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05x05 - Know Your Snow/The Nature-tastic Four and the Humongous Hurricane

Posted: 01/20/24 19:55
by bunniefuu
That's me, Fred the house cat.

When my family leaves for the day,

I don't just sit inside watching the world go by.

I become...

Nature Cat! Backyard explorer extraordinaire!

♪ Oh, go, go, go

♪ Tally-ho

♪ Go, go, go

♪ Tally-ho

♪ We're climbing up the trees now ♪

♪ We're swinging through the breeze now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ So what are we waiting for

♪ We're so excited to explore

♪ All that nature has in store

♪ With Nature Cat Go, go, go ♪

♪ Tally-ho

♪ Go, go, go Tally-ho ♪

♪ He's our favourite nature guy ♪

♪ We just can't wait to get...


♪ Swinging through the trees now ♪

♪ We're jumping in the leaves now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now ♪

♪ With Nature Cat

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat Tally-ho ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat Tally-ho ♪

[Squeeks]: Know Your Snow!



Mmm-mmm-mmm, baby!

Not today.


Hey! That's the first time

I've ever said that word on this show.

- Today?! - Ah!

Not today.


Not my first humbug.


- Today! - Whoa, whoa!

Today, Nature Cat! It comes today!

What comes today, Dais?


Daisy's been tracking the weather

to let me when it will snow!

And "when" is today, look!

[Daisy]: It's about to snow any minute.

Then any minute I make another jaunt

into the Animal Book of World Records!

[mimics echoing]: Records... Records...

[Nature Cat]: Last winter, I made it into the world

record book for the ski jump.

Oh, what a glorious day that was!

And what is going to be the new world record, Nature Cat?

I'm going to build the tallest snow critter

that's ever been built!

[mimics echoing]: Built... Built...

Well, if you're gonna build the tallest snow critter,

you're going to need all the snow you can get, man!


[all]: Snow!

Snow yeah! Snow yeah!

Be prepared to witness history in the making!

But uh... first, can someone un-garland me?

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Welcome to another animal world record competition!

I'm MC Ferret. For this winter special,

we will see if Nature Cat can build the world's

tallest snow critter!

Hello, everyone!

I just want to thank my adoring fans.

- Woo-hoo! - Go, Nature Cat!

What is with all of this hullabaloo?

You're disrupting my cat nap!

Nature Cat is about to break another winter world record

by building the tallest snow critter!

Really?! I've tried to break that record.

Nature Cat! Are you prepared to build

a snow critter as tall as that tree?

Oh, Ronald...

Prepared is my middle name!

I thought your middle name was Froderick?

We are ready!

Nature Cat, let's see if you can break the world record!


Uh, Nature Cat, everything okay over there?

Ooh! The Ronald can't even watch this!

[giggles] Yes, I can.

Something is wrong with this snow!

I can't even make the world's smallest snow critter!

[chuckling nervously] Okay, folks,

we're going to take a short break

and hear from our sponsor!

♪ If you find yourself out on a snowy day ♪

♪ And you don't want the cold to get in your way ♪

♪ Come find Hal and buy some gloves ♪

[blows raspberry]

We've got to pivot here, Nature Cat.

I hope you don't mind, it's just show biz.

I just wish I knew why this snow won't form a snow critter!

It makes no sense.

Wait a minute, we can use this!

You just gave me a great idea!

I did?

Welcome back! We all just witnessed

Nature Cat's gutsy attempt to build a snow critter,

but this snow was clearly a no go.

Or should I say a snow go? [laughing]

We now bring you a special program called

Know Your Snow: A Winter Game Show!

In this competition, teams will compete

to match different kinds of snow

to different kind of snow activities.

What snow is good for skiing?

Sledding? Building snow critters?

Throwing snowballs? We need to...

[all]: Know! Your! Snow!

So, Daisy! You will be our official meteorologist!

Can you tell us when we should begin this game show?

Well, there are two more storms heading our way.

The first storm should come in tonight,

so we'll have a new storm to examine tomorrow!

So tune in tomorrow folks, for the first day of...

[all]: Know! Your! Snow!

Welcome to Know Your Snow: A Winter Game Show!

I'm MC Ferret!

Let's quickly check in with Daisy, our meteorologist.

What are the skies saying today?

Conditions are chilly!

This snowstorm came from the North.

It's a Canadian Arctic Blast

with temperatures way below freezing. Brr!

Bundle up today, folks!

We're looking at about degrees Fahrenheit.

Thanks, Daisy. And now for our teams!

On team one, we have the mini but mighty Squeeks,

and the founder of the surprisingly successful

glove business, Hal! [applause]

On team two we have our adventure-loving Nature Cat,

and always down for a competition, Ronald!

Oh, um... [clears throat]

I'm more of a solo act.

And I'm more of a winning act.

New partner, please!

Now for the rules. Teams should ring the bell

when they've discovered a snowy activity

that matches with the snow conditions.

If your guess is correct, that team will get a point.

The first team to get two points

will be our Know Your Snow champion!

And finally, for a little twist,

you cannot use your hands or paws to touch the snow!

Thanks to our sponsor, Hal's Gloves.


And with that, the game show begins.

Which team will... Know! Their! Snow!

I'm gonna be the first to know the snow!

No, I'm gonna be the first to know the snow!

Whoa, oh!

Nature Cat?! Are you okay?

Speak to me. Say a few syllables!


More than okay, Ronald! You gave me an idea!

Did you see how loose and light that snow was?

It was like powder!

It blew off me so easily.

You're right! And look how easily you rolled down the hill!

It leaves a trail that looks just like...

[both]: A sledding hill!

Alright, pooch, you and me.

Let's see if we find any snow activities.

[all]: Wee!

[Squeeks]: Aww! Look how adorable those little voles are!

It looks like they're skiing without skis!

This snow is good for skiing!

[bell dinging] Nature Cat and Ronald,

you rang first. What did you discover?

We learned that this northern snowstorm

with very cold temperatures

makes snow that is powdery and dry

and won't stick together.

This snow is perfect for sledding.

That is... correct! [applause]

A point for the cats!

Hal and Squeeks, you buzzed in too.

What did you learn?

We saw a family of voles skiing down a hill.

It is our belief that the cold, fluffy snow

is perfect for skiing!

Correct as well!

This Canadian Arctic blast with its very cold temperatures

brought us powdery, dry snow that is perfect

for sledding and skiing.

So day one ends in a tie!

You'll have to stay tuned to see who will pull ahead

in day two. We'll see you tomorrow on...

[all]: Know! Your! Snow!

Welcome to our final day of Know Your Snow:

A Winter Game Show!

Let's toss it over to Daisy for a weather report.

Hi, folks, we've got a whole new storm today.

This storm came up from the south

bringing warmer temperatures.

It's about degrees Fahrenheit,

that's the temperature that water freezes.

I wonder what we'll learn today about snow!

Let the game show begin!

Okay, Ronald. What's our plan today?


Do-do-do! Snowflakes on the Ronald.

Do-do-do! Snowflakes, snowflakes!

Ronald! Can you get back on task, please?!

I am on task. Look!

Aren't these the most perfect snowflakes you've ever seen?

You can see that?!

Let's see it now!

[Ronald]: Grampy Donald once told me

that these snowflakes are called dendrites.


Look at that giant snowflake!

It looks like a few snowflakes stuck together.

[Ronald]: Yesterday, the snow was so loose

that it didn't stick together at all.

Hmm... I wonder if the warmer temperatures today

are making the snowflakes wetter and stickier!

Nature Cat, are you thinking what I'm thinking?

I sure hope so!

[bell dinging] Team two, I'm impressed!

I gotta say, you were the underdogs,

or should I say undercats?! [all laughing]

Let's see what you found out today.

Today, 'twas warmer,

which made the snow more wet.

That made it stick together.

The stickier the snow,

the more easily it packs together.

And do you know what packing snow can do?

[both]: Build a snow critter!

I'll allow you to roll the snow,

and if it packs, you two are the champions!

We have our first ever Know Your Snow champions! Haha!

[both]: We did it!

Nature Cat! The first day you got stuck with powder snow,

but now you have some real nice packing snow. Oh!

So what are you waiting for, Nature Cat?

Go build your snow critter!

I'll only do it under one condition.

I need my co-captain to help create

the world's tallest snow critter!

I would be honored.

Looks like you're in luck folks, a double feature!

Let's watch Nature Cat and Ronald

attempt to build the tallest snow critter.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!


[all shouting]



[both]: Tally-snow!

We call it...

[both]: Abominable Snow Cat!

It looks like we've got ourselves one tall snow critter!

Or shall I say snow kitty? [laughing]

But in order to beat the world record,

it must be higher than feet.

[all]: feet, , !

! !

Snow my goodness, that is a new world record!


- Hooray! - Yeah!

The fans need to know, how'd you do it?

We had to be patient

and wait for the right kind of snow.

But I couldn't have done it without Ronald.

And you know what they say...

[both]: Two cats are better than one!

There you have it!

You can't control what falls from the sky,

but you can have fun when you...

[all]: Know! Your! Snow!

[Squeeks]: Nature-tastic Four and the Humongous Hurricane.

The end! Phew!

Hey, friends!

I just finished my new comic book!

Yes! I love your comics! What is it? What is it, baby?!

It's called The Avengers!

But that's copyrighted, I'm told.

So it's called the Nature-tastic Four

and The Humongous Hurricane!

Humongous... [stammering]

Hurricane? I don't know, that sounds pretty scary.

Don't worry, Hal, The Nature-tastic Four

are going to make hurricanes seem less scary.

Okay then, well in that case,

regarding the scariness being less scary, let's hear it!

It was a September afternoon,

peak of hurricane season,

overcast with an ominous wind...

Whoa! Did anyone notice how ominous the sky is today?

Oh, I noticed!

Everyone knows I always notice those things

even as a character in a comic book

that is in a cartoon... on PBS!


Hmm. I wonder if a storm's coming, man!

My Nature-tastic senses are tingling!

Trouble could be on the way!

[Ronald]: Help!

And here it comes now.

Help! Help! Help!

He-- Oh. Hello, Nature Cat.

Hello, Ronald.


What's wrong, Ronald?

Haven't you heard?

There's a humongous hurricane headed this way!

A hurricane?! Oh, not a hurricane!

I can't believe it's a hurricane!

And one question about this hurricane.

What exactly is it, exactly?

This is what a hurricane looks like from above

if you were higher up in space.

A hurricane is a very large, powerful rotating storm

that forms over a part of the ocean

where the water is warm.

They can be really, really windy

and bring a lot of heavy rain!

And they do lots of damage!

Oh! If only there were a group of heroes

who could help us!

Hey! You're in luck! We're hero-- Uh!

Did you just say you were heroes?

No, no, no, no, no! What Hal was trying to say

is that we're hero sandwich lovers.

Not heroes! Right, Squeeks?

Yeah! H-hero sandwich!

Love a hero sandwich!

Now, why don't you turn around

and listen to some very loud music?

[action music playing]

Come on, Nature-tastic Four,

let's get ready for action!

Plant Bunny!

Hi, it's me, Hal.

Just coming in to change into my superhero alter ego!

Rock Dog!

Rock 'n' roll!

Water Mouse!

Nature Cat!

Yes, I'm still Nature Cat.

I am already a nature superhero!

Haha, yes!


Who are you?

[all]: The Nature-tastic Four!

Protectors of Nature!

You look so familiar.

Oh no, haha! You don't know us.

We are total strangers, Ronald,

who lives next door and enjoys iced lattes and crocheting.

If we're strangers, how do you know my name

and what I like? And why does he look just like Nature Cat?

Um... [chuckling nervously]

Uh... Uh, because we're superheroes.

Oh! Well, then you can't be the Nature Cat I know.

He's no hero!

I'll have you know I am Nature Cat!


He's a Nature Cat. Not the Nature Cat, you know?

A different one... who's a superhero. That one.

Well, since you're superheroes,

Nature-tastic Four, you've got to do something.

A hurricane is supposed to pass right over us

around this time tomorrow!

We need your... [inhales deeply]


Have no fear, Ronald, who we've never met,

but is known to enjoy Parcheesi games

and toasted coconut cookies,

The Nature-tastic Four is on the way!

How do they know so much about me?

[action music]


How do we find this hurricane?

Let me check my patented Plant Bunny super computer!

This is a weather map

and it shows us the hurricane's path.

It started over here in tropical waters,

moved up like this, and now it's here

about to make landfall to the south of us.

[gasp] To the coast! Follow me!

[action music]


Thar she blows!

[all]: Whoa!

[Nature Cat]: That's a big storm!

Plant-oh-plant! It's more than miles wide!

[all]: Whoa!

What are we going to do about it?

Well, we're superheroes!

We can try and stop that super storm!

Nature-tastic Four mobilize!

[action music]

Time to water this storm down!

Uh? Ahh!


Time to rock and roll!

[guitar note]


Ow! [grunting]

Plant Bunny will get to the root of this problem!




I'll handle this severe weather the old-fashioned way!





[gasp] Hooray!

The Nature-tastic Four defeated the humongous hurricane!

Huzzah! As a thank you, here's a stuffed me!

Um, Ronald,

I'm afraid we couldn't stop it.

You mean the storm is still coming?

Oh yeah! Definitely still coming!

Ahh! I need this back!

Oh, poor Ronald is so scared.

I've never seen him vulnerable.

We're here with you, Ronald,

and we won't leave you alone.

But if heroes can't stop the storm,

there's nothing we can do!

Maybe there is something we can do!

And you can help too!

Me!? You mean I can be a hero like you?

You sure can!

Oh, yay!

[whirring, sawing]


Iron Ronald is ready to assist! What do we do?

According to my super computer,

the first thing we need to do is make an emergency kit!

Onward and emergency kit-ward!

Emergency kit! Backpack!

- Water! - Food!

Flashlight! Radio!

Solar charger!

First aid kit!

Our emergency kit is ready! What's next?!

I think we should prepare with these.

Yes! We can break boards! Hoo-Ha!

[voice trembling]: I'm n-not sure

how b-breaking b-boards would help anyway.

We're not supposed to break them, Nature Cat.

We're supposed to board up the windows with them.

Ah, oh! Of course!

Nature heroes, let's board up those windows!

[action music]


There! All boarded up!

[wind howling]

You guys, it's getting so windy! Whoa!

It's not safe out here! Come on! Let's get inside!

[Ronald]: What do we do now?

We should stay away from the windows.

Let's move to the center of the house!

[wind howling]


You guys, Ronald's still so nervous.

What can we do to help him?

Oh, if only we had books and games

to take his mind off it!

Fear not! I included them in our emergency kit!

Hey, Ronald! Let's play!

Okay. Thanks.

[wind howling]

[boards creaking] Whoa!


Oh! The hurricane is right over us!

This is scary. Even for a superhero!

Stay close, friends! We'll get through this together!

[wind howling]

Hey! The hurricane has moved on!

And we're all okay!

[all]: Hooray!

Let's go check outside!

Oh no! Looks what the hurricane did to my house!

Don't worry, Ronald.

We'll help you clean up and build back better.

Thanks. It's great to have such superhero friends!

I can't wait to tell Nature Cat

how I'm friends with real heroes!

He's going to be so jealous! [chuckling]

I'm sure I will be.

I mean, he will be. [clears throat]

Now, Nature-tastic Four,

let's start rebuilding!


[Squeeks]: And the Nature-tastic Four helped clean up

the neighborhood! The End!

Huh! Now that was exciting, Squeeks!

Loved it! But hurricanes can be scary.

True, but just like the Nature-tastic Four,

we can do things to prepare and protect ourselves

when really bad weather comes.

Like make an emergency kit!

[wind howling]

Yes! Yes! And be there for each other, just like...

[all]: The Nature-tastic Four! Protectors of Nature!

[action music]

[upbeat music]

