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01x03 - Infestation

Posted: 01/21/24 09:01
by bunniefuu

You didn't have to, you know...

- I know. I just thought...
- Since you were leaving.

Is it wrong to want to say
goodbye to my sister?

You know I'd bring
you if I could.

Let's not ruin things with
a bunch of lies, Jess.

- I'm just trying...
- To apologize?

Why would I apologize for being
a productive member of society?

Oh, there's the girl I know.

At some point, you have to take
responsibility for your choices.

Coming from someone who's
never had to make any.

- [JESS] That's not fair.
- Ah.

Your college wasn't paid for?

Dad didn't leave
you the business?

What? And he should
have left it to you?

You're a criminal, June.

I've made mistakes.

And I'm glad you recognize that.

But they don't want
mistakes in the new world.

Well, thanks for the meal.
Have a nice flight.

Oh. Wait.

I didn't ask you here to fight. I just...
I just wanted to give you these.

My house. My car.

I'm not gonna need
them anymore, so...

I don't deserve this.

No, no. Start fresh.

Be a better version of yourself.


- I could live here?


I could drive your car?

- Wear your clothes?
- If you'd like.

So I could just... I
could just be you?







I was looking at it... I was
looking for anything to orient us.

Anything familiar, a
planet or a constellation.

But there was nothing, nothing... There
was nothing I recognized at all.

[JUDY] Okay. I don't understand.

Exactly how lost are
we talking about?

Yeah, "can't find your car
in the parking lot" lost?

Well, if this is earth and
this is Alpha centauri,

we are, metaphorically,
maybe, a 600-year drive away.


Okay, so, not metaphorically...

Trillions of light years.
It's, uh...

Look, if we got here,
we can get back.

So... how do we get back?

Honestly, unless the resolute
is intact and can find us,

we might be stuck here.

Which is why I need everyone
working on the problem.

- [JOHN] Maureen.
- Okay?

We need to get
comms operational.

Can't do that until we get
the ship out of the ice.

- Judy, you need to get...
- Maureen.


- I think we should take a breather.
- [MAUREEN] What?

[JOHN] With the storm outside,
there's nothing we can do,

and I think we'd all think a
lot clearer after some rest.

- I am kind of tired.
- Yeah. I think we all are.

Just an hour, mom.
Then I'll be ready.


Okay. I Will wake everybody
up after the storm.

Thanks, mom.



- Oh, no, doctor, don't. I've got it.
- Oh, please. Let me.

Thank you.


Um, your family...

Unfortunately, I... I had
to leave them behind.


No, it's okay.

No husband, no kids. Makes
it a little easier.

You're welcome to
stay with us until...



Let me show you where you
can store your stuff.

Doctor, engineer, soldier.

Sounds like I was rescued
by the right family.

I wouldn't say we're...

- It's complicated.
- Most families are.


- I'm a psychologist.
- Oh.

I actually specialize
in family therapy.

You've come to the right place.

Seriously, if there's anything I
could do to repay you somehow...

Don't worry, we'll
put you to work.

Um, so, you can store
your stuff in there.

I'm sorry we don't have extra
bunks, but there's, uh, blankets.

Please. I'll manage.

Okay. See you in a bit.

See you. Good night.






[JOHN] It's fine. It's
just the ice shifting.

I thought you needed the rest.

[SIGHS] I needed to relax.
There's a difference.


Hey, hon. Look...

What you went through
out there in the ice...

I know what that kind of
fear can do to your body.

More importantly, what
it can do to your mind.

- So, if there's anything you need to...

I'm fine, dad.



You do what you have to do.








You okay?

[GULPS] Yeah.

Bad dream?

[WILL] Sort of.

Don't tell anyone, but I still
get them from time to time.

And when I do, it helps to
say what they were out loud.

It was nothing. Really.
I'm fine.


[WHISPERS] I thought you
said it wasn't dangerous.

I'm gonna go back to bed.


Please don't mention
anything to my dad.

- Oh.
- About my nightmare.

I'm good at keeping secrets.


- In here, mom!

- Hey, is everyone okay?
- [SMITH] Uh...

[JUDY] What happened?

[SMITH] I don't know. It was
like something just hit us.

It's the glacier.
It's breaking apart.

- When the girls used the blast jets...
- Wasn't me.

Yeah. It wasn't her who totally
saved everybody's life.


If we don't get the Jupiter out of here,
the whole thing's gonna collapse on us.

The storm's over. It's
all clear up there.

Okay. Judy, pre-flight checklist.
Start with the thrusters.

Penny, as we get closer to the
surface, I want you on the radio.

Soon as we get the signal, we broadcast.
See if the resolute...

- [JOHN] Maureen.
- What?

We got a problem
with the engines.

What kind of problem?

We don't have any.

- It's heavy particulate from the storm.


It's blocking the air flow
to the ventilation shafts.

We're not going anywhere
until we clear this out.

- I'll get Judy to come down and start...
- Wait, you think she's ready?

What do you mean, ready?

After what happened, you're
not worried about her?

I'm worried about a lot of
things, Judy's not one of them.

She'll pull through.
She always does.

Well, maybe she'll pull through
faster if we let her sit this out.

You know, give her time...

We don't have time, John. This
part of the glacier is...

Unstable. Yeah, I know.

So is our daughter.

You really think you're the best judge
of what she can and can't handle?

Look, I know you and the
kids are this team, but...

[SIGHS] ...If I'm gonna be here,
you gotta let me be here.

All right. Um...

Then how do you think we
should handle our new guest?

Well, it seems to want to help us, but
we don't know why it's here, or what...

I meant Dr. Smith.

Oh. Yeah, right. Um...

Well, if she qualified
for Alpha centauri,

she must be trained in
emergency procedures,

so she should be fine.

Okay, aft engine cage.

We need to disassemble the
contaminated thrusters.

So bag and heat-seal anything
that needs to be on vc levels.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah. Sure.

How about you and I work together?
Okay, everybody else pair up.

- Dibs on Will.
- Seriously?

I want to spend quality time with
my brother. What's wrong with that?

[MAUREEN] You guys are on detox.

Every piece needs to be wiped completely
clear before it goes into the cage.

Guess you're with me.

Hey, you two, flush out
the combustion chamber

so we don't re-circ any
contaminants into the system.

Uh, John, does that sound okay?

Sure. Let's get this done.

Um... okay.

Your robot's totally gonna
do the work for us, right?

[MAUREEN] You go ahead. I'm gonna
print a few replacement parts.

[SMITH] Okay.

Is it safe?

I think that's the first time
I've ever heard you ask that.

Well, you haven't been around
to hear much of anything, so...

Hey, Jude?

It's okay if you don't
want to come down here.

Mom always says four hands
are better than two.

Doesn't she also say "too
many cooks spoil the broth"?

Not one time.



Speaking of which...

Hey. Everything okay?

Did you use the printer today?

No. Why?

A record came up. Someone ran
a program outside protocol.

Oh. So you automatically
assume it was me?

Not assuming. I'm asking.

Okay, I did think about it,
but it wouldn't let me.

Jesus, John.

This isn't your commune on Alpha centauri.
We need protection.

You know how I feel about
weapons in our house.

We already have one, Maureen.

It belongs to an 11-year-old boy
and we have no idea how to use it.

- It's protecting Will.

After everything that's
happened, I'm relieved.

It's one less thing we
have to worry about.

More importantly, if you didn't
print something, who did?

We can skip the heat exchanger,

but let's pull the rotary
coupling and the igniter.

[SMITH] Okay.

I have to be honest with
you about something.

And if it makes you regret taking
me in, I wouldn't blame you.

I was actually gonna ask you.

How did you get past
the restrictions?

What do you mean?

On the printer. There's a
firewall so people can't...

I think our signals are crossed.
I haven't touched your printer.



- What was it you wanted to ask?
- It's just that, uh...

My grasp of emergency training
isn't what it should be. Uh...

Most of my prep-grouping was
occupational and not familial,

and most of them were more
mechanically inclined,

so I figured they would...

[STAMMERS] I'm sorry. I...

I really should've
paid more attention.

I just never imagined
we'd end up...

Hey, it's okay. Nobody did.

Really? You seem like you've been preparing
for this since you were a child.

Might explain why I didn't
have a lot of friends.

- [SMITH] Oh, stop it.
- No, seriously.

[SMITH] Look at you.

intelligent, beautiful.

You remind me of my sister.

I didn't have any siblings.

It would've been nice.

Someone to help with the
chores, work the fields.

Work the fields? Am I standing
next to a genuine farm girl?

- In the flesh.
- Oh.

Not a lot of farm girls grow
up to be aerospace engineers.

- Well, when you wish upon a star...

♪ Makes no difference
who you are ♪



What the hell is that?

- [MAUREEN] What's going on?
- [JOHN] Fuel level's dropping,

which is weird 'cause
we're not using any.

Damage from the ice
could've caused a leak.

I'll go check it out.

Keep an eye on the fuel. If it
drops any faster, radio me, okay?

[JUDY] Okay.

Me, too.



Your mom said you'd know
what to do with this?

Uh, yeah, that's fine. Just
leave it there. Thank you.

What do you think about her?

Dr. Smith? I don't know.

- I don't know. I like her hair.
- That's how you form your opinion?

What about judging a
book by its cover?

Whoever said that has never
been to a bookstore.

You've never been to a bookstore.
The last one closed in...

That's not my point.


Hey, come back.

These parts aren't gonna
clean themselves.

Yeah, thank you.
Cool robot, Will.


Well, if there is a fuel
leak, it's not wide scale.

I'm gonna take a closer look.



Thanks. So, new development.

Somewhere along the line,
we started bleeding fuel.

[PANTS] What do we do?

[GRUNTS] Same thing we've been
doing, only a lot faster.

How much longer do
you think we have?

Until we run out of fuel or
until the glacier crushes us?

Seriously, why don't we all
pile into that chariot

and get the hell out of
here before it's too late?

Not a chance.

Maybe one or two people could
survive in there for a bit,

but not all of us.

I'm gonna take these to the kids and
see how they're doing on those parts.

[MAUREEN] Okay, great.



[WILL] Hey! What are
you looking for?

Come on.

I thought you were
supposed to listen to me.



- What's... what's that sound?


[WILL] No!



[PENNY] Will?


- Where's Will?
- I don't know.

[ROBOT] Danger, Will Robinson.

What kind of danger?

- Mom, be careful!
- Why? What happened?

There's something on the ship.

[JOHN] Okay. We
definitely got a leak.

- I'm just, uh, trying to find the...

- Source.





Joh... where's your father?

I... I think he's still in the basement.
Why? What's wrong?

Will said there's something on board.
Some kind of...

Some kind of what?

Judy, you go find Dr. Smith.
Penny, you stay here and...


Don't go downstairs.


- Is it dead?

- It is now.
- [PENNY] Okay.

- What is it?
- And why does it smell so bad?

No idea, but it probably came in through
one of the puncture holes from the crash.

- Think it's been hiding the whole time?
- Yeah.

Smells like it's been hiding
in someone's butthole.

I've never seen
anything like it.


Wait, where's Will?

It's okay. He's safe. The robot
locked him in the closet.


- Why?
- Why does he do anything?

I think that smell is fuel.

Makes sense. I found it in
the water next to the t*nk.


Fuel level at 52%.

Fuel's dropping. Faster now.

And I'm never
having unagi again.


Our fuel isn't leaking.
It's being eaten.

Our fuel is a methane hybrid.

One of the compounds must be similar
to its food source on the planet.

Any ideas how we get
out of this one?

I need a bigger whiteboard.

Are those our fuel tanks?

Is anyone else never
sleeping in here again?

Is it just me?

The jupiters were built
with two fuel tanks:

The primary and the reserve. So
far, our reserves are untouched.

If it stays that way, we'll have
enough to get out of the ice.

So we need to trap those things and
keep 'em out of the other t*nk.

Yes, but the emergency settings
Will open the reserve t*nk

when the primary gets too low,
and the only way to stop that

is to turn it off
manually at the source.

So, um, we have to go
down where the eels are?

At the rate these things are going, we
have about 15 minutes before we're dry.

I'll handle the t*nk.

You just get us ready to fly.

Hey, dad?

- Yeah?
- I can help.

Oh, it's okay. You
sit this one out.

No, seriously, I'm...
I can handle it.

I believe you, I do.

I want you to believe it, too.



I need to get in there.

[ROBOT] Danger, Will Robinson.

I know it's dangerous. It's
gonna get a lot more dangerous

if I can't get in there
to get a torque wrench.

Will, can you tell your robot
to open the damn door?

I've been trying.
He won't listen.

[SIGHS] Judy.

[JUDY] Yeah?

Judy, I need you to print
me a torque wrench, 11/16".

- [JUDY] That's gonna take...
- I know.

- Mom said we've only got...
- I know. Can you just do the best you can?

- What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna buy us some more time.

[WILL] I just...

I don't understand.

It's okay. It's not your fault.

He usually does what
I want him to do.


Why do you think that is?

I don't know. Maybe it's his
way of saying thank you.

For what?

For saving his life.

And now it's like
we're connected.

Like he just knows
what I want him to do.

Until now.

Maybe he's not listening
to your voice...

Because he's listening
to what's inside.

What do you mean?

Every day, we have these little
battles going on inside of us,

between what we want to do...

And what we need to do. And...

Sometimes they can be
very different things.

three access confirmed.

Level three access confirmed.
Level three access confirmed.


[SMITH] Good morning.

three access confirmed.

Level three access confirmed.

Level three access confirmed.

Excuse me, miss?

three access confirmed.

Hey, Jessica Harris, I've
been looking for you.

Hey, come on, why
aren't you stopping?

I'm sorry, I...

No, I'm sorry.

I just haven't been able to
get away from Holly lately.

At this point, I don't even
care if she finds out.

I just need to be with you.

Jesus, Jess. I thought
you'd been avoiding me.

- Can we go somewhere?
- I don't want anyone to see us.

Wait a minute.


- Who the hell are you?
- Let's make a deal.

You don't tell anyone about me,

and I won't tell your wife
about your bad taste in women.


Access granted.

- Stand clear.


- Air lock releasing in ten seconds.
- [MAN] You don't wanna do this.

Press to override.

- Nine, eight...
- Press the button.

- You don't want to do this to me.
- Seven, six,

- five, four, three...
- Just press the override button.

- Two, one.
- Please, override it!





[MAUREEN] Salt for the eels.

Clever. Sixth grade biology?

[PENNY] Close. Fifth grade.

It was actually Jimmy
sewerth's backyard.

You told me I couldn't play with him
because anyone who tortures worms

is destined to be a
future serial k*ller.

Right. Well, Jimmy's not going
to Alpha centauri, is he?

Your dad thinks I expect too much
of you kids sometimes. Do you?

Um... no.

[STAMMERS] I don't think you
expect too much from us.

I just think maybe, sometimes,
you expect too little from dad.

[GRUNTS] Hey, Judy.
How's it going?

Every time you ask,
it goes faster.

Okay, so not yet. [COUGHS]

Are you okay?

[GRUNTS] Yeah, yeah. I'm fine.


Hey, Maureen.

How are the engines
coming along?

- One down, one to go.
- Great.


I think some of these pieces
are still back in the hub.

- Do you want me to get them?
- Yeah. But be careful.


What... what are you doing?

I'm being careful.




What are you looking at?






Surface unstable.


- Hey! You okay?
- Yeah. You?

[SCOFFS] Sure. Judy, you okay?



But the torque wrench,
it didn't print.

Auxiliary t*nk released.

[JOHN] Don't worry. It's okay.

- John...
- Judy, hold a sec.

When the Jupiter's weight shifted,
it must've exposed the fuel sensor

and released the reserves
into the main t*nk.

[SIGHS] That's all the fuel we have left.
Now they got it.

We can't wait. We gotta
launch right now.

The last thruster's almost done.
I just have to secure it.

- So...
- Five minutes, tops.



[PENNY] Dad, help!

[MAUREEN] Penny!
Something's wrong.

Whatever it is, I'm sure
your family Will...

- They need me!
- [MAUREEN] Where are you?

- [WILL] Do something! Please!
- [JOHN] Penny!

Why won't you listen to me?

Please, help them.

Penny, where are you?

I don't understand. Why
won't he listen to me?

Shh. Deep breaths.

Fear is a powerful
emotion, Will.

If you and that machine are as connected
as you say, he can sense that fear in you.

It's okay to be afraid.

To want to save yourself.

No, it's not.

Self-preservation is
nothing to be ashamed of.

It's how we learn to survive.







Hey, sweetie. You okay?

Been better.

Yeah, that's going around.

They're all around me.
I can't move.

[SCREAMS] Oh, my god!

- Hey! Hey!
- No!

It's on my leg!

- [SCREAMING] No! It hurts, dad.
- Sweetie, it's okay.

They're not after you,
they're after the fuel.

But the fuel is...
it's all over me!

Sweetie, it's gonna be okay.

[PENNY] How do you know?


- Daddy? Daddy, no!
- Go! Go!

Go to the hub. Come on! Come on!

- [PANTING] Are we gonna die in here?
- No.

- Are you sure?
- 'Course I'm sure.

You and me, we're
survivors, aren't we?

level at 45%. No reserves.

[SIGHS] Here's what I think.

Your family, they risked their lives
out there in the storm to save me.

So I think it's time I
risked my life to save them.

I don't understand. We're in here.
How are you gonna get out there?

Your robot! Think about it. He only
cares about putting you in danger.

He could care less
what happens to me.

But I care what happens to you.


I appreciate that, Will.
I really do.

But one thing you'll learn about me...
I can handle myself.

Come on, tell him.

Robot, I'm gonna
need you to listen.









Okay! Okay!

- My mom and dad, make sure they're...
- [SMITH] I Will.

- [WILL] And my sisters...
- Don't worry.

I got this.

level at 30%. No reserves.


Warning. Fuel level at 25%.
No reserves.

Ejection initiated.

This operation Will compromise
the structural integrity

of your residential
transport vehicle.

Further aerial navigation
Will be eliminated.

29, 28, 27, 26...

Oh, come on.

Oh, no.

Come on!


Oh! Come on!



Oh, thank god! [EXHALES]

Oh, thank you.

Okay, okay.

We're good. Let's go.

You look terrible.

Thanks. You, too.


- Where the heck have you been?
- Figuring out how to save your ass.

[CHUCKLES] And she's back.

Fuel level at 15%.

That's okay. 15% should
be enough to get us out.

- But what about those things?
- They should just burn up on ignition.

Everyone hold tight.


- [MAUREEN] You've gotta be kidding me.
- What's wrong?

- Nothing. We should be...
- [AUTOMATED VOICE] Warning. Fuel at 10%.

- No reserves.
- Everything checks out.

[PENNY GASPS] We're gonna get crushed.
What do we do?

- Dump the fuel.
- What?

- Dump the fuel.
- We can't, we need...

If those things are still in the t*nk,
they might be clogging the intake valve,

which means whatever
fuel is left down there

can't get into the
combustion chamber.

Ever drink fresh lemonade and
get a seed stuck in your straw?

[STAMMERS] I know,
Judy, it's just...

Fuel level at 8%. No reserves.

[JUDY] Trust me.

There's still enough fuel
in the lines to get us out.

Do it.

[AUTOMATED VOICE] Fuel ejection system...

Maureen, does this
thing run on fumes?

I sure as hell hope so.

[PENNY] Dad?

[JUDY] Dad, watch out!




- John...
- It's okay, I got this.



- [PENNY] Dad?
- Brace yourselves.


[MAUREEN] You okay?


Does anybody have a mop? I
may have barfed a little.


[MAUREEN] It's beautiful.

Nice bit of flying you did.

It's a good crew.

[PENNY] We've got comms.
They're live!

- [MAN] This is Mark on Jupiter 22...
- [MAUREEN] There are other survivors.

- [MAN 2] We have established...
- [MAUREEN LAUGHS] We're not alone.

- [MARK] Standby.

- Wait a sec. Will. Will. Will!



I'm so sorry I wasn't
there to help.

It's okay, sweetie.

You would've if you could've.

[PENNY] Guys! Guys, come here!

- What?

[MAN] This is captain radic
broadcasting from the resolute.

We've taken on heavy damage,
but are still operational.

Life support systems
have been stabilized.

Navigational capabilities
are being assessed.

Wounded are being tended to.

Most importantly, we believe, in time,
we'll be able to get back on course

- toward our new home on Alpha centauri.

Thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you!


- [JUDY] Mom, mom, mom!

I know, baby.

[RADIC] And for those of you
who are unable to return,

know that as soon as
repairs are completed,

we Will find you.

Did you really think we wouldn't find you?
Do you think you're the first person

who thought they could fake
their way into a new life?

June Harris. Quite a career.

Breaking and entering.
Possession of stolen goods.

Identity theft.

Now it seems you've
graduated to the big time.

We have you on camera
taking that man's life.

I was defending myself.
It wasn't my fault.

You don't actually
believe that, do you?

Well, miss Harris, I have some
good news and some bad news.

The good news, we haven't set
up a system of justice yet.

No courts. No jail.

Bad news?

We haven't set up a
system of justice yet,

which means I can do whatever
the hell I want to you.


- [MAN] Sir, we've had a breach.
- What kind of a breach?

I don't know. They're asking
for you in the control room.

Sit tight. We are not done.
Not even close.




What is it?

What are you doing with that?

I don't want it.

Wait. Did you make it?

With our printer?


[ROBOT] Danger, Will Robinson.

Danger? From what?

That was just a bad dream.

Look... I know you don't
want to hurt me...

But if we're gonna be friends,
you can't hurt anybody.


Do you understand?
