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03x01 - Three Little Birds

Posted: 01/21/24 09:19
by bunniefuu
I'm entering cargo bay one now.

The fuel cells
are still generating minimum power.

- Your heart rate's elevated.
- Hey! Don't spy on my vitals.

Just keep an eye on our damaged engine
and those asteroids.

Do you think he's still alive?

It's been 20 years.

The lander's missing.

In an emergency, it would've launched
with the crew in their cryotubes.

Maybe I can find where they went.




The radar's trying to pinpoint a signal
from the Fortuna lander.


Judy, your heart rate's going crazy.
Is someone there?

Faith Carson, payload specialist.


Cause of death
I'll have to determine later.

Please be careful.

I'm fine.

I wanna know what happened here
and why the crew went missing.

There's the crew
in their cryotubes.

Starboard engine A failure.

Starboard thruster A went offline. I think
it's leaking fuel into the main igniter.

Conjunction imminent.

Warning. Conjunction imminent.

There's an extra-large asteroid
coming towards us.

- One thing at a time.
- More than one thing is happening.

Maybe it's time to come back now.

I'm almost there.

Almost there.

Safety systems initiated.

Autopilot engaged.

- Prepare for landing.
- Judy's not on the ship! Turn it off!

- Landing sequence initiates in 90 seconds.
- I'm locked out.

Ninety seconds?

Judy, the computer took over.
We're landing now.

I'm on my way.

Vijay, prepare everyone for landing.

- Everyone needs to buckle up! Buckle up!
- Let's go! Come on!

Okay. Get strapped in.

You good? Here, here. Okay.

- Smith!
- Gotcha.


What are you doing here?

How did you even get on this ship?

I go where I'm needed.

Please tell me I'm hearing things.

You're supposed to be on watch.


Captain's log, day 349.

Well, Dad, we're still here.

Wherever here is.

The rest of the planet
died a long time ago.

How or from what, we still don't know,

but the Jupiter's computer
found a spot deep in the valley

where life was able to survive,
and so far, so have we.

The corn yield is up 3% from last week.

The solar arrays have been optimized.

Batteries are back to full charge.

No major injuries or illnesses to report.

We even have a school now.

- Doctor, or should I say, Madame Smith...
- Tu vois...

...seems to have found
her true calling.

- Vous voyez.
- Vous voyez.

The threat from falling meteors
is ongoing, so we stay vigilant,

monitoring the skies day and night.

So far, none have reached us
down here in the valley.

For us, that counts as good luck,

but none of it stops anyone
from missing their parents

or wondering if we're even
gonna make it to Alpha Centauri.

Turns out recasting a damaged engine
out of raw titanium ore

doesn't go very fast.

We've switched to three-hour shifts,

but to date, we've only managed to refine
72% of the material Will says we need

to make the Jupiter flight-worthy.

I'm sure he's working as fast as he can.

It's just going a lot slower
than anyone wants.

It was supposed to only take a few weeks,
and it's turned into a year.

Will seems to be taking it personally.

He doesn't look like he's had
a good night's sleep in months.

He doesn't talk to me about it.

We don't really talk much
about anything lately.

It seems like none of us do.

Penny seems distant, distracted.

I'd say it's just the boys,
but I know it's more.

She's mad at me for something.

I wish I could fix it,

but my responsibilities
don't give me much family time.

Without you or Mom,
I think we're all a bit lost.

Even the robot,
he genuinely wants to be helpful,

but he seems to be searching
for what his purpose is here.

I guess, in a way, I am too.

There's no wind this morning. Watch,
this one's gonna make it to the top.

Family, Judy Robinson.

Look, I'm trying to contact the whole
Fortuna crew, not just Grant Kelly.


Don't you ever wonder where you came from?

The most recent attempt
to contact the missing lander

was as unsuccessful as all the rest.

I don't know when you're gonna listen
to these reports, Dad. I hope it's soon.

Mission report.

John Robinson, salvage team leader.

As always,
robot patrols are hard to predict.

So far, they don't know we're here.

We've located more Resolute wreckage.

Looks like a piece of H deck.

Odds are good
we'll find the last supplies we need.

As tough as it is down here, at least
it keeps our minds off what we've lost.

Okay. We have two hours
until the lightning hits,

then we have to be airborne,

unless you feel like spending
another 23 days down here.

Hey, stick to the list.

If we find everything that's on it,
this will be our last trip.

And remember, keep your ponchos on.

They'll scatter your bio-signs.

Whatever you've got that's electronic,
keep it switched off.

It's like smelling blood to them.
Let's get to work.

- Okay.
- Copy that. Let's go this way.

Beckert, grab those flashlights.
Be sure you get the batteries out first.

This is my son's favorite flavor.

Get down. Get down.

Get down!

- Beckert, no flashlights.
- I know.

No! No!

They're coming!

So, Penny,
this book you're writing, how does it end?

It's a cliffhanger.

Cliffhanger? Really?

Yeah, it's just a fancy way of saying
I stopped in the middle.

But, you know, writing was the old me.

- How is she different from the new you?
- I used to care about things too much.

I guess I got that from my parents.

Do you think they're okay?

I don't like hypothetical questions.
I live in the moment.

That's what I like about you,
Penny Robinson.


Heat this up
to 900 degrees Celsius for me, please.


Is this a bad time?

Same as it always is.
What are you doing here?

I was just curious what's taking so long.

Well, refining titanium's
harder than teaching French.

I was looking forward to living happily
on Alpha Centauri.

It's not so bad here.

Everyone was so excited when you said
we'd only be here a few weeks.

People are less excited now.

Well, bothering me
isn't gonna make things go any faster.

If I can help in any way

that doesn't involve standing up to
my knees in cold water, let me know.

Object approaching.

- Hurry!
- Everybody!

Let's go, guys!

Incoming meteor!
Everyone head to the bunker!

Okay. Okay, to the bunker!

Everyone get to the bunker!

Hurry up!

Come on!

Come on! Will!

Come on, come on!

- A bit faster!
- Where's Penny?

Come on. Come on!

Where's my mom? I'm here!


We're all clear.

Good job. We just need
to be a bit quicker next time.

- Let's keep at it.
- Good.

- Back to work.
- I can help clean up.

A lot of people here think you're cool.

You're setting a bad example
by blowing this off.

I'm not setting an example of anything.
That's your job.

You're part of the crew,
same as everyone else.

It burned up in the atmosphere. Okay?
It always burns up in the atmosphere.

Someday it might not.


You remember that thing
we were worried about a year ago?

The thing we never thought would come up
because we'd be long gone?

This is a simulation
of what happened earlier.

See that collision
between those two giant asteroids?

Now watch what happened next.

What's going on?

One of those pieces
is the big meteor that just fell,

but look how many other
smaller pieces came off too.

And a lot of them
are still floating in orbit.

It's getting exponentially
more congested up there.

How long before the computer won't be able

to safely navigate the ship
through this mess?

At this rate, four or five days.

And we'll be stuck here forever.

It'll take more than four days
to complete repairs on the ship, won't it?

I could do it in four hours
if I had enough titanium.

I wish I could do this by myself.

Do what?

So, when we first got here,

the Jupiter sensors picked up
a pure titanium deposit two miles up.

We asked the robot to go get it,
but the rock couldn't support his weight,

and I thought that was
the end of that plan,

but things have changed.

The good news is
we are a lot lighter than the robot is.

Did you say two miles?

Who here has climbed two miles?
Not even you.

How much worse is falling two miles
than falling one mile?

This planet's atmosphere was ripped away
by whatever cataclysm wrecked it.

We were lucky to find a puddle of
atmosphere at the bottom of this canyon.

As we go higher,
it'll thin out to nothing.

Which is why, at this point,
we will need our space suits.

We're only gonna have one shot at this.

So this needs to succeed,

or we can forget about
ever seeing Alpha Centauri or our parents.

Okay, so everybody prep your suits,
and we will print the gear we need.


Tell me about it.

Help Will Robinson.

I know you're always trying to help me...

but you can't this time.



You were quiet.
You don't have any questions?

You were very thorough.

We've been in some hard spots before,
but we've always made it through.

Yeah, with Mom and Dad there to help us.
Who knows where they are now?

- West.
- Yeah?

After this supply run, do we have
everything to make the base operational?

But I guarantee that the systems
will be up and running within 24 hours.

Including air conditioning?
It's hot as hell.

Stars are hot.
What am I supposed to do?

Fortunately, they provide
photoelectric interference

to hide us from the enemy.

Now that we're hidden,

we can finally turn our attention
to finding a way back to our children.

I know not a second passes
we don't think about them.

As I understand it,

we need one of the robots' engines
to get us to Alpha Centauri,

and that engine
can only be operated by a robot.

John, can you speak
to what we're up against?


They don't like us.

They don't hate us.

The only person they've ever seemed
to care about is my son,

and, uh... he's not here.

If they discover us, they'll k*ll us.
If we stay hidden, we'll stay alive.

However, we've learned that
if we take something that belongs to them,

they hit back hard.

- So how do we take it without getting hit?
- I don't know.

I'm not afraid to take these things on.

Whatever the risk,
it's worth it to get back to my daughter.

Bravery won't get us very far.

I was hoping Maureen might be here
with us today, share some insight.

You'll have to discuss that with her.

All right, everyone.
Let's get to work.

Hi, beautiful!

Oh, I missed you so much!

Are you getting the respect you deserve?

You let me know.
I'll go to Human Resources. Yes, I will!

How can you tell which one's yours?

What kind of a father do you think I am?

Yeah! Yeah! See you soon! I love you!

Don't you have a tea party
in the officers' mess to attend?

It's more of a casual get-together.

Oh, how nice.

Did you talk to Victor
about the shift rotation thing?

He said it was my call.

Okay, good. We're back to twos.

Uh, not exactly. We're gonna stick
to the four-hour space walks.

- What?
- We gotta keep pushing.

If we bring the temperature below 90,
we're all gonna be much happier.

Ava, come on.


I'm just doing... I'm just...

What are you looking at?
You got somethin' to say?

Maureen! Hey.

Nobody likes me.

Nobody liked me either.

I need you
to sign off on my work.

No cracks in the bead. A straight joint.

- Well done. For grunt work.
- I'm good at it.

Well, Einstein was good at the violin.
Nobody bought his album.

I'm needed here.

We're deep in enemy territory,
and you think this is where you're needed?

Are you gonna sign off on my work?

John's back.

Thanks for letting me know.

J2. This is yours, right?


We're reorganizing G section
to accommodate the TCS.

We need you to clear out these cabins,
or the work can't proceed.



Okay, Dad.
I know what you wanna hear.

I'll be as careful as I can be.

I'll accept the unexpected.

When things go wrong,
I won't stand around and complain.

I'll assess my options and move forward...

or, in this case, up.

And, as always,

I'm guided by the knowledge
that everything I'm doing,

I'm doing for the well-being
of the 97 children in my care.

Judy, did you hammer in an anchor
that didn't stick?

No, why?

Hey, what is that?

- Is it weird that I think it's kinda cute?
- No.


Let's keep moving.
We have to reach 1,500 meters before dark.

Will's not the same as he was.

And I'm not just talking about his haircut

or the irritating fact
that he's taller than me now.

He's hiding something.

If you know something, tell me.

For all our sakes.

You okay?

Uh... Had a nightmare.

Ugh. Yeah, tell me about it.

This has been a nightmare for me too.

Does she ever talk to you about me?

Penny and I
haven't really been talking much.

I miss the way
things used to be.

Me too.


Can I fix you somethin' to eat?

"Something's" right.

There are a lot of smart people here.
Still, nobody knows what's in those.

I'll take that as a no.

I heard it was rough down there.

It was what it was.

How were things up here?


We just gotta complete
those TCS coolant loops.

Yeah, about that. Um...

They need us to clear out the kids' rooms.

I gotta get some sleep.
I have another shift in six hours.

- Skip your shift.
- I can't. There's too tight a schedule.

There are things
we need to take care of right here.

I'm not stopping you.

Maureen, what are you doing?

I'm doing what I always do,
keeping everything running.

We're in this together.

You're my wife.

Yeah, and I used to be a mother.

Look at us, John. We have nothing.

You have me.



Nice, Penny.

Okay. Okay.

- And right foot down on that spur.
- Okay.


Okay, thanks. Oh...

- You got it!
- Of course I do.

- Left hand here.
- Yeah, thanks. I got it too.

Here, man.

You're distracting me. Stop.


- Will!
- Will. Will! Let me down.


No. No.

Vijay! Vijay, are you okay?

I'm fine. I...

Think I might've hurt my wrist.

- How does that feel?
- It's okay.

- What about that?
- No, that hurts.

Okay, it's starting to swell.
I think it's fractured.

Let's focus on my other
perfectly non-fractured wrist.

Hey, don't feel bad.
What we're doing isn't easy.

Liam, can you come down here
and bring the med kit?

Yeah, on my way.

He's gonna bring you back to camp, okay?

This is what I was worried
was gonna happen.

Yeah, for sure...

Will Robinson!

You're not such a hero after all.


These updrafts are crazy.
Could they actually blow us away?

Pretty definitely.

Wow, look!

It's been a while since it's been just us.

Just get what we came here for, okay?


Penny, what are you looking for?

What is this?

That's a high-powered
radio signal receiver...


we might be high enough to catch
a signal from the Fortuna lander, right?

You're looking for Grant Kelly.

I've been trying to raise the missing
Fortuna crew ever since we got here.

What were you gonna do
if you got a signal?

- Well, there isn't.
- Might be if we go higher up.

Are you coming down with us or not?

We have all the titanium.
The descent's already anchored.

You're gonna leave us here two miles up?

I've never been this close before.
You can't understand that?

I understand you made us leave our family
and now you are looking for a new one.

Hey, what's that sound?

It's just wind.

No. There's something else.

What are those?

Oh, my God!

- What just happened?
- Quick, helmets on!


Hey, be careful of the updraft.

I think we have bigger problems
than the updraft.

It's those bugs! They're eating the pillar
out from under us!

They're like rock termites!
You still think they're cute?

Okay, so how do we get down from here?

We can't go down.

- We have to go up.
- What?

We can't leave without that titanium.

Will? Seems like a geology problem.

Creatures that eat rocks aren't geology.

- What would Mom and Dad do?
- Well, it's just us.

Come on, Mr. Magnesium. Let's make this
a story we wanna tell around a campfire.

We'll fly!

That's a terrible story.

No. No, that's it.
We can ride the updraft, right?

Yeah. Let's test it.


See? It worked.

Are we watching the same test?

- We need to control our ascent.
- What?


So, am I just supposed
to jump over the edge?

No, everybody jumps over the edge
together. Hold my hand.

Keep your eyes on me. I'll get us there.

On three.

One, two,



Okay! We're flying!

It's working!

When I say go, release. All right?



And release!

Will? Will, are you all right?

Hey, you all right?


Penny? Hey. Hey.

Hey, are you hurt?

Are you hurt? Penny?

Hey. Are you hurt? Are you hurt?


It's okay.

It's okay.

Hey, we got the titanium.
We can head back down,

- All right?
- No, hold on. Wait.

I grabbed this before it fell.


I'm responsible for you two

and almost a hundred other kids
back at camp.

- Dad would not want...
- Dad's not here right now.

Okay? I really wish he was, but he's not.

And for the last year, I have been so mad

because I blamed you
for being the reason that we had to leave.

And I didn't realize
that you were just looking out for me.

And nobody looks out for me
the way that you do.

That's what family does.

So go find Grant Kelly.

Can you fix the engine now?


We'll keep the camp from burning down
until you get back.

Here you go.

Uh, take this to the forge, okay?

This is acting captain's log, day 352.

Um, acting cocaptain.

Hey, you're ruining the recording.
I'm gonna have to start over.

If you can't be accurate,
you should start over.

The titanium's been acquired.

Repairs to the Jupiter
can now be completed.

You'd be really proud.
We did it all ourselves.

Also, we flew off a cliff.

No, don't...

Now I'm gonna have to erase that part.

Acting Cocaptain Penny Robinson
signing off.

You didn't have to make that climb,
but then you know that.

- What are you talking about?
- I've cooked a few books in my day, okay?

If you really wanna be an effective thief,
learn accounting,

but if you wanna catch a thief...

You see, there's a tremendous amount
of titanium ore that somehow disappeared.

I'm annoyed I didn't catch it sooner,

but after a year of babysitting,
I guess I'm losing my edge.

But who would've thought
that Will Robinson

would sabotage our only way
to get to Alpha Centauri?

You're right about everything.

It was me.

What I don't understand
is why you don't wanna leave.

The robots... aren't just looking
for their engines anymore.

They're looking for me.

How do you know that?

They know my name.

- What are you gonna do?
- I'm working on it.

I have to admit
I'm touched you're confiding in me.

Can you keep this a secret?

It's something I'm good at.

So, apparently,

someone's been messing
with the ore we need

to fix the engine and leave this place.

Smith thinks it was me,

but she's wrong.

It was you, wasn't it?

Why would you do that?

Help Will Robinson.

You knew I felt safe here.

Or, at least,
safer than facing whatever's out there.

I get you were trying to protect me, but...

I'm not a kid anymore.

Danger, Will Robinson.

Maybe the only way to put an end to this
is to face the danger.

The robots are gonna come for me.

And when they do,
if my family's anywhere near,

they're gonna get hurt.

Or worse.

Which means,
once we all get to Alpha Centauri...

you and I have to leave them.

If you really wanna help me...

you have to trust me.

Trust Will Robinson.


You shouldn't have to do this on your own.

How many times
did we have to see this thing?


Penny noticed every time.

A million first-place trophies
on our shelf at home,

and Judy brings the one for second place.

I think it was intended as a reminder
to push herself harder.

Every time I come into the hub,
I still expect to see them.

Thought maybe that would eventually end,
but it never did.

I try not to think about them.

Is that terrible?

'Cause when I do...

I wonder
if there was something that I missed.

If there was something else
I could have done

to keep us all together.

♪ Don't worry ♪

♪ About a thing ♪

♪ 'Cause every little thing ♪

♪ Is gonna be all right ♪

♪ Singin' don't worry ♪

♪ 'Bout a thing ♪

♪ 'Cause every little thing ♪

♪ Is gonna be all right ♪

♪ Rise up this mornin' ♪

♪ Smiled at the rising sun ♪

♪ Three little birds ♪

♪ Were perched by my doorstep ♪

♪ Who were singing sweet songs ♪

♪ Melody pure and true ♪

♪ Saying, "This is my message to you" ♪

♪ Don't worry ♪

♪ About a thing ♪

♪ 'Cause every little thing ♪

♪ Is gonna be all right ♪

♪ I'm sayin' don't worry ♪

♪ About a thing ♪

♪ 'Cause every little thing ♪

♪ Is gonna be all right ♪

♪ Rose up this morning ♪

♪ And I smiled with the rising sun ♪

♪ And three little birds ♪

♪ Were perched by my doorstep... ♪

♪ They were singin' sweet songs ♪

♪ Melodies pure and true ♪

♪ Sayin', "This is my message to you" ♪

♪ Every little thing ♪

♪ Is gonna be all right ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ All right ♪