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01x01 - "Clock-in"

Posted: 01/20/24 22:33
by bunniefuu
Come on, everybody, wake up, please.

Wake up.

Did you not hear the bell? Come on! Esther, come on.

Come on, the bell's ringing.

Come on, everyone.

Esther Price! Get up out of bed! Oh, it's freezing! Out the way.

It's freezing.

Try it! Tommy! Hey! Tommy, George, pack it in.

It wasn't me.

Let's get Esther.

I said get out of it! Go on, go on! Right! Right! We're going! Oi, Tommy! Come, on get out! I'll tell.

Let me in.

You look at me.


This is that big! Tommy! Help! Help, please! Someone, help! Get Mr Crout! It's all right, son.

I've got you! Tommy's hurt! Move! Shut it down! The mule room's stopped.

Let Robert deal with it.

Sam! If you'd been out here Shut up! It was an accident.

What's happened? You two, run.

Go and get a cart! You and you, clean this mess up.

Get the machines moving.

I'll take him.

Miriam! Dr Holland's at the 'prentice house.

Take him there.

Plain careless, master.

You know, I'm always telling them.

Well? Do we keep him or send him back to the workhouse? Dr Holland! It's his hand! Get him on the table.

Are you OK? You're apprentices.

Orphans and b*stards.

No-one'll listen to you.

So say nothing.

This couldn't have happened at a worse time.

Visitors tomorrow, the factory commissioner up from London, these ten-hour agitators.

Laudanum please, Mrs Greg.

I wouldn't put it past him doing this on purpose.

Risked a finger, and lost a hand.

You're risking your job and I'm losing my temper, Mr Timperley.

I beg your pardon, missus.

And I beg some Christian sympathy for a suffering child about to undergo an amputation.

My heart goes out to the poor little mite, Mrs Greg.

Hold his head.


How's Tommy, Mrs T? All I know is Mrs Greg took his hand away in a bucket.

He's clinging on with what's left.

Here's one for your bastard.

Thanks, Mrs T.

Was it his cack-hand or his pud-puller? If she buries it, do you think there'll be a funeral service? Not for a hand.

A head, maybe.

We should get him a treat.

Filch an apple from Farmer Dale.

Poor Tommy.


We should say something.

It were an accident.

He was distracted.

Well, that's his own fault.

By what Charlie was up to.

Esther! Report him.

I'll back you up.


I'm looking for the best mechanic in Lancashire.

You want Richard Roberts.

No, I want his apprentice.

The younger, hungrier Richard Roberts.

Well, I'm hungrier.

Do you ever ask yourself how a man with your skills ended up in a debtor's prison? There's a black mark against your name, Daniel.

The mark of an agitator.

You'll never receive a testimonial and you'll never find employment.

And so here you are, abandoned by your comrades, a talent wasted.

Then why are you here? To get you out and to give you a job.

Remove his manacles.

18 bob a week from which I'll deduct your debt and your rent, and in return you come to Quarry Bank and build me the best power loom in the world.

You're one of the Gregs? Robert.

I'm not your enemy.

And I take care of my workers.

I've a carriage waiting outside.

I'd rather walk.

It's 12 miles.

It's been nearly 12 months.

I'd prefer to walk.

Report to my office, first thing tomorrow.

When did you get out? Urgh! Urgh! We've got parish visitors here tomorrow.

Don't let them in.

Tell them you're busy.

We need their support.

Times are changing.

He's awake! Hello, Thomas.

How are you? We're all praying for you, Thomas.

Parish visits are pointless.

You waste a day cleaning up and a day showing them round.

If the ten-hour Bill becomes law, it'll be worse.

Thomas? Government inspections, more regulations Thomas? Hold on.


Can we see Tommy before prayers? He isn't here.

He's gone.

Where is he? Somewhere more comfortable.

Heavenly Father, watch over us this night and preserve us from all harm.

We give thanks We give thanks for thy bountiful gifts and the kindness of our benefactors, the Gregs.

We commit ourselves entirely to thy disposal and whether we enjoy or suffer or live or die May we be mercifully accepted as thy children and disciples of thy Son, Jesus Christ.



Miriam! Shh! Miriam! Just go away! I'm tired.

I think Tommy's dead! You told your sister what happened? She didn't see what happened, Esther.

No, neither did Charlie Crout! Shut up, Esther! Why are you protecting him? Shut up! Shut up! If I have to come up those stairs, I will drop every last one of you! Come here.

Go back to bed, Esther.

Is that Charlie's? Is he the father? Do you think I'd let that foisty weasel anywhere near me? Shit! What's he done to you? When Tommy had his accident, Charlie was in the privy with his hand up her skirt.

Don't feel bad, Mim.

Everybody knows he's a beard splitter.

See, you're not the only one.

And we'll tell the visitors tomorrow.

Esther, I'm an apprentice.

He's an overlooker! We'll all back you up, won't we? No.

Now, I've seen half a dozen parish visits.

They ask about your lessons and what you had for your tea, and nothing ever comes of it.

This time it's different.

This time, someone's dead.

And I've been here longer than any of you, and in all those years, there's been maybe 20 apprentices die, and only two of them were accidents.

Well, there's three now.

Esther, compare that to other mills.

We can't let him get away with it, Mim.

If you don't tell someone, I will.

Thank you, Mr Henshall.

The latest loom design.

Build a prototype.

If it passes muster, I want 300.

I want you to make it run automatically.

It doesn't have to destroy jobs.

Most of my hands only have a work shirt and Sunday best.

By the time I'm my father's age, the world will have a wardrobe.

I believe in the future, anything is possible.

I used to believe that, too.

You'll need a beam engine, 20 horsepower at least.

Whatever it takes.

I hear John Doherty was att*cked yesterday.

He's not short of enemies.

He may have deserved it but I'll hold no truck with it here.

Do you understand? Aye aye! Here he is now.

Told you he wouldn't keep you waiting long.

How are you? Good day to you, sir.

Nice to see you.

Good to see you again.

Don't mind me getting under your feet, Robert.

And it's good to see old friends again.

Retirement doesn't agree with you, then, Samuel? It's HE doesn't agree with IT! Would you like to follow me, gentlemen, please? This is mule room two.

Susannah, works in the carding room.

This is Crout, our overlooker.


Are you content in your work, my dear? Beg your pardon, sir? Are you happy here? Content? Yes, sir.

My new man, a mechanic.

Daniel Bate, my father, Samuel Greg.

I thought we were well provided with mechanics.

Not as skilled as Daniel.

Hey! If you're so skilled, do something about that! Children.

They have their lessons in here.

Now sit down.

And how many do you have under your superintendency, Mr Timperley? 63.

19 from your parish.

When did you begin working here? Since I were eight.

Eight? When his mother died, George came to be with his sisters.

Yes, we try not to separate families.

Which are your sisters? Susannah and Miriam.

Ah, we can have a proper conversation now.

Is it good? The food? Yes, sir.

What hours do you work? Six in the morning till eight at night.

With time off for dinner and breakfast, and hours are shorter in the summer drought when there's less water in the river.

It averages 12 a day for the year.

Any complaints, Miriam? You're treated well by your masters, your overlookers? Mm hmm.

Anybody else? Any complaints? Right, we'll leave you to your meals.

God bless everyone.

Ask Tommy Priestly if he's got complaints.

Tommy? He's not actually here.

He's dead! Caught in a machine.

The boy I told you about.

My wife's looking after him at home.

Did he Did he tell you he only had an accident cos cos the overlooker was in the privy with his hands up Miriam's skirt? If it's true, then it's an outrage and I won't stand for it.

Is it true? Don't be afraid.

It's our duty to look out for your welfare.

Did this man touch you? No.

What this girl claims to have seen, is there any truth in it? Yes, sir.

There is? Miriam denied it.

Probably ashamed, sir.

I was searching her to see if she had any bobbin waste about her.

Some of them hide it up their skirts.

Yes, we have had problems with petty thievery in the past.

Thank you, Mr Boon.

Keep your ends up! I'm sorry.

I was careless.

It does you great credit, Mrs Greg, bringing him into your own home like this.

Oh, it was Robert's idea.

His home is too far away.

When there's no natural guardian, all the privileges of a parent and all the duties transfer to us.

It's always been our philosophy here, as you know.

Oh, before you go, gentlemen, I'm on the organising committee for the Manchester Ladies' Anti-sl*very Society Ah, she likes to fight the good fight! And I was wondering if I could interest you in a talk? Delighted.

I have the very sermon.

We have already invited a speaker.

I was thinking you might like to hear her.

Shall we? Did I do right, master? I've dropped Esther in it.

I couldn't say anything.

I couldn't.

Because of this.

Charlie knows who the father is.

He saw you and he's going to tell.

And then what? They're not going to let you live in the village or work in the mill any more, are they? So that means once the baby's born, you'd have to go for good.

I couldn't I couldn't bear that.

But I can put up with Charlie Crout.

But I'm meant to be looking after you.


You need to find a husband.

Or lose the baby.

You don't mean that.

What did you say to them, then? Esther, just leave her alone.

What did you say to them? Esther, leave her alone! I told you they wouldn't listen, didn't I? I told you Well, if they didn't listen, what did you tell them? They own us! They don't have to listen.

They don't own me! They own you till you're 21, you cretin.

Susie! Do that again and I'll skelp you! Susie, stop it! Come on, then, I dare you! Susie, the baby! Oh, we can all see you've been owned once or twice! Susie, stop it, the baby! Stop it! Stop! What you doing? She asked for it.

You saw.

What did you tell them? Nothing! I lied.

I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.

If you backed me up If you'd all backed me up they'd have listened.

They would have had to listen.

I can't do this on me own! You're late.

Overtime with me tonight.

I'm not late! Oh, I say you are.

It's nothing personal.

I just go by the bell.

Through the gate before it stops.

That's the rules.

See? You're late.

And if you want to complain to Master Robert, he'll be out on important business today with me.

Because he trusts me.

I think he'll pull through.

And how are you feeling, Thomas? I get a bit lonely.

Nothing to do all day.

My head starts thinking on sad thoughts.

Me mam and that.

No better remedy for melancholia than a purgative.

Two teaspoons of the green mixture, twice a day.

I'll call in and see you when I can.

I don't think the green stuff will cheer me up, Mr Timperley.

I'd rather have the leeches.

Shit yourself happy, son.

A good cack puts a smile on the longest face.

Right, you can walk from here.

Strong lad like you got less weight to carry now as well.

Come on.

Or the land will never be still! We will have the Ten Hour Bill! We will have the Ten Hour Bill! Yes, we will, yes, we will, or the land will never be still! Here you are, lad.

Support the bill! Support the bill! Free to you, Mr Greg.

These commissioners, hand-picked for their indifference to infant suffering, are nothing but apologists for the mill owners! Their purpose is to delay the passing of the Ten Hour Bill, a bill that merely seeks to ensure that no child works more than ten hours a day.

Our children know nothing but work and suffering from Monday morning to Saturday night.

The cruelties inflicted upon them, the long hours they work, would disgrace a West Indian plantation! We shall have the Ten Hour Bill! Yes, we will 'We will have the Ten Hour Bill! We will have the Ten Hour Bill! 'Yes, we will, yes, we will, or the land will never be still!' Come forward.

You understand that this is a Royal Commission and that everything you say is under oath? Yes, sir.

What means are taken to enforce obedience on the children? Barely beyond a box on the ear, sir.

Just to get their attention.

Are corporal punishments inflicted on anyone employed in your works? Never.

Do you have reason to believe that work people may be afraid of displeasing their masters by giving evidence to this commission? No.

Do you have any other observations to make? Only that I'm an example, sir.

Through hard work and diligence, I've learnt a trade.

I've risen from apprentice to overlooker.

I know nothing of other mills, but I can say that the children employed by Mr Greg are most content with their situation.

When I see one of those pious, canting, liberals riding in their carriage, I remember the vehicle is built of infants' bones.

It's lined with their skin.

The tassels are made out of their hair.

The harness, their sinews.

The very oil with which the wheels are greased is made of infants' blood! 'We shall have the Ten Hour Bill!' 'Yes, we will, yes, we will!' State your opinion as to the probable effects of a further reduction in working hours.

Reduce the hours children work then we'd have to employ them in shifts.

In rural mills, shifts of children would be difficult to acquire.

Did you answer the right questions, Mr Greg? Did you answer the right questions? In towns it would be difficult to stop a child working at one mill in the morning and another in the afternoon.

Rogue employers would then force their adult operatives to work longer hours to cover both shifts.

Decent employers like us would have to lower production and thus lower wages, handing the advantage to our competitors, both at home and abroad.

What is your opinion of the effect factory labour has on children? There is nothing destructive of life or detrimental to health resulting from working in a cotton mill for 12 hours a day.

Where are you going? You're overtime, remember? I would rather see a child toil in a mill than starve by the road-side.

It's rag week, Charlie.

I don't believe you.

Come into the privy and let's see your clout.

Touch me and you'll go home with less fingers than Tommy Priestly! I like a lass who puts up a fight.

Well, you'll love me then.

I will, yeah.

What are you doing here? Making a safety guard.

Does Master Robert know? No.

No? Well, then you can't.

It's not your job.

Who's to stop me? I'm in charge of this room.

I wouldn't brag about that after what happened.

You can't just go around doing things on your own without permission.

It could save a life.

A little bit of danger keeps the workers on their toes.

A false sense of security, it makes 'em careless and lazy.

As opposed to harmless and dead? Is that what you mean? Is it?! Is it?! I'm not losing my position over this.

I'm still in charge here.

Get to work, you! I want every spindle oiled and this room spick and span before you even think about leaving.

I'll keep my eye on you.

Looked like he wanted more than his eye on you.

It's lucky you turned up.

Saved his life.

That's what I thought.

Tommy? Careful.

How are you feeling? Here.

To cheer you up.


It's better than the green stuff.

If you're on the green stuff, I wouldn't Never mind.

Do you think they'll get rid of me? No.


Laura Limp lost a foot.

Kept her on.

But that was when old man Sam was in charge.

What were his house like? Like heaven! Pot.

Pot! I'm gonna cack meself! Get the pot! Quick! Too late for the boy, and probably pointless, one machine and not the others, but it shows what's possible.

Can I go now, Charlie? I'm done.

You can leave with me.

It'll suffice.

Are you missing something? A spanner.

Someone else must be using it.

Good night.

Go back to sleep.

Where is everyone? What's wrong with the bell? Untied the rope.

They stole the clapper.

You're late for work! Get up! Come on, get up! I can't hear the bell.

Can anyone else hear the bell? No need to hurry then.

Crout? Knock 'em up at the apprentice house.

What's going on? The bell's been sabotaged.

Come on, put that down! You're late! Move it! It's not a playground! Nothing personal, but I go by the bell.

Through the gate before it stops, isn't that the rules? It hasn't even started.

It's a lovely morning for a stroll.

It's good to be alive, sometimes.

Come on! Don't dawdle, come on! Get a move on.

All of you! You'll all work overtime tonight, every one of you! Hurry up, now! Whoever's had their hands on my bell Show's what's possible, eh? I hope you don't come to regret that.

Can I go to the privy? Yeah.

Go on.

Be quick.

What did you do with the clapper? What clapper? Where's it hidden? Up your notch? There's room enough, I'll bet.

You make as much noise as you like.

No-one'll hear you.

No-one will ever listen to you.

If I show you where it is, will you leave me alone? Why don't you try me? You sound flat, Charlie.

Here's your clapper, Master.

You'll go to jail for this, Esther.