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02x10 - Ninety-Seven

Posted: 01/21/24 09:17
by bunniefuu
Prep the last wave for launch. I think
it's finally time to strike this tent.

I have an incoming Jupiter.

Doesn't make sense.

Who is it?

The signature's the Jupiter 2.
The Robinson ship.

Jupiter 2, copy?

Jupiter 2, please come in.

What the hell are you doing?

We should be close, any sign of it?


Not yet.

So, presumably, what?

We find "X marks the spot,"
place Scarecrow there,

retreat to an appropriately safe distance

and watch the lightning... heal him?


The robot didn't give me
very detailed instructions.

There it is.

It's okay. You're home.

At least, I think this is your home.

This is some very strange hospital.

How's he doing?

He's down to two lights.

We're gonna make things right by you.

What's that?

No. No, it can't be happening yet.

It appears to be our lightning storm.
That's inconvenient.

It's gonna hit us in a few minutes.

Scarecrow won't make it through the night.

- It has to be now.
- You think we have time

- to make it there and back?
- We have time to get there.

The Jupiter'll act as a Faraday cage.

You'll be safe in here
until someone can pick you up.

I'm going with you.

You're staying here,
because you have an important job to do.

From the cockpit?

On Alpha Centauri.

You're the only one who truly knows
what happened here.

I've made mistakes,

and you can tell them that
I tried to fix it before it was too late.

Tell who?

My boys.

My wife.

Can you do that for me?

Will, I'm trusting you. Will.

But not enough to think
you wouldn't chase after me.

No. No! Wait!

Ben! No!

This is the spot, then.


Ben, we can figure out
some other way to do this. Ben!

Will, it's okay.


It's okay, Will.

Thank you for reminding me
who I used to be.

Next time we meet, how about...

let's do things differently
from the start.

Mayday! Mayday!

This is Will Robinson
aboard the Jupiter 2.

Can anybody hear me?

Mayday! Mayday!

Penny, pick up the pace.
Okay, come on, come on.


You two are not supposed to be
walking around unaccompanied.

I'm so sorry, I, um...

Gonna need to search your cart.

I'm so sorry, we were just...
We're restocking our Jupiter.

This is actually for our new Jupiter
with our new legal guardians,

the Osovedos,
and it's just been really hard.

And I'm sorry, is that a crime too?

I read the report.

I'm sorry about your parents.

You can go.

Too much?

Docking ports 27 through 43...

Okay, this... This is it.
Penny, this is it.

- All right, all right, all right.
- Slow down, slow down, slow down.

- Hi.
- Hi.


- Run into any problems?
- No.

I think I got everyone's order right.

I don't know what we'd do without you.

Well, you wouldn't have sandwiches.

Any word from Will?

No. Not yet.

You better get going before you're seen.



Hey, where's the mustard?
This salami tastes like tofu.

You know it's all tofu, right?

Oh. Ah.

Docking ports
44 to 60, prepare for incoming Jupiters.

That's the last wave arriving.

If Will's not here by the time
the last of the colonists are here,

how long do you think
Hastings would wait for him?

Well, I'm going as fast as I can,
and we're trying to break into a place

that was built to never be broken into.

Just keep trying.

So once we get to the robot,
what are we gonna do then?

Make sure the robot's still
on our side.

Has the robot found a way

to get from wherever this place is
to the colony?

It's like looking for a needle
in a haystack.

It found the needle.

Radio signature from one of our Jupiters,
it seems.

The signal is weak, barely a whisper,

but there's only one place
you're gonna find a signal like that.

Alpha Centauri.

Once the last ships have arrived,

then we can get out of here.

Contact, ma'am, from the planet.

Two ships incoming
from the equatorial region.

Oh. And there they are.

- Identify them.
- The lead ship is a Jupiter.

And the second ship?


Resolute, do you copy?
This is Victor Dahr piloting the Jupiter 2

with the remaining colonists.
We've sustained heavy damage

All other Jupiters destroyed...

The robots are in pursuit.
They are jamming communications.

- How long until the Jupiter 2 arrives?
- Ten minutes.

And how long until
the ship chasing it arrives?

At its current speed,
it's 18 minutes behind them.

Mom. Mom!

Will, do you copy?

Mom, I'm with Victor.

- They're coming. There's a lot of them.
- He's alive.

Yeah. And being followed.

You might want to hang onto something.

I'm gonna open the Rift.

But Will Robinson's not here yet.

No, but 98 percent of the colonists are.

I'm not gonna sacrifice their lives
for his.

Will, can you hear me?

That noise. That only happens
when the alien engine gets turned on.

Hastings is trying to leave now.

I'm not gonna be able
to burn through this ceiling in time.

There's another way in.

What's that?

The door.

Take us to Alpha Centauri.

Take us to Alpha Centauri.

Will Robinson.

He shouldn't even be able
to remember him anymore.

I thought you were dead.

Common misunderstanding.

Sleep tight.

Take us to Alpha Centauri.

Will Robinson.

Take us to Alpha Centauri.

Will Robinson.

Put your hand on the control
and take us there.

Stop, you're breaking him.

Will Robinson.

Heh! Wow!

We make a really good team.

Maureen, I...

I've got you. I've got you.

No. No, no, no, no.


Are we too late?

I can't tell.

Can you hear me?

There! He's okay! You're okay. It's okay.

Jupiter 2
docking at bay 61.

Emergency personnel standing by.

Will is here.

Will is here. Okay?

Hey. I tried to stop Hastings.


So did we.

Okay, big guy.

A little help here?

You're okay.

Isn't Adler with you?

He got caught in the lightning.

You okay?


He wouldn't leave without you.

We did what you asked.

Scarecrow made it to the ring in time,
but I don't know what happened,

and now there's an army of them
headed this way.


John. We need to get away from here
as fast as possible.

Yeah, I think the only reason
we made it out is because

we're not the thing they want.

They want their engine.

Well, maybe it's time we finally used it
for what's it's for.

Please take us to Alpha Centauri.


It's a new word.

- I think he just likes saying it.
- Danger.

Wait, why would taking us
to Alpha Centauri be dangerous?

Once the alien engine's activated,

how long does the hole in space open for?

I don't know.

Long enough for the robots to follow us
through the Rift?

Maureen, we can't lead those things
to the colony.

No, we have to end this here.

How do we do that?

We let the robots board the ship.

- Bring the engine right up...
- Oh, God, sorry.

- Can you finish this one?
- Yeah, thank you.

Here comes the bait.

Okay, let's keep the hallways cleared.

As long as nobody's in their way,
nobody's going to get hurt.

These things are singularly focused,

they're gonna come right here for
this engine, once they get in this room...

- We'll crush 'em like tinfoil.
- That's the plan. Come on.

Attention Resolute crew,

ten minutes to contact
with the alien hostiles.

Okay, come on, let's hurry up.

What's the matter?

Adler just d*ed trying to save Scarecrow

and here we are,

trying to destroy a hundred Scarecrows.

A hundred of him.

There's only one of him.

He's special.

Maybe Scarecrow was special too.

Maybe, but we don't know what happened
to Scarecrow after you left.

For all we know,
he's on that ship coming to att*ck us.

I'm not sure
this is the right thing to do.

We have to protect ourselves.

Eight minutes to contact.


We're gonna work until the last second,

so I need eyes on the security office
camera feed.

Once the robots board, I want to know
when they're 500 meters from this spot.

Mom, I can do it.

- Angela needs to stay here.
- Okay. Great. Good idea.

Okay. Will, come on!

Okay. Robot, come on.

Okay, Mom,
we're in the surveillance room.

- How's it going?
- We're still not ready.

- You said "we" but you mean "Don."
- I can buy you some time.

Judy, give me a hand.

One minute to contact.

John, I need more than a minute.

Make sure you haven't got any metal
in your pockets.

Any metal caught in the EMF field
will get crushed.

He'd be proud of you.

You know, it's been almost a year
since we went missing.

I wonder if there's a wall
with our name on it on Alpha Centauri.

What do you say we give them
one hell of a surprise?

Alert: Surveillance failure.

What? No. Where did they go?

They must be jamming the cameras.

That's not fair.

Penny, talk to me.
How close are they? Penny?

Let me call you back.

I have one job.

Let's go!

Seventy-two percent.
Still not enough power.

Anyone else remember what it felt like
to have enough time to do anything?

I thought we wanted them to follow us.

They will.


Motion sensors aren't working either.

Don't computers always want to tell you

when something's broken
in a really friendly voice?

Computer, what are the robots breaking?

Bulkhead door G22 breached.

Bulkhead door G23 breached.

- Bulkhead door G24...
- Mom,

they just passed the junction G24,
you have to get out of there.

Thanks, Penny.

- How much power do we have?
- We're only at 80 percent.

That'll have to be enough.

How we gonna know
when all those things are in,

- we can't even risk one straggler.
- You're right.

Somebody's gonna have to be at the door
to make sure.

Yeah. Okay. Great idea, Don.

Okay. Everybody out.

- Come on, I mean everybody!
- Get out!

Come on.

Run, Penny!

- Don?
- Not yet.

Not yet.

Hit it.

Come on.

I thought it was supposed to k*ll 'em.

We only got to 83 percent.

I hope nobody minds,
but I'm gonna take the long way around.

Oh, my God.

Now we can rewire the room.
Increase the power...

destroy those things for good.

How long is that gonna take?

Probably the rest of the day.

I need to redirect the power distribution
from the bridge.

Everybody get back to work.

Okay, Don,
you should have access

to grids three and four.

Nope. Nothing.

Okay, try it again, Don.

Multiple contacts.

Bearing 0-4-0-1-niner-0-2-5-0-3-0-0.

Hundreds of unidentified ships
on an intercept course.

- Hundreds?
- Where are they coming from?

Each of the other four planets
in the system.

How soon before they get to us?

At their current speed, two hours.

That's not even enough time to deal
with the robots that are already here.

If we can't leave
with the robots already on board,

why don't we just blow off the part
of the ship

the robots are trapped in?
- It's structurally critical.

Then do we have any more of those
anti-robot magnetic disk things?

- EMFs.
- No.

Okay, then how else are we gonna generate
a magnetic field?

The Amber planet. It has an atmosphere

which means it has an ionosphere,
which we can use to magnetize the hull.

No time to try anything like that.


What's this?

The alien engine can go
on any ship, right?

This is the maximum number of people

that can safely breathe
inside a transport Jupiter.

Judy, I appreciate you trying to help,

but who's gonna choose which 97 people go?

Plus, this number seems low.
There's some error in your calculation.

There are 97 children aboard the Resolute.

Kids breathe about 50 percent more air
than adults.

My math's correct.

- You're not suggesting...
- We're not discussing this anymore,

- this isn't an answer.
- This is the only answer.


When Dad was locked up
and Hastings was threatening us,

he told us what you traded
to get Will approved.

For the first time in my life,
I was disappointed in you.

Judy, I... If I'd known that...
That... That...

It's okay, Mom.

Now I understand

that sometimes an imperfect solution
is all we have.

No, that was different.

I did that so that
we could all be together.

You did what was best for your children.


Judy's right.

No, this is not happening.

Do you actually not care at all
about leaving them behind?

I'm not going with you, I'm 19.

What are you talking about?

Do you think that you are grown-up now

and the only grown-up thing to do
is to tear this family apart?

- We can't all go.
- Don't talk to me in a tone

that makes me feel like I'm irrational
or like I don't understand the logic.

You are not Mom.

And we are not a math problem.

You always say that Robinsons are supposed
to stick together.


the robot won't have any trouble attaching
the engine to a Jupiter transport, right?


No trouble.

Get this started. We're gonna have to talk
to the other parents.

This is a decision that every family
will have to make for themselves.

Can I talk to you for a second?

I'm sorry.

This is wrong.

No. This is not happening.

Someone is gonna find a solution
that's not this. We always do.

I can't, John.

Carbon dioxide levels critical.

Please evacuate Jupiter transport.

It's just us.
The other workers have cleared out.

We have just a few minutes
before they realize

the carbon dioxide levels are fine.

As usual they've chosen a select few

to travel to Alpha Centauri
and I don't make the cut.

Spent seven months
studying the flight manual.

Once I detach us from the Resolute,
they won't have enough time to catch us.

We'll be free.

What do you say?


That's a funny word now.

When people say it, I just don't hear it.

No. Doctor Smith.

I don't want to do this.

They've left me no choice.

Give me one good reason
why I shouldn't launch right now.

C-O-2 levels were fine.

Attention families of the Resolute.

Boarding of all children is beginning
on the Jupiter transport.

We need all children to report
to Jupiter transport for boarding.

Uh, listen, I got a lot of work to do,
but I didn't want to be rude.

I usually skip the goodbyes, but since...

I don't owe any of you money,

there's no harm, right?

I'll see you guys around.

See you around, Don.

- Don!
- Yup!

Come on.

So much I want to say,
but I don't have time.

I love you so much.

Guess we're gonna have to delay
that driving lesson, huh?

It's okay, because I, uh...

I should probably learn to fly a Jupiter.

Here, I didn't want you to forget this.


I love you, too.

Oh! I love you so much.


Hey, Mom.

I always try to be helpful.

Today, it's really hard.

But you always try.

That's what I love about you.

Okay, come on.

Here you go.

Thanks, Judy.

I'm not going.

You have to get on that Jupiter.

This is about the kids, I'm not a...

Kid anymore. I know.

I know.

Judy, listen to me.

I know a lot of good men and women
who I've trusted with my life.

But the lives of my children?


that's a different story.

There's only two people that I trust...

your mother and you.

- Me?
- And the only way

I'm gonna get through this,

is knowing that you were there

to take care of Penny and Will.

Every single one of those kids

is gonna need somebody
that they can count on.

Now I've spoken to the rest of the parents
and we're agreed

that you should captain the ship
to the colony.

- Dad, captain?
- All the studying, all the races,

everything that you have pushed yourself
to achieve,

you've been preparing your whole life
for this moment.


It's time.

It's time.

I love you.

I'm so proud of you.

I love you so much.


Final boarding for Jupiter transport.

Oh, um...

Am I supposed to make a speech
or something?

You'll figure it out.

Come on.

All remaining colonists,

it's urgent you proceed to Jupiters
for evacuation.

Come on.

You know I would never leave you behind.

- Yeah, I know.
- I was talking to Debbie.

- Hey.
- You're with us.

We have half an hour before
those incoming ships hit us.

Our Jupiter 2's docked at bay 61. We need
to stock it with everything we can carry.

- Stock it and go where?
- Jupiters are scattering,

heading anywhere the robots aren't.

Which is hopefully somewhere.

I'll catch up with you.

So, Maureen...

this is awkward.

I have nowhere to go.


Where's he going?


Besides the obvious,
what's dangerous about him?

It moved.

They've been moving this whole time,

just so slowly that we didn't notice.

It's trying to reach the power cables.

Those wires connect the whole aft quadrant
to the main power hub.

If it's cut, the robots are free.

Cargo bay door opening.
Proceed to a safe area.

The power's still holding,
but if they cut more of those wires,

they're free.

I guess you can't go in there
and fix it, can you?

Okay, I can redirect the current through
the auxiliary circuits...

Maybe I can... Yeah.

I can't do this from here.
I need to do it on the inside.


I just have to move a wire, right?

Don't need to be a brilliant scientist
to do that.

The magnetic field wants to crush metal.
Your suit is metal.

I'll go fast.

You'll have a minute at the most,
maybe two.

I'll go really fast.

- Why are you doing this?
- Something the robot said.

Robot only says, like, five words.

He only needed one:


My mother's dead,

my sister hates me...

and for good reason.

Your family is the closest thing I've got.

This is gonna work, right?

I move a wire...

and your kids...
...will get away safe.



Then it'll all be worth it.

How are you doing?


I feel like my head's inside
an alarm clock.

I hate to say this, Maureen...

but there's more than one wire.


At least I bought you a few more minutes.

Use them well.

Smith, just get out of there.





You surprised me again.

All personnel,
please proceed

to your Jupiter for evacuation.

John, come in.

Maureen, where the hell have you been?

- We have to launch now!
- None of the Jupiters have been refueled.

The robots are breaking out in minutes.

- Judy?
- Dad.

Don't scare the kids.
The robots are coming for you.

Start the pre-launch.


What's wrong?

That was Dad. We have to leave right away.

Attention. Strap in or hold on
as best as you can.

Launch in T-minus three minutes.


No. Hey, no.

You can't go. The ship can't make it
to Alpha Centauri without you.


I mean it. You have to stay here.

There's a bunch of kids
who are counting on you.

You need to look out for them

the way you always look out for me.

I have to do this.


Will, where are you going?
We're trying to take off.

It's too late.


Will Robinson.

You know who I am.

We don't have to fight.

It doesn't have to be this way.


Will! Will, come on.

Come on, come on.

Judy, let's go.

T-minus 20 seconds.

I'm so stupid.

I thought I could change them.

Hey. Scarecrow came back,

and as far as I'm concerned,
one might be an exception, but two?

Maybe that's the start of something big.

Dad, we took a hit,
I lost engine number one.

- Is it critical?
- No, but

I can't accelerate, we're too close
to the Resolute to open the Rift.

Robots are gonna catch them
before they get out of here.

Judy, don't worry.

You'll be okay, we'll make sure.

Whatever you two just psychically
communicated to each other, I'm in.

You have other family to take care of.
Get them out of here.

Take good care of my ship.

Next time you see her, she'll look better
than when you left her. Let's go!

As soon as they clear the airlock,
we launch.

I'm dropping the bulkhead doors
throughout the ship.

It won't slow them down for long, but...

How exactly do you start
the Resolute's self-destruct sequence?

The Resolute doesn't have
a self-destruct sequence.

- It doesn't?
- Why would somebody design a way

to blow up your own ship, that's insane.

And we don't have time
to crash the ship into the planet.

No, we don't.

We're gonna crash it into that.

Call out the coordinates
so we can lay an intercept course.

Request denied.
Potential collision...

Not now.

How do you fool the ship into thinking
you're not doing what you're doing?



Hastings, come in.

What do you want, Maureen?

I need to override
the Resolute's safety systems.

Safety systems?

We designed those systems

to protect the ship from damage.

I'm not gonna damage the ship,
I'm gonna atomize it.

It's the only way that we can make sure
those robots don't hunt down our children.


Sending the access codes now.

I'm in.

Telemetry confirmed.

Mom? Dad?

- Are we good to go?
- Yes! Go! Go!

Come on, come on.

Robot, take us to Alpha Centauri.

Collision imminent.

We're... We're not gonna make it.

The pod bay is too far.

Not to interrupt this magical moment,
but anyone want to get rescued?

Come on.

They made it.

How're we gonna find them?

We'll think of something.

Attention everyone, this is Judy Robinson.

We're through the Rift.



Hi, everyone, I'm Judy Robinson.

I'm your captain.


grab someone's hand.

Come on.

Come on. Everybody take the person
beside you's hand.

I know they're probably dirty

and what with all the crying
there's a fair amount of snot...

...but what's that compared
with all the alien microbes and...

whatever else we touched down
on that planet.

Some of you don't know each other.

Some of us are brothers and sisters.

Some of us are friends.

Some of us are strangers.

But from now on,

none of us are alone.

Scarecrow saved us.

We wouldn't have gotten away without him.

Did you know he'd be there?

So, um...

I guess you just... hoped

he would be?

Do you even know what hope is?

Yes. Will Robinson.


I feel like Alpha Centauri
looked different in the brochure.

Huh, yeah.

There's only one sun.

There should be a yellow one,

an orange one, and a red dwarf.

What happened here?

Where did you take us?

It's definitely a human-made
radar signature.

Yeah, but this is not the colony.

Well, then, what radar signature
were we following?

What is the Fortuna?

The Fortuna
was a ship that everyone thought

was lost almost 20 years ago.

It was commanded by Grant Kelly...

my father.