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01x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 01/21/24 09:55
by bunniefuu

Here, let me help you.


Are we going to die out here?

No. The storm will pass.

I'll go to hell for what I've done.

What is it, Mistress Woodbryg?

I had to leave England.

That's why I'm here.

That's why I'll surely die.

I k*lled a man.

That's the worst of it, I reckon.

Aren't you glad, Verity?

Aren't you grateful that we're
the ones to come to this new world?

Hell's teeth, no!




William Clemell.

Edward Manston.

Joshua Little.

Alice Kett.

Henry Sharrow.

Edmund Godfrey.



I'm Silas.

I'm to take you to my brother.

This is Pepper, the youngest Sharrow.


I hope you find this place as we do.

The most beautiful land
that God ever made.

Verity Bridges.

Meredith Rutter!

Meredith Rutter?!

Sir. Master Castell, sir.

You forgot the love token.

Thank you, Mercy.

Is she beautiful, Master Castell, sir?

She is, Mercy.

I always wanted a mistress.
No disrespect intended, sir.

It is fine to have a master, but I
always wished to have a mistress.

I'm excited enough to marry her myself.

Thank you.

As you will see, Jocelyn,
there is still much work to be done

in building Jamestown.

I hope I didn't paint too
rosehued a picture

when we met in Oxfordshire?

I will leave you with Mercy,

while I speak to the agent.

Let us be the first to congratulate
you, sir, on your appointment

as our new governor.
And on your recent knighthood.

I'm sure you'll understand, gentlemen,

after such a taxing voyage,
if I escort my wife home to rest

and recuperate, before we begin the
difficult business of governance.

You look weary from your journey, Alice.

I don't mean that
you appear anything but pretty.

What I mean is that I'm sure
you'd like to rest.

Why did Henry send
his brothers to meet me?

Is he not curious
to see the woman he is to marry?

We Sharrows are tenured
to Master Massinger.

We work for our right to be here...

and the promise
of our freedom one day.

So, the likes of us
can't afford the price of a wife.

You cost him 150 pounds
of the finest leaf tobacco.

I'm glad to know I'm worth so
many pounds of the finest tobacco.

The debt must be repaid with labour.

Henry has something of a hunger
for work and improvement.

That's why we're here.

I know, Jocelyn, this is not
what you were used to in England.

We made our arrangements in such haste.

We'll make the most of it.

You will stay here.

I have arranged to reside with a
good friend until our wedding night.

I will let you settle in.

You must be exhausted. Yes.

Might I have some clean bedsheets?

Them are the clean sheets, ma'am.

Where might I find Meredith Rutter?

A whole other world.

Meredith Rutter?

Henry, this is Alice.

We'll be married in a week.

Might I ask, sir,

where can I find Meredith Rutter?

What's your name?


Verity Bridges.

It's too late to be
out on your own, Verity.

Jamestown is a hive
of men starved of women.

I'll walk you to the tavern.

You can sleep the night there.

Ain't Alice Kett the lucky one?



No! No!


The town will grow.

We might build a home out here.

Imagine the views, Jocelyn.

What a place to raise children.

Children?! Children are thieves.

They exist merely to rob you of sleep.

Who are those men?

That's Edgar Massinger.

He build his tobacco plantation with
land he bought from the Company.

And the others?

Marshall Redwick.

And the finelydressed man is
Secretary Farlow, my employer.

Samuel, I dined with Sir George
several times on the journey.

He spoke so fondly of you, it gave
me the most harmonious notion.

You must ask him to be groomsman
at our wedding.

I have agreed with
Christopher that he will.

Christopher? Dr Priestly.

The gentleman I spoke of.

He has been a kind friend
to me since we arrived here.

He is to be my groomsman.

Meredith Rutter! Get off!

You are charged with
slandering the Company,

lewdness and drunkenness.

You... are a reprobate.

And you, sir,

are as fair and honest
as any Virginia Company man.

You're drunk now, are you not, Rutter?

Sir Marshall Redwick, sir,

I tried to be sober.

I didn't like it.

You would stand here
and mock this hearing?

Then I'll have you nailed
by the ear to the post,

for the remainder of the day.
You can't!

To the post!

Ouch! Ouch!

Our newlyarrived,
newlyknighted governor,

Sir George Yeardley
wishes to address us all.


You see standing before you a man proud.

Proud to be returned here
as governor of all Virginia.

Proud to bring with me maids,
to make wives,

and confident that we can maintain...

I know why George Yeardley's come back.

He wants the same thing you were
chasing nine years ago...


We are building a new world.

A world where a man
might start with nothing,

and through his own labours
and venturesome spirit

he might prosper.

Towns will grow across this country,

so that every man will enjoy fellowship

and the freedom
to pursue his own ambitions.

The Virginia Company would like
to reward those

who have served our colony
from the very first day.

Those ancients of you
who arrived here on the first ships

will be granted your due.

Every man will receive 100 acres,

to plant and cultivate as you see fit.

Archibald Briggs...

Henry Sharrow... Silas Sharrow...

Benjamin Briggs.
Nathanial Covington...

Is that the brother you're to marry?


He followed me down to the lake

and I cried for him to stop, but...

He has no mercy in him.

I think he would have beaten
the life out of me

if I had not surrendered to him.

I will knee his balls up out of his throat.

No, Verity! No.


Didn't the agent on the ship say we
were to report our troubles to him?

If the rules in this colony say you
can have your face hammered to

a post for blaspheming, then a
man will hang for raping a woman.

Here, come here.


Excuse me.

If you are to work closely
with Sir George,

would it not be a gesture
of your devotion to him

if you invite him to accompany
you up the aisle?

I could not cast Christopher aside
simply to flatter the governor.

If Christopher was such
a valiant friend, then

he'd volunteer to step aside.

I would not so much as ask him.

Excuse me.

Samuel, I believe I feel rather
faint, might we go home?

There's such a weakness about me.

Jocelyn! Jocelyn!

Heavens, ma'am!

Is she withering, sir?

You can wait outside now,
thank you, Mercy.

I shall be just beyond that door, ma'am,

and I shall be on my knees apraying.

Have you been taken by this
manner of frailty before?

I believe you are to be groomsman
to Samuel at our wedding.

An honour I am anticipating
with great excitement.

There have been a turn of events
I wish to discuss with

you, Dr Priestly, If you'd be so kind.

I travelled here with
Sir George Yeardley,

a more benevolent man you could
not wish to encounter.

He's taken most kindly to my betrothed.
Who can blame him?

I am so pleased that you appreciate
what this means, that you are

receptive to my entreaty.

I'm not sure I yet follow your entreaty.

I had hoped you'd be gentleman
enough to intuit our predicament.

Because of the change of circumstances,

we wish that you step aside.

Samuel would like to pay Sir George
the compliment of inviting

him to serve as groomsman.

I see.

Mistress Woodbryg,

I'm curious as to why Samuel himself

does not make this petition.

Well, he's too much
of a gentleman to ask you.

Or perhaps to even think it.

Let us be frank, sir.

If Samuel is to advance here on this
island, it will require influence.

I see that you are a lady wellversed

in the ways of the royal court.

Henry will settle.

We have our own land now.

His soul will restore and
he'll make a good husband.

I knew what I was accepting when my
passage out here was paid.

To marry a man I'd never
set eyes on before.

But when I found you on that wharf, Silas,

that changed everything.

I had never seen such
a beautiful face before.

I ain't ever known such a precious
soul as yours, Alice.

But the stars, they aren't
in our favour.

They aren't, they can't be.

Why are you so afraid of him?

Henry kept me alive.

He kept Pepper alive.

He starved himself so that we might eat.

He fought with every ounce of
himself so that we might survive.

We'll go upriver.

Trade for corn from the Indians.

But we can trade for corn in the town.

I don't want the corn in town.

Well, we've got so much land to
clear, Henry, a shelter to build.

I don't possibly understand why you
could think that Indian corn...

I'm not asking you to understand,
I'm asking you to obey.

100 acres each. That's a lot of land.

You've taken on a debt,
Sharrow, from Master Massinger,

to purchase your fine wife.

He'll be paid. In labour.

That's what you agreed.
He'll be paid.

And how do you find your woman, Sharrow?

She knows work.

That's why I picked myself a farm lass.

How does she find you?

She finds me to be her husband.

100 acres is more than enough
for you Sharrows to work.

Give your brother's share
to Master Massinger

and your debt will be cleared.

We've waited 12 years for this.

Worked every day for it.

I'll not give an acre up for a woman.

Your debt is called in, Sharrow.

You'll go to the recorder and
transfer the land,

or the law will have
the final say in the matter.

Verity Bridges?

No, my name is Abigail Lightfoot.

Were you thinking about taking
the ship back to England?

I had a look at this place and
I decided it's not for me.

There's too much... sky.

A lass might lose herself
beneath so much sky.

If you go back,

you'll be taken to prison, Verity.

I paid for your release,
I paid for your passage,

that means you're mine.

You'll stay and be married. Come on.

Perhaps I might stay and not be married.

Come on.

Samuel, I wish you to reconsider

if you truly would like
me to be your groomsman.

I insist.

If you were to invite the governor

to accompany you up the aisle,

I feel confident that your betrothed

would recover in time for your wedding.

Christopher, you cannot believe that
she is deliberately...

Perhaps if you were to try the suggestion,

and see what effect it has on her.

Please don't wither away,
Mistress Woodbryg.

The heat here makes folks wither.

I couldn't bear it if you were
to leave just when you arrived.

Ma'am, I shall not leave your side.


Do you have a moment?

Please come in.

Your letter, suggesting we send maids
out here for marrying, most timely.

Thank you, Governor.

So that our directors might look
upon your proposal more favourably,

I implied to the Virginia Company
that it was, in fact, my own notion.

I see.

My predecessor, Argyll,

was determined that Marshall Redwick
should follow him as governor.

I managed to persuade the
company to appoint me.

So there will be resentment,
which will stir up resistance.

I want you to report to me

everything that Redwick
and Secretary Farlow say.

You wish me to spy for you, Governor?

That's as good a word as any.

I heard your wife is sick.

Perhaps it is the toll of the voyage, sir.

Then I won't keep you.

You are my eyes and ears here, Samuel.

We're loading muskets and powder
because we're going into

Indian territory.
There are still att*cks.

I don't know why Henry wants
us to take this trip,

but I know it's not for corn.

Silas, will you speak with
Henry while you're away?

Tell him I refuse to marry him.

That is what was agreed.

He took on the debt. He's the oldest.

If it was possible...
God, it has to be possible!

Alice... Alice.


What? What is it?


He followed me here.

I was searching for you.

It was not lust, Silas,
it was not hunger,

it was hatred.

I came here carrying as much hope
as a woman can bear.

I will not marry your brother

so that he might crush
the soul out of me.

If I have to k*ll him with my
own hands, I will defy him.


You won't have to.

Don't let my dear mistress wither.

She has such a grievous sickness on her.

I fear so.

So, please, deliver her
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Is there no improvement, Mercy?

I have wept and I have prayed.

I am praying right now, as I speak.

My thoughts are praying
as my mouth is talking.

If there is a loving God above us,

he will deliver this dear lady
from the torment...

Be done with your babbling, Mercy.

When she chides me, sir,

I take it as a blessed sign
that there is life in her still.

I've spoken to Christopher.

And he has conceded that it
might be best if I were

to ask Governor Yeardley to serve
as my groomsman.


My mistress is the
kindesthearted, loveliest woman.

My dear master will be
shook from his senses, Lord.

So, have mercy, Lord.


Thank you, Lord.

Yeah, I'm going upriver
to trade corn with the Indians.

What are the Sharrows
to name the plantation?

Err, the Sharrow Hundred.

I'm... James. Read.

Hello, James.

We make...

buckets out of military helmets.

Will you accept it?

Get you started on your farm.

What's that bruise on your hand?
How'd you come by that?

It was a perilous journey.

If you'll excuse me, Mr Read.

Where are the brothers?

They've gone upriver.

Trade for corn with the Indians.

Where's the sense in that?

Which one are you? Hey, hey!

You pick a woman who's grateful.

Woman who's going to obey.

Going to work for you.

She don't look that respectful to me.
No, I know.

Ain't she fine, Strawless?

Any 12yearold boy?

Drove them dogs.

I've seen you looking, Strawless.

I've seen you looking.

What would you give for a night
of pleasures with that girl, hey?

Isn't it time for your bed?

I'll play you one last game for her.

What are you going to put up for
a night with the sweetest lady

that walked off our ship?

Farthings. Ha' pennies!

Come on, dig in!
She's worth more than that.

Come on, come on, come on.
That's it. Yeah, all right.

That might do it.

Don't you throw those dice.

Whoa, boys!

Whoa! A woman whose juice...

is up for a fight.

Yeah! Haha! Haha!

Christopher. I'm pleased to see

you are much restored,
Mistress Woodbryg.

Entirely rejuvenated.

I have no doubt that
Sir George will be flattered

by Samuel's gesture
of inviting him to be his groom.

He will say yes, because
to say no might seem ungracious

and a new governor could
not risk such a friction

with his devoted recorder.

And as he stands at the altar
beside your husbandtobe,

he will also be suspicious.

He will hear that I have been
cast aside and he will wonder why.

He will surmise that a man
who could do such a thing

is a quite political animal.

He would then consider that there
was a degree of calculation,

are I say manipulation, in the offer.

Dr Priestley.

Are you telling me you do not wish

to forfeit your role as groomsman?

My fondness for Samuel rules my heart.

It is selfish of me, I know.

Then I understand.

We will leave the
arrangements as they are.

For your sake.

You are consideration itself,
Mistress Woodbryg.

I only hope that it's not too late.

Jocelyn. Samuel.

Have you spoken to the governor?

I was hoping to find an
opportunity to do so today.

Darling, I could not bear it
if you were to forsake

dear Dr Priestley after he's been
such a sweet companion to you.

I implore you to reconsider.

Why my mistress might invite
the likes of common folk

into her home, I do not know.

If there is a sweeter mistress
in all of this colony,

then I am a dog's arse.

Thank you for coming, Alice. Please.

When I saw you in church,
it came to my mind,

I must invite dear Alice
to show my gratitude.

Ma'am, if you feel that

because of what occurred
between us on the ship,

you are in some way indebted to me...

It is sweet of you, Alice,

to think some confidence
is passed between us.

It was a fearful night.

Perhaps that intimidated
your mind in some way.

That must be it.


Having come all this way,

we maids must look out for one another.

What is it that afflicted you so, Alice?

Is your husbandtobe a kindly man?

Such a thought has quite taken me.

The journey here, the rough sea.

The fact that this forbidding
place is our lives now.

We're sisters of a sort.

Yes, we are. Yes.

Your betrothed has been granted
a parcel of land.

He has.

What is it, Alice?

Some of the land will have to be
given up to Master Massinger,

in payment of the debt taken on to buy me.

Is that so?

The marshal and the
secretary demanded it.

Is that so?

Where will she go, Meredith?

Well, there isn't nowhere to go.

Only settlement out west, Berkeley Town.

The fool woman!

Mistress Kett.

The kindness of your heart.
Could you...?

I will find her.

Could you pass me a nail?

You can't go out there, mistress.

It isn't safe to.

Just tell me the way to go
for Berkeley Town, Pepper.

West, along the river path but...
But you can't go.

Nine year ago,

Yeardley were part of an expedition
beyond the falls.

They tried to bribe the Powhatan,

Pamunkey and the Chickahominy

into telling them
where the gold was to be found.

They didn't.

But it is here.

Yeardley was close to discovering it.

So, I've returned to find it.

Why might two farmers
find what an expedition cannot?

When I have the gold
in my hand, brother...

then I'll be my own master.

We won't find it.

I will find the gold.

I'll do whatever it takes to find it.

That's why you need me.


Mistress Woodbryg.

Perhaps I might speak
with Recorder Castell.

I shall step outside.

I have been informed that
Yeardley had a secret meeting

with King James before
he was appointed governor.

No one in London knows
what was said between them.

And Yeardley was immediately knighted.

I want you to find out what took place.

Even supposing I was willing,
Secretary Farlow,

how am I to do that?

You have the advantage of
being inconsequential, Samuel.

Pass onto me anything
you might overhear.

Or you might elicit with
a seemingly innocent question.

Why was Yeardley knighted?

What are King James's
intentions for the colony?

Secretary Farlow.

You are asking me
to spy on our governor.

Spy. Such a vulgar word.

Let us say that you're an
emissary of intelligence.

Sir, I must protest...
You are here by my favour.

I can have you recalled to
England before the month is out.

Samuel, I couldn't help overhearing

what that loathsome man
Farlow said to you.

Jocelyn, please, this is the business
of the company and the colony.

You cannot...
It's only for your sake that I worry so.

Is that not what
a devoted wife should do?

I am caught in the most
terrible perplexity.

Each man wants me to spy on the other.

Isn't that, well, perfect?

The secretary wants to know what
took place in the secret meet

between King James and Yeardley,
so we will tell him.

But there is no prospect of me
discovering such a thing?

Darling, we don't need to know.
We'll make it up.

We'll tell him something that
serves to give you an advantage

and weaken him.
I happen to know Farlow's...

You happen to know
rather a lot, Jocelyn,

for someone who's only just arrived.


Redwick and Farlow are
putting pressure on those men.

What are they called, the brothers?

Sharrow. Sharrow.

Pressure to give up land
to the man you told me

is intent on making a great
fortune from tobacco.


So, we must use this
opportunity to prevent them.


much as I distrust those men,

my conscience cannot
allow me to do such a thing.



Verity Bridges! Where are you?

Verity, you have to come back!




Alice, get me out of here.

Alice! Help me.

Aren't you glad you got a friend

brave enough to seek you out,
Verity Bridges?

There isn't one thing about this
whole damn place that I don't hate!

You have to come back, Verity.

A shitpants halfwit,
I would have settled for.

A onelegged, oneeyed dog of a man,

I would have found something
to like about him.

Why did I have to be bought by a drunk?

A drinker is a different man
every day of the week.

And not one of them
is worth a spit of love.

Let's get you back, so you can wash up.

No, I'm not going back.

Well, where do you think you're going?

There were women on the ship.


AnnMarie, Geraldine, they were
going to another settlement.

What was it called?
Berkeley Town, what will you do there?

I shall marry the first man
I set my eyes on.

There'll be plenty who want a wife.

The taverner has paid your
passage, they will know that.

Well, I will take my chances.
I'm not going back.

Why should I?
Because I need you.

Do you think I don't want to run
after what was done to me?

Well, what if it's the same
all across Virginia, Verity?

What if these men have been
on their own for so long,

they're not men any more?

The time will come when
we have to stand and refuse

and I know that, for me,
that time is now.

But I need you by my side
if I'm to do it.

And I want to be a strength
and comfort to you.

Damn you, Alice Kett,
you've made me weep.

And I... I...

I hate weeping. Weeping is for babies.


Damn you, Alice Kett!

I'll curse you for this
every day of my life.

Mistress Woodbryg. Secretary.

I've come here in rather
a hopeless plight.

I hope you could forgive the intrusion.

I'm to marry Samuel Castell
in a few days' time,

which means I will be
committed to a life here.

I'm tormented with the need to know
what will come of this place.

I shouldn't have come here.

Being disloyal to the man I'm
betrothed to, I have no want

to tell what I heard on the ship
concerning the King. Excuse me, I...

Mistress Woodbryg. Please, sit down.

Sit down.

You're clearly... too distressed
to go anywhere.

Thank you. You are a gentleman.

Now, what you were told
clearly concerns you deeply.

Perhaps if you confide
to me what it was,

I might be able to reassure you.

Secretary, when I saw the plantations,

I found myself thinking,
"How can all of this be cast away?"

Cast away?

Is it true that King James
so detests tobacco

that he would jeopardise
the entire colony

by the forbidding of growing it?

Have I said something to upset you?
Forbid it?

I believe the governor intends
to arrange a gathering

where he will announce it.


"but in lowliness of mind,"

"let each esteem other
better than themselves."

Lady Yeardley.

I'm in need of some
spiritual sustenance.

What is it, Jocelyn?


It is not for myself that I weep.

Your husband's address brought such
a wave of hope for those of us

who believe in the New World.

It's so heartbreaking to see it
undermined before it's even begun.

Perhaps you could explain.
It's wrong of me to interfere.

I should leave the
governingance to the men.

See? I can't even say the word!


Perhaps it is sentimental
of me to feel so wounded

about land being stolen away
from poor farmers.

Who's stealing the land,
Mistress Woodbryg?


There was a dear child on the ship
who sought my counsel

from time to time, Alice Kett.

Her man is being forced to
give up his land to his neighbour.

To Massinger?

I don't understand these things.

I simply thought if I were to pray...

and as I supplicated myself to
the Lord, it came into my mind,

if only there were a law

to forbid the transference of land
newly given to farmers.

You see the folly
that fills my womanly mind.

Doesn't sound like folly at
all to me, Mistress Woodbryg.

Thank you, Lady Yeardley.

I was so affected by your husband's
address, I began thinking,

if only he could convey such
a law to the entire town,

in those intoxicating words of his.

Shall we return to our reading?



You slow down!


Don't... run.

Walk backwards till you reach me.

Don't turn away.

Move down towards the river,
you'll find a boat.

Get into it.

Henry, you are my brother.

And I love you.


I want the land that was given to me.

My 100 acres to work myself.

We'll work it together. You need me.

You cannot treat Alice this way, Henry.

That soft heart of yours will
see you skinned alive one day.

You'll harm her no more.

She's mine to do with as I please.

You're not man enough
to take her, Silas.

There may be Indians about.

I'll sleep in the boat with
the provisions.

We won't let him do it.

We'll prevent Yeardley.

And how do you intend to defy the King?

You will lose your
position that same day.

That's what he wants.

That's why he proposes to
announce it so publicly.

To force us to act against him

so he might have us removed from office.

We don't need to take a
stand against Yeardley.

Let the farmers do it.

Once we tell them they
cannot grow tobacco,

they will tear Yeardley down.

I'm not marrying a man who would
gamble me away

on the roll of a dice.

Woman, when I drink beyond my senses,

there ain't no logic left in me.

Except one corner of the
mind where cunning abides.

But that little devil of thinking...

it never deserts me.

It's like a heavenly
angel taking care of me.

And that's why I gamble.

Do you suppose I'm some kind of fool?

I paid for your passage.

I like the look of you.

Do you think I'm going to let
some old, lechering sailor

get his hands on you?

If I thought I was
going to lose that bet,

I would never have made it.

Dice is a game of chance.

Yeah, it is.

If you play it honestly.

Since I'm too afraid of chance,

I think it's only fair...

that I cheat.

You let me believe...

I was to marry a man...

who would sell me?

I think I've got myself a good wife.



You might actually look human

if you took a comb to your
hair about once a month.

I'm a different creature when I drink,

and I drink every day.

I know all about men and drink.

You little thief.

If you thieve here,

the same day, they'll take
you up to the gallows.

If you thieve from me,
I'll tell the marshal.

Sould I believe you would?

I would.

Is that Silas Sharrow?

Where's Henry?

I should tell Alice.

Henry was smoking and there was powder.

When I woke, there was a
fire on the boat, sir.

Henry was burning.

There was gunpowder
exploding around him.

He fell into the water.
There was no life left in him by then.

Was it Indians?

I don't believe it was, sir.

It was an accident.

What were you doing so
far upriver, Sharrow?

Henry wanted us to trade for corn.

The governor's called an assembly.

We'll have your brother's
death recorded after that.

Where did Henry die, Silas?

Near Westover.

Further on the river.
You went beyond Weyanoke, that's...

a long way to go for corn.
Let the man grieve, won't you?


put your arm around Pepper.

Comfort your brother.

Lift your eyes or it looks like guilt.

Let your neighbours console you

in your sorrow and your loss.

Come on.

To give men land and tell them
they cannot profit from it

is a miscalculation so lumpish

it might even be beautiful.

They look fit to rip Yeardley
down from his platform.

Better than that, my friend.

To rip him down from his
position as governor.

We are here because
we share a great purpose.

Let us serve well our great King,

let us bringing honour.

Honour, justice and profit.

I'm here today to announce a change,

a change in the providing
and exploitation of land.

There are wondrous opportunities,

farms will be the making of men,

and tobacco will surely fill the fields

of our new plantations.

On behalf of the Virginia Company,

I will institute a law disallowing
the sale or transference

of any lands newly granted to ancients.


I'm so very sorry if I misled you.

I should have told you
that evening on the ship.

I, too, was rather ruffled by drink,

so perhaps I misunderstood
what the governor was saying.

I do hope I've not caused
you too much trouble.

No, yeah...

I never noticed how
pretty you was till now.


There's times when the
drink isn't your friend.

Yeah, yeah. Wwatch... Look at this.

I traded this when I first got here.

I gave the Indians two
barrels of ale for it.

Do you know what it is?

I've never touched gold before.

Do you know what that means?

It means, one day, this whole town
is going to be mad with riches.

You and me, Verity...

we've got to be ready for it.

One day, Samuel,

you're going to be governor here,

master of all Virginia.

I know it and I love you.

Not many people could see
the kindness in my brother.

He wouldn't let them.

I did.

I saw it my whole life.

And that's why I love you.

Pray with me, Silas.
