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01x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 01/20/24 23:12
by bunniefuu
Are we sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin.

He's dead.

Who? The oldest man in Britain, it's me now.

I'm the last Victorian.

You're scared, aren't you? You're frightened I'll die before you finish filming.

It's not quite what you mean, is it? What you really mean is that YOU'RE frightened you might die before we're finished.

I can tell you about the Battle of Waterloo, from what I was told by the daughter of a man who was there.

I can tell you about the General Strike, the day Winston Churchill came and the ice cream we made and what happened to my teacher Thank you very much.

Anything for Mr Eyre? Oh? At last.

Willie, Willie, Harry, Steve, Harry, d*ck, John, Harry three, Edward one, two three.

Willie, Willie, Harry, Steve.

Harry, d*ck, John, Harry three, Edward one, two, three, d*ck two, Henry four, five, six then who? Pals together.

A great, great honour.

'Mary, Bessie, James the Vain.

'Charlie, Charlie, James again.

' John, Harry three I'll see you later? Easy, girl, easy.

What greater honour What greater honour could there be? Aaahhh! Ahhh, dead! 'William and Victoria, Edward seven next, 'and then came George V in 1910.

' What's Rutter going to do with our land? It's a field, not land.

It's our land.

Bert! Bert! Bert? Boy! Son! I didn't want to sell the field.

Not to Rutter, not to anyone.

But we have to give ourselves a chance.

And a new start has to be paid for.

Come on, show me.

All right.

Left or right? You going to lead with your left or your right? You have to make your mind up.

Make your mind up.

Is it Joe? Private Joe Middleton.

Two names and a rank.

For a horse? Molly?! She pulls t'cart that takes milk to t'station for Sheffield train.

How many cows on the farm? Six.

Not much milk.


We wouldn't survive without her.

Well, we're here for a few more days.

Some other horses to look at.

We'll have a think about Molly.

You should too.

What do you mean? A horse like that, what is she? 16 hands? a*tillery are dying for big beasts like that.

Ask yourself, do you really need her more than your country needs her? It's a question of conscience really.



Wait till we're married.



Ah, here she comes.

Hello, trouble.

Here we go.

Come on, love.

I had a letter from our Paul yesterday.


That's What, what did he say? "Hope this finds you in the pink as it leaves me.

" Anything else? No.

They don't sound themselves when they write, do they? Now then, don't be late for work.

Come on, girls, inside.

Safe? Oh.


Take your time.

There's more than one column now so I've to look at the top of the second column as well as Sometimes the the Ms are in the first column and sometimes in the second column and sometimes they're in both.

Why are you back here? I'm working for the council.

Not a detective anymore? No.

So what's your Taking an interest in local life and local history.


I can't have it.

If you're late, the process is missing a part You.

Who's going to ink the boots if you don't? I can't have lateness and I'm not going to have it.

Leave immediately.

Leave? You can't do that! It's done.

Do you know how much women like Grace sacrifice for you? She goes 12 hours without feeding her baby.

No baby died because The mother, not the baby.

Where do you think the milk goes, if you don't feed? The breast becomes engorged.

Can you imagine how painful that is? And how do you think a woman feels? All of that and now because she's late once Who do you think you are? Could I have a word? I have to let her go.

Mister Hankin I don't have the money.

You need Grace Middleton inking the boots tomorrow.

The inspection? Now hold your nerve, Hankin.

She can go back to work.

So, when you think of men from this village doing their duty fighting evil, protecting you, isn't it good to know that we shall be together, side by side in a Pals Battalion named for this village? Conscription is not the right word for it! Because it doesn't do justice to what we are being asked to do.

It is a great honour, that's what it is.

A great honour! Isn't it, Mister Eyre? Is it? And, er, what would you call it? Have you grown taller, sir? What did you say?! The minimum height requirement for the army has come down, Bert.

Oh, perfect, they will fit.

Eva, there you go, Eva.

Tommy, ready

Get them on your feet.

Ah Francis, look at those.

They were made for you.

Mr Eyre, grab hold of those.

What's that for, sir? This tells people that I'm ready that I'm not a shirker.

You sound like Lord Kitchener.


Did you get a letter, sir? Yes, I did.

Get it off.

Now, remember, everyone.

There's breakfast, dinner and tea.

Breakfast, dinner, tea, it's easy.

How old do you have to be? You'd think a teacher would know the right date.

This is Mr Bairstow, and he wants to find out all about us.

So, I want you to answer his questions accurately and honestly.

What did you have for breakfast this morning? This morning? Yes.


You? Porridge.

Anything else? Eggs.

Really? Bread, jam, meat! Suet pudding.

Anything else? Bert.

Bert! Oh, Bert's coming over.

It was you that told them about big Molly, wasn't it? She has to do her duty.

The farm needs her.

She can't go.

While you've still got a farm.

Leave him alone.

You! Leave him alone.

Joe? Shouldn't there be people? What's the point in having a picture with nobody in it? Well, you can capture a moment with a photograph.

A particular place at a particular time and then, you have it, to look at, forever.

But you could come to the Dew Pond at any time.

Why do you have to catch it? We all like to give things shape and form.

It's because we're all afraid of dying, Bert.

Are you all right, sir? Sorry.

We saw a witch here, me and Joe.

She tried to pull me under.

I would've drowned if I hadn't swam.


Swum? Swam? There's something that I need to tell you.

And I haven't told you already because I know you're going to be disappointed in me which makes me a coward, really.

You're not a coward.

You would protect us, wouldn't you, if the Germans came? Of course.

How does Hankin get the casualty list before The Times, Edmund? Wrong question.

WHY does he get it first? And you're going to give me the answer? And what do people do? Hmm? They go to Hankins to look at the lists and when they see that their son or father isn't dead, they buy their daily bread at Hankins.

Hmm, so the w*r is a business opportunity, is it? According to my mathematics, based on the present rate of advance, we should be on the Rhine, what, 180 years from now.

We can't all stop breathing for a couple of centuries, George.

Life doesn't just stand to attention while the w*r walks past in its own time.

180 years is a lot of boots.

Throw a punch.

And again.

Keep it straight.

And again.

You're left
-handed? Boxing don't lie.

So, you lead with your right.

Throw a punch.

Keep it straight.

Throw a punch.


And again.

That's it! Harder! That's it! It's called Stockholm Tar.

Look, she has some cuts and grazes on her.

And the tar applied to Stops the flies.

They can cause mastitis, you see, which would be very dangerous for her.

You have to be careful it doesn't get anywhere else.

Just the tips.

Oh, hello, Lottie and Daisy and Ah, what's the little one called, George? I can never remember.


Miss Lane.

Caro, I think The Minister's daughter not good enough for you, Mother? That is what you're talking about? If you will burst into rooms What were you saying? She's young.

Only two years younger than I am.

Do stop treading on everything I say! Give a little space, George, so we can all breathe.

Hmm? Mm

She's young.

There's nothing so frightening than the righteousness of people under 30.

You're patronising me! Well, I'm your mother.

I'll do whatever I like with you.

Well, I can't tell you how glad I am that conscription's finally here.

And what will fighting give you, George? Better poems?! George is sick with love for the Minister's daughter because he mistakes her righteousness for conviction.

He thinks that getting k*lled will impress her, forgetting, of course, that the thing about getting k*lled is that you're dead.

Sort out an exemption for him.

Lovesickness isn't generally enough.

And if he wants to go Well, find a way.

sh**t him in the foot.


It's called Stockholm Tar.

Expensive? I could get you some.

She was my first.

You should give her a name.

She's a cow.

The inspection's an hour away.

I think they might walk out if you don't agree to this.

These women need to go home and feed their babies.

Right now.

Ten minutes.

Ten minutes? That's what I said.

And if they're not back, this inspection fails, I'm out of business and none of you will have any work.

Go and tell your engorged ladies that.

Come on, I'll race you.

Joe! My Joe.

Oh! I was worried because Margaret had a letter from Paul and I had nothing from you, silly.

You don't know? What? The inspection failed.

I don't understand it.

Did they say why? No.

Damn it.

Look, I can't survive paying a wage bill like this.

Not without the boot orders.

I'll pay it.

Why would you do that? Because I believe the factory can succeed and because, in exchange for saving it now, I want half the business.


Rising above won't do any more.

My God, I'm bored of behaving well.

Now, gentlemen.

When is the date on which the appeal against your decision will succeed? sn*per, through the heart.

He was alive and then he was dead.

sn*per, through the heart.

He was alive then dead.

Wait, for my husband.




No, I'm Joe.



Paul? No, no, I'm Joe.

Don't forget to close your eyes.

Open your eyes.

So? Agnes It was a sn*per.

Through the heart.

He he was alive and then he was dead.

The wedding will mean more now.

The village will come together.

That'll be Margaret.


You must be At first we had three.

Three more makes six.


It's Mr Ingham's comb.

He used it on all of us and now we've all got them.

Whole school's scratching.

The cows have names.

Do you want to know them all? Better
- come out and meet them.

Come on! Father? My one's called Gertie.


She's a kicker.

She's used to me now.

It's rare that she kicks.

I'm from Glossops.

It's about your milk.

What about it? Well, there's garlic in it.

We can't have that.

I'm sorry.

No, no, wait.



It won't happen again.

I swear on me children's lives.

If it happens again we don't want your milk.

Deliver tomorrow.

Clean and fresh.

Thank you.

Tomorrow? It can't be done.

Come on.

Molly, hurry up.

Stop, stop, stop! Stand! Come on, in with them quick or we won't catch our train.

Come on, let's get these loaded.

Come on, let's get these in.

Get this to the station.

Fast as you can.

Kings and Queens.

I won't be long.

Come on, let's hear you.

Willie, Willie, Harry, Steve, Harry, d*ck, John, Harry Edward d*ck, Henry How old are you? Is that old enough to have a conscience? It's common courtesy to include everyone in a room in a conversation.

I do it with my very youngest pupils so I'll ask that you pay me the same respect.

So this conscience you claim to have is not a Christian conscience? The Bible is full of God telling his tribe to go and k*ll people belonging to other tribes.

And he's particular about ordering the m*rder of women and children.

Infants, I think he says.

And he's even more particular, on one occasion, about sparing virgins so that they may be brought back as prizes.

He's not a peaceable God and it would be hypocrisy for me to rely on the sixth commandment just as it's hypocrisy for Christians to believe in it and then go and k*ll each other in France.

You're not helping yourself, Eyre.

I'm just telling the truth as I see it.

I don't have a strategy.

I'm not a politician.

Why did you write the wrong date up on the blackboard the other day? I like to get my pupils to see things for themselves.

To question authority? To question everything.

I don't like your smart answers and I think I speak for all of us when I say that I suspect that your godlessness has quite a lot to do with your shirking.

I'm quite happy to speak for myself, Colonel.

You have responsibility for our children.


What if German soldiers walked into your classroom and threatened to m*rder your pupils? I would try to dissuade them.

They won't be dissuaded.

Bayonets ready.

It's going to happen.

I would try and get the children out.

Doors locked.

No way out.

This is all hypothetical.

Not in Belgium, it wasn't.

Do you doubt they'd do it here? If you had a revolver, would you use it? Eyre? I would put myself between them and the children.

The g*n.

Would you use it? Let's make it easy.

Let's say it's one child, one German soldier, and you.

Now where there is a choice between a young boy entrusted in your care and a German soldier
- now, please don't run away from the question here
- would you save a child of this village? He told me.

Why don't you tell them? He said if the Germans came he'd save me.

Of course he would.

He's our teacher.

Objection to compulsory enlistment on grounds of conscience denied.

You will report for service at the direction of the Constable.



Whisky, please.

Hey, Joe.

How do? No, no.

Free in my pub to men home on leave.

Are you all right? I'm a shirker.

I'll have another.

Drink it.

Robert Browning.

If you can manage that then Anyway.

Is it the Pals? Will you be with Joe? Here.

Look at the world.

Don't flinch.

Record what you see, truthfully.

And stand by it.

Promise me the next dance is mine.

Oh, blows the winter wind my true love With grey, heavy cold showers of rain The first true love that ever I had In greenwood he was slain I'll do as much for you my true love As any young woman may I'll sit and mourn on his grave At 12 month and a day She had a child, you know.

At 12 month and a day The ghost began to speak Why dost thou sit here on my grave And never let me sleep? Just a little longer.

What dost thou want from me, true love? What dost thou want from me? I'll have a kiss of the clay cold lips That's all I request of thee My lily white lips are clay cold My breath smells earthly strong And if I kiss all of your lips Your time will not be long Don't grieve, don't grieve for me, true love No morning do I pray I must leave you and all the world And sink down in my grave.


Joe, you can talk to me if you want to.

And if it helps, you can tell me what it's really like.

A piece of shrapnel in his throat.

It's always surprise.

The look on their faces, which is funny really because the last thing it is is a bloody surprise! He drowned in his own blood.

But before he died, he fell forwards onto a shell hole filled with water.

He couldn't move.

His greatcoat, the weight.

He would have drowned quicker but I pulled him out.

I don't know why.

I held him up.

And he and he stared at me and then he goes to put his hand to his throat.

To do what? To do what?! To stop the blood? That's how he died.

It's pathetic.

Where are you going? Don't.

Don't! You don't understand.

None of you understand.

There's something wrong in him.

My sister has his child.

Where is he? Where is he? Where's my baby? We've been thinking, Middleton.

If you don't need your horse to take your milk to the station, what do you need her for? We'll be round for her tomorrow afternoon.

As we're honourable men, we'll let you have the money.

Corporal Molly Middleton.

Royal Horse a*tillery.

The great thing about conscription is that it's everyone.

Unless you're exempt.

What? Farmers are exempt.

What? Well, how would the estate farm survive without George? Don't be ridiculous.

Here's your exemption.

I'm going.

It's Miss Caro.

Oh, please don't go, George! Please don't go! I'll die if you go.

What should I do? Stay.

When I write, we can have our own secret code, you and me.

Now get me an old postcard.

And a pencil.

Right, I'll cross things out, as we're meant to but I'll do it in such a way that you can read more into it.

So a single line crossing out means I'm at the front line.

Two lines in the crossing out means I'm going up the line.

Three means I'm out of it.

Out of it? Out the front line.

What about if there's an attack? If you're going to attack? What was the last one? The the attack? A wiggly line.

A wiggly line if we're going over the top.


Shoes on.

Back straight.

That'll do us.

On your feet.

On your feet! Corporal.

You will be taken at dawn to a suitable place where you will be shot by firing squad.

Do you understand? Driver John William Hasemore.

It's the sentence that he received for disobeying an order.

Put this on.


Step outside please, Constable.

Put this on.

Where's he going? Follow him.

Will you step back from me a little? I want to walk.

I'll march down the hill properly.

My first picture, sir.


So so what's it like then? The first time you sh**t a Hun? Please, please.