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02x06 - Severed

Posted: 01/21/24 09:14
by bunniefuu
All metals are under quarantine.

That means rings, that means studs,

that means your glasses,
even if they just have metal hinges.

All metal. No exceptions.

Your equipment goes in the bag...

They're not letting Jupiters land.

Everyone's being pulled up with ziplines.

Better safe than sorry.

Yeah, I'm the one who's going to be sorry.
These things ride all...

Yup. I got it.

It's like the planet declared w*r
on machines.

As a mechanic, I take that personally.

Please follow
level three decontamination procedure.

Can I open my eyes yet? Aagh!

Decontamination complete.

I asked for that.


Mm, sweet, sweet recycled air.

- My knee!
- Are you all right?

What happened? Are you okay?

Okay, easy, easy, easy.

I don't know. Something just popped.

Hey, West.

Oh! Not the face.

I haven't had a Cuban in almost a year.

Still in business?

Uh, well, Andre, we aren't exactly
in a currency-based economy these days.

What do you got?

Your patella has an old fracture.

I was in an accident ten years ago.

There's four pins in there.


I don't see any pins on your scan.


Check again.

I'm telling you.

Whatever was there before, it's gone now.

What's wrong with the floor?

I think there's a hole in it.

- What's going on?
- Stop!

HellStrike compromised.

Please evacuate the area immediately.

HellStrike compromised.

Stand clear. Doors closing.

What the heck is happening here?


if the Chariots are all quarantined,

does that mean we're gonna walk
across the desert?

Is that a problem?

Uh, no. I mean...

No, it's fine.


do I look like the kind of guy that
would drag my backside 60 miles on foot?

Sent over from base camp.

Hello, Mr. Adler.


This one's yours.

- Hello.
- Thank you.

Aren't you beautiful.

Just like at Grandma's.

Yeah, except you never let me have
my own horse 'cause I was too little.

Well, now you've not only got a horse,
you've got a robot.

What do you say we go find him?

So you come all the way
down here and you don't say hello?


Judy told me what happened,

but you're getting bandaged up now, right?
Are you okay?

Well, I, uh, I will be soon.

Okay, well,
you've got a good doctor.

- Hey, Dad.
- Well, hey.

Where are you guys now?

If you're gonna go and get the robot,
I want to be with ya.

Uh, no. You're not going anywhere
except for the Resolute.

Listen, we're all right
and we're not alone.

Adler's here with us.

Hey, John.

It's Ben.

Listen, I lived down here
for seven months.

This place has nothing
I haven't already seen.

And trust me...

I wouldn't bring your family anywhere
I wouldn't bring my own.

Hey, Will.

Take good care of your mom.

Make sure she doesn't do anything crazy.

Says the guy with the hole in his side.

Fair point.

I love you.

I love you.

First time?

Uh, no. It's just been awhile.

How long's awhile?

Uh, forty years or so.

I'm kidding.

As you can imagine
I've been kind of

locked away.

Let's get you unlocked.
We don't have much daylight left.

Should make tracks while we can.

Come on.

You can stop looking.

The only way out of here's
the hallway of death.

Look, we're not on some random planet
with no supplies.

This is the Resolute.

We've got every piece of equipment
you can think of

and we're crewed by the best engineers
that Earth has to offer,

so right now, they're probably just
figuring a way to get us out of here.

We're just curious as to what that way out
might be is all.

There's no "we."

We might be in this together,
but we are not friends.

Come on,
after everything we've been through,

you're practically my niece.

That's so gross.

This is Captain Kamal speaking.

How are you all holding up in there?

- We're good, ma'am.
- Yeah, but we could be better...


It appears a corrosive contaminant

has somehow made its way here
from the planet

and infected the ship.

Our scientists are working to stop it
before it spreads any farther.

But in the meantime,

we've got a team cutting their way
through to you as we speak.

They're creating an evacuation route
through the circulation ducts.

We hope to have you out shortly.

So go back to the classroom
and sit tight.

They'll meet you there.


I told you. They are on it.

I guess there's nothing for us to do
but wait.

My mom used to say,
"Waiting to be rescued is just...

planning your own funeral."

She sounds like a delightful lady.

My point is, everyone starts off
with the best of intentions, but...

you don't always finish with them.

A, B, C...

for cigars. Sure.

Come on.

More filters.

All second shift workers
report to Cargo Deck B.

Why are we stopping?

Just like a desert on Earth.

When the sun goes down, you pitch camp;

start up again in the morning.

But we know where the robot is now.

If he leaves,
we'll have no idea where to look.

I want to find him too, Will,

but your mom's right on this one.
Safety first.

Will, why don't you take the horses?


- Got 'em?
- Yeah.

You know, a year ago

he would have been the first one
wanting to stop,

and now he's...

They do that.

Since the Resolute launched

I've seen my sons, what,
one week out of every three months.

Like they're completely different
people every time I visit.

I had a hard time changing schools
when I was a kid.

We're asking them to change worlds.

With what we know now and all
that's happened, would you do it again?

Leave Earth?


I would.

Really? Why is that?

Because we're better now
than before we got lost.

Will, are you talking
about your dad and I?


Judy, Penny.

Even Don.

Ready for activation.

If we hadn't left Earth,

I would never have met the robot.

Then I'd still be scared,

the way I used to be.

Will, the robot didn't make you brave.

You did that all by yourself.


By growing up.

But it wasn't just us.

The robot changed, too.

If we hadn't crashed on that planet,

if we hadn't met him first...

who knows what would have happened
to everyone?

So maybe it's good that we're here.

We should not be here.

If our parents had never
made us go to school,

- none of this would have happened.
- Technically,

yeah, it would have still happened,
just not to us.

What are you doing?

If someone's coming to get us,
we should be able to hear them by now.

- Takes time. This is a big ship.
- Wait.



They must be close.

Bridge, entering Tunnel H, Junction 6-2.

Looks good back here.


Got cracks in here, too.

Get out of there, now.
Seal it up behind you.

Angela, do we know what it is
we're dealing with yet?

Some kind of self-perpetuating
subatomic oxidizing catalyst.

Current application of an ammonium
counter-agent shows some progress.

The problem is we can't produce it
fast enough to stop the spread.

Is there another route
into that classroom?

We can try.

If this virus or whatever it is

jumps to the Resolute's OGS module,
we'll lose life support.

If we lose life support, we lose the ship.

We need to prepare
for a worst-case scenario.

The sound stopped.

Something must have happened.

Okay, look, my father knows these people.

He's had dinner with Captain Kamal, so...

- if she knows I'm here...
- Wait, that's it. Your dad...

His code can access all the emergency
channels on the Resolute, right?

I guess so.

We can listen in,
find out what's going on.

I don't think
this is appropriate.

I agree.


it would be for the greater good.

Perhaps just this once
we could look the other way.

Okay, look, we just need to have faith
in the chain of command.

Vijay, tell me. Where are your parents?

On the planet,
helping to facilitate resource management.

Penny, are there any other Robinsons
on board?


The sad truth of our situation is

there's not one person left on the ship

who cares about any of us.


Smells like retirement.

There were two outcalls.

Twelve missed alerts.


- Where the hell have you been?
- Uh, what's going on?

Remember the rust from the planet

they were so careful not to bring
on board?

Let me guess, they missed a spot.

We've iso-ed of the area,
tried to starve it out,

but it's too aggressive, so...

So, what, you're gonna amputate
a piece of the Resolute?

Only as a last resort.

- How many resorts do we have left?
- Not many.

Under the floor are the intake vents
for the oxygenator,

which means when the contaminant
breaches that door...

We're fully screwed.


Welp, you're in luck.

Don West is here. I'm the only guy
on board with an A-1 ordinance rating.

Don, there's something else.

We've got people inside the blast radius.

How long till they get out?

They're trapped.

A crew's still trying to reach them,


Oh, just like that,
you're going to abandon them.

I'm sorry. Maybe if you were here earlier
we could have figured out another way.

Do we at least know who they are?

Yeah. There's four of them.

A teacher, a doctor,
the colonial rep's son

and a friend of his, a girl.


What did they say?

They're talking about preparations
for something called

a structural amendment.

What is that?

Whatever it is, it requires expl*sives.


When a human limb is infected,

what does the surgeon do
to save the rest of the body?

They're not gonna blast us into space just
'cause we're connected to that hallway.

Let's all just settle down.

I'm sure they're still trying
to get to us first.

But is there anyone over there
who could actually succeed?


what would your mom do if she were here?

How am I supposed to know?
She's the genius. I'm just her daughter.

Look, you may not be the best Robinson,

but you're the only Robinson we've got.

You can do this.

It's in your blood.



Think like my mom.

She would...

look at the situation
from a new perspective.

I've actually heard her say that.

Really? Okay.


She would...

step back

and see something...

something that I...

- don't...
- Penny. Are you there?

- It's Don.
- Don?

- Thank God.
- Hey, kiddo.

Just want to let you know,
I'm on the case.

Wait. You been up here the whole time?

- Possibly.
- You didn't check up on me?

I'm an unaccompanied minor
running through a spaceship.

I value your independence?

Uh, Don, this is... This is serious.

I need you to tell me honestly. Are they...

Are they going to sacrifice us
to save the ship?

If they have to, yeah, they will.

But look, I'm on my way to see
the people in charge right now,

so you gotta give me something.

- Like what?
- What do you got in there?

- What's in the room?
- Um... Desks,

chairs, microscopes, school supplies.

Chairs and desks aren't going to cut it.
What else?

There's a box full of research samples
we use for class.

Wait, wait, wait! Is it on wheels,
double orange stripes along the base,

- about four feet tall?
- Yeah.

Okay, that's it. I need you
to empty that box.

What for?

Because if you can get inside of it,
I can save your lives.

All right...

I'm going in. Wish me luck.

Maintenance personnel

Excuse me. Captain?

- Hey, wait!
- Sir! Stop!

I'm Don West. I have an idea.

Wherever you've been assigned, get back.

Those four people
on the other side of the hull,

- I can get them out.
- We got a team looking for another way in.

Taking longer than we hoped,
but they have a chance.

Yeah, well it's a lousy chance.

I know it. Everybody here knows it.

- We're wasting time.
- So, what's your plan?

The sample box in the classroom?

The A-B-996 series? They're airtight
and temperature controlled.

- So?
- So if they get inside of it,

- someone can pick them up.
- Pick them up?

In a Jupiter. Yes, as the box floats
through space.

Those sample crates weren't designed
for the vacuum of space.

Correct. They weren't designed for it,
but funny enough, they handle well.

How do you know that?

I just do.

I'm sorry.

I can't in good conscience put a Jupiter
into the path of active debris

for a desperate plan with absolutely
no proof that it would work.

Then where is your conscience?
Because right now, can't really see it.

Leave my bridge.

Okay, listen.

The reason I know it works

is because I used some of those units

to transport 36 Kobe steaks
to the colony.

I did it three, four times.

Okay, seven times
but that's not the point.

The point is that
those steaks stayed fresh.

- Kobe steaks?
- Melt in your mouth like butter.

So, you're...

Yes! I'm a smuggler.

There. I said it. I'm a smuggler.

Captain, it's going to work. Believe me.

You can have your Jupiter,

but if that corrosion reaches
the intake vent...

Don't worry. They'll be out.

Okay, Penny, we're in business!

Now the storage box needs a propellant
to direct it away from the wreckage

when they trigger the expl*sives.

Don, we have another problem.

What kind of a problem?

Only three of us fit in the box.

So all the time you were down here,
did you ever think maybe this is it?

Alpha Centauri's out of reach and maybe
this place would have to be home?

It was something we discussed.

People are really quite resilient.

First month or two they're on edge,

Around every corner
was a new form of life,

a new challenge.

But here we are, less than a year later
and everyone was just living.

We put up fences to keep us safe,

to protect us from the...

...unfamiliar, so I guess
in a way it's just like home.

Hey, Mom.

What is it, honey?

The horses.

Something's got them on edge.

I think it's some kind of animal.


Adler, do you know what those are?

Scientists say
they're scavengers, mostly.

Posts keep them away.

Security perimeter deactivated.

Did you touch something?

- No. Will?
- No. Nothing.

Security perimeter active.

Okay. We're okay.

Security perimeter deactivated.

- Keeps going.
- Something interfering with the signal.

Security perimeter active.


Just stay calm, honey.

- Mom.
- They're learning.

- They know when the posts are off.
- Mom. What do we do now?

Okay. If it happens again, you run.

Go! Run!

It's him.

I knew I'd find you.

What happened to you?

How'd you end up here?

I mean, we aren't even sure how we did.
Oh, there's just...

You're not gonna believe
everything that happened.

There's so much I want to tell you.

Hey, Mom, I think
he wants to show us something.

Can we go?


I think part of me didn't believe
the stories were true.

That's the difference
between Will and the rest of us.

He never stops believing.

Could I ask you a favor?

I don't want to impose, but, um...

Yes, of course. What is it?

I want my family to read this.

I want them to know that in the end...

it was my duty to protect the kids.

You're offering to stay behind?

It only holds three.


Don't say anything.

This is already hard enough.


If anyone not going...

it'll be me.


This is something I have to do.

There will be a new name added
to the Hall of Heroes.

A word?

Absolutely, Penny.

Whatever you need.

I know what you're doing.

- Well, in that case, you're welcome.
- You cannot...

Unless you've got a better solution,
one of us has to stay behind.

It's best if someone volunteers.

It's not volunteering
if you're conning him.

Okay, um, I've been thinking.

Um, if it means that
everybody else survives, then I'll...

I'll do it. I'll stay.

That works, too.

What? No!

We all go or nobody goes.

That's exactly what
your mother would say.

But you, Penny, are not your mother.

You know how the world works;

there are winners and losers

and sometimes you have to break the rules
to get what you want.


We can't do that. No.

You don't have to.
That's what I'm here for.

Just step aside and let me do
what I do best.

Penny. Come take a look at this.

Vijay, not now.

No, it's just I...

I think I found something.

Bridge, this is an action report.

It's time.

Don, Don, come in.

Please tell me you're calling me
from inside the box

uncomfortably crammed
with three other people.

Not yet. We need your brain.

Okay. So, at the bottom of the box
there's like a heater or something.

It regulates the temperature
of whatever's shipped in it.

- In this case, you.
- What happens if we didn't have that?

Well, you do know how cold space is.

Can we survive or can't we?

Well, the box is vacuum-sealed

so with the heat of the air
and your radiant body temperatures,

- I'd say you have about a minute.
- But you can get us before then, right?


I want you to know what to expect.

When the charges blow
it's going to get very cold, very fast.

You'll start shivering.

Your hands and feet are gonna go numb.

Then you'll start breathing fast.

You might get a warm, tingly feeling, but,

then it's gonna start shaking even more.

Then you'll stop thinking straight.

Then the shaking will stop,

and then...

And then what?

Then you'll see me waiting there
with a warm blanket.

Pull it out.

You'll still need a propellant
of some sort.

The fire extinguisher and zip ties.

Duct tape it to the side of the box

with the nozzle pointing away from
where the hole's gonna be blown.

Those models have about
thirty seconds of spray,

so hopefully it'll be enough
to blow you clear.

And yes, duct tape does hold up in space.

I've tried it...

but let's not get into that.

They say you're the best pilot here.

They say you are a pain in the ass.

We're going to get along
just fine.

All right, everybody.
We have five minutes. Load up.

This goes without saying:
I hope nobody had beans for lunch.

Mr. Jackson, we're running out of time.


Come on, you need to get in.

I can't.

Logistical platform is a go.

Copy that.

Charges set.

I thought I could, but I can't.

When you had offered to stay behind,

it wasn't because you're a hero.

You're claustrophobic.

Just... Just go.

I respect your decision.

- We have like four minutes left...
- No.

Not until Mr. Jackson gets in the box.

I'm not going in there!

Clear immediate surroundings.

Clear immediate surroundings.

- You can help him.
- Me?

Yes, you said it before, to step aside
and let you do what you do best.

This is what you do best,

convincing people to do things
is like your superpower.

- There's no time.
- You got my mom to trust you,

and you got my little brother
to let you out of jail,

and you got everybody
on the Resolute convinced

- that you're a legitimate therapist.
- I am a legitimate therapist.

So prove it.
If you really want to be Dr. Smith,

be Dr. Smith.

If you're not already in the box,
you better get in.

Mr. Jackson...

take a deep breath.

I can't get trapped in there.

You've been trapped before,

haven't you?

You won't understand.

You weren't there.

That's true.

I wasn't.

But you can take me there.

Don, it's accelerating.
We may need to go early.


I'm gonna need every second you've got.

Close your eyes.

Tell me what you see.

It's small. Dark.

I can't move.

I was down in that hole for hours.

But you're here now,

which means you got out of that hole.

I didn't. I...

I couldn't.

Not by myself.

And you're not by yourself now.

I know what it's like to feel trapped.

Someone pulled you out...

...didn't they?

My mother.

She heard my voice.

I hear your voice.

She took my hand.

I've got your hand.

Remember what that felt like?

When you knew you were safe,

you got out of that hole.

You were selected to travel
to Alpha Centauri...

and now you've gone farther...

than any human has ever gone!

All it takes is one more step.


Twenty seconds.

It's now or never, kids.

It's now.

See you soon.

Mr. West,
we can't wait any longer.

It's up to you now.

On your command.





Penny, Penny, Penny, Penny.
Your elbow's in my ribs.

Oh! Sorry.

Is that better?

- No, that's worse, actually.
- Ooh. Okay.


two, one.

Oh, God, it is really cold.

...just a little longer.
We're in position.

Four, three, two...

Shh, shh, shh.

You're okay. I gotcha.

We got 'em!
Everyone's safe!

No sign of rust.
We're all clear.

You seem so relaxed.

The way you leave them alone together.

Will wouldn't be alive
if it wasn't for him.

So you trust it completely.

Let me put it this way.

If I had to choose somebody
to get us home safe

and it was between the robot and you...

This is what you wanted to show me?


You did this.

What is it?


- He made them.
- Drawings of what?


The tree,

when I first saw you.


Ah, the jellyfish!

And playing catch,

and Judy when he saved her from the ice.


Yeah... but...

they're not all his.

Some of these are mine.

Even though we were apart,

you saw these things, too.

We've been connected this whole time.

Oh... Yeah.

I think these happened
the other way around.

What would you like to call
your masterpiece?


When you said this place
was danger,

what did you mean?

Danger for us...

or danger for you?

I... I don't understand.

What do you want me to tell you?

The forest. It was on fire.

You saved me.

Maybe it's his way
of wanting to talk to you.

Share stories.

Is that what you want?

To talk about when we first connected?

Are you okay?

Are you hurt,
like when we first met in the...

Hey, Mom.

I think it's too far for Robot to walk.

Let's leave him here.

Then we can come back
and pick him up in a Jupiter.

No. It makes sense
if we all stick together.

No! No, that's not a good idea.

In fact...

it's a bad one, Mom.

It's definitely bad.

Will, run!



Wait. Mom. Mom.

It's okay.

He doesn't want to k*ll me.

He brought me here for a reason.

What do you want?

- Wait! Don't!
- No!

I remember you.

Before, you wanted the engine.


This time, you want something else.

That's why you brought the robot here.

Isn't it?

It was a trap...

for me.


What do you want with me?

Well, you can have me.

- Just let my mom go.
- No, no!

I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you.

You're welcome.

What's up with you? We made it.

Yeah. We all survived,
no thanks to the black sheep

of the Robinson family.

It was Don's idea to use the box.

It was your idea
to pull out the heating unit.

Smith used witchcraft to save Mr. Jackson.

- And...
- No, you saved Mr. Jackson.

What are you talking about?

You really think anyone else
could have convinced

Dr. Smith to be a good person?

What's more Robinson than that?


Go crazy.

Chocolate? Where did you get this?

This is like gold up here.

It's actually easier to get gold.

You're gonna have to eat this quick
before it gets impounded.

Don West.

Here we go.

You've been charged
with violating the code of service,

transportation of illegal goods...

Excuse me. What are you doing?
He just rescued us.

I'm sure that'll be taken
into consideration.

And what proof do you have?

He confessed.


Why would you do that?

It was worth it.

You told me that machine
was just meant to control robots.

We couldn't risk losing Will.

This is it.

He was here.

He was right here.



Will Robinson.