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02x04 - Surprise Visitor

Posted: 01/20/24 22:38
by bunniefuu
He'll be halfway to Bledlow by now.

Gone to be with his sweetheart What are you doing here? This rally is our chance to prove that the charter is the will of the people.

Once we have a vote, we have a voice.

I made a mistake.

A huge mistake.

I shouldn't have gone with you.

It can't happen again.

All right, Esth'? I'm blooming.

Permission to go to the privy Mr H? I'll only be a pissing while.

That bladder must be the size of a walnut.

The baby's pressing down on me waterworks.

That's how I know it takes after you.

It's awkward and kicks like a clodhopper.

Calling a dog a duck won't make it quack.

Cover for her.

Quick, I'm not paying you to piddle.

How did they vote? 46 to 235.

We lost.

A million people put their mark on that petition.


One million, three hundred thousand.

More folk than live in London.

They had to take the door off the House of Commons to get all that paper inside.

And parliament spat in our faces.

They said it would end in barbarism.

All we wanted was the vote.

A disgrace! One million, three hundred thousand working men, against 235 top hats .


and the top hats took the day? Here, let's have a drink.

Why not? Got the unmistakable whiff of beck's hotpot I'll make me own way back.

Is he still keen? More chance of me milking a pigeon than taking Will Whittaker back.

Hey, after it's born, it'll need a wet nurse.

I can pay you a shilling a week.

Yeah, that'll be useful for somebody.

Will you do it? Moral, bloody farce if you ask me! Asking nicely has got us nowt! It's time we got these out.

Reason is our best ally.

How many Peterloo's? How many sabres up backsides and kids in pauper's graves before we build barricades? Our brothers and sisters in Newport took to the streets and without hesitation parliament ordered the army in.

22 of our brethren dead, 50 injured! 22 more reasons to fight! Every one of them I understand your anger.

I feel it.

I'd like to got to Westminster and smash their smug faces in! But the ruling classes will always have more weapons than us and they'll always be willing to use them.

And they'd rather see us dead than give us the franchise so Doherty's right.

Abandoning moral force only gives them excuses to k*ll us.

Hard as it may be, we have to restrain ourselves.

I say we collect arms and march to London in our thousands! No! Every one of us, and I'll tell you something, you're either with us or you're against us! You're meant to be Esther's friend.

I don't need her shilling.

Then don't take it.

Do it for free.

What, then I can be Esther's skivvy as well as yours? Now, you're not the only one that's had a bad day.

Stuck at home with no company Our petition's laughed out of parliament and you're missing a gab? Help her out.

No, I can't.

I'm going back to the mill.

No, you're not.

Why not? Because! Because What, you want me here, cooking meals you don't eat? No.

Then why? All right, you've had a bad day we'll talk about this tomorrow.

So you'll be here tomorrow night, will ya? I'm asking you to keep it shut.

Are you asking me? Yes! I'm going back to the weaving shed.

And the churchyard cough you picked up there? It's better now.

For breathing air not cotton! You're forcing me to stop at home for me health? The little 'uns need their mother! There are plenty of mothers in the mill, you don't argue that they don't go.

There's girls there who'd k*ll for what you've got! And I know why you don't want me to go back.

Daniel Bate thinks he can turn water into wine and he likes to just Go home to your husband.

Rebecca? He hit me.

Why? Cos he can.

You know you went to the Howlett's door? He must've knocked you daft! Susannah? Bugger off! Susannah, I can't take it back, I wish I could but I can't.

Tell it to a meeting! Oi! I'm up in five hours! I've a good mind to teach you a lesson! See how you do against a man! I'm going home now Susannah.

Here, I've finished it! We're in the middle of the worst economic downturn in living memory, we need to make cuts.

Per week you shell out three shillings and sixpence on food, nine pence on clothing, ten pence and three farthings on lodging for each apprentice.

Don't forget healthcare and incidentals multiply that by 37 and that's substantial outgoings for insufficient returns.

You mean get rid? Send them to the workhouse? Only the boys.

Females tend to be more productive and less truculent with one or two exceptions.

We have a duty of care to those children.

Others have already acted.

You're one of the last mills to run apprentice house.

Make the arrangements.

Master William will see you now.

How are you, Miriam? I'm very well, sir.

Looking forward to finishing my apprenticeship.

Family well too, I take it? Yes, sir.


Good, when your indenture finished, you'll not be kept on.

We want to thank you for your time at Quarry Bank and wish you all the successes with your future.

I'm being dismissed? Absolutely not.

You're being let go.

And if it's any consolation, we'll be sorry to lose you Miriam.

Here he is! Tom Cribb, England's most celebrated prize-fighter! Who's he been pummelling this time? The little woman! Gave his wife a belt and now he's fixing one.

Does it make you feel big hitting a woman? Scurried away like a field mouse, though, when the pregnant trollop walloped him.

Doffer, over here now! I've never even heard him shout at her.

What did she do? She married him.

Yeah, well, I might have to move in with them soon.

More likely to behave themselves then.

It's kicking to the knick of the mule.

Well, it better get used to it, be hearing that all it's life.


That's new.

Do you like it? Hello, Angela.

I want to go back to the weaving shed.

Your husband earns more money than any man bar the manager.

Does he think this is a good idea? It's me asking.

And I've never asked you for anything before.

I see.

Well, I want to help you, I do, but I can't give your sister her cards and then give you a position.

Miriam's being dismissed? I told her earlier.

That's another adult mouth to feed.


Your brother George may also need bed and board.

We're having to let the apprentice boys go.

It's been difficult coming back and taking charge what with the downturn Difficult? Difficult.

Come on, Angela.

Susannah I was wondering No.

I just feel there might be another solution.

Feelings aren't empirical data.

It just seems wrong.

Tell them George.

"He's known by all the poor people about "who never fail to take their hats off as he passes with great respect.

"The children idolise Mr Pickwick "and so indeed does the whole neighbourhood.

"Every year he repairs to a large family merry-making at Mr Wardle's.

"On this, as on all other occasions, "he is invariably attended by the faithful Sam "between whom and his master "there exists a steady and reciprocal attachment "which nothing but death will terminate.

" Hope you enjoyed that, boys.

Sir, is this bedtime story stuff going to be regular? Probably not.

You see .


I'm afraid none of you will be living here by the end of the week.

As the boy's dormitory will be closing and most of you will be going to the workhouse.

Night-night boys, sleep tight.

Did muff-brain just sack us? Oysters for breakfast again.

Daniel, the apprentice boys are getting the boot.

The union's got to tell William Greg he can't Yeah, get him told! The boys aren't in the union.

Not a wooden leg to stand on.

But I told the lads you'd stick up for us.

I wish I could, but there's nowt I can do.

Get wise, George.

He's shown his true colours.

Got bubbies or bum fluff and the union's not interested.

Your children missed you.

I try to do the right thing.

But sometimes I'll try harder.

I'll never raise my hand to you again, I promise.

I'll cut it off first.

A lot of good you'd be then.

Already useless.

Don't you dare.

When things are going well, anyone can stand tall.

Time it counts is when you don't have the energy to put one foot in front of the other but you still keep going.

People rely on you, same as the kids rely on me.

I'll forgive you .


but memories don't fade like bruises.

I swear to you from now on, I'll control my temper and if you want to go back to the mill then you can.

Our Miriam and George will be moving in with us.

We'll make room for them.

I'm tired.

I'm going up.

Good night.

You're a good man, Bate.

I knew you'd rise to my challenge.

Tell me what you've done exactly.

Applied the extra cylinder.

It used to power 20 looms, now it can drive 120.

And the pressure ratio? Increased from 5Psi to 60.

You could use the extra capacity to employ more hands.

There's not enough orders for 20 looms as it is.

We're already on shorter working days.

But it is a good investment.

The work you and I have done together, Bate, will change the fortunes of this mill when the tide turns.

May I speak to you on behalf of the apprentice boys? We both know they're not in your union.

In the name of human decency then.

Do you have to send them to the workhouse? Everybody will be in the workhouse if we go bust.

Including you? Watch your mouth in front of the master.

Bate's mad philosophy pays no heed to rank.

All we're after is a fair say for all.

And anybody who says otherwise gets a fist in the face? I'm sorry, your domestic situation is none of my business, but this mill is my business.

The apprentice house is uneconomic.

It's served its purpose.

These days, the village produces all the children we need by natural means.

And with trade as it is, I have a surplus of hands.

As I said to Susannah when she asked me to take her back.

Right Chins up, lads.

Let's go.

Takes us a while on shanks' pony.

You've been like a father to me, sir.

Goodbye, George.

Miriam .


remind me to your sister.

Right! George! Oh, George! That's for the wage earner.

I'm not that hungry.

We'll manage.

Come in.

If you still want me, I'll be glad to feed your baby at a shilling a week.

I want you there when it comes out, too, I'm not wasting money on a midwife.

Right, keep your noses and arses clean.

If things buck up I spotted you working in the garden first, but it wasn't until that night, though, with your waistcoat and finery, that I really saw you.

I thought you were the handsomest black man I'd ever seen.

I was the only black man you'd ever seen.

And you told me you were here to end the n*gro apprentice system and then you were going home.

Well, it ended and you stayed, why? I have a reason.

Should I be worried? No - you couldn't look at another woman the way you look at me.

It's not another woman.

So what is it? Nothing.

You just don't want us to be together? I do.

So why can't we? Vernon Greg.

Is that the Vernon you told me about once? What, he's a Greg? He was the plantation owner's nephew back in my grandfather's day.

So what has he got to do with us? Nothing.

If you want to meet him that much, why don't you just ask Hannah or William? I can't.

And you can't either.

Promise me you won't mention it to them? This is just an excuse.

You're right.

I'm sorry, forget I said it.

I'm just I'm not ready to It's fine.

It's fine.

Yes? Ah, who's died and made you Queen? I'm bettering myself.

What do you want, dishclout? To see Mrs Greg.

I'm sorry, Miriam, there isn't a position available.

Well, what about other Greg households? I could work for Robert! Or even your daughters, Bessie or Agnes.

They might need somebody.

Or even Vernon! Vernon? Where did you get the name Vernon from? Don't you have a nephew called Vernon? Who told you that? It's just wind! You can't be having the bastard on the mill floor.

He's not coming yet and he's not a bastard! Is this it? Get yourself home.

We'll dock your wages half a day.

Can I go with her? Mop it up.

Women know how to have babies! Now! Back tomorrow! I heard the mule was as big as a water buffalo and it stood on the plantation path refusing to move, kicking anyone who came near it.

And then your grandfather came along.

k*lled it.

One punch.

That's how he got his nickname.

It's a myth, Peter.

A story.

According to our attorney, Dr Bremner, who was on the plantation at the time, the mule died from lockjaw.

Its body went into spasm, which explains the kicking, and they called him Grandpa Punch because of his fondness for the beverage.

Why are you saying this? Because for your own good, you need to know that your Grandpa was a drunkard.

And it was drink that k*lled him.

Why are you telling me this now? Peter.

There is no such person as Vernon Greg.

When my brother-in-law owned the plantation, there was an overseer called Vernon, but he wasn't a Greg.

And despite what you may have been led to believe, he did not flog your grandfather to death.

You weren't there! It's all documented, Peter.

There was a trial, a judge, a coroner's report, and all found Mr Vernon entirely innocent.

White law, white judge, black sl*ve! Peter when people have nothing to hold on to, they cling to myth Your grandfather slowly drinking himself to death, that's just sad.

But a black man dying a martyr to a white man's cruelty that's inspiring.

And I'm sorry, Peter, but it's just not true.

II don't believe you.

I'll contact Dr Bremner, he can get you the documentation.

He was at the trial.

He examined your grandfather's body and he told me there wasn't a mark on it.

He's retired now and living in Scotland, but I'd be happy to invite him down to Quarry Bank to speak to you.

Put your mind at rest.

Susannah! Susannah! Susannah! You were a long time coming.

A dawdler.

Worth the wait, though.

Bonniest thing I'd ever seen.

Where's blabbermouth? Who? Miriam! Come back when you're sober.

Where is she? Keep drinking and she'll end up thinking she can do better.

Where is she?! Auntie Esther's house.

Is it supposed to hurt this much? Yes.

Don't push! Don't push! The baby's it's bum first.

Miriam, will you run and get the midwife? Wilmslow's six miles away! Don't worry, Esther.

we're gonna get it out.

I've changed me mind, leave it in, leave it in! I've changed me mind! I should have had a midwife.

You told Hannah Greg.

You Get out! Miriam, get him out.

Hold on to me, hold on to me.

I'm gonna die cos I didn't have half a bloody crown! It's gonna be fine! Now's not the time, go home! I wish I'd gone bloody deaf, too.

It's the wages of sin.

Up in five hours.

Look, even if it is yours, you can't afford it.

Shh We're going.

No, you can't I don't know what I'm doing! No one's shown me anything! No one showed you how to get pregnant either but you managed it! It's a boy.

A source of shame is what it is.

You've shit to shovel.

We need manure for planting.

You're not long up.

He'll be all right, won't he? Esther, you've barely given birth and you're hobbling back to work.

It shouldn't be like this.

Sit down, John.

I'm all right, sir.

It's about your son.

Timothy or Jack, sir? Have they got themselves into bother? The one in the army.

Job? He was posted to Afghanistan.

Did you know that? No, sir.

His mother will bake for Britain if he's coming home.

He's dead.

He's been k*lled, John.

Thank you for telling me, sir.

Good man.

You keep a stiff upper lip.

Yes, sir will do.

Go to the privy, rest in there.

I'll catch up for you.

Do you want to come and see the baby tonight? Can I? Mr H, I need the long drop Look at you, all cock-a-hoop over your first grandchild.

Sir, are you all right? Go on.

Are you sure you're all right? Yes.


You should have taken Susannah up on her offer to have him tonight.

You need to sleep.

We'll sleep together won't we? I'd best get back for tea.

I'd know.

I'd have felt it.

He's coming back.

He promised me.

Whose idea was it that he enlist? Answer me, John.

There was no other work.

I've followed you.

Let you have your way in everything.

I'm ashamed, John.

Ashamed I didn't protect him.

You should be proud.

I don't know whether I'll ever hold my head up again.

I don't care whether he did the right thing, I just want him alive! I want him here! I lost my brother to the army, I can't lose my boy, too.

You've cost me my son! This is your fault! Please! Let me take him Give you a break.

I'm your dad.

I never knew my dad.

But I'll always be here for you.

I promise.

Shhhhh Come on! # Rock of Ages, cleft for me # Let me hide myself in Thee # Let the water and the blood From thy riven There's something wrong with it.

How about Job? No chance.

Crispin? You're kidding, right? Patron saint of shoemakers.


Billy? Billy Whittaker.

Billy Price.

Not if you marry me.

What? Esther Price .


I'll make an honest woman of you.

What do you say? I'm late.

Why were you so upset? Why did it matter so much? They tell many stories about my grandpa and in most of them he's drunk.

But the one my mama told over and over was how he died.

How he was too sick to go to work one day and was flogged to death by Vernon Greg.

Now Hannah tells me there's no such person and it was the drink that k*lled him.

Could that be true? The only thing I know for sure is when I reach for the rum I behave like a paper scull.

Me and liquor are parting ways.

I'm signing the pledge.

I'll never drink again, I promise.

Best get a shift on.

Don't know if I still have a job.

Some idiot spent all day yesterday shovelling for you.

They don't know you weren't in.

Go on.

Don't want to lose your job.

Better than losing my sweetheart.

Will you forgive me? I'll think about it.

Go on! I'd never have believed I'd be so grateful to have children that sleep.

If I'd known how much having a baby would hurt me.

I still can't cough without consequences.

No wonder Lucy's planning on ending up an old maid.

I don't! Have you got your eye on anyone? Aye, lovely George is a catch.

So's a cold.

He's too nice.

And gormless.

And why have a calico smock when I can have a silk gown? William Greg's not the marrying kind.

Who takes home the best wages at Quarry Bank? Daniel.

James Windell.

He's clever, a bit serious but he's old, wouldn't have to wait long for the money.

I've been thinking about how I can help you.

Is your sister here? Good news, Miriam.

One of the girls at Lancaster Mill has died.

I'm sorry? You need to be there tomorrow if you're to take her place.

You're offering me a position? At my brother John's mill.

You're to leave straightaway.

She's keen! I know it's not done.

That I'm supposed to wait.

But I've been offered a position in Lancaster but I don't have to go.

I mean, I wouldn't if there's nothing to stop me.

Peter if you love me .


marry me.

I can't.

Of course you can! All the nasty talk we've had to put up with.

And you never wanted to push me into doing anything.

If that's not love, what is? I can't marry you.

Why can't we be together? You know why.

You're not sure.

What if Hannah is right about Vernon? If she can prove it, I'll come and find you.

And if she can't? I'll find Vernon Greg.

And then what? I'll k*ll him.

You'd hang.

Go to Lancaster.

I don't love you.

Yes, you do.

And I never will.

I needed you to teach me how to read so I charmed you.


A couple of kisses and jokes is all it took.

Then a pretty white girl on my arm to show them what I think of their decorum.

I am Yoruba and you are .


not for me.

We can keep you.

There's no reason to go.


If he loves me, he'll stop me.

Eh? He won't let her go.

Go on, man, stop the cart! It doesn't conquer all.

What? I'm sorry about Job.

You should have told me.

Had a baby.

We should get wed.

We can have the banns read Sunday.

I dunno, Will.

Thing don't work out just cos you want them to.

Look at Miriam, Susannah and Daniel scrapping.

Just help me with the money and be Billy's dad.

We don't need a ring for that.

You weren't even a virgin.

Neither were you.

That's different.

You lured me into that room.

I don't think so.

A whore would blush more.

And who knows how many there were before me? John's right.

You should hang your head in shame and wear yellow like the unmarried mothers in the workhouse, as a warning to other men.

Hey, where did you get that? I dyed it last night with onion skins and salt.

It's soaking! Yeah, but nobody but me and you knows that.

It's payday! If you think you're dragging me out for a month It won't last that long.

If every worker in Britain comes out, we'll win in a week.

I don't want to fight you.

Let 'em out! Being poor's not a crime!