,

they make a lot of noise and try to get it to move along.

So could this mean Screechy's hiding up there?

Time for me to finally tag her!

Shh! Go away! You're giving away my hiding spot!


Whoa, whoa!

Oh, I almost had her, but she spotted me!

Now, we'll never find her.

Yeah, we will.

But you said screech owls are masters of camouflage.

How are we going to be able to spot her?

Come on. Let's go up to the treehouse

for a better view.

[Nature Cat]: Screechy is the same brown colour

as all these trees.

It's gonna be really hard to find her.

Man-oh-man! Screech owls are great at camouflage.

Look how they blend in.

[Hal]: Wait a minute. The only thing you can notice

are their eyes.

Now you're thinking like a mouse, pooch!

Look for the eyes!

[Squeeks]: Where are you, screech owl?

Is that her?

Ah! There she is!

Let's go tag her!


Tag! Haha!

Wow! You actually found me in nature.

There aren't many who can do that.

It's all thanks to our screech owl expert, Squeeks.

- Woo-hoo! - Oh, yeah!

Oh, guys, it was nothing really. Oh, so nice, thanks.

Now, after all that playing, it's time for me to eat!

Ah! That's my cue!

Oh, don't worry, little mousey,

tonight I'm in the mood for crickets and spiders!

Bye now!

[all cheering]

I'm hungry too after all that playing.

Me thinks we have the makings of a picnic!

Yay! Let's eat.

[Nature Cat]: Yummy!

[upbeat music]

