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06x02 - No Rest for the Convicted

Posted: 10/23/14 14:46
by bunniefuu
Announcer: Previously on Republic of Doyle:

So she's awake?

You're a dead man in here, Jake.

Leslie's the only one who can tell us that Brogan was the one that did this to her.

I'm going away for m*rder.

What did you say?

I hate punishing young girls for not paying me back.

If you want the bank to insure the money charges have to be laid.

You want me to press charges on my own daughter.

Relax, me buddy, go with it.


Walter: You're free.

Until your trial date. Which I am trying to push as
far away as possible.

This is great.

Yeah. Well... and I stress...

You will be thrown back in in a heartbeat if you violate the conditions of your release. The accused must report regularly to the RNC.

Remain in the jurisdiction.

Abstain from all illegal activities.

Hear this, dum dum.

They know we're P.I.s., right? I mean, how am I

supposed to make a living?

I've been in jail a long time.

Walter: You can still work.

You just have to be careful.

Why do I feel like there's bad news coming?

How's Leslie?

Oh, Leslie's doing great.

She's actually back to work. And everything is looking wonderful.

Is she here today? I'd like to see her.

She's not in the office. I checked for you.

See? I care about you.

What about Sloan?

We never stop looking for Sloan. And now that you're out you can help.

Wait. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

We're broke.

Where's you get the cash for that fancy new jacket.

And my bail money?


Funny story.


Jake: Funny how?

What are you laughing at? Why are you acting weird?

You're acting weird.

We're not acting anything.


Yes you are.

Why are you acting weird?

Where did you get my bail money?

No, no, no, no, no, no.

Carl Maher bailed you out.

Yeah. That's right.

I'm buying you, son.

I'm buying your life.

Sloan Daniels.

Or should I say. Doyle?

Nice to see you again after all this time.

I think we've got a lot to talk about.

Don't you?

♪ Oh yeah! ♪
♪ Oh yeah! ♪
♪ Oh yeah! ♪
♪ Oh yeah! ♪
♪ Oh yeah ee ay ee ay ee ay ♪
♪ oh yeah ee ay ee ay ee ay ♪
♪ oh yeah. ♪

[muffled screams. Heartbeat sounds]

Leslie: Would somebody help me!

Somebody help me please!

[Phone rings]

Hottie burn, Carl. That's a case I worked for a paying client.

He's paid in full. Let's go, Doyle.

Des. I told you to put that away!


Jake: Leslie won't answer my friggin' phone calls.

Carl: I gotta say, copper.

Your youngster over there. He's a tad ungrateful.

Thanks. I thought I was the only one.

So, this is the best you could come up with.

You're outta jail, aren't ya?


what do you want from me that you think is with a hundred thousand dollars?

Oh, it' just a little job b'y. Nudding too tangly.

Mal: What's the job, Carl?

And it better not have the word "bank" in your pitch.

Okay, okay, okay.

I got this. All right, so... introductions.

I think we all remember. Mr. Carl Maher was wrongly convicted.

And actually once drugged and kidnapped the both of you.

Yet Jake was the only on in prison. Irony, right?

See your hand up? Can I see your hand up?



No sense of humour. Okay. So. Michelle Cantwell. Carl has a beef with her.

After investing
an embarrassingly large sum of money into her investment firm. Cantwell Securities.

Eight hundred grand in there. Eight hundred grand.

Why did you invest so much?

I had a lot more, but I was wasting it.

I wanted to do something smart for a change, before I blew it all.

Then I met Michelle. And well, let me tell you.

She got her claws into me like nudding else.

How'd you meet her?

She's friends with my sister. Crystal.

Her friend.

Anyways, I gave her the cash. I couldn't stop myself, right?

I haven't heard tell of her since.

She won't even call me back. Much less
meet with me.

Jake: What do have on this company?

Cantwell Securities? Seems to be on the up and up.

Alright Carl. I'll bite.

What do you want from me?

I don't want the cops involved.

And apparently you're the only option I got to get what I needs.

So if you're done sookin'

we'll go!

Are you gonna talk nicely this time?


How's that for nice?

I'm surprised you're as brazen as you are, seeing that you're the one that's tied to a chair.

Do you get off on tying up young girls?

I don't get off on any of this.

Especially the part where you and your loser boyfriend rob my safe.

You've gotten soft, Saul. Because what I see is a man who got beat by a little girl.

I got you.

So you tell me again. Who beat who, here?

Oh, and by the way, we've got your boyfriend.

Unfortunately, he's already spent his half of the take.

What? How do you think we found you?

Did you k*ll him?


But he won't be playing that trick again anytime soon.

You're the smart one.

You kept your cut.

What's in that bag could cover almost everything I took from you.

You're missing the point.

You stole from me!

And that kind of thing goes way beyond the money.

If you're gonna k*ll me, k*ll me.

Otherwise, just piss off.

That's a big debt for a little girl to have to carry all by herself.

You see this company card?

Doyle and Doyle investigations?

That's nothing.

It's just a credit card I stole.

I think we may have found another way to sort this out.

What are you doing?

Nudding. I kinda been banned from the place.

They said they'd call the cops next time.

If they call the cops, Carl, I'm gonna go to jail.

If you don't shut up and do what I say, you're going back anyway.

Michelle: You know, this really is the perfect time to invest.


Sam, would you - excuse me for a moment?

Sam: Yeah.

Thank you.

Carl, not again.

Take it easy, my ducky. I'm just here to talk.

Got my lawyer with me this time.

Jake: I'm not his lawyer. I represent it's complicated. Listen about Carl's investments. There appears to be some kind of confusion.

Oh no.

There's zero confusion. As I have explained to your client his investment is secure if he just has a little patience.

Look, I knows when I'm being swindled, alright.

Now I wants my eight hundred thousand dollars.

Or I'm putting this place up.

Is there a problem with my investment?

Yes sir.

No, not at all.

It's just a misunderstanding.

Carl. Calm down.

I'm calm.

Do you have any paperwork. You know, anything that Carl may have signed?

An agreement with you.

Yes. Of course.

I've been trying to call her. I've been calling you!

Every day. You don't call me back.

Because I'm trying to make you more money, Carl.

He signed up for the extended term.

It's been two weeks.

Two weeks?

Did you even read this before you signed it?

I started to read it, but I don't know. I got kinda caught up in her.

I mean, look at her, she's sexy, right?


Everything is gonna be fine.

Right sweetie.

I'll ask you one more time.

Give me back my money.

Just go over there. Play with the pens.

I know we just met, but I need a huge favour, okay. You would make my life so much easier if you could just free up some of his cash for him.

What do you say?


When you think about it, Carl is not such a bad fella.



Jake: Have you lost your mind?

No sir. Just my money.

Go get it, Michelle.


Carl, I can't do that.

Does my sister, Crystal know what you're doing to her brother?

Get your hands off me.

Get your hands off me!

Just get him out of here please?

I'm gonna cut you one more break.

If you come back here again, you will go to jail.

This little scam you got going?

It's falling apart, Michelle.

And you better hope that me eight hundred thousand don't fall with it.

Really. I'm sorry about him. His temper flairs up sometimes.

You're a bad investment, Doyle.

Well, you're not giving me much of a chance.

But I gotta say, you might be on to something.

What's that?


She's being investigated by the securities commission.

That's because something's going on.

Sam Pittman.

Jake and Carl, right?

Some crazy fireworks in there.

And that's a crazy jacket.

Jake: What do you mean something's going on?

I'll level with you. I'm a journalist.

I got a tip a while back that some of their
clients weren't getting the returns they were promised. So I've been posing as a potential investor.

That's exactly what I was saying to him.

Been checking the place out ever since.

There's more activity happening here after hours, than during the day.

And guess what?

Jake: We know.

They're being investigated by the securities commission.

How did you know?

Because it says so on this piece of paper.


They received a couple of complaints from investors about breech of contract involving dividends.

The commission sent this guy to investigate.

Phil Cooper.

They're pretty secretive with their ongoing investigations.

But I though maybe, if we work together you're a P.I. Right?

We could crack this.

Carl: I knows that, but will I get my money back? That's all I cares about.

It' still there.

Either way you want to get ahead of this thing.

[Phone rings]

You want to be at the front of the line to get our money back.

Think about it.

I gotta check this.

Where's he going?


Don't tell my brother it's me.



No, it's me, Crystal

Maher, Carl's sister.

I know, dad.

Oh! Got ya.

Well, I'm gonna need to talk to you.

It's important. And you're the only one that can help.

There must be other people.

Look, Carl's not telling you everything.

I can clear all this up.

I'll text you an address.


You done?

You know dad, right? He just wanted to yell at me.

Listen. I gotta go do something. So I'm gonna put you with Des.

You two, you should come here and stake this place out.

Des? I didn't buy Des.

I'm busy. And the thing that I gotta do requires a certain amount of finesse.

What do you got?

Hey. Look. Sloan just used one of our company credit cards.

She must have grabbed it from the safe when she robbed us.

What? Sloan is smarter that that. She knew we'd find out.


Something's off here.

Do you think we're being set up?

Or someone's trying to get our attention.

Green room bar.



It's been a while.

Yes it has.

You look good.

Really good.

I think you're the one who looks you look.

You look great.

I know, right?

It's my cross to bear.


You wanted to tell me something about Carl?

Let's get comfy first.


Do you trust me, Jakey?

No. I don't. Not at all.

Are you trying to steal your brother's money again?

I'm looking out for Carl.

He just doesn't see that.

Right. How so?

I hooked Michelle and Carl up.

She's a genius.

And this whole thing will work out fine.

If Carl just sits back and waits.

I don't think that Carl is the patient type.


He trusts you.

You need to convince him. You know what I mean?

No, I don't.

I assure you that I have it.



Okay. Bye bye.

You two look cosy.

Please sit.

Sorry about that. Impatient investor.

Let's hope that they don't make a complaint the the securities commission.


You really are a good P.I. Jake.

Unfortunately there are people out there, like Carl, who, when they don't see a return right away, they panic.

And sometimes they even call the securities people.

Jake: Yeah.

Michelle's brilliant.

We all stands to get rich, if we just keep our cool.


Yeah. Crystal's taken an interest in the company.

She's one of our newest brokers.

Oh dear God.

Don't look so sad.

We just wanted to clear up a few misconceptions that my brother has about this company.

Michelle: We thought that it would be easier to talk to you. And have you relay my assurance that his investments are safe and sound.


Look, Jake.

If you wanna check my track record, you can.

But it's the best in the business.

Because I am the best in the business.

Crystal: You should listen to Michelle, Jake.

There could be something in this for you too.

Michelle: It's true.

You keep Carl calm, and keep his money in the game. And we could all profit from this.

Crystal: You could make a good

Uh, meaning that you guys wanna pay me to just keep my mouth shut, right?

Grow up, Jake!


Help us, or not. I don't care!

We tried to reason with you. Now we'll just take care of it ourselves.

I think you know your way out.


Well, thank you for whatever... whatever the hell this was.

[Phone rings]

Hey Rose. What's up?

Listen. You might wanna call your dad. He's looking for you.

Is it Sloan? Did he find her?

Yeah. I'm gonna text you an address right away.

That's great news.

I'm on my way.

Carl: There's no sign of anyone.

This is just a waste of time, b'y.


Give me them! Jeez, b'y.


I'm not a sook.

And this is not a waste of time. But you know what is?

Is you sh**ting up in an office with my flare g*n.

Mal is gonna k*ll me.

This van looks different.

That's because you blew up the last one, remember?

Oh yeah! Right on.

Stop playing with stuff.


You're dating the boss's niece, are ya?

What's that like?

First of all, Jake's my partner.

Yeah, right.

He is.

And secondly. Yes I am dating her. And it's awesome.

Jake's daughter, Sloan. She must be a real wild child, eh?

Oh yeah. She's nuts. Well, she has her moments, that normally last twenty four hours a day.

Well, she as to sleep, but Crystal?

Are you thinking about hour hot sister?

Crystal's there.

In your heart? Yeah, we carry family in our...

Buddy, are you stunned?

Or what? She's right there, b'y. Look.

She's been avoiding me like cracked lately.

I gotta go talk to her.

Last thing I needs, is her in my business.

No, no, no. I'm sorry.

But Jake said, and I quote, not to let him - that's you - out of your - that's me - sight. I can't.

Des get out of the way, buddy.

Well, then, come out with me then.

I'm sorry. I can't. It's too risky.


Whoopsie Daisy.


Uncuff me! Something's going down.

Why else would Crystal be meeting with the securities commissioner fella?

It's that guy, Phil Cooper.

Sure, I don't care who it is. Uncut me now!

I'm sorry. But and extreme man calls for extreme measures.





It's not loaded.

You had extra flares, didn't you?

Uncuff me.


I don't think you're gonna do it. Because, you'd have to be crazy to sh**t that off in here.

And I don't even think Carl Maher is crazy enough to do that.

Not crazy enough, am I?

No. I don't think so.

No? No? Wha?



Des: Oh no... again!

Arrgh! The van's on fire! The van's on fire!

The keys arsehole or we're both gonna burn to death.

The van is on fire! Oh jeeze.

Calm down. Breathe, breathe.

Okay. Okay.

Faster than that b'y.


Oh my God!

Relax out of it b'y. She'll probably burn herself out.



Where is she?

He's got Sloan stashed away somewhere.


We'll get to that.

She's safe for now.

Mal: Enough games.

Get to it.

Before I k*ll you.

Jake. You're in the eye of a storm here.

If I were you, I would slow down and enjoy this moment.

Because things are gonna get bad for you.

Real soon.

How do you figure?

Unless you do exactly what I want, you'll be attending young Sloan's funeral.



The more damage you do to me or my guys the larger your tab gets.

Tab? How about you tell us where Sloan is right now.

Before you find out what I can really do.

Jake, stop.

What tab? What are you talking about?

She stole from me.

And I'm talking a whole lot of money.

And from what I understand, she did the same thing to you.

Now, granted, she still has some cash on her.

But this isn't about the money any more, is it?

What's your point?

My point is, Jake:

If I k*ll her, I get nothing.

But if you two decide to take on her debt, that's something I could consider.

Mal: You said it yourself.

She took our cash as well. We got nothing to offer you.

Oh, I think you've got a whole lot to offer.

Have you heard the term sweat equity?

Jake: Yeah, if it involves kicking your teeth in,

I'm more than happy to contribute.

If you donate your time to me.

Do whatever it is I tell you to do, until Sloan's debt is erased.

I'm already one psychopath's errand boy.

So, I'm pretty sure I'm at my limit.

Task number one. Find out what the cops have on me.

What they know about me. Whether I'm under any investigations.

That kind of thing.

Are you crazy?

I know you've got those kinds of connections.

So you get me that information, and I'll let Sloan go.

You and I will keep this arrangement, until I feel you've worked off her debt.

Be in touch when you have what I want. And gentlemen you cross me, she dies.

Hood: Are you sure we need to be doing this?

I mean, you just got back on the job.

I'm fine. Don't bring it up again.


This is pretty low level stuff, for a couple of sergeants, no?

Low level?

I got good info that this guy's selling to children.

Not teenagers, but pre-teens.

Plus he's got a record that would make you sick.

So how do you want to handle it?

Do you see that?

I'll call it in.


Stop, police!

That kid couldn't have been more than twelve.

Money's money.


Are you crazy in the head, lady?









Hey baby, what's up?

What's up?

You blew up the van?

Sort of.

Technically, Carl did. But that's only because I handcuffed him.

So he was forced to set fire to it.

That sounded way more saner in my head.

Can you ask me that again?

You could have been k*lled.

He's a hero. He saved my life.

You should make out with him with another missus.



Unless, you know, you think that's a good idea.

I mean, Carl!

It's just a suggestion, b'y. Open minds, right?

Ignore him.

Mal: I told you to put the shaggin' flare g*n away!

Jake: That's two of our vans that you've now blown up.

You see why I never want to spend any time with you?

Carl: Relax, b'y.

As soon as you get my money back, I'll buy you a new one, okay?

I'm glad you're out.

You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine. What about these two?

Are they in any real trouble?

Tinny: There's no charges to be laid,
as far as I can see.

Can I press some?

Please don't do that.

Tinny: They can go. But b'ys. Just stop blowing stuff up.

Yes baby.


Jake: Des.

Go away.


We need to find a way to get that information for Vic Saul.

Just don't get tinny tangled up in this.

I'll watch tweedle dum and tweedle Des.

You do what you gotta do.


Hey, what's the story?

Oh, hurricane Jake. Of course.

Could you close the door an your way out, hood?

Sorry, I haven't been answering your calls.

It's just a lot for me to take in.

What happened to your hand?

Are you okay?

What' going on?

I'm still having nightmares.

They're pretty rampant.

Do you really think you should be back here at work?

You might wanna take some time?

This coming from the man who stands accused of k*lling my ex-boyfriend?


Where did that come from? Leslie, you know I didn't k*ll anyone.

I realize that, Jake. That's not the point.

What is the point?

I just don't think it's a good time for us to be spending time together.

Are you what? This is exactly the right time. What are you talking about?

I wanna be there for you. You need me.

I think it's best if we just cool it.

Take some time. Wait for things to calm down, okay?

Look at me.

Look at me!


'Cause I need to figure out who I am, and what's happening to me.

And I'm not gonna be good to you or anyone unless I do that sooner rather than later. Okay?


I mean it. I need to do this alone.

At least you're good for something, hood.



Yes b'y.

That's for handcuffing me to a burning van.

You're the one who made it burn.

Carl: Where the hell have you been?

Yeah, where the hell have you been! Sorry. He's a bad influence.

The van, for example.

None of your business.

No, it is my business, because I owns you. You're my property.

You good?

Uh, I guess you could say that.

Where are we with all this?

We knows that Crystal and Michelle are in this together.

Des: Crystal does have holdings in the company. But what was she doing arguing with Phil Cooper?

Security commission guy?

Rose: He just filed a report, saying that everything at Cantwell Securities is on the up and up.

Carl: What?

So my money's safe.

Jake: Doesn't make a lot of sense.

We ran into that reporter, Sam Pittman. He said that he was on to something.

OK. Well, I did a check on him as well.

He's a reporter, alright.

Freelance now, because he's been fired from a number of newspapers for fabricating the truth.

Don't let it stand in the way of a good story, I guess.

He's been sued a couple of times too.

So you think that's just what Sam is doing now?

Maybe. Cantwell Securities are doing really well.

The commissioner's report verifies that.

Crystal was right.

But why was Crystal meeting with Phil Cooper?

[Phone message sound]

Carl: I don't know.

I'm not the P.I.


Dad, we gotta go do something.


It's personal.

We'll be back soon.

Mal: Rose.

See if you can trace this Philip Cooper.

Yeah, you got it.

Carl: And I gotta talk to Crystal. Whatever she's doing,

I need her to stop. She might ruin everything.

No, no. We can't be at it.

There's lots of wood in this place.

It might have survived a great fire. I wonder if it can stand another one?

I'll drive.

What do we have here?

It's the file the police have on you.

This is now between you and me.

You leave Sloan alone.

Meaning, you never speak to her again.

Ha, ha.

I don't think you understand.

You're daughter crossed me. I'm hoping you're starting to realize people don't do that and get away with it.


I realize you're used to dealing with a certain type of element, Saul.

What do you know?

Trust me.

A lot more than you think I do.

[Hand bangs on the bar]

If we do this the debt my daughter has with you is now mine.

She doesn't exist in your eyes, got me?


Your daughter doesn't exist for me.

Unless you screw up.

This is thorough. I'm impressed.

Where is she?

Jake: If even imagine that you go near her again, I'll k*ll you.

Best keep that imagination in check, Jake.

Crystal. It's your brother. I needs to talk to you.

There's something weird in here.



You alright?

Crystal: What's going on?

It's all right. It's okay.

But Sam isn't okay.

Did Saul hurt you?


I'm fine.


Look, Jake.

No, go ahead.

I don't know what to say.

Me either.

I didn't mean to hurt you.

You have a funny way of showing it. Because you did hurt me.

You hurt me a lot.

I'm so sorry.

I really am.

Not sorry enough that it stopped you from stealing our entire life savings.

Which, by the way, we have zero chance of getting back from insurance.

Unless I press charges on you.

I didn't know that part.

Which I would never do, of course. Not only because you're my daughter.

But because it will already ruin your very fractured life.

I thought they'd cover it automatically.

You know, Sloan. I don't even care about the God damned money.

I don't even care about the fact that I'm now a sl*ve to one of the biggest scumbags in the city.

Because you decided to rob from him too.

I didn't ask for any of this from you.

I didn't ask for your trust. Or your compassion.

I didn't ask for any of it.

I thought that you were dead.

And, I really did care about that.

I care about that a lot.

I'm not going with you.


I think I have to go away from here.

I don't want you to go.

But I can't force you to do anything, obviously. So so you do whatever you want.


Walter: So you had no idea that Sam Pittman was a reporter?

Crystal: No I didn't have a clue.

I thought he was a potential client.

Crystal, what's going on with you and this Phil Cooper guy?

We saw you arguing with him earlier.

What? No. He was looking for Michelle. He said if she didn't comply, there'd be consequences.

Look, I don't know what's going on. But I didn't k*ll no one.


They found poison in the wine that your sister here bought.

And Sam drank.

It looks like Crystal tried to k*ll him.

I drank it too, remember?

I didn't know there was poison in it!

They're just gonna argue that you got confused.

You took a sip. It was enough to knock you out.

But it wasn't enough to k*ll you. Or that you were trying to make it look like someone was trying to poison the both of you.

Shut your face! Shut, shut shut, shut up!

Who's side are you on, anyway?

Des: Carl.

Walter's just telling it like it is.

Okay? This looks really bad.

I can't go to jail.

Don't worry about that.

I'm your brother. I'm not gonna let that happen. Come on.

You'll take the rap for this. You'll say that you did it.

You'll say that you poisoned Sam?

You're the best brother in the world.

What? No, woman!

But I own someone who can fix this.


Can I help you?

I'm Doctor John Ronan. I was hoping to help you, actually.

We have an appointment.


I'm a psychologist. I was assigned to you by the RNC.

Oh, right. I must have missed that email about that appointment.

I got a lot going.

So I've heard.

Sorry. Meaning?

You know these sessions are mandatory.


So they tell me.

So, may I sit?

You seem to be the one making the rules anyway.

Go ahead.

Sorry, I'm not usually so I don't know.

You feeling a bit of pressure lately?

Did you read the report about what I did to the dirt bag drug dealer?

I did. I did, yes.

I don't know what's wrong with me.

Are you taking any medication?

Anything to help you with the anxiety or the stress?


Leslie. There's no shame to be going through what you're going through.

I'm only here to help you get through it.

That's all.

Look, I need to be up front with you.

Good. That's actually kinda the whole point.

No. What I mean is that I'm fine.

You're time would be better spent helping those that need it.

Why don't you let me be the judge of that?

That's what they pay me horribly for.

I really appreciate what you do.

I just don't need your help. So if you could just check whatever box it is you got there in that file.

So that I could get back to work, I'd be most grateful.

Nice meeting you.

Carl: She don't do it. My sister wouldn't k*ll no one.

She has a motive. Sam was a reporter.

A reporter. A reporter who was sued and fired for writing lies.

Jake: There's two clear suspects here.

Phil and Michelle.

And Michelle's motive is pretty obvious.

Rose: I think Phil's motive is the same.

Taking a closer look at
the securities commission document that got form Michelle's office.


Cantwell Securities doesn't have holdings in half the companies that they claim to.


She's been sending out falsified statements to all her clients.

It's a Ponzi scheme.

So Sam, for once, was on to a legit story.

I'm gonna lose all my money.

Why did Phil file a report with the securities commission that Cantwell was on the up and up?

Either he's incompetent, or he's corrupt.

Des: We saw Crystal and Phil in a pretty heated argument before the van seriously blew up earlier.

But Crystal said that Phil threatened Michelle, saying that she better comply or else.

I don't know. But Sam was investigating Phil too.

We gotta go talk to him.

Rose: I got his company credit card.

I found it. I'll text you the address to his hotel.

Alright Carl. Come on. Let's go finish this thing.

Okay. Just hold on, okay!

I wanna know why you pinned the m*rder on my sister.


I didn't k*ll anybody. What's he talking about!





Look. We know you falsified your security commission's report on Michelle's company.

No. I most certainly did not.

We got your work there, look.

We got right here.


Would you hang on a sec.

This briefcase.

I saw Michelle with this earlier.


So you knew this was a

Ponzi scheme.

Obviously Michelle paid you to look the other way.

Okay. I admit it. But I didn't k*ll anybody, okay?


Sam was investigating you. And you threatened Michelle.

And my sister.

Michelle short changed me. Alright? That is half of what she promised me.

I told her, if she didn't give me the rest

I was going to reopen the case.

And she was gonna go down.

Jake: So she agreed to give you the rest of the money.


She was here earlier, but.


He's still breathing.

There's a hole in the top.

Carl, I think he was poisoned.


He just said he was with Michelle earlier, right.

He needs an ambulance.


You can't stay here. Otherwise you'll go back inside.

He needs to see a Doctor, Carl.

You go take that stash, and go find Michelle.

And I'll wait for the cops.

Go! Go!

Make sure he gets to a hospital.

Yes, yes.

Phil Cooper's in a coma.

But he's be dead if he finished the water from that bottle.

I saved his life. I'm a hero. What was it? Poison?

Same poison used to k*ll Sam Pittman.

See? My sister's innocent.

Because how can she be poisoning a second buddy? If she was already in here for poisoning the first buddy.

We released her twenty minutes ago.

She's no longer a suspect until further notice.


But you might be.

I told you. Michelle Cantwell did all this.

Hood: But yet, you're the one who just happened to be at both scenes?

We're gonna be here a while.


I saved that fella's life. You just said that yourself.

And ye crowd put me in once before for something that I didn't do.

And I got some nice settlement outta that.

Wanna try again?

'Cause I needs a new pool.


You planning a little trip here, Michelle?

Crystal? What are you doing?

Stay out of this, Jake.

Cops told me it was all a scam.

She stole my brother's money!

I was gonna share it with you.

I swear.

Well, I don't know about that. But she is gonna go down for all this.

And for m*rder.


You set me up.

You put the poison in the wine at my place.

Michelle: Okay, okay, okay!

Listen. Things just got out of hand. Okay?

And Sam's story would have sunk us.

And Phil, he got greedy.

Crystal. Hey.

Shut up, Jake!

Put the knife down.

You come a step closer and I k*ll her, I swear.

Michelle: I can make this right.

You see that small suitcase?

There's money.

A million dollars cash from other investors.

It's yours.

Open it.



Carl: Crystal! Be careful missus!

I'm getting our money back.



Look out!


You okay?

Jake: Carl?

Crystal, you okay?

Carl: Don't mind me.

I'm best kind.

Jake: You okay?

How's the shoulder?


Always knew Crystal was gonna be the death of me.

But what are you gonna do? Family, right?

I hear that.

The cops found the poison at Michelle's house.

So with the m*rder, and two attempted the fraud is now the least of her problems.

You know what I feels really sad about, though?

The money?

Exactly. Yeah.

Jake: What about everything they took from Michelle's? Don't you get any of that?

Pshh. Yeah, right.

Mal: They confiscated all of it.

It'll be years before they figure out what's what with that cash.

That sucks, Carl.



Open it.

What's this?

Go on.

It's your eight hundred thousand dollars.

With one condition.

When I'm freed and cleared of all the m*rder charges.

I keep the hundred thousand dollars that you put up as bail.

Yeah, right. That's a hundred grand.

You blew up our van.

If you wants, we can keep the full eight hundred.

Alright. Don't get all sooky baby out it.

I'll take the deal.

Stealing evidence.

Are you out of your mind?

It's barely evidence. Plus I'm pretty sure this is the exact eight hundred thousand that Carl gave Michelle in the first place.

Yeah, some of it is.

Is that electrical tape?

Carl: Hey, Jake.

You knows that Crystal's single, right?

I'd be a deadly brother in law.

Yeah, that's actually kinda what I'm afraid of.


See ya Carl.

I set up a few cameras where Sloan is staying.

I haven't see her come or go yet. Do you want me to stay on her?

No. Go get some sleep.

Let's leave it for tonight.

You sure?

She could slip away pretty fast.

Yeah, well. If that what she wants, that's what she wants.

I can't force her to stay with us.

Now, if you'll excuse me I'm really looking forward to getting some sleep in a room that's not filled with three hundred hairy arsed men.

Well, it's the little things in life that make the difference.


Um. We're cool on the van, right?

I mean, what' done is done, right Mal? Right? Buddy. Pal.

Des, it's been my experience that the bigger man knows when to let things go.


I'm not the bigger man.

Got one of those for me?

How did you know it wasn't gonna be Des who came walking in here?

How'd you know it wasn't Des I was waiting for?

Oh my God. I missed you.


Hey dezzy!

Oh dear.


Announcer: Next week on Republic of Doyle...

[Crashing sounds]

Announcer: Guest star Enrico Colantoni gives the Doyles a run for their money.

Doing something like that would knock me out of oneness with the Cosmos and the stars and stuff.

Announcer: Republic of Doyle, next week on CBC.